Baldur's Gate 3 Evil Tactician Gameplay Pt. 5 (Underdark Fiasco)

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foreign happy Tuesday [Music] just about ready to get started here [Music] Anonymous atheists to load [Music] thank you good to be back I had to take yesterday off from streaming because I was trying to finish up that combat guide video and if you guys missed that it is available and out now on the channel but now we're back and as always I've done nothing but play Baldur's Gate 3 today my other run is is so interesting the way that it's going I've had some of the most intense roles of all time I've had a few DC checks of 30 which basically means you have to roll a 20 in order in order to succeed and if I were to foul in those roles it would basically mean the death certain characters and I succeeded in one of those today [Music] crazy stuff okay let's uh let's get things started you guys don't mind bear with me my voice is on the way out of the door right now I don't have too much power behind my voice today I thought taking yesterday off from streaming would have healed that but it's only gotten worse hey Daniel elf what's up Yasmin LG Amy screedings greetings Jason says won't be able to watch the stream but you're a legend thanks man I appreciate that Marley hello almost caught up with the first playthrough you talking about my let's play series the non-stream series hey Angie first in chat Anthony Spencer thank you so much for the dollar 49. celebrate the first Super sticker from Anthony Spencer okay no gonna tell me twice to The Tavern appreciate that man oh where's our Tavern music the hell okay there it is sorry about that you guys imagine a Tavern without music thanks Anthony let's go [Music] oh great [Music] I screwed up the start of my stream and now the donation sound the wolf howl comes through my speaker and not my headset oh crap okay can you guys do me a favor tonight if I end up missing a donation please just Spam and chat or something like that because I do appreciate people I want to make sure that their comment is read and missing one just uh just Spam me and chat or something because I might miss the wolf howl I can still see it out of the corner of my eye but I don't always catch it okay let's get things started hey Carly Carly how's your Ballers gate three run going swamp area today possibly we just got into the underdark so we're gonna take a look at the underdark those of you guys that are unaware I slaughtered The Druids Grove oh my God hold on what the hell is going on give me a second guys I can't hear anything well that's probably why there we go maybe I will be able to hear the wolf howls now hold on Anthony I'm gonna bring your donation back in hey now we're all good okay all right everything is fixed you're doing you're doing dark urge Carly are you kidding me you out of everyone I knew you were a Slytherin I knew you were a Slytherin and Savannah what's up man how you doing did you finish the game yet NZ I think I think you did did you might have done a Twitter post or something maybe it's maybe I'm getting you mixed up with someone else Joker thank you so much for the five euro donation cheers from France cheers from the USA right back at you Harley was always evil hey guys congrats on civil I still haven't I still haven't finished the game yet that's why you guys haven't seen uh any of my class guides out yet just hard because I'm running two playthroughs I'm doing the live stream series I'm doing my offline series The offline series takes a lot of time because I'm doing the let's play series and I have to export the videos and do all that and I'm also trying to make videos on top of it but I'll get there hopefully this week I'll finish the game then we can start getting into some more advanced content okay let's uh let's jump right into it hey cedra yeah you can throw it on the ground but the problem is when you throw it on the ground it doesn't necessarily pick up the person that you threw it near so a lot of the times when I'm using a potion I'm throwing it so I can pick up a downed enemy I found that hitting the actual character that you're trying to pick up seems to work better but I gotta test that a little bit more a turkey bird what's up Bethal what's up okay here we go yeah so last stream we slaughtered The Druids Grove we got mintthara on our side and the goal is going to be to replace My Level 4 Spore Druid higher Lane with menthara once mintara is able to join our group because she's not able to join us just yet so I think tonight we're gonna maybe dip into the underdark just a little bit as I skip the underdark on my other run maybe go to the swamp perhaps not sure it's kind of uh play it by ear we should probably start off with a long rest but before I do that let's go ahead and loot these enterum hideout because I don't think I took the time to loot it yet and on tactician I need all of the gear that I can possibly get and all the money and all the lock picks you or it's undersides Starion I didn't ask you to talk to me for cripes sake brother I gotta be nice to a Starion I literally don't have like any companions at my Camp right now I'd never I never rescued Gail um never even seen will except for The Druids Grove fight on the outside uh Lazelle was murdered by Shadow heart on this run I didn't do anything about it helsin is dead oh yeah good we're getting some good camp supplies what else is there in the game uh carlak got decapitated okay there's a lot of people are dead on this run right here I'm gonna be flat out of companion at some point there's going to be a point where I'm just like well I have nobody to join my group anymore except hirelings I'm just so interested to see if gal will show up later in the story I feel like he's gonna have to look at all the bonuses here yeah Carlock uh Carlock doesn't have a head anymore uh yeah I think Withers is that by Camp you can't ask me questions like that because I get my playthroughs mixed up I am literally a schizophrenic right I'm trying to I'm running dual personalities I can't remember when I switched from one to the other I can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing like what my morality is or what happened in each game all right we're gonna come back to here and we're gonna murder those man they must be beefed up on HP I think they are I don't remember them having 117 HP maybe they do but let's go ahead and get our spell slots back I mean I'm literally one fouled trap from tpkn right now and sorry I have to search every single every single barrel there's 80 camp supplies is not a walk in the park I sell all those too damn this is like a gold mine for loot right here sorry about that all right let's go ahead and give a Starion I just know from Early Access that pretty sure this is trapped right here this chest a trap someone doesn't like visitors I got this hey Oliver how you doing how far ahead of you on the let's play basically just getting back three on the let's play so pretty far ahead oh no I think I'm still gonna get it I'm not sure Rob I'm gonna have to wait and find out probably don't want to get too spoilery on these streams um considering that most people are still in act one the game is still very new really okay let's go back up and loot this intro we'll take a long rest and then we're gonna fight the minotaurs at level four underdarks probably recommended at level five if possible but I think we can do it damn I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to clear out my inventory today aren't I that's not something I want to do Inventory management isn't my strong suit Joker thanks for the two Euros Mountain Pass OR underdark um Mountain Pass was amazing just because it was new content for me so I'm a little bit biased but with that said the underdark is one of the coolest areas in all of the Forgotten Realms and when I played the underdark for the first time in Early Access three years ago it's a moment in gaming history that I'll never forget so I think I'm gonna have to go underdark but the mountain pass is pretty incredible too look at that inventory you guys like that freaking nice I know exactly where everything is though so don't worry about it oh that's why look all the I have so many camp supplies I would send that to Starion why do these weigh so much I don't even have any arm around my character get rid of these stupid boots are good for traps though pile up all the boots right here much of those things weigh okay now we're good Mad Max replicator hey what's up thank you so much for the 20 Super Chat Max greetings Warriors a round of the tavern's finest ale to launch tonight's Adventure you guys heard the man to The Tavern drinks are on Max tonight skull we appreciate The Tavern drinks Max with that said the Krusty wolf Tavern is outrageously priced so only one of you guys is getting a drink tonight and the rest is not on the house we're going through rough times at the Krusty wolf Tavern right now this way ever since bg3 came out nobody nobody comes to the tavern anymore dude I have like 8 000 oils and toxins right now it's freaking crazy okay we have another small hole here and what can I do what do I have in this party to get through that hole I don't have familiars I don't have summons I don't have wild shape oh yeah I do have wild shape silly me okay let's go ahead and take our long rest right now we're gonna see I bet you this hole just brings you into here it'll be interesting to find out though I think I have the key for this or you just hit the button I can't remember how to do this all right let's go to Camp we're gonna come back and see what that hole is Thanks Max call that yeah all the high strength characters you can just load their inventory uh my Dragonborn is strong but he doesn't want you guys to know that he's strong so his strength score is quite low look at look at poor Lazelle right here unbelievable oh we should take her we should take some of her stuff I'll take that I'll take the potion of feather fall we'll leave the rest I don't think I've seen this mini camp before this is the zentura mini camp huh yeah I know you can lock pick the doors I just uh that's not as entertaining so I want to try to figure things out instead of just doing it the boring way you know what I'm saying all right let's take a rest we're out of here hey Midori you are late you embrace the tadpole on your main playthrough oh where I'm up to right now no no on this one absolutely how about you what'd you do dude look at all the freaking food I have right now um we'll do that you don't like lazy algonzo oh we oh here we go this is gonna be interesting Joker thanks to the five euro appreciate it I promised I'd be back don't worry don't worry for now I see you've been using the powers the tadpole gives you good and you haven't tried to have it removed it might not be the worst thing to become a mind flare open-minded the good quality to have your parasite is unusual it is wrapped in Magic that prevents its removal until the source of the tadpole's magic is destroyed any attempt to remove it will kill you her parasites are merely a symptom of a greater sickness in faerun you know what's funny is playing bg1 and they call it Farren in the bg3 they call it faerun speed run how do you know so much about these tadpoles I have kept a careful watch on the movements of the cult though the absolute aims are not yet clear to me its methods are these parasites are more than a lithid spawn they are vessels for control the infected hear the voice of the absolute and believe it to be a god that is how the cult of the absolute is spreading the highest of their rank the true Souls carry a tadpole just like yours it is how they receive their orders it is what makes them obey I don't know what did it transform is given it will not be a matter of days there will be mind flayers in an instant worried not for my protection so would you you guys remember on the nautiloid ship I don't know if I did it on this run but in the nautiloid ship if you go to the back room there's that human that's kept in that lifted pod and if you hit the button instantly transforms her into a mind flare so I think that's what she's referring to here but basically we're not transforming until the order is given and then all the true souls are mind players pretty crazy we got bots in here thanks Smokey appreciate it who are you it's complicated but I'm an adventurer just like you just like you I was infected with a mind flare parasite just like you I seek to be free of it I've been trying to escape from this evil for a long time once I almost succeeded now through you I've been given a new chance you can go where I cannot and I can protect you from that evil if we work together okay we may turn this around feed me to go what's going on over there power I used to protect you I stole it from