WH40k: Rogue Trader - Character Creation Overview & Guide

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[Music] what's going on everybody morom here this time bringing you a guide for character creation in Warhammer 40K Rogue Traer as alcat games just recently gave several people myself included access to what is very close to the release version of the game with the main thing missing being the last few acts so I'm using that to make a few guides ahead of the game's release on December 7th naturally though we need to start at the beginning with creating a character as this is a big RPG your choices in character creation matter a great deal and it's definitely worth walking through them so with that in mind to kick us off right out of the gate the first screen you're going to be presented with in character creation is choosing between a custom or pre-generated character the pre-generated characters have a set starting point that you can still take them in a few different directions however their beginning archetype is sorted out so they have a relatively straightforward method of progression compared to creating your own custom characters so if you're a little intimidated by all the choices these are valid options especially if you're just playing on normal and each pre-generated character represents the three base classes with one of them being excluded of the four basic archetypes and the one they excluded is the one that's a little more difficult for someone to play so it makes sense they wouldn't have made a Preen for that though it is a very strong one that said if you want to pick a pregenerated character you can still change their appearance like you could with anyone else but from there let's talk about creating a custom character that is to say who our Rogue Trader is going to be now the first thing this does is start you off with the appearance tabs you're going to pick a portrait much like Min crpgs you can if you want to use a custom portrait and if you click over to that tab it'll actually bring you to the folder as well so you can find out exactly where you need to put images to create a custom portrait in game they do have a pretty good selection of pre-made portraits as well though and clicking on one will give you a sort of Base start in point for your character's appearance as well and while not necessarily a big change I actually do like that because that makes sure that your character at least lines up a little bit with the portrait you selected which is a little touched but I like it now the rest of the appearance options are basically what you would expect you can change body type facial features hair eyebrows pick the color of those things you can also put tattoos on your character you can pick up to five layers of different tattoos alongside things like augmentations as this is said in Warhammer 40K so naturally being almost a cyborg is definitely something you can do you can pick a variety of augmentations usually a couple but the first Big Choice you make in terms of defining your character outside of appearance is what world your character is from Warhammer 40K is divided up into a large variety of different kinds of Worlds each one of them representing a certain way of life so to speak or lack thereof in some cases and what type of world you hail from comes with a variety of bonuses though right here at the beginning it's worth mentioning the three main things a world selection is going to do for you the main thing right at character creation is that it is going to modify your characteristics that is to say it's going to make a stat adjustment based on where you're from this can be positive and negative unless you pick Imperial world at which point it's just purely positive but then we have the features and the talents the feature is what you'll get right at character creation so for death world we can grab survival Instinct which gives you this ability right away which in the case of death World simply makes them much more survivable however talents when you meet certain level requirements you'll be given a talent selection and these for each planet will be added to the list of possible choices you don't get the talents right away you get the features right away so with those things in mind let's talk about each of these worlds individually so death worlds are pretty self-explanatory they are places where living is incredibly difficult and if it wasn't for the resources on them we probably wouldn't be there people from Death worlds make great survivors thanks to their survival in distinct feature which grants them temporary health when they drop below a minimum wounds by the way is your HP in this game and they also gain a variety of strength and physical bonuses they do however take negatives to Fellowship which makes them a poor leader which is a type of class and they also take a hit to their intelligence now as they're leveling up death World characters could potentially gain extra crit chance against bleeding targets or half dead targets which can make them incredibly deadly as they can also get extra crit chance for using certain types of weapons and they even get stronger as they get injured or at least they can if they take the talents for it so to summarize death World characters are great for physical characters that are often in melee as they get a bunch of bonuses to exactly that next up though we have voidborn voidborn are essentially people that were born in space in a world like this sometimes with massive Crews of void ships many of them are born and will die on that ship having never seen a planet and often these people are referred to as void born they gain bonuses to willpower and intelligence and thanks to probably traveling through the warp fairly often