🔴Live - Baldur's Gate 3 - The Most Gigachad Vengeance Paladin Ever

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what is happening y'all welcome back to another day of balder's gate three gonna be uh getting kind of an early stream going today may end up doing a night stream as well because I'm having a lot of fun with this but where we left off it is we get rested and it's now time to leave the camp and continue on our journey so we're over at the emerald glove but I want to want to shoot over there real fast someone pointed out that we can get into that area that door that we thought was locked apparently I picked up the key I gotta figure out where to use it exactly but we're gonna go back down there and try to figure it out apparently they added a fun NPC that can resurrect people and allow respects and all sorts of stuff so that definitely sounds like a high priority acquisition [Music] here we go got some lunch on the way actually I skipped lunch it's gonna go out and eat I was like you know Maybe maybe we'd do some more balder skating so I checked and I do have it and uh in my keychain here I have this engraved key found in sarcophagus of a long forgotten Chapel that should get this door open all right nobody walk let me auto save I want nobody walking on top of traps we got a pasta coming chicken pasta maybe not in trouble now oh crap and so let me try all right now let's see how would I use this stains no like how do I how do I use the key it should just unlock but it's not so instead we're going to try and lock pick it I guess easy teen total bonus plus seven he's gonna pull this off anyway you should pull this off with a plus seven oh my God are you kidding me um well that time we cleared it so this just leads me outside okay so there's really no reason to open that thing at all for the other hallway yeah torn between Druid and Vengeance I mean there is a paladin that you can pick up and a druid you can pick up and add to the party so honestly it's really just kind of whatever you're vibing with the most since you can pick up both members at this door it is that door okay but no sign of a struggle I wonder what was so subversive about their words that they commanded protection no I didn't keep the gloves from fighting the Goblins those gloves are a unless you have the uh the mark the absolute Mark those gloves are bad which I mean you could get marked but we're gonna avoid getting marked well Cavern we'll check that out in a second plaque I don't want to hop down there can't say I recognize it I've never seen this language before who was worshiped here down the cave no lever foreign hatch which then takes us up to the chapel okay so I couldn't imagine playing this on on Console personally like the amount of like camera manipulation and inventory management like that's that's a uh that's a lot that's a lot for playing with a controller so that ladder takes me out all right there's got to be something down here I don't know how it was an NPC you can recruit to the base that will do respects maybe it's based on the maybe I need to pass the religion check curse to put my head hmm button open the sarcophagus we'll get you the key on the Trap heavy oak door acting room you have the opportunity to grab some treasure opulent chest the whole Tony gold a book called on death and Resurrection to the right of that chest I didn't see the book at all sounds like Early Access stuff oh wait there's a button over there foreign alt right now to see everything but until I get now see how just now showed up gotta be I gotta you gotta comb everything man something just woke up down here okay um all right um enjoy good damage there let's go I have the resources for it and his turn okay um [Music] blessing is ready and good I gotta spread out we are we are way too tight on each other right now um wrathful smite right in vain I thought I didn't have Bane prepared thunderous and divine action this can be a bonus action I mean God this thing has 18 I might be able to just be iffy lacerate cleave lies before me Brea Frost reduce the target's movement um I don't know if I want it I don't know I think I just let this hit I'm not that worried about a single Ray of rust silence on Shadow heart and cast spells silenced okay so you need to die um 10. 28 oh what what what what that did not work out at all right concentration is down [Music] all right that one's down all right who's the who's the one that's doing the silence right now you yes concentration silence the reduced movement um [Music] foreign [Music] you get a pommel strike in yeah that Ray of frost ain't gonna stop a road can't cast spells silenced pop pity pop well magic Missile is honestly insane like the fact that I can I can move like like just like oh I'm gonna shoot that's that's so good that is so good if I remember I used to cast spells recharge once per long rest damn all right so I mostly want to focus on canned trips that's all that matters move let's get a hit step by step not gonna be able to hit that um cunning action bye nothing good here I think we take a short rest oh well some rests better than nothing you have problems on trying to save the game no nothing not an effort to hide one sarcophagus look in the gist Amulet of lost voices speak with dead level 3 necromancy spell uh how delicious something the matter no I didn't um I did not mean to click that modernize the guardian of through knowledge comes atonement looking pretty good for a dead guy so he has spoken and so thou stand us before me right as always what a curious way to awaken now I have a question for thee what is the worth of a single mortal's life [Music] curiosity nothing more wilts thou answer my question so I ask again what is the worth of a single mortal life [Music] [Music] I am curious by what standards Thou shalt judge very well well I am satisfied we have met and I'm so Kitty face we will see each other again at the proper time and place farewell haunted one unfamiliar familiarity at least Withers from his tomb of my mind very well I haven't tried I haven't tried playing on Steam deck but I saw one post where someone said it didn't run very well I can't corroborate any reports though I would like us this is this is a game that I would play on PC only just because the amount of clicking and inventory management and dialogue foreign I tried playing uh Divinity on switch for a while it's just I don't know man these games are just they're they're so much better on PC Shadow Heart level up [Music] okay let's see prepare spells um well we did have her loaded up what do we got now Aid heal your allies and increase their hit points by maximum five that sounds really good [Music] um all damage in a plus one bonus to their Armor class and saving throws and be Charmed or frightened whole person I mean the whole person is pretty busted heal all allies you can see can only be used outside combat wait this this is insane though level two evocation and it doesn't it doesn't use up a uh it's a little too spell if I use this outside of combat but this use up [Music] spiritual weapon [Music] we just saw how brutal silence can be I mean if I was to use I don't know chat what do you think [Music] silence seemed pretty nasty I'm thinking I could combo that like grease into silence but spiritual weapon would definitely help protect her Prayer of Healing for just a fat heel outside of combat would save me on needing to rest and then there's the whole person but that's a concentration and I feel like concentration I'm usually going bless or Bane or warding Bond [Music] I do have my dagger cloud spiritual weapon gives a removable bonus attack action I mean the thing is she's not really getting into range of people though for the most part she is is chilling in the back line also so we have cure wounds and healing word maybe I I drop cure wounds and I replace that with Prayer of Healing so then I'm healing stuff I can see in big heels outside of combat there's also eight but a straight five healing yeah I'm thinking I'm leaning towards silence because I just got hit by that the thing is like silence is going to be op against me because my group's usually always together but in fights stuff is usually spread out you have to go silence for now you're an Arcane trickster it's whack can trips uh we got acid Splash bone shell poison spray Ray Frost Shock and grasp I don't think I'm gonna keep him in the party I'm not a big fan of Arcane Trickster maybe I should grab Dancing Lights just so I can see in the dark [Music] [Music] poison spray and true strike I guess sleep op um iron creatures at a wizard spell magic Missile or a second person that could cast grease could be useful magic missiles and I already have a bow let's go Greece yeah I mean I don't see I don't need him as an Arcane Trickster um I think I need some socks short-term amusements are much less hassle okay am I looking forward to next armored Core obviously you damn toesies warm foreign let's go over as we're gonna get back into the camp there we go they're opening it I was like let me in please [Music] [Music] I should speak out let's see if his inventory has refreshed so I can just sell all my Wares well Matt is there anything