Baldur's Gate 3 Evil Tactician Gameplay Pt. 7 (True Soul Club)

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foreign [Music] [Music] let's get things started already posted it on the Discord server I am five steps ahead of you all [Music] good morning Justin good morning what country are you living in right now [Music] you in Asia [Music] I mean technically it's morning time in a lot of European countries too but it's damn early in Europe alloy what's up Gonzo Michael fish face made a white Dragonborn Barb Pali nice the white dragonborns just look so so cool it's hard to not go with that look they look incredible have the game but I can't play yet oh you can't fish what's up Tardis Tardis is first and chat hello Don Midori with him betraying his whole party for unlimited power I don't know if I've really betrayed anyone yet RP wise have I I just didn't save Gail I never even talked to Will Shadow heart killed Lazelle so I don't know if I've actually betrayed anyone I've been kind of a dick to my companions but I also don't really know them either so I don't think I'm betrayed anyone hello Amy's greetings greetings greetings Amy's thank you for all your support on the Let's Play videos and also the streams I appreciate you Hemlock hello okay what the hell are we waiting for you know what I'm saying [Music] I'm sure you're from Justin play through you at the moment I can't play for another week when I get home this game is so amazing true really hope we win game of the ward all right game of the ward what is that what the hell is game of the ward really hope we win game of the year check check sometimes it's hard to speak when you can't hear yourself that well stepson 89 and you're up it is one at night yeah that's very very early in the morning got to act three and now a big bug has my playthrough stalled uh oh can you go back a few load points to the tavern am I in act two not on this character I completed act two in my let's play series not all the episodes aren't out yet but okay to The Tavern you guys get yourself some Mead drinks on me tonight skull how are you looking at let's begin the last stream we killed the hag we made some progress in the underdark I think I'm gonna start the stream off probably hey Ryan what's up doing pretty good probably finish some more underdark content I am really just itching to get to the new content though I mean you guys got to keep in mind like yeah act one is quite different from Early Access but it's also largely the same this little things play out differently and your choices actually matter but I'm starting to really want to get to the new content I'm starting to feel that a little bit I've done the underdark like 10 different times what to do actually probably more than that all right let's um let's go to the Arcane Tower what do you guys think about the Arcane Tower a lot of people aren't familiar with that Quest or how it works the funny thing is I didn't even get the quest because I deceived blurred and you never gave me the quest so we're gonna be doing our own Quest at the Arcane Tower let's go ahead and give astorion this dog collar that I picked up and you guys were all wanting me to do that last time I don't even remember what happens when you do this okay a Starion has the double collar on I'll leave that on him I'm not sure if the scene doesn't trigger until we get to the Arcane Tower okay so I have to take a rest let's see how many spell slots do I got we probably should take a rest here shortly uh let me just search this area real fast make sure there's nothing else that pops up let me just tell you all right now bad rooster thank you so much for gifting one channel membership welcome to the new member ginobi wow look at this incredible so yeah we're gonna go over to the Arcane Tower I guess actually I could stop and kill the dwargar on the way there but we're gonna need a long rest everybody's telling me that I need to pick this up for the Arcane Tower I promise you there's a souser bloom at the Arcane Tower you just didn't just you just didn't look good enough okay and if I'm wrong then I apologize ahead of time we gotta have a torch out it's just so cool to run with a torch in hand in the underdark yeah it looks badass how come I didn't hear that that wolf howl coming Underdog is beautiful I agree you know finally I have there it is finally I have level three spells game gets so much better when you hit level five all right the question is should I attack the dwargar with little uh let's take a long rest I don't know how much food supplies I have though hey Alexander I'm watching her let's play really like watching them in your recorded live streams thanks Ryan appreciate that my second playthrough made dark urge can't wait to try out the dark urge I can't wait to try out any of the origin characters to be quite honest with you because I'm doing two custom characters right now all right I think we're good should I do a quick gear check let's see latest we got the falar aloob sword here which is actually really really cool I have a shovel camp supply pack staff of Crohn's we got some healing potions okay hell's Danton film with Shadow heart freaking kidding me sorry I'm put on some clothes man I have some weird companions let me just tell you that much I'm the only sane person around here oh sweet I have a lot of I have a lot of camp supplies alloy how many characters do you know you want to try right now I don't have any written down I mean I'd love to try to get Yankee at some point because I want to see how that plays out with a story like when you meet the get the Yankee Patrol and how people treat you at the city of Baldur's Gate but maybe I'll just play Lazelle as my origin character state trooper Leon At Your Service hey Yasmine Jeff what's up okay I have to get myself I have to remind myself what character I'm playing I'm playing Leon my evil Dragonborn sorelock he's not a sore lock yet he'll be one soon what spells do I have both of my playthroughs so mixed up with each other there's like eight spells that I can cast right when I come out of a long rest on my other run but it's not the same here still alive we could cast Shield of faith if I go ahead and put on The Sword of Justice but actually I'm going to keep on the falara Louvre this is a really really cool sword not proficient in it but I use it for its attacks here or for its Magical Melodies such an awesome sword yeah we're not using Mage Armor because I'm playing as a dragon sork Shadow heart doesn't really have anything I can pre-cast I mean I can pre-cast bless before fights begin I'll be not how long does this Mirror Image last until a long rest or is it 10 turns I can't remember and then downtown is our Spore Druid oh yeah we have to we have to do symbiotic entity I'll tell you what I have Jahira in my party my other run some of the wild shape forms they're freaking badass dude you get higher levels Druid is a lot of fun and a lot of people were saying the moon Druid wasn't that powerful in Early Access I don't know man let me tell you now in the full game some of the wild shape forms that you get access to it's freaking it's badass okay see what our Quest is here save the grimforge Gnomes find the mushroom picker Gareth told us about her husband bailin you think I care about Derek's husband you're out of your damn mind rescue Volo yeah we didn't do that hey bros regret the sork before a lock due to Eldritch for a spell slot do I regret the sork before lock due to Eldritch verse spell slot I don't know what that means I have no regrets right now everything's going just fine I haven't multi-classed yet I know a lot of people are saying the sore lock isn't as good as it should be but that's okay I smell the Trap I wonder if I should animate someone dead good spell slots we got prepared here I want to cast a just because bras is here he supports Aid so we're going to cast Aid speak with the dead we don't need that prepared he can have hope Glyph of warding is so good daylight Spirit Guardians the best spell in the game hands down I can tell you guys that much right now we're gonna prepare that it is literally the best spell in the game and if you have high Mobility with a character that can do if you play like a high Mobility cleric might have to make a build based on this you could dish out more damage than any other character in the game and play as a light Clara can get fireball probably the best class in the game seriously not even a joke okay all right let's cast Aid what's next we'll do Aid level three yeah sure why not I'll tell you I mean this run even though I don't have as many companions it's still quite fun it's a lot less stressful trying to figure out who I want to take with me but yeah I am missing out on a lot of content foreign I wouldn't stress out about keeping companions alive too much just play the game the way it plays out for you but on my other run there's just so so many companions to talk to at all times and all their companion quests you know what I'm saying I can't hide right here I mean I know there's a dwarf over here I'm surprised that it doesn't let me hide all right well these dwarves are yellow so they're not hostile yeah got someone sneaking up on us hold up your palms in peace this got ourselves an infiltrator you not quietly enough for my liking though noise gets you eaten down here reckon I'll hush you before something hungry comes along his first grips and acts on his gnarled gray skin you see the absolutes brand oh I am a supporter of the absolute actually now that I think about it um oh look at this we have a oh man so a few episodes ago or a few streams ago I branded myself with the brand of the absolute so this is kind of new hey rep what's up Starion is is one of my main dudes on this run he fits well with an evil playthrough he doesn't mind most of my actions let's go ahead and show him our brand oh man he knows they're not just anyone now are they that's awesome um every Army needs grunts to run in and die first even the absolutes my hunt and you're dead oh I don't know if I like this guy what are you doing here so slave and fetch back the leather or the buses in Moonrise they'll have friends hide it's at this moment that Leon realizes he doesn't like this sweargar helping this dwargar out improve his status and the call to the absolute got the boots right here oh look at that Swift work you could teach our slaves a thing or two take those boots across the urban Lake I'll stay back here see if I can find some more gnomes yeah a few more and I reckon I could become a true soul I don't know if you're ever gonna make it to my level shorty you know what I'm saying okay you know what I think this works out better I'm not even fighting the door car I'm not against you know helping the micanids no just to see what they can offer me you know what I'm saying with that said I think I'd rather stay in favor of the absolute and killing these dwargar as entertaining and fun as it would be for my character not even from a stream perspective from my character um I think it's a better call to not kill them so maybe I'll just go slay the mushrooms right now let me go talk to glut real fast we're gonna head over to the Arcane Tower uh we'll go this way hey Tate why'd you brand this I'm doing that on this playthrough my character wants to join the absolute and chief ultimate power so we can return back to his homeland in favor of the dragons on the planet of beer and Slaughter all of his own people that's just the type of Dragonborn that I'm playing basically my Dragonborn those of you guys that haven't that don't know my character's backstory I'm a Dragonborn with a towel having a towel as a Dragonborn is not common in 5th edition d d so my Dragonborn was uh picked on made fun of his entire life back on the planet called the beer Toro's twin planet which is located in a pocket Dimension and on a beer the dragons control the entire planet okay and the Dragonborn race at large is enslaved to the dragons Okay so my dragon basically was picked on by his own people in his Dragon Masters saw that as an opportunity to earn Leon's utmost loyalty so they used that and they they manipulated Leon and Leon started to trust the dragons and hate his own people okay and he actually is responsible for the slaughter of his own rebellious tribe his own rebellious Clan that tried escaping the dragons back on a beer and uh his Dragon Masters rewarded him for that and moved him to a position of power that a Dragonborn has never achieved on the planet of a beer among dragons and then they sent him to the planet toril or toril because they want him to infiltrate the Dragonborn City or nation of taimanchifar Leon is meant to work his way up the political ranks and Achieve power and then also cause the destruction of that entire nation and then return back to a beer with the utmost Glory okay but while he was doing that an autoloid ship grabbed him and stuck a tadpole in his brain so now Leon is looking at this as an opportunity to achieve great power to then return to taimanchibar and just destroy the whole damn City he doesn't even have to waste his time trying to work his way out the political ranks of that City he could just you know become a higher up in the cult of the absolute and then do it in one fell swipe you know what I'm saying that's my dragonborn's uh story hates