Baldur's Gate 3 Testing Out Level 3 Spells Livestream

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foreign appreciate you guys being here [Music] today we're going to be testing out some level three spells as I never really got the opportunity to on my last playthrough we kind of just played through the story and messed with a few of them considering that you only get two level three spell slots with your Caster classes it's really hard to test them all out and after I did that patch nine run I kind of got sick of the game not gonna lie so but now I'm feeling motivated to jump back in I don't think I'm going to start an entirely new playthrough but who knows I said depends on the news that we get in June as Larry in studios will be attending the summer games Fest maybe we'll give us another patch who knows all right let me just share this over on the Discord server and we will get things started here doing some level three spell testing [Music] okay we're all shared and we're ready to go I can hear the lovely startup music [Music] going tonight happy Tuesday hello Amis super DM Dave great to see in the chat Arthur hello does anyone know if wolf is still playing War tells um unfortunately you know I don't stream that much to be able to really play through games like that unless I just grind them out when they first come out so War tells is on the back burner initial Impressions were really good I might play it a little bit offline but uh yeah I don't have 100 hours to dedicate to that game for the live streams it's also not really like a stream game it's more so I wanted to show it off and try it out with you guys uh but yeah I thought that was a great game loved it unfortunately I don't think it'll be returning to the live streams anytime soon now I only stream for like 16 to sometimes 20 25 hours a week on these down times where there's nothing really crazy going on that's just not enough time to go through uh huge games um you know if I play like a crpg I'm gonna be doing it for months with a stream schedule like that so I have to limit the games that I choose to play on stream and wartels had to go hello Shauna Rick C how are you Sanctuary plus Spirit Guardians yeah sounds deadly I hate the soul coin bug I heard about that one is that the is that the audio bug when you sell the soul coin Leo is that what you're talking about gonna restart Celesta as a placeholder until bg3 now the ice of the expansion launches next week I'm excited for that DLC I'll definitely be playing that and I will be live streaming that as well on the 25th of May maybe a day earlier because I already got it I already got access to it Dan says is this a new patch it is not nope I just didn't feel like changing the thumbnail I didn't feel like doing a new thumbnail so I'm using the fame the same thumbnail that I used when patch 9 initially came out so nothing new going on here though okay let's go to the tavern what's up gold Where's my water bottle I'm also going to be making flashcards tonight so it might be kind of a boring string watching wolfheart make flash cards for a video game and on top of that you only get two level three spell slots per Caster so that means we're gonna have to do a lot of reloading so prepare yourselves let's go and yes you heard me right I'm doing flash cards because that's how much of a bg3 nerd I am and I care that much about being an expert when the game comes out I already did flash cards on the can trips got them all right here baby my yellow flash cards can trips you guys can't see them because they're kind of blended into the green screen by the time bg3 comes out I want to know everything right off the top of my head spell level range class you know what I'm saying saving throw when the game launches and you guys come into my live stream and you ask me a question I can answer it right on the spot okay let's start her out what's up Turtles well it says greetings from Australia hello got a little bit burnt you guys can see I got some sun you know what I'm doing tomorrow going to the PGA Championship get on my level I'm playing in the PGH I'm just kidding I'm not playing I'm a spectator I can't wait though all right where's bg3 been a while I've been playing on Gog for this last playthrough so now I have nine oh look at Don right here Don's playing on Gog 175 hours from Don I have 91 almost 92 hours on Gog and then probably close to a thousand on Steam and then there's also uh I don't know I played a decent amount on Stadium when I first came out too DM screen that'd be pretty cool okay let's start her up damn it's been a while holy crap almost forgot how to play this game hey later well I stream the golf that'd be kind of funny also would be illegal [Music] I don't think I have rights to the PGA Championship not that anybody would know yes bg3 is on GOG [Music] all right let's Jump Right In and hopefully I have a level five save point that we can go to I honestly don't remember much about um about the playthrough that I was doing I know I was playing all gnome spellcasters and there it is right there Play Time 14 hours it took me to get to level five on that particular playthrough save date 124 23. load save bg3 has come out on August 31st I know right later isn't it crazy some of you guys in here I miss Rick later Don you guys have been here for years now it's CR you know it sucks having to wait that long for the game but at the same time like the hype has just kind of remained there for the past three years ever since the announcement trailer for bg3 there's always like that excitement for life because you know that bg3 is still coming out and when it finally comes out of course it's going to be amazing for you know the next six months or however long you guys play it but then that hype is going to kind of die down and we don't have much to look forward to until larion announces you know a DLC maybe I don't know or their next game or or whatever so enjoy these moments leading up to the game's launch um Hogwarts Legacy leading up to the launch was a very enjoyable time for me on the channel I very much enjoyed doing the lore videos for that world then the game came out I beat it and now I don't even think about it anymore you know what I mean sad times okay well the mining Community will fill in the gaps for bg3 I'm sure they will absolutely modern community's already done quite a lot we'll be popping off when the time comes true alright so what do we got here we got tavley my level four druid Tavo My Level 4 Sorcerer And tavioso my level 4 wizard and it looks like Shadow heart is still at level four and I made this load point after I killed the minotaurs mini tours Minotaur Minotaur mini tours mini tours so it looks like actually on this load point the entire underdark is pretty much untouched I think except for our mini Bros right here so I'm thinking if I can go ahead and maybe get enough XP to get the shot get Shadow heart to level five we can then maybe fight the micanids with these level 3 spells and try to pull them into the shroom Forest right here they're not shrooms but you guys get what I'm saying pull them into this uh to mask field and then we can really test out some of these spells out in the open and like I said earlier you only get two level three spell slots as a primary spellcaster so we can only test out two at a time per character and unfortunately ah damn it I don't want a sorcerer right now I wish I could I wish I could swap out tevo for Gail but they don't let you do that right now you can't swap out custom characters to my knowledge so unfortunately I I don't want a sorcerer the reason why I don't want a sorcerer is because we only get one new spell at level five okay all right let's um let's get myself organized here um we got everybody in a group I could probably just take a long rest right now damn I missed the underdark so let's go ahead and go back to camp forgot how to go to Camp it's been such it's been such a long time and months later thank you so much for the five dollar Super Chat off topic I just got disco Elysium amazing game for who likes investigation and not fight yeah a lot of people on this channel love disco Elysium highly recommended by many many people I just don't feel like playing it right now because I don't feel like uh streaming a game that's pretty much all dialogue thanks later all right let's start off with a little pickpocket here I gotta get myself some res I remember on this playthrough I basically didn't pick up like any items at all I mean I did but I didn't like look for items like I didn't pick up red Scrolls didn't pick up potions whatever it takes um and I think I probably want to grab a couple red Scrolls because it doesn't look like I have any in my inventory right now what a beautiful inventory here you know what I noticed is um I'm gonna make a video probably coming out on Thursday talking about quality of life improvements for this game because at this point um you know asking for things like real time with pause or a day and night cycle or what are some other major things that people requested a long time ago day and night cycle Real Time with pause um you know five or six party members things like that are pretty much not gonna happen at this stage of the game's development so at this point when we're only three three and a half months out from the game's launch I think the uh the only feedback videos that I want to do for maybe a couple more up to the game's launch would be quality of life improvements because there's no sense in asking for big changes because larion doesn't have the time they'd have to delay the game and it seems like the majority of fans are you know satisfied with the direction that bg3 early access is currently going in so why would larian make any major changes so with that said if you guys have any quality of life improvements off the top of your head um you can say in the chat right now but I'm probably gonna miss it and I'm not gonna remember it so join the Discord server we have an EA feedback Channel over there I already looked through it the other day took a bunch of notes as to things that you guys are looking for I looked at the forums of course I have my own list as well make sure you guys put your opinion over on the EA feedback Channel what's up Alexander biggest quality life thing I want is a follow character button for multiplayer oh Leo please put that I'm gonna grab my Lister hold on that that's a that's actually a really uh that is a nice little yeah yeah yeah those are the type of changes that I think we can still ask for and possibly receive because they're not fundamental foundational changes they are little quality of life improvements that wouldn't oh my headset's gonna die right now I'm gonna add that right now follow button or multiplayer thanks um forgive me one second let me switch out my headset wolf needs to voice my character I don't know Tardis I don't know if you can handle it you'd have all the ladies coming at you for those romances you know what I'm saying [Music] man it gets so hot so hot in my room mounts for some areas if there was mounts it would only be probably for like you know a single cut scene or something like that I would imagine so I would say no to that eg4 love decision based games but does the rules follow E5 5e oh yeah edition five five e um yes I would say 85 it follows fifth edition so yes with some of larion's own Homebrew rules two changes to some of the Spells and a couple things needed to be changed to make more sense for a video game because a video game is of course different than tabletop damn that AC is making a lot of noise all right let's start off with a little what do you guys think you guys can start off with a little pickpocket here oh yes thank God he still has these oh I want us gold too but I would never steal gold from a skeleton okay let's walk away from that all right I got three Resurrection Scrolls out of that can't complain all right so I'm thinking I'm thinking I actually want to get rid of Shadow heart for this first round of level three spells because maybe we can focus more so on The Wizard and sorcerer spells they share many of the same spells and then we can bring Shadow heart in at the end to do Spirit Guardians and all that you know what I'm saying so let me talk to Shadow let's get rid of her get Mr Gilly gal in our party something the matter oh we should Journey separately for now I'll look for you here if I need you again yeah make sure you guys put those quality of life suggestions over on the Discord server I'm not guaranteeing that I'm going to talk about what you're asking for um but I do appreciate the suggestions and uh yeah thanks fine we'll be here [Music] I try to think of you know when people provide feedback I try to think of it in the scope of the overall game and as someone who's played this game so much you know sometimes I feel like some of the feedback options are not really in touch with reality so I'll just leave them out but all right so let's pick up Mr Gale go ahead I'm listening do you have much experience being a teacher of magic I suspect so I don't remember this dialogue option I've had a pupil or two but never for very long Aaron let me turn it up a little bit hold on there we go be a precocious Talent though I can always tell when I meet a keen mind receptive to mystra keep it up and she might just take a personal interest in you one of these days you know I think you could make you'd have to do some real story fumbling to make Gail play as a different class like his connection to mistra is like his entire story here and I don't think mystra would really connect with him at least what he's telling us we don't know if he's telling the truth if he wasn't a wizard like even a sorcerer doesn't really make sense with that connection with mystra it'll be interesting to see how they handled companion classes all right I was wondering uh that condition of yours why does it require magic think of it as tribute the car in the king might pay to a more powerful neighbor to avoid Invasion as long as I pay there will be peace should I ever stop Along Comes a war I can assure you the battlefield would extend well beyond the borders of my body alone I'm gonna have to knock it in I'm starting to get into dialogue right now we don't have time for dialogue join me why don't you with pleasure Zoe Jenkins thank you for the 20 pound Super Chat unfortunately can't stick too long on your stream but love your contact here with amazing work you beautiful human beings ah thanks appreciate that you're gonna make me blush have a wonderful night thanks for stopping in all right now we got Gail in our group everybody's level five we don't have to find that extra XP let's go ahead and position my party right outside the mic in it Village maybe set up that little Battleground and then we're gonna choose some spells create us we're going to create a save point then we're gonna choose a few spells and cycle them in and out and keep going back to that load point and I got my flash cards ready to go bg3 nerd life get on my level wonder if I even have food I don't think I gathered food when I played hold on not that I really need it I need I need to do one long rest I do have one camp supply that might be fine you know what let me quickly let's do a partial rest I like that larion included the partial rests let me see if I we're gonna we're gonna take a quick we're gonna take a quick look over near The zentrum Hideout in the Knoll fights so here shite I don't uh Centrum Hideout that brings us inside the cave I think the quickest path would probably be the blighted village yeah we can get the right-click menu item when using alt to click on instead of picking up you know one of the biggest quality of life improvements that I'm looking for is a way to use the chain link system without directly using it because I just don't think it works that well in Baldur's Gate 3. I know a lot of people don't mind it even in Divinity original sin 2 I find it easier to unlink and chain characters together it works much more smoothly than it does in bg3 and it's just confusing like like if I un disconnect this character right here if I disconnect it like throws the character all the way at the bottom so now your eyes have to adjust to try to figure out where that character went it's just a pain in the ass so what I'm advocating for is not the click and drag rectangle because that's old school I don't think larion wants that in their game I just want to Simply Be able to click on a character shift click on a character you see what I'm saying so like if I hold down shift right now and I click on this gnome it will d-chain him or unchain him from the group and I have command of him and nobody else simple as that one quick click that'd be a huge quality of life Improvement and not to mention I could also you could also maybe like hold down shift click and I can click on the gnome I could click on my Sorcerer And click on my druid and it auto chains those together and then unchains gal to that group like it'd be just so it would be so quick and easy and you wouldn't have to come over here and mess with the chain system I guess that's like the biggest quality of life Improvement that I that I would want for the game but like not everybody wants that too so with that said I have a YouTube channel and I'm gonna ask for the change [Music] whether you guys like it or not because this is my game not your game okay when you get a thousand hours in Early Access you can start you can start overriding my changes all right get out you guys are pissing me off right now fuck man some of you guys are I don't know if they planned a release for PS4 probably not John I don't think I can I don't think the old systems can handle uh bg3 more visible attack of opportunity indicators that aren't hidden by floor effects interesting like I said y'all please join the Discord server link is below in the video description go over the rules section click on the icon at the bottom of the rules and then you are a free member of the Discord server and you can put all of your qol or quality of life yeah qol suggestions in that chat because every time I see one I'm probably not going to pull up my Google Docs here I wonder if someone will mod in first person VR support that'd be a hell of a mod holy crap let me check a few of these real fast look at that you know another thing that I would like too is if when you pick up when you pick up food you can right click on it and send to camp but if the food's on the ground like let's go check it out right now there should be a ton of food on the ground over here unless I already picked it up I probably already picked it up if you come over here um where'd all the food go oh here we go so we got a half eaten apple on the ground it doesn't let you send it to Camp you actually have to pick it up put it in your inventory go into your inventory click on it and then click again to send it to your cam so something as simple as just allowing us to right click on the food and send it to Camp or Ascend all food to Camp button if you choose I have a feeling that food's gonna play a bigger role than just camp supplies it already kind of does like you can drink rum in this game and get drunk watch us do it right now we'll drink some wine so I don't know if I would agree with like food automatically being sent to Camp because it looks like there's going to be some more uses for it not to mention larian could end up doing like a you know Cooking System like they did in DOS too so in that case you don't necessarily want all of your food sent back to camp but having the option to would be nice having the option to click on a button and get rid of all your food with one click would also be a quality of life Improvement in my opinion but yeah look like you have to pick up like every single individual food item right here and if they're different types of food it's going to separate them in your inventory then you have to go in you have to find them it doesn't even sort them right when you click type and then who did I just pick those up with then you have to right click everyone individually send to camp and if it was a carrot it might be separated with a key in between it oh yeah Keys too we need a key ring or a key pouch you guys agree with that one you better agree though the ever seen I protection