BALDUR'S GATE 3 - Top 8 BEST Cantrip Spells in the Game (MUST PICKS!)

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What's up everybody this is Anti-hero here with  Player One Gaming and today I'm bringing you a   Baldur's Gate 3 video on the best cantrips in the  game this is going to be a series of videos that   I'm doing putting together a list of the best  spells in the game by level and one more thing   before we get started just remember that these  things are uh subjective this is just my opinion   if you feel that I left a certain cantrip out that  you think should be on the list feel free to leave   it in the comments below and tell me why you think  that that particular can trip should be on this   list so with that let's jump into it starting the  list off is vicious mockery aside from this spell   just being very fun from a thematic perspective I  mean you're insulting someone so much it literally   hurts them it's also a pretty handy little spell  while it doesn't do a ton of damage only 1d4 it   also has the added benefit of giving your opponent  disadvantage on its next attack roll which could   be a huge Lifesaver it could mean the difference  between a hit or a miss and even though one   1d4 is not a lot of damage every little bit counts  I can't tell you how many times I have an opponent   with only one or two hit points left in the fight  if I would have cast vicious mockery instead of   true strike that would have taken care of him okay  next up we have shelele now unfortunately this is   only available for the Druid class and the nature  domain cleric but if you're one of those classes   this is a must pick cantrip what this does is it  allows you to add your spell casting modifier to   the damage of your melee attack with your with  your Quarter Staff this is huge because chances   are your strength score as a druid is lacking  perhaps you even dumped the stat entirely and   you're at a minus one modifier this allows you to  use your wisdom stat in place of that which should   be at a plus four or even a plus five if you're at  a higher levels of play on top of all that this is   a bonus action which makes it much much stronger  this allows you to make a regular primary attack   for that round and then still use this you could  find yourself in melee range unexpectedly cast to   this first and then make the attack anytime you're  in close range and don't want to cast spells or   wild shape perhaps you're just out of spell slots  this makes melee combat a realistic option for the   Druid next up is light I know it's boring but not  having Dark Vision in this game sucks while I do   feel that sincerely access they have lessened the  penalties for not having dark vision a little bit   it still sucks to find yourself in the dark as  a human Dragonborn gets Yankee or halfling and   be rolling with this advantage that's when light  comes in it allows you to infuse an object such as   your weapon with magical light basically a torch  that you don't have to carry this will allow you   to negate the dark vision penalty more often and  also just allow you the player to be able to see   things in the dark areas of the game a little bit  better also I recommend light over Dancing Lights   without question the dancing lights can trip does  have its place but I like that light follows you   around rather than just illuminates a specific  area not to mention it's better for stealth   because you can just switch weapons and it will  turn the light off then when you want to have it   on again you just switch back to your illuminated  weapon and you're good to go okay next up we have   Firebolts this is a damage dealing cantrip that's  available to the wizard The Sorcerer the Arcane   trickster the Eldridge Knight the high elf and  the high half elf it's a pretty straightforward   cantrip you hurl a bolt of fire that does 1d10 of  damage which is on the higher end of damage for   cantrips I should mention at this point though the  cantrips in this game increase their damage output   as you level up so at level 5 Firebolt increases  to 2d10 worth of damage and at level 11 Firebolt   increases to 3 d10 of damage so pretty decent  damage for a can trip not only that but fire is   a handy item to be able to throw around in bg3 you  can use Firebolt to not only damage your opponents   directly but also to pull barrels grease puddles  or in the case of the spider matriarch and the   whispering depths burn away her web Bridges and  Center falling to her death alright right behind   Firebolt we have Ray of frost another damage  dealing cantrip I honestly feel like these are   pretty neck and neck and it just depends on the  situation that you find yourself in technically   it does do a little less base damage than Fireball  starting off at 1d8 of damage however it also has   the added benefit of slowing your target down by  three meters which can be very useful so as you   can see here I used Ray of frost on this Goblin  and on his turn he has to burn his action to   use Dash and even in doing so he's still not  really able to get very far so again we have   a can trip that gives us two benefits in one  it does some damage while also has this extra   debuff effect that really helps us in combat  and that's why Ray of Frost has made this list   next up is the conjuration cantrip magehand that's  available to The Bard sorcerer warlock wizard   Eldritch Knights as well as the githyanki race  magehand is a deceptively useful can trip that   allows for a ton of Versatility and creativity you  can use it to set off a trap that would otherwise   do damage to your PC you can use it to open and  shut doors retrieve a weapon if you may have   been disarmed or push explosive barrels closer to  your enemies and I'm sure there is much more if   you really want to get creative with it while you  won't use magehand nearly as often as some of the   other can trips on this