Baldur's Gate 3 - New Best MOST POWERFUL Class Tier List - Fast Easy Honour Mode Guide & More!

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hello and welcome back to rage gaming of course Boulders Gate 3 today I have a talk about the classes of the game and generally where I place them on a power list with the release of hom mode and also the new Xbox players we have a host of new people playing the game or returning it's always nice to refresh yourself and where things stand likely for Honor mode and since I recently had a look myself why not share what I learned in the video I want this video to be short and to the point as much as I can make it that's definitely going to be hard since we're talking about 12 classes and other sub classes so do be aware of that take it with a grain of salt every class work and be on a mode so don't be discouraged by anything here with that explained though here's my entirely subjective class tier list with onor mode in mind so here's the tier list set up we have sa a b and c there is no D or lower since every class is good enough to beat the game even in onor mode some classes are lifted up entirely by one or two subclasses While others are being weighed down by the bad ones builds also should be considered but aren't necessarily the class itself too you know it's things like how strong are they in general for DPS avoiding or greatly reducing damage from themselves or the team how much utility do they bring to the table we'll be working our way up from the bottom though starting with C with the only class there which is rogue rogue is very awkward it's niche and specific it works really well in a lot of situations but also not all that's for sure in honor mode you're going to need to survive and Rog can be a good pick for avoiding direct Focus you know striking from the shadows and moving around dealing good burst but it does crumble under too much attention and pressure they can be great in a party for the use of you know stealth Scout or dealing with lots of traps stealing valuables all that stuff but you can do these things with other classes that provide more for the table in Boulders Gate 3 there is a lot of forced ambushes or situations you cannot move around or escape to come back again when we look at the subclasses this kind of highlights that only the thief is truly a universal good pick and that's just because of the passive that gives you an extra bonus action that's incredible for multiclassing when you snag just three levels into the Rogue for that passive but it doesn't stand all that well on its own just like Assassin multiclassing assassin to create the ultimate fight starter and Ender all before they ever get to fight back it's actually a very popular and effective build but again there you're just looking for sort of the three levels in Assassin and then there's also the Arcane trickster which certainly isn't great illusion magic doesn't seem to work all so well in this game compared to the fun you might be able to do in D and D so overall Rogue provides a lot if you do multiclass into it but compared to the rest of the classes it's definitely one of the weaker picks if you were to Pure level it next up we go upper tier to B where we have Druid there's no doubt that Druid provides a of options I just find that what works for them are specific play styles that might require a bit of setup and also what they do do is Maybe overshadowed by other classes that can do it better outside of combat though D can be very useful to the party generating food for the night something as simple as animal speech or the all important guidance Buffs for the party like long stride or enhan sleep these can be fantastic but yeah you can get all these things from other classes in much the same way the rude is still a solid option for say it's Transformations leading to a great front liner pick if you're not not going to go for the more standard supportive spellcaster route but you could almost describe Druids as a sort of Jack of all trades but master of none but I will say that mrid is a pretty unique subass to run that ability to cast some spells and then use the bonus action to shape shift all in one turn I just think there's stronger options if you were to focus on any one of these ideas really to make it truly strong so I do wonder about them in honor mode but now we move up a tier where we reach a tier we're going to put most of the classes in the game showcasing how good the balancing has been big picture we'll start with our potent spellcaster with tons of options that is of course the wizard you have so much potential with the ridiculous smart spells available to you with this class all through its passive of scroll learning that's awesome if you want to take just one level in Wizard for a multiclass use making an awesome pick in many cases as long as you're aware not to take the spells that scale in intelligence and rely on that for the wizard Focus leveling though that's going to be great either way there's an answer to damn near every situation because of that wide variety of spells that you have so you can kind of have an awesome prep phase before whatever fight you're going to go against next bringing in the strongest options that exist in the game on the other hand that amount of choice specifically the crazy amount of sub classes it has leaves you with only really a few options that are actually good for raw strength I would suggest abjuration divination and evocation are some of the best picks for Wizard the rest of the subclasses serve more specific purposes than aren as relevant in honor mode challenge running having said that Necromancer still has a lot of potential even after that original Nerf to dance macabra but for some examples abjuration is fantastic as a more protective subass for both you and the Allies could be a good idea for onom mode with that in mind thanks to the Arcane Ward that get stronger and stacks higher with the abjuration Spells you're casting and there's that projected version that even lets you use it to help your allies reduce the damage they're taking the other very popular pick is divination though using the potent die to change the role results and attacks or even saving frows which has a lot of potential with control spells or just in general it's pretty clutching on a own the main reason I have wizard in a is cuz it's kind of outshined I think by another very popular spellcaster we'll talk about soon also in a though we have the very awesome Barbarian simple and effective not exactly a great party face not that much good for more than fighting and throwing things around but a barbarian could be exactly what you need their Roar ability to attack for big hits many times a turn especially late game could dominate a fight completely with proper support from the party via Buffs or enemy control this can be sort of the centerpiece for your DPS or maybe just a fantastic front liner as you likely know their rages are awesome said buff will provide