you need act fast if you do just some bits and Bobs I no longer need they have okay is there a um I want to do there should be like a sell all Wares [Music] how do we how do we sell all Wares we see solo wears talking the barter option on top the trading screen that's like sell layers at the bottom of the screen do y'all see cell wears anywhere I don't see cell Wares anywhere the barter tab you can select sell all Wares also filter inventory by various items go to the trade tab ah beautiful that works thank you [Music] all right so what do you have missile snaring you can intercept missiles from ranged weapon attacks reducing their damage by 1d10 with your dexterity modifier that's kind of nice [Music] foreign [Music] anything else once for short rest you regain a level one spell slot when you land a critical hit with spell thief that's kind of cool so I think that's only if I'm using him as more pure range let's get wild go on give me a Best Shot not bad again [Music] I can't do it I'm not like you owe me I don't need you to be like me you just have to buy enough time to run come on I believe in you you can do this kind words and unkind times my friend well met the blade of Frontiers at yours the man's smile bends downward come yours you also have a word of Frontiers racing through the wastes of a furnace ahead a diabolical figure the only one dice roll is still gold see that buy everything I want and then steal the gold that's the play hell's great fires you are on the ship better friends than the ones hitching a ride in our skulls at least I'm sure you know the stories doomed to shed our skin and become a lithid they say there's no coming back but we haven't sprouted any tentacles not yet anyway could just be good luck I'm not so your minds Collide once more will chase is the fiend ignited with ranker she is an infernal War devil threat to the living evil incarnate advocates diaboli I'm no stranger to The Infernal better to slay a devil before her fires burn common folk to Ash her name is carlak an archdevil Soldier I sworn my good eye to kill I tracked her through the hells to the mind fleship but the Damned lithids infected me before I could end her she's out there now praying on the innocent I don't kill her she'll leave behind nothing but a trail of corpses an excellent suggestion with your parties full up still when the time comes call for the blade I won't belong to answer a splendid plan we'll talk more there okay you got him in the party you know can we go to the camp without resting or is the camp always a rest option okay we're gonna do that but first all right let's try it let's try and be sneaky let's see here you need anything else all right of course but please remember I would buy that can we stop shouting Sylvanas be with you being arrested for theft if you have a defense make it now we're gonna reload we need I'm trying to remember how do I do into I need to like lock him in dialogue and then steal okay here we go subtle steps never a dull moment so not for communal use it seems shows need anything else of course but please so we were gonna buy that the heavy armor and then um oh no I can't afford that all right instead of that we'll do the no I do want that and I can do foreign whatever [Music] Sylvanas be with you I don't know if I can if I can do this uh yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to I don't think I can pickpocket from him I think it's too it's too light there because I was trying to do the old the Divinity trick where like you lock one dude talks to him the other dude comes behind him and steals but that doesn't seem to work so that's fine we don't really need to we don't need to steal supposed to happen yo I did switch to a Starion we were getting discovered thank you what's up the discussion thanks for fighting off those goblins if you need to replace any gear just ask my selection is pretty slim I had to leave most of my come in and out around only 88 for a crossbow would I use it that much though maybe keep him in dialogue oh see what is he doing he just walked into his range to try and pickpocket you need anything else what yeah there's no there's no way strangers over us you need anything else no no yeah I don't think I can get this guy there's there's it's his whole back is written how much further can I go make one up to our valued objects whoa hey go on Take This Ring it's lucky I call it heads or tails heads it is see that's the kind of look you get from one of my lucky Rings my food's here I've got more where that came from real cheap too interested you got it what's that that's what I got potions and stuff [Music] nothing cool you're back and turn foreign vengeance is this is this too vengeancey what would a Vengeance Paladin do to a pickpocket like is that over I'm gonna grab my food y'all y'all decide is it overly aggressive to grab the child foreign basically meant to be akin to Batman catching them seems reasonable vengeance how did that child Escape she would not have broken my grip we got some pasta it's good I gotta go right now she's a thief Health spawn and you will wait for corgis judgment now get back through Miracle Chaparral written down throw foreign give him a chance you get back kick back forced my hand and I'll show you its claws a moment Jonah what oh I understand you apparently Corker wants to see you go ahead in the way amongst these adventurers what have you heard who am I talking to tough it topaz I don't see the person I'm supposed to talk to I want to see what's over this way someone singing beautiful [Music] siren listen your favorite drownings will take just a slice of the ankle tender [Music] Sweet Melody beckons you it vibrates with magic a heart piece charm [Music] [Music] a suffocating yearning suddenly Fades as the spell breaks you are free [Music] no no it's just a bit of water only want to listen Just a Little Closer [Music] yes everything's gonna be fine once I get there [Music] foreign [Music] that hit a general life felt rich [Music] foreign s probably don't like fire I'm gonna hit allies with this [Music] take a nap [Music] [Music] it's bless time smite homo strike don't waste a stamp [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is dirty [Music] hahaha but I see you now for what you are [Music] what [Music] foreign [Music] he's doing some work bro foreign damn missed [Music] foreign 's not going anywhere what happened six to Fifteen wait what does am I running 3d4 concentrate damn he's good bro he's good now it's my turn oh [Music] Divine smite beat the out of that harpy I didn't know yes I mean I don't know that they're gone now there's just small she'll be so mad I didn't get the gold from The Nest I got to go wait um you should meet mole so be grateful you helped me find a boy called Donny tell him you want to see the Dragon's Lair we said something about a nest with gold what's hiding here time to press ahead Gail has something interesting to say it looks like that reminds me of myself when I was a Nipper always getting into trouble comes with a territory one time my parents denied me a kitten so I summoned myself attracts him dear old Tara beautiful creature benefits of a Wizard's education you see of course my considerable Talent didn't hurt either well that depends on who you ask I suppose I may have summoned things rather more exotic than a winged cat only when the occasion suits that's mostly a synonym for yes by the by anyway I'm glad we got that boy out of his predicament poor land would have been happy for you if it wasn't for us yeah Gail is definitely I'd say in terms of of useful potential Gail's looking really good it's like so if we if we take a look at our characters so far my dude just smitted a harpy for like all of its health obviously awesome Shadow heart I mean I feel like she's doing a whole lot but you know she's throwing out some heels which is nice speaking of heels let me um teal everybody up she can you know she's that's nice having somebody that can heal is very useful and she's blessing us so that's good asterion's ass is useless I'm sorry man he is all he's doing is he's like pewd pop shot and with a bow for like two damage I mean he did get a sleep crit but let's be honest my Paladin probably could have hit harder but then you got Gail over here who's just magic missing the whole damn world to death literally just like oh Magic myself magic Missile despite everything dude is doing crazy good I mean sneak attacks yeah I get it it's just I don't know oh I got food on my shirt I'm gonna eat it I am enjoying our walks together what can you tell me about this place I think Carlock is going to be in the party when I get her please I'm sorry this is madness cougar she's just a what wrath a thief a poison threat I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger and find her yeah could kill that child in a heartbeat soon enough first judgment must be passed the parasite eats our food drinks our water then steals are most holy Idol in thanks wrath lock her up she remains here until the right is complete and keep still devil Tila is restless come cougar we took back the idol surely do it snakes hiss of approval reveals its intentions God damn it one of the noodles