BALDUR'S GATE 3 - THE Beginner's Guide to Character Creation (Everything you need to know!)

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What's up everybody this is Anti-Hero with Player  One Gaming and today we're going to be doing a   beginner's guide on character creation in Baldur's  Gate 3. now this guide is geared towards beginners   people that either haven't played Baldur's Gate  before or haven't played Dungeons and Dragons   before now if you have doesn't mean there's not  going to be things in this video that would be   helpful to you but the content will certainly be  most helpful for those who are complete beginners   quite honestly there's a whole lot of information  to keep track of uh character creation and   Dungeons and Dragons is relatively complex so if  you are a beginner it can be very confusing so if   you're new to this hopefully this video will point  you in the right direction so with that let's get   started okay so the first thing you're gonna  need to know is the distinction between origin   characters and custom characters in balther's  Gate 3. origin characters allow you to play these   pre-built characters that larian has made these  are the characters that will be the companions   in your game however you can play as one yourself  and if you decided to go this route your class and   your race will be decided for but the advantage  is that your character will already have a full   back story and you'll be able to kind of uncover  that as you play so that's kind of interesting   they also have this dark urge option which allows  you to be able to play this character who you can   change the race and class of this by the way  you don't have to play as a Dragonborn but if   you choose the dark urge essentially what it is is  the custom character but it gives a little extra   storyline to it essentially you are this character  who wakes up you have amnesia you can't remember   anything but you find yourself having these dark  urges and you don't necessarily have to give in   to these urges this doesn't have to be for an evil  playthrough it could be you could give in to the   urge and be an evil character or you could fight  the urge and it could just be some added inner   conflict so that's pretty cool but many of you at  least for your first playthrough I would assume   are starting completely from scratch with a custom  character now when you do this the first decisions   that you will really have to make are your race  and your class now for some reason in Dungeons   and Dragons they always put race first and then  class same thing with the player's handbook it's   always like this I don't really understand why  because it's my personal preference to choose   my class first and then pick my race based on  that class I think it's a better way to do it   it's what I recommend so in Baldur's Gate 3 we  have 12 classes in the game as well as 46 sub   classes however I'm not going to be going over the  subclasses today in future videos I will be doing   detailed class build guides that we'll go over all  of this stuff and that's the time that I'm going   to be really doing a deep dive and going over all  the subclasses and things like that for now just   a quick overview of all these classes we've got  the Barbarian this is a marshall class strength   based typically a melee build you're going to be  a front liner dealing a ton of damage fun class to   play a little bit of a one-trick pony they run in  Raging to the front lines but they're great ax or   their great sword and they take dudes out it's  about that simple for the Barbarian next up we   got The Bard Bard is an artist typically looked  at as a musician but technically a Bard could be   anything a writer an actor a poet whatever bards  find their magic through their art and let me tell   you that magic is pretty powerful The Bard is kind  of a jack of all trades class good at a little bit   of everything some people sleep on the barn I  advise you not to do that a Bard is actually   one of the more powerful classes in the game in  my opinion because they're such a jack of all   trades and they're also just a really fun class to  play next we have clerics clerics are essentially   holy Warriors they are full spellcasters but can  also wear heavy armor and are a strong martial   class as well so so they have quite a bit to offer  most popularly they're probably known as healers   but quite honestly not every cleric needs to be a  Healer you can build a pretty badass front liner   damage dealing cleric if you wanted to Druids are  a nature based class they draw their magic from   nature they're also full spell casters and the  biggest thing Druid has to offer is wild shape   which literally allows you to transform into  an animal very powerful ability and very fun   to play next up we have fighter as you might guess  a marshall-based class front liner damage dealer   some may say kind of a vanilla class but I think  they're pretty fun to play larian is given the   fighter some really cool abilities in this game  fighting styles and different battle Maneuvers and   things like that so very straightforward class but  fun nonetheless next up we have the monk this is   the martial arts class the Bruce Lee of dungeons  dragons monk has kind of poked fun at in the D D   Community because the tabletop version of the  monk is pretty weak the class has essentially   become a meme don't get me wrong well I've never  played a monk myself I've