Baldur's Gate 3: Larian | Beginner's Guide to All Classes | D&D

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"You can tap into the ki energy in their bodies to explode them later." Seems like open hand monks got their level 17 capstone ability in the game. Wonder if this applies to the other subclasses.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 100 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Transall πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sounds like Wild Shape is getting some extra sauce in the late game. People were worried about it falling behind due to not benefitting from legendary equipment.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 81 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Super_SmashedBros πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sounds like 'The Necromancy of Thay' will finally be useful

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ankhiris πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

New video up on the official Dungeon's & Dragons YouTube:

Todd Kenreck sits down with Lead Systems Designer at Larian Studios Nick Pechenin to talk about his advice for classes in subclasses in both Baldur's Gate 3 and D&D.

Note: I watched the video and included some personal highlights below, but I definitely didn't include everything. To me, the biggest reveal answers a long held question about Oathbreaker, which is that no, you cannot use respec to undo breaking your oath. You have to go through the attornment process in game.

They do seem to talk about the new subclasses a bit, but I'm not sure how in depth they will get.

Video also includes some discussion about game systems design. For example, at release mage hand will be able to press buttons, pull leavers, etc. This was apparently really difficult to get working because there are a good number of cutscenes that trigger when you push a button or whatever, and they had to figure out how to handle all of those cases.

Oh interesting! Apparently college of swords bards get unique animations involving their weapons? Possibly unique attack animations?

For release, wildshape is meant to keep up in power "with something like a barbarian who is decked out with a legendary weapon".

There are some new wildshapes, including a dinosaur of some kind (I couldn't understand what he was saying).

Ranger beast master pet also gains power with you, appearance changes accordingly (this was shown previously in a tiktok on the official larian account)

From level 1 storm sorcs can fly right after casting a spell. Seems like their adaptation of Tempestuous Magic, but it sounds like it might grant more than 10 feet of fly. We'll have to wait and see for sure though.

Animation team mo-capped martial artists for monk unarmed animations.

There are magic weapons that synergize with unarmed attacks ("magic gloves").

Finally acknowledge Avatar when talking about 4 elements monk lmoa. "We tweaked the Ki economy at higher levels so that you shouldn't run out of juice as long as you're resting properly."

Vengeance paladins break their oath by "letting evil go unpunished". Will be situations where it might be dangerous or disadvantageous to speak out, but not acting will break your oath.

You cannot respec out of Oathbreaker. You have to go through the Oathbreaker guy to stop being an oathbreaker. It's unclear if you can respec to another class without atoning, but I imagine you can.

Divination Wizard: sounds like portent is pretty close to the TTRPG version.

Necromancy is buffed. More minions, stronger minions. "Very rare magic tomes that allow you to summon even more undead characters."

"Illusions are tough. We leaned into our crime system with illusions." Good for distractions and sneaking. "Really useful to be able to make a big crowd look away in the city."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 147 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/matthileo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rough transcript of Boulder's Gate Three for those that can't watch.

Nick: My name is Nick. I'm Lead Systems designer, the team of systems designers works on the RPG core rules. So that means all of the math, all of the roles, all of the bonuses that attributes, et cetera.

Todd: What is your best DND advice and best Boulders Gate Three advice, which they're virtually the same thing in terms of each of the classes. And what's your favorite thing about some of the subclasses included? Let's still delve into barbarian.

Nick: All barbarian devices are simple.

Nick: It's don't hold back, right? Reach their one into the center of a battle. You're probably gonna survive it. It's probably gonna be epic. If not, you know, it's still gonna be epic. Something to tell people about if you like chaos. We have wild magic barbarian sub class for you. So this is like Chaos Squared, barbarians already really good that they're just like rushing into the middle of everything and throwing all caution to the wind. And then now if you're wild magic barbarian, you raging can also trigger these magical surges that will create new opportunities or threats.

Nick: There is in this is one example, you create Wild Heart, which is a subclass that you designed specifically for the game Wild Heart is, is very much based on a, on a book subclass.