different perks based on the type of Rage but most importantly it'll be giving you physical resistance which plays a huge part in their General tankiness if you were to go for the wild heart as your subclass you could pick from a bunch of different types of rages but for front lining obviously beart is the popular pick granting you resistance to more than just physical but every damage type except for psychic so fantastic for taking the aggro and surviving the fights while on the other hand you have the Berserker subclass a DPS Powerhouse using the frenzy rage all thanks to the busted feet tavn brawler that will hugely increase your damage based on three types of attacks in this case we'd be thinking about throwing because of Fred rage it gives you enraged throw that's a bonus action throw dealing extra damage and even knocking enemies prone even in act one you can get a returning weapon so throwing will just return straight back to you and this leads into one of the strongest DPS builds in the game flat out overall I love Barbarian but with its limited one note focuses I do keep it in an a speaking of limited and pretty one note then we have the monk also in a I'm going to briefly mention monk is one of the highest DPS classes in the game when paired with Tav brawler and the thief multiclass the Open Hand monk is absolutely killer as the subclass and easily one of the best subclasses in the whole game it's other subclasses like where the shadow is nowhere near as good certainly not way of the four elements either entirely lifted to its a status then thanks to open hand Monk and the fact that you're going to be using Tavern brawler if you go that route through the many gamey elements of Bal Skate 3 you can resp many times use potions and items that set your stats higher than they are and you can really benefit from that in a DPS Focus setup like this but the thing is that's just one build it just happens to be one of the strongest Striker builds in the game so I would strongly recommend this class and that build specifically if you want a high DPS user in your party for Honor mode but I also wouldn't necessarily recommend the other versions of Monk for that since there's just better pics so it finds itself in a since it's really strong and not so good in different ways now compared to monk we have another class with one fantastic subclass the rest are generally not as good that is of course the fighter which works well in a party for a pile of reasons they might not be the ideal party face but in a fight they're very good tons of builds work in Fighters whether multiclass or even pure this could be your Striker your Ranger your tank you could decide fights fast and early with a many attacks on top of say the ax and surge per short rest I would say this is pushed higher up on the rankings though thanks to the subclass Battle Master the superiority die attacks are insane it's this long r rer of incredible attacks depending on what you might need for your build maybe your attacks need to be more accurate maybe you want to punish the misses of enemies cleave enemies trip them buff your allies distract or even disarm they have an answer for tons of situations and whatever way you're running your fighter Battle Master is probably the best pick for the subass but they don't necessarily have the same DPS output as say the best monk or Barb options we just mentioned and when you look at the other classes like champion at eldrich Knight they're a bit awkward Champion is nice for its slight Improvement to you crit strike chance but that's not amazing an eldrich Knight is useful as a concept but somehow if you want to do an eldrich Knight it's better to do other classes in multiclass for the same concept which is disappointing really Battle Master shines where the other two are pretty underwhelming so for those reasons also an a next I want to quickly mention Ranger in a tier Ranger is interesting because it does make for a fantastic Scout letting you set up fights before they can even go wrong or even begin and that's an important thing in honor mode they also have one of the strongest multiclass builds with Assassin Rogue and Gloom stalker Ranger as a very potent mix but Ranger itself is a good utility spellcaster very handy for you in your party if you don't necessarily have one and while Ranger actually works quite well as a melee I so suggest you go for a ranged Focus since attacking from Far and Away is a lot easier admittedly I've never really explored the Beast Master side of things for Rangers but I have heard very good things with its ability to distract and you know that's going to be useful where you're trying to see no deaths in the party overall though I put the Gloom stalker focused Ranger up high with Beast Master and Hunter being fine Alternatives that aren't exactly insane either and I lean mostly on the Gloom stalker concept here as a fantastic in and out and around the fight subass hit first from the dark hit hard and then move around or completely out and come back in and do it again a very specific play style but a strong one with that limited Focus so I can't really put it higher than a last for a though we finally talking about cleric which has a ton of subclasses to pick between much like wizard only a few of them are really special though but the ones that are are going to be great in honor mod clerics like the ultimate support which provides plenty of DPS itself especially in act two because of the sheer amount of subclasses with different play Styles tied to them though you could run cleric for all the main roles you might want in a party they're usually going to fit but I do find them strongest as a sort of support whether that's healing buffing or controlling the ability to hard CC enemies and groups of them at that even multiple ways a turn can't be understated in a challenge run knocking a pack of enemies prone leads to easy Advantage the raw healing potential you can work in even in AOE can prevent those sudden or scary deaths and they have great damage potential as a class look to they say Tempest cleric as a specific play style for that popular in multiclass with sorcerer as to sort of generate wet and lightning focused burst play style but say there's the light domain too which is very popular for its AOE fire Focus play style there on the other hand there's life and knowledge domains which can be brilliant for more of a support Focus life basically being the peak healer option also great in multiclass but like I said cleric does have a pile of other subclasses that I don't really think I'd suggest for Honor mode maybe just walk cleric and I kind of think cleric is best in multiclass so I keep it down in an a instead of an S but still rate it very high for that lastly this brings us to S tier the absolute Powerhouse picks in my opinion we're going to start with sorcerer in s tier which are incredibly strong even when you just level the sorcerer all the way to level 12 they have big impact while also scaling