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hey everyone Repose here uh it's been a while since I uploaded and there's been a lot of changes to the game there's a big patch recently with some uh large balance changes the last hot fix and since I haven't uploaded in a while I figured I would make sort of like a rogue God Zer to Hero Style video um so I'm gonna be playing for like two hours with minimal editing between stuff and I'm just going to show you guys like how to get what now is good gear on Rogue and kind of how to play on this patch um Rogue is definitely in one of the weaker spots but I think it's still playable you just have to play differently than you were in the past so first thing I'm going to do is kind of go over all the perks I've never actually went through all the perks and skills like all at once so I think I'm going to do that now so first of all krops I'll go through skills and then perks cuz the perks are like TI in with some of the skills cops is okay um if you're solo it's okay in a team it's like never useful to be honest but the problem is it doesn't have enough charges you only get four charges of it and yeah for solo it's like decent for running away but you probably just want smoke P so I never run k trops Cutthroat is pretty good I haven't tested it that much it's pretty good when you get on like a cleric or a wizard or a warlock it's I mean it's still useful against like Barbarian and fighter because they have abilities they can't use but in general I don't really use Cutthroat cuz I feel like Rogue kind of needs more damage at the moment but it is pretty useful you definitely can run it if you like it for Hyde I always play Rogue with Hyde I only play with Hyde you can play without it but at a certain point it's like why not play another class if you're not running high this is kind of like the Rogue skill you could run um no hide and then go invis Parts but it's not as good because then you can't use stealth which is kind of you if you're running hide you basically need stealth it's like the best perk in the game for rogue pretty much if you have hide so I will be taking that uh next rupture is also what I'm running right now I'm a big rupture fan it's really nice because the cool down is so short that you can uh use throwing knives you can kind of get like poke damage with it in a fight you can often times get like two or three ruptures in a fight which is pretty good and yeah I'm a rupture fan uh it does it deals physical damage some people think that it's like magic damage but no it's physical and it does scale actually you can increase your rupture damage by getting like uh additional physical damage which is pretty good so yeah rupture and hide are going to be my skills so smoke pot is not bad honestly it seems like a joke skill but it's really not bad like you can run it especially solo it's okay if you're trying to avoid fights for like 3v3 like team fights though it's not that good I'm sure you could like get up to some kind of shenanigans with it but especially with weapon damage being pretty much removed from the game at this point I feel like you need as much damage as you can get and that's what rupture gives you so tumble uh is kind of a meme I've seen it be useful sometimes the problem is right now with like the current items you kind of want to Stack move speed and you want to be really fast and when you're already moving quick tumble kind of just slows you down like I'm pretty sure when you're above like 320 move speed with your weapon sheath it's faster to just turn around and hold W than to like tumble backward because it locks you in the animation so it's I could be wrong on that it just doesn't seem like tumble is that good I don't know um I'm sorry to all the tumble fans out there uh next weak point weak point is good it's definitely good for like an Allin the only problem is I think Rogue isn't like that good of like an all-in class at the moment um like the targets you want to use those against are people with high armor so like cleric fighter Bard and Barbarian sometimes but like fighter you're you if you weak point him and you're going all in you're probably going to lose anyway like it's not going to be enough cleric doesn't really even do much because they have protection from Evil L of time it doesn't last that long and then also you'd rather just have like Cutthroat if you're taking it for clerics and yeah just in general weak point is just kind of weak after they've nered it so many times I think rupture gets more value most of the time as long as you bring throwing knives or even like a hand crossbow which I wouldn't recommend but yeah I think weak point is kind of just outshined by rupture right now uh for perks Ambush I'm going to run Ambush is really good it's always been one of the best rogue perks back attack I will also run for a while I wasn't using it I kind of liked other like utility options but yeah where Rogue is right now you need as much damage as you can get so think I would definitely recommend back attck creep is is okay I don't run it but if you're playing solo and you're really being sneaky like it's decent I just yeah I wouldn't use it if you're actually trying to kill people some people might say like oh you it helps you like sneak up and get in range for some stabs but I if you're against like actual players that have headphones and they're like listening it it doesn't really matter like you're not going to walk right up behind someone with creep or Crouch up right up behind them don't use that dagger Mastery is actually pretty good if daggers weren't the worst class of weapon in the entire game right now they are just terrible um so yeah if daggers get buffed maybe this will be good double jump I always run I think double jump some people think it's like a utility only perk but being able to jump above a lot of classes and like a One V one and then they only get hits on like your feet legs and like limbs while you can head shot them is actually really good so I I will never play Rogue without double jump unless the perk is just nerfed into Oblivion cuz I mean it's just so fun and it gives you so much outplay potential I think you need double jump after that hand crossbow Mastery uh hand cross have been Nerf just too much you can run it with like poison it's like okay but yeah they they just nerfed hand crossbow so much that like even without this perk I don't know if I would use them that's how bad there so GG hidden pockets is the worst perk in the entire game never use this ever it's it all it does is like teach you bad habits which is not taking glowal items off your belt never take this ever uh hide Mastery is okay I don't recommend it I think you need other perks if some of the Rogue perks like combined so we could fit more perks in this might be usable but there's just not enough slot in my opinion same with jokester to be honest I actually like jokester a lot but I think right now you need back attack and there's not like a world where you can fit jokester and back attack into your perks unless you don't run hide um which I think you should but yeah lockpick Mastery is pretty good actually I might end up swapping back attack out for lockpick Mastery depending on how things are going cuz at the start when I have no gear on a rogue I'm going to be avoiding fights anyway so it's not bad there's a lot of lock chest and you can you can get a lot of decent items and even though it's only a utility perk if you have nothing it's almost like a perk that gives you damage because you have higher chances of finding like good weapons and armor that will end up giving you damage so that's like a reason why it you know it could be actually really good um pickpocket is kind of a meme obviously but not breaking your hide when you get bumped is actually like pretty nice it's just you can't run this perk only for that it's not worth it poison weapon um people get mad at me when I talk about poison