Nick: But we did some tweaks that made sense for this campaign. We wanted to make sure that barbarian who is attaining these, these spirit powers that they had still flexibility. So we know that the campaign is huge and maybe you really like wolves and then 20 hours later, you don't like wolves anymore. Now you like monkeys as a barbarian. It's absolutely normal to change your mind. Nobody expects you to stick with, with just one wild heart, 11 beast spirit.

Nick: So we really wanted for players to experiment and the bear subclass under Barbarian is also a very kind of quintessential barbarian.

Todd: It's the most barbarian barbarian, right?

Nick: Yeah. Yeah. The bear goes, we've seen, we've seen it. It's a really good class to, to try to follow the game. I've seen players attempt that. It's incredible to watch at your own discussion though, not advised on the first playthrough, but it's, it's something that I've seen people attempt.

Todd: So let's delve into the fighter. This is a, a, you know, it's a martial class. It's kind of the expert with weapons.

Nick: Well, fighters are surprisingly versatile. So, it sounds like a fighter is probably gonna smack some people. but because, as a fighter, you have pretty interesting customization. Battle master has these maneuvers that give them a very wide range of options of what to do with enemies. They can go with an enemy and make them attack. You can fear an enemy, Battle master has that. Champion dabbles in spellcasting, Champion doesn't have either, but Champion is a really great subclass if you are just new to DND and you want to just jump into it without too much reading, it's probably the perfect subclass to, to just click Champion Fighter and then click start game and you're gonna figure out how everything will go. You're gonna create a lot, you're gonna see big numbers on the screen and then when you're gonna be ready for more customization, that's when a lot of the magic items that we put in the game are gonna start coming in and then fighters because they can wear any armor and they can use any weapon with proficiency, they are the most flexible of the martial classes. You can mix and match any features and passes and interesting magical effects that you can find on different pieces of equipment with a fighter. That's the easiest thing to, to just put a bunch of boots in one big box and look at it and go like, OK, what can I build from this?

Nick: How can I make it more than the sum of its parts that brings us to the rogue.

Todd: I like rogues quite a bit. We know what, what is your advice in terms of if you, you know you're playing DND or Boulder's gate three, we've got arcane trickster. We've got the assassin. We've got the thief.

Nick: Rogue is, is kind of a staple in, in DND party. I would say that your party probably needs a rogue or somebody who is gonna be very much like a rogue. So rogues are great at skill checks and there's a lot of skill checks. There is quite a bit of crime to be had. If you fancy that, there's a lot of stuff to steal, a lot of buckets to pick a lot of locks, to pick a lot of traps to disarm, it's really handy to have a rogue with some tools on hand and rogues are really good at stuff you can sneak around in Boulder's Gate Three, kind of dodge enemies, cyclones weave in and out of stealth even in combat. So that's something that we offer to the players is to use hide action in combat. It's gonna be a little bit challenging. You have to really hide first. And then enemies will still know that, hey, there was somebody who is trying to hide there. I need to go and check out the corner but with some, with some careful positioning with some maybe teleportation tricks if you have any, you'll be able to hide in combat and then jump on the enemy again, which is really great for assassin, which is the new subclass for release. And that's a subclass that is all about jumping on an enemy having the first attack, surprising the enemy. It's very fun. It's like playing a cat basically.

Nick: You're in ambush half the time and then you, you jump on people do a whole bunch of damage very quickly.

Todd: Arcane trickster is very handy. The maid hand being able to like manipulate items from a distance.

Nick: It took us a lot surprising amount of work. But we finally are going to allow mage hands at release to press buttons, push levers, and do little interactions. The reason why it took us so much, so much work is that a lot of buttons and a lot of levers start dialing or, or activate traps or, or start situations. So we have to basically go through all of them and say like, okay, but what if the person touching the button is not the player, but it's actually their hand.

Todd: What happens these classes, these subclasses kind of invite things that you need to do within the game to make those satisfying, including like you just mentioned with arcane trickster. being able to like click those levers, be able to maybe pick a pocket from a distance, that kind of thing, interact with the environment was barred.

You can play songs like you suddenly have to realize the music. Whereas we may not actually sing around the table when we're playing dungeons, dungeons and dragons or play an actual lute, you had to include instruments and lute, you know, and, and actual songs that can be played. Right.