it for I will hold them hold them but sooner or later I will be worn down you must discover the source of the magic that controls the parasites before that happens the cultists are gathering have moonrise Towers use the powers your parasite gives you to convince them you are one of them and when you find the source of their magic destroy it it's interesting because there's go our freedom depends on it the guardian feels like a character that's like man there's so many different voices coming at us from so many different angles the guardian wants us to use the powers but at the same time she's saying that we want she wants us to use them to save faerun coming across as a good character we're not entirely sure of her true intentions though and then you have the absolute that just wants us to use them to destroy everything and let the absolute take over Okay so go ahead and take a rest don't know who to believe anymore man never a dull moment [Music] I don't even believe my own self is the best hey look at that brings you in right here cool um is there a lever in here unlock this door not seeing anything I bet you the key is just simply on one of these characters bodies there it is wasn't that key we'll pick up The Alchemist fire there it is that was cool though because if you end up not getting the key oh the hell man how many keys do these dims interim have crab's sake I have the key that it must be one of the keys gets me into that room oh look at this guy this is the wow this is brem the trader oh baby let's go ahead and shift select all this and send it to Camp all those dies we're gonna have to mess with those at the next long rest you guys have to remind me let's dye my clothes how does that sound what the hell it was a shot picked up seven keys not even one of them opens up the damn door I think the button's broken right now all right give me a story hey Michael what's up uh I do know that yeah I've seen Shadow heart's childhood scene pretty amazing I don't know how I feel about it especially on my other character because I use my wolf companion the most but who's my tank I don't have one right now but it's gonna be menthara eventually hey Kitty what's up let's do some looting I am in no rush for the live stream series at all we're just gonna do whatever the heck we want as they say okay oh disarm holy crap nice the rolls are going good tonight hey shy there's so much good loot in this game it's crazy especially when you get to act two you know why mountains are funny hey Jessica yeah you can shift select you can also control select and choose individual items definitely a huge quality of life improvement from larion because they're hilarious hey kit that is actually a druid in my party I picked up Eight Keys like what do they even get me into confused right now what do those keys go to Damian been enjoying the improved loot over EA me too definitely adds a lot to the game I think it's great it really helps too with a slow level progression because you're kind of always looking for a loot that basically feels like level of progression all right a Starion go on over here let's see what we got we got Scroll of flaming sphere well if only I had a wizard in my group right now we could take all these Scrolls you know what's really cool is when you find Scrolls of higher level Magic on my other character I found like so many like spells that you don't get until Level 9 or 11. in scroll form save the kitty cat oh critical failure you gotta be shutting me right now you roll a one it's an automatic fail did I miss some food or something web grenades and Alchemy are the bomb all right let's get serious now I'm not I'm not playing around anymore watch this 17. are you serious right now are you serious that freaking button 15. foreign second try not too bad not too bad at all right we got a gold ring oh I'll take that absolutely anything shiny sign me up a picture of smiling Maiden I wonder if that's a reference to something hit one of my lock pick back oh brass lock I'm sure I'll take that why not the abyss beckoners whoa what the wearer's summon creature has resistance to all damage are you serious right now oh my God oh man I need this for my Beastmaster I didn't I can't go back here though wow at the start of the summon creature's turn it must succeed a wisdom saving throw up oh okay okay all right that makes sense because the abyss is the home of demons the plane of existence where all the demons are from all right it's not as good as I thought it was but it still can be good in certain situations that's pretty cool I don't have anybody that summons anything though I think we're good with that you'll get conjure Elemental Hey look it's a wizard hat anybody not using a hat right now we're gonna put it on that heart's cute with her wizard hat okay um let's get the hell out of here you guys want me to go back into the underdark see what that feels like okay let's get everybody together those are some cool gloves though I love finding rare loot in a crpg that just feels good hit those on your Necromancer hell yeah I've seen everything use it on shovel do I even have shovel anymore I don't think I do trouble died a long time ago I prefer if we don't talk about shovel anymore unless it becomes like a summon that you have at all times shovel's a goner hate to tell you guys was not worthy of being in my group okay let's go back into actually let's go over here I wonder if they changed used to be to jump down here you still can't no you can't they changed it to death now okay fair enough Clarion fair enough use The Bard hat on Shadow heart yeah I use that for a while too I think we can get through right here save us a little bit of time never mind my characters are too weak can't make it through spectator flight was insane I don't know what you're talking about um unless you're talking about oh okay spectator fight not bad I thought you said Beholder even though I said spectator oh shite I didn't realize it was more Zen term over here where she said attack on my mark and nobody's nobody's there to back her up this is not a single person here to help her out okay all right zyrus yeah well yeah we'll attack on your mark sure sure thing buddy now they see me check this out we gotta start using our lightning Chargers a little bit when the wielder deals damage using this weapon they gain two lightning charges it's a great bow for a Starion and luck of the far Realms when you make a successful attack roll against the flow you can change that hit into a critical hit we're gonna save that because I think it's only once per long rest I don't know for sure okay now we have four lightning charges damn and I think on the fifth one we get an extra one one to eight lightning damage dealt to the Target all right Shadow save your spell slots we're just gonna do some regular attacks right in the neck perfect you can wear a cat is a hat oh God yeah the cat is the Druid the cat's gonna stay in cat form why because it's badass cat's gonna be my front line tank go get him Kitty man I love that I have it it just it's so great oh man oh okay so the interesting thing is with this weapon right here I'm not proficient with martial weapons but I can still use the shield of Faith spell the problem is I put on boots that I'm not proficient with so we got to take those off sure we'll put on the spider I can't do it right now constant action so yeah like with some of your casters wielding a magical weapon that you're not proficient with can actually be beneficial because I'm never going to use my weapon with my sorcerer like I'll just do shocking grasp if there's an enemy in my face when I get Shield of Faith once per once per long or once per short rest which is really powerful you have it almost in every combat encounter I'm gonna use luck of the far Realms on the minotaurs when we get down there and I want to test and see if it actually is only once per turn or what I'm not level five yet so I don't have extra attack I gotta get a little high ground here foreign level 10 Drew that's pretty cool oh we got some baguettes here never go wrong with those green grapes yes sir give me those sausages send those to camp look I got plenty of food now this was much needed cold floppy hat see what shadow looks like with the old floppy hat it looks like Red Dead Redemption it's funny we'll wear the Wizards hat all right let's go talk to talk to Oscar down here because we might actually see him again oh my God 550 freaking gold holy crap I got to keep reminding myself that every character that we come across as potentially a character that we'll see in the city of Baldur's Gate in Oscar is most certainly one nope I don't have a level in warlock yet I wanted to do that when I reach character level six so that way I have the level three spells for the Sorcerer And then I'll start dipping into Warlock that's my plan as of right now I don't know if it's the best plan I haven't fully thought it through yet but I think it's good enough all's well that ends not as bad as it could yeah let's see what this guy's doing after we do a little looting inventory is an absolute disaster right now and I'm loving every second of it doesn't work while talking to NPCs what are we talking about okay let's go talk to Oscar I have a chat with this guy and see what he's up to lucky is insanely op wait wait you have my attention oh thank you if it's wealth you seek then you've done yourself a great service friend explain yourself for you've rescued none other than the artist Oscar favorite imagine introducing yourself like that uh excellent when will I get my reward fair not friend my Patron will make good on all my debts my betrothed I should say assuming lady Janet still wishes to marry me after a little one falling out lady Janna I don't honestly don't care about your love life Oscar I just want my reward say you couldn't spare a little coin could you is the discomforts of the road son I'll give you a serious discomfort to deal with if you don't get going now right you are just asking for a little help was all until bald escaped then hope that guy dies on the road to Baldur's Gate oh nice we got actually keep forgetting that my character's background is performer for some reason I thought I was going to get the performance ability but you don't get it cool okay let's check these barrels that is the zentrum logo right there the black Network deals in a lot of illicit Goods and is also trying to take over the continent of pharoon as well they want to be the most powerful Mercantile organization and it has heavy ties to Bane the god of tyranny basically the leader of the Dead 3. okay let's uh let's head back to the underdark you can tell if someone's lawful or chaotic by their inventory Mr President I want to see that character later in the later in the game and I want to see if he offers me some serious coin for saving his butt chai Panda hello been enjoying the let's play in your past live streams glad to catch you live good job on the content I've joined the game through you thanks a lot for that I appreciate it glad that you enjoy it how much play time is in one playthrough of bg3 you know it's so hard to say because it depends on how much content you play but according to larion in the past they said you're looking at anywhere from 70 to 100 hours for your average playthrough what now people that do everything 200 plus whoa we didn't want to do that what class does missile snaring glove benefit any class and it also I don't know if it it's not even it doesn't even have armor so you can use it with anyone you don't have to be patient with any type of armor um I would say more useful with your tanks but with that said if you don't have good gloves on one of your characters missile scenarian is certainly not bad to have it's just going to mitigate any range damage that you take nothing wrong with that no time to rest 50 to 100 man I can't imagine somebody doing this game in 50 though wow you'd have to be playing on store you'd have to be playing on explore or balanced and only focusing on the main story I'm sure you can do it okay so here we go where's my cat I think we're done with your nonsense kitty cat actually did we send the kitty cat to solo the minotaurs this is this is risky oh my God look at that freaking thing dude oh oh no wow that was close okay man I can't see my druid spells when I'm in Wild shape at least let me see them I'm trying to think if it's even worth sneaking up here like I could sneak up behind these guys and do like a gust of wind or something like that but I think gust of wind is also a constitution saving throw and these guys have 16 constitutions so highly unlikely to actually work I also don't have Lazelle with her Battle Master dice to use shoving attack which would be nice and none of my characters have high strength so look at my cat just nestled right