from evil and good okay it looks like there's actually not as much food out here as I hoped it's under camp you don't have Discord but letting camp supplies to be pulled from the stash already got that one written down that's a that's a pretty highly requested change right there or Improvement renameable pouches oh you know what um oh renameable pouches cool you definitely need like a key ring or a key pouch though because keys are like a Nuance to handle nuisance not nuance wait until they add recipes that's what I'm saying they probably will all right perfect look at all this I'm gonna go check one more Barrel and then we're gonna start the level five spells oh we got Alchemist fire you guys see how good this game looks so I did a tweet today um I tweeted about the graphic graphical Fidelity of bg3 and how amazing it is for like a game in the crpg genre and uh larion's director of publishing commented and said shit what did he say he said you've seen nothing yet or something like that so that makes me wonder like how much of a grat like what what are we gonna get on the game's release I think the game already looks fantastic unless he was just referring to like the later acts being beautiful places like the city being beautiful game looks pretty incredible for a crpg though like there's no crpg that even comes close like the drag Dragon Age Inquisition Maybe that's like debatable it's not like your traditional crpg like pillars or Pathfinder or something like that like nothing even comes close not that visuals matter that much but it's nice when you have nice ones it certainly doesn't hurt all right let me check these burlap sacks kind of sucks because I kind of want to fight on the did I kill the GIF Yankee let me let me go oh my God I didn't kill the Geth Yankee out we could we could test spells out on them too we have a quick peek over here hello victom tea late I think of the five dollar Super Chat I hope they'll give us a recipe for Hill giant potion far be interesting to see how like the magical potions and items work on the game's release I have a feeling that like a lot of the items and things that we find right now will not be in the same place and the game's release not to mention they'll probably like spread them out a little bit because some of the magical items are a little bit too op in my opinion shit [Music] why is she attacking me right now does anybody know why Alika just attacked me I'm not in like a wild shape form there's no bug I don't know if I've ever had that happen before attack on site okay well it's time for you to get flunder waved off the damn hill we're gonna push you off actually let me do a scorching Ray how about that maybe it's because I'm a deep gnome no no the Deep gnomes aren't like uh they're not like the dwargar or the drow s maybe it is deep gnome but I never looked at Deep deep gnomes as like being inherently evil even though like no race is technically anymore I mean generally speaking like people fear they get the Yankee race and they fear the drow race because at large they're a society of high high violence when you see a gith Yankee on the surface world there's like a 90 chance it's probably probably a rating group same with the drow too so I think it's good that they have some of these uh these stereotypes in the game because it's more realistic to the lore but I didn't think deep gnome would be attack on site though on PS5 playing dos two awesome man you know dos 2 is a lot of people's first crpg Boss 2 is like a Gateway game into the crpg genre for so many people forgot how to end concentration spells all right let's go ahead and do a little looting here I don't think I'm going to set off the scene without going down there we'll take that health potion oh yeah this is cool so we can always come back here or I could do it right now from the surface we could test out a few of the Spells I think I want to do the under dark route though I want to start off with the mica nids and then we'll come back here okay all right so I got my food let's go ahead and go back to camp keep going over here to the left to try to find the camp but it's over here on the right deep gnomes aren't inheritantly evil so I didn't think so that's why I'm wondering actually good natured folk really don't think it's because you're a deep gnome I've played a deep gnome and not had that interaction before let's think why would she attack me on sight what did I do it's been like four months since I've done this this run so I don't know what I've done [Music] not that there would be anything that I've done anyways that would cause that just walking up to the Geth Yankee bridge I don't have a gift Yankee in my group maybe the game's like bugged out and it's I don't know I think you can even know because you can approach her with Lazelle I think I feel like I've approached her with with Lazelle in my group before without it being instant combat what now probably just a bug Dungeon Siege what's your choice about The Druids Grove conflict um on this playthrough [Music] I don't remember I might have I might have wiped it I don't know it's been a long time I think I'm blocked out from The Druids Grove right now so maybe that does have something to do with it maybe she was like okay that's something to think about good idea all right let's go to the underdark let's go to um shit you gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me I think the whispering depths one is the Spider Queen we're gonna take a little walk through did I kill these guys yet I did okay nice I probably have feather fall on me right now but we're gonna just jump anyways because it's funny they won't Auto jump from up here though I get so distracted with things in this game like this stream is supposed to be just testing out level three spells we're already like a half an hour into it I haven't tested out a single spell I have to keep going you guys know you can get through right here see if I can climb on this used to be able to get through right here [Music] I mean you can just go up the ladder too but was my strength oh it is good enough nice come on guys let's go a couple gnomes and a wizard you always go with the gif Michael Myers I have a feeling tactician is going to be challenging yeah it'll be interesting to see what difficulties larion decides to go with like will they follow the Dos two difficulties to a t or how will that work Shannon says I can finally at people on my laptop really hope they had ax played green flame blade maybe blade singer I feel like hexblade out of like all of the subclasses outside of the player's handbook or the dungeon Masters Guide I feel like hexblade would be on top of that list of subclasses that larion would consider adding and and probably blade singer too you know offering those like real melee focused builds for the casters so I don't know if larion does venture outside of the books in terms of classes and subclasses maybe we'll see it or maybe it'll be a DLC swordbards all right oh nobody's gonna Auto follow me down here you gotta be kidding me I finally started getting used to using Z as my jump command instead of actually clicking on the jump icon I highly recommend it to you guys even though it's frustrating at first to try to teach yourself something new that you weren't doing before oh it's so much it's so much so much easier to jump around when you just click Z so much quicker too you know what gal we're gonna have to do a little rest before we go down here a little short rust the path Less Traveled all right we'll do a short rest and just in case I get wiped or something from a bullets let's go ahead and head down towards the mic inits I think the bullet goes past us right here but it shouldn't be a combat encounter if I remember correctly foreign might take a little bit of damage though [Music] oh yeah look at the bullet right here so cool mightily unpleasant you guys remember the first time you encountered the bullet on your first run ever like it was so insanely scary and so intimidating it kicked my ass I'm pretty sure I wiped a couple times on my first attempt looks like we're good though we're outside of its way There She Goes oh I keep getting stuck on things look the game still needs a little bit more camera work too but it's probably really hard to make it perfect all right we're gonna clear out this little torch stock field I'm gonna see if I can pull some of the mic and it's out into this field because we're eating mushrooms tonight boys get confused by one is that it nope got a couple more over here look at this nice all right I think we can make our save point and figure out what spells we want to use to uh to cook up some shrooms tonight so let's go ahead and save right here I'll do a manual save testing level three spells then we can go in and begin our lovely knob we'll start with the Druid because the Druid uses prepared spells those should be really simple see what new spells we're getting it was a big surprise I had no idea what a bullet even was a land shark it knocked two of my team off a cliff and wiped me you know a lot of us have been playing this for so long now that we forget how difficult the game was on the first run I don't I don't I don't know did any of you guys find it like insanely evil or excuse me insanely easy on your first run because I know I certainly didn't like even like the minotaurs minotaurs whatever you guys call it um those that fight was insanely hard especially because I wasn't really familiar with like how larion was going to do the environmental design once you like really figure out like the style of larion in bg3 you can set yourself up for success and pretty much any of the combat encounters when you get caught off guard because you don't know that certain enemies are there damn dude that was a that was an intense fight the gith Yankee too that might be one of the hardest fights in the game Zoe thank you for becoming a channel member as well appreciate you cheers do you please for the love of God go to graphic settings scroll down and enable Cas and increase sharpness to Mid Max or Max [Music] no I wiped all the time until I got better at my tactics can we go beyond level five no not yet not until the official release thanks again Zoe underdark destroyed me boulette still one shots me at times I know when I fought the bullet on my Paladin playthrough which was patch eight I think I killed it in one or two rounds just because I had two paladins in my group absolutely insane first playthrough is very difficult okay all right seems like almost everybody agrees that it was really hard so we have to remember that when we think about game balance especially for like a new player if it was difficult for a lot of you in this chat and a lot of you guys have played previous crpgs or played Divinity original sin 2. imagine normal settings from like a brand new crpg player is just getting into this genre that'd be such a hard play through no oh don't but you're lying you're lying to us Leo don't lie to us didn't level up for 15 hours in my first play holy cow there's no Pat wait Paladin was wait wait pal no Paladin was what was the most recent patch I don't know I forget all there's been too many patches lately maybe maybe Paladin was patch nine but I think I did a gnome spellcaster playthrough after I did the Paladin run maybe yeah maybe it was patch time okay let's figure out what spells we got we got call lightning 3 to 30 damage 3D 10 lightning call down lightning to hit all Targets within range lasts for 10 turns all right we're gonna test that one out first [Music] 3D 10 lightning ten turns on a save targets take half damage okay 60 feet range you guys like feet or meters with a seven foot radius [Music] and it's a duck save of course and concentration this is kind of like my um [Music] hold on one second [Music] all right so I'm gonna use that first and then we got protection from energy touch a creature to Granite resistance to acid cold fire lightning or thunder damage all right plant growth make weeds burst from the ground and smother the area creatures moving through the weeds have their movement speed quartered 60 feet 20 foot radius I don't know if I've tested that one out yet I must have tested it out sleetstorm call forth A Storm of sleet that douses fire creates an ice surface and disrupts the concentration of spell casters I like that daylight Enchanted item to shine like the sun or summon a sphere of sunlight that spells all Darkness around it calling is not that good but it's super good wait call lightning is not that good but it's super good I think you can cast down two times with another action potion or spell haste then feign death every time I see the feigned death spell I think of feign from Divinity original sin 2 with his faint death spell Ally in a protective magical coma deep enough to intimidate death so that one's interesting because you can actually use it on a friendly you can't use it on yourself alright foreign let's go ahead and see what we got here so we get two level three spells so let's get rid of right now I have plant growth and also call lightning I think I'm probably pretty good with that we'll use both of those if I can plant growth is not concentration call lightning is all right so call lightning let me write down plant growth on this flash card I apologize everyone but I am doing flash cards right now because I am trying to memorize all these spells so I don't even have to think about it when the game comes out I'm gonna do a flash card for every spell that we test make weeds burst from the ground smother the area so we have movement speed quartered it's not even halved movement speed quartered that's really good for 10 turns [Music] 60 feet I wonder if I can do plant growth and then like fire bolt or something like that 20 foot radius doesn't require concentration let me click on it real fast well damn you're probably better off doing Spike growth though Spike spike growth might be movement speed halved I can't remember off the top of my head hold on chip a piece of ground into hard spikes a creature walking on the spikes takes 2d4 piercing damage for every five feet in movement okay so it's not actually movement speed at all so now we have a damaged one and also a pure movement speed one all right let's go ahead and level up the Wizards now you guys want to see Fireball I'll take Fireball with one of my Wizards just because some of you guys probably haven't seen it yet all right we'll take Fireball and then counterspell I don't think there's interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell making it foul so it has no effect it's a reaction I don't know if that's useful in the mic init fight so we'll hold off on using that fear project a phantasmal image so frightening it makes targets drop whatever they are holding and become fearful foreign if you guys are unaware when you're hovering over a spell in this game if you hit T it will let you scroll the mouse down and then you can hover over everything so fearful has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls must run from the source of its sphere and can't take any additional actions okay and we got fly gaseous form I remember playing with that one last playthrough let's take something more fun let's take I don't think I need to take sleet storm because we have that with the Druid let's take haste is so good hypnotic pattern create a twisting pattern of colors that hypnotizes all creatures within the area that can see the pattern can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions removed by taking damage or when helped I'll take hypnotic pattern we'll try that one out so Fireball and hypnotic pattern and then for our wizard we're going to take our other wizard oh shit a gal hasn't leveled up at all doesn't really matter which ones I take here we'll take magic Missile for backup and should I do disguise self turn myself into a mic at it no you can't do that I'm familiar I'm gonna pull a familiar out this fight The Raven familiar is actually pretty good I upload your taste Misty stepp scorching Ray there's nothing else that's new I don't think clouded daggers is one of the best spells in the game but I don't think I want to use it right now claiming sphere all right we'll take don't really have any use for enlarge or reduce I mean I can think of a few uses but it wouldn't be stream friendly we'll take chromatic orb actually no it doesn't really matter we're not testing out those spells all right and then level five you get one can trip I'll take sure Chill Touch why not doesn't really matter you know I'll take Dancing Lights actually no I have two deep gnomes I don't need Dancing Lights [Music] you know I should do a lightning build sometime and get all of the lightning gear in the game all right so hold on good enough now we got level five I should probably save it again [Music] all right so vampiric touch touch an enemy to siphon their life force you regain half as many hit points as the damage they take sure we'll take that and then I'll also take Glyph of warding this is a really cool spell inscribe a circle of Arcane glyphs on the ground that trigger a magical effect when Stepped On by an enemy all right and then for our sorcerer we'll take [Laughter] I kind of do want to try out daylight I think I tried it last time but stinking Cloud create a cloud of gas so nauseating it prevents creatures from taking actions yeah we'll take that okay you guys ready for some com what's up Michael how are you of the modding Community I know there's so many mods for Early Access that's crazy all right I'll look into that um I'll look into that after the stream Circ not running too bad right now but I will look into that thanks [Music] okay here we go let's start off with let's see hold on let me organize things here [Music] Misty step you can cast as a level three spell let me back up a little bit I don't have any melee all's well that ends in my group right now did I make her a hold on okay we did circle of the land not Moon druid pretty deep here we go [Music] it's gonna shoot from right here how y'all doing [Music] foreign [Music] Camp I think it's just gonna aggro the initial guys that are right here in the front which is probably fine here we go YOLO creature Mourns you have brought pain and you will pay attack oh shit it's only Gale I could hide everybody else all right so how many people we got yeah it's only these guys right here that would be crazy if the entire Camp came at me that'll be awesome we could back all the way up or some all into this field all right let's start off with so vampire touches melee Glyph of warding so what do we got here the glyph submit a soothing magic that puts everyone within range to sleep when Stepped On by an enemy the glyphs emit a gust of wind that pushes back everyone within range when Stepped On by an enemy we got Thunder the glyph explodes and hurts everyone within range when Stepped On by an enemy lightning 5d8 lightning the glyph explodes and hurts everyone within range fire explodes and hits everyone in range all of those are 5d8s explodes and hurts everyone within range 5 to 8 cold and then acid the glyphs explode and hurt everyone within range 5d8 acid all right let's go do something cooler than just damage and this is a deck save so hold on let's take a look at our buddies here they have 10 dexterity oops all right let's try let's try sleep first let me move up a little bit [Music] Glyph of warding sleep here we go [Music] are you serious [Music] every single every single one of them succeeded on the saving throw that's ridiculous you gotta be shitting me spell is op yeah I'm sure it is if it actually works it's learning status oh shit I lost all with the mirror and dos too they haven't said anything on that yet seemed like a really fun guy 5V spells mod fixes and adds most spells the poor mushrooms [Music] Wolf's famously bad roles begin mushrooms don't sleep crafty shrooms you guys ever tried shrooms before I'll be honest combat is really sporadic okay all right let the puns begin in Divinity every grease spot and poison gas cloud is actually an explosion waiting to happen yeah uh one of my complaints on Divinity original sin 2 was the environment being environmental surface effects being way overused they calmed it down a little bit with bg3 so that's good okay so now we're really close um let's