weapon because I am a poison weapon hater the thing is most classes that are good right now have high will or a lot of them you run into a lot of Barbarians clerics even like BS and the debuff D makes it so the poison doesn't even get the full amount of damage then also you need to build like 15 W for this to even do the amount of damage it says it's going to do and then on top of that it only has half scaling with magic damage so like why would there's not really a reason to take this over just stacking physical damage because you get the full effect from that meanwhile with this you only get like half effect it's not bad and it's pretty nice when you're on a base kit Rogue I just am not a fan of poison weapon I will say it's pretty nice that you can use it with throwing knives and even if you get like limb shots or you get fall off damage based on the distance the poison won't get reduced damage from those things so it's definitely not bad you can you can run this for sure if you are a fan I just don't really use it um Shadow Runner is pretty bad you just can't fit it in uh before the move speed cap it was pretty good actually in my opinion especially if you play with a wizard they could just they Enis you you get Shadow Runner after moving at 1,000 mph is pretty nice I think they need to buff this to like 5 Seconds out of hide and then it would be a lot better and I still don't know if I would use it but at least it would be better stealth is going to be my last perk let you take 10 steps it's really really really good uh yeah if you run High you need stealth like you just have to take it pretty much and for anyone who doesn't know it's better to walk in stealth rather than crouching you get more distance uh you're probably a little bit louder but it doesn't really matter thrust is pretty bad because it only works with daggers which are as I said earlier just completely terrible please buff them iron M they are awful and it works with throwing knives actually too which is like okay but yeah it's uh just you can't run it because the good weapons don't benefit from it like thrust doesn't work with Rapier and short sword so it doesn't say it on the description here but yeah it's in game doesn't work with the Raper shortsword so GG trap detection if you're brand new to the game and you're just trying to get some loot it's actually like decent but once you've played enough I mean you should eventually learn where the traps are and yeah this just does nothing to be honest at that point but if you're new it's it's honestly not bad just to kind of learn where stuff is at but yeah so I'm running Ambush but I attack double jump stealth rupture and hide for now with the base kit I'm going to start this character I'm level 20 already because this swipe they didn't wipe levels but if I made a guide anyway I would be level 20 like getting the XP is not really a challenge yeah if you die it doesn't really matter so like you just play the game enough you'll get to level 15 get all your perks and yeah it doesn't take long anyway if you uh go normal Crips and then you go to H every game you can get to level 15 in three games like pretty easily if you just kill the mobs in a hollow efficiently um so it's like three to four games it's yeah I would do it but this wayp they didn't wipe levels so this is kind of just a guide for when you have everything at your disposal Rogue without perks is really bad and Rogue without gear is really bad so starting with no Pricks and no gear GG so we're going to have our perks first thing is I just sell the gray Caston I'm a Caston hater it has too slow of attack speed it's just I just the pattern is bad the only good thing is the third hit damage but I'd rather just use the base rondle and normally before I would drop my armor Just For Speed but now it's kind of bad to have no armor because you can like look at my PDR is 9% with nothing it's negative - 22 so I could just remove the lugs but 6% PDR is not bad and yeah I'm just going to get into it so I always start in the goblin caves game one of Rogue when you have nothing you just don't want to fight anyone like you just Loot and run because Base Kit Rogue is probably the weakest class in the game you can't really do anything so I'm going to go in here I'm going to loot some stuff I'm going to avoid that Barbarian with the cap that looks kind of evil and try to get out I don't even need much gold you just need enough to buy rap here basically and you're good the M out for weapons on Rogue is shortsword in one hand and then Rapier Lantern in the other and yeah that's I'm not a huge short sword fan but it is just better than every dagger and it's not even close so you pretty much just got to run it if you're trying to deal damage put that down there so we got this map I pretty much got like one of the worst spawns in the whole game but all good all good it's normal gin cave so no matter how bad this spawn it should be [Applause] okay okay and yeah I haven't really uploaded many videos I kind of been just having fun grinding the game I really haven't had time to like edit and I don't want to upload like just lowquality random games for the most part doesn't really interest me but I don't know maybe I should with all the changes though I think it was time for sort of like a rogue God I mean I think at this point I have easily over a th000 hours on Rogue across Early Access and like all the play test pretty much the only thing I play besides wizard I have a decent amount of hours on wizard now I think especially for like High Roller um 3v3 like playing Rogue is really really hard right now especially if you don't have like insane gear which at this early in the wipe I don't have I think if everyone on your team is really good they know how to play with the Rogue like it can work but it's just rough and like any other class will get more value with like less effort or 3v3 yeah I've just been uh grinding the game since came out I got rank one in Rogue on all the leaderboards except maybe the last one they uh I don't want to get too much into it but the new leader wood system was pretty bad and basically it rewarded you for not playing the game so the the Str that everyone was was planning is that you would just make new characters and get a good 19 out of 20 games so you don't get any Decay games until the last day you play your last game you Place High GG and I wasn't planning on doing that but a buddy of mine must the dove like day one they said cuz it seemed like it was a glaring issue they they were like yo are you going to be able to just wait until the last day like are is there retroactive Decay and they said like no that's not a thing so when that was confirmed I kind of was like okay I'll just stop playing my man I'll just play on the alts and then yeah last day last 30 minutes of the leaderboard they announced that they actually would add the Decay at the end so bit of a tragedy cuz this was the character that was 6.2 kill rate on and then last day I just got lowered from 6.2 to like 3.9 or whatever it's at now a bit of a tragedy had I known that they would do that I would have just played on the main more I think it would have been pretty easy rank one but you know it's all good might sound like copium we do get a ro rap here which is pretty nice I actually could fight people now normally I just kill stuff and then try to extract the first run to get the white Rapier or you know Green rap here in the shop but just find one it's pretty nice and I got hit by a skeleton I kind of want to top my health off cuz I only have 89 Max I'm already missing some just sit down here and chill I will say this new pouch has been kind of rough for Rogues but I do like the stocking heals they stack back up to three pretty nice change before I would just have to fill like half my inventory with heals and it was just annoying it wasn't even like they could prevent you from having a lot of heals it just became annoying to have that