in that little dark part right there all right so we see one Minotaur the other one's got to be around here somewhere Starion is low on HP enough sitting around all right I'm gonna bring the cap back up I don't think there's anything I can do with the sport shirt right now that will that will really be beneficial besides just sneaking up on them what are you doing cat jump up top I don't want you going down this freaking traps down there my friend look at that look at the pathing for that oh look at the paving for that she wants to go all the way down do I not have enough strength to get up that are you serious you tell me a cat can't jump up that no way oh I forgot about this we can use the meow oh man I forgot about that we gotta start using that to distract NPCs okay well I guess my sport druid's stuck down here all right bring it quiet move with cash okay any precasting that we got to do here let me take a look at my spells we're not level five yet so I gotta be careful we got spiritual weapon create water not really necessary right now Bane actually might not be bad against the minotaurs because they have multi-attack that could actually be quite useful and it's a Charisma save let's see what um let's see what the minotaurs have for charisma nine okay we're gonna I'm gonna try Bane I'm gonna use Bane as my concentration spell and I'm actually going to start off with mirror image [Music] I don't have to do Mage Armor because I'm playing draconic sword that's always nice all right say what we're gonna do watch this Toby thanks for the five dollar Super Chat loving this game loving your streams thanks Wolf thank you appreciate it alloy hello playing dos two as a red Prince while waiting for the PS5 version double cap is 12. um episode 8 will not be coming out until tomorrow basically the idea right now is I don't want to release more than two videos a day if I don't have to if I have a different type of video like a guide or something like that that'll take place of one of the let's play episodes so at least one a day sometimes too episode eight and nine is when it starts to get really interesting because we leave the uh we leave the Act One content or we leave the Early Access area all right let's go ahead and do symbiotic entity and I'm gonna go ahead and hide my druid back here and let's start off with a Starion we're gonna put Shadow heart in the corner over here you got to be careful because these minotaurs do like to jump places let's take this box let's use it to hide a little bit assuming that that would work and then we'll take my wizard well you know it'll be really cool oh you know it'd be really cool hold on foreign [Music] yeah that's freaking badass okay well here goes nothing going into turn based mode we're gonna start off with a sneak attack um actually I should also probably yeah let's just use it yeah we'll use that okay oh sneak turn based mode didn't stop the Minotaur he's must be out of my range Brian Gallagher thank you so much for becoming a channel member I appreciate it welcome welcome level 20 would break the game I'm sure there's a way larion could do it but I'm happy that larion didn't make it level 20 because we can keep this story a little bit more grounded I don't like to start off as a normal adventure and then end up like Superman I like the level to be down a little bit more like demigod stat it's like creeping into the demigod status I'm good with that keeps the immersion alive in my opinion I don't want to be dropping meteor strikes that take out entire cities in one in one cast okay so here we go I'm just gonna do it why do I have disadvantage now he's in my oh Target outside of normal range do our turns thanks Ryan hey Shannon people already modeled in some of those spells [Music] man I didn't realize these encounters work a little bit differently in the full game not gonna lie they just look tweaked a little bit is he gonna get close enough he's just not going to well that complicates things here we go come on I just want a sneak attack a little bit closer okay then he's in the turn this is stupid this is really stupid it's a lot of range how is that outside of normal range am I her not using a you know Longbow is 60 feet you're telling me that's not 60 feet High ground and hiding I mean it is dark down here but it's not sane maybe it is maybe maybe it's because it's the underdark okay well you know what screw it let's just shoot and see what happens we're gonna do luck of the fire Realms we make a successful attack roll you change the hit to a critical hit yes are you me eight damage okay here goes nothing yes oh my God this is gonna be so good I wonder if I should Quicken that was freaking beautiful second Stringer welcome to the channel membership club thanks so much hey Boulder Farm I think I scratched their paint good class for noobs to the BG games well you're gonna be controlling a party of four so I wouldn't worry about that too much but your character's class any of the marshall-based classes like fighter Ranger rogue's a little bit more advanced fighter Ranger maybe even Paladin if you want to dip into spell casting but fighter and Ranger probably probably the most simple because they don't get as much stuff specifically the fighter fighter and Barbarian excuse me oh you're a barbarian if you want to keep it simple and not have like a million spells that you're dealing with both of those will work pretty good and I wouldn't worry about it too much because you're gonna have a party of characters so controlling a party of four so but it is nice to have like one or two characters in your group that you don't have to think too much about damn dude I'm freaking slaughtering these minotaurs right now am I not quick in that wait I thought I screw something up I think I missed a turn God man I love scorching Ray so much oh that's not good playing monk nice hey thanks Max if any of you guys are new to this I have released three or four beginner's guide videos on the channel I do have a playlist called Baldur's Gate 3 guides so make sure to click on the one that doesn't say Early Access I release the combat video today going over the basics of combat all right I need my extra extra attack I don't get it with a Starion though oh my God I almost freaking toasted that one we just started crazy best races for for a barbarian doesn't really matter that much but half Fork probably stands out Fork has some really awesome Frontline tank abilities barbarians are some of the best tanks in the game over 500k people playing on Steam right now you know that that number was actually 800k a few days ago 800k okay we that guy's dead he ran into a trap now we just wait for this one to come I guess we had ready attack I'd be using that breathing despite everything I'm gonna use my action to hide I wonder what this guy will do if he doesn't know where we're at he's just gonna stay there let's test it out a little bit okay well you know what I could do now now we could use our this opportunity to sneak up closer but then we'd lose The High Ground that's scary you know what you only live once right you don't even have Shadow or my sport Druid in this fight yet I'm a little bit nervous about getting too close to this damn thing I would have preferred that it came at me I'll tell you what we're gonna do do I have any wild shape forms that can fly yet I have a spider they can jump I'll tell you what we're gonna do you guys ready for this sorry if you're an arachnophobe I apologize right now we're gonna try a little something thanks David Paladin six sorcerer too nice I can't wait to try that build I was at prone I'm a freaking spider dude I'm a spider shouldn't be going prone shouldn't be going prone I'm a jumping spider let me climb down sorry on get the hell out of my way seriously there's not enough room for both of us oh okay we got a jump prone screw it here we go it's okay I only lost two HP look at this this is crazy dude oh the ground's rumbling you know what that means bullet cupcakes a happy early birthday to the bean this is risky XP gets split between everyone um Florida on the Discord chat figured out why once in a while some of your party members might be a couple points behind an XP and that's because of the Inspiration Point system but all your party members back at your Camp they'll continue to get XP alright so [Music] oh you can only use web in combat I don't know what I'm even doing right now what did I even do coming over here I oh this is so stupid now I have to bite it oh this is not good this isn't what I wanted I wanted to do you got to be kidding me you know what great now I'm going prone oh this is this is oh my God I just knocked the Minotaur over okay all right now we gotta get the hell out of there how are we gonna get the freaking hell out of there dude oh this is not going this is not going as planned this is not going as planned right now oh man are you kidding me right now I can't even wild shape I'm out of wild shape charges damn I don't have an action wait I do oh it's a bonus action to drink that oh dude we're in big trouble right now I still have a strategy I want you guys to trust me you ready you gotta trust me oh this isn't a good strategy I'm not going up there you think you think I'm risking my ass for a freaking hireling you're out of your damn mind Victor I think of the 499 oh yeah Battle Master in this fight is is amazing throw up and from High Ground needle damage twice as the weapon Falls after the hit that's pretty sweet oh it's on tactician it's a lot easier than I expected hopefully to add honor mode yeah so far in these Act One areas it is easier than I expected to I'm hoping that when I get to act two that that changes I mean I've played Early Access so many times it's hard for me to judge the difficulty in this burst area oh we do have distance spell I wonder if I could actually not even close not even close okay all right let's just uh just let's see let's hope to God that Danton can do something here because uh it's not looking too good for him right now I just need him to survive this round survive one hit with the minotaurs come on come on come on come on I'm gonna solo this mofo I want you guys to watch this I'm gonna solo this Minotaur right now I'm gonna absolutely solo this guy but I'm gonna have to take an opportunity attack hold on can't you hold person on a Minotaur oh my God I do have that's not good that is not good at all I'll tell you what though you guys watch and learn right now okay I think maybe can't believe I'm using a potion of speed on my freaking Druid man oh baby that's what I need too [Music] hold on are you guys ready for this this is about to be absolutely insane okay I'm sneaking Shadow heart down to help him out problem is hopefully I don't hit a trap don't go anywhere don't go anywhere stop moving truck oh Toby thanks so much for the second donation ten dollars last SC just wanted to say the wolf t-shirt is already a fave the fan loves your stream as always thank you again thanks Toby shout out to your fam uh what what wolf t-shirt did you get the one with the the letter wolf or the wolf across the front and good to hear let me know how that shirt turns out over the next couple months I'd be curious to uh to see I worry that they like when you wash the shirt that the prints wash off too easily thanks Toby hey kit and get the new computer Shannon holy crap that's amazing for you all right guys I just want you to know I'm not done right now I'm just getting started with this Minotaur and I told you I'm gonna solo The Minotaur with my sport Druid right now both I kind of in the upper left on the black tee okay okay good good good that one is pretty cool I'm gonna went from I'm gonna solo this guy to this is not good at all okay you guys ready for this this is what you call 200 IQ plays right now okay the hell was I doing again okay I know what I'm doing I know exactly what I'm doing problem is I gotta make sure hold on okay foreign this is this is going as planned right now we're gonna help them out a little spiritual weapon perfect Shadow heart's still not in combat though that that's exactly what I was planning on we're gonna hide her right there and then we're gonna also a little healing potion up there you know what I'm saying dude if somebody would just does anybody want to make 10 bucks I'll pay you to organize my inventory I think is I'm not even kidding dude I thought I just put the all right I'm starting to get pissed off I have 12 in your inventory so why is it not showing up when I want to throw something wait am I blind hold on oh there they are right there I am blind okay oh crap okay all right here we go yes yes come up there baby yep that's what I like yep everything's going as planned everything is going as planned you guys ready for this aren't you guys ready for this what do you mean path