The Diplomatic Druid - Let's Play Baldur's Gate 3 - Ep 1

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you must gather your party before venturing forth hey folks quilly team here and welcome welcome to our special Thursday live stream where we are playing Baldur's Gate three hey oh man uh there's been so much hype for this game and normally I think too much hype is a bad thing I think it's kinda deserved for this one um I guess that's what happens when you do like a three year Early Access period and really work out like user interface gameplay quality of life stuff hopefully the story like delivers throughout um I'm really excited I'm technically playing on the Press pre-release version still this may not be the exact release version I just wanted to say that but I didn't want to have to do a re-download um right before the stream started so I made sure I was in the game no patches downloading or anything like that so we can start ASAP because the Embargo has officially lifted and uh man I'm so excited yeah restart steam if you haven't seen the download do double check that you're downloading the full version which is going to be a hundred and something gigs as opposed to the previous Edition which is 50 something um because if you have the pre-release version installed first of all their advice was to uninstall it and remove it but also if you do still have it as far as we can tell it still probably works okay but this is like super long patching process that assuming you've got a decent internet it's at because you're gonna have to read you're basically re-downloading the whole game anyway and then you're saving yourself this like obscenely long patching process to get everything up and running so it's probably faster to delete it and re-download it properly uh Early Access seven two-ish gigabytes now it's at 98 gigabytes it should be it should be a little more than 100 I would think yeah it is a big beefy game you want you want an SSD or an M2 kind of thing like a solid state drive if you have the option um because uh yeah I mean the patching if nothing else will be a lot faster but load times and stuff it's a it's a chunky boy is is what this game is but uh let's hope the content uh pays off so we're gonna go ahead and dive in uh do check the exclamation mark what game um there is a link there to make sure your Twitch account is linked to your game account so that you can get drops which is just some sort of like crazy funky pump purple outfit honestly maybe not the end of the world if you don't get it but technically uh there are some drops available over here and maybe there'll be more in the future so you'll be happy that everything is set up okay without further Ado we'll go ahead and start this I'm gonna let the cutscene play we're gonna justify the volume later right now I'm just gonna make sure it's maxed for The Voice there's not a movie one I don't know which one it is but I'll just set this to 100 for now and then I'm gonna shut the hell up as we watch the cutscene which I'm sure it's the one we've already seen before um this will be the not allowed attack in the city but in case anyone hasn't seen it for completeness we'll put that in there oh we're playing balance difficulty what's quiet right now too quiet oh mate I guess this isn't a naughty attack I guess that's what happens when you load the game this is the Igor one oh some of you might want to look away for this hey quill pay attention to his new subscriber kill bite you know I was trying to look away from the main screen but I've got my OBS screen over here that I'm looking at now [Music] who are you all right we've all made it through oh wow that is it's so freaking Disturbed so well done but so Disturbed Ryan yeah it reminds me of the um like the old Alien versus Predator game where when the Facehugger would get you would actually go up on your screen like [Applause] terrifying all right so I already know what I want to play I want to play a Wood Elf Druid um I'm very into that I'm Gonna Save The Dark Age play Dark urge play through for something else I might do like dark urge Paladin oath breaker at some point uh but that'll be like second playthrough stuff here we're gonna play you know uh classic sort of goodly ish Adventure we're gonna be playing a diplomatic Druid actually so we're gonna play as elf specifically wood elf now in the build I have and maybe the build you guys will have it lists the wood elf sub race feature as simply the movement speed up increase however like in the Early Access build you do still get um um uh stealth proficiency for free as a Wood Elf specifically uh which surprised me I actually made a video oh that reminds me hold on hang on hang on a second I have to add a comment to my own video here because I just made live a little video uh where I talk about uh a variety of Druid builds actually yeah right here hang on you might get audio from YouTube for just a second and I wanted to make a little post to let people know that because in there I was like I was lamenting that the wood else Loft their uh their stealth proficiency but it turns out we still get it so we'll see diplomatic Druid ultimate move wild shape into difficult docus huh all right so our class Druid is what we're going to be um and we are going to be I'm going to be playing uh a particular Druid that was inspired by a World of Warcraft character I played for oh so many years um okay we're gonna talk about these cancers we're gonna I feel like you want someone in your party with guidance right because being able to add a D4 bonus to Ability checks and conversations and stuff like that is too important now I'm probably gonna play the chatter heart but by the way I have basically restricted myself from Reading any news reading any spoilers I've also never played the game past what you can reach in an hour maybe two like I've gotten to like the little the Drew tiefling Village and I booped some goblins in another Village and that's pretty much it super early game stuff because I intentionally I didn't want to burn out too much in the game I didn't want to spoil myself for the real uh playthrough either um now but I mean obviously we're gonna we're gonna talk about some light presentations I mean you run into Shadow heart like 3.5 seconds into the game so I don't think that the existence of the character but that's a cleric um and if she starts with guidance then maybe it's redundant for us to have it but I'm not sure so I'm gonna do that I know that there's some sort of respecting stuff that you can get later on I think a lot of flexibility so we can we can redo a lot of this stuff if we find that there's some redundancy now for the second can trip here um poison spring is quite powerful but I don't like the vibe it's not where I want to go produce flame always seems as like a little bit dubiously useful to me compared to some other things maybe it's quite good I mean um it does give you light but and it you know 1d8 fire damage and I think you can throw it immediately yeah it doesn't cost an action or you can use it later on as an action I mean 28 fire it's thrown so I'm assuming it uses decks as opposed to your wisdom modifier whereas uh Thorn whip which does slightly reduce damage and also has only a 9 meter range should use wisdom uh completely uh we could also get chiley early on um which might be good I mean ultimately we're going to want to do combat in a shape-shifted form but we don't get that right away so I'm wondering about Chile early on um versus Thorn whip I I think I think I'm going to so sheleighly does huge damage because it's a d8 plus three that's a substantial amount of damage and user spell casting ability for attack roll so it'll use our wisdom stat for that which is going to be our best one so I think I'll