they make great psychers thanks to their willpower bonus now their feature Fortune allows them to reroll any failed attack Dodge Parry characteristic or skill test so basically they can just reroll any roll they make with a 20% chance of success giving them an extra shot at something they otherwise failed though the chance is small but also any enemy that attempts to dodge or Parry them also has a 20% chance to fail after they succeed their initial role so this can give you a small bonus and detriment to your enemies which can make them great all-arounders for kind of whatever you're trying to do and many of their talents revolve around exactly that for instance their bloody mess talent that they could pick up grants them a 10% chance to double the already strong damage from a critical hit they get a talent called Jinx potentially that allows them to influence the luck of everyone around them based on their health and that's kind of the theme of the voidborn but perhaps most power ful I would say of their abilities is actually their B smart Talent if you choose to pick this up you could replace the fellowship bonus on any ability or Talent with your intelligence bonus and there is a class that relies very heavily on Fellowship so being a voidborn you could shift that entire bonus basically to your intelligence stat instead so that could be a build defining Talent if you wanted it to be that brings us to Hive World however Hive worlds are people with incredibly dense populations basically most of the surface of a world or The Hive is a gigantic City we're talking cities with the population of billions so naturally a lot of their bonuses revolve around the idea of others or just being around other people which gives them bonuses to fellowship and in this case agility but we do take a hit to our willpower their feature strength and numbers gives them a bonus to their resolve which affects the momentum combat stat which is important but we'll talk about that in another video but they take a penalty to this if there is no one else around so basically if they are near other creatures in combat they get a bonus and a penalty if they are not now many of the talents they have available to them revolve around being next to either enemies or Allies for instance the helping hand Talent causes a hi World character to when starting their turn next to an ally character grant them an extra two movement points and when they end their turn adjacent to allies everyone gains two movement points that is to say all the Allies in the vicinity so things like that can make them great for buffing entire party if you wanted to that brings us to the Forge World though Forge World characters get a variety of really interesting bonuses but Forge worlds are huge industrial planets they're usually all about as the name might imply creating things people from there tend to be a little smarter and a little tougher thanks to the nature of that provided they aren't all just ctors of course but unlike the other worlds the Forge World actually gets a choice of their feature bonus they can either take a bonus to their critical chance a bonus to their Dodge chance or a bonus to their Armor All potentially very good bonuses and thanks to the fact that each of these bonuses is calculated a little bit differently off of different stats intellect agility or toughness you can pick one that kind of leans into what you want that character to do which can make them I would say fairly adaptable to just about any situation perhaps unsurprisingly the talents available to a Forge World character revolve around weaponry and armor and taking any one of these as you leveled up could potentially give you bonuses to your damage in combat with specific weapon types via Pinnacle of Weaponry extra movement and deflection while running in heavy armor as well as extra chance to hit and Dodge reduction to enemies when they get hit via Persistence of the forge so because of that I think Forge World makes a really great versatile home World option because it can lean into a lot of different things depending on which talents you do or don't want to take but they also get a really strong bit of feature selection however in terms terms of being an all-arounder imperial world is probably your best bet and this is thanks to the fact that they don't get bonuses or detriments to anything mandatory however their feature Humanity's finest allows them to take a plus 10 bonus in whatever characteristic you want which means you can get a substantial bonus to exactly the characteristic you want without having to take a detriment at all and then you combine that with their talents which are all about promoting the Imperium of man as you might suspect which can grant you bonuses to other human allies as well as other people from Imperial worlds so basically if you don't know what to pick Imperial world I would say is kind of like the default option simply because of how versatile the bonuses can be so personally depending on what I wanted to do I would alternate between Imperial or Forge World in most cases with all the other worlds kind of changing or depending on specific things I might want to build a character for but just like generally speaking these two would be what you would pick that does however leave us us with the last one which is Fortress worlds basically military worlds that train constantly from the day they are born to whenever the end is to be ready to defend the Imperium of man which makes it perhaps a little interesting that they take a hit to their fellowship or their camaraderie stat so to speak but they do get bonuses to perception and willpower their feature never stops shooting allows them to on killing enemies Grant a percent chance to give them extra attacks in