list the times that you do  use it will be well worth it and very satisfying   all right we got just two more to go over and next  is guidance which is hands down in my opinion the   best non-damage dealing cantrip in the game it's  a divination can trip that is available to clerics   Druids and pact of the Tome warlocks and if your  party has it you will find you're probably using   this can trip more often than any other what  it does is it gives you a plus 1d4 bonus on   any ability check you make it is essential  for social interactions as well as picking   locks disarming traps and more having guidance or  not could very well mean the difference between   success or failure on any given roll so if you  have a druid or clerk in your group you'll want   to make sure they have guidance now we've come to  number one the God of all damage dealing cantrips   and one of the primary reasons though certainly  not the only reason one would choose the Warlock   class that's right it's Eldritch blast so this  bad boy can deal some serious damage it starts   at 1d10 for the low levels but once you get to  level 5 rather than increase the damage output   Eldritch blast actually increases the amount of  beams that you can shoot so at level 5 you can now   shoot two and at level 11 you can shoot three now  you can shoot all these beams at a single opponent   double or triple your damage or you can spread  them out targeting multiple opponents at once   in addition this can trip has the optional  mechanic of blasting your opponent back up to 15   feet now before I go any further I think I should  mention that this number one can trip does have a   small asterisk next to it it should be noted that  Eldritch blast doesn't really do all these things   by default and it's only the PowerHouse that it's  famously known for when put with the warlocks   invocations class ability while there are several  invocations to choose from it's highly recommended   to go with agonizing blast and rappelling blast  if you're looking on utilizing this cantrip as   a primary way of dealing damage and if you're a  warlock you definitely should be agonizing blast   will allow you to add your charisma modifier to  the damage roll as well bringing the cantrip's   max damage from 10 to as much as 15 depending  on what your charisma is and if it's a warlock   it should be pretty high and repelling blasts is  what's going to give you that ability to push your   target back up to 15 feet which is a crazy good  ability in bg3 as there is no shortage of high   Ledges to push your opponents off of for any other  classes outside of warlock looking to pick up this   can trip you can do so as an Eldritch Knight using  The Bard's magical Secrets ability or with the   Warlock Adept feat but just know that by going  for this route you lose out on those Eldritch   invocation bonuses which really limits the Spell's  potential and keeps it from being the PowerHouse   that we know it for without those invocations  Eldritch blast would be much lower on this list okay so while that does wrap up our list I did  want to throw out a couple honorable mentions   it was important to me to not have a crazy big  list there's only 24 cantrips in the game so I   didn't want to do like a top 10 or 12 and end up  putting half of the cantrips on the list but there   are still a couple that I think anyone could make  an argument should be on this list so we'll just   do a quick overview of these honorable mentions so  the first one is Thorn whip which is available to   Druids nature domain clerics and pact of the tome  warlock it's a thorn whip that allows you to whip   your opponent and then pull them closer to you now  for the first four levels of play Thorn whip just   does 1d6 worth of damage but the added benefit  of being able to pull your opponents closer to   you is huge you can use it to either pull them  through an AOE spell like firewall or cloud of   daggers or you could also use it to pull them  off of a high ledge and inflict some falling   damage so that added benefit really puts Thorn  whip in to the best can trips conversation and   if you're a druid I recommend taking this in Chile  pretty much 100 of the time and last but not least   on our honorable mention list is minor illusion  this is a simple cantrip that has you create an   illusion that distracts your enemies this is  primarily useful in stealth to distract your   opponent and sneak by them however you can also  use it to get your opponent in specific areas   again like next to a high ledge where you can  push them off that's a reoccurring theme for me   in bg3 and should be for you too it's just such  a valuable strategy so minor illusion will allow   you to set up things like that it's definitely  a handy cantrip and available to several of the   spellcasters in the game so definitely not a  bad one to pick up especially if you're doing   a stealth build alright so that is going to wrap  up our list of the top can trips in Baldur's Gate   3. I hope you enjoyed the video and it'll be  helpful in your next character creation when   you're picking cantrips if you did enjoy the  video I'm just gonna ask that you like and   subscribe I do thank you very much hope you  enjoyed the video and I'll see you next time
Channel: Player 1 Gaming
Views: 6,209
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, beginners guide, rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, baldurs gate rpg, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, larian studios, Baldur's Gate III, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, DnD, D&D, video game, gaming, tips, tricks, tips and tricks, stategy, Player 1, Player One, Player 1 Gaming, Player One Gaming, Spells, Cantrips, Top spells, best spells, best cantrips, tier list, rankings
Id: xNVuAFdll9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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