probably do that uh you're not seeing any kind of twitch drop process okay it's supposed to start clicking um but maybe sometimes these twitch drop campaigns they have issues to to get it initialized we'll see now for my background I'm gonna go Guild Artisan now Guild Artisan in the description right your skill in a particular crafter new membership in a Mercantile Guild offering Privileges and protection while engaging your art preparing and discovering rare crafts will bring you inspiration the Druid and like Guild Artisan thematically does feel a little bit of mismatch but here's the thing first of all I want the skills that Guild Artisan gives me I want Insight persuasion for this character because here's my thing I want my main character to have that main character energy I want my main character to be the person generally leading conversations which means I I want some amount of social skills going in here um a min max build for a druid might dump Charisma leave it in eight because who cares but I'm going to be uh using a Charisma of 14 and I'm going to want to be fairly talkative because I want that as my main character um do 5B description produce time says it makes arranged attack rule so we'd use wisdominal range attack rule by default would be dexterity so unless it says like arranged spell attack role then it would use your primary characteristic but I don't know we don't know about the in-game over here anyway we're gonna go with Chile so it's gonna be fine um but here's the thing so yeah with Guild Artisan the skills are good also I know I'm going to want to craft and um this we can get inspiration here from repairing discovering rare crafts it's gonna feel really good that's really what I want to do and in my idea like in this case The Guild Artisan is probably you know maybe maybe this character who's by the way their name is the lures um which is just sort of French for of the bear um maybe they're like maybe they make stabs like they're wood carver that kind of thing you know that kind of craft so I think I think it kind of Vibes it's you know a little different from the description but I think I can make it work in my head and in case stat wise I think it's exactly where I want to be oh you meant range spell attack that's it okay so yeah so yeah then maybe produce flamed is does use wisdom but I think we'll steal sheleighly because I think this character's role will be the front line I mean mostly in animal form um so there might be an in-between period where we do a little bit of rain stuff I mean as an elf we will have Longbow proficiency and for my vibe for this character I'm not really looking to use swords and long bows I wanna I really want to stick to a lot of the traditional Judy weapons but we'll probably have to use some bows early on so I'll be able to do range attack that way um yeah anyway I'm gonna dump strength the reason is uh we are well we may do some melee with sheleighly but our Shelley is not going to require any strength whatsoever um and when we turn into our animal form our strength dexterity and Constitution our physical stats are all going to be based on our animal form as such we could consider dropping dexterity in Constitution however I don't think I'm gonna um in terms of wisdom it is our primary stat but we don't actually need a 17 a sec 16 and 17 both give you exactly the same benefit of a plus three to your roles so by pulling back to a 16 it actually frees up uh two ability points over here which is nice and I'm gonna be one and put those into Charisma because again I want my main character energy I want my main character to be able to hold conversation we've got one more ability Point left it's not going to affect any pluses I'll put into strength just I don't know how this game calculates carry capacity but a little bit more strength might give us a little bit more carry capacity so we'll just put the Oddball in there and that's going to be fine uh when we get to level four we can pick a feat most likely I'm just going to be doing plus due to wisdom but we'll see so I don't think a low intelligence is going to be an issue for us um we're gonna have to rely on other characters to pass knowledge checks but that's going to be okay so like knowledge nature over here I'm going to change knowledge nature instead of that I'm gonna go with survival so survival and animal handling to me are gonna be your Druid sides we're not we're not necessarily book learned we haven't um researched like uh plant taxonomy or something like that right we don't have the book learning side of nature but recognize plants and animals hug trees but we're gonna have the survival and the animal handling we're gonna have the Practical aspect of being able to live like one in nature rather than write A Treatise about it I wish there was an ability to care isn't mine [Music] does the primary stat affect the number of spells you can cast um I actually don't remember I believe it affects the number of spells you can prepare but I don't believe it affects the number of casts um it's I my primary uh tabletop d d has been Third Edition well 3.5 uh but I have played a decent amount of 5e but there's going to be some little gaps in my knowledge then but yeah I was pretty sure if Ivy your primary stat effects how many spells you can prepare but not how many you can cast per day that is fixed which does make it less critical for your primary attribute in a sense but we still want a good value here because it affects the the DC of your saving throws or the um the accuracy of your um your tax with the Spells or something like that so this is a Vibe so we get stealth and again see even though it no longer lists it in the description for the wood elf sub race we do in fact get stealth proficiency from our race I suspect it's the description that's wrong but it's entirely possible that at some point there'll be a patch that says whoops just what else aren't supposed to get stealth anymore so it's being removed it's not the end of the world if we lose self proficiency but it's kind of nice to have um so we're gonna take it and yeah we're getting insight and persuasion from our see this number hasn't updated either right it's saying plus three but that's clearly wrong I think that's just a visual thing here if I just toggle my uh my background for a sec and then go back here there you go now it's correctly calculated we have a persuasion of plus four because we get two from Charisma two from our proficiency which is good so persuasion will be good for chitty chatty inside is going to be good for chitty chatty things which is great um it would be nice uh oh no and that's right okay hold on I'm not getting perception from my race I think the elf side of it so we're getting quite a lot of free stuff uh in here even though it wasn't the skill stuff wasn't really described anywhere I don't know chat we have to tell quill every time he fails to be stealthy I'm bad at stealth in games generally speaking I often don't do it um you know why stealth when you can just run in and smash everything but we'll see anyway I'm happy with this right we get started with six skill proficiencies um perception very important some chatting some nature Lorry kind of stuff uh without the actual nature skill uh and stealth as a bonus which is great so I'm pleased with this I don't mind the default look that we've ended up over here except to me um Dolores again my character from from World of Warcraft and stuff is an older elf he's been around for a while there's a certain amount of wisdom that has gone on here so I'm gonna throw in a little bit of the maturity filter to start off with you know somewhere here about a few wrinkles do you want to change his base face let's take a look around here Maybe no no that was fine maybe nope no [Music] maybe I do go with head one a quilt this looks a little older I think there's like more pronounced yeah the the cheekbones are a little more pronounced the cheek here is a little bit more sunken in um I think that's what I I think that's what I want I also think I'm gonna change my hair at least the skin tone I'm okay with would tone four over here because I always thought of this character as having sort of a woodsy skin color kind of okay with the four it is a kind of green do I want a little bit more of a brown that's quite reddish a lot of these are quite a bit more red than I thought [Music] I mean I know we can go and unlock all the skin colors hey quill pay attention there's a new subscriber [Music] it was here you know I think I'll do with this one sort of skin like bark I mean maybe it is a little or green huh is there a better Brown birthstones now see it's so red like clay not sulfur chili no and we'll do that and then okay let's check the hair because that is gonna that's gonna change how we feel about the skin as well so not Ginger I was thinking like brown hair um I mean this brown gold oh I don't hate that pay attention there's a new subscriber there's plain brown I think we'll need some highlights and stuff let's give them a little bit of something first of all we will throw a little bit of gray in here yeah there you go just a few little wisps maybe maybe I got a few of those going on too I don't know but what about highlights do we throw a little engine it's yes it does the highlights as like this streak here which I don't know about that a little dark green oh you know what [Music] just a little Whisper of green in there along with the gray yeah frozen lemon you like that yeah me too I think yeah yeah yeah now we haven't actually explored the other hairstyles although I like this hairstyle so first of all where is it okay it's fair Forester fairly near the bottom no but cool oh I do like some some Physics that's not bad but it's someone else you know [Music] this is fairly Legacy I mean it's similar to air Forester right it's just tucked behind the ears versus in front of the ears prepared for three hours of this Arctic inspiration I like this for a different character I've been I've made a few characters with the bardic inspiration look um especially I've got a couple of female characters that look awesome and badass with this haircut it's not terrible I do want I wanted to have long hair the braid's not a bad look I think I'm still happy with the uh the starting hairstyle you know yeah you know what I'm very pleased with the fair Forester here I think I like that I mean it helps this works with the colors we've chosen right I think if we um if we chose a different cut I think I'd change some of the hair coloring but I think I'm pleased with this balance um eyes I do want to change I like the elf silver two eyes kind of piercing clear wise I'm a big fan of that um you know hey look some of this makeup wouldn't be awful I mean we could even do this but with less intensity a little darking around the eyes oh like this [Music] pop a little bit more you know I'll see the discipline had and just just a little darkening a little more shading around here doesn't look like makeup just looks like darker skin I mean that's the thing right when you get your makeup to not look like makeup get that smokey eye going on exactly next we're gonna smize um yeah I think I don't think we'll go with any lip tint this is looking fine to me hair eyes body art no and again you can you can totally pull back on this intensity a lot and actually on the glow level it's kind of interesting because it's just adding the hint of shade over here rather than art it can add some extra definition to things but I think I'm gonna go with no body art [Music] so I think this is where we're going we're going subclass yeah I mean first of all I don't think there's a choice right I think they were just you picked a subclass at I think level three for the Druid and I'm gonna go for the um uh whichever one it's called where you're you're focusing on shape shifting their earring options uh right I guess that would be the piercings over here I don't think I want earrings for this character [Music] [Music] yeah I don't think I want any oh second level for the circle okay okay some classes take their um their specialization of threesome take it at two and I don't think I've ever played an actual Druid in 5e played a lot of characters I don't think I've ever played a druiden fighty elves with facial tattoos making a Dragon Age rather than needy um okay because clerics do take their um their their domain at one that's true Butch kind of makes sense is it sort of like really focusing their God and their religion okay um I think I'm happy with this screenshot proceed so we'll be choosing our name and our Guardian so it's so funny in the Early Access one where their character name was hidden like it's not hidden it's just the very first tab as you enter the Character Creator and almost everyone forgot to change it so so many people their first character in Early Access was named Tav the point where unlike the Baldur's Gate subreddit and everything like that Tav is just how we refer to like the the player character the main character as opposed to like with ball just get one and two uh usually people refer to it as care name car name so this is Dolores next we pick the guardian now this is interesting I don't know what this represents in the game because I haven't gone to that point um more subs thank you very much uh why the foo well uh we'll take a pause at some point and go ahead and read all the subs and resubs but I do want to I mean we're 24 minutes in we're still in the Character Creator but that's pretty standard so when I think when you uh in your Early Access when you loaded up it was like oh who do you who do you dream of at night like okay some sort of like just some sort of romance thing now it's like specifies a guardian which is quite cool and here's the thing as much as like the customer I I'm kind of curious like what would it mean to have a drow Guardian some people say Dro just fine but I think most people say drow like what or do I just go with another elf do I do something completely different maybe we will go with halfling as a guardian maybe I should randomize it a whole bunch of times I don't want to know what this represents so I'm like I I don't know I you know am I gonna be really unhappy with whatever develops here else with an orc Guardian yeah so I'm tempted to just split the drow I'm a little worried like if I'm assuming there's no initial randomization here so I don't really want my guardian to look the same as absolutely everyone else but I have to admit that's a pretty cool look though I guess I could go [Music] we're gonna sell the trade stream a spicy Hawaiian pizza got a few other bear feed the bear yes thank you you know we got you can use something like this although you know with that hair color I'm almost wondering you know are we more of a oops Are we more of this let's randomize a few times and see what happens no is randomizing the species and everything huh I don't know I might just oh wait you can't go back to your character you can you can go backwards and Forge through the randomizations but you can't go back to what it was before you randomized uh all right I'm gonna go ahead with the drought idea because I'm curious as to what the heck this represents and I'm interested in the the sort of mismatch of things again I've avoided so many spoilers about stuff um [Music] see that's that's like too pretty to hear no I want something with a little bit of edge not not the freaking Romulan haircut though the wild hair is kind of cool I don't know um where's bardic inspiration I think I like this