Baldurs Gate 3 MUST HAVE Mods! | Episode 3

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bg3 mods just keep getting better and better imagine how crazy they'll be once the official mod tools get released [Music] yo what's good it's Miss Torah it's time for episode three of must have mods for Baldur's Gate 3. disclaimer as always bg3 is complete and amazing just as a base game alright it doesn't need mods if you're deciding to mod in general then these are must-haves and remember the Magic game at your own risk all right I've had no issues but that doesn't mean issues can't happen be sure to read all the instructions and compatibility notes for every mod you install this episode is gonna be a bit similar to the last one and that we're taking a look at a mod that adds an entirely new class to the game but most mods in this showcase will be subclass mods in addition to a few miscellaneous ones at the end so be sure to refer to the timestamps down below if there's a certain mod you want to check out let's start things out with that mod I mentioned that adds an entirely new class to the game and includes three subclasses it's the Harley Quinn class mod by harlequin's ego inspired by The Homebrew class made by Lexi Abby now I normally don't cover mods centered around Homebrew d d classes and subclasses as they're usually not very well balanced with bg3 in mind but for this one the mod and Homebrew authors honestly did a great job the mod page introduces harlequins as a class like so a phoenix assassin flings daggers from the alley eliminating her Target's guards faster than they can blink a mischievous Court Jester cackles among the chaos as his plot to kill the prince finally succeeds fire engulfs the town just as the circus is leaving the flame juggler is now sleeping happily with the payment of his contract the enigmatic Harlequin Delights in causing chaos especially when they get paid as a base class Harlequin stand apart from Rogues and bards by revolving around blending Showmanship with danger enabling them not only to fight but also blend in amongst normal innocent performers so that they can take on contracts with law enforcement being none the wiser harlequin's go-to mini Lanes to keep their nefarious disability is a secret such as only having one Apprentice at any given time just like the Sith this helps them to amplify their Eerie reputations they get lots of features to support this theme such as being able to enter a rhythmic stance in combat dealing extra damage but losing The Stance slash Rhythm if they miss a small amount of Charisma baseball casting you know a few can't trips and up to level 2 spells mostly surrounding mischievous or disruptive spells and an extra 10 feet of movement speed if they don't equip Shields or armor for subclasses they got the acrobat who are extremely mobile and can dance across the battlefield to engage multiple enemies from a distance their features revolve around some added defense dashing or disengaging as a bonus action and eventually being able to fling several projectiles with lightning speed at enemies in a 40-foot cone AOE in front of them their next subclass is the jester which are these masters of fear tactics and so chaos and dismay wherever they go as such their features are fear themed they can hide as a bonus action fear enemies they attack while hidden for a turn with no saving throw and eventually can make frightened creatures near them much less effective on their own turns and their last subclass is the torch bear think of like a Sinister fire breather slash dancer who capitalizes on their Target's fear of the unknown so obviously their features revolve around fire making torches finesse weapons for them dealing extra damage whenever they deal fire damage in general learning a lot more Firebase spells up to wall of fire eventually and being able to breathe a mixture of alcohol and fire in a cone AOE overall the Harlequin seems really dope and I'd love to give one a try myself or make a staring one in the future playthrough now let's jump into the subclasses for this episode starting with two for Druid first up we got the circle of wildfire Druid subclass mod by Kingdom Yoshi this subclass is for people who want to play a druid for the nature themed magic aspect but like me don't really care for the ability to shape-shift into animals these Druids can use their wild shape charges to instead summon forth a wildfire spirit that has a bunch of really cool abilities like a melee and ranged attack a damaging AOE and a Teleport it also grows in size and power at levels five and nine in addition to other abilities this subclass gets some extra spells themed around a fire and healing a really fun subclass for those wanting to play a Summoner type caster and let's take a look at the circle of Stars Druid mod by halves glimped this adds the official circle of Stars Drew in subclass to the game which is a really dope subclass both thematically and feature wise their main features are being able to cast guiding bolt a few times a day for free and that they can use wild shape charges to assume a starry constellation form that gives them all sorts of cool abilities like the Archer constellation allows them to shoot a luminous Arrow per turn as a bonus action that does so good damage as they level up they get even more dope star themed abilities and their constellations become even stronger like the Dragon one eventually allowing you to fly honestly I'm torn between this and circle of wildfire from my personal favorite Druid subclass for Fighters they also have two mods in this showcase first up is the Rune