fell struggle it is poised to strike the death of a child an application less tragedy that never grows old oh oh barely dude very well I'll defer to your ruling my circle has offered Grace to these Outsiders we gave them shelter from storm we nourished their bellies in return these Devils Lord in a horde of goblins and their spawns stole the one Relic that might keep us safe we've taken back already but I will keep the fiend caged till our protection right is complete I was scared they said when the right was over we'd have to leave out there and worse and it's nice here so I I took the idol I thought maybe then we could stay please let me go I'll be good I swear well Paladin what say you [Music] [Music] know at least you got now Wrath no foreign they're just outside this Outsider will take word once I've spoken to him we must focus on the right I didn't kill her bro come right back though I can't miss I can't have this pasta shirt on if only we'd never let the tea flakes in the child might have lived you have masked a house sin to blame for that I can't believe he just left he lost sight of what is important we can't do the same [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I got a good shirt for vengeance uh it's Omni man and uh homelander and they're celebrating murder very Vengeance appropriate shirt blood on your hands Cowboy go talk to them devil parents and accept their Vengeance bro listen the child committed a crime see I was I was gonna actually so when we played this in Early Access I sided with the child but this is what I like a lot about this game is having Paladin I opened up the like I'm the orbital of Justice let me decide and by doing that we found out that they were trying to protect the kids and the child stole the idol nah man straight to jail oh they're protecting us but they're gonna make a sleeve when their thingy's done let me steal their Idol that go to jail kid and it wasn't even like imprisonment for life it was imprisonment until stuff is done seems like a good moment go on say it you think I'm a monster [Music] first you urge Grace then you speak truth surprised me twice over ashamed the grace period ends the Viper's fangs have been bared she must guard her brood no matter I took back the idol of Sylvanas and the writers resumed we will seal the Grove free from harm free of intruders [Music] then I was wise to Grant you entry and you'd be wise to heed my words I want you to provide your services to the tiefling leader he's called offered to guide The Outlanders out of the Grove I'm sure they'll reward you well they're to be gone before final prayer if they are not the Viper must strike come here you will do more than speak this tale ends but one way with the Outlander rot cleansed and the Grove forever shrouded together is there do you chat do you know if there's a uh we try I don't know is there a camera lock function I think it'd be fun since it's more role-playing to like kind of have the camera like close up on the party and have it locked but I don't know where that would be never mind I just found it because I'm the best I'm the Ultimate Gamer a little more immersive this way you know we are not gonna be an oath breaker what hold up hold up what what Oaths have we broken what oats have we broken we have we have dished out Vengeance when necessary what somebody somebody tell me how I broken my oath okay try greasing Palms you have news of our hear it wait what what are you saying don't be ridiculous what are you on about no you know saying you're wrong you're wrong arms I am the Arbiter of truth I will not lie to these parents now where is this child that thought to pickpocket me they must face vengeance is worth getting this on PS5 or get this now on Mac I don't have Windows please help I mean does Mac even support this listen I don't know about Mac so I ain't gonna pretend to know anything about Mac Frontiers will but as I mentioned earlier I prefer to play games like this on PC 100 of the time how long do you think we've got before before yeah this is you you'll be getting drunk at least no fun waiting for death sober you should be getting drunk at least it's no fun waiting for death sober I mean I think I'm supposed to find the Geth Yankee Creech find zoru this is I probably maybe I need the the get Yankee lady with me I've already heard Arabella nine Summers old and now she'll never see another because of Druid law every natural law demands I take up my sword storm their Laird but no that's what kogo wants to prove we are exactly what she says a threat I won't give her the satisfaction I'll get my people clear of this but on our terms it's good of you to offer but there's a whole Army of goblins out there we'd need an army of our own to escort us safely to Baldur's Gate and while I don't doubt your abilities you're no Army there may be a way though goblins are ill disciplined it's unlike them to organize so cleverly somebody must be leading them bringing discipline to their ranks take out that leadership and they'll scatter it's no small thing to ask but I've seen you fight you're equal to the task I suppose so we don't have much but we'll scrape together whatever we can of course everything we have anything we can give you we will we'll be ready to leave as soon as you give word for the right payment I will bring vengeance why is this a red ladder that means I'm not supposed to take it probably where does it go used to think that goblins would kill us the second we set foot outside but after hearing what you offers Vengeance some terms conditions applied fight well we came through averness we might not look it but we're tough who knows some of us might even make it to Baldur's Gate [Laughter] optimism and then there's stupid hun plenty of us fell to monsters already I don't see the rest of us lasting long out there if you're so sure we will why not put a little gold on the line no I'm sure you're good for it leave the gold on my corpse after seeing you at the gate I'm sure you'll last longer than us excellent and since I ain't one to leave a debt unpaid that means we're destined to meet in Border's gate looking forward to it she wants that Dragon dick no helping it we're exposed finally Donnie let's go find dhoni and then what's this one this one's not showing up he stares right past you as if you're invisible or boring boring impossible he nods then reaches for a concealed hatch I bet this is where that little pickpocket went well look who's come to visit my kids say you've been busy since you got here messing with our business yeah you scared the life out of little selfie now you're going to pay for it you you think that's funny fine laugh at this I'll go tell the gods you're pushing us around see you around chump do you children wish to die I saved your friend's life did this to yourself I don't get why these kids are being all snippy with me when I save the I saved selfie we're gonna tell the guards I will murder no I won't I need to that's that's going I can't go murder hobo I should you speak poorly to me Goblin hunt down Carlock let's go hunt down Carlock the darkness it compels me to murder wow yeah right the guards are going to believe a bunch of bratty ass bids how do I get over to you I want Carla foreign the Goblins are way out there I probably pass through and then go north we could raise them kids right we will bring back the children and then teach them morals [Music] that is kind of a funny idea let's put on non-lethal and just beat them all into submission you will learn child all right [Music] more goblins what's next what did you mean before Gail a woman with shadows for eyes you said merely that if the eyes are the mirror to the soul yours have dark curtains across the mirror oh you can practically smell the filth people up ahead something's wrong you're a true soul you can't die please stay with us I don't think he's conscious can you hear us Ed you not a step closer strange marked on their flesh and something within new stairs in response thank you and that 20. it's our brother true Soul Edwin he is injured didn't I I wasn't thinking something stirs deep within you hungry and alert it's taking something you'll never get back the injured man locks eyes with you the parasite rides in your head foreign useless your minds intertwine you see his siblings and Rick and Brenna new recruits yours to Shepherd protect them mind the true Soul he will think you could have made a less scary he's not scary looking he looks like strength and justice thank the absolute Edwin our brother he was chosen like you do you have orders for us we were reporting to Edwin what are you are you testing us the absolute is our goddess she's going to rip down the old world order start the new one then we'll be the ones with the power well you will firstly drizzle you don't need me to explain that a true Soul like you has been chosen by the absolute you speak with her voice and when the time comes the true Souls You Will Rule that fellow had a tadpole in his head and they consider him blessed chosen Madness is this sorry true soul I said what I thought I knew it seems the absolute still has a great deal to teach me salute sent us here we're looking for fugitives