is interrupted what do you mean path is interrupted huh oh well that complicates things dude is he that this freaking Minotaur is like my head's in this crotch right now the path is interrupted by something that we're not allowed to talk about this is there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to this is this is this is hampering this is putting a hamper in all my plans I had a great plan scheduled here like we're gonna do something something amazing I'm telling you right now and all right I'm gonna move over here okay all right we're back at it we're back at it unfortunately oh no we're good seriously that's gonna make me prone oh man this is just this is just ridiculous I really just want to do this one thing it would make me so happy if I could do it I guess we'll just try something else I promise you guys my initial solution was cooler than that to a Gainer I wanted to do it with a cantrip I wanted to do it with Thorn whip for you all because Thorn whips a can trip and to get a kill with Thorn whip it's pretty Epic but I failed you guys reason thank you so much for the 20 Super Chat love yourself and watching a while you're definitely my go-to for this game Larry needs to fix multiplayer problem where you can't remove player characters from your party after they leave your party act two restart I hope they fixed that for you I don't know anything about the multiplayer so I can't speak on that but thanks so much for the 20. uh shoot me an email Toby um shoot me an email and get get the code for somebody you can find a way to get the code and then I do the giveaways at the end of the Stream I'm not doing the middle of the stream giveaways anymore at least not for this month because people are here to watch the playthrough of bg3 and when I interrupt it by going to the giveaway screen and then going through all that it I lose my focus on the game and we lose the focus on the story and then yeah shoot me an email and if you don't mind purchasing the code and then sending me the code because I don't have the um just just send me a code you know email it to me I've already explained this a few times before I don't need to explain it again okay question is should we go to where should we go next you guys want to go talk to the mushrooms I'm kind of curious how they are on the full release gamer stuff it is great to have you back in the chat thank you so much for the massive donation lovers chains I haven't been able to play on my own gotta avoid spoilers have fun thank you gamer stuff appreciate it enjoy your run yeah don't spoil yourself okay I do have the offline let's play series if any of you guys want to follow that at your own pace which will be available for you at all times okay nude tactician playthrough wolfhardfps I would I would greatly appreciate that it's not even the YouTube 30 problem I mean that is a problem too if there's too many donations but um it's more so the logistics behind getting people's codes and stuff is just very very time consuming and right now I am exhausted to the max in terms of my mental capacity so I don't have a couple hours after each stream to try to figure out how to get it buy a code and get it to somebody in their country restrictions and all that so if you guys send me a code I simply just give it to somebody and and that's that to mass sports that's funny I'm gonna go loot that other Minotaur real fast hey DL Brown or you can buy like uh you can buy like a steam gift card and sometimes that gives you a code and you can give that away if you can't find a way to get a bg3 code sounds good man I'll keep an eye out for the email and for some reason I miss it just uh let me know in the next stream or shoot me a double email or something like that actually let's move over let's go over this way real fast life on my feet let's go towards the temple of soluno no one back home will ever leave this I did loot the corpses what are you talking about that wasn't a bullet what would switch oh switching your party for spell slots let's see what you're saying I don't have a party to switch though all my companions are dead right now that was a roulette right there sounded like you said bullet though is that what we're calling it now that is the land shark terrifying creature of the underdark can swim through Stone like a shark swims through the waves in the ocean get back oh back up what's that oh I don't know what that is not everyone looks this good dead this is a rocky crevice oh my gosh you know what this is larion has shortcuts for everything if you have the right characters for it I don't have any more wild shape charges so I can't get in there but I'm pretty sure that would probably bring us inside the gate right here let's get going Beverly not have Misty step oh my God I don't have Misty step yet man I don't have like any spells that I actually need right now see if we have a spell of Misty step or a scroll we do not well that changes my plan a little bit actually I know how we can get in I know exactly how we can get in here problem is when are we going to start getting shot here thank you [Music] one step at a time oh oh no subtle steps crap s are you guys kidding me right now oh man that's not good that's not good at all okay wow okay well in that case we leave it up to the half elf foreign weight yeah while chamber charged on a short rest but I don't have wait do I have a short run maybe I do have one short rest available I'll go this way I'm trying to get out of like this oh I can leave turn-based mode okay perfect I thought I was forced into it foreign guys come on in one day I'll catch a break the path is clear and safe well I was glitching yeah I do have a short rest that could have all been avoided if I just simply simply use the short rust and then went into capform and went through the rocky crevice what are you gonna do though you know now I'm genuinely curious let's go ahead and wild shape into the cap form I bet you it's gonna have me appear like somewhere in here go check it out gaseous form what's up Mr moose Wild Heart by brand subclass has an aspect called wolfheart yeah it is pretty cool I like the wolf heart it's pretty good gives people advantage that are around in the area if you have like a party of like Melee frontliners that can be really good and here we go we came out somewhere in here yep we came out exactly where I thought we would all right let's do a little bit of looting why is my cat growling very well not sure which place you're talking about RC drinking like the enlarged reduced spelling you're talking about I wonder if I have any basilisk oil right now I don't think I do damn I don't know where you get basilisk oil we can try to unpetrify these drow right here [Music] can you climb on water barrels I'm not sure freezer thanks again for another Dono wait actually we have a friend joins your game has created character that character is forever locked to your party you cannot remove them okay I see what you're saying yeah it sounds like it would be nice if flarian allowed the removal see what you're saying now how cool is that foreign I think that's exactly what I'm about to do a little bit nervous though at level four I feel like I should be level five I really need Misty's step oh my god dude my lock picking rolls are like literally embarrassing right now that was a druid Philip that is my Spore druid I think there's a moment in act two Kyle where you can't return back to certain locations but not immediately when you enter into act two oh yeah there's some Paladin some really good Paladin bracers in here oh helmet helmet is mighty when you apply a condition with one of your Smite spells you gain temporary hit points gonna hang on to that because we're gonna have a palette and be joining our group here soon enough on my way okay let's take Shadow and let's cast guidance on herself [Music] we're gonna have to take a long rest if I'm attempting to fight The Spectator are you serious hold on [Music] I think a cat can pass a perception check absolutely nice hey Phil long time no see man thank you so much and following every session of my brother Ranger in arms keep up the great work good to see you Phil like I haven't seen you in the chat in like six months appreciate that hey wolf have you done a video about how different elements play out in combat like fire lightning water Etc I have not but that's a great video idea for the future in fact let me pull out my Google Docs and I have a big sheet of video ideas I think that'll be awesome like how you can synergize certain things like water with electric spells uh let me write that down right now cool say um what'd you say I already forgot how different elements play out I think that's a great idea thanks again Phil check out sven's latest stream I saw a clip of that what was he streaming that on I don't even know I'm like so focused on my bg3 runs and trying to make content that I'm not even in the loop with anything that larion is doing right now hey Dave what's up visitors now that damn it I don't have to disarm it too 29. holy crap potion of animals speak seriously wasted a lockpick on a potion of animal speaking and I have a druid in my group unbelievable all right let's get into some combat let's get into some freaking combat man sucks not having a strong character in your party oh is that the angle that I'm looking for what's above me right now is there a roof oh I'd be sick if I could get look at this hold on gotta be through the window okay oh yeah we got great line of sight on this stuff happens if I shoot that let's hit up five a Dragonborn at this moment thought it would be really funny to shoot a petrified drow with a fire Bolt okay oh oh wait why am I please don't tell me my party was teleported down to the oh this is a new scene oh my God I just this is not good I don't have spell slots wow look at the new look at the remodel oh dude The Spectator has been remodeled it's so cool looking holy crap level five my party's level four all right we're still okay it's patrolling now let's um I think I have to rest I'm like nervous though because I'm on tactician I'll tell you what we're gonna do what's a little what's a little animal that I can kill in the underdark so I can use up a few spell slots let me think here Mike and Ed's we got the fish people everything in the underdark is dangerous you got the bullet the dwargar the hook Horus okay let's go to camp what just happened down there dude that thing's absolutely terrifying yeah we're gonna take a long rest baby beholder yeah the eye is awesome isn't it all's well that ends the holders are actually neutral creatures in the Forgotten Realms lore our um Spectators excuse me beholders are the evilest of the evil Spectators are neutral creatures that's a spectator the reason why it's hostile towards us is because it's clearly guarding something or working for someone otherwise if you see a Beholder or if you see a spectator it probably would have a nice little philosophical chat with you this is I'm gonna ask you to shut the hell up Danton man sporger is not part of my part it's not a good fit for my party cop at the moment who cares right oh yeah look at all these camp supplies I freaking love it you're already level seven in the act one area Jonathan holy crap the holders are evil spectators actually no no beholders beholders and Spectators we're getting real nerdy are called Beholder kin that's like the species that they're both a part of beholders are evil Spectators are not evil they're neutral just be on my way okay let's do this I'm a little bit nervous about this fight let me think how I want to handle it is the question do I want to have somebody up in the window up there the problem is I'll tell you what I am going to do somebody in the window and if that ends up not being good I can just walk back flee him out of combat and then bring him down into it there's not a chance in hell I'm going to turn base myself like all the way around the entire combat encounter really wish I had basilisk oil and try to unpetrify some of these drow you know what I can probably make these boxes a little bit better hold on move it right in front of the window maybe back a little bit no because I need as much distance as I can get that's perfect oh yeah that's great I'll hide down foreign spelled work on the beholder old person warding bonds commands [Music] this is rough without it like not having a tank is is just crazy what am I even doing right now I mean this is just downright crazy let's just see what happens when I take a shot from up here gonna unpetrate all the drow though I just don't know how it's gonna play out in the full version oh okay oh I'll solo these mofos you think I'm scared of them because I ain't gets all get all your drill buddies let's go oh that's not good they can actually see me holy crap what happens when