better yeah tabir you like this one yeah I like it too all right it's time to venture forth there shouldn't be a command for the drops it should just be watching it but it's possible it's not enabled yet that's something that uh twitch and larian have to do on their end it was supposed the drops were supposed to start at 11AM but [Music] website thousand start 9 A.M Pacific time yeah oh oh now I am half Pacific so noon this oh so it'll start in half an hour okay so the drops start at hour after the game goes live slash embargo is lifted okay oh wait now we get this cutscene yeah let me guess it makes sense [Music] well uh teal bite it helped that I had a plan for the character right I had a very good plan I knew what my build was going to be and I I knew in my head what the look was supposed to be because I've spent a lot of time in the Character Creator uh over the last few days so that's why the character creation was actually fairly quick 28 minutes in he wants Sushi now yeah I have to get a stream of just essential playing The Character Creator I never played uh spell Jam or anything like that so I know I was never really into the GIF Yankee and get this array lore or anything like that but I have to say like them riding the back of these dragons coming after this nautiloid really badass [Music] the carnadia you think the secretion stream should have been longer yeah I want to like mod the game so there's a little boing sound there when they thrum the uh like neural tendrils or whatever that is I mean this is 10 out of 10 cutscene I mean normally you have to go to Blizzard for cutscenes like this and then crappy gameplay magic today is the release of Baldur's Gate 3. half an hour ago it dragons popping his head in hey what's going on in here [Music] [Music] yeah the environmental effects in this cutscene the lighting I mean obviously it's all pre-rendered but like still that is a hell of a render yeah you see him I really enjoyed Divinity original sin too admittedly the story is not like tightest but great gameplay so much character customization and a decent story overall good characters in it too so where in hell right now which is better cut seeing this or the bancho sushi oh my God bancho and uh Dave the diver so good all right wakey wakey too old for this so you can see the version number up there I believe that's because I'm playing on the Press pre-release version again I didn't want to uh well I would have had to not start the stream at 11 and then do a full update cycle and there was a patch this morning to my version but it might not be the same one you guys play at the very least I suspect your version number won't be showing up like that all right so with click and move feeling good you guys will have to let me know about sound levels as we go here might still be stuck inside if we hadn't been attacked you know like that and hold alt to get to some pop-ups this doesn't show everything you can interact with mostly shows lootable containers yeah when I uh when I moved to the um to the release version um the actual release experiment my saved should transfer over yeah yeah because I am I'm I'm basically on the release version it's not the Early Access one I should move my faceage over there dead good someone else got out I try to click on all the things I mean obviously I've been through the not only bunch in Early Access um and I did go and poke around with it with this release version um they've redone the nautiloid since the Early Access which is nice this is the pool that thing came from the parasite now Rising behind your eye so we're gonna try and investigate although we do have a minus one to it so odds are not in our favor but we do have the guidance can trip so we can add a D4 oh I'm gonna call that not successful exploded in three two one oh I guess it doesn't explode until I reach why would I do this though part of his head is like he's having intrusive thoughts of like watch the pool a pool I think he's like no I I don't I don't think so I don't I don't think I'm gonna touch the pool I mean I I think all it does is it like um came from yeah he will pay attention but for those who want to see oh a broke concentration lost my guidance all the cool kids touch the pool yeah there's still these restoration Chambers I think they effectively give you a long rest I think they reset your spells and everything too when that all right let's pass through the sphincter but not part of the uh not part of the battle oh we can sit in the viscous chair s [Music] images of goblins their habits and histories flash into your mind oh you don't read it it's a mental thing I guess it makes sense go check this elder tablet over here before we take the elevator it's a cerebral Aquarium a thousand years of humanoid history elves dwarves humans and more flash behind your eyes we are here reminds me a little turrets from Portal hey Sama thanks for the sub by the way uh there's a subscriber only Discord so if you subscribe uh you can link your Discord to Twitch and you should get an auto invite to the channel where we're always very serious and don't goof around I've not seen The Tick Tock for the bloopers in theory twitch integration is enabled [Music] but I guess I'm not seeing the overlay the exposed brain the app might not be on uh please I guess hold on I have to add that don't I where I remember where I activate the apps on Twitch oh extensions Boulders gate now the companion is added configure enable your Twitch integration in-game settings menu and set your streams category about the game through with your extensions drop all right well I've done all that but I'm not sure that it's working so in theory there should be an extension where you guys will be able to like Mouse over um yeah good screen to stop on it um and get the party information and stuff but yeah maybe it's a press build but I mean it's in the options but yeah maybe it's disabled in the Press build so yes please before they return they return you can get the yeah more dialogue history here if we've missed it yes you've come to save us from this place in this place you'll free us expose Bane brain Quivers in anticipate Haitian um what am I talking to a man or a brain a newborn from this husk you realize you're talking to an internet a minion of the mind because I have like a minus one you sound afraid why kiss for luck you gotta read twitch chat look up like five lines come on you're a bad viewer you will pay attention there's a new subscribers past the point of saving tell me what to do from this body from this case free us so let's uh we can try to yoink it out if we succeed we get a pet for a little while here's the thing so we're gonna this is the first time we're gonna have to make we're making a decision basically for our character here Dolores and how what they think and what they you know how they feel about stuff we are definitely going to be a good leak type character right so I mean mind Flare's bad their Creations probably not a good idea on the other hand you know do we do how do we value life like is uh do we do we um shun a predator do we shun a wolf for eating a deer you know for killing a deer no that's the way it works what about parasites well I mean I guess they're sort of allowed to exist although um a parasite infecting a living host the living host has the right above the parasite so we will cure someone of a parasite for example but here this person's clearly dead right they are an ex-person so in this case because we don't really know too much yet we'll be we'll be willing to give this the benefit of the doubt again we're going to be diplomatic and give things the benefit of the doubt um but it will be uh sort of the um what's that game theory thing is it tit-for-tat right you know you start off with cooperating and if