see I got everybody else in combat I can switch to my wizard here which I think I'm going to do um I think I'm gonna let gal get hit here and then we're going to take advantage of vampiric touch after he gets hit regain half as many hit points as the damage they take so we want him to get hit at least once and we'll test let me see what the spell particles look like or the animation pretty basic nothing too crazy but I think it's time for some hypnotic pattern create a twisting pattern of colors that hypnotizes all creatures within the area and a friendly reminder can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions look at how big this is it's absolutely insane hold on wait what kind of save is that hypnotic patterns a wisdom save let's take a look at our spores here and they have a 13 in wisdom ooh amateur mistake guy gave himself an odd number and character creation oh my what a noob man what an absolute Noob actually odd numbers can be really good as long as you have plans on increasing it I think actually my main character will probably start off with two odd numbers and their main ability scores this guy just doesn't know what the hell he's doing all right let's give it a try are they all 13 yeah I think every single one of them is here we go Mr gal too so this should also affect Gail which is fine we're testing them out are you serious every single one oh my God every single one succeeded and now every single damn mushroom just failed and they are all hypnotized right now can't move or take actions dude that's crazy that's a pretty good spell too if you're in like a really uh sketchy situation and you gotta like move your characters around or something that's probably a great spell to cast all right we're gonna back up a little bit now very well probably hide too yeah I'm out of their range I think they need to kind of Nerf the stealth in this game still at least a little bit and make the vision cones a little bit bigger that's just my my two cents okay they saved the 10 index I've tried mushrooms twice in December since then I haven't gotten any suicidal ideation or obsessively negative thoughts well glad to hear that something really poetic about using hypnotic pattern and a bunch of sentient mushrooms what do you get do you guys say sentient or do you guys say sentient I say sentient and I'm right you guys are wrong okay all right so now we got our sorcerer so what do we have we have stinking Cloud create a cloud of gas so nauseating it prevents creatures from taking actions lasts for 10 turns um not really uh maybe I should hold off on using this right now because we already have hypnotic pattern so it wouldn't really do us any good here let me see what it looks like though okay let's go ahead and do we don't want to kill these mushrooms too fast because we're kind of playing with them a little bit let me back up a little bit hopefully I have range here we'll just do a fire bolt and this guy should actually come out of his days with hypnotic pattern if the spell is correctly implemented so let's see if it works I'm gonna hide here so we get a better chance to hit and went from 44 to 65. oh my God [Music] bruh did you guys just witness that you guys might have witnessed the most powerful Fireball you've ever seen in your entire life 80 fire damage granted I am level five so the cantrips do increase in damage at level five Firebolt should go to yeah it goes up it changes from 1d10 to 2d10 once you hit level five so not as impressive but still pretty damn impressive that was crazy 4010 fire and they're vulnerable to fight that isn't that's pretty crazy I take it back you guys like that all right give me some claps in the chat you're welcome you're welcome for putting on a show like that for you guys he came out of being hypnotized yeah I'd say so check check hello hello sorry but I can't hear myself that good I start mumbling my my words I've roasted mushroom all right let's go ahead and end this turn now we got our Druid spells Moonbeam for the win plant growth make weeds burst from the ground and smothered areas creatures moving through the weeds have their movement speed quartered none of these guys can actually move right now though um so that would also be pointless it looks like I picked up a lot of spells that mess with the enemy's movements and I should have thought better about that but let's go ahead and do call lightning and uh whack all these guys out of it only a seven foot radius with call lightning much smaller concentration 60 feet 10 turns um so this looks like it would be really good if you have enemies coming through a choke point you have like a tank in the front and the enemies don't really have anywhere to go except like the entryway to the door or something like that but we're gonna cast it right here oh yeah I love that all right lost condition hypnotized perfect okay and then they also did a saving throw against the call lightning because the damage will be halved if they succeed and they both failed and they took Max damage from that so it's actually kind of a low damage roll 14 on a 3D 10. I mean yeah lower than average but okay beautiful and that should actually stay active yep call lightning and call lightning without expending a spell slot so that's a key key word right there key term damn that can actually be pretty good 3D 10 lightning doesn't cost a spell slot on your next turn well shit A bunch of these guys will move though yep I think I can actually move the call lightning if I remember Croc because I did try this spell a couple times my last playthrough I think I can call it down wherever I want I don't think it's stationary all right what do we got here should I do a fireball for you guys we've already done hypnotic pattern just not this hypnotic pattern is oh okay hypnotic pattern is concentration um let's go ahead and do Fireball now you guys ready for this I gotta do one Fireball tonight and then I think we're done with Fireball look at the particle effects incredible see ya oh my God oh my God [Music] oh shit we got the tamask spores going off right now you guys are gonna hear oh great why did I do that oh shite you guys are gonna hear that laughing probably for the entire rest of this combat encounter all right so they all fell damn they're all just failing they're saving throws but they succeeded on that Glyph of warding sleep check lost condition poisonous fumes all right beautiful back up a little bit if you don't need mods that increase the party size to six I have not seen a mod that does that but I would imagine that there is one out there but I haven't tried that one myself or looked for it myself I don't know what let me look that up right now spam can't remember off the top of my head it's definitely a higher level spell though disintegrates 5e I think all right disintegrate is a sixth level transmutation spell so we could we should see it in Baldur's Gate 3. a thin green ray Springs from your pointing finger to a Target that you can see within range the target can be a creature an object or a creature or creation of Magical Force on a failed save the target takes 10 D6 plus 40 Force damage best damage type in the game if this damage reduces the target hit points to zero points it is disintegrated centegrated creatures and everything that it's wearing and carrying except magic items are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust with celesta's expansion coming up allowing us to get to level 16 we're going to be able to test out some of these five e spells in video game form this integrates a disgusting spell party of six seems real op yeah it it is because larion has balanced the game for a four-man party but you'll be able to play it in mods maybe you can get a mod for a party of six and then play the game on whatever is equivalent to tactician mode and then maybe it would be like a decent challenge all right what do we got left now stinking Cloud all right hold on explore servant [Music] affected creatures can communicate telepathica with one another can't control its actions and wanders around without Direction a typical Gale all right we gotta watch out for that guy I'm gonna do stinking Cloud right over both of them look at that all right create a cloud of gas so nauseated defense creatures from taking actions 20 foot 60 foot Constitution save so what do we got for constitution he's a dwargar 14 Khan figures let's try it anyways oh that is so sick of course he succeeded good cow he's he's confused hypnotized and nauseous all at the same time oh I love picking out my own party members that's pretty funny poor guy man that spell looked really the particle effects look quite uh quite amazing when that was initially cast all right what else do we got for level three spells we got two [Music] I wish oh yeah let me try plant growth just because we haven't tried it yet and I'll do it halfway over these two and also in the patch right here so we can see what it looks like so movement speed quartered with plant growth I'll try to cut off the Avenue of approach here if this guy's trying to attack so we probably want to cut off all the way up to the Rock right there and here we go whoa whoa imagine casting that in the city of Baldur's Gate dude did I not use the spell on my last run because that looks amazing this and it's all thorny too I hate rose bushes when I used to do landscaping oh whenever you saw a rose bush and you had to get through it or you had to do something for somebody with the rose bush it was always uh not a fun day that's pretty sick though doesn't it look cool yeah don't fart in the underdark true you never know what's gonna blow up minute meteors I think party of four is very limiting since you always make the most optimal party leaving no room for NPCs that are fun we don't necessarily fit in um I'm sure there's some truth behind that but I don't think you have to optimize like especially if you're gonna play the game on normal and you're like a somewhat experienced crpg player you certainly don't have to optimize your party comp and actually I don't even know what would be optimal like there's so many weird combinations that you can do in this game that are extremely powerful like running for barbarians and not having a Healer or something like that like I don't know I don't know I don't think people are forced to to do the optimal party comp unless you're like new to it and you really want to have like that mixture I say go for whatever party comp you want it seems like each class has a way of pulling things off in this game not to mention all the magical items and all that but I was back up alone oh shit wait wait you can jump on bullshit you can jump no he just jumped out of my he just jumped out of my plants are you serious all right we're pretty much done with level three spells because oh wait no I still have some with Gail so let's go ahead and see if I can get him out of here you can jump interesting so the plant growth something to keep in mind the enemies are smart enough to use their bonus action to jump to cover more distance which kind of Nerfs the uh the plant growth a little bit let's go ahead and jump to right here look look how far I can move right now hold on let me jump all right and then we also have Glyph of warding let me go ahead and use one of these again maybe I'll try the Sleep one again it's a dexterity save and this guy has an 11 in dexterity let's see if we can pull it off I'm not laughing that's Purdy Leila thank you for another five dollar donation we'll fart you just gave me an idea to run four paladins so powerful so powerful Ada I I can't even imagine four paladins right now like that that is that might be insanely overpowered you're gonna take down like any enemy that you attack so quickly that would be insane and you have healing capabilities hello Kitt how are you really appreciate the NPCs are smart enough to try and avoid environmental hazards yeah they're certainly getting smarter they used to be pretty stupid at the launch of Early Access but over time they definitely definitely smartened up a little bit especially I think patch eight what was the Swarm AI patch I can't remember that was either patch seven or eight they got way smarter all right let's go ahead and give this a try it's a beautiful spell though holy cow it almost looks like he's like manipulating the shadow weave speaking of the Shadow weave I'll have a lore video coming out on Magic in the Forgotten Realms sometime in the near future I'm thinking I'm saving it and until we get closer to the launch but there's a lot to talk about with magic hey okay wait wait hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait oh [Music] foreign [Music] interesting it fell the saving throw against Glyph of warding and then succeeded on a saving throw against Glyph of warding all right I'm gonna go ahead and not use anything because we don't have any more level three spells just hold on a second any word on multi-classy not since the Reddit AMA back in 2019 we haven't really heard of things so hopefully they give us a little update on that in the near future so we still have hold on okay all right well get the hell off me stupid dwargar aha push them into the plants sure we'll do this just because it's cool look at look at the you guys you guys ever look closely at these um these lipid tadpole powers that you can get it's just crazy man like look at this look at the Mind flare right there and it looks like he's all like manipulating this this weird Dark Shadow Magic maybe the foul is a trigger and the save was the actual sleep will you be doing a lore video about the current status of some of the most popular yes I think so yep I'll probably do one video that goes over all the gods not sure kit not sure man just finished a dress novel like an hour ago pretty weak one but I'm pleased that the timing of the stream wait which one was it Carl I know that they start to get a little bit less exciting once you get past like book nine even though a lot of them are still good it kind of loses a little bit of its uh excitement channeling your inner alithic Bard and Paladin the super fun you know every time like a new class comes out we find out how powerful they are so I'm starting to wonder now like are all the classes decently balanced because they're all extremely powerful all right we're gonna do it why not this guy doesn't use range so it's not going to do anything but and that's it that's it for level three spells uh yep can't do that because it's outside of combat so let's go ahead and just just kill this guy I guess there's nothing really oh I wanted to do if I'm familiar let's do find familiar Raven I actually like this familiar hope that we can use familiars and really creative ways when the game comes out like do some really you know interesting stuff in the city like take your rat and Scurry inside a house and like eavesdrop on a conversation or something like that be pretty sick right this guy has 21 HP let's just go ahead and just do a quick magic Missile on them oh look at that wow his movement was so so little will the plant grow Zoe Jenkins with a five pound super chat I love her videos on Baldur's Gate thought I'd leave the stream but it's already one in the morning so I'm in for the Long Haul I was gonna say earlier you said that you had to leave and now we're like an hour into it Carl says I go back to ra every couple years because I became a chore currently reading at Greenwood's elminster Series right now different style of writing than ra Salvatore but I'm into it they plan on using abstaining completely from using the lipid powers in her first run probably not I think my first run is going to be um chaotic good and I think with chaos man a cat a good run I think you could still use your lifted Powers because you don't quite understand them so yeah I'm probably gonna use them I don't know if I can hold off on the temptation of those illicit powers what's up Josh thanks for stopping in I'm on the eighth drift book and it feels like a grind I had to take a break did you like the first six though I'm telling you the first six are just fantastic the first three are really good the third one's so much fun because drist actually makes it to the surface world all right let's kill this guy and get the hell out of here I think I'm probably gonna reload this point maybe and then pick up some new spells I don't know maybe I should rest real fast and then use these spells and then we'll play it by ear how about that let's take the Rave in here go ahead and fly oh I just what the hell why'd it just do that I wonder if the plant growth affects the Ravens flight right here all right so with the Raven we have Ren Vision attack a creatures eyes and blind it has disadvantage on attack rolls range of attacks and spells reduced to 15 feet it's a pretty damn good familiar I think it's uh underlooked you guys should use the Raven more if you have fine familiar you might as well cast it nice immune to Blinded all right I'm gonna quickly quickly take a quick rest hopefully that laughing goes away [Music] for renewing your channel membership appreciate you and guys once again if you guys have any quality of life improvements that you think this game could benefit from please join the Discord server the link is below in the video description it's completely free go to the rules section click on the icon showing that you read the rules even if you didn't read the rules then you are a free member of the server and you can type in the bg3 specific chat under the EA feedback and I will take a look at it before Thursday's video when we talk about some quality of life improvements and quality of life is uh is not the same as adding subclasses and things that you guys know quality of life improvements are little changes that would make the game Run more smooth and run better things like a key ring things like easier to use chain link system and stuff like that don't be putting like I want the hex blade or I want a six-man party because none of that's going to be done all right we don't have any control over that anymore we're too late in the game's development all right how much food do I have well shit let's grab some out of the chest hope that we get like a special like refrigerator chest too a magically Enchanted refrigerator storage chest and then we can actually if they don't let us automatically grab the food when we click on the bed at least we could have we could move the food storage chest right next to the bed rules all right oops I didn't pick up anything yeah this this whole food system is just not uh it's not the greatest right now because also if unless you're like a mathematician you can do math really fast like you have to sit here and try to figure out like how much you currently have in your inventory versus how much you need to pick up to equate to equate to 40 because if you over pick up things then after your long rest you have to go into your inventory and send food back and if you under grab food and you don't grab 40 then you have to run back to the storage chest and grab even more so I think I think the easiest solution would be just to have this pop up when we click on the bed it also like from like a logical standpoint like it doesn't make sense like we're going to our bed roll with food and then we're like laying down in our in our bedroom and eating food it doesn't you know what I mean it should just be when you long rest your character eats a meal wherever in the camp we don't have to see like a cut scene for it or anything and then you wake up all right let's just take a bunch of it those damn pig heads those are worth a lot oh shit I could oh my God see oh you gotta be freaking kidding me right now [Music] I clicked the wrong button classic classic wolf heart unbelievable and then look at this you have to go to every single item individually to send it to the storage chest actually I could click on the chest and drag it over it's been a long time since I've done that but if you weren't at the camp you would have to do that 25 potatoes God bless it's a lot of potatoes potato pumpkins are awesome you guys carve your pumpkins this year did you guys participate in the Baldur's Gate 3 pumpkin carvathon were you guys cool enough for that or what else do I have in here armor is always weighs a lot we'll just get rid of some of that I can hold on to some