Tutorial: How to make custom armour for BG3 - Part 1 MESHES

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hello everyone and welcome to my tutorial on how to make custom meshes for Boulders gate free before we get started a little warning this video is going to be long it's probably going to be multiple videos explaining how to do this and I don't feel like editing this video so if I correct myself a lot if I am stopping in the middle of sentences doing something else please just deal with it um I'm doing this just because I want to help people out so uh before we can get started there's a lot of different tools that we're going to need and that we're going to make sure you have in order first things first you're going to need blender I use version 3.6.2 um recently the tool for importing gr2 and Dae was updated to support a blender free plus so anything above version free um previously we had to use old versions of blender I hate old versions of blender I can't control the menus at all I don't understand what I'm doing there so uh yeah not going to be helping anyone who is using old versions of blender as I don't know how to navigate it uh second thing we're going to be needing is you're going to need the while the skate free modest multi-tool this is getting updated quite often so make sure that you are keep up to date with the different releases the last one was list 2016 hours ago so yeah you're gonna need that next uh we're going to be needing else lip which is made by norbite who is also the person who makes all right I should say updates uh the dios diminished original sin 2 and this works for bothers gate free as well obviously uh this is the tool that we need for importing and exporting into blender it is a plug-in so grab the L slip first make sure you check in regularly if this is getting updated oftentimes this is also getting an update so make sure you check both anytime it has an update um with the norbite plugin I had some issues with uh getting it into my blender preferences and plugin load now there we go um it is this one I was getting some issues with using the normal just install path so I followed the uh manual method install directions so if you're having an issue with it try to just uh follow that along link for everything should will be in the description all right other tools you're going to be needing is okay give me a second you are also going to need the lovely Padme for thousands tools so she's got several plugins for blender that make everything so much easier first things first the create lods Baldur Skate free edition that is a absolute must if you want your mesh not to just disappear uh so you can make lods yourself but in my opinion why not just grab this tool it works it's incredibly convenient and it's perfect normal map transfer is also a good tool to grab if specifically if you're going to be doing head models I myself don't really do that that often and I don't really find that I need normal map transfers but it's a good idea to grab it if you're having issues with neck seams um well that's great if Walter's gate free head order is also very convenient um not as necessary for our specific process as we're going to be needing to do this manually but it's a good idea to grab it if you intend to use this tutorial to try to make um head models yeah let's get started all right so moving forward uh I myself I have a baller Skate free modding uh folder where I keep everything I encourage you to do the same um we're going to be first off launching the bald Escape free modest multi-tool because when you want to view and explore the different Assets in the game you're going to be needing to first off when you have a new version of this game you are going to be prompted to configure here you want to tell it where LS lib Divine exe is located that's the other tool we load we we downloaded it's called the export tool and you're just gonna tell this thing the path to this exe right here then you're going to tell where baldus gate free is located that's obviously going to be different for everyone and a game documents folder location in my experience it found this by itself when I showed it where all the Skate 3 was next we're gonna be unpacking pack files so unpacking past files is really really important without it everything is going to be a in a pack file and you're not going to be able to view it you can't just find the game files without opening these bad boys up um selecting which ones of these you need for what you're trying to do is really important obviously as I said this is about meshes so what am I going to want to grab I want to grab materials models textures visual textures shared and good stuff are one of the ones you should always be grabbing as well as I believe English pack um and I think some people also grab the hot fixes I don't think I did if you have a NASA computer and you have like let's say 50 terabytes or some go ahead and unpack all of these but this takes a long time it says so it itself right here uh it's gonna take a long time to uh oh don't do what I did if you've already unpacked it you don't need to do that um once you've unpacked everything uh you can decompress files if you want to again what decompressing does it it converts everything that you've just unpacked into LSX files I tried to do this at the first time when I was experiencing with the mod uh with the modding tool it takes a really long time and it does what you will be doing yourself when you're looking for these files it's