Baldurs Gate 3 - PS5 Version early access, impressions and PC comparison

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thank you hello everyone so I played Early Access on the PS5 and I wanted to share my experience with you in this video coming from the PC version and I can safely say I really like it on the PS5 it runs very well for me and so far besides one brief visual glitch with my character's hair in a cutscene it has been bug free and a very smooth experience I guess it's important to frame where I come from on the PC I play on a laptop via Cloud desktop the specs I can show here I'm generally very satisfied with this and I can also play via my phone and things like that but that's maybe something for another video when I play it now on PS5 I was blown away at how good it looked for me also loading times are very good on the PlayStation's SSD I was wondering first if it was the bigger screen I was using so I decided to connect my PC to the screen via HDMI to see how it Compares and for me too it looked as good as it did on PC so I decided to compare I will show some comparative footage here of course for detailed performance comparison I recommend other YouTube channels that are more into these technical things I compare the performance mode and quality with the PC on Ultra and then I compare performance to Quality mode on the PS5 while in performance mode the game will run at 60 frames per second upscaled if you disable performance you get quality mode which targets 30 frames at 4040p since I don't have a screen that has higher resolution I can't really report too much on this but it seems very stable to me I will let the footage play Here For a Moment see if you can spot the differences [Music] [Music] foreign you're alive I'm alive how is this possible the biggest difference I can see over PC is that the water quality and reflection look nicer on PC I am certain more Discerning eyes can make out more differences but the SPC looks in the end a bit better still PS5 looks very good to the point where I couldn't tell until I compared it directly quality mode on the PS5 does look a bit nicer at the sacrifice of frames but it seems a very stable 30 frames I also discovered a screen tear on the frame in the PS5 version while editing the footage but it was barely if not at all visible to the human eye also good to mention is that the game will automatically default to Quality mode in split screen which makes sense given it can be demanding on a system but it did well for me as far as I tested it so to do split screen all you need to do is connect your second PS5 controller it will then ask you to connect a user for the controller or you can make use of the quick play option at any point in the game at character creation or mid game same here as with PC player 2 can only pick at character creation a custom character or An Origin character beyond that point it can be only a custom character if player 2 is not around and you want to continue playing you can dismiss player 2 to the closet in your camp or just have it in your party that works too I can also confirm now that unfortunately mouse and keyboard is not supported but don't fret the controller feels really good to the point where I prefer it even in my personal opinion just Inventory management takes some practice but even here there are some benefits over mouse and keyboard speaking of the controller there is also haptic feedback in the trigger when opening the party management and the shortcut menu this little resistance it gives it feels really nice the touchpad opens the map and the journal when held in longer but thus further nothing more some details as to the file size on PS5 it is a 110 gigabytes but for installation you might require a little bit more that was the case for me I can confirm that cross saves work also I was able to continue with my PC safe and vice versa I could play my newly created character I created on PS5 on my PC as well all you need is to connect to your larion account if you don't have one you can create one and make sure your steam or Gog is connected and your PS5 account as well and you can turn it then on over here in the settings menu something to note is that if you make progress on your PC safe it does not count towards achievements on your PS5 so if you want that platinum trophy you have to primarily play it on the PS5 version I could see to get the Platinum requires to beat the game in tactician mode besides 53 other achievements shown over here I will hide some of the text as to not give spoilers I tested out some multiplayer briefly there is as of right now no cross play with other platforms I could only play together with other people on PS5 but there were several available lobbies when I checked I wonder if this is something they will put in the game later we will have to see but it would be nice to play with PC buddies for sure but yes this was my first impressions of my time with the PS5 and I'm very happy with it and I think I will continue playing on my PS5 now especially because I want this Platinum I am curious to hear from all of you that already played Early Access on PS5 on how you are experiencing the game and for those waiting for September the 6th to play on PS5 I have a three-part guide on how to use the controller if you want to get up to speed with that so feel free to check it out I'm working on a little guide around some terms in Dungeons and Dragons and Baldur's Gate 3 that might be confusing for a first timer so feel free to subscribe to be notified of that one in the coming days I will let the fight play out here for a moment to show you how the combat plays on the PS5 version thank you all so much for watching and commenting the last couple days the channel is over 200 strong now and I'm truly thankful see you all in the next video and bye thank you come on can't stay idle perhaps our survival isn't such a distant Prospect
Channel: Tissy The Banshee
Views: 4,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, trailer, official release, rpg 2023, crpg, panel from hell, Larian, character creation, Exploring, city, dnd, lore, exploring, release, Monk, dragonborn, 5th edition, Guide, Split Screen mode, split, screen, Showcase, short, Ps5, Controller, UI, combat, Early Acces, Comparison, pc vs ps5, graphics, quality mode, performance mode
Id: J7jmthS5gUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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