heard that they're very   fun to play and I have no doubt but in the current  5e rules it's definitely a weaker class the good   news is that if you do want to play a monk not to  worry larion has buffed them quite a bit from the   5e rule set and and while I have not given them a  spin in bg3 yet I certainly intend to I think they   are actually a pretty powerful class now you're  going to specialize in unarmed strikes and all   sorts of cool martial arts moves all right next up  we have Paladin similar to clerics they're kind of   like this Holy Night who's a mix of spellcaster  and Marshall class I would say that clerics are   full spellcasters paladins are actually half  casters which means that they won't get as many   spells but they're a much more powerful martial  class they get the Divine Smite ability which is   super strong does a ton of damage and is just very  fun it does not get old next we have the ranger   Scouts and trackers connected with nature similar  to the Druid in that respect however again when   the Druid is a full Caster the ranger is the half  caster and a little bit more marshally focused to   make up for it in this case a ranger is typically  an Archer a ranged attacker you could make a melee   based Ranger if you wanted to however Rangers are  typically known to be the Archer of the group all   right Rogues the criminal of the group Rogues  are fast stealthy skillful they typically are   proficient in sleight of hand which allows them to  pick locks disarm traps and pickpockets and their   primary ability that you'll be utilizing is Sneak  Attack which allows you in the right conditions   to deal out a ton of damage okay last but not  least we have the three primary spellcasters in   Dungeons and Dragons the sorcerer the Warlock and  The Wizard so just a quick difference between what   these groups offer because they're all a little  bit similar sourcers are natural spellcasters they   draw from Magic within themselves and their big  primary feature is metamagic metamagic allows you   to manipulate magic change it to your own benefit  very cool ability I will go into more detail on   the sorcerer build video but that's the thing that  really sets the sorcerer apart for from the other   classes the Warlock is a very unique spellcaster  class the Warlock gets their magic from a patron   a God or a devil some Divine being that they  have pledged themselves to and get their powers   from the thing that makes a warlock very unique is  that while they only have two spell slots they get   those spell slots back on a short rest as opposed  to a long rest which is a huge benefit and on top   of that those two spell slots will level up as  you progress in level which will have you up   casting certain spells that will do more damage  and things like that those two things make the   Warlock very unique to any other class in d d and  Nat and Eldritch blast is the two reasons that I   really like playing a warlock finally we come to  the wizard Wizards are masters of spell casting   but not because they were born with it not because  they pledge their allegiance to a God but simply   because they're highly intelligent individuals  who studied their ass off essentially they know   magic because they studied magic they got the  spell book that has all their spells in it and   the cool thing about the wizard is when you find  a spell scroll in the game you can actually copy   that into your spell book and now you permanently  learn that spell in the game Wizards also have   other abilities like Arcane recovery which allows  you to recover spell slots without having to take   a long rest there's no other spellcaster in  the game that can learn as many spells as the   wizard can which makes them a very powerful class  they can not only dish out a ton of damage with   their spells but they also have access to a lot of  spells that give them good utility and support and   make them kind of an all-around Caster so if you  want to be that Swiss army knife of spellcasters   you might want to look at the wizard so next we  go over to race bg3 has 11 races as well as 31   sub-races so before I go any further I should note  that in Baldur's Gate 3 every race gets a plus two   bonus in one ability and a plus one bonus in  another so there are no racial ability score   bonuses everyone has those and the reason they  did this is to make every race a little bit more   viable than it is in 5e so I guess if you really  really wanted to play that half lean Barbarian you   could but that said there still are definitely the  races that are more optimal choices for certain   classes and I will be going into detail on those  on the build guides that I do but for now just a   brief overview of these races first we have Elf  the race features for the elf are that they can   move 30 feet per turn they have proficiencies  with long swords short swords short bows and   long bows they have dark vision up to 40 feet  and they have this Fey ancestry ability which   gives them advantage on saving throws against  being Charmed and Magic can't put you to sleep   the sub races for the elf is the high elf and high  elf gets the fire bolt can trip for free and the   wood elf and the wood elf gets uh their movement  speed increased by five feet next up we have the   tiefling tieflines are essentially devil spawns  however not all of them are evil they could be   good people that kind of have this curse about  them but because of their race they