combat which can be a pretty good feature to be sure alongside with their potential Talent pickups giving them bonuses to ballistic skill which is your ranged Weaponry perception and willpower in combat via combat addict alongside a few different talents that buff their never stop shooting feature to be more effective but also via something like spare magazine they could also reload in combat for the cheap but unless you're using a low capacity magazine that doesn't come up a ton exactly but after you pick your home World giving you those base bonuses the next thing you pick is your origin which is one of I would say the two biggest choices you're going to make in character creation which are origin and archetype origin is what your job was before you became the Rogue Trader and then your archetype is more like a class so naturally origin is an especially important choice because of the roleplay implications at the same time depending on your choices here it can have some pretty interesting effects on both what you're able to do as well as your Triumph and Darkest Hour as those are based on your origin but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves and go through these Origins one by one starting with the Astra militum Commander that is to say the Imperial Guard right away they're going to get regimental tactics which is an ability they can use which is the case for most the features for these that allows others to deal additional damage to enemies adjacent to the commander and their allies but you can only use this once per combat but it is a pretty strong ability they also get bonuses to ranged Weaponry perception Medical and Athletics now after character creation when they're leveling up they also get an option to increase their perception and meday on top of picking a few unique talents now like most of the origins the talents usually buff their ability in some way so the AST militarum Commander gets several potential talents they could pick up that affect their regimental tactics ability as you can see so these are bonuses you could get to potentially make that ability even stronger next up we have the the commissars or the officers basically of the Astra militarum they get bonuses to weapon skill which is to say melee weapons Fellowship Athletics or coercion basically reflecting their job as an officer their feature is at all costs which gives their next single shot or single Target melee attack the ability to mark an enemy Target which can reward action points and movement points to the Ally who kills it or if you hit an ally with it they will just gain an extra bit of action point and movement points on their next round again can only use this once per combat and you cannot use it on yourself which means the commissar makes a great choice for an archetype we're going to talk about all about buffing your companions with extra turns now later on when they're leveling up they can get an extra bonus to their fellowship or coercion on top of again bonuses to their at all cost ability as well as allies that are adjacent to them next up we have the crime Lord pretty self-explanatory origin on that one they get bonuses to their weapon skill that is to say melee weapons perception awareness and logic and we will cover these characteristics a little later by the way but their ability is Surefire plan when they start combat they get a bonus from their intelligence via stacks of Surefire plan activating that ability consume Stacks one at a time to make their next action stronger based on what that action is for instance for an attack that could deal more damage if they move they could get more Dodge and Parry chance until their next turn or they could even debuff enemies now unlike the others this can be used more than once you can use this multiple times per turn even but once you're out of the stacks of Surefire plan they're just out and this can be a slightly more active way to play a character so to speak due to the various ways you can use that ability now as they level up they can get a bonus to their perception and awareness and their talents they could pick up as they level up can actually give them extra stacks of Surefire plan such as through killing plan which can restore stacks of it mid combat and then the other talents typically just buff the bonuses from that ability now all in all I would say that makes Crim Lord a pretty verstile origin just because Surefire plan can be used in a variety of ways that you can adapt to your situation so as is probably intended Crim Lord is a very adaptable origin for just about any archetype which then brings us to the ministorum priest the ecclesiarchy if you will which naturally see to the religious needs of the Imperium and they get bonuses to lore medical willpower and toughness but their warh him ability is a really great support ability once per combat they can give a potentially huge bonus to your momentum which will make a little more sense when I talk about combat but this ability can effectively allow you to activate a sort of ultimate ability on a character much sooner and you can increase how much momentum you gain from warh him based on the amount of enemies already around you or the amount of times you've hit enemies as well so basically you can use warh him to potentially get those big ultimate abilities much faster if you use it correctly one of our companions has this by default which is arenta now as they level up they can pick up willpower and Imperium and unsurprisingly their talents buff warh him in some way for instance Litany of hatred causes the priest and the Allies within the warh him radius to gain extra damage on their single Target hits and attacks of opportunity for the next round so that could also be really great as well they