Nick: Yes, absolutely. that was another kind of crazy feature. that I is a minor miracle that, that it was all created. I'm, I'm still really impressed every time it happens. But basically in Boers Gate three, you have multiple musical instruments that you can pick like violin. liar. And if you're a bart or if you're somebody who has the performer feeds, so we, we wanted to make other players be able to do this as well, but bars just do it for free.

Obviously, they're really good at it. You can play the instrument and you can pick the song you're trying to play. And what you're gonna hear is just gonna be just your instrument going through the melody. But then if you have a second part in your party or somebody who's good with another musical instrument, you can play together and you're gonna hear both instruments together.

If you don't have an instrument handy, which is possible. You, you're kind of abandoned in the wilderness, your character will actually whistle. So, bars can also whistle even without any musical instrument, they can make some music. And if you find an a bart character in the world and, and N PC, they might actually join you. And there is a very prominent bar character Alfi, who is very, very popular with our community.

And we really wanted to make sure that she can join in your son and, and, and make you feel like she cares about your music. That that's kind of one of the special things to, to, to connect over something that is not about dealing damage, not about persuading people, but just music.

Nick: And what is your advice for playing a Bard for Bard?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AdditionalRemoveBit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I keep thinking these videos will help me narrow down my top choices for what class to play. Now I’m even more undecided than ever. Respec may be my best friend.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wibo58 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

chaos squared

I'm sold

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DarthEwok42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Goading attack confirmed added to game so it's safe to assume other maneuvers have also been added

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/project_porkchop πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

from the way he talked about Warlock, it does seem to confirm that only Wyll will have actual interactions with his Patron.

in the last PFH they were a bit unclear with that, where it seemed like a Custom Warlock might also have some cinematics for their patrons (even though I doubted it), but they showed footage of Wyll iirc.

