Why Paladin is the Number 1 Class - Character Creation - Baldur's Gate 3

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thank you hey everybody and thank you for checking out Cal scent gaming I appreciate you coming to the channel uh if you haven't yet please remember to hit that subscribe button that's the best way to help me out and keep some more videos coming out today we're going to talk about paladins and why they are the number one class played on Baldur's Gate and also which race might be the best race to be this is all my own opinion uh outside of a article came out earlier today that was saying that the number one class that's being played in the game right now is the Paladin which makes me happy to hear I've been a huge Paladin fan since years and years ago several decades even at this point uh play in every game that it's an option uh loving the way they've got it built in this game if I'm honest I think it's quite possibly though because of the movie Dungeons and Dragons and how awesome the Paladin was in that movie and maybe everybody wants to get in on some of that action you know what I mean but you come in to create your first character obviously there's many other options and I think sorcerer was the number two class that's being played right now but a paladin is basically a warrior that has holy powers can do additional damage with holy damage also has the ability to heal themselves as well as their group depending on which spells and path you take right now you can see I'm listed as a human Paladin which is what I actually play as my main character right now but I will be doing a second pass through trying out some of these other Paladin options but after really investigating this a little bit further you know of course I like the human that's the number one race that's played and I think the second is Elf or maybe they're close to tide uh and a high elf at that so every time you click through right you have your main race and then you have a sub race so you can select the differences there each option has additional bonuses like the amount of detail in this game is incredible so you really want to look at like what are the extra bonuses and will that impact the way you want to play the game for me the human one was just kind of straightforward and consistent with what I usually play anyway versatility is nice you get a couple extra proficiency points that you get to choose uh and you also get to carry a little extra stuff your carrying capacity is increased by a bit but not too much just says a quarter so you know it's not even like half of it but you also get some weapon proficiency and Spears and Pikes and halberds and glaves um and light armor and shields well you pretty much never wear light armor as a Pally and you can't have a shield I personally go with a two-handed weapon uh you know which is Spears and Pikes and halberds but I use like the two-handed maces the swords uh some axes maybe and sometimes some hallbergs and glaves and stuff too but that's not really a huge bonus when you really look at it because over here on the right you'll see proficiencies you already get simple weapons and Marshall weapons and that covers almost everything you get at least through X3 that I've started playing at this point on my main character um Spears and Pikes and hallbergs and glaves yeah they're pretty good but it's not like a huge game changer um you know so I don't know I didn't really think about this stuff when I first started the game I just wanted to be a paladin and make something that I recognize and represent represented me uh right off the bat I went to my go-to it's usually you know a boring human like I think most of us probably are playing it sounds like or an elf I was really torn between the two but I didn't really see any major advantages to being an elf uh outside of the dark vision I guess but I don't really use bows and I'm already proficient with swords because I'm a paladin so that wasn't really an extra bonus at all um however go through each one to make your own decision but if I was going to tell you when I re-roll I'm gonna actually be a half orc which is definitely abnormal for something I would normally choose but with the way you can edit them you can make them look really good I mean this guy's kind of got a big round head you know nothing wrong with that some of the most fierce Warriors do look like that I usually put hair in a beard for my Pally whether they're human or a dwarf or usually my top two um and I'll probably do the same thing with my half orc here but the reason I recommend considering this at least is you get the dark vision which can be helpful but Relentless endurance is super good if you reach zero hit points you regain one hit point and don't die basically so you have the ability to stay alive for that and possibly that will give you an opportunity to heal yourself back up without dying without having to use a resurrection scroll or anything like that that's a very powerful passive ability that this race has and then of course you get Savage attacks which land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack you deal an extra dice of weapon damage that's crazy that's like super good and I never even looked at it because I was judgmental and I'm like no I don't want to be an orc now that I'm looking at this stuff I'm like oh you know what maybe I do want to be an orc so that's what I'm Gonna Roll with next I'd love to hear Which choice you've went with if you're even a paladin if you're not which race should you go with which what was your reason for it uh if you're not a paladin why not uh you should play them they're awesome you know but I am very biased because I just have a big uh love for for the idea of the class and what they're supposed to be all about and then we go uh Beyond just the race right we then got the subclasses right and so those also can make a big difference in your gameplay so as you're going through like it's really important to know what kind of game you want to play and what kind of character you want to be choices including your race like all have an impact on how you're treated in the game how you act as a character and any possible repercussions that you might have for the actions you take in the game um like oh so the Ancients is probably more of a neutral stance where you can kind of