survivors from that ship that crashed farther west of here don't know what they look like but anyone who survived that crash is bound to be injured Lots enough to get us started the absolute wants them found at any cost you brother kill him foreign whiffs her attacks a lot Fireball magehand Ray of Frost by defense what about versus this fell on his ass [Music] in traffic [Music] strange power resonates within the cause it calls to you most corpses feel like toys before you to be played with and discarded when you tired what he seems different a friend calls out from the corpse desperate to be freed why let its host's memories go to waste tadpole has absorbed at all experience could not join me you will live in my back pocket foreign [Music] key to add to Wares old shift and left clicking item that does not work [Music] [Music] please hmm let me see if there's a key bind [Music] there's a hotkey for where's some people are saying shift left click but that doesn't seem to work for me or maybe I have to go to inventory you know that selects everything I will say I like I'm sure I'll find better stuff later but I like how Divinity has like lots of crazy bonus stats you can get on stuff whereas this I mean I guess this is just more of a DND thing isn't there an owl bear in here but the uh the stats are pretty pretty vanilla for the most part oh bad tracks it's Nest must be nearby I mean I don't need to go kill an owl bear do I I remember fighting this thing in Early Access and it being brutal and I have basically can trips at the moment that's it wait I think you can um dead Albert pray No Doubt that's a precious approach and see what happens I want to say you can approach it and like offer to help it or something out of the darkness wisdom puff out your chest and Roar yeah I don't know I'm a beefy boy oh not like this roll again oh no even worse [Music] that's better I should speak up [Music] oh nope combat started foreign is there a way to undo Movement Like have them run back from where they came from always be a gentleman where's your uh where's your bro I don't have my my Army of knives thing [Music] foreign no but I mean it's like my some of the Spells I equipped I don't even have I mean we're probably not gonna just reload there's really no reason to fight this thing I think I would have had to uh I would have to rest I'd have to get back my that stench my stuff that's that's one of the big thing I mean it's just I know this is how d d works but like I have my path I really like how in um you know in Divinity you have like a whole oh yeah let me check his spell book yeah cloud of dagger spell is not prepared what do you mean it's not prepared oh I guess I learned it but I didn't prepare it son of a I like how in in Divinity you know I can rotate through all of my in combat whereas this is like you know long rest short rest type thing so it's I don't know I might end up if there's like a mod where it's like you know you don't have you don't or like you get I don't know infinite long rest or some because I like using my abilities and I get it you're supposed to like you know get through with can trips and and regular combat and use your abilities when you really need them but that shit's not as exciting I cannot get there from this thing that'd probably be the first thing I do mod wise just make it so I can use my abilities more frequently something over there not a chance I'll fit in there and that's for a druid Ed yeah because I mean like you know like divinity you're you're opening up your your opening up fights with like big damage and whatnot but when you know the idea of like oh I've done my smites no more no more smiting until I take a long nap it's kind of like [Music] I have to figure out how to get she's over here somewhere a lot of blood [Music] I feel like I can get a cross back over here let me actually see Baldur's Gate 3 mods [Music] Arizona enhanced gear progression adds all generic zero one two weapons and armors from files into the treasure table including split and plate types and new weapon types yeah that sounds cool add more gear this mod adds some legendary items to the game yeah I'd probably want that Shadow heart hair change carry weight extra I probably want that that's 5e can trips to the game a couple of the mods have been updated already hippity hoppity uh are you guys not gonna Define my step what are you what are you doing bro no time to rest I have no mods on right now wait Carl hold up yeah Carlock is the lady I think I need to have uh uh do I need to have will in the party though perhaps whatever kill those Knolls might be nearby careful let's see cut it out it's worth the note that's easy friend you're welcome to go somewhere well hang on a second I gotta run to the bathroom real fast that lunch is tearing my stomach up I'll be right back foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign deliver some Vengeance in the bathroom uh respecting us a thing in this game so you may be able to change the class because it's not really that heavily on Long rests I mean it seems like most of them do all right where are you at open up are you gonna hear it's mine now buckle take it take it the oath of looting she down below Maybe oops maybe I need more pockets some happened down here oh what's going on all right have that rest waiting for us oh no we're just gonna reload that save that was a terrible experience it was like perception failed death death death before me all right where where's where's uh where's tiefling Barbarian mommy at she's supposed to be here go back to the river beautiful broken Heap smells oddly enticing you find you can't resist inhaling her awfuls you hear what comes next before you see it the sharp snapping of Bones and a Yelp of pain as her body starts to twist and undulate you watch with cold realization the end of One Life at the start of another her darling pops will not be of her own species nulls bring forth their iniquitous litter from many Corps storms including hyenas bless the hyena and Purge the body of evil or Smite the Abomination hmm what kind of Paladin flavor are we feeling today I mean I don't know anything about Knowles is it more venge vengeful to bless it and Purge the evil or to Smite it this is a close pole 50 50 51 right now Smite pulling ahead just barely oh man this is close cast your vote now chat are we blessing it or are we smiting it parts of evil it's not the Hyena's fault we've done lots of vengeful very little Paladin bless is pulling ahead we're gonna we're gonna stop at a hundred and it's like 20 votes it's almost there all right 100 oh no we're still going all right let's go 150 votes that's the cutoff right now bless is pulling ahead 15 votes to go could Smite catch up or are we blessing the hyena and purging the evil and at 150 bless wins with 56 percent oh that's a that's a fail that's a success slowly her broken body starts to calm to stop its wild contortions she lies still whatever horrific creature was growing inside the hyena dies along with her foreign [Music] I should slow it down some sometimes the only way out it's trying to get away [Music] foreign just got crit damn it's a bunch of them [Music] Focus [Music] we gotta get into the cover so they lose line of sight yes the grease is stopping them get too close nothing will stand in my way damn thank you that didn't work so numbed what the hell did it do to me it's gonna kill me I think man I don't know if I have the dog bro y'all are just whiffing Knight to King five step on my feet time to press ahead enjoy acid I think this is the kind of fight I needed a long rest but before doing I don't think I can pull this off yeah we're just gonna reload I think see but this is and this is kind of what I was talking about is like I feel like I need to go to camp because if I don't have abilities I don't think like if I had you know magic Missile and smite and all that I think I could win this but not having anything and just having to like basic attack I don't think I can pull this off me uh so where where is Carlock exactly what the happened there it's just uh y'all kept saying just go get Carlock and then rest like I'm down with that but like where where I don't know where she's at you said down by the river I'm at the river she looked down here and yeah I don't know why you're comparing a crpg in an action RPG these are uh very very very very very different games you might as well be comparing like Diablo and chess foreign mm-hmm go to the right I mean we're at the river though what did you want to talk about Gail spare me a moment if you please I've something important to discuss with you we've been traveling together for a while now and it's just about time that I shared something with you the personal matter that Allah prefer to keep quiet but needs must when the devil drives I have no choice but to speak you see I have this condition very different from the parasite we share but just as deadly specifics are rather personal but I'm suffice it to say that it is a malady I've learned to live with not without some effort what it comes down to is this every so often I need to get my hands on a powerful magical item and absorb the weave inside I'll spare