now I am honestly quite torn whether I run the custom Warlock PC I have come up with & basically ignore Wyll entirely, or to actually play as Wyll for my first run to get the "full warlock experience". damn.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_claymore- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
foreign I'm lead systems designer the team of system designers works on the RPG core rule set so that means all of the math all overalls all of the bonuses stats attributes Etc what is your best DND advice and best Baldur's Gate three advice which they're virtually the same thing in terms of each of the classes and what's your favorite thing about some of the subclasses included uh let's delve into Barbarian offer Barbarian devices are simple uh it's don't hold back right register one rush into the center of a battle you're probably going to survive it it's probably going to be epic if not you know it's still going to be epic something to tell people about if you like chaos we have wild magic Barbarian it's a must for you so this is like chaos squared barbarian's already really good at just like rushing into the middle of everything and throwing all caution to the wind and then now if you're wild match Barbarian you raging can also trigger these magical surges that will create new opportunities or threats there is and this is one example you create wild heart which is a subclass that you design specifically for the game wild heart is is very much based on a book subclass uh but we did some tweaks that made sense for this campaign we wanted to make sure that Barbarian who is attaining these beasts Spirit powers that they had still flexibility so we know that the campaign is huge and maybe you really like wolves and then 20 hours later you don't like rules anymore now you like monkeys as a barbarian it's absolutely normal to change your mind uh nobody expects you to stick with with just one wild heart one one Beast um spirit so we really wanted for players to experiment in the Berserker subclass under Barbarian is also a very kind of quintessential Barbarian it's the most barbarian barbarian right yeah yeah Berserker Goldsboro we've seen we've seen it it's a really good that class to to try to solo the game I've seen play testers at Santa that's incredible to watch um at your own discussion though uh not advised on your first playthrough but it's it's something that I've seen people attempt uh so let's delve into the fighter this is a you know it's a martial class it's kind of the expert with weapons well Fighters are surprisingly versatile um so it sounds like hey Fighters probably gonna just smack some people uh but because um the sub passes a fighter have pretty interesting customization Battle Master has these Maneuvers that give them very wide range of options of what to do with enemies they can go to an enemy and make them attack you you can fear an enemy Battle Master has that Aldritch Knight doubles in spell casting Champion doesn't have either but Champion is a really great subclass if you uh are just new to TNT and you wanna just jump into it without too much reading it's probably the perfect pass to to just click Champion fighter and then click Start game and you're gonna figure out how everything will go you're gonna Crypt a lot you're gonna see big numbers on the screen and then when when you're gonna be ready for more customization that's when a lot of the magic items that we put in the game are going to start coming in and then Fighters because they can wear any armor and they can use any weapon with proficiency they are the most flexible of the martial uh classes you can you can mix and match any uh features and passives and interesting magical effects that you can find on different pieces of equipment with a fighter that's the easiest thing to to just put a bunch of loot in one big box and look at it and go like okay what can I build from this how can I make it more than the sum of its parts that brings us to the Rogue I like Rogues quite a bit what is your advice in terms of if you you know you're playing d d or Baldur's Gate 3 we've got Arcane trickster we've got the Assassin we've got the if rogus is kind of a staple in in the DND party I would say that you your party probably needs a rogue or somebody who is going to be very much like Chrome so robes are great at skill checks and there's a lot of skill checks there's quite a bit of crime to be had if you fancy that um there's a lot of stuff to steal a lot of pockets to pick a lot of locks to pick a lot of traps to disarm it's really handy to have a rogue with some tools on hand and Rogues are really good stuff you can sneak around in Baldur's Gate 3. uh kind of Dodge enemies Cyclones within and out of stealth even in combat so that's something that we offer to the players is to use hide action in combat it's going to be a little bit challenging you have to really hide first and then enemies will still know that hey there was somebody who who is trying to hide there I need to go and check out the corner but with some with some careful positioning with some maybe teleportation tricks if you have any um you'll be able to hide in combat and then jump and enemy again which is really great for assassin which is the new sub password release and that's the Surplus that is all about jumping on an enemy having having the first attack surprising the enemy it's it's very fun it's like playing a cat basically you're in Ambush all the time and then you you jump on people do a whole bunch of damage very quickly Arcane trickster is very handy uh the Mage hand being able to like manipulate items yeah from a distance yes it took us a lot of surprising the amount of work uh but we finally are going to allow measure hunt at release to press buttons push levers and do little interactions um the reason why it took us so much so much work is that a lot of buttons and a lot of levers start dialogues or activate traps or start situations so we had to basically go through all of them and say like okay but what if the person touching the button is not a player but it's actually their Mage hand what happens these classes these subclasses kind of invite things that you need to do within the game to make those satisfying including