in Charisma meaning they're not a bad party face at all I generally rate the ability to be the party face very high in on a mode since conversations can lead to completely avoiding dangerous fights or all situations before they even get out of hand Sorcerers though come with that insanely good metamagic concept which lets them enhance their spells for a bunch of different reasons like twin casting hitting multiple targets with one spell or quickening a spell to make it a bonus action so two separate spells in that turn can be awesome the fact that you can deal with things like silences and so on there's lots of ways you can use metamagic to your advantage especially when we think about Ultra strong things like twin haste the only real downside here compared to say the wizard option is that they don't have nearly as many spells to choose from sorcerer is generally just you know sorcerer but the raw strength of that can't be understated I would suggest you avoid W magic though and pick things that are more consistent like the storm sorcery or even better draconic bloodline for that raw power well while magic is a fun concept it could be an issue at the wrong time but next in s tier it has to be Paladin and this was the first class I played with my first tab an absolute Beast of a frontlining tank a DPS machine with some of the highest burst around and also incredible for its support of abilities through enemy control shielding and even healing so Paladin can be fantastic whether you level it on its own or go for some multiclass picks you get a lot of value from the first two levels from the subclasses and the smites you'll get from that but if you level a paladin more you can get it very strong auras depending on the subclass you have you get a different Aura but these basically provide perks to the Paladin and then any allies that are near the Paladin standout would be say the oath of ancients for a tank or defensive Focus since that provides the aura of warding granting huge damage reduction when dealing with incoming spells all the well-loved oath breaker for more of a DPS option with the aura of hate increasing melee weapon attack damage using your charisma Vengeance can also be a very good pick really the only underused subclass is devotion Paladin gets a lot of its strength through the smites though you land a heavy hit you follow it with a Smite then maybe an extra attack that's a strong base to build on that's why this works so well in multiclass only two levels and you get those smites Paladin specifically benefits very well from The Savage attack a feat though it means you R damage Di twice and then just pick the higher result leading to consistent big hits and also yeah the support benefits the raw healing that can come in clutch or the fact that you can control enemies like using command so yeah Paladin just kicks ass for a variety of roles and reasons and I do recommend it next I also want to recommend in s tier an Ultimate Party face that is of course the B the true jack of all trades an absolute monster variety of builds and play Styles support and control incredible burst in melee or very happy from range any B is going to enhance the party thanks to the fact fact that it brings an extra short rest which is insanely good especially for on a mode survival and things like Bic inspiration that can help improve roles making every encounter easier they can also snipe some of the best spells in the game for themselves through the awesome College of Law subass or become a Powerhouse of attack per turn via College of swords and the brilliant flourish attacks slashing flourish in particular though allows you attack the same Target twice from range which leads to Big damage potential and yeah the B itself is maybe the best party face you could ask for making a huge impact outside of combat being generally good at every interaction the only way I can really poke at the class is the underused Valor subass since that makes nowhere near as much impact as the other two options but yeah bads should fit into any party and be very strong at that probably a very popular pick in onon a mode runs but that brings us to the last class I want to talk about and that is of course warlock also scaling in Charisma just like the other s tiers so once again another great outof combat party phase the Warlock itself you just got got so much potential the unique aspect of warlock is obviously that its spell slots are returned per short rest making them much more effective fight to fight since they can go all out every time there's also the very strong can trip eldrich blast which means you can deal big damage even without using a spell slot no other Caster can compete with that level of canant trip damage and it starts scaling with Charisma pretty quickly hitting multiple times at that there's also the eldrich invocation options you could turn that cantrip into a Repel causing instant kills using gravity or appealing from your party when needed it's strongly recommended that you take beguiling influence though for a Major Impact during persuasion and deception roles so again really good for a party face you could also take dark vision so brilliant gameplay if you're dealing with clouds and enemy vision and I just find the Warlock brings a lot to the table in terms of utility in and out of combat making a great multiclass at that the subclasses like I said are all brilliant the fiend can lean into a more tanky nature for a bit better survivability Arch Fay can be that reaction Misty step when you're in a really bad spot or just go full damage with a great old one if you go pack to the blade upon reaching level five you get a different kind of extra attack which actually Stacks with normal extra attacks such as the Paladin one so yeah super good for multiclassing so I love warlocks and I find them super strong in balers Gate 3 but as you can see that finally brings us to the end here our complete list of all the classes I hope this was useful to you as consideration for whatever you're planning on doing but please remember this is an entirely subjective list it's based on my own experience and research it's not concrete for now though I been Hollow you've been new thank you for watching and I'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 160,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 best class, best class, baldurs gate 3 tier list, class tier list, baldurs gate 3 honour mode, honour mode, honour mode build, baldurs gate 3 honour mode build, best build, baldurs gate 3 best build, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, sorcerer, paladin, warlock, fighter, guide, multiclass guide, multiclassing guide, feats, build guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, best, subclasses, class, multiclass build, level 12, subclass, game of the year, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: wry419ivzRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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