Dragonborn he loves dragons he's trying to uh trying to earn a position of power among the dragons and feel like an equal among them all because he has a towel so we're doing whatever we can to achieve as much power as we possibly can and if that means uh throwing a couple shrooms into a bowl of Stew all right and that's what it means all right let me talk to uh chubsticks over here is this fortnite Lauren tell me they've already done this okay so we're just gonna let's just go to the Arcane Tower um I feel like I almost just want to kill the mushrooms now that I know the dwargar working for the absolute I almost just want to come up here and kill this tribe and then go back and tell them to where are let's go to the Arcane Tower okay find the mushroom picker nope that's not the quest that we want to do we want to go to the Arcane Tower and I think it's this way where the hell am I right now yeah we'll go this way Jessica why are so many characters having a tadpole well if I gave you the answer to that be a little bit spoiler-ish so I'm not going to what do you think of the fact that no RL friends can join you for a battle without destroying your party composition for the rest of the game I don't really have much of an opinion on that because I haven't played multiplayer but I guess that kind of sounds shitty I think I know what you're getting at oh I'm going look at the dead bullet right here how how badass is that can I animate this thing I shouldn't be able to no there's no way I can a lot might be able to with animate spores but I can't do it with animate dead but we're going this guy this place is so cool it is just so cool all right let's animate the dead I do it for you guys not for me come here shadow you got Anime dead prepared you don't what the hell you been doing you even work where's anime dead there it is let's go ahead and unprepare in Early Access you could use a Spellman unprepare it and replace it with something else I don't think you can do that in the full game anymore let's get rid of Shield of faith is pretty good on my character because I have a I have a magical item that works with Shield of faith I thought I did I said wait oh my God that's my other character never mind I don't think I do I care I don't I don't know I'm getting my characters I'm getting my Shadow Hearts mixed up right now let's just prepare let's just prepare anime Undead and move on okay yeah so if I if I unprepare Aid I'm pretty sure Aid goes away you guys want me to test that out I don't want to test it out I'm on tactician I need all the temp HP I can get you guys will have to figure that out on your own let's get rid of yeah I'm gonna get rid of Shield of faith and we'll take anime Undead and we're gonna grab the zombie because I think the zombie is the only one that has the crawling gnaw feature wait can I not do this one did I try this one before can't be reanimated this way I'll start swinging Undead Army I'm running Gail as a necromancer wizard on my other run it's pretty fun it's a little underwhelming you can't really have an undead Army at least not at the level I'm at you can spawn quite a few in a battle if you play it right but like for the most part you only have like two at your side let's try it right here oh okay there we go throughout culture is so cool oh absolutely growl is one of my favorite race one of my favorite races just because of the legend of dress very very interesting culture in society I do have the singing sword I'm using it on my sorcerer who's not proficient with it I'm picking up every shovel I see and there's a reason for that because I always don't have a shovel when I need one so if I have 7 000 shovels in my inventory maybe I'll finally be okay oh crap where did I just go do I have a fast travel Riverside tea house actually that's going to be where I want to go okay my brain just shut off for a second I literally had no idea where I was at that's where I gotta go this is a little shortcut where are you going Leon oh you 've got to be kidding me there we go man the past I swear to God I hate the chain link system is everybody still running there and Zach thank you so much for renewing your channel membership I appreciate it there's drow and there's other Dark Elves outside of Menzel bronzen pick the Shadow song root in the underdark you lose access in the mountain pass I think when you get to some point you will but I think at large you can still explore most of the underdark here's a problem that you might run into and I ran into this on my other character I peaked the mountain pass because I just couldn't help it I came really close to the goblin Fortress and I saw that I could leave and go to the mountain pass and I peaked to the mountain pass and I just walked in just to look at how beautiful it was and then I came back and I didn't reload I just kept playing and what the game did was it assumed that I took the mountain pass and because of that I think it messed up a few of my quests such as the help the tieflings because the tieflines on my other run think that I abandoned them when I didn't I went to the mountain pass came back slaughtered the goblins and then went to go turn in the tiefling quest and it didn't work and I think the reason is because the game assumed that I already went to the mountain pass and I was leaving the tieflines behind so be careful if you guys click on anything careful if you guys go too far okay if you want to Peak something maybe just do a save before you go into a new area and then check it out and then you can always come back to that save and then figure out if it did anything you know what I'm saying oh crap I don't know if I'm gonna be at a while I go this way this isn't I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get over there thanks Angie appreciate it looking at mods draw Axel Charles Axel is one of the coolest characters in all of DnD hands down no if ands or buts oh I don't even know if I still have a mask I do okay oh crap dude why did I do this I literally took the worst friend it took the worst route ever you know what this is cool though at least you guys will be able to see this Starion let's disarm the Trap come on busting's a bit bugged yeah it's unfortunate because on that run like I'm already well past that I didn't realize it until like six hours of gameplay later I'm not gonna go back and redo everything that's a big bummer because I wanted to save the T flings and now when I get to the city they might not even be alive and I missed out on all that but it is what it is you know that's not good difficulty class 30 what to do a trap are you kidding me only certain things work if you throw it over the Trap loves of heroism damn heroism is a pretty good spell I don't need it though throw it I always pick it up after I get through the Trap oops uh traps hell considerate a dc10 I like that better clear all Mountain passed off before going back to the underdark or vice versa you know what I noticed too was I didn't do the underdark pretty much at all on my other run and I noticed that I'm pretty much a level behind for every single combat encounter it's been fine because I'm playing unbalanced on that other playthrough but almost every character I fight is one level ahead of me so it might be a good idea to try to clear out both places if you possibly can because you get the most XP from the underdark in the mountain pass okay we are in the hag's lair right now for anybody who doesn't realize where I'm at I killed the hag last session we have this mysterious door right here that looks kind of similar to the other door so we're gonna check it out are you shitting me right now okay there we go and if you notice we can't get into it but if we go ahead and throw on the special masks that we picked up before you can also go mad it opens up this entire area for us let's go ahead and take it off now let's grab all my other characters come on baby there we go put it on state trooper Leon uh um what was I doing again oh yeah hat okay we're in take it off put it on Shadow shark oh crap I did it before hold on I think these things can still drive you mad you don't want to leave it on for too long I could be wrong in saying that but at least in Early Access I'm pretty sure you didn't want to leave them on for too long but maybe it doesn't matter when the hag is dead okay maybe I'm okay with leaving it on now I don't know if my Zombie's gonna get in I'm not risking it though we're taking it off hey Mr Danton your last stop my buddy all right take off your stupid ugly circlet hey Trooper Leon whose father can I go okay there we go ahead and put that circlet back nature plus one get our state trooper hat back on here yes sir Shadow heart what are you wearing you wearing anything good helmet of autonomy proficiency and wisdom saving throws or the haste helm or the helmet of smiting while doing that one we're gonna hide that Helm because that is ugly and Shadow heart I really like the wizard hat on her you know what I care much more about how she looks we're putting the wizard hat back on and then a Starion you are looking like an absolute madman with your drow outfit oh yeah perfect okay so yeah this is another way you can get into the underdark this is very close to the Arcane Tower just took me way too long to get here should be able to walk through that door I think I tried it a second ago it didn't seem like I was gonna work maybe after you kill the hag you are able to walk through it um but in Early Access you definitely weren't able to walk through it unless you put on the mask hmm this door for you're probably thinking of the door before there's another door in The Hags layer that you can walk through without the mask you might be thinking about that one yeah I'm gonna multi-class into warlock probably today I wanted to get to level five as a sorcerer first and thank you guys for being here tonight I appreciate it appreciate the thumbs up on the stream and all the videos am I on act one yes this is still act one right here only cares about how shadow looks true he's my girl man Shadow is my trophy wife just gonna be honest it is what it is okay what do we got up here scorched ground better watch out what the hell is that Arcane turret never seen such a thing vulnerable to lightning okay well that complicates things Let's test it out a little bit oh Nelly oh Nelly who's a Starion as our Pawn what do you got for me buddy what do you got for me one step at a time we're gonna do this a different way than I typically do okay straight up cheating no that's that's a that's bullshit as complete and utter BS no that's not supposed to that's not supposed to do that are you kidding me ah shit you gotta be kidding me right I just you gotta be kidding me oh crap listen to that music it's like vampire music all right y'all ready for this here we go here we go easy peasy no problem no problem whatsoever yes let's take on the Arcane Tower solo you know what I'm saying oh man wow well that's scary you know I actually do lupus at first I was really hesitant on it I think it was a good call atalarian I think I think the vast majority of people prefer it that way you can just play whatever race you want I think it'd be cool if maybe larian made racial features a little bit more prominent like more of them or something like that to make the races unique but the fact that there are racial features and there's also a lot of RP elements behind the story of the game depending on what race you play I still feel like the races are unique enough to where it doesn't feel like it's just a skin um if Yankee is very different from Dragonborn Dragonborn is very different from Human uh with that said I don't like the human it's getting late arm efficiency I think it's really weird having Gail have uh be able to wear a light armor I refuse to wear light armor with Gail but I think I think it was a good decision personally and I like being able to play whatever race I want now and not have to worry about you know not not being able to get a plus three modifier in the beginning of the game on tactician I think it was a good call I mean I understand I understand other people though like initially I didn't like it initially like my initial thought was really larion like you're just gonna make everything just a skin now and nothing's gonna matter anymore and but then I thought about it more and I was like this is definitely the right decision and also think about all the new players coming into this genre now imagine like being a new player and like getting excited to play your crpg for the first time and people are like no you can't play you can't play drow because it doesn't give you a plus whatever and it's going to make you gimped in the beginning there's a new player you want a 16 or a 17 in character creation your primary ability score Fox think of the Canadian too appreciate it did you watch the IGN video I actually put it on 2x the speed today and watched it for a couple minutes very proud of IGN very proud of IGN I thought that was really cool and I think it made IGN look really really good because everybody always thinks of them as like the page chills you know what I mean and I thought it was really cool it felt really personable and uh I'm happy that they said something about it so because you guys know me I didn't really like the tweets that that guy made