Knight Fighter subclass mod by Shiva Shadow for Rune Knights their whole concept is about them enhancing their martial capabilities via the power of these magical slash Supernatural runes which is an ancient practice originating from Giants as such they get the feature giant Smite which allows them to a few times per day increase their size and become large which just looks really cool and comes with a few benefits including a bit of extra damage on attacks as for the runes they can pick from a few different ones at certain levels and they all offer passive benefits such as you know additional skill Provisions or dark vision but they also have active effects like Conjuring chains of fire upon hitting an enemy feeling extra damage and restraining them or they can activate their Cloud room for example to become blurred and harder to hit a very versatile and thematic fighter subclass with a lot of cool different abilities to pick from for another option for fighters let's take a look at the samurai Fighter subclass mod by bonaventura samurais are a very simple but effective subclass in my opinion they get some bonus proficiencies that tie in with their theme but their main feature is fighting Spirit which allows them to few times per day give themselves some temporary HP but more importantly provides advantage on all attacks made that turn this is devastating when combined with action search or being hasted via a potion or Ally spell just an insane amount of attacks always Advantage their later features also make them a bit more socially elegant let's say a really thematic and effective class and also there is a katana you can pick up late game but for the sake of this subclass I'd suggest picking up a few Katana mods that put some in the early game as well and lastly for the subclass mods we got the way of Sun Soul monk subclass mod by Kingdom Yoshi again this is for the people that want to play a monk that has a bit of a Dragon Ball Z theme to it their main feature is radiant sunbolt which allows the monk to shoot out energy blast of radiant energy from their hands as an action or spending a key point they can shoot out two of them as a bonus action at leader levels they can use their bonus action in the key point to shoot out a cone of either burning or radiant energy see this is why I said this was a DBZ themed subclass just shooting out key blasts all over the place I'm unsure how strong this monk is compared to others but its abilities are low cost key-wise so you can use them all the time and most importantly it just looks badass shooting these energy blasts all the time and for the miscellaneous mods I first want to showcase crossbows by gabeck this mod adds more hand crossbows to the game that are out there in the world for you to find or that you're able to purchase from some Merchants honestly a few different weapon types don't get a love in bg3 and hand crossbows are definitely one of them I think the idea of dual wielding hand crossbows is just too cool and most of these save for a few are pretty well balanced when compared to other weapons in the game it also comes with an additional add-on that makes it so that your hand crossbows she's on your character's hips rather than their backs this in my opinion looks really nice and yes it does work with the artificer's magical firearm they get as an artillerist and it looks dope now let's take a look at the hire leagues unleash mod by Keon 95 this mod adds a bunch of new options for hirelings that being actual NPCs you encounter in the game such as alfierra for people who've always you know believed she should have been our barred origin character or companion but also ones like near kaga and draw ragson as great supplements for an evil party playthrough that already includes like maybe asterion or mythara it's a bummer they won't have dialogues or reactions really but like I said as a supplement to a party of talking characters they work great and for the last mod of this video we got the Fantastical Multiverse mod by Dungeons and souls y'all this is a big one it adds a total of 54 new races to pick from two Baldur's game three there's some official d d races here that didn't make it into bg3 at launch like a bunch of other elf types you know astral elves sea elves and whatnot but also goliaths awesome are and even the funny and cute Cobalts but there's stuff here from other settings and games as well like races from Final Fantasy 14. just be sure to download one of the hotfixes in the mod files as without it jihira's space will have some wonky textures and she won't look right also as a warning I've seen some people complain that this mod prevents them from leveling up Astorian and I don't see any notes on the mod page addressing this so I'd only use this if you don't plan to have him in your party during a playthrough lastly a few of the races also lack customization options like the kobold or the Minotaur it seems like there's only one appearance they have for you to play with unless I'm doing something wrong but aside from those few hiccups this is an amazing mod if you're looking for more racial options in episode 3 is done what kind of mods for Baldur's Gate 3 are you most excited for or what existing ones do you want me to talk about I'll be making more videos like this highlighting mods as new ones get released and updated as always I'm Miss Dora I'll catch y'all the next one y'all be easy peace
Channel: Minstora
Views: 39,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bPoKvrHAHB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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