like you just mentioned with hurricane trickster um being able to like click those levers be able to maybe pick a pocket from a distance that kind of thing interact with the environment with bard you can play songs like you suddenly have to realize the music whereas we may not actually sing around the table when we're playing dungeons Dungeons and Dragons or play an actual loot you had to include instruments and loot you know and and actual songs that can be played right yes absolutely um that was another kind of crazy feature um that I is a minor miracle that that it was all created I'm still really impressed every time it happens but basically in Baldur's Gate 3 you have multiple musical instruments that you can pick uh like the violin um liar and if you're a Bard or if you're somebody who has the performer feeds um so we wanted to make other players be able to do this as well but bars just do it for free obviously they're really good at it you can play the instrument and you can pick the song you're trying to play and what you're gonna hear is just gonna be just your instrument going through the melody but then if you have a second bar in your party or somebody who's good with another musical instrument you can play together and you're gonna hear both instruments together if you don't have an instrument handy which is possible you're kind of abandoned in the wilderness your character will actually whistle so bars can also whistle even without any musical instrument they can make some music and if you find a barred character in the world and an NPC they might actually join you and there is a very prominent part character alfira who is very very popular with our community and we really wanted to make sure that she can join in your son and and make you feel like she cares about your music that that's kind of one of the project special things to to to connect over something that is not about dealing damage not about persuading people but just music and what is your advice for playing a Bard uh for Bard I get into crazy situations uh by talking so in Builders Gate 3 you can talk your way out of a lot of situations and at release we're also making sure that if you talk your way out of a big fight you will be compensated in experience points so that you're not under level not underpowered just because you're refusing to murder everything there's a couple of fights that you will have very hard time dodging or or you will let's say it's going to be very morally questionable to touch them without spoiling anything but bars are really good at talking their their way out of situations um and the new uh class of subpass of part we're going to add it at um at release is called the College of Swords Bart so these fellows they are really good at dancing with their weapons essentially so their performance art is um well involves a killer instrument and it was a very interesting challenge for our animation team to take a look at all the weapons that we we support which is big list figure out like okay uh what do we do with a pole arm how do we how do we make it into a dance how do we make this attack feel fluid like a performance uh and then we've got the lore we've got Fowler lore Bard is very much like you know you have all those old stories you have all this old information and then the Valor is kind of like the scold like the the battle bar that goes into combat and kind of like hyped everyone up yeah literally with their combat inspiration they can make their allies a lot stronger in common so we've got the Warlock and warlocks are always fascinating to me and it's very well captured in Baldur's Gate three uh you know the different types of spells can be very specific when you look at Elbridge blast but you also have a patron you have a boss you have someone that you owe something to and that has role-playing effects as well we've got the arch fade we've got the fiend we've got the gray old one what is some of your advice for playing warlock just both from like a mechanical way and also even in the narrative a warlock is a great um starter class for somebody who wants to play a Caster but doesn't want to have to read their entire spell book every time they they fight so warlock really constrains your choices but gives you lot of power they have very few but very hard kicking spells we try to make sure that those thoughts feel and sound great um you mentioned Aldrich blast already there was a lot of work that was put into making sure that you can cast out this blast a hundred times over your big playthrough and hopefully it's it's still gonna feel as juicy and satisfying as your first time but warlocks the the choice of pattern is indeed very important something like the arch fade pack pattern that we're adding at release is going to be the archetype of the Charming devil or charminar maybe somebody who's very good at Charming people dominating people eventually is really good at enchantment magic um so that's that's kind of where their their strengths lie one of our Origins is a patron and you're gonna see there sorry a warlock and you're going to see their pattern a lot whether you will like that pattern or you might fight with with them I don't know but some of my most favorite dialogues are actually this warlock will interacting with with their Patron it's it's a lot of snark and all the human and then you've got the gray old one as well were there any other interesting things about the Mechanics for the great old one the or the Fiend The Great old one is is really more of an Eldritch monstrosity kind of stuff there's necrotic damage cold damage tentacles rising from the ground to grasp your enemies it's pretty uh pretty Harish actually very interesting and then the theme this is a third subplus for for the Warlock the third Patron that is predictably all about the hot hot fires of hell so we got the cleric and this is when we get a lot of subclasses because in D there are a lot of subclasses for clerk we've got knowledge Life Light we've got nature Tempest trickery War we don't need to get into all these subclasses but what is some of your advice specific to Claire lyrics and also what's surprising about clerics and D D um a really cool thing about products that is unique to them in Boulder's