even though there's some truth behind it I really think it was just it wasn't the right call to make those tweets um okay let's play the game you guys are getting me to rant about things I don't like to rant tell you what we're gonna do exactly what we're gonna do yeah I thought that video was really cool at IGN I'm not gonna lie and Zach thanks for the 10 super chat hey kiddles I've learned more about d d content in the last three years for you than I have in my whole life love to hear it thanks oh what is this so many crafting materials in this game a light without a wick how are you meant to use the damn thing we should give a Starion a Torx this would look way cooler if he was using a torch don't you guys admit don't you guys admit what the hell does that mean it feels like I'm playing a platformer game right now it's so cool minus three HP come on dude really you threw Carlock at these turrets nice well they are vulnerable to lightning damage so oh that's a 16 HP damn Ariana's okay I was gonna say a comment right there I held myself back it was going to be a good comment but it wasn't appropriate for the Stream Got 5 HP left stop complaining of Starion for crip's sake that might be worth it look at that that thing is I am not I love I just love how larian has all these little holes and cracks that you have to many times you have to actually perceive them with a passive ability check is if you can't find a way into a building there's always another way especially if you have like a wild shaped Druid or if you have the enlarged reduced spell I'm pretty sure you can use it for that too it is Tiny and I am not I think the last thing I heard about larion talking about an expansion made it sound like they're not doing an expansion all right good night estherton yeah I agree Bros especially that it tell you know I kind of miss when you used to jump and not know if it was going to kill you but yeah I like it too I think it's good found many feather fall potions all right so everybody was yelling at me the other day but I needed to pick up the suster blooms this is the reason why I didn't pick up the souser blooms because look back here got two trees back here okay no hold on if it's survival it means it might be something we can dig up where's my shovels give one shovel to a Starion if you hold down shift and pull down that's the easy way to split stacks apparently it doesn't want to work okay nothing oh nice little off there Starion scroll up protection from energy touch a creature to Granite resistance that's awesome Clarion won't do a second one because of the Spells being op above level 12. I think larion said something about it being tough to do that I don't know if that would be the primary reason why they wouldn't do it I think it was the reason why they decided to make the main game max level 12. I think they can handle it for an expansion you just got to figure out how to make it work and put a lot of limitations on it I mean it's not like other companies haven't done high-level DND games before you know what I mean but I do respect Larry and keeping it somewhat grounded for this main campaign I think that's great now that they deserve a nice rest true I doubt that they're resting right now maybe I'm like a month from now they got to make sure they iron out all the bugs and everything a light without a wick and how are you meant to use the damn thing off we go then hello you [Music] silent is the grave listen to the ambience in this game all I'll say about when you're in this Arcane Towers make sure you read everything you pick up everything regular dude fighting demons dragons yeah I agree I'd much prefer I much prefer these levels over being Superman and a superhero personally it's part of the reason why I like Game of Thrones so much too is it was much more grounded fantasy light fantasy I mean D and D this is absolutely High fantasy but keeping us somewhat grounded in our level makes it to where we're not an actual you know God ourselves oh with that said it would be pretty cool to see the higher levels too that's why outward is one of my favorite games of all time because outward starts you off as just a regular old peasant dude you're just a regular villager it's up to you to make a way for yourself you're no one special and outward okay so now we should be able to come over here at your break Finley too did Dark Fantasy pretty well Dark Fantasy you guys thought that Divinity original sin 2 is dark I didn't really get that vibe found one arrow for Dragon Slain I know I found that too I've been holding on to it too not on this character but oh you bastard okay we'll go through the window DLC where there's a god tier threat yeah be cool as a DLC I agree absolutely okay Marianne did you do all your way can't remember hold on let me go down here let me see if I can bring the elevator up one notch I don't know where the elevator is right now is it jammed on the bottom or was it jammed on the bottom no okay it's up a level all right any of you guys play dark and darker I've been meaning to play that one we just have no time for it right now [Music] how about this nice a bunch of rotten food Rotten good for nothing food carry on to the rescue look at this guy absolute hog was this not the first floor wait hold on where the hell am I right now man look at that that is just incredible okay Supply pack oh we'll definitely take that burlap sack no thank you no thank you how can I trust how will I ever know how can I show myself my darkest me I'm normally one full literature but there's something there ton of Madness careful I buy it okay I think we can go up a level let me pick that book up actually can't go into the basement yet you gotta unlock it first but I'm working to do thanks Brett appreciate that a dark anime anime Claymore sounds pretty cool as someone who just only got into anime a couple years ago when I watched Castlevania that interests me okay let me just check around here real fast make sure there's nothing I missed a lead with a Starion interesting over there got a Dusty book right here let's check it oh hold on there's a lever for that door nice ah magical light a cute little trick there is a light in every living thing it's crawling towards the surface to survive and in its wake it tramples everything we'll kill the rest so that one can thrive okay let's go up another level Castlevania berserk hey Shannon what's up uh the beastmasters pet scalene occurs at level six I know at level nine when your proficiency bonus increases you get extra attack with them level five and six is when you start to feel the Beast mat maybe it's level six level six is when you really start to feel The Beastmaster companions get a little bit better yeah they're pretty weak in the beginning but I promise you they get a little bit better I never cared for spy glasses watching things from afar it's hardly fun imagine staying in the Arcane tower for vacation the pet could summon its own food what a clever little trick not one for glutamine I see I see the road to Darkness again an epic tragedy about power corruption and loneliness a lonely road new sounds through damp and dark oppression break it is the foe that foul contemptuous heal or out thou friend to rescue for my lonely wake I'm out of love for me not for love of Blood and Steel how would I know how would I know soreth it's been so long what do I know of you and you of me dearest Lenore I'm not sure I should say this but your last letter really worried me why in all Hells would you tame a bullet it's because you found it near myrna's grave doesn't mean that's a sign nebula is that giant land shark that I fought last session I'm really worried about you Lenore a bullet is not a pet using it as a guardian is one thing but you sound quite taken by it I know you don't want to come back before you finish your research but if you're feeling lonely you know my door is always open lots of loves love and hugs amaranth yeah so really warms my heart to hear that you put the Autumn crocus flowers on Mariners grave I remember she liked to roll around in them even though she'd always sneeze after it was such a soft loyal dog I wish there was more I could do okay I think we're ready to go up so many things to search in these games it's crazy Laria makes it worth it like searching all the containers and everything but at the same time it's not like you have to sometimes you find some decent things other times not so much so I feel like either play style works perfectly fine you're not going to be like severely underpowered if you don't loot things at least in like the crates and stuff but if you do loot things you'll you might find a pleasant surprise here and there you know these words they are from the opening stanza of a play you found in this very Tower oh um or out thou friend the rescue from a lonely wake up oh yes I know this yes um how can I trust how will I ever know how can I show myself my darkest me Leon is inspired because I'm an Entertainer okay but Guiding Light ring man I have like no magical rings oh I should put that on gives you the light evocation can trap okay bad rooster thank you again for another gifted membership scruffy sloth welcome to the crew look like the snake from the end of Rango with that hat act one alone if you do every bit of it it could be the whole game yeah I agree it is crazy how big act one is and you know what's even scarier to think about but amazing to think about is act three is even bigger [Music] okay so the ring is linked to this button here so let's um [Music] let's go ahead and use our ability here light [Music] foreign act three yeah it's insane [Music] Scroll of clouded daggers dark version and magic weapon that's amazing missives of candle keep to the sage L Minster over the past year I've delivered many of your letters to master Orion so I wanted to be the one to deliver the sad news alas he is with us no more Orion in his Ward left candle keep soon after your last letter arrived to him they departed in the middle of the night but were waylaid shortly after on the road to baragost the gate Warden tells me that Ryan saw to it that several of his attackers joined him in the next World before he was struck down hope this brings you the same Grim Comfort it brings me of this Ward there was no sign and some better news I received your letter to the library and was able to find much of the material you requested has been carefully secured and will travel with this letter yours in honor Tristan Shale librarian at Candle keep little bg1 Laura right there can't give up now oh my God freaking Scrolls down here insane definitely want to take facilus coil and might run into somebody that's petrified at some point you know what I'm saying the staff of Arcane blessing okay now I am proficient in this plus grants you an additional 1d4 to saving throws and weapon attack rolls you get bless you know what I'm Gonna Keep filar aloof handy and it'll be nice to be able to cast bless as a sork too and then I can use Shadow heart for Spirit guardians or something like that you know what I'm saying oh chromatic or nice we'll pick up these tongues of Madness I don't think I even need to go fight the uh what's this book right here hold on what's that yeah the staff was there before staff was like the big thing in this room that's like the prize item that you get okay and that's pretty much it for the Arcane Tower pretty cool right [Music] you know what we might actually go I want to go the mountain pass so bad going to Grim Forge though going to grimforge as an absolutist will be really interesting so it also won't take that long because we don't have to fight the entire camp so let's go check out uh yeah let's go to grimforge but should I kill some mushrooms that's the question hey Stone Weaver what's up automatically did bless when you're hit by a spell let's take a look so it looks like I have less right here on my actions my class actions or my common actions additional 2d4 to spell I don't see anything about taking damage and getting blast that would be pretty cool though but then again would it that would kind of suck because then uh it does require concentration it might break your concentration spell oh shit they didn't like that sorry about that I forgot the mushrooms are friends with other mushrooms it was this it was at this moment that Leon realized who is hungry for mushroom soup and knowing that these mushrooms are against the dwargar and the dwargar support the absolute or these dwargar do big you realized it was time to fry these suckers up for lunch shit it's gonna be really hard man I don't know about this I don't know about this right now I have no Frontline tank hey Jeremy what's up so glad you're doing evil now I don't have to feel bad about it I got you kill everything I'm not trying to do a kill everything run even though it kind of happened trying to kill with purpose and right now killing the mikenids may be good for the absolute because they want the dwargar dead over here and the dwargars support the absolute um the question is is this a battle that I want to engage in there's just so many micanids so many micaids I don't have a tank let's try this way wizard the frick out of it I don't got a wizard in my group I'm back with Mandara oh yeah maybe if I go do mintara's Quest maybe she'll be able to join me good thinking I might