Baldur's Gate 3 Devs Break Down Every Class

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Bard is best!

  • Charisma for being the face of the party
  • Full Caster
  • Skill Monkey (Eight skill proficiencies if you choose Lore bard, plus Jack of All Trades)
  • Has all of the "Extra Content" spells:

  • (Speak with Animals to talk with all the animal NPCs in the game.)

  • (Speak with Dead to talk with all of the Corpses in the game (yes you can do that).)

  • (Disguise Self to pretend to be other NPCs, and trick those you have just murdered into speaking with you with Speak with Dead)

  • (Detect Thoughts to Read NPCs minds without their permission.)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 216 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Havelok πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Seems like you can do a lot of things, I am really looking forward to this game. To people who have played it, how is the performance?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FapCitus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun video, but as someone pretty much brand new to DnD I feel like they didn't actually "break down" the classes very much.. Just "bard plays music and insults people", "Wizard casts fireball and destruction" "Barbarian strong and throws people."

Is there somewhere I can go that goes into a little bit more detail and perhaps provides more descriptions of what each class is capable of both in combat and in the RP side DnD and BG3?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 114 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Recklesski πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

How powerful will wizards be in this game?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/engrng πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can someone that's played act 1 answer a question for me.

I absolutely LOVE dos2, the combat is my absolute favourite but unfortunately due to how they designed the game with level scaling etc, there aren't enough encounters to replay it year after year which I'd like to. I get their reasoning and understand why it was designed this way.

Is Baldurs Gate 3 combat encounters the same as this or are they alot more plentiful (in act one atleast)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fudgegod πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