not a necessary step uh once you've unpacked everything you need to index your files this also takes a really long time I think mine took like four hours uh and while you're doing it the it the mod is multi-tool is a really good tool but I don't have the absolute best computer in the world and it can and most likely will slow your computer down this isn't something you can just have going in the background without feeling the effects of it I have a uh you know I have a little moodlet here that tells me how um how much my PC is struggling right now and uh yeah let's just say it was red but uh once you've indexed everything you can start using the index search so the index search is a really really convenient tool with this tool I could literally search anything that I want and it's going to show me all of the files that have a either got what I just searched in the name of the file like in the title of the file and if it's an Alex LSX which is a form of uh I don't even know how to really describe it I think it's metadata or something it's data basically it's lines of code and all that um yeah granted explaining uh if it has like let's say I'm I look up Gail I was like no I don't want to look up Gail came up um anytime the word asterian is then mentioned in a file as well uh so if the let's say the title of a file is underscore merged which is you're going to see thousands of those if the name a Starion is mentioned inside of the file itself it's still gonna show up on your list here so if you're looking for certain files and you're like I'm not really seeing what I searched for in these titles of these files most likely the word that you're looking for is inside of the file itself which um depending on what you're trying to do can be very relevant or can be entirely on unrelevant is that a word doesn't matter anyway uh because obviously a siren is a very frequently mentioned character so you're gonna see that a lot spoiler warning a lot of these files that you're going to be looking for are going to have things that you're gonna suddenly realize wait I just accidentally spoiled myself so unless you're okay with being spoiled or unless you've played a lot of the game already you know just keep keep an eye on that whatever you need to do so I'm going to be having a look through some of these files uh not with hysterian specifically that's just an example and I'm going to be finding some stuff that I want to use for this tutorial so I'll be right back all right and we're back so I found some meshes that I want to use um you can choose to collect the same ones I will be collecting uh or you can just collect whichever ones you want that's completely up to you um before we go into blender dough I am just going to show you how to specifically get these meshes um there's a lot of different files you're going to find in the index search but the specific ones if you want to do mesh modding you're going to be looking for is gr2 d a e or fbx most likely you're going to be looking for gr2 and you're going to be specifically collecting the day e e for those files it's a bit complicated let me show you what I mean so we've got this borders right here that I want to grab what I do is I don't bother copying the whole uh thing I will just collect that one that the name of it is I don't include what I copy I don't include the actual um file format because then your windows is going to try to open it uh search for an unpack data I grab this one the de form and then I just put it somewhere where I can remember it and now we can import that into blender I'm going to collect a couple more and then I'll see you in blender uh if you're thinking about textures already don't textures is going to be a whole other thing there's a lot there's a lot going on for textures so now we're inside of blend up we're going to go to import select kalana import find a mesh that we want to import and here we have it a bit of a breakdown for all of those who are new to modding this is the Armature the Armature is what controls animations um so that means if I select this part of the Armature which is a bone in it and I move it around in a pose mode you can see how that specific bone is going to be moving the mesh uh you've got your LEDs LEDs are lower version uh lower res versions of the mesh which get loaded when you know people have let's say they have the mesh quality set to low example um next up we have weight paint weight paints work together with the skeleton Akita Armature and they tell each of these names are the bone names that are in the skeleton basically so for example we just moved the which one was it we moved I think we moved the chest the chest m one and that uh as you can see here this paint the the weight paint here determines how much uh um that specific bone gets to move of the mesh basically is the best way to explain it that I'm able to address them yes I did okay so a good place to a good way to really um demonstrate this is let's say I want this bottom part to also move when I am uh when that specific part of them the bone is being moved it's just for a demonstration's sake right so here we go go back in and now you can see now the whole thing moves with it okay um obviously we don't want that so let's get rid of that I'm explaining this to you because understanding how skeletons work understanding how weight painting works and what it means is so vital when it comes to understanding what you're doing in 3D modeling uh oh sorry I hit my microphone anyway um without that you're