actually do that flesh Walker reach into memory it reveals its own home I already did that cutscene I'm trying to think how to get him to you can get him to join you to try to take over the Grove but something has to trigger it first we go talk to the dworker again real fast hold on I'll be back Leroy Jenkins just killed all the gift kids a little messed up man what do they do to you glazel is dead right now Todd Shadow heart shoved the knife through her neck and I stood by and did nothing command on the cambion yeah it's a much easier way to get in the sword yeah sergeant not exactly sure how to trigger that okay hold on let's see what we got for quests let's see here travel to moonrise the dream visitor told us to go to moonrise gotcha an old woman told us she could help us with their tablet problem we absorb the parasite's memories it nourished our minds menthara the drought Commander spoke of the artifact we carry she's looking for it on behalf of the absolute and believes it to be in the emerald Grove you should find out more about it [Music] thank you [Music] that darker nope no dark urge I thought mushroom hunter have you made any new discoveries were you here when the dwargar attacked I observed a fight from a distance combat is not my field of expertise but the miconits handled themselves well enough to enjoy a good bargain anything in my private collection is to your liking blur this whole blurg thing just totally have a totally different [Music] seen just because I deceived him earlier it's like totally different than if I didn't deceive him [Music] very well Ripple passed in an entire oh there's no transmog in this game it's just a Dye System it's not it greets you with a harrowing elegy cheerless as the new moon I don't want to kill the dwargar like I do that every time okay we're going to Grim Forge we're going to Grim Forge this should be really interesting thank you as long as I don't push too far in the underdark I don't think it considers me taking the underdark path to moonrise Towers so we should be fine foreign doesn't look happy what are you talking about I don't look at I'm supposed to be smiling at all times how many hours in this run I think 20 something 22 or something like that go to the gift crash yeah you know I do want to go to the mountain pass at some point but I'm really interested in seeing how grimforge plays out with with this party that I have right now I just want to talk to True Soul near 24 7. what can I do okay it's about to get interesting haven't gone over here as in as someone who's branded actually with the absolute ever even in Early Access I never did this while I was branded a vessel wobbles on the Lake's murky Waters thanks David sail into the darkness why is there so much green on my webcam see if I can fix that the way I could play this and handle chat that's why I really am enjoying doing the offline play so I can enjoy the game for the first time without having to multitask too much but it's not as bad now just because I've already played this but if I was experiencing this content for the first time with a live stream on chat it would be it wouldn't be that enjoyable because I wouldn't be focused on anything I wouldn't really know what's going on what are you doing on gexroft where's kick who are you branded persuasion just let me cross I have the brand see you don't see you guys don't see the green like along my head along the headband not that bad all right all right no reason to get your tongue in a twist well come on let's get you to shore you'll later report to the sergeant you lot keep patrolling I'm heading back with this one you continue forward in silence until the lights of again twinkle through the Merc there should be some interesting content as an evil character definitely gonna play out very different than my past runs hello chair only green on the headset plowed sideways I've got a welcoming party Cloud sideways oh what the heck why is Shadow already over there what the hell that's a bug shit time you showed up we got trouble spit it out Sergeant finally choked on true Soul nears prick it does for us yeah you're right the twat song caused a rock fall trapped tighter than a ring on a fat finger they're all shitting me you pay up that's the trouble he's got the gold on him Sergeant's arm is falling off for all the gnome slaves she's been beating who's the Hoon greyman another slave for the Dig call me slave again and I'll feed you your own stomach oh this one's feisty friend's Gonna Knock the snot right out of him thank you I am a true soul and you will treat me with respect that feel the slightest of stirrings in your head the dwayegar is not infected yet your minds resonate I'll be you ain't shitting felt the tingle your twat Soul Chum owes us a load of coin you want through make a donation I'll take your head before you take my gold unclog your hole just just sitting around But I'm warning you that's what soul ain't settled up soon there'll be hell to pay for the lot of you cult boggers all the charm in which you'd expect even a slaver of gnomes okay interesting very very interesting I don't like strangers here Birds absolute must have took you in where did the drow come from caught him sniffing around easy marks had to stench to the toplands hung them here as a warning and no one drugs with Clan flame shade who hung these drow out to dry me [Music] no one stopped me yet hurry up you might have my feet I speak true Brothers you know it in your hearts you know it in your very Souls We Need No Love No Spider Queen father mermeth is the head of Clan Le he hatched us raised us feeds us what can we for his business here he keeps us small Keeps Us contained we should be with the Spider Queen revered adored probably right spiders for the Spider Queen seems logical but it goes beyond logic did you not see it friend visitor the unfulfilled potential you don't sense much unfulfilled potential but one thing is certain This Crew won't hesitate to sink their fangs into your belly if their dwegar Master gives the word foreign I think your sister is Right among the spider Queen's worshipers you'll reach your true potential my Venom or devastating Santa is it so this and so much more in-laws her Embrace we're ready we follow yes our new dawn away oh interesting hey stickshit it's stick Pig you piss pop that's what I said stick shit my Mug's gone dry another uh sticks it piss pop you flirt let's jump to it oh it's up to the left head straight to the Shadows if I was that slave I'd be tempted to add a dash of something poisonous to their drinks hmm true Soul yeah tell the sergeant we won't move a pebble I heard a true Soul was trapped shouldn't you be helping hold out your hands you heard the man let's see him you want to see my hands for what it's asking more showing take a look five working fingers nice and Meaty Prime for ticking even there you claw him out my drinking hands busy don't think I like your attitude and I don't like pig shit but damned if your mouth ain't spewing it who on respect let your absolute pay for it till then bugger off hey sticks it where's my drink coming right up piss pop stick shit talks like smug and he wrecked that shroom Village and then shagged it is to smug now stay prick I don't think I like these dwargar I think my Dragonborn has a soft spot for the Gnomes piss off what's with the hostility pissed up you're a true Soul same as near so like I said pass out true we do have the Gnomes as slaves this is where Leon has to realize that his soft spot does not equal survival he must change his attitude in his Outlook there's no room for sympathy or empathy in Leon's life say that to me one more time gnome and I'll gut you is that so it's a whistle piss the drug off unless you're here to kicks look as different I suggest you bugger off foreign hats you put on your character might change their hairstyle a little bit that's probably why I have no mods nope Alexa just finished the game bittersweet ending for me that's awesome love to hear it the latest LP episode was insane thanks for watching that Zachary it really was it was one of the most intense gaming sessions of my life some of those roles that I had to pass or if I didn't pass it probably meant something really really bad was gonna happen that was so much fun Grim work did you kill them nah nah rockfall smashed him can't have them stinking up the place the half that weren't crushed are digging the true soul out of the wreckage I hope you're checking them for loot first you gotta be kidding these trash don't have nothing on them but rocks rocks okay let's do a perception check inspect the Corpses beautiful you spot a shiny trinket on one of the Corpses sleight of hand reach for the trinket wow 20. I need like a 12. oh shit I literally just needed like a seven we're gonna use inspiration I have four Max you can have in this game is four so might as well use up one hey what are you oh I get it something caught your eye eh that's Grand I'll be willing to let you take it too for a mere pittance I think not then get your face out of mine can't afford to stay idle hey Cat what's up [Music] don't waste a step keep knowing quiet ly will ever believe this weekend thank you foreign [Music] you were seen killing someone just explain yourself before you're added to the body count perhaps some gold would make up for my little indiscretion enough gold in the world to undo the sight of a call it was like eight corpses around this guy right now are you shitting me or what or um who's winning gnomes killed under the Yoke of slavers what's up Eli how's the golf life apparently gnomes don't float no shops on the Fugue plane I might just have a look in your pockets so the view plane is where your souls get sent to and then they're judged and sent to either one of the planes of existence that your deity lives in or you're set into the wall of the faithless if you don't have a deity they might have changed the lore a little bit on the wall to faithless can't remember I did some research on it like six months ago I think they changed it to where you can still be like an atheist in the Forgotten Realms and not get sent to the wall your soul is this vessel better shut the hell up before I shove your ass in the lake Danton how about that Spore Druid loser looks like Prime spot to raise some of the Dead something good here I hope damn feels good to have a bunch of expertise and bonuses and proficiencies feels incredible what the hell is that a bowl scraps of a Nightfall feast a Nightfall feast [Music] we got something dripping from the ceiling something tells me we don't want to go up there oh wow they changed this they actually changed us a little bit from Early Access used to not be you could walk from one side to the other now you actually have to go through the Slime or the oozes kind of cool a long way to go still foreign armor ocean of Greater healing gold animal speaking silver ingot is the mug class still good um I don't have a monk in my group but from what I hear the monk is great I think if you're playing unbalanced any class is good I wouldn't think about it too much if you're playing a tactician maybe you got to start thinking a little bit more about your builds but still even on tactician whatever class you play depends on how you play it but yeah I would say the monk is still good even though I haven't played it since the panel from hell let's get going yeah we're gonna turn around here I should line my step hey shy what's up love you mug especially at level six getting yeah Shadow step is one of the coolest teleportation spells or features in the game for sure oh cool they teleport from Shadow to shadow it'd be really cool if you did like a Darkness party like he had a warlock that had uh whatever that invocation is where you can fight in the dark Wizards and Sorcerers who use the darkness spell everybody in your group's got Superior dark vision that'd be really cool do a party around that damn it [Music] keep going the gear in this game I know it's crazy so much good gear everybody's running for me because they think my druid is in oh no they're running from the zombie that's why let's see what this does in the full game you're going up there you've either got iron guts or one of those Moon lanterns a moon Lantern what's that one of me's magic lamps you won't last without one the death darks clogged the top land clear to moonrise Towers only a moon Lantern dispels it hey gamer stuff sounds good man enjoy your run you know where to find me death dark what are you talking about gnome spit it out Shadows thick as a duero skull sister breath right out of your lungs bow on up if you're fancy me I'd sooner take a swim in the dark Lake ooh that does sound crazy curse we must be getting close forget near and the moon Lantern let's just press on um me and Shadow heart have conflicting interests here the moon Lantern it's key to our survival and that means free and near let's just hope you're right otherwise we're just aiding the enemy Papa tells me let me hit that five let's see if okay you're about to progress your adventure make sure to tap any Loose Ends so we don't want to go there right now let's go see if we can figure out this near debacle moving in why does shadow look like she just came out of Harry Potter true Jesus cow looks like a witch yeah I love Shadow Hearts look with the hat fought