you the finer details but begins with a simple biological deterioration muscle spasms disorientation a slight ringing in the ears and we've left for too long apostrophe in days since I last consumed an artifact since before we were abducted it is time and by that I mean it's imperative that I find and consume strands of weave at the earliest possible juncture we've already done the finding in fact you have one in your possession of yourself how hard one such an item was and it will be no easier when even more are required to assuage my Hunger okay there'll be danger involved or great cost splendid bit of boldness will serve us well as luck would have it you're already primed to give me exactly what I need yep no perhaps I'm not conveying the urgency of the situation it's incredibly world-shatteringly important you give me a suitable artifact please you ain't getting my sword bro you can off with that of course I hate for you to think me impatient or ungrateful persevere for now there's a negative chance you're gonna eat my sword all right well I'm down by the river where where is where all right let me just look up demon lady Carlock Carlock this thing says fight your way through the blood on the ground and Carlock resting on the opposite side of the river well we came from the opposite side of the river simply sitting on a rock at the end of the path known as risen Road oh she's right there Jesus Christ foreign this is the devil will has been tasked to kill me never been better me it's you from the nautiloid please tell me I found you before those so-called paladins of tear did now that's a story and I'll tell it to you but truth be told we shouldn't stay here too long see these paladins of a great heat rules through you her heat fiery as the hells then your last envisions of demonic armies as you tear through a landscape of Fire and Blood the blood of War you saw it from above as the north Lloyd passed through avernus sake mountains as far as the eye can see guess that explains the voices from that Peak I got into your head you've made some inroads trying to get the thing sorted but alas no joy I'm karlak and you are well met Soldier now that we're all Pals how would you feel about helping me kill some evil bastards a little background a female Compass needs something to point at you already know I fought in the blood War I was good at killing demons really good so good zariel the arch devil herself made me her personal attack dog played along until I could get the out of there took me 10 years to probably Escape but now I'm free zariel sent goon after goon to hunt me down but believe me when I tell you game is treating me going quite good the latest yappy little dog she sicked on me are nearby help me take him down yes they cornered me outside the toll house just up the hill that they've gone far after the scorching I gave him and work on evicting this parasite and take blood-stained killer because I'm fine with that [Music] I would hug you if it wouldn't Scorch your skin off [Music] dialogue to gameplay um catch up with you when it's time to camp for now but don't get to anything I would say got it so far my time has probably been like 30 dialogue 30 combat 40 percent exploration map okay for now I kind of want to pull her and um and while into the party to see what happens I knew we were a strange band but a fugitive from the Hills no that's someone worth knowing not that I want to get on the wrong side of any Devils but this car lack is a survivor plus I appreciate anyone who opens a conversation with threats of bodily harm darling I'm hurt I thought we had something special it was so goofy with the cowboy hat I guess I'll spend my evenings lounging here well you do all the hard work it sounds awful [Music] because I kind of wanna um where's Shadow hard at we're gonna we're gonna have Shadow heart chill here I want to bring the other dude along as well just to see the interaction between him and Carlock don't run in fresh air I'll wager she'll be useful in a fight if you're sure fine I'll be here whenever you ReDiscover your tasting company it's kind of snippy I like that [Music] I ask at the shape shifter cure your clothing chest maybe the red Prince by coin of the Sea Beast needle The Outlaw Rogue interesting I'm gonna take that cape and put it on [Music] I guess this is like uh pre-order stuff or is it just stuff for having divinity [Music] I wonder if other stuff can go in the pack oh hell yeah look at my Cape I'm badass dragon man now I had to wears I'm gonna put that in there okay drink to gain the ability to fly seems like a good moment to talk because I need to figure out right now the biggest thing is figuring out a party the blade of Frontiers at your corner that's the spirit demon Mommy and then a Starion had I just need his inventory is there a way to just just check his inventory while we're at camp foreign I think what I got to do is grab her oh come on and then invite him take his stuff and then replace him because one of these might go good for a barbarian lady it sounds why are we slowing down okay um she uses a great ax 4x15 I could probably give the Watcher's guide to Gail maybe he'll eat that um and where's and where's and where's uh where did you go it get I mean uh if I gotta feed him magic items constantly that's gonna get pretty annoying apart from finding Mia that is most gratifying to hear may I oh that hit the spot I can feel it work the magic it's like a lullaby that sings to sleep the demon inside the metaphorical demon I hate to point out but no less dangerous and no less bound to wake up again to continue its ravages such as the nature of all monsters [Music] grateful as I am the course of our camaraderie is much better sir by not taking that particular detour not just yet sincerely though I understand I ask a lot from you with few answers in return but in time all will be told foreign Water Deep nothing there comes cheap okay miles whoever you are okay spells [Music] hmm I kind of like the sound of that eldrich agonizing blast at your charisma modifier to the damage it deals I mean my Charisma is pretty high so that might be nice foreign [Music] [Music] blast and agonizing so I Elbridge blast and then I'm getting a Charisma modifier and I'm knocking them back at the same time thank you [Music] summon an imp or closet or hey let's do the Tome thing let's put that I don't even know if I'm keeping him in the party or not I need a spell book sleep grease chromatic worm that on Misty step would be good sleep is also pretty op P yeah I haven't I haven't even had a chance to use chromatic orb yet [Music] oh barbarians seems pretty straightforward Wild Heart isn't that like the uh like the um yeah it's like the Druid version of a barbarian while raging you can use unrelenting ferocity and a resistance to all damage except psychic Dash is a bonus action sounds really useful Primal stampede longer jump distance [Music] [Music] I kind of like the dash bonus action but like super I think Dash bonus action is going to be more valuable [Music] thank you three enemies at once but how often am I gonna have three enemies together [Music] I'm gonna get my stream pants so we're gonna do a pull here foreign gets me healing [Music] Eagle heart is the long jump and a leap strike [Music] elk slam a bunch of enemies and movement speed and the last one I would consider I'm not interested in Wolf but tiger would be jump distance and cleave foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign damn yeah bear dominated the pole bear oh I got a long road ahead another wanted the easy path long rest I'm definitely going to need a mod for just three long rests just to get my actions back the stink of awareness avocados diaboli well I'll be Gods Damned the blade of Frontiers I thought I'd shaken you for good that'll teach me to underestimate you carlak the archdevils Aerials Gladiator come to burn the sword Coast to Ash laughs if by met you mean hoofing it through the hells with this on my tail shut it devil I know you're kind a heart darker than a Shadow's nightmares you'd cut a child's throat just to Taste the Blood a devil for a fool I am a great fire Roars through you the fire of the first hell you are colic tearing through demons across a blood red landscape of fire and Volcanic Cinder the front lines of the blood War with every swing of her ax kalak fulfills mistress Ariel's purpose proof clear a Summer Sky it's over carlak it's time you feel the sting of the blade I've tried to tell you I'm not what you think I am another Vision colax blade Rays slicing through Devils zariel's servants as her eyes Dart around seeking Escape will shut us with kalak's desperation she is a victim of the blood War not an agent of it my baldran's Helm I no I will not be tricked you so the truth I may be an effective Soldier but I never wanted to serve Zario like get away from her the first chance I got and yet you served no Devils cannot be trusted you know monsters better than anyone can't you look in my eyes and see I'm not a devil you don't know what this means you don't know what you're asking me to do I'm asking you to live well don't want to hurt you and to be frank I'd rather not find out how the