do get a couple other abilities that grant them extra damage to demons and psychers however and while a little bit Niche could potentially find some use in certain areas to be sure though one of their cooler talents is actually the emperor protects which gives them a percentage chance based on their willpower to just flat out ignore an enemy attack and if you find ways to buff and really max out your willpower stat that could actually get a lot of use but ultimately the priest origin is I would say a little more suited to General support thanks to war him but then we have our Navy officer people in charge of the various void ship fleets out there they get bonuses to agility Fellowship Commerce and demolition their ability is brace for impact which allows them for one round in a three cell radius around the officer to Grant your allies deflection which is a flat damage reduction and this increases based on the archetypes that you've taken with a potential three being allowed which could bring this at Max so to speak speak up to a plus six that is to say just reducing all damage by six for a round so decent but definitely defensive in nature which makes it I would say suited for the Vanguard archetype which is a defense oriented archetype now as they level up they could get bonuses to agility and demolition but their talents as you might have guessed are all about buffing up brace for impact with pretty much all of them just granting extra bonuses on top of the abilities such as extra movement points to get out of away from people pushing enemies back from your characters and reducing damage they take from like attacks of opportunity which again just makes it a really good defensive option for An Origin now next up we have the noble I don't think anybody needs the concept of nobility explained to them but Nobles of the Imperium exist and that's what this origin is all about though as a rogue traitor you kind of become a sort of noble regardless but as such they get bonuses to their intelligence coercion persuasion and fellowship another great option option for a character that's all about talking their way out of problems potentially their ability is you serve me they get to designate an ally as their servant anytime their abilities affect that servant that servant gains a bonus to all of their characteristics until the Noble's next turn the servant also gets extra crit chance on any Target that the noble is also hitting so once per combat you can effectively assign this to someone now as they level up they get extra bonuses to fellowship and persuasion and their potential Talent Picks Grant extra bonuses to the servant they assign every round such as giving it extra movement points extra action points pretty much what you'd expect but that brings us to what is hands down the most interesting as far as the origin characters which is the sanctioned pyer and I say that because sanctioned pyer has so many different options available to it that it might as well basically be its own archetype but that wouldn't really work for the way the lore of Warhammer 40K works so it is an origin sanctioned psychers are people with tremendous psychic ability which normally gives them the potential for being corrupted by demons and causing potentially planet-wide problems of Destruction some of those psychers who are normally killed are selected to become sanctioned psychers they undergo rituals to protect them from the dangers and they can use their powers in service to the Imperium of man so as you might have gathered from that description it's not the kind of thing you can just pick up and learn it doesn't work that way which means it has to be an origin thanks to the fact that it is an origin it's like an entirely separate class on top of your class they get bonuses to toughness willpower lore warp and carouse however willpower is their main thing all of their psycher abilities are going to scale off of willpower so willpower is important if you want to make effective use of them now feature-wise we need to talk about s rating but first a sanctioned pyer has a 20% reduced chance to trigger psychic phenomenon because people who use their powers in combat can potentially cause extra problems if they use enough of it by causing a veil tear which invites demons and things to join the battle which adds a chaotic element to your pyer powers if you are using them wantonly but then we have our s rating basically as your character levels up at certain points they will have the option to pick their talents and at certain levels they can increase their s rating which affects both the access to the psychic powers they have as well as the strength of the Powers themselves so basically as your character levels up if you want their pyer powers to be useful you need to increase their sigh rating however exactly what type of psychic powers you have is also Up For Debate because there's five different types of sanctioned pyer biomancer dier pyromancer santic and telepath these feed into different archetypes with varying levels of efficiency biomancer is great for melee oriented characters thanks to their iron armor ability which grants them extra strength and toughness in until the end of combat which in combination with a melee weapon which gets extra bonus damage from that strength bonus can make them really strong opponents in melee they also get an ability called biophysical Distortion if you pick it up that allows every attack they make to poison the enemy and deal damage every turn alongside a variety of other abilities and what's more is while this is what is available at character creation as you level up there's actually more stuff that will become available such as abilities based on your s rating that can further augment what your psychers