like this doing in the underdog whoever built it they let it rot for ages if you aren't here to inspect the stonework then get lost and if you are well I doubt you've got anything useful to say okay damn I'm not a wild shape tired sleep rest little one but do not take long I feel his shadow I heard his name whispered The Rock Shivers from the sound the Catholic Thorn the name means little to you yet your heart pulses to its rhythm thorn Thor you fear this cut the right form who is he Mighty elf cloaked in darkness ten Masters ago and ten more but I remember there was the work and the blood there was the Thorns Army there was the Heron Beast broke them the cathetic Thorne's name faded into stone until the near came what kind of Hell Beast could have destroyed cataract's Army I saw tusks and and flesh smelled fire and eggs it came with the masked man crashing Americans and smashing well that was a long time ago what does near have to do with Catherine I know not so I say not yet I hear his name again said by the Shadows I'm wearing my state trooper hat shy state trooper Leon At Your Service keeping the highways safe thanks to the 4.99. how long have you been on this playthrough and why are you only here I only ask because I'm old I remember I remember that history I'm doing two separate runs at the same time so I have like 45 50 hours on my other run and then I have like 25 on this one if you play all of act 1 and do all the content you're looking at being in act one for probably 40 plus hours I would say impressive memory how old are you exactly I outlived my mother and her mother's mother and many mothers Beyond blessed to see many live cursed to see many yeah I have a separate let's play series going on if you guys ever noticed on I've been releasing like sometimes two videos a day an episode of the let's play and that's my main run this is my secondary Run for the Stream with this around I'm just kind of taking my time doing all the content playing on tactician making that a little bit harder the Catholic form the Shadows speak his name damage dark just to see your armor while obscured by Shadow the wire deals one to four necrotic damage to attackers that hit them with a melee attack I know it is forbidden to enter the inquisitor's chambers but I could not help myself as Master cutthric not commanded us to use every possible tool the best shars rivals besides if sabil meant to keep the amulet a secret she would have hidden it better The Amulet has gifted me a power and energy heretofore are known to me I've never known such might and such cheer I can barely keep myself from smiling it is done thank the lady thank the dark lady Sybil ripped the amulet from my throat and cast it into the lava having found me racked by laughter the madness Has Lifted I do not yet know my penance Sybil is not known to take pity on thieves look at the skeletons you realize that [Music] they are dark dark justicier uniforms these were Shah worshipers the same as me whatever killed them made an enemy of a powerful goddess powerful enough to take her own Revenge I'm sure no need for us to get involved we read the Journal of the dark just this year he mentioned an amulet of great power that also made the wearer laugh it was cast into the lava I wonder if the gods are watching me I gotta search everything for food gotta keep stacking up those cam everything is rotten here though the starions audio muffled from the mask I don't think so Maybe you have 2 273 camp supplies that's crazy light crossbow let's go baby perfect for Shadow Hearts oh I have a Sharon crossbow too the hell that's even more perfect oh that is it okay yeah like crossbow plus one gandrill's aspiration you have an advantage against monstrosity type enemies gonna put that on a long time ago all as well look at this freaking Place dude it's crazy absolutely crazy what do we have here it's deep we have a couple chests it must be a trap it is a trap crazy bastard what the hell is that thank you gamer stuff appreciate the hundred dollar super chatty ridiculous man next response as always love your content you taught me so much about bg3 and d d in general can't wait to finish my run and return to team up with Tardis and they Wiz Gwar to torment your moderators sounds good man look forward to having you back yeah I'm taking my sweet old time with a stream run so actually my other run too so I'm sure you'll be here before I even make it halfway through act two freaking look at we didn't even we didn't even get in combat mimics resistant to all physical damage and acid foreign you know I don't even feel bad right now I don't even feel like I'm like I'm bugging the game or cheese in the game you know why because these are freaking mimic chess what are they gonna do jump up here absolutely not I figured out what they are and now I'm gonna kill him we're gonna Ignace the crap out of them thanks again gamer stuff that's crazy man I appreciate the support what's mimicking it was mimicking a chest they tried to cheese me yeah exactly okay but we killed those suckers oh we got another chest right here test it out we're smarter than the mimic just all mimic chests shall die let's do a let's do a ray of frost to cool him down a little bit okay now let's see if our characters can find a way to get there all right they're going to look at a Starion oh my God he was running that was hilarious running like a middle schooler late to class being the mimic opening up is so good true we're gonna find out Samantha right now Dark Souls flashbacks second every corner lots of near New Gear yes there is mimic as a monstrosity that imitates a chest or other furniture risky Mage hello Devin just drop him by to say hi before I go back to movie night with the kiddos oh that's amazing hope everyone is having a great night you as well cheers to the kiddos a non-alcoholic beer cheers to the kiddos they must have hidden supplies nearby a Harper symbol what's in here let's have a peek wondrous gloves your armor class increases by one in addition if you have bardic inspiration damn those are good for even non-bards did an armor class increased by one insane well speaking of that I actually have gain a plus two bonus to Armor class as long as you're not wearing armor or holding a shield that's even better I'm not wearing armor damn those are where did I get those I honestly don't even know where I got those does anybody remember my memory is so bad to The Tavern big skull in the chat for gamer stuff with a 99.99 skull how's that new job I mean it's not new at this point game or stuff it's crazy probably been working that job for a year but how's it going still working that same job appreciate it man cheers oh geez wait what the hell oh gamer stuff did 249 yeah so I'll just call it a 99.99 thanks man what was your first donation I missed it said I missed the wolf pack making money well you're not making money right now you're giving it to me moving ahead thanks man go play your run stop watching don't spoil yourself I care more that you guys enjoy your run I'll be streaming and playing this game for the next two years probably see if I should put those on let's put those on Shadow's got the Hell Riders Pride when you heal another creature I like that the Starion gloves of missile snaring they're so good let's give the missile snaring gloves to Danton okay my stupid Spore druid damn it it's glitched out um yeah okay because he's more of a frontliner than a Starion as missile snaring gloves telling you guys right now so good oh yeah today is Friday thanksgamer stuff appreciate it man seriously we should start a drinking game did you get the gloves that could be advantage on the hand sleight of hand checks no I didn't get those yet aren't those the ones that are near carlak um I don't think I even need advantage on sleight of hand when you have a star on in your group you get like 18 bonus to all of your roles [Music] all right so starting we're going to go ahead and clip these they give us a plus one to armor class that's huge man like people take an entire feat just to get a plus one that is just crazy you know plus one off of a freaking one item in the game yourself with the 1999 I got fired and I got a gig with a great company they don't pay me a lot but they pay me enough to do things like this thanks Gamers though I mean sorry about you getting fired kinda it sounds like you're in a better sounds like I don't know you got a gig with a great company so congratulations on being fired and starting another life okay what a great company all right let's go back up these things have stayed interesting this one's both ways who swings both I'll tell you you know my biggest criticism of this game is right now and if I do a review I'm absolutely gonna criticize this all the companions that I don't want to bang want to bang me and the ones that I do want to bang are playing hard to get like every companion the only companion that I'm okay with hitting on me is a Starion no need a companion that I don't want to romance is a Starion excuse out of the companions I don't want to romance the men a starion's the only one that I'm okay with hitting on me because it really fits his character he just feels like I don't know it really fits his character really well and and I don't mind when he hits on me it fits the character will and Gail are both trying to get in my pants on my other run they're trying to get and I thought they were my boys like this whole time I'm forming this friendship I'm getting approval for him and I feel like we have a good group going on the next thing you know it gal's trying to give me a coconut oil massage Will's trying to dance ballerina with me and it's I think it's I think it's bad game design for the companions because it shouldn't it shouldn't be like that it really it really took the RP out of it for me shadow heart's going really good on my other run but I really hope that in larion's next game they don't tie approval to romance and you actually have to activate the romance like in Early Access I thought that was better done than the full game in Early Access I feel like I didn't get put into any romance situations with gal and will in the full game like it just all of a sudden all sudden they're trying to bed me you know what I mean that's one of my biggest criticisms with this game so far everything else is phenomenally well done I think the writing for the companions is fantastic but the romance scenes trigger way too easily I know a couple other people have felt that way too you actually have to raise them up they need a way better companion romance system yeah like the romance is really good in this game like the scenes and all that's really well done but they need they need to give you more agency over either make companions I'm okay with the player's sexual companions where if you really pursue a companion they can go either way I think I'm okay with that but they either need to make them inherently one way or the other way or they need to make it to where you really have to pursue that path with a few of them characters like a Starion I think I'm okay you know with him swinging either way at all times regardless of what you're playing but like gal and will like it really took me out of the RP when they're both trying to fucking make out with me you know what I mean like I thought we were boys man we're drinking beers hanging out and all of a sudden they're trying to get down my pants that really ruined that really killed our little experience that we had go I can never look at them the same you know what I mean it's like your best friend like imagine being best friends with somebody for like 20 years and one night they put their hand on your freaking leg you know what I'm saying [Music] oh man people flirt with you no it's a lot more than it's it's a lot more than flirting um like I actually got put into some like actual romance scenes like it wasn't just like a like against my wishes into shape that Rubble needs clearing and my patience is hanging on by an ass whisker well that's that was just a video game but I do think that they're the approval system's poorly designed in this game almost sounds like you're asking for help if I ignore your tone but it sounds like you're asked once for a lashing the way you talk out of it something Spooks the dumb shits so stop your join and get to working what's behind the rubble you got no need to know and I got no need to tell so get to caining or to leave him give her stuff with a 20 Super Chat puts my hand on what hey I mean for 20 bucks shit you can put your hand on my leg fuck it money's money man's got to make a living you know what I'm saying Romancing is interesting but I wonder is it going to be like if you do something with someone in act one they flip over to someone else in act two or three not sure all I know is that I've been gaining approval with Will and Gail and I was super happy about that but then like I got put in a few situations where it clearly was romantic as opposed to me choosing to be romantic and then it going into the Romantic scenes that just kind of kills the RP Vibe a little bit with a few of the companions all right let's go with uh hmm let's see call him a parasite connect with a Taskmaster Master what does he seek I think you've been leaning them on I don't think I have but I mean it's possible maybe I'm just as