blade got his name I swear to you on all I am I'm not what you think you really are no devil are you I've I've been deceived ah thank the gods thought I was gonna have to take your head you would have died in the attack but there have been enough threats today truth then eh I truce I see the good in you kalak I promise not to lose sight of it even when the hells burn hottest I'm glad they made up ah thy name has been recorded I shall be here in thy camp for whenever thou Hast need of my services a mending of the threads between Love and Death should thou or any of thy compatriots perish I will cleave soul to body once more a matter of 200 bucks and he brings people back from the dead and he can help change class bro this seems like this is kind of critical that you can just miss the homie that allows you respects and everything else I'm also debating on changing classes for well let me let me figure out who I want to keep first because I could give her a different Barbarian Build or do I want do I want the wild Barbarian or do I want like Berserker Barbarian I'm pretty sure he changes class of any character let me see ah I shall be here in my camp for whenever thou Hast need of my services so if I look at the various subclasses see so this is where I could I could change things up so right now she's Wild Heart or no way she wowed harder wild Magic I think she's Wild Heart Wild Heart yeah so she could be wild magic which is like Barbarian spin the wheel and she just gets crazy abilities or I can make a Berserker where she just claps cheeks all the time at any moment and then as for warlock man he can be arcfee fiend or great old one and then cleric can be knowledge Life Light nature Tempest trickery or War um a fighter lady I'm Not Gonna Keep but she could be Battle Master Eldritch Schneider champion who will be a dedicated tank if she's the damage dealer we don't need a dedicated tank we have two Berserker Wild Heart wild magic I kind of wish I could like see what type of skills they all have let me see so Berserker straightforward simple big damage Wild Heart more versatility and control wild magic is unpredictable Magic based [Music] foreign yeah well that's the thing with Shadow heart trickery domain blows definitely doing that [Music] [Music] the wild magic Barbarian causes wild Magic surges that could kill your party [Music] while is the fiend thank you [Music] let's see fiend granted special dark ones blessing temporary health upon killing an enemy great old one focuses more around necrotic damage psychic damage whenever they miss them with an attack and Arc Fey wild magic table for bearing is much smaller much less detrimental your party than a wild magic sorcerer well I think for now the big question I'm probably going to want to keep her because I need somebody that can also do damage when abilities are on cooldown [Music] so that's that's definitely a case um I think I need to I think I just need to go do combat and really get a feel for Gail versus will and see who I'm vibing with more because I think I mean the more I think about the party I feel like I have to have a cleric in it because I don't think I'm gonna survive encounters otherwise unless I'm like you know unless there's um uh what's it called um unless I get like an infinite short rest mod or something to just heal people constantly I feel like I'm not going to survive fights without a cleric I didn't well have two different things let me have repelling blast and it was something else I thought yeah I get nice okay is that blood no blood will Source sense even more glad he decided to stick around it takes a pretty slick mover to track down old kalak there's also other people I mean I could get the Druid and rock the Druid in the party which Druids have like crazy amounts of flexibility but still the man's got a reputation for being lethal with that blade I'm glad it's on our side because I don't want my party to just be relying on constantly doing long rests to get through encounters yeah you've been witness to a pantomime I'm sorry to say and I've played my part all too poorly it means that a reckoning's coming and I'll be the one to pay up one night soon when we make Camp the veil will be lifted and I'll pay my pennants you're not in any danger I promise I can't say the same about me I mean it seems like she's she's pretty pure damage right now she can just heal herself but I could make her Berserker I mean we can let's pull it I guess no you there is a barred class but I think it's only if you make it yourself I don't think there's a MPC bard damn it's a lot of people leaning towards Berserker and yeah I think the drew that we rescue from the uh from the Goblins I'm almost positive he can join your party I mean all the companions let's see there are ten companions a Starion we already got our Rogue Gail laziel the fighter Shadow heart while zarlac thousand is a druid and then there's a paladin a ranger and then another Druid that we can get so you could have double Druids please okay Moon Druid I don't know let's see uh subclasses Druid has land Moon and spores sport drew it I actually thought about doing sports druid straight turning this into Last of Us mushrooming up everybody right that's the man I'm just trying to respect of course as oh what the I can turn her ass into a bard [Music] wait it automatically hang on no fate just thou require a new Ally maybe I can't change the subclass fate spin just thou required as the and I can change for stats around too I don't see how to change the uh I don't see how to change the subclass where do how do we change subclass though [Music] [Music] oh but we're in the level up screen I didn't see it there see specialization chosen subclass there we go okay class Berserker that's what we wanted [Music] all right now she just unga bungas everything that's what we wanted I like bugged out her portrait though everybody takes a nap [Music] I tussled with how do we fix her portrait though that's weird yeah my Cape is badass though so now she just unga bung us people me and the teethley mommy I pulled by being a dragon stop coming up with anime titles for my Adventures in this distance between so along keep that Beast away from us you hear me the Beast now that's rich back Beast back lady I'm trying to trade with you my way back Beast she's not even in the party please no more leave us in peace and we shall leave you in kind caught the crap Anders I know what you are don't let her hurt us please we just want to go home big money no whammys foreign Lord of Justice no other you dare half of us dare try to speak of Justice in front of me the Arbiter of Vengeance and with your flames you proved us right but tear will not consign us to our death he is merciful leave us and we'll leave you enough I'll not played this is my home era of lightning that looks like it hurts you take the might of the inquisitors death won't take me yet Smite that's a juicy hit them up foreign how do you like The Cloud of daggers how do you like double cloud of daggers double the daggers they're dude there's two they're super let's go [Music] can't slow down what's up foreign out of the concentration how about we let you on fire Eldritch blast damn critical mess oh no one Dale got your break um wow damn she's saving on all of these throws this is my time bro this is an insane hold [Music] it's you now you die three that follow me I won't go back I'm never coming back and if any of Mommy's little friends want to pick up where the others left they weren't going to interact with me so I couldn't sell my items I would have had to leave Carlock at base and then travel here and then sell and then go back to base and then get Carlock that's that's a pain in the ass foreign damn bro we're getting cooked what the he died who always makes my day better all right what the hold up all right that's that's kind of crazy I need to I'm gonna need to loot those bodies before uh goes down because she's like I'm gonna burn this whole place down but would it make sense to leave her at base and then loot every like maybe maybe I should do that because I can yeah hold up all right here's what we're gonna do this is this is a lot I know I know I know I know you don't want to but I need to just leave camp tempting but I think we might already have the maximum number of theatrical titles all right am I going to talk to you okay sell all the Wares now we're going to do that and then we're going to take back everything I need to find a way forward please no more leave us in peace okay cut the crap Anders I know what you are don't let her hurt us him there step by step put him here all right because now they're going to group up and I'm just going to tear them apart and then well actually let's close this door so she has to like waste the time opening it there we go foreign I think the double clouded daggers might be Overkill these days foreign the hold up no that that's some dude's missing left and right okay so back to Camp grab her right almost one shot that was ridiculous these Gates please no more leave us in peace and we shall leave you in kind two steps at a time one with the weave that way what's down there the salt on the nostrils should be