certainly   face as it says here constant suspicion in feyron  okay so their race features are 30 feet per turn   movement speed they have dark vision up to 40  feet and they have hellish resistance which   is resistance to fire damage they only take  half of the damage from fire damage they have   three sub-races the asmodeus tiefling which gives  you the produce Flame cantrip the mephistopolis   tiefling I think is how it's pronounced they  get the magehand uh cantrip and the zariel   tiefling which gives you the thamaturgy cantrip  which gives you advantage on intimidation and   performance checks next up is the drow which is  a sub-race of the else but larion decided to put   them as their own race because they're so unique  to the other elves they were essentially else   driven underground turned evil many of them swore  their allegiance to Loaf the spider goddess a very   evil race however there is a sect of drought that  separated themselves from the loath sworn drought   the soldarian those are essentially the good drow  elves that live on the surface so the drow gets   the dancing lights can trip has 30 feet movement  speed draw weapon training in the Rapier short   sword and hand crossbow Superior dark vision up  to 80 feet and Fey ancestry just like the other   elves next up we have humans you know all about  them but they have a base uh speed of 30 feet per   turn they have weapon proficiency and Spears Pikes  halberds glaves and armor proficiency and light   armor and Shields and they have something called  human versatility which allows you to select a   additional skill to be proficient in and also  increases your carrying capacity by 25 percent   the GIF Yankee race they were a race born from  mind flayer enslavements and they now pledge to   basically take out the Mind flares and they do so  riding that top red dragon so very cool they have   different psionic abilities that they got from the  Mind flares so pretty cool pretty unique race they   have astrial knowledge which gains proficiency  and skills of a chosen ability magehand they gain   access to the magehand can trip they have a base  movement speed of 30 feet and armor proficiency   with light and medium armor as well as Proficiency  in short sword long sword and great sword there's   the dwarf dwarfs like all of the small races  in bg3 have 25 feet per turn movement speed so   five feet less they're proficient with battle  axes hand axes light Hammers and warhammers   they have dark vision up to 40 feet and Dwarven  resilience which gives you advantage on saving   throws against poison and has resistance to poison  damage there's three sub-races for the dwarf the   gold dwarf Dwarven toughness which increases your  hit point maximum by one and continues to do so   for every time you gain a level Shield dwarfs  they are proficient in light and medium armor   and the dwyergar who can see up to 80 feet got the  superior dark vision and they also have dwyergar   resilience which gives them advantage on saving  throws against Illusions and being Charmed or   paralyzed alright next up we've got the half elf  half elf half human they have a 30 feet movement   speed weapon proficiencies with Spears Pikes  halberds and glaves and armor for efficiency with   light armor and shields they have dark vision to  40 feet and just like their Elven Brethren the Fey   ancestry which gives them saving throws against  being Charmed and can't be put to sleep by Magic   so kind of a mix between the humans and the elves  next are halflings half lanes are like the habits   of d d they can move up to 25 feet they have a  pretty cool ability called lucky which allows you   to when you roll a 1 for an attack roll ability  check or saving throw you can re-roll the die   and uh you must use the new roll they also have  Brave you have advantage on saving throws against   being frightened half lean sub-braces include the  light foot halfling they have advantage on stealth   checks and then the strong heart halfling which  has advantage on saving throws against poison and   resistance to poison damage all right gnomes don't  confuse them with halflings that'll piss them off   but uh gnomes are um they're a little bit more  wild than adventurous than halflings a little   bit more mischievous but again like Kathleen's  they have the 25 feet per turn movement speed and   they also have gnome cunning and gnome cunning  gives you advantage on intelligence wisdom and   Charisma saving throws the sub races for the  gnome there are three there are rock gnomes at   uh Rock gnomes get dark vision up to 40 feet and  also have artificer's lore which adds twice your   proficiency bonus to history checks there are  also Forest gnomes Forest gnomes give you the   speak with animals divination spell and dark  vision up to 40 feet and then there are deep   gnomes who have Superior dark vision to 80 feet as  well as Stone camouflage which gives you advantage   on stealth checks all right next up there is the  Dragonborn a race of humanoids who have dragon   blood in them base movement speed is 30 feet and  they have a whole bunch of sub-races essentially   all the different colors of dragons and each one  of these has a different ability I'm not going   to go over all of them in detail but just know  every Dragonborn has this dragon's breath this   uh breath that you spew out in this case the  red dragon has fire breath but a blue dragon   has lightning breath so depending on what uh  sub race you pick what