bad with my questions don't go burst in those head veins I ain't joined your bat-brained cult [Music] you want my help then you will tell me what's back there oh shit that's not good I let karlak until she turns me into her bottom I had to break it off that's funny will only dance to if you ask him during the first party that you wanted to dance with him I don't think I clicked that response I definitely didn't I'd have to go back and watch my I don't think I have to go back and watch my run something with gal too um for some reason maybe I'm just not paying attention well enough I I activated gal's night scene but I had a feeling that it could just be like a friendship thing but the whole scene was definitely set up romantically I don't know I'll have to go back and watch my decisions maybe I screwed it up myself fine look at this a few other people said something similar to that though stuff's no joke stronger than steel rarer than mithril it ain't Mind Is Made there's an adamantine Forge back there sure is shit in don't get any smart ideas that Forge is Clan property but get the beasts moving and I'll toss some coin your way nice I mean I wouldn't be happy with it with the female characters too if if all of them were trying to romance my character unfortunately none of them are but I wouldn't want it to be like that with the female characters either maybe you can have a few of them that clearly are easier to romance so they're always like that then there should be a few more that are a little bit harder to actually activate that romance scene where you have a lot more agency over how it plays out sounds like your problem figure it out yourself should have told you to piss off when I had that chance you selected hold gals hands I actually went I actually was recording that on my let's play series and I went back and I went back to a different load point because I didn't want mining gal's relationship to be romantic if I had to go back and load a different point and then not do that scene and then hope that our relationship was friends but then I don't know at the same time does he does he loving me on the side or whatever we'll just move on you guys get my point I think it's not uh I think it just needs to be reworked a little bit all right let's um let's go talk to near I don't even know if I want to do this right now it helped let's go let's go back this way let's go talk to near right now I'm very very interested in the near scene whirl thanks for the five dollar Super Chat I just want the option to go like drinking with the companions in the best buds kind of way I wonder if we can do that in the city of Baldur's Gate there might be some I think it's really cool that larion put in that date system where you could like take karlak on a date human the scene going romantic felt way out of left field for me I barely talked to gal you guys understand what I'm saying everybody's running for my zombie let's go right into this scene right here and then we'll come back to some of those dwega same as the Goblins had someone's watching you're distracting the slaves they run your date stop heat up some rocks let's see how the little pricks do when we strap fire to their legs aren't the most sophisticated way of getting what you want from someone is it move Hoon I don't have time for drug men Outsiders all right let's go over the Gnomes boots never thought I'd see these these crafty little shits these ones you need a stiff cane to keep them in line here then his Bounty is yours no move I've got no time for parasite stairs it's a mere tickle you hear no thoughts or memories just an echo of scars that never heal a true Soul eh could have told me glad you're here to take responsibility tunnels collapsed trapped true Soul near is stuck in there with poisoned geezers we don't get him out soon it's both our heads not the head we'd like to see roll unfortunately how did near get trapped places older than bone dust previous tenants left a trap dropped a shit ton of metal once we dug a ways in get near out and you'll have the absolute blessing no doubting that Jeff thank you for your first Super Chat I kind of screw up my romance so all my companions are my Bros now that's funny so you're on the opposite end of the spectrum like damn it somebody romance me I don't even care who somebody touched my leg what are you hoping to find at this dig entrance to an ancient Temple General's orders near said must contain something important he got me to recruit non-believers but not everyone's seeing the absolute truth they don't get paid soon I'll have a rise on my hands I don't think I have explosive powder maybe I do I've got some explosive powder that should do the trick that's so set it near the rubble and ignite it you may try to touch my legs robe of Summer or gain resistance to cold damage there ain't no cold damage in Baldur's game three racing Band After shoving an enemy the wearer gains a plus one to their armor class until their next turn that's actually kind of cool I mean there's gonna you're gonna find rings that are way better than all that but yeah I don't have any explosive powder I don't know what the hell that was saying you better hope that's the worst would you say it's not about your balls being like potatoes let's ease drop on the conversation see what these filthy gnomes are saying gamer stuff oh shit did I shy oops okay Scott what's up phenominees gone and if she's smart she won't be coming back Sergeant Where She Went I'm still trapped with that Maniac powder they killed Phil on the spot I won't let you do it you mentioned smoke powder details now I never killed the mic and it's Shannon they're still alive so initially I was trying to figure out if I could help out the Gnomes like my Dragonborn had like a little soft spot but you know the Gnomes they're working directly for the absolute so there's just gonna have to be something where my Dragonborn his true personality shows he can completely close out you know showing sympathy or feeling empathetic to other people if he needs to for power so in this case you guys saw a soft spot he thought about helping the Gnomes but he realized you can't you can't have a mindset like that no Surrey smoke powder no no you misheard sir our friends are trapped in the cave-in and I know a way to get them out bug please you know what he'll do [Music] sounds like quite the drama I can't wait to watch what no longer you can't I I've got no choice Larissa we have to chance it a few days back there was a scene our friend philomine she's a sapper set off a blast and ran off we set a spot for hiding if someone found trouble I'll mark your map if Billy mean made it still have the stuff load that tunnel wide open and get Beltran and the rest out excellent I can add philamine's head to my collection I told you bug Loretta I you better not harm a damn tear on her head a character has to really you know over and compensate now because that soft spot that arose within him you can never allow that to ever come back so now he's just gone full blown chaotic evil oh look at look at him right now he was like we discovered a lift in Grim Forge that could bring us closer to moonrise Towers however we are warned of the darkness that plagues the surface we found some explosives wait did I really find explosives let's see if it's enough to clear the cave in we have some smoke powder oh I must have smoke powder if it's not enough to blow the cave in Philomena might have more she fled to a hiding spot okay um I have this smoke powder bomb without the explosives though that you're supposed to hold on let's go to hold on let's do inventory latest do I try this uh keep digging that's kind of cool for me I thought it might kill the gnome we have some smoke Pirates not enough to bliers let's go find philamine I don't have any uh I didn't pick up any of those things unless they're called something different I don't see them in my inventory at all keep going who managed to clear some but not all spoke to some gnome captives their leader Beltran is trapped in the cave and their friend philamine ran off with some explosives okay go see what we can do about this philamine character oh yeah I could buy a bomb from a Trader I'm kind of interested in kind of interested in the Philippine scene though see if they updated it it's hard going fall on the dark side another step forward oh shit wait is that new I've never seen this door before wait have I is this that there's an illusion back here okay maybe I have all right curious Thor didn't look familiar oh look at that look what we just found smoke powder satchel what happens if we what happens if we don't do anything but philamine let's go let's go set up some smoke powder screw it they changed the door from wooden to metal okay all right I know it looks different there's something something different about it you didn't bother with finding the forge itself oh the forge offers some great loot Forge is actually very very close to where the explosion explosive site is up here all you gotta do is make one little leap or one Misty step yeah the forge is right over there I think my first time ever playing I discovered it because I brought a character over here and I attempted making that jump right there and it worked yeah the forge is pretty cool you get all these molds you can actually craft a few things there's also a boss over there too you don't know what you're doing the boss can be quite tough I don't think we're gonna do that today though all right folks everybody get the hell out of the way foreign oh they're together I don't think it matters but [Music] probably shouldn't stand before the torch just standing over smoke powder satchels what are you waiting blast I think what are you waiting blast I think what are you waiting for blast I think what are you waiting blast I think all right brother I'll fucking blast it no get the hell out of the way dude oh shit can you hear me well done bruh they're gonna care about one silly slave gnome absolute BS I'm safe scumming I'm saves coming you guys saw it I'm safe scummy don't care what you guys say that was bullshit I think it was bugged all is well that ends I could have let's get going I'm absolutely safe's coming there's no way I'm having my evil run where I end up killing the absolute foreign the undead you think that's what's doing it all right I'll run some on the undead let's do it right now this thing's just making everybody freak out you think it was that or do you think it was because I hit the gnome I thought it was because I hit the gnome and they didn't want me to kill their slave or something like that you guys are telling me it's bug though so you know we're gonna go with that because I don't like to save scum so if it's bugged then I get to stand true my morals definitely because you hit the guy [Music] Valley with the five dollar Super Chat I'll pay the saves coming fee for you yeah we have to save some bug or not we have the saves government because I got to show you guys a different run I can't be you know fighting against the true Souls on this one and then on my let's play series also fighting against them we gotta do something totally different now if there's a role that I fail that causes the death of someone we're gonna roll with it but having the true souls go hostile against me uh-uh Brothers in Arms everybody get the hell out of the way oh is he gonna freak out again okay there we go it looks much oh okay so I'll tell you why it was bugged because the zombie was forcing The Gnome to run in a place where he's not supposed to go and that put the gnome over in this area so bugged kind of bugged kind of not bugged I don't know if everybody should be running from the zombie I don't know maybe they should be I don't know thanks shy you attacked someone only the guards are allowed to do that as this one is about to demonstrate are you up and kidding me right now are you fucking how about 50 gold my man bribery attempt has caused some effect s it is that's not saves coming either that was a bug guys bulbhead was in my way unbelievable that's not saves coming I don't save scum I don't do that ah remind me to save after we get the smoke powder this time all right for cripe's sake I'm about to start killing everything the only reason why that was even funny is just because I screwed it up the first time like otherwise it wouldn't have been as funny all right get rid of the stupid zombie Zombie's causing us problems the animal summons cause problems too but they're bugged the animal sounds are definitely bugged with okay for the eighth time let's go back into this room oh shit I missed did I missed that I'm way too big oh that's just another way to get into the room if you have like a wild shaped form or something all right look to be fair to be fair y'all I don't save scum on my first this is my second run okay I do save scum on my second I consider it on my second run in my third run I don't care about nothing in my first run we have a no safe scum in philosophy in this community okay and if you save some you are not welcome here okay save I'm gonna let me get up here let's save when I get right here we don't like your kind around here okay I don't support your kind okay this is my second run so it doesn't count around where I did not split the bombs and it did not blow you know I was wondering that actually