labeled a war crime oh everyone is talking we're just gonna do a little looting anything else down here could be interesting oath of looting been a chill day and enjoying the bg3 stream keep on smiting in the name of Vengeance I will thank you okay just please we thought the tear will not consign us to our death enough [Music] oh got a reaction here worth a try they're dead on their next turn foreign visible get this out of here what the bro what what why what is happening dude why is my guy one-shotting people in my party I know what you are don't let her hurt us please we just please we thought the tear will not consign us to our death it's fun [Music] idea well the first time we beat his ass but then I I died to all the fires that started happening all right something something ain't right here something ain't right the other thing I don't get is before my my Paladin went first I had initiation and now I don't like I don't get it I don't get why now all of a sudden because that's before I hit him with Smite and then he was basically dead and now that's not happening now they're getting yeah maybe I need to to do the second cloud or like here's what we're gonna do checking things out lost in thought to New Horizons not a problem here's how this is gonna go down first we gotta reload all of his God there's a salt on the nozzles labeled a war cry vault door we're gonna come back down for that I'm gonna bust that Vault open and get their goodies get idiots let's get going it seems simple enough I should mind my step damn it so there's got to be a way to get into the vault um okay it's considered a no I can I can get through it on my way okay foreign all right um how do we open the hidden Passage oh what's inside chat any ideas this is where the good stuff is you think the chair there was a click what oh we need we need there's two chairs okay okay hold up we're gonna yes oh we're poisoned but it's okay we're a dragon toxic no wait damn that toxin does hurt oh I see it now okay you ready for the big brain you ready ready for the big brain moves here's what we do we cannot pass the perception check but through the power of rewind we know that the Trap is there and therefore we can jump over it I wish I had a bag of holding look at all this stuff foreign I wonder if I could just straight slap him in the face to get things started now we ain't gonna die we're quick saved it we're good don't let her hurt us but tear will not consign us to our death he is you do not hit today if rage turns into a frenzy frenzied strike an enraged throw you can also make improvised weapon action as a bonus action all right so now that she's frenzied can't hit both of them I could grease them so they can't move and it worked all right damn damn you see that Smite of the out of him give me your loot you broke see this is one of the things with this game is like when you when you're able to prep before a fight it's like a complete 180 like you could be getting your ass beat and then you prep and you're like Yep this is how it goes down you're all dead that was that you're gonna everyone's Gonna Save right now because that was vengeance these boots have seen I'm so close so close they rolled seven okay yeah you can hold me you're not gonna be able to escape hmm ings how about some Eldritch blast all right I gotta find the invisible person I didn't even think about looting the whole house oh that'll throw them all right popped you pretty hard didn't they whoa what the was that what the hold up she just did some some all right so dude was smited and then she was getting ready to come in you know what here's what we're gonna do it idiot and now she tries to open that door we're just gonna be like waiting we're just gonna wait to Smite the out of her she did it again bro what she comes in and she throws a bomb is there any way I can avoid getting bombed foreign let's see what happens damn it still hits me I think I think that's the right Strat though I need to figure out the play here the gimmick there's gotta be there's got to be a uh we're going to box our asses so she can't move this is sketchy welcome to DND now we're gonna get the out Swift as my feet can carry me all right that's gotta work foreign she's invisible but she's stuck back there she's invisible but she is stuck damn we're still a critical Miss you [Music] okay now [Music] damn I lose health and I fall down making that jump see the question now so we got her boxed in but what do we do she's she's back there and she's invisible and when I approach she's probably gonna throw a bomb we just leave we just we just leave and she never gets to do anything she stays there forever of course no holding back Fleet of foot a choice but to keep going I love that her ass is still stuck back there I don't know what happens if I leave I don't fancy their chances shall be done okay um what do y'all think here do I do I create a poison surface do I just grease and Fireball because if I grease and Fireball she's gonna Escape let's save before we do this Rossi Services can knock them prone that can poison them save simple toxin yeah well you're going to be sitting back there for a bit so have fun with that let's see what she does she jumped out she's running covered wait holding me doesn't stop damn she level four too okay um I don't see the thing is this is but this is my situation like if I if I didn't I would love to do cloud of daggers but then I've used up one of my level two spell slots that's my problem I really I need a mod where like I'm not expending spell slots constantly because I already know like I don't care if that's against the rules I would have so much more fun like being like Oh I'm gonna you know grease into cloud of daggers now I'm gonna do this and then this like I'd rather use spells per situation instead of being like Oh well I only have two and I only get one per long rest do I do I want to use that right now because that's the problem right now I'm like I don't want to you know I don't I'm like I don't want to use certain spells no this one look this one says level two spell slot level two spell slot replenishable used to cast spells recharge once per long rest so if it's a short rest thing it's not until later so I get six casts total before I have to take a long rest I'll look into Mods after the stream let's that's the play oh she's my cantrips aren't that strong I get I know can trips but then I'm just using like for me fire oh oh oh oh big nap time get in that corner right in her eye oh she's probably gonna bomb again unless we hit her in the face with Eldritch blast she did anything that's right she was oh we gotta go to break we gotta go everybody up nope everybody out everybody out before she burns the whole place down see now I gotta oh man I wish I could have a bigger party I wonder if there's a mod for that because I the only thing this party is missing is a cleric and if I could have a cleric on top of the party I have right now I'd be very happy with that like warlock I mean five five person party sounds good that's another mod I'm gonna look into I bet there's one I have the sword I have the sword is this trial poison oh cool is it better though 6 to 16 versus 6 to 19. this is a 2d6 plus four this is a 2d6 plus three but I have a 1d4 fire but the words Deliverance Justice Vengeance are engraved in the base of the sword that is kind of it's almost like it was made for me five to sixteen maybe I give her the fire sword and then I use this Justice sword no I did loot it this time it's it's here that's it and then I can feed this to Gail at a later time tears blessing foreign [Music] class by two what's up for discussion Gail you need to like gobble some potions up hear that infernal engine for a heart lets me burn as hot as the hells seems to be running in overdrive since I left of earnest I won't be seeing my mechanic anytime soon so I'll just make the most of the extra heat just don't get too close until I found a way to calm it down burn baby as hot as I can tolerate makes me a beast in battle I only remember what I was like before it but it's a bit early in the game to be getting into tragic backstories let's save the scar show for later after we've worked up an appetite for tragedy meanwhile I'll need to find someone who can tune up my engine sooner rather than later believe me when I say this thing is hot it's time I face down those paladins they let slip there was an infernal mechanic in the area tiefling he might be able to stabilize things if I can find him sounds like a good lead hopefully our guy will be among them a tune-up would do this old tub a world of good yeah I'm definitely going to look for a uh increase party capacity mod because that would be super useful just to have uh very well that's my thing I'm so torn on the party if I could just add a clearance then I have like my warlock My Wizard My palate in my Barb my cleric I'd be I could I could be I'd be happy with that and then I also might do something where I don't know I want to look into a mod where I don't use up spell slots and one where I can short rest more often so I'm not constantly dying and I'll take it anything of use well you have wizards warlocks and Sorcerers