Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer Guide - Storm Sorcery Subclass - Level 1-12 Guide

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hey everybody it's Lira from Lyra gaming and in today's Baldur's Gate 3 guide we're going to look at the storm sorcery subclass for the sorcerer the perfect subclass if you've ever wanted to role play Storm from the X-Men in a video game today we're gonna cover features at level one of character creation including ability recommendations for the subclass we're going to give you a full level 2 to 12 breakdown gonna show you all the Spells available as your level can also give you some general equipment recommendations and give you my thoughts on multi-classing the Storm sorcery sorcerer you can use timestamps below to jump to areas that most interest you remember to drop a like and leave a comment below of your thoughts feedback and questions and now without further Ado let's check out the storm sorcery sorcerer all right guys here we are at level one and support the note stat wise the sorcerer's primary ability is charisma you can have saving throw proficiencies of Constitution and charisma gonna have a hit day of 1d6 and you're gonna have proficiencies of daggers quarter staffs and light crossbows now right away at level one you're gonna get to pick and get four cantrips two level one spells and you will get access to two level one spell slots you do get a ton of cantrips to choose from and again you're gonna get to pick four of them I'm gonna go ahead and mouse over all of them right now feel free to pause the video at any time if you want to read the descriptors now again you're gonna get to pick two Spells at this level and you're gonna get access to a variety of level one spells now not surprisingly with this subclass people tend to focus on lightning and or thunder spells to remain thematic and those type of spells tend to be the most powerful for this subclass as well now you do get to pick your subclass right at level one and the main feature you get at level one is tempestuous magic after you cast a level 1 spell or higher you can fly as a bonus action until the end of your turn without receiving opportunity attacks the key here is to be able to fly without procing opportunity attacks this gives you almost infinite mobility and not having to worry about getting smacked around when you try and fly away from enemies is huge for your survivability and also to be able to control the battlefield now when it comes to Ability points a nice setup for this would be eight strength 14 dexterity 16 Constitution eight intelligence 10 wisdom and 17th charisma you can go ahead and utilize the hag Quest you can just search for that to be able to get an extra plus one bonus to Charisma this will get you to 18 and allow you to much more quickly get 20 Charisma and then utilize other Feats to get the most out of this character all right level two you're gonna be getting one more level one spell slot you're also gonna gain two sorcery points and this is going to be a new currency that you're going to be able to utilize towards metamagic and this will allow you to modify your spells in a variety of ways you will gain the ability to create sorcery points as a bonus action and this allows you to sacrifice spell slots in order to get more sorcery points alternatively you can create spell slots by utilizing sourcery points as well you will also get to pick another spell and then you will unlock metamagic you're gonna get to pick two different meta Magics the first amount of magic is careful spell and for one sorcery Point per spell allies are gonna automatically succeed saving throws against spells that require them this mainly comes into play If You cast the big AOE spell like Fireball if allies are in the area it's gonna allow them to automatically make their save so they don't take as much or any of the damage then we have distance spell for one sorcery Point per spell you can increase the range of the spell by 50 percent and you can even increase the range of melee spells extended spell for one surgery Point per spell allows you to double the durations of conditions summons and surfaces caused by spells and then a big one here is Twin spell and this is important to note so basically spells that only target one creature can Target an additional creature now the cost of this is one sorcery Point per spell slot level used and even cantrips will cost one sorcery point now at level three you're gonna get one level one spell slot you also can get two level two spell slots an additional sorcery point you will be able to replace a spell if you wish and also pick one more level two spell or lower here are all the little twos supposed to choose from you also get to pick one more meta Magic and now there are three new ones that you can choose from a heightened spell targets of spells that require saving throws have disadvantage under first saving throw now this does cost three sorcery points per spell Quicken spell which is another Super Famous and Powerful one spells that cost an action cause the bonus section instead and yes this does mean that you could basically pass two full spells per turn Baseline if you utilize this it does cost three sourcing points per spell to do this and then there's subtle spell you can cast a spells while silenced very situational but it does cost one sources Point per spell only at level four you're gonna get One More Level to spell slot you're gonna get one more sorcery point you will get to pick another cat strip you're gonna get to replace the spell if you wish you're gonna get to pick another spell from level one or level two and you will also get to pick a feat now when it comes to feet recommendations you cannot go wrong with ability improvements getting your charisma 220 makes a lot of sense you have Proficiency in Constitution and you're already gonna have a decently High Constitution you can combo that up with war caster that's highly recommended you gain advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell is the main feature of this that we care about and this is important because every time you get hit if you're concentrating on a spell you have to make the saving throw or lose control over that spell because you're going to be casting and casting a lot of lightning based spells especially it makes sense to pick up spell sniper we don't really care