food on there right now let's go sort by weight the oak fathers Embrace nice that takes care of that Cthulhu is alone member for 14 months they need to refine all loot collecting you have to be more specific than that you know what I'm saying automatically grabbing 40 would make things easier true a potato gun in your future all right here we go back into the camp we go I'm going to outgrow some more of these guys and we're gonna back up actually I'm probably gonna send up let's send up Gail again I'll leave everybody else back here I'm assuming the entire Camp is going to be hostile unless they didn't know that I killed their guards over here I want to fight blurger no melon [Music] the creature approaches this gray the creature Mourns you have brought pain and you will pay go you stupid mushroom nope they didn't know that I killed their sentries though it's kind of cool all right let's see if I can do [Music] maybe I should just back up for the first run here oh shit this ain't good I might have to miss you step my way out of here oh you gotta be shitting me you gotta be shiting me right now you guys didn't tell me to prepare Misty step unbelievable all right let's go back up and I'm gonna Dash someone out of here could take a haste potion too level R for life Welcome to the direwolf Club thanks a lot man it's going pretty good drag yourself yeah it needs to be added judge mushroom boys are so cute true Mica nids are one of my favorite races in all of d d you know why because I read the legend of drift's book series and drist encounters a mic in it I can't remember in what book maybe one of the first three such a beautiful scene they're a neutral race they don't they're not they're not a hostile race unless you aggravate them but generally speaking you can encounter a mic in and it's not going to end in uh in a blood battle like it is right now all right so let's start off with in this situation I could just sneak up my party members right now but let's pretend my party members aren't here and Gail is in a bit of a pickle these guys have 38 HP in sleep oh cool so sleep does upcast if you cast sleep at level one it puts creatures up to a combined 24 hit points into a magical Slumber level two 32 hit points into a magical slumber in level three it goes all the way up to 40 hit points but that would only be one of these mushrooms but it's nice because there's not that save but with that said let's go ahead and do this awarding sleep there we go hey it worked we finally got it to work I love the little animation when they fall to the ground it's like ballerina style So Graceful all right now we can back up and actually I could probably hide too these guys will have no idea where I'm at I like taking out my level 3 testing on the mushrooms back up a little bit more it's nice that Glyph of warding is not concentration pretty powerful spell to have all of these options like that's pretty incredible might have to take oh shit unbelievable gotta lock that damn hop there we go all right let's go ahead and call in our find familiar and I'm going to call in Mr Crab why because crabs are cool that's why sleep bubbles is a cool touch true bunch of hippies you know what I gotta do sometime we have to come on here and we have to test out like all of these spells and try to find utility uses for them a lot of them don't have utility use but for example the Sleep spell there's so many different situations that you can use the Sleep spell in that you wouldn't know unless you played around with it like for example if if you're in the goblin Fortress the ruined Temple of soluna and you want to break down that wall on the roof and you don't want everybody to hear you break it down you can cast sleep or you can cast shit silence excuse me silence over that wall break down the wall and then get in undetected and unheard there's a lot of little things that you can do you can also cast silence on the harpies and it won't let them put you under their charm that's not really a utility use but it's a little different than just casting it to stop a spellcaster what does a crab do I haven't called The Crab in a long time for combat crippling pinch two to five damage plus one slashing 1d4 piercing attack a creature's feet and inflict pinched that's kind of cool takes two piercing damage at the beginning of each turn and movement speed is reduced by 10 feet it's actually pretty cool I like that it's been a long time since we looked deep into these familiars might have to call the crab out a little bit more often we'll send him up on the front lines I'll hide them right underneath this mushroom nice crab rave shape water can be used to bust open a lot what does the crab do all right I think it's time to start dishing out some we still only have three that are actually in this combat encounter let me go ahead and do another Glyph of warding actually and this time let's try damage I think I want to try hold on the lifts explode it's a glyph of warding cold doesn't actually do anything for like movement speed it's pure cold damage seems like the only way that the these different Elemental glyphs of warding would affect the environment as if there was a surface that you could activate for example if I had create water and cast create water over both of these micaids and then use the glyph of cold it would freeze the water and then you would get that that movement debuff to the mic in his name else they might also slip and fall prone too a lot of little cool combinations that you can do but it doesn't look like it does anything to the surface on its own or to the creature but let's go ahead and try it oh damn it I'm not close enough well shite all right Cliff of warding hold here we go whoa a plus for particle effects right there that was beautiful yeah it looks like that's all that it does no uh no movement speed penalty or anything like that um this Mike and had fouled the saving throw and took 16 cold damage actually both of them fouled the saving throw I thought one of them succeeded it looked like one of them did but showing that they both failed 23 cold damage from 5d8 nice okay all right this is fun testing out these spells I'm happy that I waited because I really was getting a little bit uh worn out from the game you can also cast silence in the goblin Fort and assassinate Priestess glut in her chamber uh Priestess gut I think he meant to say because glot the only reason why I'm correcting you on that um is because glut is actually a micaid karener all right Mike and Ed character excuse me recess gut is the one that you're talking about counter spell is in the game we're going to be testing that out soon but I have to find a Caster to test it out on Anonymous atheist hello hello the artists that larion are insane true um probably probably a ranger of some type Richard and I think I'm probably gonna run with I don't know who I'm gonna run with for companions there's a lot of decisions to be made it's really hard with a party of four to choose like what you want to run you know the party of six you can have basically six different classes in your group and it's not as big of a deal with a party of four to try out every class and not that's excluding subclasses you'd have to do three separate playthroughs so you could try all 12 Cloud this game is gonna have a ton of replayability all right let's send Mr Krabs up here and let's try this little little pinched attack it's pretty cool here we go wait is that a saving throw nope it's just an attack roll we have an 80 chance of pinching the mushroom food pinched two piercing damage at the beginning of each turn and movement speed reduced by 10 feet it lasts for two turns so you're really only getting four piercing damage out of it so better on an enemy that would be vulnerable to piercing movement speed reduced by 10 feet they currently have hold on they have 27 interesting the mica Nets have a 27 foot movement speed you always I always think of it in like increments of 10 or 15. so this guy has 27 right now because I pinched this guy he currently has a 17 movement speed it's one third it's pretty good almost one yeah one third almost one third we'll call it one-thirds close enough oh shite that was pacifying spores [Music] and we succeeded in our saving throw okay currently out of level three spell slot so I think it's time to call in the Deep gnome what do you all think and here let me show you guys a quick use for shocking grasp the cantrip right here I don't know if there's another can trip like this but those of you guys that are new to Ballers Gate 3 can trips do not use up your valuable spell slots so you can cast them as many times as you want shocking grasp at level five does 2d8 lightning damage and if oh nope it's just it's a melee attack so there's no save if this character takes damage from me it will not be able to take a reaction and therefore I can turn gal around and run away while also dealing damage so let's go ahead because you guys can see right now we have that little arrow showing us at the mic and it's going to get an attack of opportunity so let's do shocking grass oh okay I guess I don't get to demonstrate anything tonight because I'm just critting everything holy crap 32 lightning damage for shocking grasp the second Crypt tonight how's he doing okay I just wasted a lot of movement right there what was that right there this to mask spores when you're confused you can't control your actions and you wander around without Direction you can see that gal is now currently hostile to my party so let's go ahead and send up let's send up the Druid yeah yeah kind of level three spells that I got here we got call lightning we already tried that and we got plant oh what the hell is that oh you know what actually I'm not gonna use a level three spell slot we're just gonna kill this guy and then we're gonna push deeper into the mic into Camp all right how about that yeah you're no longer you're still okay let's go ahead and all vampiric touch would have been perfect right now because we still haven't tested that out I am going to use shocking grasp we're gonna try it again and I missed okay that's great next we'll try pushing this guy back got it and then I'm gonna back up okay I'm gonna switch to somebody else because it looks like our Buddy needs a little help here and our mic and Ed's vulnerable to anything no they're oh yeah yeah vulnerable to fire so double damage so let's go ahead and do a fire Bolt 55 chance if I hide my character oh okay not sure why that happened but I guess I guess I was in the vision cone and I failed my stealth check okay well damn that ain't no fun in that case it's called Mr tavioso how about that no I don't have the mod 5V spells but I might have to check it out sometime cutting everything is such a first world problem or creating everything it seems wolf either crits or misses true yeah this is unmodded right now we're just we're testing out the level five spells from patch nine [Music] no modding in this playthrough everything you see is currently available in Early Access alright so we'll do a fire bolt it's gonna be double damage 38 . I am getting some nice damage rolls today it's like I'm getting the the amazing damage rolls when I really don't need it we're just kind of playing around with these dorky mushrooms and then when I actually need it and we get into a crazy combat encounter I'm gonna probably miss everything all right gal actually might die I might have to um I didn't I didn't I do have healing word okay great let's go ahead and call lightning hell yeah one of many I think of the nine donation appreciate it I know you're on a trip right now aren't you you still are you still out Joker gal is your turn but what could be my main class at launch on Diablo 4. good question man you guys are asking some tough questions tonight honestly I don't know I really don't know either nope I can't say I really don't know [Music] it's gonna kill this guy real fast do I have any oh I do have produced flame let's go ahead and use that one this one's kind of cool you can cast it and it uses up your action but then you can throw it without it costing an action on your initial turn here so this should be double the damage because he's vulnerable we have a 75 chance look how cool it looks [Music] oh what'd I just do did I messed it up nope [Music] okay so I have one level three spell slot left with a druid oh my God the laughing it's bugged uh there was a playthrough I don't know if it was my last playthrough where I was really pissed off at a certain enemy because he was laughing and I pushed him off the ledge and then you could just hear the Laughing coming from the deep depths of the underdark for the rest of the playthrough is really annoying but it was also really funny at the same time I do have natural recovery let's go ahead and use that always gotta remember when you're playing certain Wizard subclasses or Druid subclasses natural recovery is part of the circle of land and we can actually recover that level three spell slot nice [Music] these things have stayed interesting and then I can also do it with Mr Gale [Music] that's why I like testing out spells with Wizards over Sorcerers because we have we don't have to rest as much foreign level three spell slot back and we can go press on and fight a few more of these Mike inits and then I'm gonna switch up the Spells group everybody together press G I guess you guys are gonna have to do all that laughing nothing I can do about it thank you guys for being here tonight I appreciate it for those of you guys that are unaware as to what I'm doing right now we're just kind of having a chill stream testing out some of the level three spells I never really got the opportunity to like I mean I had the opportunity I chose not to because I was getting sick of the game back then to really just kind of take our time with some of these new spells and since you're limited to only two per character um it's really hard to test them all out unless you get a mod or something like that because you're limited in how many times you can cast them so it takes a while to test them out um so I'm finally getting around to kind of sinking my teeth into some of these spells because I'm getting the bg3 hype bug as we get closer to June where larian is going to be part of the summer games Fest I'm excited to see what they revealed to us and yeah that's the goal of today's stream so you're going to see me probably reload after this encounter right here not really too worried about doing tactics or anything like that um yeah we're just here to test out level three spells so I'm a little bit worried about this aggro right now because I feel like this might actually outgrow the entire camp but am I even worried no we're not worried okay let's send let's send gal up again the creature approaches this ground is forbidden to your kind you know it's interesting so it looks like actually if you guys are into killing the micanids and I suggest that you make friends with the mica nuts on an evil or a good playthrough you can still make friends with the mic and is there a neutral race it looks like you can like pick them off just one by one like moving into the camp without aggro in the the entirety of the camp and that makes it much easier than standing in the middle talking to the Sovereign spa and then aggro although when you aggro the entire camp and you're on that little upper mushroom that shit's that shit's damn fun especially especially if you have Thunder Wave all right we're gonna attack what level do you think will get to be an owl bear um good question I don't know um I'm gonna guess let's see I don't remember I don't know at the top of my head in fifth edition when Druids gain new wild shaped spells is it every two levels I do have my player's handbook right here um but I'm guessing sometime in act one if act one goes from levels one to eight because we do see what appears to be Jahira casting the owl bear form in a I don't know what level the encounter was at I think level six subclass of the Moon you know let's pull it out screw it I got it opened right here let's take a look right now even though owl bear is not going to be in the fifth edition player's handbook because it's a monstrosity I'm such a nerd right now I got flash cards out I got the player's handbook right next to me all of the Moon circle forms the rights of your circle Grant you the ability to transform into more dangerous animal forms starting at second level you can use your wild shape to transform into a beast with a challenge rating as high as one starting at six level you can transform into a beast so the challenge rating as high as your Druids level divided by three so yeah I'm guessing level six like it was stated in the chat that would make sense it's the true nerd sitting here with a gaming flash cards a player's handbook I'm wearing pajama pants with illyrian Studio shirt on a Tuesday night life is good right skull and I play as a red wizard of Fae now that's actually an interesting suggestion that would be super cool I wonder if you could do a red wizard of Fae and do a non-evil playthrough that's an interesting idea right there that could be like your racial choice even though it's technically not a race or it could be like a wizard subclass choice because I think in Neverwinter Nights too am I remembering correctly in every winter nights 2 you can actually play as a red Wizard and it's I don't know if it's your race choice or it's the class choice I can't remember hey asthma what's up hey Nick how are you good evening wolf and wolf pack I'm a bit busy tonight but wanted to stop by and say hi like the Stream the night I don't have time you play pg3 nothing too crazy going on tonight Panic we're just testing out spells you're not missing too much can't do a Sorkin D4 if bg3 is very spell based you know I usually don't lean towards the magic classes for my main character so I probably won't do Sorcerer And Diablo 4 on the first run Nora Norm bg3 either all right let's um we only got one Mushroom in combat um let me do plant growth again and actually you know what I'm gonna do it might be better to cast plant growth just I'm just coming up with these ideas on the spot so they might be stupid instead of casting plant growth on your enemies cast it in the pathway that they need to take to get to you so therefore they don't jump out of it I mean they still can jump out of it but yeah I think that's better so I would cast it if I had a lot of enemies coming at me I should aggro some more it probably would be better to cast it like right here so let's go ahead and do that watch watch how beautiful this spell is for those of you guys that missed it let me see if I can get down into um third person mode here whoa oh I didn't do it on top of the mushrooms interesting it didn't cover up here at all there's no verticality that spell okay okay all right we're gonna let the guy come see what he does here oh he's just gonna that's great he's just gonna shoot me with Rangers attacks okay all right what happens if I back up though he's out of range will he be forced to go through it damn it's poisonous fumes and I failed the save too cancel this guy's just his heart and then he looks Zoe multiple donations and a channel membership nigga the five pounds I think your wolf you got me into playing crpg so thank you so much easily the best YouTuber covering balder skate 3. I appreciate the kind words thank you very very much glad to provide some content Gonna Get Easier with Spirit Guardians beer gardens is so good remember using it quite a lot in Celesta such a good spell I kind of want to back up I want to see if this guy will actually go through the plants so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna give him a Fighting Chance series dishing out some damage to my party here still got my meta magic too damn look at my characters oh God what I just do all right we got a misty step out of here this is getting a little for yourself thank you any of you guys that are watching right now that don't play crpgs that often or maybe bg3 is going to be your first one if you're looking for a game to get into I would recommend Divinity original sin 2 which is larion's previous game and the reason why I recommend it is one larion crpgs are very um I don't want to say mainstream friendly they're very entertaining like