I will split it this time I was wondering if it was going to count as one or two good thing is I have a backup bomb anyways all right let's get everybody away let's do it right this time one Sparky little blow what are you waiting for D look they're not running from a zombie yay we did it we managed to clear some Rubble oh but not all of it are you kidding me right now what is that RNG the bombs they must be oh oh shit I'm pressing F5 can you hear me okay all right it's proof proof I didn't save scum you just noticed I hit everybody with the damage right there but I didn't have the zombie out and nobody went hostile against me I'm safe I'm not a safe scummer I'm not a safe scummer I'm okay I'm okay to the tavern let's go and celebrate let's go and celebrate that I am not a safe scummer it's been proven in front of all your eyes right there you all saw it you all saw it firsthand I am still pure in heart when it comes to Sam still haven't zero checks on my resume under the saves coming category foreign I thought I was joining the safe scumming club for a minute there getting real nervous Hammer thanks for the 4.99 man third time's a charm true and that's how you do it ladies and gents all right here comes uh oh man here we go now we got some nice dialogue scenes what worthless has been my ruin I agree oh my God finish the slaves true soul for the absolute as you say oh God no oh this is sick questions oh wow through him the absolute gave you everything and this Fiasco is how you reward her me and mine worked flat out I was cracking the whip day and night tell him true soul you were lazy thrin without me near would be dead no no I did everything right hmm near pities you friend your arrows and excuses yes you're sorry end [Music] Health your skull buzzes and you see your own face through nears eyes worthless every last one their failures must be punished true soul take their heads the absolute commands it if you insist master show them no mercy their corpses will make a fine offering to our mistress yes oh this is so good near as muscular oh yeah 17 strength future is very strong has advantage on a Bowie Chucks and saving throws sunlight sensitivity cool but they're actually sticking to some drow lore like our drow characters have tadpoles I think that's the explanation as to why they're able to walk in the sunlight I mean with that said Crystal erden can walk in sunlight it just takes a long time okay here we go oh that cost an action to do that here we go I gotta play this carefully let's kill the stupid freaking scrying eye come here you little stupid eye I've taken an opportunity diagonal I'm not oh yes oh that was nice come on a Starion you can get yourself through there can't you oh yeah that's freaking perfect come on out here I need I need your help dressed you can right click on any enemy and you can examine them and you can see all their stats now I gotta make sure nearer survives because I want to see what his story is okay so what should we do here um I don't oh I don't have any level three spell thoughts are you kidding me right now is this a joke to you I'll listen to that music it's so good I think I'm scared of an opportunity attack absolutely not yeah I'm not sure snorrison I've been I've been waiting for somebody to spoil it and chat like if he actually does show up I've there's a couple other characters that show up I won't say them because I don't want to spoil it but I feel like by me doing the live streams at some point if drist is in the game somebody's gonna say something see ya couldn't have been standing there listen to that music that is that is really good Combat music oh shit that's not good light on my feet sometimes it's just too easy you know what I'm saying you fought this guy are you kidding me snoreson you're not a supporter of the absolute unbelievable I don't have symbiotic entity active what's wrong with me I'm dazed right now disadvantage on wisdom can't take reactions and loses the dexterity bonus you know actually not being able to take a reaction sucks as a sport Druid that's for sure all right let's take care of some of these losers oh I forgot that my Spore Druid has animate dead too we'll take care of this guy first oh oh that's not good ah sorry at least it was only a higher Lane right who cares about they're expendable you guys actually have pretty high HP our nearest still got full HP that's good wait he's not okay for a minute I thought he died I was like what the hell happened witness witnessed the murder of a guard in large oh he's enlarged right now time to start taking advantage of my sorcery points no stand at him and borrow 1690 today solid nice good for you oh I'm so happy they put shield in the game such a good spell killed in counter spell that's a Wizard's life it was a mod that makes shove in action I think that'd probably be pretty good I like Larry and nerfed shove quite a lot though and they definitely made it much more strength based which I think is pretty good I don't mind it the way it is right now but I can understand that yeah it's a lot harder to shove unless you're using a strength character with that said if you can one shot kill somebody yeah maybe it should be an action all right let's um still I'm still freaking immobilized here what the hell's going on seriously got three lightning chargers right now heretically oh yeah this is cool look at that Shield of Screams Armor class increased by three and attackers take two to twelve psychic damage when they hit Nero the melee attack that's a such a super I wonder if it's a tadpole power or if that's a DND spell I'm not sure foreign yeah look I have a 10 chance to actually shove right now by bonus action let's try it all right so what we're gonna do here since he's in my face is we are going to oh look at this Ray of fear 55 chance this is from the necklace that I got from The Spectator this will frighten my target if you succeed which I didn't oh oh he went back down yeah you can probably heal near I don't see any reason why I wouldn't be able to dude what Pauline blast feel powerful I killed the giant spider with uh with Thunder Wave not shove okay we're in big trouble right now something like Thunder Wave those uh that takes an action and a spell slot yeah because starion's gonna die dude where did this freaking guy come from biatch yes sir that was good that was real good salad nice look at that psychic damage when people hit near I should probably heal near now are you kidding me crap oh I care about a Starion don't worry I care about him greatly on this run rep so I'm not really sure what to do right now though if I heal him I think he stands up in the lava Starion might be the only companion that sticks with me to the end on this run seriously because even Shadow heart we're gonna have uh conflict of interest here cattle heart serves Shar not the absolute with that said those of you guys that haven't played the game who knows what Char has to do with the absolute is Charlotte the absolute is she not a lot of things you're gonna find out that won't give that away yet two of my companions officially dead damn it foreign [Music] boats with holy energy arranged weapon attacks possibly inflict turn Undead thank you the hell is that from that's pretty cool I got to get away from all the edges here foreign don't you die on me holy crap come on near kill him what are you doing not today my friend not today laughs foreign damn it hey Kenny what's up hey I appreciate that thanks a lot thank you thank you you know the funny thing is um the lore series that I did if you guys want to watch it just go to my channel go to playlists and you'll see Baldur's Gate 3 lore series um like 90 of those videos that I did leading up to bg3 have proven to be really really useful for this game I made the topics based on Early Access and what I thought would be involved in the game but the gift Yankee video that I did the video on the netherrees Empire um what else the video on what happens when you die with a few plane like a lot of those really really come in handy the DND knowledge for when you play Baldur's Gate 3 and you'll see as you get into the later Acts so I'll give myself a pat on the back for choice of topics for those lore videos because I was a little bit worried that I was going to cover topics that weren't really that important for Baldur's Gate 3 General d d lore that may not relate to Ballers Gate 3 specifically but that certainly didn't turn out to be the case and also my video on how magic Works talks about elminster and a few things in the weave and mystra really turned out to be a handy knowledge near messes up is every shot come on near okay one enemy left oh shit I just wasted an action somebody told me the other day you can go back after you end a character's turn can you really do that so look I ended Shadow heart oh man look at that cancel and turn it's the first time I've ever used that ever hey blank blank thanks Dan appreciate it Barry would have some COI with you later especially who would want to continue serving the absolute and you would want to get rid of the tadpole eventually or do I want to get rid of the tap thanks for the Canadian ten majority of companions are yeah I would say probably I mean we won't know until the future with what Wizards of the Coast does with the lore and stuff but I'm assuming yes it's always like a little iffy with like video games and what's actually Canon the overall events that are going on are absolutely Canon like the whole lipids trying to oh wait I don't want to say too much because I'm further the whole of lithids with the absolute and the tadpoles that is definitely Canon lore and we know that because it works off of the descent into a furnace Adventure module which is a wizard of the coast DND book as for like a Starion Lazelle Shadow heart I think yes I think I mean you also have jihiron Minsk in this game which have proven to be Canon over the years so I would say yes whether or not Wizards of the Coast does anything with these characters in the future how important they are I don't know hey Kai hey thanks a lot for your super chat I appreciate it thank you thanks a lot yeah act one is so big in this game and act three is much bigger can you believe it yeah there's just one gnome left you went invisible is that what happened I wasn't paying attention must have gone invisible let's create a spell slot I must take care of that problem damn it oh so close to these are lifted tadpole powers are not once per long rest like these I'm getting these all the time freaking crazy come on come stay idle I'm just gonna end my turn spiritual weapons never gonna make it up there every day I get more impressed with bg3 is still in act one I think we discussed the illicit Prophecy of the adversary and elected larva that undergoes ceramorphosis takes on the host personality that is DND Laura since first edition absolutely there's an insane amount to do doing a dark urge play oh you already did a full play Josh nice that's awesome oops I ended my turn foreign This was meant to be a simple operation I arrived those pack animals clear the debris and I walk into the temple instead I've been beset by incompetence a treachery and now this the absolute business remains unfinished hmm and what business is that exactly important business my orders come from general form himself I need you to deliver a message to him tell the general that I did what I could but that the route through grimforge is impossible first tell me what happened to this place when the general entrusted me with this Mission he warned there may be some damage caused by a monster that loose in the temple he never mentioned this the general is he a favorite of the absolute the favor nothing is done in these lands without his knowledge I'll do it where can I find the general the general resides at moonrise Towers but you cannot simply travel there the land surrounding the towers is blighted by a deadly curse that's the case how do I reach it safely I had a moon Lantern to keep the curse at Bay alas the Rocks did it in Amit so much for using that thing calm yourself we have allies on the surface seek them out and play this liar to call on their guide whatever you do do not attempt the journey to moonrise without his protection I promise you it will not end well menthara already directed me to this guide she hasn't got herself killed killing one of her Reckless Reigns youth would be wiser to align yourself with me than her few earned the General's favor I am sure to be among them hmm do not Tarry I will see you again but only when my work is done I can still reach the temple and fulfill the General's orders his advisor Balthazar also sought away I'll pick up his Trail and follow him prove myself his Superior I'm generous to those who Aid him when I return to moonrise I will be triumphant and you will share in my victory wow okay uh shadowheart's appearance hasn't changed when you put hats on her sometimes her hairstyle just changes here mentioned that he's planning to go to the temple where he'll pick up the trail of Balthazar the General's advisor gift from the absolute let's Rez our companions real fast I don't think I want to do the forge tonight um if we go the mountain pass route we have a certain amount of time I think before we get cut off from Act One content than maybe before I'm ready I can go