available to do so the biomancer can get a healing ability it can get an ability that weakens and debuffs enemies as an example and while I simply don't have enough time to go over every single possible option for a psycher basically you want to make sure that the type of psycher you make is going to line up with the archetype you want because your archetype is almost certainly going to use a different stat than willpower which means the tradeoff for being a psycher which is really powerful or can be is that you actually have a little bit of split stat spread now required alongside needing to pick up talents to maintain those pyer abilities so whereas a lot of the other Origins complement archetypes just at a pretty base level psychers require more thought and knowledge of what you're trying to do specifically in order to be really effective but the other types of sanctioned psycher can also be pretty useful starting with the divver we get one of these as a companion if you want them adira and they're all about I would say mostly buff abilities they can increase the abilities of just various allies and things as you go so while they get less directly usable abilities they can make great support psychers pyromancer is pretty straightforward it is the ability to throw fire very damage oriented one obviously but probably worth a mention that a lot of their abilities also apply things like burning armor reduction on enemies and things like that so if you're wanting to be a psycher who just throws out damage as much as possible pyromancer is kind of the way to go and then there is santic psychers these are people with a connection to the Emperor or The Golden Throne more specifically and this one is a combination of Buffs and attacks many of their abilities buff other allies on your team including psychers as well which can give you things like momentum bonuses extra damage so this one is an interesting blend of direct damage and buffing your team but then we have telepath telepath is all about psychic powers they get an ability to shriek at their enemies which is kind of a long range psycher based damage ability that is potentially based on your stats a very strong hit and later on when they're leveling up they can get access to the pain channeling Talent which allows them to deal extra damage to surrounding enemies based on how much they overkilled the target which can be a really cool one and they're also pretty good at debuffing enemies as well so where the santic is about buffing and damage the telepath is about debuffing and damage if that makes sense now if all of that wasn't enough for you you can actually mix and match your sanction psycher a little bit as you level up it is possible to pick up the other disciplines of pyer for instance adira actually has telepath and divver and if you're playing a psycher you can also do this but again you have to balance picking up those versus picking up abilities and things for your actual archetype which we're about to get to now that brings us to Triumph and Darkest Hour these are both a selection of three choices that detail your past glories or failures this is based on the origin you pick meaning that you'll get three unique choices for both of these options unique to each origin and these form the basic background of your character while also having other potential effects as well but effectively these are role playing choices now that brings us to our archetypes these are effectively your class they work in combination with your home world and origin to make the bulk of what your character is good at you can see here that they are divided into three tiers which are effectively basic Advanced and Exemplar your build if you will is defined by the first and second tier with the Exemplar being a sort of final progression track that allows you to pick and choose abilities from your previous two archetypes to allow you to advance them further so the Exemplar archetype at the end is like being an Exemplar of the previous classes you have picked now right here at character creation you're just going to pick your level one archetype and you can see by mousing over it which Advanced archetype will be available to you later so this choice is important as you cannot mix and match freely but rather each starting archetype has a choice of three of the advanced archetypes when they hit level 16 which might sound like a ways into the game but that is effectively once you leave the First Act of the game you'll then be able to pick your Advanced archetype but I want to go over and explain all of these to some degree though most of them are pretty self-explanatory Warrior is all about melee attacks on top of movement Dodge and soaking up damage via things like endure basically if you want to play a melee oriented character Warrior is the archetype that you want next up we'll talk about the operative the operative is all about tearing down the defenses of your enemies they get abilities that apply the status condition called exploit which allows them to deal extra damage to enemies and then a few levels in they get exposed weakness which allows them to remove exploit Stacks to reduce the enemy's defenses that's kind of the core of what they do so realistically you probably want at least one operative on your team just so you can have someone who can tear the defenses off of say a boss then we have Marksman this is basically your ranged option if you want to use Guns flamers Etc Marksman is what you want they get all sorts of bonuses to their ballistic skill which is their range Weaponry they get the runand gun skill which allows them to attack activate run and Gun and then move and attack again and their ultimate ability military Excellence or their heroic Act is honestly one of