a lot of other crpgs like Pathfinder pillars even the original Baldur's Gate games they're pretty hardcore and they require a lot of reading you know the graphics aren't necessarily the best there's very limited cut scenes so a new player coming into the genre I'd recommend Divinity original sin 2. um it's probably a little bit more offers a little bit more in terms of the entertainment value if you're not familiar with the crpg industry and I think dos 2 is really good to play before bg3 because you can feel dos 2 in bg3 in many ways in terms of lyrion's like creative Style with the environment and stuff like that so if you play DOS 2 you're going to be a better Baldur's Gate 3 player absolutely even though they're very different at the core in terms of rules and mechanics once you like know how lyrion works the environment and the type of puzzles that larion uses and larian's creativity would like spell synergies and stuff like that you become a much better Baldur's Gate 3 player all right it looks like you did go into the it gives them a status effect too so movement speed is quartered all right let's go ahead and toast this sucker what do you guys say let's toast them with a let's toast them with a nope stinking thinking cloud is the only spell that I took the only new level three spell that I took so since I'm gonna rest after this I'm gonna cast it we're gonna watch the uh article effects we'll have this guy go through the plant growth and then enter into the stinking Cloud I wonder if you can see through the stinking cloud I mean you can't take actions in it but you must be able to shoot through it you can't shoot out of it let's go ahead and cast it right here I love the initial light burst from that spell look at the environment right now actually my plant growth and the stinking Cloud fit right in in the micanid colony here all right let's see what this guy does I'm gonna go ahead and doesn't really matter myself just so I don't die and let's see what this guy does back up a little bit more put your ass out of there Gail and then we're going to switch up the Spells we'll go through another round maybe I'll switch to a different encounter all right so it looks like he damn it why can't I go over there he's on the edge of the stinking Cloud can barely move I wonder if he'll go through it back up again what will I take for metamagic twin spell I gotta get a little bit of a refresher it's been a while okay yep yep twin spell quick and spell and then distance spell what's he gonna do looks like he's just gonna wait up there the stinking Cloud lasts for 10 turns and takes concentration so this thinking cloud is going to stay here for another nine rounds and this mic and it's just not gonna walk through it Bravo delirian for making their AI much smarter yeah he's legit not gonna go through the stinking cloud s should have like immunity to that though does to aged so much when he played after bg3 and you can't even jump what the heck these days I tend to decide on games depending on when they come out due to me not having the time to play them all sure you're not alone in that CJ snorson the Celesta tow is fantastic wait tough I have not played Temple of Elemental Evil note Wrath of the righteous is fairly easy to comprehend I think dos 2 is more difficult while dust 2 is not necessarily easy I just think it's more intuitive more fun to learn in DOS 2 while Wrath of the righteous is more so put your head in the books it's time to learn math all dos 2 is like more or let's experiment to learn the game I don't think I've ever heard anybody say that dos 2 is more difficult to understand than the Pathfinder games though but hey each to their own we all got our own opinions all right let's go ahead and Fry this guy I'm gonna cast Fireball on him we're gonna end him right now oh Temple of Elementary toe [Music] oh never gets old man how can you not take Fireball you know what I'm saying you know what hold on I have one more Fireball am I out of spells nope we still have I forgot I'm silly I totally forgot the sorcerers can create sorcery points so I can sacrifice oh this is great look I got all my level three spell slots back now you know what's interesting is it it gave him an extra one I don't think it would stay like that though you guys see how I have three level three spell slots right now [Music] but it should only be two I think that's a bit of a little technical error right there all right so we have spells for days man let's move all right I'm just gonna attack the mic an egg Colony right now and just start slinging spells this is gonna be high speed combat right here shit I can't even rest huh I used up all my short rests you gotta be shitting me all right come here Mrs Druid where are you at despite everything thing do I have cure wounds I do we'll go ahead and take care of wounds let me unprepare web we'll grab healing word for the next so never mind never mind hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on there we go get rid of call lightning actually oh no those two are always prepared no yeah never mind um we'll grab those two are always prepared because of my choices with my druid the ones in blue the spells that are highlighted in blue are prepared at all times you don't have to choose them or select them they're always available for use as long as you have a spell slot let's get rid of charm person I'll grab slate storm I don't even have never mind I don't even have any level three spell slots with her so it doesn't even matter all right let's just do a quick heal takiro five for cure wounds you gotta be kidding me unbelievable to cure might be the first time ever that have ever ran out of short rests okay pull the trigger on that USB hub when were we talking about a USB hub you're gonna have to refresh my memory on that when did I talk about needing a USB hub I have a new computer right now I got a new pc a few months ago late last year I have plenty of USB ports now so I'm trying to think why I would have said that I needed a new USB hub unless it was a long time ago all right time to just attack you guys ready for this this is gonna be crazy this is going to be absolutely crazy no spell slots for the Druid but that's fine not worried about it you guys worried about it because I'm not worried about it not worried at all hey here we go not saving or nothing just want to cast a few fireballs and get the hell out of here the creature approaches this I think I'm still only fighting one right here I am just gonna Slaughter the Mike and it's I hate mushrooms not a fan of them at all see ya what bullshit bunch of Billy ass bullet you should probably spread out when you're facing the mica heads but spreading out is for losers what no I can't believe it man unbelievable you know what I might Fireball this guy just because he's pissing me off see ya how about that oh USB hub okay it wasn't direct to me okay all right you know because I was talking about a USB hub back in the day with my old computer because I didn't have enough 3.0 slots so that confused me a little bit how you doing blurred how's things going brother see ya my God my God Mitch what's up man I think about 13 months of Channel membership your lore videos are amazing really quick pick a number between 25 and 65. um uh what am I picking for 42 we'll go right in the middle most you you know Fireball is pretty good for single damage single Target damage too not gonna lie all right let's go ahead and throw that flame oh he's dead where'd he go do you disappear all right we're going over here now better find somewhere to Camp soon come on where's the Sovereign at what [Music] time to cast uh let's go ahead and cast oh yeah let's is that the Sovereign should be should also be vulnerable to fire Mitch with a 20 Super Chat thanks so much Mitch 42 what the hell does 42 mean the answer to life and everything 35 33 40 42 what are we picking for did I did I win something thanks did I win the donation with that choice according to deep thought it's the answer to everything what's up dude I know damn to Michi it's always damn to Mitchy all right let's go ahead and do fire if I can sneak up here get your ass up there maybe I can actually use vampiric Touch here I didn't expect to be staying on these spells for as long as I have been um do I have minor illusion right now [Music] planner illusion is a match with a 20. two dollar Super Chat they changed it how do I figure this out what are you looking for you donating by accident guys look I'm pulling out my Baldur's Gate 3 flashcards here I'm trying to see what classes get minor illusion it's definitely a cleric spell trickster cleric where's minor illusion at have you guys ever met a gamer had flash cards of spells in your entire life or am I the first are you shitting me right now right now flash cards oh there it is all right minor illusion wizard warlock Sorcerer And bard oh okay get access to it just don't have it I didn't choose it okay that would be nice though because I could turn everybody away and then sneak gal up and then cast um Cliff of warding but let's just walk up see what happens I think I'm gonna need a cut scene perhaps interesting I've slaughtered almost the entire Village and the mic and it's don't really seem to care that much in that case it's time to fry them see you losers oh well that was a waste of a level three spell slot maybe I have to be in combat with them holy crap Mitch the hell are you doing right now the 15 Super Chat ignore this somewhere you should work on things more often Mitch I can make a living off of that it's just like trying to do something right now he's just accidentally donated hold on one second it's like 750 in the drain is he trying to like uh I wonder if he's trying to gift memberships or something starting to piss me off Mitch right I wonder why that didn't work if I don't have Fireball actually I do it no I don't have Fireball and I used up all my spell slots no more Fireball because I used it on blurg it's interesting that that didn't go wait hold on maybe it's because I'm in turn based mode wait no I'm not in turn based mode interesting okay so the glyph of warding spell didn't do shit I wonder if okay let's um what do I have for level three spells let's go ahead and let's cast stinking cloud that that should cause an explosion okay Fireball or fireballs the creature Mourns you have brought pain and you will pay glitched out a little bit I would encourage you guys on your first run to be creative but also don't do anything too crazy because I don't know if larian's gonna be able to account for every scenario that players end up there's going to be bugs on the final release even with Early Access being as long as it has been there's gonna be like so many things there's so many different ways to do things on my first playthrough I'm gonna be creative and do some crazy stuff but I'm not gonna go too crazy I'm going to kind of play a little bit normal so I don't run into any of those bugs like I'm not gonna just walk up to the mic in the camp and pick them off one by one I'm gonna come up and talk to these people and if I want to fight I'm going to fight them straight up all right here we go now I don't have level three spell slots great how's it feel brother probably back up when you get murdered right now oh I still have my produced flame nice I guess we're killing uh Sovereign Spa first aha dude when you fight the mikanids all you need is is fire bolt and produce flame that's it you don't need anything else see ya [Applause] Mitch with an 18 Super Chat sorry I know I'm being annoying and it's interrel I mean we might Define annoying a little differently than each other but thanks Mitch I can't say I'm complaining on that the only thing I wouldn't like is if you're doing it by accident and you're losing money then I wouldn't like it then I'll call you annoying but if you're okay with those donations going directly to the wolfheart FPS bank account for strippers and cocaine then uh if you support my habits like that then I appreciate it man thanks I'm genuinely curious what you're trying to do though all right let's do something funny oh it's so much easier when you wipe out half the camp on your way in though and they don't all although I I gotta say like like I mentioned earlier I do if you guys do want to fight the micaids I really think you should activate the fight up here on these mushrooms get some of your guys up on The High Ground right here maybe jump someone over here because it's so much fun having all the mica nids just swarm on you and then you can have Thunder Wave and you can push them off the edge great times I'm gonna try Thunder Wave right now too far you got to be shitting me do I have any haste potions I don't think I do thanks Mitch Bill broke a good Sarah Nuna says you could bother me anytime I know right that's what I'm saying can't say I'm annoyed at multiple gigantic donations like that oh that one reached that is going to reach I can't tell if that's reaching actually no burningham's too far I thought it showed there we go we'll go ahead and do burning hands level three wait I have a level three spell slot I do hold on oh this is my all right we're gonna do that I'm gonna do level three burning hands it should just toast the sky if I can get the angle right there we go 20 damage damn it it would have been 40. unbelievable uh oh that was pretty good for a random action right there oh shit I went through the wow it's working out my favor every time my characters get confused they launch an attack on this Mossy micanid right here all right [Applause] back to level five holy crap look at all these save points that I have above it oh wait hold on I don't think I want to go to level five we want to go to what save point was it is it this one or this one I'll try this one Hitchhiker's Guide all mikanids have only ever been angry at me when I went into the cave to the side with the drow corpse wait you're not supposed to be oh wait oh it's was it actually a bug did they allow you into that little cave because that's you're not supposed to get in there unless they give you permission they must have given you permission and it was bugged out never forget your towel love the mod that adds telekinesis and you truly get to manipulate the battle all right did I do this right hold on nope I didn't do it right damn it try a different load point um oh this is the load Point that's why I created the yeah okay we're good all right let's do another round of level five or level three spell testing and then that will be it for tonight because I gotta get up in the morning because I'm going to the PGA Championship in Oak Hill and if you guys ever been to a PGA event before you guys a bunch of game nerds Fireball with a W I was given permission to go into the cave but it was bugged out okay all right that makes sense all right so let's go ahead and level up again uh with the Druid it doesn't matter because it's all prepared spells um I guess I should look into my circle the lands that's why we had plant growth and call lightning prepared for us Arctic gives a sleet storm in haste yeah [Music] what do we want prepared at all times daylight and haste we're gonna do that we'll be a grassland druid yeah is there a class mob that you would like to play after you've done a full playthrough um I think hexblade would probably well I mean yeah I think that's what you're talking about subclass mod artificial would be really cool but um probably the hex blade warlock if it's not actually in the game itself that'd probably be my first mob that I'd like to try after I do a full playthrough and we do my stream playthrough of this game I want to be testing out all sorts of mods you guys are gonna have bg3 videos for like the next year for my channel I got to do as many as I can I'm I'm very excited I'll probably get worn out like halfway through it but I'm going to keep doing them anyways because this is my time for my channel to not only grow but also generate Revenue too because who knows what next year is going to bring so I'm gonna try to get ahead of the game as much as I can with bg3 so we'll be covering everything that the game offers lore class guides let's play series streams mods tips beginners guides tricks what happens if you do this type video got it all right we'll look out real fast we'll go evocation again doesn't really matter what we take for level two but I think I want no it doesn't matter [Music] level them up again sure good enough and level them up again let's go ahead and take oh I'm only level four okay um no Fireball this time I didn't get a chance to use vampiric Touch I think I'll save that one it's just scary being gal and being on the front line trying to wait for the opportunity to use Van Buren touch feel much more comfortable if I was like a gif Yankee wearing medium armor all right what else can we take but still curse it's also a melee spell I've already used anime dead does anybody in here not seen anime dead I used the crap out of that in my previous run pretty cool and I plan on doing a lot of necromancy on my full run I just don't think I need to take it right now counterspell um try to think of a good encounter that I could use counterspell on actually I wonder if I wonder if the Spore attacks that the mica needs do if that would count for counter spell let's try it let's give her a try and let's take feign death I'm getting rid of vampiric touch done ladies and gentlemen Mitch with a 25 Super Chat yes to bg3 videos for a year straight I know I lied okay that's the last one Mitch what are you testing please tell us and then everybody spam me and chat what he's testing in case I miss it are you testing the limits of your your bank account thanks so much Mitch Zoe with a 20 pound Super Chat must be coming all the way from wait yeah you must be from England which means it is two in the morning right now for you gotta head out now love the stream so glad it was my first one thank you wolf and the wolf pack for being awesome sexy people there you go everyone nice compliment from Zoe thanks Zoe have a wonderful night and the one and only Mike you know I don't even it doesn't even show me the full name but I know exactly who that is that is the one and only Michael I'm not going to say your last name because you changed it thank you so much for the 50 Super Chat let's go to the tavern real fast and let's celebrate your guys existence okay [Music] if you haven't joined the Discord server yet join it link is below in the video description get over there give us some of your Early Access feedback give me some more ideas for quality of life improvements for Thursday's Baldur's Gate 3 video skull Michael thank you so much some of you guys be donating you guys are channel members for like three years it's absolutely insane and I appreciate it thank you I'm glad you exist Ricky Bobby that's one of the greatest names I've ever seen in this chat thanks guys I appreciate that I have this game but haven't tried it in over a year is it in a good State I would say yes there's been a lot of changes over the past year especially in the most recent couple patches with the Swarm AI the AI Improvement the Paladin class um level five the biggest thing is level five being accessible in Early Access now because you can get level three spells you also get extra attack with your Martial classes so I think now is probably a great time to jump into it albeit we're getting very close to the game's launch so don't burn your gut don't don't burn yourself out like there's nothing wrong with wait until the game comes out but if you do feel like playing yeah it's a great time to jump into it from Wales next to England but no stress I gotta visit England sometime my grandmother who lives in the United States now came from England in a boat she married my grandpa they're not together anymore but he was in the Air Force and he got deployed over there and they came back together on a boat it's quite an interesting story it's pretty crazy actually all right well this character we're gonna take wait what did I take hold on wait I already forgot foreign spell and feign death so I can take bestow curse let me go ahead and prepare these right now though there we go [Music] so we're gonna take but still curse right now because I don't not I remember reading this one of my previous playthrough I'm not