I go down like this what are you guys gonna do jump through the window don't think so losers path is interrupted we have to reorganize all my boxes right now seriously oh there we go I wonder if I can get the you're telling me that I can get off the other one but I can't get off this one [Music] nice zero damage that's that's good stuff okay Spectators charm a feeble enchantment princess creature from attacking The Spectator any damage could break it okay maybe we want to shoot a fire bolt that one of these guys I wonder if these guys are gonna oh what the hell are they doing well now I can't even see them all day every day yeah okay these guys might actually be coming around I think they are I think they are oh my God they are holy crap this is crazy thank you oh you gotta be kidding me Danton you're good for nothing it's great unbelievable hey DT Night Song Quest nice that's awesome man the Bloody Baron Quest was great too yeah the Night song is an emotional Quest we'll leave it at that for spoilers but yeah it's uh pretty crazy let's just do a regular attack We're not gonna do sneak attack I want to see if I can get him out of this charm okay out of the charm this works a little bit differently than in Early Access now it's possibly fighting for Me Against The Spectator not entirely sure oh that was freaking beautiful [Music] what if these draw we're gonna fight what's he doing right now oh nice shooting The Spectator let's go let's go I gotta get this guy to come over this way a little bit I think he's gonna fight his other buddy but that's okay because they're all gonna turn man that looks so good hey Jeremy ever make an RPG with a science fiction setting I don't know that'd be pretty cool down the line not sure I personally hope they keep making fantasy RPGs because I like fantasy more than sci-fi but it would be cool to see a larion Sci-Fi RPG all right Danton over here just being completely useless doesn't even know what he's doing okay that guy's out of his concentration perfect Danton you don't have a clue where you're even at right now do you buddy throw a dagger at this no we'll just do a shot nice nice nice nice this is cool to see the drow turn on The Spectator here and he can get pretty sci-fi also manages to match up yeah that's true maybe they'll do like a setting like maybe I'm like the plane of existence called mechanis or something like that I think that would be cool if larian still stayed within the Forgotten Realms but kind of went more into the Sci-Fi settings Warhammer 40K oh damn these drawers aren't doing too good I might have to come down and help them Rogue Trader comes out real soon wait are you sure of that do we have a release date for it Jonathan I know they released the beta which would mean that they're in the final stages but I didn't I never heard anything about real soon really here's something else Anton nice that was actually perfect Danton actually did something right for once [Music] and catch my breath Rogue Trader would be probably smart to release early next year when there's nothing else going on because right now we got bg3 and also star field I hope that they released the game at a time where there's a lot of people that are looking to play it because I think allcat's a great company I look forward to seeing I look forward to hopefully seeing owl cat become like the next Larry in one day with how much budget and resources they have for their game damn dude Anton is a hireling yes quiz okay you all think it's time I think it might be time to go help out these drow here now we're gonna go down and get involved this was kind of a cool way to handle the encounter not gonna lie I've been enjoying this got two more drought to uncharm here so sir nudist but I think their next project they're probably I don't know maybe probably do something where they don't have to deal with the licensing as much because I'm sure it's dealing with the Wizards of the Coast licensing is probably not ideal and they probably have to give up I don't know what their deal is like but a portion of the game sells or whatever they do for their next project if they could make it of this quality like divinity original Sim 3 or maybe something completely new they could get benefits of everything everybody already knows who they are now they don't need the uh they don't necessarily need the assistance of the DND franchise to to sell a good game now they've gotten so much positive attention over the past week literally everybody's playing Ballers day three it's crazy everybody we'll do uh Thorn what kind of feel bad if I pull this guy down though you gotta be kidding me nice now I can climb up this thing yeah dos 3 would be really great whatever they do they have to make it not be like a direct sequel to the original games because they have so many new people that have now come into this genre that have never played Divinity original sin one or two and that never will I think their next game they have to make sure that is approachable to a new audience and a big audience um so perhaps they do do Divinity original sin 3 but probably I mean dos 2 and dos one aren't really connected not like a direct sequel they could just do something like that [Music] what am I doing oh Halo spores damn it it's not close enough I mean they spent so much time creating um with the mini original sin lore in the world and the foundation of that series all the all the foundational work is already done now they just have to create a game on top of it your brother-in-law is called Dr Lupo Dr Lupo is a streamer pretty big streamer make the next Divinity game with Easter eggs that'd be really cool okay we're all in Against The Spectator now now I'm actually probably trying to save the drow because I'm curious what they're doing and my Dragonborn has heard stories of the drow and the underdark from Enzo bronzen these draw were actually from shamath though city called shamoth he's heard stories he likes their uh he likes their society and their culture and he likes the evil goddess loath too Spider Queen dude only one of my scorching Rays ever lands I'm starting to get pissed still one Charmed oh yeah he's down there I'll take care of him right now you ready watch this 30 with disadvantage what if I just threw a scimitar down there yeah that worked that's pretty funny okay let's get involved now send in Dan town on the front lines damn everybody's in the starion's way right now next game used AI what it though they have such a lovely writing team I think there's going to be some really cool AI games in the future I just don't think larion's the company to make that yeah this thing is just frying the drow hoping one of them stays alive okay here's oh this is moy right here draw was so cool can't slow down please [Music] oh that was a great chromatic orb right there let's do it yes okay we have officially killed The Spectator breathe deep in a way that wasn't really that dangerous to me or my party go check it out oh I forgot about shadowheart she's not even in combat go check out this Lou then I gotta run to the bathroom then we'll push on easy peasy 22 combat was so much better A lot of people do feel that way if you come from the Divinity series and then you start playing Ballers Gate 3 with their much more limited Action System I can understand why people feel that way dude wow because the original sin you get like you can do like four spells in one turn the blast pendant you get lightning blast as a class action Focus the electricity in your veins to strengthen your next Lightning Spell or can trip be cool to you know base a build around lightning then we have a memory Shard interesting amp Supply pack we'll send that to camp and also an icy health so if this is the same way that it was in Early Access when you find little pieces of what appears to be weapon parts you want to save them because you can right click on them and click on combine and possibly make some oh damn that wasn't smart was it yeah this draw is meditating right here before we talk to them I want to loot The Spectator but I also want to loot this backpack oh yes put that on a Starion right now look at that ugly Helm look at the ugly helmet he's got on right now although that is magical but you know what it's all about looks it's not about the power yeah no it looks like a true elf you know what let's dye his clothes right now I don't like how it's looking do I have any dye in here just gonna do that back at camp I don't I don't know where my diet is I don't feel like trying to find it I is still alive spectator eyes are you kidding me right now Ray of fear level three necromancy spell wounding Ray what get to use it once per long rest brightens your Target and then wounding Ray feels necrotic damage that is so cool and these are the attacks that The Spectator was using his inherent abilities that is awesome I am putting that thing on right now and now we have look at this whoa damn man that's awesome 60 feet range on this too Target must be an enemies and then we have Ray of fear yeah I love it I love it so much okay all right pretty cool to have those once per long rest a clutch situation all right let's see do I still have to speak with dead amulets on anybody I do on Shadow so let's use speak with Dad really fast on Doran right here corpse is too damaged okay never mind came into the building when you fought it did it really I think he uses intelligence you think you think those do like your intelligence for the saving throws the wisdom save all right let's um let's talk to this guy guess we'll talk to the coffee the drow is silent I am going to multi-class for the sorcerer into warlock yep What's the title of my stream do I still have it as sorelock oh I gotta change it to sore lock okay there we go save Dorne who is that the wizard our employer looks like The Spectator got the best of you weren't you prepared no not this time Dolan Hiatus promised riches and zogram came Dawn's old friend they fought loud and nasty zogram some of the spectator and ran too drow fighting with each other tell me more about this fight between Dorne and zargrim first they argued about a pact a forge then came spells you know the rest where will you go next home by the demon web it has been so long Dawn dead need to think what what happened my love of course Dawn damn isn't that crazy that if I actually saved dorne's life this would be totally different it is it is unbelievable how much larian put into the permutations in this game and how things play out it is just crazy just the littlest thing can change like your entire experience okay I think that worked out pretty good don't you guys think question is where do we want to go now fishy people look I have to take another long rest I wonder how much these crystals are worth I should go to the goblin Camp sell a bunch of stuff keep going okay speak with the dad actually in my work here try it can't Target Undead oh it's a skeleton okay you got a trap right here sure thing partner um this is what I love clothing for helson's Grove garments yeah we don't need a reminder of of that weakling elf [Music] figures hellson's thing doesn't do anything to it of course because it's helson as useless you know what I mean that seriously didn't stop that hold on what about a loot you think that would work I want to save that where's like all my okay let's throw this can't throw too heavy oh my God I have such a weak party I really don't have any like clothing or anything okay here we go watch this okay there we go beautiful I should probably save this too we'll call this spectator dead it's our nunos thank you so much for the Canadian 10. hey Wanda thank you all for all your content It's always important to support legit honest and hard-working content creators in the era of AI and automated YouTubers I have seen a few AI YouTube videos lately I've definitely heard a lot of YouTubers that are using um robotic voices AI voices to read their scripts a lot of people don't even notice it it's crazy oh thanks Fox appreciate it I'm not too worried about my job with AI I mean at some point it probably will creep in but like I think a lot of YouTube is also based on you know some channels part of this channel is I put myself out there a little bit too try to be entertaining and you guys know that I'm a real person I try to be as real as I can I don't know if AI can replace that maybe it can but I think probably in the gaming industry maybe not so much I know I wouldn't want to watch like an AI YouTuber I wouldn't want to listen to a YouTube video that's that was uh that is being read by a computer now what that said a lot of YouTubers probably use chat GPT to write their Scripts I tried using it just out of curiosity and just doesn't there's too many errors with it ends up taking me more time taking me more time trying to check over and really