So how complex do classes actually get? I played an hour of the early access and everything seems very... generic? Compared to D:OS2.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThePlaybook_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
the cool thing about huffling is that if you're a huffling barbarian and you have other friends for hustling barbarians you can throw each other like this ball of rage [Music] hi my name is I'm the game director on Bald skate 3. I'm Alex Smith lead writer Baldur's Gate 3 larion Studios I'm Nick bachanin I'm a lead systems designer at Labyrinth [Music] more fun than I expected because I if there's anything that I hit more than a fighter it's about support but they're actually pretty cool favorite thing about bods is killing them well they're they're a little bit of a of everything so they're almost the closest you would get to classes in that sense and I like we had the system with all these stones that are in there so I like the vicious mockery I think so you get all these stones that are coming out of it it's just cool second favorite thing about bats is just playing instruments in the street and people joining in and dancing is really really cool um bods have always been the comedy class to me like uh they still are I know that people really love pads I love them but I mostly love throwing them off a cliff as a barbarian [Music] it's a pillar um for parts our audio team really went all out like there's an action that Barts can do which is to insult somebody and they recorded dozens of insults that you will hear in the game that if you will try to actually start insulting people in combat um we've recorded multiple musical instruments multiple songs that we can perform on those musical instruments and the really cool thing that bars can do and it's kind of unique is that at really high level at level 10 they can pick a spell that is coming from other spell classes other other class lists so they can take a heal from a cleric or telekinesis from from The Wizard that really also creates a lot of a lot of combinations that we can do uh the rage machine at Rage that's the character you want to take if you want to throw people uh if you want to throw people off cliffs you want to throw goblins into other goblins you can take a goblin smack another Goblin with it you can take your hustling companion throw it on the other side of a wall uh maybe trying to break them in the possibilities are endless you might think there doesn't it doesn't take a lot of intelligence to play Barbarian but there's a lot of things you could do with with just being really strong and throwing stuff around we have an origin character who's a barbarian we announced recently that's kalak she's a tiefling barbarian she has her own unique kind of Rage so barbarian's rage and it looks awesome it sounds awesome uh Cadillac also burst into flames when she does this so she's even cooler well Sven always plays as a wizard and this usually means that he has 50 spells and he resorts to Fireball every single time that doesn't work he then starts pulling spells out of his pockets and firing them in every single Direction and he's flying and teleporting and zipping around he's very dangerous to being there Sven as a wizard that's what I know frequently I feel like it's more dangerous to have a wizard behind me sometimes you wanna you wanna keep your wizard in your line of size it's not safe uh yeah wizard is a one then marching band uh kind of character they have everything but they're very squishy and they blow up their friends together with their enemies all the time so uh yeah if you're playing the Wizard it's really fun when I asked about wizard Fireball yep flights as well actually these are the favorite like he basically wants to be an airplane another one we have an origin for is a lizelza fighter they have the Simplicity when you're leveling up like it's it's a really good class to learn leveling up because you don't have to make many choices once you get to high level you get ridiculously strong but they are simple compared to some of the Marshall classes Fighters are very versatile they can wear equip almost anything in the game right from the get-go they're good at with all weapons with all armors so Fighters is a really good class to start creating really crazy combos in terms of rare equipment that you can find and combine together probably my second favorite class was my favorite class until very recently I mean Sorcerers are just I mean we have a line somewhere in the game I think where Gail's sauce was a light drunk Wizards he has very little respect for them because they're not scholarly and uh they I mean wild magic Sorcerers are my favorite thing in the game they uh they are chaos in Canada I'm ambivalent about whether it's storm sorcery or uh wild magic I think probably wild magic because of the chaos it's great sorcerer is a class that really breaks the game so they have this feature called NATA magic that allows them to modify some of their spells let's say you can throw two Fireballs at the same time or make one of your spells be a lot more distant let's say so there's a lot of things you could do and the most crazy stuff that I see coming from a playpest it's usually a sorcerer my favorite class to role play um I I like that they have an inbuilt story they have an oath they swamp that out we did something that I think is incredibly cool with them which is the oath breaker there's multiple ways it depends also on which oath you took but if you um for instance you're supposed to help all of the week and you start murdering them then the oath breaker is going to come when say you broke your oath and then you you get a really special moment in the game um we always wanted to include it we had a lot of conversations about how to include it and we knew that we need narrative support for it um people may have seen it already um I won't spoil it too much but if you haven't uh be a paladin do something really terrible and see what happens the cool thing about paladins is that they deal a lot of radio and damage and this is a game where you slay a lot of Undead and a lot of Undead are very vulnerable to radiant damage so when the party comes to a town that is filled with Undead all the party members might say like oh no this is going to be a hard fight but the Paladin goes like yay warlocks I this is the first class I played in be3 actually and I was playing around with Will who's one of our Origins as well um and it's another one with really interesting narrative support so with will you have the pact your the person you have the packs who appears in the game um so this is somebody with gifted Powers um it's a really interesting thing to explore narratively we redid a lot of Will's story to bring the Warlock side of him out more um really pleased to him warlock is a good startup class if you want to try spellcaster but you don't want to go and have a Wizards with like 30 spells available for Warlock the number of spells you have is limited but each of them hits very very hard so it's a little bit like somebody with a shotgun you have only two it's two blasts yeah but they count foreign Shadow heart is the first one that comes to mind uh too powerful really clouds are really versatile I mean right but uh for me they're the Healer they're the person who stands at the background and goes why did you do that and then you fixed me up thanks God whichever one um clerics are kind of sneakily the better Caster than the wizard actually I I might say a heresy here but they have a lot of spells available um and they can wear um heavy armor and not be silenced while they do it so uh you you get the protection from having really good equipment but also you you can have those 20 30 spells on your hot bar and have an answer to so many different situations I mean they get cool pets that's uh so we and we have this really especially higher level pets because they grow uh through the game yeah so the pets gets uh get upgraded if you um some of them at higher levels uh they will get really cool armors they will get different names and they will get new powers so that they kind of grow alongside with you but that is for The Beastmaster subclass for Granger and for release we're adding the gloomstalker which might be my favorite subclass uh that's the sneaky Ranger type that a lot of people gravitate to in RPGs because it's just really fun to shoot from the Shadows uh great class I love white shaping can turn into a Dino into a panther but also into a badger that can burrow to the ground it's great to me I'm very basically I only recently realized we did Sports I used Druid when we first put them in the game so they were on the patch editions I spent a lot of time with them then my sister who's a huge DND players she will only ever be a druid um she's a nature person she loves being able to Wild shape so it's always her class we play co-op together so for me the Druid is it's it's a burr yeah turn into different beasts that's really the the really signature thing for Druids we made sure that we had a big selection of really interesting bees to turn into uh and we we hope you can get you can do all the Ruckus In The City when you turn into a bear and start scaring everybody Rogue was my first tabletop DND class because I was as a golf when I was a teenager I wanted to sneak around in the shadows and be cool and then I was like oh basically I'm an assassin and I'm super cool I can pick locks and all the rest of it um the what I realized was that party I was playing with basically treated me as a key ring I was supposed to follow them around I picked the locks and then they were like oh there might be some traps in there and they shoved me forward and they hoped they survived that's my rogue experience every party needs a rogue they not only bring this Stealth gameplay when they can assassinate people and attack from the Shadows they're also really good at a lot of skills sleight of hand if you need something stolen if you need a lock picked if you need a arm a trap disarmed um you're always gonna go to your Rogue but also they can learn other skills and be really kind of Jack of all trades uh sort of sort of character in this it's really interesting to see the new subclass Assassin performing in combat they kind of weave in and out of combat trying to go into shadows and come back unannounced and you know backstab everybody basically that's not my favorite uh I yeah when monk went into the game I was like uh I have no idea never played a monk before uh and I started playing with it because I was interested because you know it was new and fell in love with it um one of the things that I mean I I love I always do the ninja style Shadow monk um so it's hit and run tactics for me uh you can take down really big things on in Solo like I've been trying to solo as a monk it's great it's the there's a lot of tactics that come up to the speed and Mobility that the monk has and the ability to Shadow step I played as a ninja and so that was actually more fun than I would have expected it to be one of the things that's super cool about it is the animations they're incredible like we got martial artists to do them uh you just look badass like I mean all the casters look really cool if you prepare a spell and then leave them they look really cool with a monk just prepare something prepare one of your monk moves and just leave mangling it looks awesome yeah yeah you actually use actual Styles in kung fu like the tiger style the the snake Style it looks great it also sounds great the other team had a very specific style developed for monk uh well we hope you enjoy that but on the mechanics side we also had to do a few tweaks for monk because we saw that in a base class wasn't quite as exciting for some players um the the one that we're adapting from players handbook so we tweaked it up and well I think the results with play dusters are um explosive in the end game [Applause] [Music]
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 690,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mlFpQd9WtfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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