very familiar with it but still curse and then um I still haven't done sleep storm yet but I can do that with my druid remove curse protection from energy touch a creature to Granite resistance to acid cold fire lightning or thunder damage may not be a bad spell to have in your Arsenal for like certain boss fights um haste really good spell but I just don't think uh it's worth demonstrating it because we already have the haste potions gaseous form maybe I'll grab fly this time or gaseous form while transform the target won't be able to attack cast spells or talk but I don't think anybody else can attack the gaseous form either Target becomes resistant to all damage gains advantage on Constitution dexterity and strength saving throws and becomes tiny in size she still can take damage but you're resistant to all damage you take half damage and it lasts until a long rest but it is concentration so you could be so you could get knocked out of it with that said you have advantage on Constitution saving throws you know what let's let's I'm gonna do it I did it last play through but I'm gonna do it again we're gonna cast gaseous form and just go on the front line and sit and see how long we can last what to do all right and then we get one more here at level two spells now not as many choices you know what I'm going to take sleet storm we're going to double up on the Sleep store it's a really cool looking spell I promise you guys okay here we go back into battle we go let's go ahead and start off with a hold on what can I do with I can't twin that because it's an AOE yeah so for twin spells spells that only target one creature can Target an additional creature so you can't do it with something like sleet storm our first casting of sleetstorm call forth A Storm of sleet that Dows his fire creates an ice surface and disrupts the concentration of spellcasters okay here we go look at that look at the particle effects beautiful whoa unfortunately unfortunately oh I'm not in combat it didn't even they're all bad unfortunately it doesn't take into account verticality so it didn't get these muffins right here interesting look we're like breaking the game right now followed by a course of typical you don't even know what's going on Joey with another donation five pounds my last one thank you so much dulch dulch dulch who's dolge somebody in chat named dulch is that is that slang for dude it's a pretty cool spell Michael I'm not gonna lie he says above the others what's a deal I am Sovereign you see a vision your life lead storm is also a concentration spell that lasts up to one minute so 10 times worth of sleep storm is pretty cool shut up you stupid mushroom [Music] oh man I don't have sleep storm up anymore oh and I didn't prepare oh my God I'm so stupid I didn't prepare the spells that I wanted to prepare no you got to be kidding me this whole combat encounter is ruined all right I'm just gonna go ahead and cast oh man unbelievable I didn't prepare my spells before the fight so in that case we'll cast We're Gonna Save the level three spell slots and we'll just cast level two scorching Ray is going to be pretty deadly on these guys right here imagine scorching Rey and hex that would be crazy 42 HP 70 chance I can probably hide let me back up hold on what's the range on this plenty of range so let's back up a little bit and hide no oh shit hurry damn dude there's a lot of damage right there oh it means thanks okay thanks guys you guys are teaching me all sorts of things Yaki da means good egg and Welsh isn't this the game that puts you on the map yeah the majority of my Channel's growth has been from Baldur's Gate 3 yes I'd say out of all my subscribers right now probably like 60 or 60 to 70 000 are probably from Ballers gay three alone [Music] maybe a little more maybe a little less okay so let's go ahead and try this is with Gail right now [Music] um let's move him up right here and we're just going to use feign death just to see what it looks like wait can I use it on myself you can use Fame death on yourself put an outline a protective magical coma deep enough to imitate death the Ally becomes resistant to all damage except psychic and disease and poison no longer have any effect I wonder if anybody would Target you I wonder if they're saying that you're resistant to damage because an AOE spell might drop in your area or something like that give it a try animation didn't quite work like it was intended oh now we're getting in trouble I'm here because of how many of you guys in this chat right now are here or subscribe to the channel because of you know what let's do a quick poll in this particular chat try to remember the first time that you subscribed to the channel like was it a bg3 stream was it a bg3 video was it a different video was it an upcoming games video was it a Pathfinder stream was it a Diablo stream from bg3 content yes or no 299 of you guys in here just try to remember I'm genuinely curious in this chat right now nobody makes me bleed my own blood hey Amber what's up yeah we're just testing out spells today nothing too crazy aim for bg3 and stayed wanna leave due to your personality I'm just kidding I read that one wrong on purpose all right let's go ahead and do sleep storm again this should work this time it is concentration like someone mentioned in the chat 30 foot radius is pretty damn good and disrupts concentration but I gotta remember here that it's not going to cast it on the lower levels of the mushrooms here so let's go ahead and do it again I'll try to make sure that Target's up here dude that's pretty sick and that's going to stay up so what I should probably do here is probably back up want to keep it up for as long as possible and hide no damn it looking for wolves hearts mine was the announcement video before bg3 came out damn Michael that was a long time ago no do they ruin my concentration nope they didn't pass that concheck I like the sound effects in this particular encounter no wait the concentration is gone you're gonna be kidding me okay in that case let's go ahead and create a spell slot and let's cast it again yeah isn't that interesting you got to be careful when you cast it I'm kind of testing it out a little bit like it doesn't actually give you the surface effect down here I wonder if that's a glitch I mean it should be a bug because a storm shouldn't be affected by verticality unless there's like an underhang or something like that and both of these are out in the open looks like they're still getting hit all right what do we got here what do we got for our level three spells we got daylight haste and because I didn't prepare things the correct way that is all that we have to show off here all right so let's pretend that my characters don't have dark vision my deep gnomes don't have it and I want to cast Daylights wait is Daylights nope 60 feet Target must have a weapon in the main hands Okay so let's go ahead and cast daylight let's pretend that gal is a human fighter and he's in a one-on-one with this mic in it right now because we're in the underdark perhaps he has limited Vision so let's cast daylight on him daylight gives us what's the radius dude a 50 foot radius of the daylight holy crap all right here we go let me move out of this first oh shit I didn't even know that guy was in there all right here we go daylight nice oh my God look at the Circle dude that's insane wait what oh wait wait hold on I'm confused enchanting item to shine like the sun or some of the sphere sunlight oh you can do an item or you can do the sphere okay so if you do an item and you cast it on your Frontline fighter you'll have that 50 foot radius of of nice bright light moving with your party or you can just cast it in the open oh I'm so stupid I get it now this is why we're testing things out so the one on the right right here is Enchanted item while the one on the left is is the basic sphere that you can cast anywhere you want for some reason I was I thought it was saying level two and level three but it's not they're both level three spells you can't you can't downcast daylight so let's go ahead and cast it on Gail cool whoa that's pretty damn good any of you guys remember the vampire boss in Celesta and how useful daylight was in that game so we were the five pound donation really my last one thought I'd leave but I can't seem to leave I don't know how to read that but thank you so much I appreciate it you're banned from donating though I'm forcing that one to be your last one because if you donate again you're gonna get temporarily banned okay I'm doing it for your own good thank you though I appreciate it go to bed some of you guys weren't present during my uh my mass Banning uh the last Diablo stream I banned about 50 people at one time it was a temporary band though which only means you get put in timeout foreign you're putting time out and you can't communicate in the chat for about how many minutes like three to five minutes or something like that don't know band yeah I do donut bands all the time Mitch is getting close to one two um we're out of level three spells let's just go ahead and start picking these guys off here expect to take over the six dollar Super Chat not letting Zoe show me up I know you are not completely done with Celesta oh wait I know you are completely done with the last of any chance of playing or streaming the new DLC yes Mitch I'll probably be streaming on the 25th and we're gonna do an entire playthrough of the DLC I'm not gonna replay the main campaign but yes I will be playing it [Music] uh uh this guy off we will do there is an opportunity attack right here look at that daylight sphere though that's crazy that's a lot of light that is a huge radius actually it might might be a really good spell to have depending on your characters chosen races in your party daylight could really really come in handy there also might be some enemies that we come across in bg3 that perhaps might be sensitive to Daylight all right time for a little wild shape let's wild shape into the one and only yeah the direwolf aha Mitch Zoe thank you guys love you both good luck yeah that happens to drow in the books in The Legend of dress book series soccer top yeah so the PC drow the explanation could be simple well one you could be like a dristo erden drow where you've spent enough time on the surface world that could be part of your character's biography and then that would make sense you've naturally adapted to the light just like dristo erden did or you could just think of it as the tadpole powers that you currently have in your brain or making it so you're not sensitive to light kind of similar to a Starion not suffering any sensitivity to sunlight because of the tadpole powers but yeah I wonder it'll be interesting to see like when we get to the city of Baldur's Gate is there going to be a bunch of drow walking around are they gonna stay to the darker streets or what all right let's kill this guy yeah thanks Zoe catch you on the next one you guys are new around here my streaming schedule is posted on the about section of the YouTube page I might be changing the schedule up a little bit in the near future and when bg3 comes out it's going to be all sorts of wacky because I'll be on all the time but uh for now I typically stick to that schedule for the most part why did I do that multitasking at its finest completely forgot that the door guard was right there and now I can't even reach any of these enemies I can I think I might actually have to go try hard right now there's a lot of like not really paying attention but I'm kind of getting my ass kicked right now dude oh we gotta pay attention here [Music] this is not good at all I mean this is real but you guys might be witnessing the tpk right now and I've never tpk'd in any video game in my entire life this will be the first one that you guys ever witnessed that goes for crpgs and arpgs very surprising if that happens I do stream a lot of other games too yeah I usually stream you know whatever RPGs come out that are looking good I usually play those on stream and then I just play catch up on some of the older games um okay the game is glitched right now too all right there we go oh we got a bit of a problem right now though we are in a deep doo doo holy crap how do I get gal out of feign death what do I got to do to get him out of it okay so let's think here um let's think here I actually want to win this fight now this is actually kind of exciting that I screwed myself over I always forget it's called a potion of speed they're not called potions of haste I don't have any of those though because I didn't pick up any items on this run right here still your fault I fell into the gravity well known as Mass Effect Trilogy yeah I gotta get back to Mass Effect sometime cool series I'm just not as much into like the space sci-fi stuff as I am fantasy stuff so that's why I kind of didn't continue on because I wanted to play some fantasy games but we got to get back at Mass Effect 2. I think a lot of people regard Mass Effect 2 as one of the greatest mass effect games of all time and I never got to play it so we'll have to do that sometime all right questions here let's do healing word shit is that what I want to do Michael with a 50 Super Chat one more donation for that play bg3 on your stream together Michael thank you so much unbelievable let's go thanks man I appreciate you I kind of even liked Andromeda Andromeda seems to be a hit or miss with people it looks pretty cool to me I don't know what to do right now I don't know what to do now the good thing is healing word is a bonus action so we can do a healing Word level three holy crap that would be 3D 4 plus 3 or 2D 4 plus 3. let's do level two healing word and I'm gonna cast it on shit do I know my spell situation here am I cast it on tabioso okay you guys like what I'm doing here I think this is going pretty good and then I'm gonna cast what the hell am I doing right now I already used my bonus action I think I might have the wild shape that might be the only what I want to cast Moonbeam before I wild shape you know what I'm saying do that oh no all right hold on I do have Thunder Wave we have 42 HP 10 and then 34. I'll tell you oh man I don't have the bear form I can't remember how much HP that these wild shape forms have oh there you go 23 for the Deep cow two hit points for the cat because there's more utility use 18 for the wolf spider is 20 and the badger is 13. spider gets webbed um the Deep Roth they gets charged let's go into spider form uh do we have any arachnophobes in the chat speak now forever hold your peace because I won't go into the forum if we have any in here thanks Michael have a great night Zoe with a five pound super chat for supporting this upcoming battle slash tpk please don't ban me thanks Zoe guys save your money though all right I appreciate the donations but it's probably better uses for your money that you can use on yourself but thank you I love you guys I appreciate the donations from time to time but I don't want any of you guys to donate too much although you guys are adults and you're responsible for your own money but make sure that you do it and what what's what's best interest for your own life okay thank you though I appreciate it so in other words just give me all your money make me Rich that's what I'm trying to say arachnophobe here okay all right we're not doing spider your arachnophobes don't get uh catered to too often but on my stream I take care of you okay all right we're gonna go we'll go Max HP here an arachnoph Springer Jerry Springer the man himself is in our chat right now unbelievable all right let's see if I can pull this off uh 8 HP right now I should probably hold on hold on I wonder if I should oh I really put myself in a bit of a pickle here you guys know what I'm saying this is like pickle juice to the max I mean if there was a pickle you guys are seeing it right now big fat juicy pickle I want to get Tavo up here but at the same time I gotta do damage you know what I'm saying and I can't I gotta do damage man all right I'll tell you what we're gonna do watch this you guys are gonna be you guys are gonna be amazed right now pull out your notepads I'm about to do something that's gonna blow your mind watch this okay hold on let's think this out scorching Ray 8d6 2d6 fire so we only need one on this guy and then we'll go two on where did this guy come from what the hell shit hold you got you guys taking notes or what are you doing snuffing the dog sometimes you just know what you're doing you know what I'm saying this just happens to be one of those times hope Zoe doesn't need to get up early I know right thanks Amy appreciate it F5 I can't have five if I die this is it it's over I'll take the punishment where'd you get the pickle Emoji where the hell did that come from pickled eggs sounds pretty good how do I get Gail out of Fame down what the hell wait hold on is anybody used Fame death in here quite a lot is he when you cast feign death are you just stuck in it until the 10 turns are over and you can't actually pull yourself out of it uh hold on wait wait hold on let's let's inspect Gail I think it tells you removed when helped that is so interesting you actually have to you actually have to use the help action to get somebody out of feign death because it's a magical coma that makes sense you push him I don't know if that would do it or not um that's kind of cool though it's a bit of a Nerf to it from what I thought it was but that will be good for balancing reasons real death or no death for me what's up Lisa tiny sweet pickles Ian says I love pickles don't you guys think raw onion is disgusting though like onion on a sandwich is nasty all right here we go let's go ahead and [Music] knock this dwargar prone um or 7 to 16 damage five to ten [Music] let's just go ahead and Bash them oh man I'm surprised I didn't take an attack of opportunity I respect it gonna stay in Wild shape form because we need to take advantage of this uh the greatest thing about Druids is even if a wild shape form feels like it's weak at least it's not taking off of your you know your actual hit points it's basically temporary hit points on top of your hit points although it does leak over into your hit points if you take a lot of damage so we're going to take advantage of that as long as I can and it looks like I'm looking really good up here right now um I could throw you know a lot of people surprisingly don't know that you can do this the problem is it's going to take an action and it looks like we're gonna pass our death saving throws at least have another round so instead I am going to cast scorching Ray level 3 and toast these micaids up uh maybe I can hide too damn it all right I'll move up to here cast at level three what's the damage difference 2d6 oh no 86 66 okay all right I bet you I can I actually can't see this guy down here I think I'm more worried about this guy than I am this guy but the problem is I don't think I'm gonna kill this guy in one hit I think it's more important to take an enemy off the battlefield right now I'm way way way are dwargar oh you know why this guy is actually vulnerable to fire I think it's because he's a Spore servant and he's not an actual dwargar because I don't think dwargar as a race or vulnerable to fire all right let's think for a second this is 8d6 four Rays so level two is three Rays level three is four Rays doing two D six fire damage this guy is vulnerable to fire so if I do two rays at him the damage potential is 24. if things go perfectly so we're gonna do three Rays just to make sure he dies and then I'm gonna do one at the mic connect right here perfect perfect oh why'd they disappear what you gotta be shitting me uh-oh now we got a bit of a problem oh shit um the game bugged out feel like you appreciate onions more as you get older yeah I guess I can see that being a possibility as I get older I do start liking more and more things um we got a bit of a problem here it looks like gal is standing up again so that makes things a little bit easier um the Miken is pretty much dead though so what do you guys say we just toast them off with a little d10 Fireball see ya barely made it out of that pickle oh The Boys Are Back in Town percentage of a critical Miss be an option um no I don't see the the need for that um doesn't make a difference