ignore some things but also need to follow a a path of goodness and righteousness this is the one I personally chose for my main character because of the healing radius spell um also the Ancients tenants is you know pretty self-explanatory do good things basically but the extra healing is a big reason I like paladins in general they almost always have it in their class and lay on hands of course is a big one so I wanted that and make sure I had that extra healing just in case it was needed while I was in combat and over here you got oath of devotion which gives you an additional spell instead of the healing spell it gives you holy rebuke which allows you to Grant an ally eventful aura that deals additional radio damage radiant damage excuse me to anyone who hits some of the melee attack so that's pretty good especially like if you played World of Warcraft it sounds like it's very similar to a retribution or uh or how it used to be like in the old days uh where somebody hits you they take a little bit of holy damage that's basically what this is and then you have Oath of Vengeance which is actually a little bit harder to play because like you are pure if it's evil if it's got a bad rap you're gonna slay it kind of attitude um you're just there to deliver justice as it says but you get this additional spell inquisitors might we can cast on you or an ally and their weapon or your weapon deals additional radiant damage and you can also Daze the enemy which is helpful but you just if you want to do more damage and be a vicious Paladin that goes out there and just slays evil this might be the path you want to go on well obviously you can do that with all the paladins I went with those of the Ancients because I like to play a little bit more defensively where oath of vengeance is maybe a little bit more of an offensive play Oath of devotion it's kind of maybe a mix but really you get Leon hands in all of them so you know that's helpful at least so just really depends on the play style you want to play and the different options you want to have as a character playing through the game uh one other thing I want to point out is make sure you're reading the armor and your proficiencies in that because like you're automatically proficient in heavy armor and as you're playing through the game you'll get the option to become proficient in new options and heavy armor is actually one of them on there and there's no need for you to take it because you have it naturally as a paladin class so look for small details like that your skills you can change up a little bit and choose that as you're going through but I just thought it was really fascinating to hear how many people were playing and Paladin being the number one class specifically a human Paladin or a high elf Paladin being the top two and then Sorcerers of course like I mentioned earlier are the second option uh and then you can also differentiate yourself with all of these different options here as well uh I went with Outlander um because I like the idea of Athletics and survival uh soldiers pretty good Athletics and intimidation these are just things that give you a couple of extra bonus points that help you out through the game each one has its pros and cons so it's really fascinating how different you can make your character based off of all of these very small options she have seen the character creation like it's it's really incredible the game is so well done that like your character creation is some of the most important things you can take your time going through before you start the game so I really do recommend like making sure you go through every option and really understand the character you want to play and that's not just for the Paladin class it's true for all of the classes like if you want to be a paladin but you want to see you know I don't know a sorcerer so that's number two apparently um and just play through it like that make sure that all of the options you get as you go through that makes sense for the play style you personally want to play and the game will adjust the story based off of these decisions so this is something to keep in mind I just wanted to do a short video kind of going through the Paladin and the options like I said I went with the Outlander I think it's pretty well-rounded I think full Carol is pretty straightforward too uh for a paladin especially I didn't think animal handling really fit me that well even though I talk to animals fairly often in the game that's an option too by the way um you know the skills are what you really want to look at and decide what what you want for your own gameplay uh Athletics and survival just made sense to me so that's what I went with charlatan's kind of funny couldn't do that criminal I definitely didn't feel like it felt the Paladin roll at least as I play it but I'm certain there are some paladins out there that that's the route they wanted to take so I'd be curious to hear why and how that's working out I don't even know what urchin is slate of hand and stealth all right so that's kind of it right now I just like I said wanted to go over paladins why they're so good lots of damage output survivability proficiency and all sorts of armors and they can self-heal and heal their group half work I think it's pretty awesome the ability that you might get knocked out and you don't get killed uh that can be very very helpful I can definitely think of some fights in my main game where I would have wished I had that uh several times in fact um let me know in the comments though what you're playing what your preferences are and why I'd be really curious just as keep the conversation going if you haven't yet please remember subscribe that's the best thing you can do to just help a guy out uh keep more videos coming out I know this one's kind of short and brief because it's really just about why paladins are number one and all the options you have of them but I hope to hear from you soon subscribe like the video and please come back for more thank you so much we'll talk with you soon [Music]
Channel: Kalscent Gaming
Views: 11,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Paladin, BG3, RPG, Larian, Larian Games, Larian Studios, Holy, Retribution, Character creation
Id: YyRKmgidhXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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