color Dragon depends on   what's breath weapon you have same thing with the  other sub race feature which is the resistance to   that same damage so red dragon is resistance  to fire damage blue dragon is resistant to   lightning damage and so on finally finishing  things off for the races is the half orc half   human half Fork this is a pretty cool race that  I think would lend itself very well to Marshall   classes uh you have a movement speed of 30 feet  dark vision up to 40 feet a very powerful ability   called Relentless endurance which allows you to  When You Reach zero hit points you regain one hit   point instead of becoming down this is something  that would lend itself to being a front liner like   in a barbarian or a fighter class and also has  something called Savage attacks which says when   you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack  you deal an extra dice of weapon damage again very   strong ability that lends itself very well to  being a front liner a marshally focused character   like a barbarian or a fighter okay so for today  I'm going to pick the wood elf for my druid   um though I do think that the male wood elf just  looks a little weird so real quick so I don't skip   there we go that's much better there's something  about the male wood elf that just kind of freaks   me out and once we've picked our race and our sub  race and our class we move on now if you've picked   a spell casting class like the Druid or many of  the others in bg3 you will be expected to pick   your spells so going over all the cantrips and  spells is beyond the scope of this video but you   will pick your canned trips here then you will go  right on to the backgrounds now your character's   background is just that it's essentially where  they've come from the little backstory for your   character there are 11 backgrounds to choose from  as you can see here there's a small description of   what the background is but then right underneath  that it says two skills so in Butler's gave three   you have some skills that you can become  proficient in and your background is going   to Grant you two of those skill proficiencies so  when deciding on your background make sure that   it offers two skills that will fit your character  well and it's something that is going to fit the   play style that you're going for I should mention  also that in addition to these two skills that you   get backgrounds also grants inspiration bonuses  while you're playing through the game so if you're   a criminal and you pick a lock and break into a  place uh you may get awarded inspire operation   for doing that so again make sure you pick a  background that is going to align with your play   style because if you choose criminal but you're  never going to be stealing anything or breaking in   anywhere or anything like that you may be really  limiting yourself in how much inspiration that you   can gain in the game and by the way inspiration is  a mechanic that is going to allow you to re-roll   the dice on certain ability checks so every time  you gain inspiration you essentially gain one   re-roll for any failed check that you do in the  game so it will behoove you to pick a background   that really aligns with the character that you're  going for and next we move on to abilities now   this is a very big part in character creation  very important to understand this there are   six different abilities that the character has  strength dexterity Constitution intelligence   wisdom and Charisma as you may see here three of  these abilities are physical attributes and three   of them have to do with your character's mental  prowess now strength affects your Effectiveness   with melee weapons and also determines how far  you can jump and how much you can carry dexterity   affects your Effectiveness with ranged and finesse  weapons also affects your initiative and your   armor class Constitution your stamina and physical  endurance it affects your hit point maximum your   intelligence this is your memory and mental  power uh it's also the spell casting modifier   for wizards your wisdom is senses and intuition  it's your spell casting ability for clerics Druids   and Rangers and your charisma which is your force  of Personality also your spell casting ability for   bards paladins sorcers and warlocks and Charisma  also influences Trader prices so it's what's going   to allow you to get a discount from the merchants  in the game so every class in Baldur's Gate 3 has   a primary ability score and this will be noted  by by the star next to it so here you can see   wisdom is the primary ability score for Druids and  that is because of the fact that it is their spell   casting ability so for your primary ability  score you're going to want to Max this out as   much as possible you are going to assign your  plus two bonus here and you are going to bring   it all the way up to a 17. next you're going to  identify what is your secondary ability score   essentially your second most important score  and every class has one for Druids it's going   to be Constitution and this is pretty typical  of all spellcasters all the spellcasters their   primary ability is going to be their spell casting  ability and their secondary ability is going to be   their constitution a lot of spellcasters don't  even wear armor so the Constitution is going to   allow you to jack those hit points up as much  as possible to make sure that you are at least   a little bit protected from