the stronger ones because it allows you to make multiple ranged attacks and if you have a really high chance to hit it can just be absolutely devastating which is why our adepta soras companion arenta who uses this archetype is one of the better damage dealers of the game because they don't have to worry about closing distance Like a Warrior does now there is a more I would say interesting final option and that is the officer the officer is all about granting your party extra turns as well as buffing them this can combine really really well with things like the commissar origin to give you some really impactful ways to provide serious bonuses to your allies which include just straight up giving them extra turns their ability bring it down allows them to make extra attacks without giving them any extra movement points and then their heroic ability finest hour just gives them a full extra turn and that combined with their voice of command ability which can be buffed up to give all sorts of bonuses to a specific Target which is then further increased by the other abilities that the officer is going to get makes them a really Natural Choice for a leader type character you don't necessarily need to play this on your Rogue Trader by any means but you probably want one or two officers on your team just so you can give your damage dealers just maximum amounts of damage per turn because your leaders get to make an attack and then also Grant extra turns to your allies which can just about double your effective combat potential so while it's a little more advanced in terms of play style officer is incredible but I do want to talk a little bit about the advanced archetypes here as well and just kind of explain what they're all about so you kind of get a gist for what they're good at now assassin's pretty straightforward it's all about targeting and dispatching enemies this doesn't necessarily need to be in melee specifically but it is a little better if you are but assassin's going to allow you to make openings on enemies which means if you hit them from a specific side or Square you'll deal extra damage they also get extra attacks such as the dispatch ability which deals a bunch of extra damage so while they don't have a lot of defensive options they can really tear enemies apart damage wise and then we have Vanguard vanguard's your tank option they get the unyielding Beacon ability which gives them stacks of unyielding Beacon which can lead to temporary health that they can stack up they get abilities like unyielding guard which allows them to attack nearby enemies trying to attack your allies but basically if you want a tank you want a Vanguard now then we have Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter is all about marking enemies with hunt down the prey and then upon killing those enemies you'll get specific bonuses based on how strong that enemy was this is effectively like the ranged version of assassin where you can Mark enemies and get extra abilities such as call the bold that give them all sorts of ways to just at range really tear apart enemies then we have Master tactician this one is interesting basically as you gain momentum in combat you'll gain stacks of tactical Advantage you can then spend those stacks of tactical advantage on things like press the advantage which just gives you extra damage for every stack you consume and later on you even get abilities like Inspire that allow you to Target your allies and give them the bonuses of your Tactical Advantage so this feeds pretty naturally for something like officer to allow you to have other ways of buffing your allies with extra damage or even yourself to make sure you're really hitting as hard as possible now Grand strategist I would say is probably the most difficult of the advanced archetypes to play but it is very interesting they get access to the combat tactics ability which allows them to mark three specific areas of the battlefield as Frontline backline and rear basically areas on a grid that you designate will be the areas of the battlefield that then gain specific bonuses based on who is in those marked areas and then later on they get abilities that debu buff enemies and then buff your allies within those zones of control so while Grand strategist can be a little tricky to play as you have to focus on moving those areas and adjusting them as needed in the middle of combat if you can get it all sorted out it can be an effective way to buff and organize your team but again it does require a bit more management so to speak than the other archetypes might lastly we have the arch militant this is your sort of all-arounder their big ability is called right tool for the job which allows them to alternate different types of attacks including like single Target versus melee types of the same weapon to gain stacks of right tool for the job and when they do this they'll gain extra bonuses to their weapon and Ballistic skill alongside extra damage when they have enough stacks and then they also get several abilities that interact and play with those stacks and also give them Battlefield control as well so that combined with some Buffs they can give themselves is what makes Arch militant I would say a great allaround a damage dealer if you don't necessarily want to specialize in like Melee a range damage and you kind of want to do a little bit of everything Arch militant can be a great option for that which covers the basics of what to expect from every single archetype available to us but remember you can combine your base archetype with potentially three different Advanced archetypes to make something that plays a little bit unique for instance the officer that is to say the archetype focused on giving people extra turns and everything can be a