anyways if you critical Miss onions are gross I'm 55. taste buds change as you get older I used to hate almost all veggies now not as bad this crowd will make you hungry by the way I'm fixing to get some McDonald's tonight what do you guys think about that closes at midnight McDonald's will be amazing should I do that or is that unhealthy what do you guys say McDonald's is good for you right get a little spicy McChicken get some protein I don't see a problem with it so the past that I have to uh hey Dylan if you're still in here you're going to the PGA Championship by any chance what's up break a shot they added new level three spells no I'm just going over the patch nine I never got a chance to really dive into them yo Dylan if you're still in here let me know if you're going to the PGA Championship because I will be there tomorrow I have a pass that gives me unlimited food let's go baby I can't wait to eat that food don't do it you're right I need more oh we got the dream sequence oh shit I chose a gift Yankee deserve oh Dylan I actually need meniscus surgery against her thigh um coiled with tension I don't want to interrupt this scene let me help you unfortunately I'm out of golf for a little bit right now um I got an MRI on Monday and I have a meniscus tear that needs surgical repair so um depending on when they schedule the surgery which hopefully I can get that schedule tomorrow they're supposed to call me today or tomorrow um I probably have to schedule it after my sister's wedding in June because I need to have my niece somewhat working during that wedding if I get the surgery before it I won't be able to travel down there so I probably won't be golfing until the fall time unfortunately it sucks man I wish I could have done this over the winter time it's real depressing as someone who lives in the Northeast and it's been a long brutal winter finally the weather breaks out and I can't do shit outside oh it sucks so much I can't hike I can't play golf like the two things that I love to do um so yeah just keep in touch and I'll let you know how it goes and when I can play again you know the knee is not too bad right now like I can walk around like I could go to the mall and walk around it's just uh it's real funky and it goes through phases and golfing is actually what tore it I think at the driving range last year I out I swung a little bit too hard and I think that was the initial start of the injury it never got any better unfortunately [Music] um get out of my head now such an Iron Will toward a real Burger versus a fast food one ready soon enough appreciate that that'll be seven uh seven double cheeseburgers from the dollar menu actually the dollar menu doesn't exist anymore in McDonald's yeah I need I need surgery this time um I tried naturally healing it for about a year um I mean the doctor is the one that recommended surgery it's not my choice I mean it is my choice but the doctor came to that conclusion you could ever desire I think the terror is a little bit too severe and won't heal on its own okay screw this cutscene Lord Hulk ain't even 9.99 as a kid I hated onions my mom would put them in spaghetti and it would pick them out my mom would say you can't taste them I would ask if you can't taste them why add them for flavoring you know your mom has a little bit of a your mom has a little bit of a I understand your mom I actually like I like onions being used in the cooking of certain things but then I prefer you leave the onions out of it when it actually comes time to eating onion gives it like cooking with onions gives it like a little bit of a flavor that's totally different than a raw onion flavor and it's also different than having to chew on them too so I kind of understand your mom a little bit I gotta go through the dream sequence with everybody right now you love onions now such I'll give you a taste oh shit what's to come dude the dwarf hands in this game are just so crazy big dude dude this dwarf would annihilate that gnome oh my God that shit should be illegal just no one likes raw onions I don't know if that's true all right here we go let's go ahead and rest and then test out a few more spells then that'll be up for the night because I gotta go to bed and I gotta find a real Burger thanks to that 999 donation where can I get a real burger at this time at night though you know what I'm saying all right let me change up my spells let's go ahead and prepare um we'll prepare you know I might just grab protection from energy just so we can try it I don't know how much of a help it's gonna be I mean it will help a little bit in the Micah did fight we gotta see what it looks like though and then I will grab well there's really nothing new here daylight and haste are prepared I'm probably just going to use haste yeah okay I think I'm good with that [Music] okay but still what oh shite Taco Bell had the 79 sentiment oh man the good old days right thanks Lord Hogg and Sig valdesen I hesitated to say her name because I was afraid I'll pronounce it wrong what I do to my knee I just tore it I think I tore it last year hitting golf balls at a driving range shit happens when you get old you know what I'm saying well unfortunately we oh great now they're all you got to be kidding me right now they're all all right um what can I test out real fast let's let's start off with haste here but some of you guys are probably familiar with the potions of speed that you can pick up in the game at level five as a druid and I think other classes get it too we get access to the level 3 transmutation spell called haste Target yourself or an ally to become hastened Peter has a plus two bonus to Armor class advantage on dexterity saving throws its movement speed is doubled and it can take one additional action per turn when the condition ends the creature becomes lethargic lethargic is consumed by exhaustion in the aftermath of haste can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions you know the spell lasts for 10 turns so it's more powerful than the potion but I'm not as worried about the lethargic status in this particular situation it does require concentration so honestly one little trick you can do when you're a druid is you can cast haste it's going to have to be next round because I'm playing as a circle of the land root if I was playing a moon Druid we could wild shape as a bonus action um I'm gonna cast haste and we'll cast it on tevio cell and now he should have the hasten status effect nice and resistance beautiful and then I'm going to get my druid the hell out of here so I don't actually fail a constitution save and lose that status effect until I can wild shape into a high Constitution animal so let's back up to here I'm just gonna hope that ninety percent of you guys are not observant enough or you don't understand this game well enough to know what just happened so in that case nothing happened everything's going great um yep we're fine I made a great play I think that sucks is I can't prepare the spells that I wanted to prepare all right let's kill this freaking jabroni this guy's pissing me off 42 you're gonna be shitting me unbelievable 65. you missed whatever it was see I you guys you guys don't know what happened I'm not too worried about it just know that I never never do things wrong in this game never have never will this guy's over here he's gonna slip out before I laugh LOL as a noob I'm blissfully unaware perfect I knew I had a good chat in here A bunch of Noobs all right let's um let's let's cast haste again not sure why I'd ever have to do that okay all right we're a Hastings then I'm gonna hide again and let's not let that happen again all right now I have two actions so let's go ahead and start off with a oh this would be funny you guys want a little Thunder Wave it's been a while let's do it let's do a Thunder Wave can I do that level three I can 48 Thunder damage oh yeah watch this you guys ready for this three two one you bastard well that's why we used hastens three two one see ya bitch what are you doing Mr shroom [Applause] [Laughter] s sometimes it just comes natural Jeremy says you lost your haste buff because you fouled the consultation saving throw and going through the spores what no it's not bullshitting everybody I would never do that that's not what happened I lost the haste spell because I ended my concentration because I chose to intentionally because I wanted to see the animation again so I ended it to cast it again so we could see what it looks like you guys just you guys are ridiculous here's one of the benefits of playing an evocation wizard I don't know like I might I might become I might do a necromancer wizard on my first playthrough of Gail but evocation Wizards and being able to cast some of these spells without affecting your own teammates like with Fireball and Thunder Wave is an incredibly good feature of the evocation wizard it's really hard to turn down if you're playing like an offensive AOE focused wizard because if I was playing an AB duration wizard right now everybody would be going flying or everybody would be doing the saving throw yeah Thunder wave's amazing so we think of the two pound super chat a little booster for you and the pack do I have to divvy that up between the 322 people that are watching here all right hold on one second everybody send me your PayPal accounts shoot me an email let's do a little math here two dollars divided by 322 people somebody got that for me thanks Zoe evocation is op true it's great all right um what really sucks is okay we're gonna have to use Arcane recovery got a level three spell slot back this is going to be the final encounter for the night everyone just giving you a heads up right now um let's grab my oh we already got level three spells let's do Arcane natural recovery level three his natural recovery replenish on a short rest I don't know if it does we're gonna find out though and then we got Mr Gilly Gail let's go ahead and replenish a level three and then let's do a short rest and go back to the Druid an Arcane or natural recovery does not recharge on a short rest so we can't do that no one's uh nor does Arcane recovery okay all right all right we'll kill some shrooms I gotta prepare those Spells at all right hopefully we don't get stuck in combat again so let's take the Stow curse and then fog cloud uh oh man I only have one level three spell slot with this guy let's use gaseous form let me look at that stowed curse real fast is going on mess with my spells did I swear to God I'm gonna go out into the forest tomorrow with a bottle of vinegar and squirt all the mushrooms I think I give a shit no I don't I'm gonna love every second of it all right you gotta be freaking kidding me well the good thing is I have gaseous form right here I just don't want to use it all right but still curse curse a creature with your touch oh you've got to be shitting me it's a touch spell unbelievable larion holy spells all right it's still occurred strength cause a creature or curse a creature with your Touch It suffers disadvantage on strength checks and saving throws but still cursed red curse a creature with your touch it fills with Dread possibly skipping its turn but still curse additional damage first a creature with your touch your attacks and spells deal additional 1d8 whoa 1d8 necrotic damage dude that's like a buffed up Hunter's Mark right there wait am I seeing this right albeit it does it does require concentration and it's a wisdom save but damn I wonder if they do the wisdom save every round I'm sure they do get an extra I am totally using that right now that's amazing all right uh attack disadvantaged curse of creature It suffers disadvantage on attack rolls Charisma and disadvantage on Charisma checks and saving throws wisdom okay intelligence dexterity and Constitution so there's going to be some pretty interesting synergies that you'll be able to do in the game actually you can do it right now too between some spells like you gotta look at your spells descriptions and see like if Thunder is Thunder Wave a constitution check Thunder Wave is a constitution check so if I use bestow curse constitution on an enemy giving them disadvantage on Constitution checks and then I use Thunder Wave with another character the chance of that Thunder Wave being successful is a lot higher oh that's great okay everybody's getting involved in this fight all right well unfortunately this is a melee attack though so We're not gonna be able to use that right now that'd be kisses unbelievable what's going on right now dude dude all right let's move up this way trying to not group up too much one out of three path is interrupted are you kidding me right now dude I never cast Mage Armor yet silly me I should have been casting that at the start of every single flight all right let's go ahead and test out gaseous form right now and just get it done all right transform yourself or an ally into a cloud of mist to avoid attacks so that makes me think that it would be better as a defensive measure when a character is about to die you cast gaseous form on them with that said we're not going to use it smartly and we're going to cast it right now and I'm going to cast it on Mr gal because I don't like him all right and then we're gonna back up I should probably miss the stuff out of here Cassius form oh gaseous form is concentration too damn oh this game is really punishing me right now this is crazy let's see step to right here all right and then let's go ahead and do I have any good level three spells protection from energy daylight still we don't really need it web would actually be really good right now um should I should I Haste The gaseous spores can you even you can what the hell I can haste the gas okay that's interesting all right let's go ahead and cast uh let's cast Moonbeam wait am I yeah Moonbeam watch this see ya oh yeah oh such a great spell apparently I missed that guy and then I'm gonna go ahead and uh Misty Stefan out of here and then we got uh sleet storm didn't get to provoke all right all right I guess I chose sleetstorm that was pretty stupid we've already tried that one a million times but what the hell you know all right I got some casting sleep storm with with the moon beam here yellow oh that's great they saved their uh they're saving throws though just a reminder call forth A Storm of sleet that Dows his fires creates an ice surface and disrupts the concentration of spellcasters so it has several different uses and then I'm gonna go ahead and uh Misty step out of here too beautiful stuff oh nice all right let's go front line with Mr gal here in our gaseous form which does have an actual unarmed strike dealing one damage and we can fly whoa what would happen if I went up here and that oh wait is Sovereign Spa already in this fight no he's not maybe we should get him involved what do you guys say let's fly up here let's make things real interesting yeah nice oh okay yep here we go all right oh I get to do it again wait oh because I have movement speed left I get it not enough movement speed okay well this just got real interesting um way too far I'll tell you what though a distant spell I'm not too far but too bad I'm a wizard Let's uh let's play the waiting game I'm gonna go ahead and move Moonbeam to right here oh yes that was beautiful and we're gonna back up a little bit all right Broski Channel have a wonderful night thanks for hanging out appreciate it gaseous form is a level three spell totally not even looking at what's happening right now because I'm reading the chat so I don't know what just happened gaseous form fleeing the enemy like a fart in the wind true no alright so damn it I wanted to use distant spell I just want even I just wanted to use it you know what I mean it costs a sorcery point but I just wanted to use it all right we're still concentrating on sleet storm can you move sleet storm it doesn't look like you can it's not like Moonbeam so in that case let's go ahead and fire a little let's do a little oh yeah oh wait can you do two meta Magics no you can't that would be pretty cool if you could just move up a little bit we're gonna do twin spell and I'm gonna do fire bolts 65 chance 42 chance can I hide right now I can better hurry up oh shit better hurry up and cast it and I want to I don't want to say I'm good right now but I'm pretty damn good oh shit this guy's uh animating all the spores all right let's go front line what there we go yeah one damage 77 out of 78. nice all right now we gotta help out gotta get ourselves out of this uh little pickle we got going on here wow no path interrupted nope we're good see ya oh watch this you guys ready for this I don't know if I can see it from here though I don't know if you have to see it oh absolutely wait why is it not working what did I just do I don't even know what I just did Marvin hello appreciate all your support by the way wiper personally I don't know about y'all but I subbed for all the coconut oil massages not everybody knows about those yet whatever you gotta keep it on the down low how you doing man what have you been up to lately what games you what games are you playing on the old wyvern Blair I once farted in kung fu class okay you guys are you guys are disgusting I don't like you guys you know might as well just send everybody up there why not all right and then let's go ahead and do oh I guess gal is out of gaseous form right now I lost my concentration you gotta be shitting me yeah yeah take that yeah that was stupid there was really no oh actually yeah yeah that was kind of stupid spell the cast but in the moment I thought it was pretty good um all right let's uh should I feign death just so you guys can see it again even though it's gonna take me out of the combat encounter now we're not gonna do that we're gonna cast Thunder Wave level three and knock this bastard off the ledge you know what I'm saying apparently there's no ledge I can knock him off of though hold on let's get a little reposition here oh that's nice these guys are making some weird sounds right now see ya see ya [Music] he massages coconuts ancient Chinese secret true wolf doesn't like us he loves us true there's nothing to check Fireball I don't have Fireball uh right now with this particular run or this load point I don't have Fireball okay over here using blur blurg is using blur attackers have disadvantage and attack rolls against this creature unless they do not rely on sight okay how do you feel about a little magic Missile on this jackass yeah yeah not so tough anymore are you brother why is everybody crying right now let's um oh I still have haste should I cast it I'm gonna lose my concentration though it'd be pretty sweet if I cast it uh should I give it to Mr Gale no we'll get um yeah we'll give it the tabioso love it and then I'm gonna do a little uh healing word on myself because I'm super low HP but I should actually probably drink a potion but honestly there we go so you think of the two pound Super Chat Fireball Fireball solves all true yes it does you know there's a few spells I feel like if you're a wizard and you have magic or even a sorcerer if you have magic Missile and Fireball I'm almost tempted oh my God that's really loud sorry I'm almost tempted to not take Fireball or magic Missile as a wizard because it's so hard to not use those spells magic Missile never misses Fireball is just so badass and so powerful like if you take those two spells you're never going to use other spells you know what I'm saying all right so we're hasted right now let's go ahead and move up here I'm gonna cast a little something I like to call Thunder Wave I don't know if I use a level three spell slot on it we're at a level two that's not good um we'll do Thunder Wave level one oh that would be a hell of a launch whoa Target is blocked let me try that oh damn it that's not what I was hoping for right there that's not good 16 HP Sovereign Spa has six I'm gonna finish him off real fast see ya all right um acid Splash Ray of sickness level three spells what do we have here feign death is the only one that I currently have because I didn't have a chance to swap it out no in that case let's do a uh let's do another Thunder Wave if I get them off the ledge doesn't look like I can maybe that's still pretty cool right 1816. see ya anybody else see what I was gonna do is cast haste it