Gate 3 is that they can pick a deity and that they're following and whether their deity is evil deity or a good deity is gonna be uh coming up a lot in the house um so as a cleric your dialogue choices are going to be influenced by your deity primarily um this is kind of something special from from the request it's really satisfying to have a really evil playthrough of Ballers Gate 3 if you're a cleric of of an evil God you have a lot of a lot of interesting things that you can tell uh to say to people on the mechanical side clerics are um probably neck and neck with Wizards in terms of how varied and how flexible they are as casters they have a lot of spells that they can do of course they focus on healing and buffing their allies but they are packing as a serious punch as well so you're not gonna have any issues with damage if you your party in the cleric they have all the gradient spells which is great because you're going to be seeing a lot of Undead who are vulnerable to rate and damage so you're going to be really happy you have a cleric on your team and then in terms of the subpass um clerics can really dabble into anything anything they want so there's a really dedicated healer kind of archetype which is lifeberg there's a dedicated I'm gonna smash some people archetype just a word cleric and clerics are really great if you want to combine a bit of armor a bit of Martial capability with very strong spellcast inside that brings us to the Druid the Druid is very interesting because they they have wild shape and you cover the different subclasses like Moon land and then spores which thematically is very dark and kind of creepy and of the moment uh what is your best advice uh mechanically for playing a druid in Baldur's Gate 3 and d d and also what was most surprising about what came out of these subclasses uh it was our first big class that we put out in the patch after the Early Access launched of Baldwin's Gate 3 so we were trying very hard to make a good impression that means we put a lot of effort into what your wild shapes can do even in terms of just like sitting adventures and lying down uh but also making sure that every wild shape has interesting actions that they can use for release we're also trying to make sure that your wild shape catches up in power with something uh like a barbarian who is decked out with legendary weapon and like incredible loot that you can find in the game so we we really try to make sure that wild shapes don't drop off in power anymore and into the end game that you can use all of them as much as you want and that makes the toolkit or the Druid uh kind of very diverse as well you can turn into a raven you can fly to another part of a battlefield you can turn into a bear uh Roar at enemies make sure that they uh attack you and not your teammates and if stuff is not going according to plan you turn into a badger and you borrow your way out of your problem there are some new shapes I'm really happy that we found time to add the dilophosaurus because I really wanted the dinosaur in this game and then for the new surpassator I didn't release uh one look at Sport Grid and I knew that we're gonna have to pick this one it's just this wonderfully icky uh slightly colorish vibe to Druid which is still very much in line with them being centered throughout nature and what is the natural cycle of things it's kind of a reminder that besides growth there's also decay in the in the cycle of Nature and all of it is is still natural to a druid and and they can drop our book from from growth but also from very much actively decaying bodies that turn into zombies um as much as it sounds like necromancy this is completely natural kids no no it's perfect I I love their inclusion in this and that the video looks fantastic um when it comes to the ranger was your advice you know mechanically and and narratively in terms of playing Builders K3 and d d who is the Ranger for Oh Ranger is um there's there's a great debate inside me um if I'm gonna play Ranger I don't know if I'm gonna pick Beastmaster because I love their pets for release we're also making sure that the path is growing in power with you so that they're keeping up with what you can do and they're also changing visually and even their name is changing because we realized that um the player across these uh tons of hours that you're gonna be playing the game the player has a lot of opportunities to customize how they look um what they're wearing uh what paint they put on their on their equipment what what their weapons are but the path kind of always was staying the same so we really wanted the pet to also change so that you feel that okay my overall power is increasing so that was is just my favorite just because um I like I like better paths um but the new sub classes we're adding is the groomstalker which is really great if you want to sneak and shoot sneak and shoot and then the first class is Hunter of course Hunter is also very interesting because I think unique to DND I think um is that DND allows uh Rangers or like this Hunter archetype to a standard ground in both melee and Mage you can totally make a melee dexterity based uh combatant out of a ranger and Hunter is a way to do this um they have features that allow them to both have a whirlwind that attacks all the enemies in melee and then also shooter enemies in in at range so they can really combine these these two halves that brings us to the sorcerer I'm very excited because I have been playing wild magic since second edition so having that wild magic table suddenly included in Boulders Gate 3 and having that wild magic surge happen automatically is so fun tell me about the different Origins we have for the sorcerers and your advice for playing each of them in the game and how it kind of influences like some of these even influence your look while you're playing the game oh yeah indeed um so the the one I think that most like players are familiar with is the wild magic sorcerer uh it's a sorcerer whose source of power is the chaos of the Multiverse um they are going to create these Magic surges when they cast um when or at will eventually and the cool thing about that is that it's kind of a third side to any combat if you see the combat is not going very