manyy but when you're geared it was still worth having just half your inventory locked up in heals oh enemy okay it's a fighter and I have no gear it's probably not worth fighting this guy but he might actually be [Music] low kind of a waste can't really all in a fighter with nothing if I had more knives maybe I could Kut him but I probably should just cut my knives I started to think maybe he was low since he immediately started taking the portal but it's all good we get some loose trousers so I think a lot of people don't actually know what the move is now for rogue in terms of gear wait let me hold that thought we're good hit him with the rupture okay I think he just died yeah a skeleton archer me just grab this just to top my health off and I don't know if he's the guy that looted this room but usually when this room's full looted they have a lot of treasure I'm definely going to have to go back and check his body yeah I was going to talk about so the big stat changes they did I think it's fine I just think Rogue needs some love buff the dagers buff the perks a little bit and I think that game might actually be easier to balance with weapon damage down I mean it's basically removed the most you can get right now is plus four weapon damage um if you get two on like a lantern and a Rapier like you can get two on a one head weapon so but that's the only thing take these um thought I just heard someone above me I don't know up the light foots out and move speed is more vital than Aon Rogue you really got to like play fights in and out like all inning at this point is only works on other very squishy classes like Wizard and other Rogues like Ranger and since the m is is and has been a cleric Barbarian like bar like that for a while it's pretty hard to play unless you're very fast um might just take the blue got the Rapier got a couple things definitely a decent first run to get started I wonder if the champ has been dropped yet I don't think he has it's probably worth saying for this guy let me open this portal in case my other one gets oh hold up he's angry this portal actually is kind of griefing me because you can safe spot this guy the health Shrine need to like move him around kind of okay nothing I I will take these just to sell cuz I'm probably about to leave which I might as well just grab everything at this point get the I hear an angry Barbarian see what's going on with this guy throwing axes at someone um yeah that guy looks bit scary I don't think I want to fight him just had out with the decent first run here and yep let me sell this stuff make sure you grab the lanterns they sell for the no all already got 130 gold see if we can get a better Raper no it's all good though and yeah so usually my first round I'll go galin caves just to get a little bit of gold all I really care about is getting a rap here and now that I have that my next strategy for if you're trying to build up a rogue is I invest everything some people just hang on to their gear and they don't really bring it out until they have a full set but that's not the way I play I don't know if I would recommend this for everyone but like right now I have 100 gold what I'll do go to the Rogues done Trading Post and just wait here for a sec see if there's like any quick upgrade I can grab for like 50 gold so it's like this plus oh wa I don't have enough for that I'm trolling so that was 50 and yeah like you can just kind of Camp here for a minute I hate trading so I try to not sit here for like too long but um to make it easy bust Rog item in the game Shadow mask just filter by that then try to find one with like anything decent on it health is okay I prefer like a because I need more speed but oh oh wait that one's only plus one all oh wait I can't even all right here's what I'll do cuz I can't afford it otherwise I give him 99 boom now we got a mask which is actually giving me seven move speed cuz I gained two and I'm not losing five which is like pretty massive so if you're going to buy something like first upgrade just get a green Shadow mask with two all and then like any other set is fine and yeah now that I have that let me take the potions off my hot bar and now I'm going to go Crips normal so once you have a raper you have like one or two pieces of gear you can go down to Inferno in normal Crips and then you can start farming some like decent money even if you run into another team on the Rogue without the portals are spread out now you can easily like find a red on the first floor and then get a blue on the second as long as you're sneaky and yeah so with the recent patch now that weapon damage is only on weapons I think Rog stat priority is you want to get you can get additional physical damage still which isn't as good as weapon damage but it's still good you get that on your rings necklace and glove so you can get two on gloves two on ring each ring and then three on your necklace which is nine additional damage it's not too bad and that's usually the first upgrades you're going to want to get if you're building a kit once you have that plus n damage and then you get like a Rapier that's decent with like 25 damage like a green one with plus two weapon you're actually in a decent spot just loot this yeah once I get some gold going get the rings with damage you wait actually I forgot you can get a cloak with two damage as well it's going to be harder to buy that than everything else though cuz cloaks are less common especially with the recent loot changes um I don't think I found a single cloak in normals but I found a decent amount High Roller it's just you really need to go high roller now for decent loot go ahead and loot all this get some gloves going I can draw my tunic now that I have enough [Applause] armor as much move speed as possible we're already moving at 322 which isn't bad okay and overall I don't think the pouch is actually that bad I think a lot of people are giving their opinions on the game or not cuz as everyone can see the player base is dropping quite a bit I will say though I think it doesn't surprise me if this patch the player base is kind of low because they announced another WI is going to be in like 2 weeks basically and yeah I think actually removing weapon damage isn't that bad I just think Rogue needs some Buffs in other spots and I think they really need to do something about this Barbarian buff ball meta that's been going on for ever now it didn't seem like it was as big of a problem before but now like you queue up for high roller any server and the Lobby like the thre Man team that's going to be winning the lobby is going to be buff ball 99% of the time so it's going to be Barbarian cleric Wizard or Barbarian cleric Bard some variation of that where they're just they just throw everything on them and then he just run them and there's always going to be a top comp but it's just a little bit annoying when the most broken comp is also like the easiest to play you just put everything on one guy and he just runs in and holds left Mouse button speaking of Barbarians where's this guy going he could be no he is not solo yeah that's not a fight that I'm going to take run over here let's see oh if those were both unlocked I'd be so lucky sorry we just keep moving so with Rogue right now you really got to pick your fights carefully cuz speed is pretty much your greatest asset there's 0% chance I'm just going to run into a barbarian cleric yeah even though I don't think this pouch was great like I was hoping for some other changes I still have hoped for the game and has so much potential and I still have fun playing it I just think a few things need to be changed and it'll be in a great spot there's been a lot of like Doomer mentality around the game how it's people are saying it's dying how the doves don't know what they're doing like stuff like that and I don't completely agree with what everyone's saying I do wish like they flip-flopped on this weapon damage thing like four times