requires concentration and then wild shape into now if you're playing a moon Druid like I said you can wild shape as a bonus action so you could cast a concentration spell in Wild shape in the same turn which can be really powerful with that said you got a wild shape into a creature that has a good Constitution score versus your actual character's Constitution I don't know which one has the best here I'm assuming the cow does Constitution 14. oh damn it jump through the cloud of daggers got to be careful because we're gonna aggro this side no don't back up too much oh I forgot third was over here it's not good thanks Zoe usually make good use so the cloud of daggers yeah it's so good you know if you set up like this isn't a cheese because it's perfectly logical and expected to do when you know about it but you can use minor illusion like on the gift Yankee fight for example this will make the fight like eight times easier use minor illusion get all the gift Yankee to kind of group up in one area clouded daggers combat begins they're pretty much dead another round or two they're gone oh 18 out of 18. now who's left oh yeah blurg tricky bastard up here um disadvantage on attack rolls I don't have magic Missile how do I not have magic Missile see like as I'm telling you I don't even have magic Missile at all with gal right now that's weird okay I must have done something weird when I leveled them up quickly all right let's do pretty much never use this but this should actually be kind of useful here bad Cloud creates a cloud of dense fog that heavily obscures and blinds creatures Within you know a lot of the times I don't like using this because a creature can just move out of it and shoot you but in this case this guy is on the top of this mushroom right now and it'll be interesting to see what he does he can't shoot me now with ranged and we'll go ahead and do a little magic Missile yes sir I wonder how I'm gonna get up there I guess we have to just move back up this way what a dismiss wild shape oh well that's it uh let's walk over there lurg wasn't having that [Music] meteor spell yeah meteor storm meteor swarm or storm what's it called in 5e I think that's a level nine spell that literally like will destroy cities meteor shit what's it called in 5V meteor swarm 5e um yeah level nine spell so you're not getting that until uh you're not getting that baller Skate 3 let's put it that way maybe in an expansion uh this the description of meteor swarm blazing orbs of fire plummet to the ground at four different points you can see within range each creature in a 40-foot radius sphere is centered on each point you choose must make you make a dexterity saving throw the sphere surrounds three three the spear the spear the sphere spreads around corners a creature takes two 20 D6 fire damage and 20 D6 bludgeoning damage and a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one the spell damages objects in the area and ignites flammable objects that aren't being worn or carried the range for meteor swarm in fifth edition is one mile one mile one mile you could literally you could literally be chilling one mile away from the city of Baldur's Gate up on one of the little mountains that surround it you could cast meteor swarm on it that's crazy mouth sassadero nuclear bomb yeah basically it's the king of AOE yeah so I wouldn't expect to be seeing that in the base game for Ballers gate 3. you know they could just tone things down too like if they don't want to when you get to like level 17 18 19 you know 20 and d and d ude you're like like a regular campaign just doesn't work anymore and that's why um that's why so many d d campaigns will stop like I've done a lot of research on this a lot of DnD campaigns will stop you know level 12 15 and under typically probably more often like 12 and under because once you get into like 15 plus then you're no longer like doing like the streets of Baldur's Gate and all that you're like flying around like controlling armies like going to different planes of existence fighting deities and stuff like that I guess part of the reason why lyrion isn't going to max level 20 at least in the base game because they want to keep it somewhat grounded somewhat I mean nothing about this is grounded but in relation to everything else you know they could keep the campaign somewhat grounded so you're not like an actual God you're more of like a you're kind of getting into that like you know quasi Divine status in a way when you get closer to the 15 range but you're not an actual deity deity meteor swarm is part of the table of abilities on my wand of shenanigans I created in my campaign that's awesome looks like blurg is uh no longer here so that's going to be it for tonight I appreciate you guys hanging out it was a fun stream we tested out quite a few spells not as many as I hoped I'll have to do a few more streams like this so we can knock off the rest of the level three spells um but other than that I promise I'm going to be back at pillars of Eternity very very soon I have to finish that game I only have one or two more streams left of that and I won't be on tomorrow because I will be at the PGA Championship as a spectator but I should have a video out by Thursday and then hopefully I can get the Sunday lore series video done on Friday and Saturday so we can continue that series sorry mister thanks Michael thanks gold you guys got any last minute monk is not out yet nope has gotten any last minute comments for me if you guys want to provide some feedback on quality of life improvements join the Discord server the link is below in the video description and put your feedback over in the EA feedback channel on the Discord server and I'll take a look at it DJ in Florida now the PGA Championship which is one of the majors in golf is in Rochester New York this year [Music] Mr stoneweaver super glad to came up on your channel it's also meeting people love fantasy RPGs you're in the right Community man if there's one type of RPG that I like the most it's fantasy medieval over everything else over sci-fi over anything you can think of over apocalyptic over futuristic we're all about that fantasy life over here meteor swarm is multiple spots too so I can destroy the city of Baldur's Gate by casting meteor swarm I mean I mean theoretically I guess you could but then you could also think like if you're doing that like there could be Wizards and Powerful casters that could like counter your spells to maybe prevent that from happening but I mean theoretically yeah I guess if you rain meteors down in the city it ain't going to be looking too good afterwards that's why like when you're walking around in the Forgotten Realms like you're not coming across like level 20 characters like every two steps that you take like most people are not most people are like below level three that you're coming across pre-level one [Music] at stars druid [Music] I don't know much about that subclass um I know the spores Druid is highly requested the Stars druidy I don't know anything about that what uh what d d book is that one in thanks now [Music] and Zoe thank you for the five pound super chat I appreciate it a lot of donations from you guys tonight and thank you very much for that let me read them off right now Zoe times 10 we'll just say Michael the one and only thank you so much for the double high value high high value dollar donations Lord Hogg Sig valdsen thank you Mitch how could we forget Mitch Mitch donated like seven times apparently by accident shit I'll take it you know what I'm saying [Music] thank you Mitch appreciate all your support man one of many who else I miss anybody uh Jenna thank you for subscribing to the channel welcome to the new channel members [Music] leida thank you for the multiple donations as always basically [Music] I think I got everyone from Tasha's cauldron oh interesting I wonder if we'll see anything from Tasha's in Baldur's Gate 3. I do love souls games yes I do Elder ring is a fantastic game one of my favorites counter from a mile away no chance well I mean couldn't you put up like protection on the city you know what I mean like if you have some powerful Mages in your city you'd probably you know Hogwarts has like that gigantic I don't I'm not familiar with high level d d spells but Hogwarts has a gigantic Shield going around it you would think if you have powerful Wizards in a city they would have some form of magical protection so somebody couldn't just walk up and cast meteor storm drat have a wonderful night T Marie hello and goodbye get back to your Zelda anti-magic field yeah yeah I wonder if drist will be in bg3 if I had to guess I would say yes small little Cameo and also the same for elminster as well because you can find both of those characters in BG one and two they're both alive in modern day Forgotten Realms and if larian wants to you know have like these little Easter egg ties to the original games that'll be a great way to do it while also getting a lot of you know fans of those books extremely excited to be playing Ballers Gate 3 because I'm a huge Legend of drift fam into C Dresden bg3 would be like a a special moment for myself I know some people feel that about elminster as well will there be a patch 10 before release not sure um larion said in the most recent panel from hell that we're not getting any more major updates but that doesn't mean that we won't get a patch and they could change their mind too so KY says hi wolf shout out for the one subscribed but hit hard by the recessions so tight on finances totally understand man it is kind of rough times for a lot of people out there you take care of yourself and actually you are subscribed to the channel because you're commenting in this chat so you must be talking about Channel memberships but no worries man thanks for being here um you guys just being here hitting that Thumbs Up Button hanging out for the streams watching the videos that's uh that's really all I ask so thanks a lot for that you guys do more than you would imagine um just by simply watching you don't got to become a member or any of that stuff even though of course I do appreciate all you members out there shout out to you guys um but I very much appreciate everybody that watches here I watch a ton of channels and I'm not a member of anybody so like I I don't look at it I don't look in any weird way at people that watch that aren't members I don't have a twitch I mean I do have a twitch you can follow it if you want and just don't use it but I might start using it sometime in the near future to try to Branch out a little bit I have all my Easter eggs in one basket here with YouTube and if something happened to my channel um yeah I don't have a job so I gotta start branching out a little bit so I might start multi-streaming to Twitch even though twitch sucks I might start multi-streaming just to maybe slowly build up a little bit of a Following over there so I have a backup um yeah and I'm gonna look to start branching out a little bit from YouTube um in different ways twitch would be one of those ways you never know what's going to happen with uh with Google and YouTube and the rules that they make the bands that they give out you just never know what's going to happen and I realized that uh I've worked too hard to get to where I'm at right now to risk all that going away so we're going to start expanding out a little bit here start up the wolf apparel store in the near future still testing out different print designs making sure that they're quality we might have that up soon why not restream that's what I'm saying I'm probably going to do that soon gold oh the reason why I don't restream right now um I mean I really should there's really no reason why people shouldn't do it especially new streamers you might as well restream to all the platforms that you can at one time um to increase your chances of getting viewership because it's very very hard to grow as a streamer the chance of success is so damn slim because everybody's doing it it's really hard to grow so you might want to increase your chances by restreaming to as many platforms as you can the reason why I don't do it is because um I'm already doing good on YouTube so I don't feel the pressure to do it but I still should do it I don't even know like I gotta look into that though because I don't know if I I can't become like a twitch partner or whatever because you can't stream at YouTube and if you're a twitch partner don't quote me on this if you're a twitch partner or maybe even an affiliate I gotta look into this because I might not be able to even stream on YouTube and twitch at the same time if you become a twitch affiliate or a twitch partner because they don't allow that so I don't even know if I have the opportunity to make any money over on Twitch but but that'd be okay if I could build even like a a following just in case something happened to YouTube to have something to fall back on if I got banned on YouTube then I could go on Twitch and start making that uh more important I'm just rambling I don't even know what I'm saying anymore I literally have no idea what I'm saying [Music] isn't shy of twitch affiliate I think she got her affiliate status I would imagine so she usually has a decent amount of people watching um yeah there's like some there's some rules that twitch gives you when you become an affiliate because they try to lock you down on their platform twitch has some really really silly rules that are not good for streamers not to mention the discoverability on that platform for new streamers is like zero I hate twitch I hate the management I hate the rules that they have I hate the culture that they have over there I hate all the hot tub streams I hate all that stuff but subscribe to my twitch Channel wolfhardfps might start doing hot tub streams soon you know what I'm saying put on a speedo get in the hot tub [Music] put your guys names on my nipples for five dollars I know a fellow New Yorker of yours that I can ask I'll talk to him about it oh you know I just got to do a quick Google search gold you don't gotta ask anybody that's fine but thank you [Music] an average of six beers it used to be three viewers back in the day because I did actually streamed on Twitch before I started streaming on YouTube for several months back in the day it used to be three but maybe at six now I don't know mud pit streaming [Music] twitch sucks but you would kill it there on the bg3 launch you know possibly yeah maybe yeah I don't know I'll look more into it if I start a twitch Channel I'll let you guys know all right and then you guys can watch wherever you want I think I can use a program that will put both chats into one at least for myself so I can read them both with ease you guys have a good night and I will catch you guys on Thursday night at 7 pm Eastern because I won't be live tomorrow goodbye is that we think are the two pound Super Chat the help of YouTube collapses thank you I actually put a video up on Rumble too I did one video on Rumble it was a Hogwarts Legacy video got like two views but yeah I gotta start building up uh also my social medias if you guys want to follow me over on twitch or excuse me what's it called Twitter tweeter on Twitter or Instagram it's at wolfheartfps I appreciate that I don't post that much I only post once in a while when I have something important to say so I won't annoy you you make me look better in the eyes of sponsorships and people that are browsing you make me look more legit so thank you should be a platform that's more streamer friendly allows you to stream on other platforms um you can do that on YouTube there's no rules on YouTube twitch is just more strict because they don't want people to leave their platform because they have some of the worst benefits for streamers some of the worst sub splits like if you donate a bit to a streamer on Twitch it's a 50 50 split the twitch subscribers over there which are basically the same as YouTube members 50 50 split so when you donate bits let's say you donate twenty dollars a bits twitch gets ten dollars of that and then on top of that the streamer gets taxed to hell because they're self-employed on YouTube it's a 30 split which is still ridiculous but at least it's a competitive rate and actually if any of you guys are twitch streamers you more than me need to make sure that you have a backup plan for yourself because [Music] twitch is not very profitable and the overall scope of Amazon so twitch would go down probably way sooner than YouTube would ever go down in terms of live streaming so make sure you take care of yourself if you're a new streamer stream on as many platforms as you can [Music] yeah if I was only on Twitch I would be a little bit nervous not gonna lie much larger pool of people that's true like way larger than twitch but twitch is still the leader in live streaming believe it or not so you are correct YouTube is a much larger platform that offers way more opportunities to grow and if you're willing to put in work and do actual videos um anybody can make it in content creation if you're willing to put in that work and do that making videos on YouTube is a much much easier way to grow than live streaming [Music] and that's why those of you guys that were keeping up with my channel I gave up on live streaming for like two years and I did nothing but make videos and I built up the channel to like 50 or 60 000 subscribers and then I returned to live streaming after I already built a subscriber base because streaming on its own is just so hard to grow in any meaningful way [Music] platform you want stream on is Facebook Facebook was actually doing pretty good for a while they had like 10 percent of the market share but yeah I won't stream on Facebook either Dr destruct says he makes way less on YouTube yeah he's in a different situation though twitch has better monetization options and they have that culture that was built around donations and stuff like that while YouTube streaming is a lot newer and that culture doesn't exist but with the change with the recent changes on Twitch to the 50 50 split for donations and memberships uh the doc might not feel that way anymore I'm not sure yeah do it staff absolutely which viewers give up more money yeah exactly it's like the culture over there it's like really normal to donate and stuff and it's not as common on YouTube although it's becoming more common bg1 playthrough continue yes soon absolutely after I finish pillars so maybe later this week or next week so my favorite streamers I've found through just scrolling through streams with fewer viewers thanks Zoe looking into making some merch yeah do it gold um if I was you though like newer channels like you don't want to focus as much on monetization you just want to focus on growing your Channel like your number one goal should be growing subscribers and getting more views on your videos and your streams I didn't even like think about making any money until several years into YouTube like it wasn't even a thought like you basically just work for free for like the first four or five years that you're creating your Channel because if you don't have a big Channel like you're not gonna sell anything meaningful with merch even I can't barely sell any merch but it's still a fun thing to do though because some people like to support that way and then they can wear your shirt which is really cool so I say go for it but just make sure you focus on growing your Channel monetization is the last thing that matters as a new content creator [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hello what size Burger you're getting I don't know the different sizes for burgers a double cheeseburger how about that all right see y'all
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 64,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, bg3, baldurs gate 3 patch 9, patch 9 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 early access, paladin class baldurs gate 3, paladin gameplay, level 5, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, balders gate 3, livestream, baldurs gate 3 rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios
Id: YWhCzziPZ3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 28sec (12688 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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