incoming damage so  with the Constitution you're going to want to   take the plus one one modifier in that and Jack  this up as much as possible which is going to   be a 16. so here you can see that I can only get  it up to 14 which means I need to take away some   points somewhere else so I'm actually going to  take away my I could go strength or Charisma but   we're gonna decide to bring the Charisma down to  10 in this case which will allow us to put another   point in the Constitution but as you can see as  we get higher the points cost more so I'm going   to take down dexterity a little bit more as well  bring that down to 12 and that's going to allow   me to get up to 16 with Constitution and I have  one point left over so I'm just going to go ahead   and throw that into strength ideally you're going  to want to try and get even numbers here and the   reason is this these numbers here that you see  really don't come into play what comes into play   while you're playing the game is the modifier  that is associated with these numbers so I know   that's a little confusing if you're new to this  but it works like this your modifier is added to   your roles so you will roll a 1d20 and then you  will add that modifier the modifier is either a   negative or a positive number that goes all the  way up to positive five at eight your modifier is   minus one as you can see right here once you  get to 10 that makes it a even modifier it's   neutral if you're at a 10 you're essentially of  average abilities so if I have a 10 intelligence   that means I have average intelligence which  gives me a zero modifier and it continues to   go up every two numbers so at 12 I get plus one at  14 it's plus two at 16 plus 3 at 18 it goes up to   plus four and at 20 we've maxed out at a plus five  modifier and that's why you're trying to get even   numbers here because at 11 my strength X modifier  is still plus zero same as it is when it's at 10.   however if I bring it up to 12 that's what brings  my modifier up so as often as possible you want   to get these scores at even numbers although it's  not always going to be possible one exception is   Constitution even or odd number regardless the  more points you have in Constitution the more   hit points your character will have but just to  reiterate the most important thing here is that   your primary stat is maxed out at 17 and your  secondary in my opinion should be maxed out at   16. everything else is really up to you and the  kind of character that you want to build okay   so then we come to the skill proficiencies we  have a list of the different skills in the game   I'm not going to go over all of these most of  them are pretty self-explanatory and what they   do now unlike in the tabletop game where you can  pick literally any skill that you want pg3 does   limit the skills that you can pick based on your  class and your race which honestly is fine they're   just giving you the the default skills that are  appropriate for your class for instance nature   it's probably much more important as a druid to  be proficient in nature as opposed to something   like persuasion which is a Charisma based skill  and that's another thing that I should mention   all of these skills are attached to the ability  scores so Athletics is a strength skill acrobatics   is a dexterity skill and so on so you're going  to go ahead and pick your proficiencies and your   skills the proficiency gives you a plus two bonus  in that skill so as you can see when I take it out   of insight I trust me down to a plus three but if  I decide to go with Insight it gives me that plus   two bonus making it a plus five so after you  go through the abilities I will allow you to   prepare spells just as you did with the can trips  so you go ahead and pick your spells to start off   with and at that point you're good to go you can  of course go into edit appearance here and there   are a whole host of different things that you can  do to change the way you look all different kinds   of skin colors and different options they have  available here they have a maturity slider you can   be old or young freckles or no freckles a whole  bunch of different options scars no scar they   even let you pick your genitals have fun everyone  but yeah you can put tattoos makeup all different   hairstyles hair colors a host of all different  kinds of options and that will about wrap it up   for The Beginner's character creation video I hope  that was helpful for all of you starting the game   for the first time if it was helpful I do just  ask that you like the video and hit the Subscribe   button below it's going to help me to continue to  grow this Channel and come out with more and more   content for you guys so thanks very much guys I  really appreciate it and I'll see you next time
Channel: Player 1 Gaming
Views: 215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, beginners guide, rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, baldurs gate rpg, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, larian studios, Baldur's Gate III, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, DnD, D&D, video game, gaming, tips, tricks, tips and tricks, stategy, Player 1, Player One, Player 1 Gaming, Player One Gaming, Character Creation, Roll a character, Make a PC, Create a character, Character creator, make a character, build a pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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