now just pick a path and then make content that's my opinion on the game patches okay we'll take this Marauder off even though I lose speed cuz it's a decent amount of armor and you you get AG at least which is pretty good okay we're getting half we're like halfway in only two people D that means we're probably going to start seeing a lot more people as the circle closes here one below me yeah I might be able to pick one off if they split up actually the bar Bard have a has a Regal though which is means he's a bit tanky looks like they're about to fight the Trap though might be a little bit of chaos I can create here or wraith actually I still don't think they've realized that I'm here y got hit by The Wraith if he gets hit again I'm just going to probably send it on this guy okay that was not enough let me Dodge his axe there I think I'm going to have to piece out of here if I killed him I would have tried to probably quick loot him and just run maybe like rings and stuff but I messed up I went a little bit early and I got hit by the bar Trill makes things is really dicey so I am out of there what that shows the power of Rogue right there you kind of just want to get in when there's chaos do what you can and then get out and wait for another opportunity I do feel like with the recent like weapon damage changes I have to play more rogy like I can't really just jump at someone face tank them and just [ __ ] kill them in like three hits I just wish I could use Doggers that's the one change I want please iron m there's still only two people though is could be good could be bad I can get a little third party action on a team that's what I need I'm going to get hit here yeah that's all good he hit me in the limb so I barely took any damage if these guys chase me I might just have to pull the room on [Music] them let's see oh this isn't the people from earlier actually yeah I don't really want to fight this guy hey he's getting mobbed should I take my leave okay there's also people my North is not exactly an optimal situation I think the move is to just go into the bridge room okay is this a solo Ranger okay this looks like a fight I can take that was one Health oh I'm head shot oh [Applause] gosh well the good news is Rangers loot fast so they usually have a decent amount of treasure I think there should be a red static down there yeah so I could probably wait for that to go down I will say my favorite part of the patches these new static portals they added um I'm going to grab his gray short sword [Applause] get the gloves don't think I care about anything oh wait those are actually good T move speed boots hey not bad my main problem is I don't have that many heals and the red portal is open um I don't really want to take too much Zone damage so into the where do I go so I got the setup now which is short sword Rapier Lantern once I equip the lantern uh this is pretty much the bus set up right now on Rogue you can use solato if you get a really good one but in my opinion solato is like the only viable dagger you can run um I still wouldn't recommend it I think short swords better just do way more damage but if you get a really good stiletto it's usable but now the plan is to go down to Hell get couple hundred few hundred gold worth of treasure spend it all on a few upgrades and then go back and once I have like an okay kit going I can drop down to high rer hell and that's where you get the real money we got this spawn this spawns okay there is uh very few people down in that Lobby so there's good odds that someone is going to be down here with me which should be fine as long as I'm sneaky so I'm going to come over here I want to kill the santur but I need to lure the BS before the santur AGR [Applause] me I'm going to try to do that here that bat should come over oh hold on I'll probably end up dropping this for more treasure but keep it for now think I pulled them y so a lot of people are like really scared of the sunar but if you know the pattern he's actually one of the easier mobs to fight so when he does that attack where he goes from top right to bottom left of your screen you just Crouch and move right and his other attack he swings down like that you go left and sometimes he'll combo it with an attack to the right like that and that's pretty much all you need to know about this guy actually very easy to One V one if you have enough space so I'm hearing some noises okay this is not optimal for me probably so if you know there are people near you and you're stillo Rogue turn every light off [Music] looks like someone died to a demon dog that might have been in here I can't I think the other dog is pulled can't really tell actually okay so what I'm going to do Turn All the Lights Off turn this into my domain if someone sees me they won't actually they don't know I'm solo and you have to like play around that kind of they might think twice about just running at me looks like they went through boss room I should be okay I'll just pull this guy for now if they run at me as I'm killing them it won't be good but just going to have to hope that doesn't happen for now I got one p that spawned up there going I keep taking pokes while I look glitch just killed someone think they're fighting the boss actually might be good third party moment right here sadly I just pulled the Archer which isn't good okay before I check boss room oh no think they saw me [Applause] Barb with an invis pot his invis Po's going to last longer than my h i just rupture knife and probably and Kut couple pokes I can play in the doorway cuz he can't hit me wish I landed that knife should be fine though these guys might be scared of the boss so I don't know if they looted their boys do I'm getting a orb I'm out of here oh these guys aren't very happy going to try to kill these me with the ax but this is when you employ one of the bus Rogue strategies pull the entire room of mobs they only got the dog on them but looks like he's getting taking damage from It Anyway goes in the hole I can get a free [Music] Knife and I'm way faster than these guys cuz they don't have a bar or a wizard so can just kite around okay that's fine so if I need one portal I got to remember that there's one in the mid room try to kill this guy before he the cloud kill [Music] me I hear a portal North this is cleared out wait where was definitely heard a portal somewhere oh there's a two teams down here okay this might get a little bit scetchy okay portal just spawn in the middle I keep where are these portals spawning actually keep thinking I heard one but okay this one I heard these guys do not like me very much and pull these two teams on each other though they the other team probably thinks I'm with this other cleric Barbarian so need to be careful I try to judgment me it should be good I can just pull this stuff I don't have hide up yet which is the problem was hoping that would pull to them okay now they're doing with that guy oh it was worth the shot they got the B on them too okay this gives me a second to grab this it's one of them though okay with the he Shrine or not the he shr the production Shrine easy win now I can just loot these guys oh those gloves are pretty good hey the problem is I do want to loot that clar cuz he has a cape there's a lot of mobs which is this B that just reaged onto me okay should be fun I can do maneuver on these lodges that are conveniently placed oh wait no I got wait wait a minute um yeah sadly I'm probably not going to be able to loot the cleric but still pretty good run we'll take those and all in all not too bad it could have definitely been better but some decent loot kind of a good game to show like how important luring mobs are to your advantage once they had the bat and the center on them they just panicked and it was over some more coin pouches and I didn't actually look at these pundants too carefully um yeah like the one I'm wearing I'll just sell these so those Glo are a pretty good upgrade um