look in to see if everything that chat gbt said is true and like I would say like in like uh if you ask a question like what is Baldur's Gate 3 like 40 of it is going to be false or just made up information and trying to figure out what's wrong is really really difficult so I stopped using it okay let's see I think I do want to go to the fish people let's go ahead and take a long rest um I think we're gonna end up fighting a bigger creature though on the way I'm only halfway through level four and nothing just gonna keep blowing up seriously all right hold on let me throw something here toy block you think that would work I'm really surprised I don't have more like just clothing sitting around right now I have a backpack medium get the Yankee armor rags hold on let's take those highest strength character is actually shadow heart I wonder if that would do anything here I'm trying to figure out what's actually blowing up [Music] Hemlock what's up man thanks for the two dollar Super Chat shout out to wolfheart in two bit where's two-bit there's two bit around here somewhere hey Volk what's up need a mod over in the Discord let me take a look real fast what's going on what could possibly be going on in the Discord server I don't see anything going on in gen chat oh Tate take that tag you take pride in being both ugly and stupid what the heck what's this guy doing okay I'm just gonna ban that one guy because I could the way that he's speaking to people hold on let me just make sure that I gotta make sure before I ban someone that I have the full context oh my God there's all sorts of drama going on in the Discord server what is going on over here hold on hold on y'all give me one second did I read you guys the drama gotta see where this started I see Volk over here oh Volk bulk you tell him I can't I can't read I'm too distracted right now all right well Tate's in the chat Tate's in the chat right now I'll let Tate handle that I can't I can't get the full context of what's going on I was about to ban somebody but I just don't know what's going on so Tate's in the chat right now though if he feels like he needs to ban someone he'll do it oh let's go to camp somebody always got to start drama yeah you know actually this community is pretty good very rarely do we get a bad actor it's usually people that are highly opinionated that can't take other people's opinions you find those a lot on more public forums don't get too many of those people in my community most people in my community are actually pretty good keep forgetting I'm doing um tactician most people in my community are pretty good at just dropping it if somebody doesn't agree with your opinion I can understand like it's easy to get mad at someone but I'd say like 99 of people are good at just accepting that other people have a different fee or have a different opinion on different things and that's okay once in a while we get someone who just can't take it and we just ban them from the community I don't really care foreign by the day yeah I'm sure it is all right is this thing still blowing up I think we're good now um I don't have enough stuff to throw on the traps though what if we use create water oh it doesn't work on gas destroy water um oh it's only steam ice blood and poison to vanish these are fumes so I'd have to throw something over the Trap I wonder if I can actually move a Starion in there in turn based mode and actually deactivate the Trap oh damn okay let's give it a try a what what is what is larion doing T20 thanks for the five dollar Super Chat keep clicking the mouse wheel trying to adjust your live video on YouTube all right let's back up I'm just gonna throw things at this I just don't know what to throw right now I don't have like I don't want to throw like all my magical gear my characters are too too weak to throw they had to throw medium or heavy armor um we could throw our camp clothes you guys don't need a Starion doesn't need a shirt does he you guys think a Starion needs to be wearing a shirt at all times all right let's take Shadow heart let's see if this works let's go to throw where is it where is it how did that not work okay you know what this is pissing me off I'm leaving this place we're gonna go around the other way gust of wind I wonder if that would work the new spell I don't uh let's see gusts the win clears all clap let's try this out because that would be that's a really great idea and that's a spell that I never really thought of like utility Wise It's also new already it sucks I have to use a spell slot but this is cool to test this out let's see what it does nope you owe me a spell slot damn it his pants I looked like that for some reason the shirt throw didn't work I could just run through it and just get down you know what um let's let's see what happens let's see what happens or I'll tell you what we could do I got an even better idea watch this it's usually really easy to just throw things over the Trap so I'm not sure if Larry updated them I got an even better idea oh oh okay I never knew that was there I was gonna jump from the top and use featherfall could have just gone that way oh really when you complete the campaign it's over that would be nice if they let you just keep running around the city are doing side quests that you missed what in the nine Hells is that oh my God what in the nine Hells is that y'all [Music] this way [Music] watch your back a little bit worried about getting knocked off a lead chair I don't know what it's going to do right now is it going to keep traveling down is it going to pop up let's put a Starion right on top oh my God I'm low on HP with the Starion this is actually a little nerve-wracking I'm not sure how it's going to play out in the full game ah I remember last time I was here in Early Access when I had a party of paladins we put this thing down in one turn it was crazy but I don't think that's gonna happen on this one I'm actually quite nervous right now I don't know which way it's going to go we have no choice but to just see what happens so here we go oh my God it is a bullet it is a bullet oh what come on game oh great okay now we got problems Garris I think you're the two dollar Super Chat they're stopping in here from the water stream what's water playing these days he playing bg3 oh let the hook Do Your Dirty Work I know you know but it's kind of fun finding it over here though all right so this is on tactician so let's see how let's see if it turns into something that I didn't expect level 5 roulette you know what I got to keep remembering I'm playing an Assassin Rogue it's important to try to surprise my enemies okay good stuff with sirian great stuff my man let's move you right here okay Shadow damn it you're not close enough to get off like definitely Gotta Stay um they spread out here when facing a creature like this I don't know if I'm gonna have a oh I can go up top here and do a guiding Bolt honestly it seriously might even be worth staying up there with shadow hold on let's see path is interrupted oh it's so close to happening let's do it I don't even care yes got no resistances all right Dragonborn is through let's get you up just a little bit my man okay I've got 119 HP the thing is this thing probably will will run if we don't kill it fast enough if that's still kind of how it works I don't know if that's how it works anymore so what we'd have to do is try to we'd have to try wow look at how cool that looks we'd have to try to like sleep it or hold monster which I don't have hold monster um hold on front end cannot move for an enemies also disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls let's try it I just use I just use a spectator spectator ability and it worked Jeremy thank you so much for gifting five channel memberships welcome to all the new members you ever use your jump to close some distance yes I do absolutely only on my strength characters does it really make a big difference a great strategy right now I don't have strength characters in my group at all but in my other character my strength based Ranger I jump everywhere or with Lazelle or with karlak I jumped almost every enemy great way to close some distance thank you Jeremy welcome to the new members okay so now you know what honestly let's do tears protection too this is the reason why I have this is because I have a two-handed sword equipped on my Sorcerer And I'm not using that I'm just using this spell all right so now I don't want to get too close to the edge when fighting a creature like this let's just move right here that's that's scaring me a little bit move back this way a little bit we got Mr Danton what what kind of control spells do I have right now what kind of control spells do I have I don't think I have any what about Scrolls let's see let's see what we got here Raven feeblement crown of Madness Mage Armor Ray of sickness magic Missile welcome what is what what is that do you guys see that in the chat it says member for seven months direwolf but I don't see anything doesn't show it does it show a name or anything hey team Ray what's up you guys see that or is that just me what is that notification in the chat that was you what did you do Jeremy I'm confused all I see it doesn't even show me I don't even know what it is oh you deleted your message okay all right I guess that makes sense now all right astarian I don't think I'm gonna be able to get enough damage on this thing or hold him off um that might just be wasting spell slots right now you bastard you got you got I just I just clicked on the hide action oh my god oh man I meant to do the bonus action that's not good oh that's not good at all that was really stupid just lost my action for the turn stay right there babe oh yeah not enough damage though Shadow what the hell are you doing is all that matters okay That's it man are you kidding me I can shoot his butt and I shoot his butt oh if I just had hex or something you know what I'm saying that's when sorelock is going to start becoming really good is when I can hex enemies okay not too shabby not not too shabby oh now we gotta let it leap up on us all right Dan Tom what are you doing over here my friend we need some major damage I got to keep this thing from running on me though I don't know what to do I legit just don't know what to do definitely don't want to group up too much I think we'll do a belly flop on all of us that was stupid why'd I even do that couldn't even tell you here it comes wow it has a belly flopped on me yet this is incredible okay so what I wanted to try the first time was I wanted to use the hide bonus action you ready now that nope didn't get it okay take it back seriously seriously game magic Missile Ray of sickness man this is gonna suck if it just gets away from me it might actually keep its HP low though I'm not sure you might oh probably at some point Jeremy a lot of my friends are playing this game right now too it's just really hard for me right now to do co-op because Co-op is relax and hang out with friends and I'm constantly always in work mode especially uh during the hot season right now but I think once once bg3 comes down a little bit and I've already finished my first run and I got most of my guides out that'll be a lot more relaxed with that but right now is uh his work and entertain mode for me right now because this is the time that my channel I have to take advantage of this time because who knows what the future brings you know what I mean and I built my channel off of balder's K3 for four years so I probably will do some at some point okay let's um yeah let's do it great now we now he's you got to be kidding me I need some boxes or something I can't even see [Music] oh okay you're gonna do this to me game I'm getting so close to killing the ballet soaking up freaking acid damage up here can I shoot its tail man I almost don't want to come down yeah I can't see that thing at all well let's move it right here I don't know why I didn't do that before and we'll toss a heel no we don't we don't need to heal dude this thing is just literally in the worst positioning possible it's a smart thing am I doing it screw it is I feel what's up yeah believe it or not multiplayer streams also usually perform much worse than solo streams I think it's because there's a lot less chat interaction but with that said I love doing multiplayer with friends and other people just I don't think it's the time to do it at this exact moment in time [Music] okay let's do um things only got 32 HP I might kill this thing right now you're telling me I don't have enough movement to move my moon beam is this a joke I'll be so stupid I grew up my party like that I'm going to oh my God this is so stupid wait how is that not dude this thing is literally just playing the terrain right now man Moonbeam sucks against this thing oh this is going to be