about learning another can trip but what we do care about is the number you need to roll a critical hit with a spell is reduced by one and again since you are leaning into lightning and thunder spells most likely getting Elemental Adept which allows you your spells to ignore resistance to a damage type of your choice when you cast spells of that type uh also making so that you cannot roll a one picking this and picking lightning or thunder could make a lot of sense as well if you want to stay really thematic and minimizing the chances that you're gonna get resistance to that spell type do note that if an enemy is immune to a spell type then this won't help at all at level five you're gonna get two level three spell slots you're gonna get another sorcery point you can replace a spell and then you're gonna get to pick a new spell and here are the level three supposed to get access to special emphasis here on lightning bolt as this is a big part of this build level six is really big here you're gonna get one more level three spell slot you're gonna get one more sorcery point but feature wise you're gonna get heart of the storm when you cast the spell of level 1 or higher that deals lightning or thunder damage you cause a small local storm all enemies within 6 meters take three lightning damage or three Thunder damage and you're gonna get harder of the storm resistance you're resistant to lightning and thunder damage at level seven you're gonna go ahead and get one level four spell slot unlocked you're gonna get an additional sorcery point you can replace the spell if you wish and here's access to your level 4 spells here they all are now do note that you can cast lower level spells as higher level spell slots which will come into play if you want to go storm or thunder build as you'll notice there's no storm or thunder Spells at level four level eight gets you one level for spell slot another sorcery point you can again replace the spell and pick another level 4 or lower spell and then again you get to pick another ability and again you get to pick another feet at level nine you're gonna get a level four spell slot you're gonna get a level five spell slot one sorcery Point you'll get to replace spell and then you get to add one more spell and now you do get access to level five spells here are the Spells again and once again you may end up considering casting your lower level spells upskilled because you do not get any lightning or thunder Spells at level five either at level 10 you're gonna get a level one spell slot another sorcery point you're gonna get to replace the spell if you wish you do get to pick another can trip you get to pick another spell of any level and then you get to pick another metamagic now there are no new meta Magics but you can pick from any of the previous ones at level 11 you're gonna get a level six spell slot another sorcery point you'll have the ability to replace the spell you will get the subclass feature storms Fury when you are hit by a melee attack you deal 11 lightning damage to the attacker and potentially push them back and then for your spells here are your options chain lightning is the big one if you're gonna go all in very powerful and very thematic and then finally at level 12 you're gonna get one more sorcery point you can replace a spell you can pick another level six spell and then you get to pick your final feed all right let's talk about equipment here for the sorcerer and I gotta point out uh before we talk about equipment here a very popular multi-class which I'll mention in just a second where you do combo The Tempest domain cleric if you do that that will change your equipment because you will get access to higher quality of armor you can get medium armor for example now the key here is that in this version of DnD rules you do not suffer as a Caster if you wear heavy armor or medium armor as long as you have Proficiency in it so if you're going to multi-class with the Tempest domain cleric then obviously get the best heaviest armor that you can equip otherwise it makes sense to get any kind of equipment that's going to increase your spell DC for casting if you're going to have the higher quality armor you are likely to have better AC so anything that increases your AC and resistance can help you get more tanky there's no reason if you again multi-class as I mentioned you'd get access to a shield so it also would make sense to up your AC by wearing a shield and a one-handed weapon and then with rings and jewelry you can utilize this optimally to get additional spell slots potentially so you can cast more and more of the lightning based spells or alternatively fine items that will just give you extra spells to cast so you can be constantly casting now for multi-classing I already alluded to it but the most famous combo is to combo with the Tempest domain cleric you can go in this case you could go six levels of Tempest domain cleric to get most of the features there the idea here is to combo a bunch of lightning damage with their Channel Divinity that allows you to maximize the damage on your casts which is ridiculously powerful with the features of this subclass anytime you cast those lightning spells you can fly around freely do Max AOE damage to enemies it's extremely deadly exactly how many levels you go of either of the two classes you have some flexibility there now alternatively because you are a Charisma based Caster you can very nicely combo with either warlock or even with Paladin to give either of those options more spell slots to play with our case that brings us to the end of the storm surface subclass guide for the sorcerer I hope you guys found it helpful if you did again drop a like if you want to see more content from me make sure to subscribe I thank you for all your support as always and I'll make sure to see you guys in the next video foreign
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 Sorcerer, bg3 Sorcerer, baldurs gate 3 Sorcerer guide, baldurs gate 3 Sorcerer class, baldurs gate 3 Sorcerer build, bg3 Sorcerer guide, baldurs gate 3 Storm Sorcery Sorcerer guide, bg3 Storm Sorcery, bg3 Sorcerer Storm Sorcery guide, best Sorcerer subclass bg3, bg3 Sorcerer subclasses, baldurs gate 3 Sorcerer subclasses, baldurs gate 3 Sorcerer Storm Sorcery
Id: wRfmyAgbiK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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