master tactician a grand strategist or a Vanguard which can lead to different ways to play it but that finally brings us to our characteristics which I've been referencing throughout this video and simply put these are your ability scores they determine your effectiveness at all sorts of other things they also affect secondary skills which you can see on the right here with their governing attribute such as strength perception toughness Etc now weapon skill and Ballistic skill are pretty straightforward that's how good you are with either melee or range Weaponry more specifically though it tends to be your chance to hit with those things so for instance a high weapon skill allows you to increase your Parry chance while reducing the enemy's Parry chance and their ability to dodge against your melee attacks it also increases your chance at a critical hit with those weapons which is a very similar case for ballistic skill but for ranged but then we have other stats strength is pretty straightforward this gives us extra damage with melee weapons and it also affects your Athletics skill how physically strong you are toughness determines how easily you get hurt in combat in combat we can gain injuries which can then lead to traumas which is how the game can potentially lead you into failure because you normally heal after combat but you will keep injuries and traumas toughness can prevent those from popping up it also affects your chance to resist negative physical effects your overall amount of HP and the carouse skill carouse is basically your ability to handle negative substances let's say such as alcohol next next up is agility this is your analog for dexterity more or less this increases your character's initiative which is to say how fast they move in the turn order as this is a turn-based game it also increases their Dodge chance and their ability to reduce the Dodge chance of enemies it also affects the demolition skill which is naturally explosives and things then we have intelligence obviously a measure of someone's intelligence this affects your lore skills logic meday and Tech use outside of abilities that specifically mention Intelligence being their stat this affects the most amount of the secondary skills as you can see on screen here from all those highlights then we have perception this affects your awareness skill which makes you more likely to notice hidden things in the environment on top of reducing enemies Dodge chance against you while not explicitly required for many builds you probably want someone with high awareness just so you can spot the hidden items and goods in a particular map so someone having high perception is great willpower is all about your or psychers psychers need willpower more than anyone else because while having a high willpower can reduce your chance of getting negative Mental effects placed on you it also increases the effect of psychic powers which means this is mostly a psycher stat as most others won't really need it but then we have Fellowship Fellowship is your ability to talk your way out of situations or Chum it up with people it's effectively Charisma important for a few different archetypes but it also affects your ability to persuade people either through financial intimidation or persuasion options now at character creation we have 30 points to put into these skills but they only increase in increments of five which means you can put 10 extra points into three skills if you want and these little tick marks next to each skill represent the number of times you've added to them these only increase in increments of five even in character creation or even when you're leveling up later some items will add an odd amount but everything is mostly dealt with an increments of five so you decide which of these skills you want your character to get bonuses to based on what you want them to be good at and then we are almost finally done with character creation with the last choice being all about picking your starting void ship as a rogue Trader will be traveling the expanses of space and you can pick what you want your starting ship to look like you will be able to customize like weaponry and upgrade holes and shields later so I wouldn't really worry about the stat side of this this is mostly just a cosmetic choice and you can also Nam said ship and then before you start the game you'll get a summary of all your different choices so I hope you enjoyed that look at character creation and a breakdown of what some of these choices are and what they mean I will be following this up with a guide to things like combat Etc so you can see some of this stuff in a more action oriented setting but at some point once I've got all these guides done and made I'll likely combine them all together in a sort of new players guide so they're in one place but I hope this helped you get an idea of what was available in character creation for this game what some of your options were and how those options actually affect the game playay so with all of that said thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing [Music] day
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 221,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, rogue trader, rogue trader trailer, rogue trader 40k, rogue trader beta, rogue trader alpha, rogue trader character creation, rogue trader gameplay, rogue trader review, wh40k rogue trader, wh40k rogue trader gameplay, wh40k rogue trader beta, wh40k rogue trader beta gameplay, wh40k rogue trader beta details, wh40k rogue trader companions, wh40k rogue trader romance, wh40k rogue trader game, wh40k rogue trader rpg, wh40k rogue trader owlcat
Id: GU7YeCqpdLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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