my next upgrade probably that I want would be a ring so real quick just come to trade here's what I usually do is just the best stats are physical damage add and movement speed bonus and add so I just click those and then I kind of usually just wait a second and since I'm in kind of a hurry I can even do true damage looks like nothing okay it's time to expand the search guy wants 500 gold okay it's a little bit crazy can add physical power it's like an okay it's fine to get I mean it's not optimal obviously but that's gone trading is one of my least favorite parts of this game but if you know what to look for you can usually buy some okay stuff pretty fast okay so this is all trash so what I'm going to do go is just filter by ring then courage and quickness just to get something having something is way better than having nothing obviously oh my people are posting a whole wall of items the thing is normally I don't trade these guys cuz like it takes forever to tell them exactly what you want but here what I'll do if you're fast they usually will just accept it to like save time so I asked this guy you know one and two for 150 I figured he would ask for 200 fine by me two rings for 200 they're both okay we're in business now you might be thinking well now you have no gold that might be true but I have a better kit so I can get more gold easily like usually the way I play is I just in with my gear I don't like saving up for like a god kit and not using anything like one I think it's just more boring but like two I kind of like going for like the high risk High reward play style more and if I lose a fight like barely I see the enemy as a sliver of health and then I know in my Vault that I have better gear and that I would have won if I used it I just can't play the game without feeling in my just existing in my HUD but now we got a couple upgrades we're pretty powerful now we got 16 strength which on Rog you need to get above 15 you can see when I take my rings off I'm at 14 I have negative -2 Fizz power which is you don't want to be in the negative obviously it's not optimal and we'll get right back in usually once I have like a full set of gear so like a cape you know Rings necklace everything even if it's not like great as long as it's okay that's when I start going into high to get the the real money so we're back in really good spawn the batro is one of the best rooms for rogue because you can get a bunch of throwing knives like green ones even are very nice [Applause] oh hey we got a pro Shrine here it's always nice to keep in mind not going to grab it right away cuz I only have seven will so it lasts like 40 seconds on me 45 seconds or [Applause] something all these and hopefully we get some knives um for people that I've seen my leaderboard pushing these last couple times you'll notice my entire inventory is just filled with knives and I always get these comments people saying like why do you have that many knives and the truth is like oh well first the truth is I'm getting ran out by wizard maybe but the truth is like throwing knives are and utility in general is just the best thing in the game if I run into an enemy Rogue and he has zero throwing knives and I have 20 I basically just win by default cuz I have more and it goes same with like Barbarian and other stuff like that okay this guy is not someone I feel like fighting in this open space so I'm going to get out of here I didn't even get to finish looting my bat sadly but it is what it is [Applause] this guy's kind of chasing me here oh he's got some friends okay I'm going to have to abort this just pull everything and then invis over to the door wizard Rogue Ranger might take a hit here from Mob he oh we got a I know upgrade actually and all this stuff is pulled which not normal how it stu okay if I get ran out now it's actually really bad I'm kind of blocked here wow okay that is something I would not anticipating okay um I should probably camp fire there is a health Chine in this room to my Northeast though might as well check if that's up and I think I he noises in there think it's down okay well that's unfortunate and I hear another Ranger okay well this is just it's looking like one of those games boys I'd love to campire but I probably can't okay this is just might meet my end here open the door go them allall the an Ranger if I've ever seen one okay at this point I'm doing a desperate campfire like this is kind of obvious but I have no option I should have bandaged first because I'm not going to be able to set up in bandage now so we are going to be here a while all good though so this is yeah this is going to take a bit I got two kills this wizard in the chat not or in the kill speed probably the guy I saw earlier so he might be fighting that other team got an escape portal in front of me but I want to take a road okay finally full health see what we got in this box okay we have a static blue spawn in the room north of me I believe red there's a static red in the room South not 100% sure though I got to check i' definely prefer to go down still grab a couple of boxes open this just in case [Music] I was so bad some reason I thought that would hit the pill in front of me I think I'm just going to take a blue on this one I don't have enough heals to want to go [Music] down really wanted to take A rad for more more treasure but after buying these rings I couldn't afford heal so going to just not go down on that one sell this stuff still like decent 116 gold and this lets me get a campfire as well as some red pots and now I should be good for next game I'm all stocked up before I go I might as well check the merchant that actually is worth grabbing nice all right let me go back one thing I hope they change is the lobby system of the game it's cool uh like looking around and seeing people but yeah for like and for the sake of competitiveness it's kind of like a weird system I think I would prefer if you didn't know what anyone had in the lobby and you just clicked Q up and then it kind of filled up to like you're in the lobby like not the in-game lobby but you're in like the you know the main menu and once it hits 15 you just go into game with you know a full Lobby either that or it hits 15 and then you load into the pregame Lobby where then you can see what everyone has or yeah something like that I think the whole Lobby filling systems pretty bad right now but that's just my opinion Dodge this [Applause] guy a bone Pi that I'm getting a lot of oil lanterns no throwing knives sadly so I'm looking at the map here looks like I just go west trying to like think of where I am exactly that's the circle map finally some knives my red pierce the same as I got I just run through the circle here L some small boxes [Music] nothing some people there fic fighter Bard um definely a team I don't want to take cut on right now oh nice rapu upgrade finally I think these guys are running at me it's kind of pointless though I mean he'll never reach me but he thinks he will perhaps that a Red Skeleton I'll just jump up here this is usually the point where they lose hope him chasing they're buing up I don't know if they think they can make the jump or they think I'm going to drop down but uh yeah they're chilling chilling over [Applause] there oh get some really good boots I think these are quite a bit better at two more move speed take those so after the gear has been changed there's definitely been some adjustments on like what I would consider the best stats for each item but like but it's simply if you're looking for green items with the bus STS like this is my opinion but for the Rings necklace cloak gloves you just get plus additional physical damage um for hat chest legs you get plus two strength or algae is fine and then on LS you could also just go for plus five move speed and same for boots and that's like B for greens basically on all the armor you just want to get plus two strength and alga if you can and then you just stack