back and make sure I tidy up everything that I didn't do if I decide to do that like help the curse monk things like that oh let's res our companions yeah thanks again and use the light to reach moonrise Towers I have already played act 2 my friends but thank you trying not to give away everything like while I'm playing to people that are watching for the first time that's why I may talk like I don't understand something or something like that all right let's get a story I'm back in all them press ahead yeah there is a point where you can't revisit some locations okay we gotta do some looting here too all right where's the Starion where's the soul right of Resurrection Scrolls no I'm not wooden Shield I haven't seen that Shield before it's kind of cool Beau of the Banshee the short bow on a hit possibly inflict frightens and a 1d4 bonus to attack and damage against frightened creatures actually I think I'll put that on Shadow now the late the crossbows do more damage but what am I really using a ranged weapon with my casters to deal damage very rarely I think I'd rather have a chance of frightening the creature looks pretty cool I guess kinda oh man all right this is a Starion to lifted powers Danton does not want to use that shadowheart does not want to use mine player parasites you know what I think I will take luck of the you know what maybe we should try something else actually I already have luck of the Firearms with the Starion because when I become a sore lock and I start using Eldritch blast it actually might be nice to have that so I took charm charge forward pushing all enemies and creatures in your path concentrate a blast Sonic overload this is kind of cool because you can heal yourself and also deal a crap ton of damage must be concentrated on other spell to cast this and the target was concentrating you heal as much if the target was concentrating you heal as much as the damage that was dealt to it very situational though transfuse Health sacrifice half your mind overload your attack still additional one to four psychic but you take one to four psychic every turn I don't know if I want to deal with that maybe it felt like a necromancer Wizard or something thinking about taking Force tunnel still haven't unlocked the outer layer yet it might not be a bad idea just to have that available and it doesn't promote opportunity attacks that's a disturbing skill tree yes yes yes look at that oh I already had this for one of the classes in Early Access something similar you've been seeing cools in trouble unfortunately for you the likes causing too um uh 200 gold properly acquired coin weighs heavy on the conscience holy crap near brother we're just there goes 200 gold holy crap okay well that's pretty cool I need to get the hell out of this place this place doesn't sit well with me make a lot of mistakes here just keep your hands to Us near shut the hell up brother before I freaking wreck your ass getting pissed off all right let's go to camp time for a long rest reacts in the game weird you guys don't want me to wreck near his ass okay on my way have a chat with some of the companions see if they have anything to say after this well you know who's this new companion that's a higher lean that you're seeing the bottom of course damn I'm getting some romance options here you know what I'm saying something strange happened the artifact you carry it seemed to just come to me wait did I already have the vision with this character I know you felt what fly away from you yes no under will of its own protect us I don't know how or why but I'm glad I felt it go from me to you you need its help just as it needs us still this is interesting so the artifact is protecting us from the absolute my character is seeking the absolute wants to join the absolute this should be interesting this should be real interesting a camp but help but feel you and I might have missed a chance to connect truly connect I think I I know what you mean there's an undeniable Rapport and we haven't made time for each other yup time alone easily remedied if you like I know a place I don't even I haven't even tried to romance Shadow on this run in fact I've done things that pissed her off she still wants me I mean look at these pectorals look at these scales look at that freaking green g-string just lead the way when the others are asleep and there's no distractions I'll come for you all right all right all right I'll see you then let's go baby you know what I mean some of us are just Naturals when it comes to Romancing characters and video games some of you guys just you just don't get it you never will you know what I mean it's just it's just it's just kind of like a Vibe you give off you know what I mean like you don't even have to get approval ratings if you're if you're just that if you're that guy you can pull it off you know and I am that guy I mean look at this I am that guy look at those glutes right there are you kidding me there ain't a mortal being within 500 miles it doesn't want to take that to pound town so are we saving this near from suffocating or leaving him to die I'm fine with either naturally the last thing I want to do is ruin these nails digging through Rock of course we can't leave him to die you must have to keep on walking but if you insist on being a hero I won't get in your way just don't expect me to help either why is the Starion naked because I like his nipples it seems to be the perfect night to spend a little time together sure just you and I you're right I can't show you guys that stuff I already banged mythara dude this guy has a straight up player holy shit my Dragonborn is just this is insane my Dragonborn is just pulling holy crap dude this is it must be the towel it must be the freaking tail this is downright crazy all right hold on I gotta make sure the show genitals aren't working hold on give me a second because I'm enjoying every minute of this I don't know about you guys I don't know about you guys but y'all got to sit there for a second hold on lead the way okay I think we're okay right now we're okay hold on come here it's just the first scene did you think I wouldn't show lots of people make promises can you keep them wow to begin I think a toast is an order any suggestions my Dragonborn doesn't know any better to Victory I like it yeah to Victory you know what I'm saying absolutely no tell me something about yourself just now tadpoles dragons maraud and goblins or anything like that something about you speak of dedication to your clan Above All Else a life of honor and Duty that's we can't say that that doesn't fit my dragonborn's RP we can't do it doesn't fit my backstory you first easy around the money don't laugh but I'm not quite sure have anything to share when you worship Shard secrecy is everything we'll sacrifice our own memories when ordered to a lot of the little things not a lot to me right now well that's a convenient way to avoid the question it's not convenient it's true but please enough about me sharing's bad for my complexion there's still plenty of wine and the whole night is ahead of us all right I'd say we got first base maybe second nearly light the others will be awake soon the others can wait I don't want this to end just yet take that risk thank you for last night oh okay um uh uh I I I I hope there will be more to come Trails off you read an invitation this is the first time I ever ever experienced this in my life one time in Early Access uh I just grabbed her left tit are you I don't know if that's I didn't choose I didn't click that Dragonborn just squeezed her left he's straight up just squeezed it you know if you want something I think you should take it got my sandals huh did it I don't know you just kissed my scally mouth I'm trying to ask you that little tingle I'd like to think that would have happened anyway s head back if we must I guess she liked it as well I hope of course unless something the matter I wanted to talk about the night that we spent together I was going to say the very same thing as soon as I worked up my courage a little I can't recall the last time I shared so much with someone maybe I never did before it meant a lot to me you mean a lot to me and that was before the kiss my Dragonborn has never experienced love his entire life he's only been picked on by the other Dragonborn because of his tail and he means to take it all in that night meant a lot to me and I hope there's more to come don't tell anyone else that I said that I hope so too I do as well all right we can't be all up in our face yeah we gotta give her some room now we gotta give her a little space we can't we can't let her know that uh a Dragonborn ever you know ain't never gotten nothing his entire life you know what I mean we got to play it off like we know what we're doing all right let's um talk to I don't have any companions They're All Dead I don't have any companions never saved gal never talked to Will oh we got a stupid Danton over there not found a legendary great ax no his backstory explains why he's fallen for a basic Shadow heart's a basic white chick what kind of basic chicks you'll be dating basic you're out of your damn mind foreign she's also cute as hell all right I think that's gonna be it for tonight actually I gotta go to the bathroom really bad I'm also really hungry and we made friends with near um what else did we do made out with Shadow heart um yeah this has been a pretty good session I think we're gonna call it quits right there because I don't want to get into anything else and everything else is going to take like an hour plus a basic chick with no memory who's half elf and has dark has a dark God that's what I was saying that's why that comment was funny yeah it was basic but with some issues uh thank you guys for hanging out tonight appreciate it back where we also hey back with us at mentharo Shadow heart Shadow is going to kill her in her sleep Shadow heart 100 but on this run I already romance this is pretty crazy my character is just doing it all we already romance menthara now Shadow Hearts is coming naturally who am I going to get after that thanks shy there was romance fighting save wait what'd you say I thought we proved that I didn't save scum did we not prove that you guys are still having doubts [Music] all right guys um you know I I think I'll be live I there's a chance that it might not be live I've been trying to stream as many nights as possible at 7 pm Eastern so if I am live it's going to be 7 7 30 p.m Eastern tomorrow but I do have to get a video done because I have an integration integrated sponsorship into that video and it needs to come out what's today tomorrow Friday yeah I have to get it done soon because I only had like a day or two to actually for my contract for the integration to be put into a video so I'm gonna probably play my offline Series in the day for like five or six hours film some more let's play episodes I'll probably release two Let's Play videos tomorrow one at nine in the morning one at three P.M uh the let's play series is getting real good might have been a little boring in the earlier acts but are in the earlier Parts but it's getting real good now actually if you guys missed the episode that I put out today episode was it 10 you gotta go back and watch it okay I'm gonna share a link you got to go back and watch it's like within the first 45 minutes something that happens with Lazelle oh it's so good I'm telling you it's so good it was so intense I'm gonna share it right now okay sharing it in the chat I think it's at like the 30 or 45 minute mark wrench just intense suspenseful scene okay I'm not sure blank blank okay I'll catch you guys maybe tomorrow night for a live stream if not damn I have something going on on Saturday actually one of my friends wedding receptions whatever I'll be live soon okay goodbye you want to watch the lp from the beginning yeah it's a lot of time to watch the streams and also watch the lp uh congrats on the new job come join the Dark safe Sky merch said all right I won't spoil it for you jack all right I'll just say it's uh it's a crazy moment I'll leave it at that and uh gamer stuff thank you for the massive donations tonight massive Jeff thank you for your donors Kai first appreciate you Hammer as always shy Violet thanks for the five I hope you're streaming this over on Twitch shy are you still here shy are you streaming this be funny if you let the uh if you have the twitch integration activated good night press Turkey Bird see you later learn Troy Daniels thanks for the seven dollars and eleven cents and Anzac thanks for the 10 and Vox thanks for the Canadian too appreciate you [Music] says part six or five of this I don't even know this is part seven holy crap foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 29,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, bg3, baldurs gate 3 live, baldurs gate 3 livestream, livestream, baldurs gate 3 full game, baldurs gate 3 lets play, baldurs gate 3 classes, beginners guide, bg3 live, baldurs gate 3 rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, tactician mode baldurs gate 3, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios
Id: iouyDL8Cu6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 30sec (11370 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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