they all play pretty different let's have a party of 12 one of each class that would make encounters kind of a show to be honest with that many people see if I don't I don't think a five party would be that bad I think the most I would do would be like six I think past six I think the party's getting a little a little too full there are plenty of other games similarly bought his gate that is a party murder for eign I don't think five people would be broken I mean there's mods for Divinity like you have bigger parties so but otherwise Will's just gonna be on the verge of death all the time see if I heal him again there goes my spell slots and then since I used up those spell slots not gonna be able to Smite at all I also got to figure out how to fix carlock's uh portrait that was weird when we respect her it bugged out her portrait I'm supposed to go heal how is there a fast travel average party size in DND 5e is four or more and you can have as little as one so five is not broken at all exactly five is fine let's let's talk to to Nettie just because it's like a plot thing cheat engine is more for like temp fixes this is I would want like a mod that does something like this because I don't feel like having to boot up cheat engine every time I want to play the game foreign spell slot replenishment short rest or like something like spell slots replenish on short rest and then add like a infinite short rest mod or something the thing is these games are so I mean it's it you know very much like divinity where uh like if you're going into combat not healed up you're probably dead it's very easy for to go sideways really fast in these games [Music] I mean I'm sure there's some people that are like rushing ahead we're we're still in like Early Access right now I see you just give me a moment there it's up to her now life for death now what was it you needed I do what I can for most folks that's enough come here let's have a look at you you seem healthy enough a bit tired around the eyes Maybe a mind flayer type Pawn oh yeah I'll do what I can doesn't she try to follow me I might be able to help doesn't she like try to betray me and kill me this I think she tries to kill me foreign like half a second here [Music] this one had the same problem as you attacked us in the woods together with some goblins tadpole crawled out of his head soon after [Music] [Music] I do the best I can I'm no master house in mind he'd have your tadpole out like that still we have options all right let's see what we can do shifts uneasily has some things off it might but first things first tell me about your symptoms have you noticed anything strange happening I'm telling you everything you need to know believe me on that I want to help you but I can't unless you work with me so has anything unusual happen to you victims can identify each other not that the others know their victims of course how'd you pick up the parasite harlson was desperate to find where all this was happening a mind flare ship but master halson was sure look you've been straight with me so I'll be straight with you you're dangerous if you transform here we're all dead but you seem like a good soul you deserve a chance to save yourself this is a vile of wyvern poison swear to me you'll swallowed if you feel any symptoms swear it I hope it doesn't come to that but thank you here you know I've spent my life treating folk and never once saw a mind flare infection then suddenly there's dozens of you maybe more Master Houston and I were tracking them studying trying to figure out what the hell's was going on you should all be changing there should be a small army of Mind flares out there but you're not weird powers aside you seem perfectly normal for one that thing in your head is like nothing we've ever seen from mind frames it's one of their worms for sure but this one gives you powers telepathic connections and it doesn't turn you into one of them not yet the Neo hard to say but there's a lot we don't know infected folks like you have been converging on an old Temple of soluna and I've no idea why when Master halson heard the adventurers were heading that way he saw a chance to get answers joined on the spot whatever he found there he didn't make it back I think so I hope so I've sent Birds to find him if they can't get close without goblins trying to shoot them down you though you're one of them technically speaking I mean they won't kill someone carrying their parasite if you can find halson and get him out of there we can discover what he learned and perhaps he can save your life how's that sound thank you it would mean everything to the groom to me I wish I could tell you more but only those adventurers know what happened out there all I can say for sure is they all went to the old Temple of saloon and master halson did Saving Private hassle good luck out there and if things start to go bad remember the vial remember your oath oh she didn't try to kill me I'm putting it on a weapon smacking somebody with it perfect you're not shy away from Bloodshed I hope since when did we become killers all right let's go just throw you out yeah we're gonna go by the merchant sell everything we're gonna see if there is a infernal mechanic and then I think that's a good spot to wrap things up because it's almost time for me to go get the we lad from school yeah yeah yes I see we'll have enough time to look for some mods my guy looks badass with this cape do you need anything else of course but please remember you're not the only one in need [Music] strangers over us no I said stop chanting what what foreign ERS be with you hi you're going to get us killed um and to the where's bare amount of to sell that later though all right uh let's see Goblin wait let's go talk to uh Captain bro foreign our time grows short if korga won't abandon her Madness then we'll have to try the road goblins or no what is it hmm you're the one who helped to the gate Chad who should we talk to maybe the blacksmith thought I sensed an inferno around here Juan from El Toro what's your story I spent a good bit of time in the house enlisted against my will by the archdevil zarya same as you I suppose if you're from El Doral the Devils were delighted when your city was swallowed up I thought they had you for Keeps glad you got out I got lucky it looks like you did too and you brought some infernal Machinery with you burning out a piston ring or linking oil mind if I take a listener be my guest but don't get too close or your eyes will melt shut you really are burning up whoever put that engine together tried to house metallicize demono valves inside a ragnac's allocation very risky I might be able to help but I'd need infernal iron and a prayer that my hammer Will Survive the work that thing isn't meant to operate outside of the Furnace I'm not sure how much longer it'll keep running the way it's going will you be able to turn down the temperature a little worried I'm gonna go in for a handshake and sing someone's arm off one of these days I'd worry about surviving the night first but help one help both if we can cool you off it'll stabilize your engine and allow you to touch whomever you please I've sensed some during our travels has a pull to it absolutely magnetic once you know what you're looking for I can show you where I'd look meanwhile I've still got plenty of weapons and armor in stock if you're looking to load up thank you foreign all right well I think I want to get the iron for her heart before I worry about the goblins or Aslan it's because I feel like she's uh I I don't think I'm leaving her out of the party she seems like a fun character use your gold you're rich there's nothing I need all the armor is kind of mid uh either way we're gonna wrap things up here this looks like a good stopping point before we head on out on another adventure actually we'll get through the gate first just so we don't gotta wait for that at the start of the next stream I'm gonna look into some mods because like having a adding a fifth person as an eclyric to the party that would be dope because that's my thing I'm like where I'm at I just I can't decide who I want to be the fourth if I can have a five-person party I'm set because I might drop one of my casters for the Druid but then I would have like my Barb my cleric a Caster a druid and then my dude so I'm gonna look in the mods a little bit I will wrap up here I might do another stream of this later tonight I don't know if we have plans or not this evening but if I do it'll be like 7 8 P.M but for now at least we'll wrap on up so you have a good day
Channel: FightinCowboy
Views: 120,480
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 paladin, dungeons & dragons, baldurs gate 3 trailer, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 paladin guide, baldurs gate 3 early access, bg3 paladin, bg3 paladin overview, bg3 paladin build, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, baldurs gate 3 gameplay combat, baldurs gate 3 gameplay pc, baldurs gate 3 livestream
Id: Wl8LpbYUA9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 28sec (14128 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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