the other person like defects then you defect back and that'll be the same sort of thing over here we'll give things a chance until they prove otherwise so let's go ahead and try to roll the uh the dexterity to gently prize the brain from the skull guidance roll them bones hey huge success 18 what a beautiful number the brain lifts from the skull a person's twitching but that person is dead you could at this point the person is the brain making it more subsidiant should it prove a threat I do I did turn off karmic dice I'll double check [Music] oh hey batroid I was hoping you'd stream bg3 and I wasn't disappointed the brain lifts from the skull but you notice an opportunity you could a strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat I I feel like that would be I feel like that would be unethical for us at this point we're not gonna preemptively try to hurt or something like this yeah I know karmic dice are apparently not as bad as they they were there were issues previously but I still turn it off we're gonna play like raw rules here [Music] our freedom is us look at cute little puppy the creature pauses who could hurt this thing something give a little scratch diseases in recognition we all need it what's at the helm querying and unfizer do you not hear it we are needed to leave this realm no all right let's go lead the way you know we've got a little puppy guiding us we are going to the home I shall call you Brian Brian the brain all right I don't think there's yeah uh did I just leave you behind yeah because I can control you manually took a little bit of falling damage that's fine can't slow down in the ARB brain backwards oh Pinky or maybe I'm pinky right pinky in the brain yeah their health used to be like 20 25 like they had ridiculous hit points this is your end you had throbs and your skin Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes there's like so much detail in the face what is this blesses me this day she has cool armor I mean like these gems and stuff like I don't know how functional things are but that is really cool looking armor what made you think I was a thrall mindful of parasites unless we escape unless we are cleansed bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be gay mind flayers yeah it sounds bad turning into mind flares there must be something we can do not that must be our priority first we exterminate the hips then we find the helm and take control of the ship for that thing it will remain tame as long as it believes we are thralls it may be of use in the fight to come I mean gross but also like and 10 out of 10 these rituals and these are not pre-rendered cutscenes that's in-game stuff I mean I have decent video card obviously I think I've got all the graphic settings set to Max all right before we get into combat here let's double check uh uh options yes I have the nudity in genitals turned off for for live stream safety and things like that um expiration highlights it's not choose whether or not characters are highlighted with an outline maybe we might end up turning that on so I do have karmic Dice off even though apparently they're much better now but you know what we'll we'll just whatever the dice fall they happen you can see here twitch integration is supposed to be connected but um and yeah under video here well I've got it on custom but it's pretty high on everything [Music] mostly hopefully I don't know karmic dice is basically if you miss a bunch of times in a row it'll fudge the dice to make sure of success and maybe vice versa and I think one of the issues in Early Access was that let's say you had really high Armor class right and it was really hard for enemies to hit you they would also benefit from karmic dice so if they missed you a couple of times then they'd fudge a die roll that would be guaranteed to hit but because they needed to roll so high those hits were often going to be crits so there's this really weird thing where you were taking more damage than you should with the karmic dice apparently that has been corrected but we'll just play without it because why not uh okay yeah brains back up to 21 hit points interesting so it looks like we all have a initiative at the same time right now we all rolled a similar amounts or we may not have ended up with the same initiative number but um I think maybe as long as there's no enemies in between then we can act sort of as one unit and pick and choose what we're gonna do here so um you got the claw you got hide jump disengage pretty straightforward here why don't you go and just run over here and Claw that 90 chance to hit damn brain excellent we didn't get x-comed I'm gonna finish the brains movement over here and do that um and your turn and uh is it a it is a bonus action excellent let's go ahead and shillela yourselves up we do get a cool glowing stick now actually our whole body's going oh there we go look at that cut into the chase good stuff I'm trying to pull back a little here let it come to me with a victory awaits uh we can't reach you hamstrings Rush attack yeah I can knock things off too but it doesn't oh it does Adder movement excellent I mean she's got a bow as well but charge oh it looked cool too nice and if it's got a built-in knockback that's excellent now to the hell no now we loot uh Jolly Roger the the Apparently uh currently the karmic dice are fine if you leave them on there was an issue with them in Early Access apparently it's fine now but I'm just playing with it off just because if we miss a whole bunch it's funny right we can curse at the bad rules all the bodies this fight is different from Early Access because there used to be crates and stuff in this room or or the room you fought the amps now we got the like giant holes that we can look at like the landscape underneath actually a much cooler room to fight in much more much more interesting and unique than what we had all right and restoration that that's fine and then the other thing is this is just a lot shorter we don't go outside there's not all the random corpses all over I talked over some dialogue um ship won't be able to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late all right arterial mesh hmm um there is apparently a lot of like knockback and stuff that you can do in places unless there's an invisible wall here it might be possible to knock someone off there might be an invisible wall in those places so that you can't get knocked off because that would be a pretty frustrating way to lose the game right but in other places where there's Ledges and stuff it's like definitely viable and yeah it's all for highlighting tab opens up uh this I mean you can remap the buttons obviously yeah if you hold alt it highlights bootables doesn't highlight everything that's interactable so you still have to like Mouse over right like this is interactable over here if I hold alt it's not showing anything right showing this backpack but that's it that's nothing without knowing its purpose but I want to push the button okay we'll push the button in a second but when we've got a story reason for it someone alive in here I like the uh the Distortion Shader on this too yeah we have no time for stragglers no I mean we we do help people again we're going to default to that you know we're not like a lawful goody goody whatever but are you know we preserve life when we can um there we'll look for latch that might open the lid this won't work destruction is too alien nothing looks familiar this ship is crashing intend to die for a stranger I look around there must be some way to get this thing open next to the pot they did something to it when they sealed me in hurry please now there's a Contraption right over here so we'll touch it the console appears dormant look for a switcher release mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first but then you spy an empty socket I'm gonna hit the machine nothing the console remains dormant well now it's time that didn't work so let's let's push one of these what could possibly go wrong psionic energy radiates from the prisoners but they do not react wait oh let's push this one machine made them hostile oh I thought it killed him I guess one of the buttons kills them and one of the buttons algorithm oh time to strike let my name be known didn't die this time I like that you can shove as a bonus action it's always fun I don't think that actually helped us in any way whatsoever in fact it probably made the situation slightly worse but it's hilarious let's say I don't think the lures can reach we don't have a ranged weapon how come I have Thunder Wave I do you know what we never did our Druid spells it's okay that's fine we can change the preparation we did our we did our can trips but I never actually tweaked our Druid spells I'd completely forgotten well maybe I can get a thunder wave I did pick up a cross but we don't have Proficiency in that I don't think yeah not proficient so I mean we could use it and just be kind of crap at it it does I believe use your standard action to go and equip but yeah it'll be there for next turn that's fine switch integration doesn't seem to be active right now might be because I'm on a press build but Advantage because of the unbalanced that's cool I guess the shoving people about um enable some extra stuff oh loot loot loot bottle I wonder we might be able to craft with that handle all right introduction working in Shroud stream yeah he might I'm wondering if he updated to the the full release or yeah I don't know I've got the I've got the thing running um let me know [Music] oh there we go hold on now it's on there we go it's like it was set up and everything but um I had to hit the re the activate button again that's locked furnished necklace probably just for money dark mine all right read this manuscript read faint images appear in your mind a brain a good Yankee Warrior and centuries of Darkness so yeah you can check out my party and my build and stuff like that that's really cool in theory it will also allow voting on uh on decisions although mostly we'll see we'll see what people have to say I'm hoping it doesn't Force anything I'm hoping it just shows up as vote oh we got a key there so that might be for that relicore [Music] the dazed woman is trapped inside the pod she doesn't notice you now we're looking for something to help uh um well we don't know their name yet but not a hard one oceans leave mind another brain dead thrall here oh and Eldritch ruin strange energy buzzes through this alien object you're sure you've never seen any of the like yet part of you recognizes those component of some bigger machine this might unlock those controls next to the pod and there's a button I mean we got to push the button right place your hand on the console as you place your hand on the Pod you hear something connected to the Pod commanding the person inside to change really seen such a big drop in download speed on Steam yeah I either being hammered pretty hard by these this hundred plus gig download and I do that it will pay attention there's a new subscriber it is lupus how if we are not purified this may be Our Fate preserve me that cannot be Our Fate all right now we run back this way ignore the intellect of our hang on before we free here do we have the key for this priorities right okay I found a thing let's see if it works the console appears dormant insert Rune into the socket it's gonna be like a USB though so you try one way it doesn't work you try the other way it doesn't work you go back to the first way and all of a sudden it works the console comes to life but what is its purpose will it free the captive or Transformer like that other unfortunate that would be bad I could try narcana but I've got a minus one but let's give it a go take a closer look at the powered up console I still get to add my guidance which is nice success foreign glow and organic lines of the device make it seem more like a beating heart than a machine this device is different from the one that caused the other captive to transform so we'll open the nearby pod well shadowheart this is either going to save you or kill you I'm sure it's fine suddenly you feel a hideous squirming in your head the parasite then discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over you connection Authority loser illicit powers being implanted with a mind flare tadpole is a fate worse than death isn't it we do have good wisdom we actually have to make a roll for it no guidance wisdom yeah difficult classes of two so you can technically fail right if you have no wisdom bonus no guidance and you roll a one or even if you roll a two but you have a minus one wisdom you could fail feel the biomechanical brain of the console yeah we don't know this person's name yet and yield to it shiver runs across your mind you feel sated and boom faceplant I love how we don't catch her at last yeah subtitles giving names that's always a spoiler problem on TV shows her gratitude is mixed with your thoughts to my thoughts your mind to my mind you keep dangerous company dangerous company is what you need in a fight no that's not bad you got a problem with Yankee did you feel that just now we are in each other's heads you know what I'm gonna go with three I did it must be because of those parasites they put in US they'll have to wait I need to get off the ship alive first let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way it's a jiffy Yankee um yeah no telling absolutely all right let's get going I'm Dolores one moment did you forget something in your pot I'm sorry is that a D20 what's that it's trust me enough of this chatter we need to get to the helm now I should get my big D20 out lead on hey oh she got ketchup XP I'm like how did she get 75 and I got five but it's just catching her up all right so that's the way we went before to uh get the um get the thing to unlock I have the viewing distance you know considering the game you know it's kind of top down they don't have to allow for very much viewing distance but still pretty satisfying yeah I don't think we're gonna do the uh kill the demon for the big flaming sword thing but we'll talk about it when we get there um before I go through let me check my spells now here's one of the things I don't know if there's a short like a an obvious way to go to like your spell page I mean other than loading your inventory and then up here Spellbook it's a little it's it's a little hidden like I'm gonna not have good berries all right what I like for combat healing I like healing word right because it's only bonus action answer range thing it's not a touch it doesn't heal as much as pure wounds but to me this is the perfect thing to just get someone up after they've Fallen which seems kind of strong k for book okay but there's I'm not wrong right there's no like button just obvious on the toolbar like there's Druid here but it's just filtering down the Spells no um verifier's quite cool because I believe it's an AOE as well yeah all Targets didn't light turn visible attack rolls against them had Advantage this seems pretty strong and uh like part of me from playing Divinity original sin thinks like Creator destroy water might be really useful in this game I don't know maybe it will maybe it doesn't um I could use something like ice knife to have a range attack because I am like just doing sheleighly for melee stuff I might want a range attack option which ice a knife would uh Supply I don't think I'll use Thunder Wave I mean when it when there's a good opportunity for it it's amazing but a lot of times it's not going to be available