health and move speed you can get fist power like it's always an okay Stu but I think the value you get from a and strength they're just always better than fizzz power and then it's arguable whether you would want flat health or Fizz damage but or like fizz power enough the damage cuz like this power isn't that good on Rogue it's still useful it just doesn't end up giving you that much damage and I got hit there which pretty bad but have a lot of Health pots now always keep the health pots off the hot bar so I don't I easily spotted other pundit this and the circle map's really good for rogue if you have double jump It's kind of your playground it's hard to get chased because you can always jump up onto the walls and only another Rogue can chase you up there which is pretty [Applause] [Applause] good and I forgot a gold pouch it's not good for me [Applause] oh we're just going to keep doing our thing making some gold getting some items that was almost about grab that actually we'll hang on to this green pickaxe there is some pickax X tuck you can do now gives you 5% interaction speed so you can do this and open a door a little bit faster I don't know if it's actually a Time save but with the blue one I think it is but the nice thing about having a pickaxe is I can actually break barrels and pots faster as well okay there's only four people that we have 5 minutes left check up here looks good to me it's all cleared out fr's still up though so they probably weren't here too recently and wow we're getting a lot of candy corn this run it's pretty nice see what's going on in the champ room I believe there's a static my more corn [Applause] believe there's a static in here I forget if it's red or blue but where is this thing not something wrong no I'm like barly confident there is [Applause] one well yeah I need to learn like it it'll be so good to learn where every single static is without having to pull a map up just knowing may I might be wrong or some they're only they're not on every map though like in the same spots in the rooms so this might just be the wrong layout I got a blue on me I could take if I need might as well go open that and wow we have 32 candy from this r one run it's kind of an insane amount I don't know if buffed in high rer but even in my High rer games I rarely get this much candy in a run oh someone's pulling out something believe the reds are they not up top no they're in the middle Barbarian with the cape and a cleric buff on them think I'm uh maybe I'm good on that one just close this got some evildoers I want them to fight so their resources are like lowered kind of okay there about to battle I'm just going to take the red wait for the Carnage and the kill feed there was a blue there though so the undergeared team probably would just grab that one of them will die I assume but I've kind of realized even in like 33s you just you kind of have to play Rogue how I'm playing right now you got to be like a really selfish kind of like solo functioning class and like when there's chaos that's kind of your opportunity to do stuff but only then especially like if the lobby has one Squad that's like obviously the most geared and it's I mean it'll probably be buff ball then you're you probably won't get opportunities to like actually do much but if there's two geared squads and then also your team a lot of the times you just play Rogue kind of solo scouting you wait for those two teams to fight and then you kind of just give the Intel to your team that's when you get the third party that kind of seems like what you have to do right now in the uh the High Roller 3es um okay it's a decent spawn I don't know if people can spawn right next to me actually in the Southeast area of this room like there is a spawn there but I don't know if I spawn in that room if it's even possible hoping not I do want to loot this stuff oh get a cape and a short SW with more damage not bad and a campfire okay okay this why we come down the hall some decent loot was a possibility that team I saw is just going to try to boss but they saw me take a red maybe not get some more candy kind of had to I have an absurd amount of candy at this point let me just make sure no one okay we're good I can pull this SAR but might get ganked while I'm killing him in the meantime there's actually drems that spawn in the eyes of this thing every time or almost every time that are good to grab there's actually a lot of like hidden little like loot like loose loot in uh in hell I think a lot of people don't know about even with like people that have a lot of time played I'm sure there are spots that like I still don't even know um just going to stay in here I could one strength is nice keep what I got let me see the boss room not fighting the boss okay I think I'm going to kill the Sant I don't want to pull the Dust beet up there though is the only thing okay this should be good oh actually the Zone's coming oh that's pretty annoying should be fine [Music] though I actually must up there should have looked down more all good though we didn't get anything but could have got something we got one portal that spawned usually the first few portals spawn in like the outskirts of the them out so it might be in this room I got to [Applause] look gray the Ence AG with a dog might be a blue pickaxe in there it's not really a big upgrade but like I'll take it oh Portal's probably not in there so I'll check this way once you just have one portal secured you can kind of be ambitious on the rig cuz you can always just run away to it it's hard to get C out could be down here maybe wait there we go my worst casee scenario is if I get like ganked right [Applause] now all right now we are good I'm to focus on maximizing the loot okay this is getting ridiculous at this point though 44 corn in a normal run I think it's going for like 10 gold each right now around that like eight gold each but yeah this has been extremely profitable so far this Berserker is really annoying I don't really want to Agro him I just go over here with stealth instead I seem to have made a mistake um I'll just pull into the shrine well and the center is coming now I think should be fine though [Music] okay you got for us nothing you know what might as well kill this guy too actually you have decent move speed you actually can kite the rod Berserker like this but it's still slower than just safe spotting them unless you time it perfectly also I don't think I have enough speed [Music] actually okay though my only worry now is that the Ranger from the other team is going to be down here and pull up above me and just HUD shot me when I don't Realo that he's there I don't I also don't really want to use my heels is the problem I'll just open this loot the boxes and take my leave here I would like to kill the santaur but it's a little greedy at this point nothing actually I can loot the uh chest in here I almost forgot about hopefully get something decent nope and no okay that's fine wait I think this is worth more all right another decent run and it looks looks like there actually weren't anyone else down here but it's always good to be safe let me sell this stuff how much do these sell for okay I might as well just keep those actually wasn't sure not wearing that not wearing this sell the bone could sell the bone for like 50 gold maybe but it's okay and now let's take inventory here CU it's looking like some upgrades are on the table the kid actually is come together pretty well the only things I really need are chest and legs and see if Jack's got anything Oh my he actually do we're going to hit the gamble for the one time okay they're awful but they have three AG which is what matters take that bring in a gold pouge this time and yeah we're set up pretty nice next upep upgrade the Marauders let's see I could spend 150 on something so I'll just filter by Marauder and I'll wait like 1 minute at most here shouldn't take too long actually I'll even put padded tunic in