so upsetting if this thing just goes away after this do I have any speed potions anymore I don't think I do first run Early Access crazy how I know three years ago isn't that crazy thank you guys for those of you guys that have been with me since that time foreign are you really gonna rob me of that it's no time to waste can you guys believe that I have The Spectator down to 22 HP the dude dipped out I can't believe it had to save scum something happened well that wouldn't be a safe scum if something out of your control happened that's that was a bug or something like that says go go big or go home true oh where's the Starion get your ass up here well damn is right such a difference having a star out of my group first my other run where I don't have a Starion I can't lock pick anything spider webs drows studded leather 12 armor and stealth plus one I think it's gonna be pretty cool and look we got basilisk oil that's what I was looking for is you can turn a petrified creature back to its organic floor dark mother Weaver of Destiny offer us a blessing to slay your foes may they be strangled by the threads of fate and dyed red in your image loath be praised and Loth is the Spider Queen evil goddess of the drow many of the drown not all the drought and what am I wearing with a Starion right now oh this is a freaking this is a great upgrade right here saving throw plus one damn astorian's looking cool it gave me another gift too what just like it did the first time it appeared rather generous if you ask me should I skip through I thought it was just I accidentally clicked on him I didn't mean to skip through the first part of the dialogue that's why you go to dialogue history I had another visit from that dream figure I take it you did too it claims oh you know why because I had that dream and I never talked to the companions after my mistake it claims that if we Infiltrate The Heart of the cult it's giving out these parasites we'll find the answers we're looking for give me another gift too just like it did the first time it appeared rather generous if you ask me okay um seems straightforward to me if we want to infiltrate moonrise Towers these tadpole gifts might be the best way to do it and while we're at it we can see how many more of these little worms we can Harvest absolutely is there anything else um no shut the hell up what what what's sparkling over here is it my spell what is this book right here on educating the faithful mother of all drow let me take this little gem right I wonder if these are used for if you just use them to sell things or what what a beautiful view though I'm gonna let you guys stare at my character for a second I gotta run to the bathroom and then we'll do another common encounter that might be it for the night that one back home will ever believe this be right back a chromatic orb is bugged I'll go look into that I'll look closely next time be right back thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so I just noticed the thumbnail for the stream is the wrong thumbnail let me switch that real fast I didn't mean to have part four on it part four was last stream I think we need to change that to okay we're fixed now anybody still here thanks lolk okay let's sit up a little bit hey gold good to see you in the chat thanks for stopping in have a good night doll we're all thinking about you okay you guys still see me hear me to step God the underdark is so cool I hope we see dristo erden in this game I think if we do we it would have already been an out it would already be all over the internet Discord is now drama free does that mean somebody got banned how many spell slots do I have let's see what this chromatic or business oh yeah chromatic orbs only working at level one you can't cast at level two it shows when you click on level two but it doesn't let you upcast it yeah I didn't even notice that okay my question is do I have enough spell slots to do the next combat income what are these guys doing up here holy crap dude jeez nobody wants to listen to your music nice Rocky nice a bunch of those three in the Gong Show yeah I dare you to come back roulette I freaking dare you can I fight it right here because I would love to that thing has low HP I better be level five soon I'm in the freaking underdark right now all right I feel like I can do this next one without taking a long rest no I can't I'm taking a long rest absolutely Blaker actually to be honest with you crpgs are one of the harder games to stream I understand what you're saying single player games and are non-competitive games in general streamers going to be able to react or interact with their chat uh much better than like a Call of Duty or something like that because you're in the zone you can't look away with that said I know a lot of streamers I talk to a lot of streamers ones that are much larger than me and they won't play games like these on stream because they're too complex and there's too much focus on the story and all these things that you have to constantly be focusing on so when you're multitasking and you're playing a game like a crpg very very hard to focus in on what you're doing which is why you guys probably see me do stupid things all the time I probably do stupid things when I'm not streaming too but it's a lot worse when I'm streaming because you're multitasking while playing a game like this that requires so much Focus it's quite the challenge sometimes I've gotten used to it though but yeah crpgs are one of the worst types of games to actually stream but this is my genre so I have no choice I'll get a story on just laying there naked but yeah non-competitive games in general are better because that streamer can actually look over at the chat instead of staring at the screen trying not to die okay let's go with the good thing about this game is it's so deep that everybody in the community is very interested in what's going on and everybody wants to discuss it there's a lot to talk about so in that regards it is good well why is it oh LaSalle's body's over here people rather watch Minecraft I mean there's uh this genre of streaming is one of the smaller ones hmm I mean like the biggest RPG streamer is co-carnage and he's like massively bigger than anybody else in this same genre is not the most popular category for streams too much too bad and you're missing me playing tarkov I enjoy streaming FPS games but it's just not it doesn't fit my channel anymore hey Jeremy what's up thanks for stopping in appreciate that you as well thanks for being a member for 27 months that's crazy okay now we got a bit of a problem here now we got a bit of a problem I have no HP who have short rests but I'll tell you what we should do we should First cast symbiotic entity and then we should short rest actually and then let me cast feel the faith is that recharge yeah on a short rest then let me cast nothing else everything else is recharged on a long okay we have ritual silence I didn't realize that now we'll take a short rest don't take the edge off and now I have two wild shaped charges still have symbiotic entity active and also have Shield of Faith active and I can cast it again Eight party member mod yet I heard I heard of it sounds pretty cool but I feel like that would make the game like way too easy because it's designed around a four-player party you're basically giving yourself double the power larion would have to make like a triple X tactician mode or something like that okay let's see what we're gonna do here we got some fishies around here Spirit Guardians yet I don't that must be level five should we just RP this as my character hates fish what do you think we should do here foreign just trying not to set off the encounter just yet with permadeath ooh that'd be pretty cool it'd be a cool way to play it hey David you lifted camp are you gonna check the lithid camp what's the Olympic camp it'll be three tries to take out the spider in the bladed Village okay let's um should I head my sorcerer down I don't know how I want to handle this right now like I want to kill the fish people they're only level two I feel like the XP is not that good here let's uh let's go have a chat this could this this might go bad this might not go as planned [Applause] to fill your oceans oh blessed pohar our bones to build your temple in the Deep a wave of pure devotion washes over you and with every surge you feel a presence and grow in response once you don't recognize the creatures but this boy seems to hold over them these things are funny it just turns around you our lord of murder demands sacrifice will be an offering for the great god wow Danton is a high early in prevail make a soup out of them damn I don't have any Rap Man ual ball is the god of murder that's so partner I'm a God I fancy a bitter man simple enough well-traced who all wants a sacrifice you got a pretty badass voice oh wait if it's blood you want I can make another offer I have only one life but I can kill many more in your name oh damn I need Shadow Hearts guidance for this come on we got it critical failure seriously you guys want to try it again one more try we'll try one more no sense in holding on to four inspiration points at all times you know what I mean because then you can't earn any more okay we're done well there goes that don't worry [Applause] [Music] sexy mermaids all right looks like fish is on the menu tonight boys foreign 12 damage seriously [Music] okay we're gonna take the opportunity attack unless I can push this guy into the cloud of daggers oh this isn't a lifted power right here Charming enemy that attacks you preventing them from attacking until their next turn let's just give it a try seriously that that's that little animation was awesome keep going all right crazy damage absolutely crazy I don't have the daylight spell no isn't that a level three I'm not level five yet does that come at level five I can't remember place near the mushroom camp with a hobgoblin and the Elephant oh no I haven't talked to I haven't talked to um omelia blurg and omelium yet how many times can I do this what is going on with these tadpole Powers why did I just get to use that twice fish people are in the underdark kind of near The Spectator and in between the uh Arcane Tower and The Spectator when you're in like the mush there's like a mushroom field not the one near the mushrooms near the micanids over to the left there's a lot of these uh tamas spores the red mushrooms whatever the hell they're called you just gotta look closely there's a dark little Corridor that you can jump down I'm so confused at why my lifted powers are working so much I think that's extremely powerful all right Mr fishy people come here what I didn't get that you already killed the guy where is he they already killed their leader no he's right here oh he's right on top of me holy crap you know what I think about that [Music] aha actually I'm gonna move back into the range I want them to stay in the cloud of daggers oh famous cash money yeah but I could I I'm just confused at why I can charm every round and why I don't know hold on I just gotta oh no look okay look look at the far Realms must take a long rest so I can't use that one again no choice but to keep the charm one can be used every single round when my reaction charges replenish his resource wait no we're gonna find out this sounds very powerful for a skill that all I had to do was eat a tadpole question is what's the penalty what's the price that I have to pay no no look I get that it's a reaction what I'm wondering is why I can keep Charming with a reaction why doesn't the charm go away you know I think we can probably just put missile snaring on Auto go off let's go like this let's go to reactions with the Starion we don't even need it to ask me missile snaring we don't need it to ask just have it Go Auto Go off because I like that a lot look my guiding bolts have been a week lately even weak sauce [Music] dude my sorcerer just got an opportunity attack with a great sword that he's not proficient with and he just murdered the Lord of murder dark urge Trump saw that's crazy absolute will suck your soul it does make you think what it must cost to use these Powers I hope that larion makes their makes their really be like a serious effect otherwise like you might as well just take them every time to be as powerful as you can I'm sure larion has something tied into that Dynamic all right let's go ahead and um do Firebolt sure should have gotten on The High Ground first but romancy menthara Lazelle and Shadow heart you think you can pull that off these guys got cool little Shields shapes of shells Sally's seashells that Moonbeam is so Moonbeam is such a good spell he had to move it around like that without it costing a spell slot easiest classes for first playthrough well like I told a lot of people been asking