um I do kind of like the idea of running around with speak with animals constantly one thing that's great if you play a cleric and you do the nature domain you have speak with animals and animal friendship prepared all the time and it comes up so much so much maybe I don't need create a water purifier is pretty useful although we won't need it right now you know what I'll do this I'm gonna speak with animal and animal friendship just prepped for role-playing purposes I mean we'll have ice knife so we have an option of a range attack and we'll have healing word for this that's gonna have to be fine uh and then we can check out Shadow heart and her memorization so she'll also have heel work um healing word could you inflict wound which is a touch attack show the faith was really good guiding boat for some range stuff you know what I'll probably just leave her with that that's gonna be okay so I want to do that just because I think when you do this it resets all your spells and everything our prepared spells basically when combat starts uh no so prepared spells are like your memorizations the ready right as a druid okay once inside do as I say as a juror cleric you don't learn spells you know all your spells we still have to prepare a subset chain yank oh it's always nice when people get along isn't it it's always a good sign when you enter an area and there's like an auto save like oh so we're about to do something right dude you got a little something kind of yeah everywhere you don't need to restore prepared spells it's changed many times do it we will deal with the gate come on fighting okay but maybe connect the nerves then another sound for your mind yeah maybe that should be my uh my treat stream sound speaking of yeah that came in that came in 30 minutes ago I haven't got an update yet very excited for my uh my pizza designed to offend Italians spicy Hawaiian pizza the poppies poppy seed crust delicious all right so over here we do have the Mind flare fighting the Demon now you can kill this guy for his giant flaming sword I don't know if I'll try to say with a four player multiplayer party I was pretty it was pretty easy to do uh recently but otherwise I'm not sure all right brain you go and kill the simp for sesame seed crust not poppy seed sesame seed crust you're right poppy seed would just be weird nightcap and Mitch win thanks for the subs [Music] wait well lizelle's way back here uh should have to run through fire I wonder if we move out of the way oh no I want to select Shadow heart whoops hey quilt pay attention there's a new subscriber I think we we get our spells back after we rest as well so I'm actually just tempted to like spell slots here unless I use them against the demon that's where in Paladin play through yeah you know what we're not gonna do it I I don't wanna I I want I want to do things a little harder so yeah I'm gonna use my spells on these little dudes yes nice move up making forward progress towards the helm ET I guess I can select people over here too let me avoid the fire move up switch to the bow ah low damage Revival is all that matters you need some drop frames uh so I'm not getting anything over here zero percent drop frame so it might just be your connection or it could be the uh yeah the twitch servers in general having a hard time I don't think looting takes an action does it doesn't seem to now I don't have to do much damage to kill it I guess we'll give it a try with the crossbow oh I'm 80 really I'm not proficient but these amps are really easy to hit I suppose thank you take this [Music] yeah I guess we'll I will have to add something to what game about karmic dice yes we've turned it off [Music] not that it's supposed to be a problem in the release version let's see um let's Dash now not too far because it will summon some extra dudes let's move here and yeah we're not We're not gonna go for the weapon foreign still breathing despite everything oh yeah that's right I'm the wood elf they got all the increased movement speed here hurry before they strike there's really good Face animation for like characteristics yeah you can right click and do examine get some info on things he's resistant to just about everything but yeah definitely beatable oh text message worry is about to arrive oh that's annoying that it's still the same round I have a bonus action but yeah I can't I can't shoot again I could prep the sheleighly I mean I guess that's that's fine I'll use my bonus action to prep the sheleighly for next round can you do a rush attack all the way here no that's a bit too much of an ask oh no you can no not enough moving points yeah we'll only reach there all right so yeah we can just uh Ash move up as much as we can pay attention there's a new subscriber [Music] like sent this Empire yeah um did Essentia say something of course text comes down to set back from checking as I say I can get up and check in a sec but I assume she's probably up again I am Fury I am oh it's just okay it's only us uh that can act right now well you know what congratulations you're gonna Dash and get up in here maybe tank some hits for us it's a hell boring between our party now go three I am death yep do your Rush attack and then while you're here loot with the dead mind flare so I don't think I can Rush attack I don't know if it's because of the weapon she's got or a class thing that gives her the rush I would suspect actually it might be the weapon because they do have different um different abilities depending on what weapon you have but it might be the class foreign effect on this oh it does I don't want to injure I don't want to insure us that seems bad all right we'll just crossbow I can't answer available in G3 yes I mean you can just play uh you just play a wizard and you specialize in necromancy right oh one HP where's my 1 HP emotes you guys I'm gonna guide him both this thing nice we're getting sieved you playing with a solo player so um one thing I don't uh I don't know if if you play solo I don't think you get more XP uh whereas you did in Ballers game one and two like ball to get one and two you got like fixed XP for something and it got divided among your party so if you're a solo person you would get it all um I don't think that's the case here but it wouldn't surprise me there's gonna be some people who are gonna end up soloing everything all right we're gonna get Dolores here never a dull moment to be the person who Dash up and interact with his console so we can see ourselves in the cutscene um uh essential I'll go and grab it in one second I'm gonna I'm gonna go up go up and uh and pee the Helms trying to stay really hydrated you've made it in time those stream does show up on the bg3 drops an evil streams page oh good they're gone oh look at those consummate S's hey Walter [Music] oh we gotta go and boing it bling it gravity it's funny when you're a gnome or happening in this cutscene because it just feels like you're getting bounced around that much more you know get ready bring it [Music] web services can in-web you in web hmm arrows can be useful in more than just a fight shoot a hinge bring down up something I'm just gonna wait until we land and then we're gonna take a two minute break I will go and grab some of the pizza that was sent in uh oops why does this page always insist on refreshing uh that was sent in by parduk we're all gonna get up and stretch our legs everyone's gonna get the glass of water rehydrate big boom that look oh and game over we've just died [Music] I feel the hidden QuickTime event yeah see you all tomorrow we'll roll a new character smell the ash so there's a living being so it smells like like charred bacon as you wake the tadpoles squirms in your skull um I'm gonna check myself before I wreck myself other than the infection you're more