cuz that'd be fine 250 for that that's crazy bro that is crazy [Music] actually 100 for two alg6 Health I'll take that all day bro thank you sell this and the thing is like I made a decent amount of gold I've spent it all but if you actually took your time and like looted some of these items that I've been skipping out on you could probably sell them for like 50 gold some of the miscellaneous like items that I haven't picked up make a decent amount of money yeah now the kid is actually looking pretty solid we got 321 move speed which is pretty much where you want to be at minimum with the with your kit and yeah I think other rest set up pretty nicely I'm going to do one more normal run get some gold and see what we can make happen in High Roller so I'll be filled in and get to look around the wizard yeah didn't really see much that's fine though all right the bottom of the map here not the circle map this time I do like the mop variety they've introduced before it was getting pretty stale like in like regards to Maps but now there's way more layouts which I think is really good for the game that is rather [Applause] [Applause] unfortunate grave Ence for me [Applause] everything's locked might need those lockpicks off at all oh thought I was going to get hit [Applause] there well he SP next to bridge so we have the static RADS eventually at the north end of it I think it is if you guys are having trouble with the axan you can actually avoid their attacks by if he's standing here swinging s even if it's a nightmare one you go as close you can to him Crouch down and then move right and you'll Dodge the lunge attack and then if it's Nightmare and he does the cleave after you're going to duck under that as well your wizard might grab this speed Tron real quick thought he's about the rock out but I think he heard me let me grab this thing some corn for me I am just get too much corn at this point is that a ranger on the other side I [Applause] see probably should have just used this drawing for like pvping but he's got a cloak gu could be a threat [Music] h so I might have to be a little careful Ranger is definitely one of the scariest classes when you're playing Rogue cuz they just land every shot when you're trying to run away it's you can't do anything but if you obviously if you Ambush them they just die oh this guy's looking at me these might hit me here oh oh he has crossbow reload or whatever that fiss looks like he might actually be solo hey I'm thinking this guy needs to pay for his trans transgressions if that's the word I don't know the zon's coming in this is kind of annoying I wanted to get shrs I'll just grab this one I think speed is coming back up I didn't look at the time when I grabbed it not yet okay the main issue is that he might have a rogue friend that he's just baiting for okay this guy got way too comfortable okay we'll be taking this there's some decent items oh pretty good cap you should have heard me close but yeah this guy did not think he was going to die like that um don't really care about his items it's not like I'm going to sell them they're pretty good though the question is if I swap out my boots how much mov speed do I lose oh zero okay well I thought I would actually lose some then for this probably worth the move speed gain on that and it feels criminal not looting this this stuff actually it's pretty good I can't really B it though well that's one evil Ranger player eliminated and now I got some some decent upgrades off that guy I sadly his jewelry is not that good but let me actually look at the damage difference here so I'm losing 1.1 like flat damage but I'm getting three true but I lose two Health as well wait someone just threw a torch towards me I think what was that uh I guess I'll take three true damage it's kind of arguable either way wow I don't know how I didn't notice that that is evil I should have definitely seen the Trap that's two traps in one game um there's eight people dead means there's only seven other people or what I forget what the I know those are 15 six people at the most I could definitely just wait for the static Road might be the move here think I'm going to rotate this way and just see how it's looking though so on the east side of the maze there's no traps you really have to worry about um I think there's like one spot maybe is it right here never mind just double check the gear yeah okay well there's a bunch of wall spikes in that room but you can look down and run through the thing is I'm probably going to take red portals anyway I should probably just drop this stuff that I'm not going to use okay it feels criminal dropping this Forest H though looks really good I guess I'll just go back to the static RADS I'll drop this Lantern they should be up now wait okay that's fine hit the campfire and just wait that's two more people died out of this I think wait I'm trying to like I saw eight die and there's me so that's nine so there's six other people two more deed four other people there was a wizard and a ranger I guess they could have a fighter with them should be a pretty safe hell game though hopefully we'll see what happens all right let's get full health I'll probably just give this away the end of the video to some random people like this this Forest hood is too good V it feels criminal it's not even like that good it's just it's pretty good be a little evil just vendoring that I think just a bit and now we wait that's another dude that died so I mean know the only thing is I wasn't looking at like repeat deaths cuz someone could have got resed and died but there should be not that many people I mean that's another one I'm pretty confident there won't be that many people down the red portal this game but we'll see we'll see what happens I would guess like at most one full team okay not the best spawn I don't really like this room but got a good Zone at least oh those are pretty good actually going to hang on to [Applause] this the main problem with this room as well is if you push you don't really have many places to run so I think I'm just going to clear this out this way first you kind of need to have like an Escape Route planned when you play Rogue in my [Applause] opinion i' rather clear this way so I have more [Applause] options another green bottle take that I used to be a Molotov naysayer but I'm sort of an enjoyer now cuz like there's some spots where they're useful I don't know I think some people overrate them for sure but they're worth hanging on to if you have space okay let's get some some blue treasure going here I think next upgrade that I probably would want everything's like decent this one ring is could be better maybe like a blue ring of Courage has two strength so I would get that two health so yeah blue ring of Courage with anything on it would be better than this also my weapons are pretty bad we sure got to upgrade those this cloak actually isn't bad though at the ranger [Applause] h [Applause] I I prefer not to talk about that let me just not die here that'd be really really sad to witness portal spawn didn't hear it at all actually my heals aren't in the bus spot I still have a surge and a campfire but neither of those are like that useful when someone's very close Okay at this point it's time to go inv instigate and see if I can find where this portal spawned even if it's only one spawn it's kind of good to just look around just to see if you got lucky pretty good odds it's in this room actually yep all right now we are chilling try I just fill the inventory up and uh I on out oh wait about the pickax for things like this oops okay the loot you know I'll be honest not looking the best cracked chalice got to be a little careful if a team clears up there they can already be above me looking down but I'm not getting that Vibe right now should be good also I think they would pull at least one of the bats unless they had some crazy positioning forite we got another portal in there I believe