that for me you're going to be controlling a party of four and if you want the game to be easy for you you're going to want that entire party of four you're not going to want to run around with less than four now with that said it's nice to have one or two people in your group that don't have a million spells that you have to choose from so all of the classes that aren't primary spellcasters I would say are probably a little bit more beginner friendly because choosing spells can be quite overwhelming a fighter class the Barbarian class for example are probably a little bit simpler to understand than the other classes and then and then you would get into like the hybrid classes like the Ranger and the Paladin which are spellcasters and martial classes the rogue's actually not too hard either the problem is if you don't understand the rogue's mechanics like even me I'm not taking advantage of a starion's assassin features I haven't really done it at all because it's not in my head to think about trying to surprise the enemy and take advantage of all that but the road can be fairly simple too but there's not like a million things to choose from or you can War warlock Elder's blast now you can make some bad choices with a warlock though too so if you know how to make an Eldritch blast warlock then yeah you could just Elder splast every turn but the problem with the known spellcasters is you have to make that choice of a spell and then you don't like I'd say for spell casters it's probably easier to play as the Druid or the cleric because you get access to their entire spell list and you can swap those spells in and out also the wizard when you play like a sorcerer or Warlock or a bard when you're leveling up you have to choose a limited amount of spells and those spells choices are kind of permanent you can replace them each level but for the most part you have to know what spells you're choosing otherwise you can really yourself Valley cells Shields by the seashore okay we've only got a couple only one fish left he's over here yeah you can't respect but it costs 100 gold to respect though too I mean shouldn't be that hard to come across 100 gold with that said it's not exactly one gold still a hundred I mean I don't have that I do have a good amount of gold now at the start of the game you don't have that much gold but yeah you can respect so don't stress out of your choices too much let's have a good time your first run you're not going to know what you're doing like 80 of the time but your second run you'll have it all figured out actually no you will I still am discovering things every time I play that's part of the fun you don't have to know everything to have a good time the big mole under the goblin castle big mole all right let's salute um bual over here still not level five damn dude that's crazy look at this fish just being sacrificed right here I kind of feel bad for him man used to be a little fishy just look at the underdark look at this place this is incredible absolutely incredible products dead for you oh damn did you you sided with Will it's so interesting how everybody's plays out so differently like in my run karlak and Will are good friends right now and not sure temp all right let's see I don't know if I can even make it over here with my character's strength now for this one since I can't this is going to be a great demonstration right here for when to use turn based modes so I can't see this mushroom I know that these torch stocks blow up and they'll knock me off into the underdark here I can go into turn-based mode make my jump back up a little bit and then take the shot before it even gets its turn and there we go now we're safe and leave turn basement up to you shadowheart you got this possible nope one chart oh I'm using inspiration I don't want to get knocked off into the underdark Possible Oh my God tell me I'm using another Inspiration Point on the stupid chest are you serious [Music] oh thank God I thought I was gonna go flying off the ledge the dice are orange because if you look in the bottom left you can change your dice if you have the digital Deluxe and also the collector's edition you might even be able to do it with a regular edition too there might be like one choice I'm not sure laughs so much content right Anand all that for a slippery chain shirt when the wearer heals a creature it automatically disengages and won't trigger opportunity attacks I mean it's all right the AC is so low low for medium armor is it it doesn't give you disadvantage on stealth but very rarely do I find anybody wanting medium armor or carrying that much about not having disadvantage on stealth versus having a plus two to your armor class number still lost in the underdark is nice I'm scared of every mushroom I just shoot them all I think you can pick that one up you're a Pally that's sticking to his oath that's awesome yeah actually RP wise paladins are a little bit more difficult to play for a new player because if you break your oath doing things that you don't really understand you're going to be constantly annoyed losing access to your oath spells I didn't think about that okay I think we're good here I don't think there's any more secrets let's vote this game of the year I hope to I you know I think it's going to be nominated it's just made waves in the media which is incredible for a game in this genre I think it will be nominated um I guess it just I don't it just matters where all the votes come from because you're going up against like Hogwarts Legacy a game that just has a much larger fan base I guess you could say with that said Boulders Gate 3 almost overtook over overtake over took overtook overtook Hogwarts Legacy on Steam for concurrent people playing you know with that said Hogwarts Legacy was also probably more popular on Console than it was on on Steam but it's still pretty cool for larion to even be like in that category I can't wait I I if Ballers game doesn't get nominated I'm gonna be so pissed but if it does get nominated it's going to be like one of the most fun game of the year streams of all time imagine if it wins and we're all just watching it together that would be amazing okay so we got the Arcane Tower in here which is really interesting content um we also got this interesting illusionary wall right here that will bring you to this The Hags lair let me come over here probably getting ready to wrap things up here soon cracked like an egg I've flown quite some hide look at this we have a one favor one faithful servant that is always summoned no more and no less than malice the urban ever had yeah you guys know the last name Jordan don't you or indeed the mother of lusts herself the yokolo was quite a sight in all its forms I'd read of its foul odor but I found it intoxicating like rose water so it smashed a few artifacts his status Master the archmage should have revered me for such a Conjuring instead he threatened to curse me to make me a dryer the dreiders are half drow half spiders and if you'd like if you do anything against the Spider Queen wolf she can turn you into a dreider yet my time will come soon I will return to menzo bronzen and sorcier then the archmage will worship me I will be served it's interesting that they even mentioned the last name do ERD and that makes me wonder is there going to be some more Jordans fighting a cow with 132 hit points oh I don't have characters that are strong enough to to do this please please please please please imagine just doing this IRL really I do have an elixir of Hill giant let's go how long does that last until a long rest I just boosted her strength up to 21. deserves to win I agree there's so many people that are talking about this game somebody like big content creators big media sources Angry Joe you guys know Angry Joe huge YouTube channel doing a review on it it's so cool to see it happen very very smart decision out of larian to release this in the month of August versus September because Baldur's Gate 3 has been able to just soak up all the news in the gaming industry with nothing really like there that could possibly overtake it you guys see this right here this is pretty cool this is pretty cool foreign like just like the just watching this right now this game is so awesome isn't it like this is such a cool like perspective looking down at an adventuring party going through the underdark seeing Shadow heart with their wizard hat and the torch kind of surreal to be playing this game like how cool is that it's just freaking badass man guys this is the future of Gaming hmm there's something off about this wall oh whoa all right Oliver have a good night catch you soon Full House boss yeah I fought that boss at one shot that ball I don't want to talk about too much because of spoilers but wow where are we now we have ended up in an area that we haven't even touched on this run right here from the underdark how crazy is that wow look at this this has changed a little bit since early access yeah that was something that you could do in Early Access Alexander Alexandre Alexandra so that's pretty cool we ended up in the back of the swamp right now and actually I'm thinking next session maybe we just do the hag's lair and that should probably put us at level five and then we can explore deeper into the underdark and also the mountain pass the mountain pass is some really really really cool cool content I can't wait to do that on stream I think this is probably going to be a great stopping point I'm gonna go take a walk and then get to work on tomorrow's video and if any of you guys would like to watch a beginner's guide on combat I put one out today I'll share that link in the chat right now let me share that right now spent a little bit of time trying to gather and put together a video to explain the combat mechanics it is a beginner's guide but sometimes veteran players catch a thing or two I always learn things when I'm making these videos too [Music] I'm going to share that in the chat I appreciate if you guys check that out hey RS what's up and that's all I got so thank you guys for hanging out and I will catch you on the next one probably be live tomorrow at 7 pm Eastern as of right now I'm just trying to go live at 7 00 PM as much as I possibly can once in a while I'm gonna miss a night if I have a video to do or something but I think I'll probably be live tomorrow all right and uh I should also have part seven of the let's play series out tomorrow as well or part eight excuse me starts to get good in part eight because we leave the Early Access area [Music] tag is another difficult fight the hack hack can be a quite difficult fight but if you know how to handle her Illusions such as using a spell called magic Missile you can get that fight done pretty quickly because when she separates into her four like four or five different forms four forms three forms three to four forms if you take magic Missile you can put one missile on each of The Hags forms and then shoot it and it'll reveal which one is actually her [Music] sorrow maybe catch you tomorrow [Music] thanks Angie Florian see you Shannon [Music] good night Samantha goodbye [Music] [Music] foreign thanks Daniel I murdered her in the tea house and she didn't run oh nice that's cool not easy to get her down in the Tea House I don't know what the non-lethal fighting does I'm not sure if it like I have no idea it'd be interesting if somebody really tests that out because I haven't seen it do anything yet but that would be cool if you use like non-lethal attacks and then notice some of those characters in act 3 in the city or something like that but I haven't found it working yet or really doing anything besides just making you feel a little bit better yeah Amy's mom we took the powers I feel nice that would be cool to see her in the city of Boulders I wonder what her involvement will be with the plot what's the story behind your intermission screen I just grabbed a bunch of PNG files of things that of nostalgic pictures Tiger Woods Tamagotchi magic cards Michael Jordan Legolas Steve Irwin crazy bones Pokemon cards Happy Gilmore just add a little bit a little bit of Personal Touch to the intermission screen you know CSI hail the owl bear comp onent
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 59,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, bg3, baldurs gate 3 live, baldurs gate 3 livestream, livestream, baldurs gate 3 full game, baldurs gate 3 lets play, baldurs gate 3 classes, beginners guide, bg3 live, baldurs gate 3 rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, tactician mode baldurs gate 3, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios
Id: RSQvihFT7wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 34sec (10534 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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