well you can always uh create a magic Surge and see like here's a new element that came in hey all of the Spells will heal anybody that they hit these kind of Miranda magic searches they're giving you opportunities and threats that you can turn uh to your advantage uh you can go like oh look now suddenly my sorcerer is the best healer in my party because the search happens suddenly they're healing out everybody um or hey I'm gonna swap with a key enemy Target because the search happened and I can swap with anything on the screen right now it's a really reactive play style and with a big variety of spells that Sorcerers can have which covers like it's a big overlap with Wizards it covers a lot of spells and him they can they can have a lot of cool compost honestly and they can manipulate the the Spells as well right you can like Yeah The Meta magic options with the meta magic um that's another unique thing about sarsource so they can uh duplicate a spell or they can increase its range or they can increase its duration or they can make a spell subtle so not attract any attention um which uh yeah is really powerful if you have a knock spell available somewhere that is wild magic we also have draconic bloodline sorcer which is probably presenting their draconic ancestor with scales that you can see and you can customize in the character creation if you're a Dragonborn draconic bloodline software you have access to this like completely unique dual tone wagonborn skin that that was just made specifically for this combination because we wanted to to make sure that we cover it with something unique um and then there uh they're gonna kind of tap into this draconic ancestry and get uh powers from there um ancestral dragons that depend on the color or the metallic Sheen Of The draconic Bloodline so let's say um if you're if you're Grand Grandpa was a red dragon you might have fire related powers and resistances and the new sorcerer class is Storm sorcery so if you know X-Men there is storm in X-Men that's storm source for sure um the really neat thing that they can do and they can do this from level one is they can fly right after casting stuff so if you see a chest somewhere on a cliff that you can't normally jump to or you spotted a ledge that you can jump to and maybe there's a hidden door there um storm sorcery uh is really great in in that in like this exploration aspect it's like short little fly that you can do opens a lot of doors uh so that brings us to the monk we've got a variety of subclasses we have open hand we've got Shadow we've got four elements what is your advice for d d players and boulders Gate 3 players who who is the monk most geared towards how to have fun with that mechanically and even narratively monk is great if you want to be running around the battlefield if you want to be striking where nobody is expecting you also if you want to be able to really calm down a situation so the interesting thing with with monks any class has special dialogue options when they're conversing with our NPCs and for monk the dialogue options really Center on the the concept of Zen the concept of meditation um monks are great at disarming the Hostile NPCs with just a few words at like lowering the temperature of hostility in the room so that's that's when you really need among and mechanically monster of course mostly about their unarmed attacks their masters of their own body you're gonna look great as you're an armed attacking our animation team has been working with martial artists to mock up actual Kung Fu stances and moves you might actually recognize some of them from popular movies that you've seen if you're into kung fu movies open hand a monk is the subclass that is most focused on just the variety of different attacks that you can do without any weapons you can stun people you can tap into the Key Energy in their bodies to explode them later and to make sure that they can also go head to head with that proverbial Barbarian with a really big ax we've made sure that monks will find magic equipment that is going to synergize well with their unarmed attacks and also the dashing with jumping with doing things that feel monk like so there's going to be magic gloves that are going to empower you on a non-harmed attacks to make sure that your are still up there in in utility in a fight yeah so tell me about the way of Shadow because these are very very very tricky very good at uh just bamping around uh combat where Shadow is is basically ninja it's a Ninja on steroids the really cool thing they can do they can teleport from Shadow to shadow um which is pretty unique and pretty powerful because um you know in the city there's Shadows everywhere next to every building next to every lamp post there's a bit of shadow um so as a shadow monk you can just jump from one place to another um let's say if you need to uh stage your Heist into a bank that place is going to be full of Shadows yeah so uh take it as you will and then final subclass is the um four elements monk this is uh if you've seen the um Avatar uh animated series uh you're going to be very familiar like that's the mental picture of how fallen and spawn work they they create this hadouken spells um uh harnessing elemental powers uh we also tweaked the uh key economy a little bit at higher levels to make sure that you never run out of juice as a monk as long as you're resting properly as long as you're not pushing too many fights without resting you should have access to most of your kids in most of the situations that brings us to Paladin this is a much beloved class and subclasses that's in d d and Baldur's Gate 3. got the Ancients we've got devotion we've got Vengeance and oath breaker which is a narrative based subclass uh tell me all about like what's your advice for playing a paladin what's exciting about all these subclasses and what you've done narratively so Paladin is all about their oath the oath that they swear um the uh off of devotion is going to be the oath to protect the innocent and well there's going to be a lot of Innocence let's put this way uh it's the quintessential knight in shining armor it's the person who wants to hug their entire group and uncover them in Aura and probably will kill them at it um the uh Vengeance