or less in tagged yeah other than my infection I'm more or less intact too that's just a little stupid toe if you don't find help soon the tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cue assume chard not Lloyd smells more fishy all right what we're going to do here uh we are going to step away for a second I'm gonna actually I don't need to refill my water bottle that's good but I do need to empty my internal water bottle I'll come back with some some lovely pizza and we are gonna move into act one we're done the prologue you're back enjoy the chair all glory to the chair hey quill pay attention there's a new subscriber [Music] oh foreign [Music] chair all hail chair all right did everyone get up did everyone stretch did everyone get another glass of water did everyone get a slice of pizza that someone sent you on treat stream oh that's just me okay lovely spicy Hawaiian pizza some jalapeno big chunks of ham of course pineapple hmm did you know Hawaiian pizza was invented in Canada by a Greek person because that's how the world works um wonderful [Music] everything about my channel it says the drops are enabled I don't know why people aren't getting progress on it everything is and should be enabled for drops I don't know I could stop and restart the stream but I'm not gonna so everyone blame Sweden for it well Sweden's a place that's got like the banana Curry pizza right you guys says cultural Melting Pot Canada has the chaos pot Maybe yes Tikka missal last region curry place tikka masala is delicious too all right so we have crash landed from the nautiloid and some big old tentacles of chasm should be a settlement nearby my boots red is it because we're in the water but why why would it turn red maybe just to show that it's submerged interesting [Music] um difficult terrain ah Maybe it's my gold now hey shadowheart she did I'm gonna steal her die reach for the artifact now that's that's not us we're gonna try to wake her um you're alive I'm alive how is this possible was it a d10 it's a d10 then it's a non-platonic solid um d10 is the only dye that is not a platonic solid um yeah I was hoping you might know I I remember falling than nothing do you have any idea where we are no I don't recognize this place but anything's an improvement on where we just came from first things first we need supplies shelter and most of all A Healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads indeed better get a move on then farewell oh that's how you start a community pool okay well remember that at some point we'll do some voting and see what people have to say yeah the twin generation is great everything's working that maybe not the drops yeah and it's not I have we have it set up on my channel and apparently we show up on the list of drop enabled channels bye so it's probably a twitch thing so we you want to stay together I mean I'm not opposed to this you know what what happened to our gift friend you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us yeah with this twitch integration it again makes me really bitter that we don't have twitch integration in something like Crusader Kings 3 you know do you want to stay together I take it we need each other and we both know what's at stake can't think of better company yeah no it sounds great let's get moving one thing just before we go it will pay attention there's a new subscriber I wanted to thank you for freeing me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I remember that they changed her voice actor too from early beta or do I just have a vastly different memory of what her voice sounded like because I know they changed will they rewrote the character of will considerably and got a new voice actor to redo everything hmm oh we got level UPS right away excellent same voice actor just less aggressive tone okay so because I was gonna say wasn't she like yeah really aggro originally I'm like listen we've already got Lazelle like how many just aggro angry people are we gonna have in this game subclass feature wild shape nice we get that immediately lovely natural recovery replenish expended spell slots while out of combat we gain a can trip maybe I'll go ahead and grab a thorn whip so that we do have a range option I don't particularly care about like resistance like you pre-buff and it's concentration you can only have the one yeah I think I like the thorn Whip or we could try the produce Flame you know what let's give it a go and see how that feels like wait thank you I was like hold on all right I'm supposed to be able to pick a subclass yeah never mind okay thank you for catching that while we would have just reloaded um so yeah I don't want circle of land Circle land is great if you're gonna go with a Caster oriented Focus but I like that the circle of Spore as well Ewing death necrosis fungal growth and sporulation is just another part of life you can manipulate such spores to augment yourself and harm your foes but we're gonna Circle the moon Druid sworn to the Moon drawn its Mercurial nature to transform to massive creatures and Primal Elementals so yeah there you go as a bonus action you can assume the form of a beast you can transform twice per short rest so for us transforming is a bonus action I believe otherwise it is a standard action yep so we do it as a bonus which is great action lunar men expense spell slots regain hit points while in Wild shape so self-heal and I think we will get better forms I'm not sure if that's true right now the forms are the same oh there we go wild-shaped bear literally the whole night with this character it's to turn into a bear so absolutely want that um and we did get an extra spell slot so it would add in fairy fire which I'm kind of okay with the spores are the most fun guys of The Druids oh pontus that's terrible terrible me all right Shadow heart an extra spell slot Channel Divinity charge turn Undead invoke duplicity distract your enemy is an illusion within three meters the illusion attack rolls have Advantage for you and your allies quite cool we could also just change class right level one cleric plus something else you can just multi-class but generally speaking with spellcasters you you kind of want to keep going down and get just focus on the one um it's added cure wounds which I don't think we need because the thing is in 5e we can short rest outside of combat spend hit dice to heal up um so I like for in combat just action efficiency I prefer to lean on healing word than cure wounds we could do some blast things we're just three creatures who can't actually battle us the whole party I think we're gonna do production we're gonna be able or Shield of faith I mean they're both a defensive thing that requires concentration so having two is a little bit redundant um you know she started with uh inflict wounds memorized well maybe we'll keep the inflicted wounds going on so I think I will do a create and Destroy water as an option for maybe dealing with terrain stuff putting out fires so let's go with this I mean we can change those whenever so that's not really a big deal three other yeah but it's not yourself is it is it yourself and three other creatures no bless up to three creatures yeah so it's the whole party except yourself or you know something it doesn't cover summons either all right I could do a restart of the stream let's let's find out if let's do it because otherwise all chat's gonna be talking about is freaking drops is that is that all you're here for drops not the game okay let's restart the Stream and now
Channel: quill18
Views: 89,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, bg3
Id: lIo35tV4DBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 15sec (5355 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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