there's like a jump somewhere that spawns um I don't know I think I'll just climb up to I think there's a decent amount of people still don't know that you can actually go back here and you don't even need double jump and as I say that I just failed but you don't even need double jump you can just jump up here on any class and then you have The High Ground actually like really really good spot if there's other people down in hell okay Lo this really hoping for like something decent here spear enemies are probably one of the only enemies I don't try to dodge attack cuz it's just that that downward swing they have just feels like it's a luck base to get hit by I don't know if I'm bad but this sweep you duck under it the poke you side step but the downward swing just I don't know when I get hit by that it just always feel feels like it was some random hit box that doesn't make sense all right I'm going to grab triple Shrine in case someone's holding that room I was in at this point I doubt there's anyone down here but just to be safe I might as well come over here one more box I just need one little bangle before I go they couldn't give it to me that's okay there actually is noise okay I need them to like not steal my portal though sounds like they just got a portal spawn yeah I'm good I'm good on that one think it was a Slayer fighter and a render if I sell my shr for sure but um they didn't really have upgrades they did have a lot of treasure though it's fine we'll take that as for this stuff it's just going to go in the vault don't really care enough to sell it for now probably could get a few hundred gold for this Hood but I do not feel like trading so it's going to rot in My Vault probably for an eternity all good all right there we go we got the backup gloves um I need to make my or sort this medical situation out I like going with like six red parts now I do want to buy a better weapon maybe jck got one nope so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to quick sell the candy uh just do let's see what are people want this should probably work yeah if you just undercut what it looks like be other people are selling for you can like insta sell usually cuz there's a lot of people in the market that just flip stuff so insta sell that go a rogue chat here's what you do you do weapon damage add and then you wait and I'll just filter by Rapier shortsword and that one looked really good 23 yeah get that and now we are set put this away don't forget a gold pouch and like all in all I mean this kit obviously it could be way better but like truthfully for like how the gear is set up right now it's really not bad some decent items now it's time to get the big money in the High Roller yeah I'm probably going to have to fast forward or skip this part cuz this Lobby might not even fill so I'm going to be here a while we'll see though all right looking like we got an 11 out of 15 here I didn't really look around so I don't know if looks like we have a b yeah one buff ball possibly seeing a couple Rogues with capes we might have some competition down in Hell we'll see what happens okay spawn in not I don't really like this area at all I got to get out of here oop what am I [Applause] doing okay so we're hitting decently hard now 27 + 5 true that's actually not bad for only an hour and a half of game play pretty much probably number thing I got to look out for this Lobby is the other Rogues cuz wait a minute might have some action here they already killed a wraith surely not oh yep that is not optimal we got the buff ball demons rolling through and that is pretty much unwinable on Rogue I uh I've learned that trying to Ego check it multiple times thinking like oh maybe maybe if I hit the Barbarian like 13 times he'll die no you you just have to realize like you got to run bro you're not winning that the best you can hope for is killing the [Applause] wizard so yeah sadly on this map we don't have any red Statics like anywhere close it looked like they went North so I'm just going to loop around the other side of the map hoping uh don't run into them cuz I think there was only they're probably the only geared Squad the lobby is pretty empty so I'm not going to be able to really get any third party action going unfortunately [Applause] I thought that was really good for a second [Applause] [Music] that was not optimal oh my God I would have jumped out of the way I think in time maybe [Music] okay got a rogue and a ranger is really really paying attention he could have seen me but don't think he did oh they heard me though actually just going to wait at the corner they walk into me I can probably run maximum sneakiness is being employed so pretty sure they're just waiting for me there okay um not entirely optimal um I do have static Reds in this room though oh it's already cleared actually that's kind of good for me let me get rid of my rupture in case I got to be sneaky well a goggle of Rogues has arrived they want to be friendly but I kind of want what they got I think they're waiting for the static r as well maybe I got the rupture Ambush knife on them the problem is if they have poison weapon and they they might just both die for me well that's his stealth on oh there is a team right there good luck bro was where he was just going to like run at me and then we both die instead of me opening the door got another I got a blue down there I think that is or is that Reds no that's Reds I might not want to go down I don't know that is where you get the big loot but this buff ball team is kind of just rolling to the lobby it looks like and they might hunt me down the good news is I have infinite portals here so the choice is mine to make the rods just open below there's a ranger no way oh wow that was a that was a fumble I think I'm going to have to take my [Music] leave it was arguable I definitely could have went down it actually wasn't what I thought it was they really weren't that geared it was decent though I didn't really feel like taking the risk probably should have though cuz I think I'm going to call it for my last game there Honestly though all in all decent come up I got to say um yeah that's kind of my wasn't really a guide but kind of I mean I gave my thoughts on the perks abilities showed some gamep playay some tips you know how to play but uh yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this little sort of Zero to Hero kind of thing of myob and I think that's pretty much it yeah thank you guys for watching um it's been a while since I uploaded so hope you guys enjoy before I go let me see maybe I think I'm going to give this to a lucky Ranger because I'm feeling friendly a lucky Ranger and Ranger chat let's see if someone humbles on the list get quick scoped guy seems friendly all right well with that thank you everyone for watching I will see you guys next time peace actually wait before I go let me just hover the gear this is the final gear little 2hour humble streak could have got a lot more gold for sure if I actually cared about trading but I hate trading and I tried to do the minimal amount and honestly like some really like not bad pieces genuinely some okay items for sure could be a lot better but could be worse and uh yeah thanks for watching peace
Channel: Repoze
Views: 56,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker, solo rogue, dark and darker rogue, dark and darker solo, dark and darker solo rogue, dark and darker zero to hero, dark and darker solo rogue level 1, dark and darker lvl 1, dark and darker solo highroller, dark and darker high-roller, dark and darker rogue high-roller, dark and darker solo rogue high-roller, dark and darker double or nothing, double or nothing, dark and darker repose, dark and darker repose double or nothing, dark and darker repose rogue
Id: DwHqWU3c5Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 9sec (7689 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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