Paladin is the new sub classes were put in into the release that one is um hellbent on on Vengeance uh they are pretty angry um and actually very interestingly um as a paladin you can break it off you need to be very careful about what you say and what you do because your oath is very much for real we are keeping track of things um and for ventures Pals and the way to break a row is to um let the evil go unpunished so in a lot of situations it might feel like hey I'm just not gonna um you know say anything in the situation might be dangerous for me to speak out right now but for for a paladin that's going to be breaking their off um they're out there to make sure that there's a restorative justice that's going to happen um and finally there's ancients the oath of entrance is all about protecting the nature um paladins of Beto are a little closer to Druids and they understand nature and understand the desire to protect it from from meddling from pollution uh very solely which is great because we have a huge storyline about Druids in act one and then a huge storyline about nature being cursed and destroyed and polluted in act two so there's a lot of kind of Juicy narrative content to to get into as a as an awful and transparent if your oath gets broken you will become the offbreaker Paladin um it's gonna be the most subversive of of all of these of all four of these it's gonna be probably the preferred choice for somebody who wants to really lean into an evil playthrough um and an interesting thing about outbreaker is that we also have a feature that allows you to reset your character and restart their class because we wanted you to continue your playthrough no matter what we know that there's a lot of big choices that you need to make at early levels in DND um and we know that a lot of players will kind of jump in blindly and just try things out and so if things don't work out um there's a very powerful being that you can talk to that is going to help you to reset your class and reallocate all of the levels um but then we realized like hey um are we just gonna allow players to like respect out of being an outbreaker uh which uh of course uh we can't possibly do so you have to atone very soon since before you can respect that's the only subclass that cannot just go and and change their mind like restart they will have to do some uh uh some yeah some work towards them last but not least we have the wizard we've got a lot of subclasses here we've got AB duration conjuration divination enchantment evocation necromancy illusion and transmutations so we don't have to go into every single subclass but tell me what was challenging about creating the wizard what's your advice for playing with wizard in Baldur's Gate 3 and DND Wizards have access to most of the spells in the game except um the tiny exception of Bart who can just steal spells but it doesn't matter yeah you know what I mean um but anyway on paper Wizards are the most or style of castles you'll probably have the biggest hot bar full of spells uh you will be able to pick up skulls in in Loot and buy them from from vendors and learn them kind of memorize them and be able to cast these spells forever since Wizards are so in tune with with magic with how magic Works their subclasses are actually uh each uh corresponds to a school of matter um my favorite one and one that I enjoy the most is divination which was quite challenging to create technically for us but the way we are adopting divination is that when you rest you have a bit of a omen uh a premonition which allows you to roll 2d20s and save the results for later and maybe one of those d20s is going to be a Hyrule maybe one of them is going to be a low roll you will be able to replace roles going forward with these days so you uh if you're in a tight situation in combat and you really really need a crit but hey you you predicted that somebody is going to roll a D20 you're gonna put that important D20 Dice and say like now I'm gonna crit I I force saw this I had a dream about this um or if you really need an enemy to miss you you can always go like hey um you just roll the two because I foresaw this uh when I was sleeping last time the nation is probably what my favorite Wizards as well I'm very in evocation I have to bring up just because my wife Megan loves evocation Wizards and just blasting enemies to descenders it's definitely the most blasty of all the Wizards the most glass Cannon uh how do you handle illusion magic and how an Illusionist and necromancy as Wizards necromancy is fun um because we wanted the player to have a little necromantic army um that's kind of The Stereotype is having a lot of buddies um that are less than uh Fully Alive um so the necromancy uh wizard will be able to raise additional 100 and then that are going to be a bit beefier as well and this paired with some high-level necromancy um spells will allow you to have quite a few necromantic minions and also different kinds of mummies ghouls zombies there's also some very rare Magic tones that are going to allow you to summon even more on that characters in in the city so um check it out try to make the zombie apocalypse happen uh I've seen I've seen some stuff this way uh and for like illusion magic like oh how does that work in Baldur's Gate three the Illusions are tough and we leaned into our crime system with Illusions um the illusion is um something that you can use to to uh distract guards religion magic is really great if you're not trying to get into trouble right now if you're trying to sneak around maybe you're going to be a sneaky Wizard and so this is great a great one you can create minor Illusions faster than any other class and uh kind of manipulate guard Behavior manipulate NPCs in a city it's really useful to be able to tell to to make a big grout Look Away uh that that comes in very handy foreign
Channel: Dungeons & Dragons
Views: 441,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, gaming, roleplaying game, ttrpg, forgotten realms, eberron, Wizards of the Coast, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, tabletop, RPG, Todd Kenreck, dnd, Wildemount, Critical Role
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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