oftentimes just gonna be looking at something and wondering why is this moving so weirdly what do I do what you do is you go in in white paint and you fix the problem yourself um so this is a mesh that already has a Baldur's Gate free skeleton and already has weights that match that skeletons names and also how it moves if this was a mesh that was let's say I import a Sims 4 dress or some I would have to either transfer weights uh over from a already existing mesh from Baldur's Gate and attach it to that skeleton or I would have to do it manually uh paint you'd still have to attach it to a skeleton from all the Skate 3 but you'd have to paint the paint the the weights yourself you can do that if you want to it's gonna take you a long time and if you're not a professional it's probably gonna make you lose your mind so for beginner I'd recommend just start off by um working with meshes that already exist in the game all right let's get started on the actual mashup and editing of this mesh one thing I forgot to mention when I was looking at the index search and I was showing you how to export the body is that the part where you preview the gr2 file inside of the index search is when these other files Dae and fbx are actually generated so if you're not seeing those when you're looking for the files that's why additionally keep in mind that as all of these tools develop as I mentioned um you're going to potentially be needing to update that I just had an issue where I ran into that I was getting a a weird little message when I was importing the message a message sorry because I was basically importing stuff that had been exported quite a while ago um so if you look at that that's probably why anyway so we're going to be choosing a different mesh real quick um let me find one I like um all right I have chosen this uh skirt here uh we're gonna hide the LEDs and I'm also going to hide the cloth mesh uh one thing you need to know about the cloth mesh is that in theory it's supposed to be there so that uh well physics on a cloth uh skirt can be generated um me and a lot of the other models have tried we're pretty sure that it has to do with core physics and cloth tags and all that um dealt with it in lsf files all this complicated um we can't figure it out right now probably in the future we'll figure it out so I'm gonna go ahead and delete the cloth mesh for me it just is a waste of space currently maybe one day so let's have this as our base and I want to find something nice to put on top of it so let's have a look at what we could put on this thing um all right I've imported this uh beautiful change shirt here hide Armature for both of them I've already deleted the cloth mesh for this one that swings first I don't like these details uh so we're just gonna go ahead and delete them delete the LEDs as well all right I don't know what this is this is some kind of built I don't want that either so get rid of that so we've already got a really uh you know beautiful look here but obviously we have some clipping here uh honestly I'm gonna delete all of the LEDs I make my own LEDs using the tool that I recommended you guys earlier the Padme LOD tool and I recommend you do the same there's no point in keeping lods that don't have anything to do with your mesh um so we want to make sure that our mesh isn't overlapping as we have it here so I'm gonna go ahead and select my mesh and then I'm gonna go into edit mode I turn on toggle X-ray and I toggle these things up here the select tool with a W and then just select all of the ones I really want to see moving yeah that's good all right Next Step turn on proportional editing proportional editing is your best friend when it comes to making mashups select G to uh there we go decide how much uh proportional editing controls area if you don't know what proportional editing does I turn it off I move this oh it just gets dragged right proportional editing is on everything gets dragged actually it's a little bit too much there we go and then you just kind of drag it out actually drag it and then just edit it until it suits your idea of what you want it to look like uh keep in mind that as I mentioned uh we don't have physics at the moment so obviously without physics the meshes um that involve anything that is like a skirt or something like that you're gonna deal with it being sort of it tears itself a little bit as your character moves until we figured out how physics is going to work when we import things because at the current stage I could [Music] um you know I could import a mesh that has physics don't change anything export it and then put it in and replace the exact same thing and it would still not have physics to my knowledge I haven't tested it myself but I've been told so um yeah probably something and uh people who are smarter than us are going to figure it out oops anytime you make a mistake just press Ctrl C I like that nice and simple beautiful okay um next up uh actually I want to add some more stuff to this and edit it a little bit more so I'll be back once I've done that all right made some edits to it added some decorations I like and now it's time for us to make sure that almesh is one complete mesh that means we need to get them off their old skeletons and put them on the new one why we do that is you just select the mesh you want to do it to hide all the other armatures select the Armature to double select something hold down shift as you select the next thing Ctrl P object as a parent to object keep transform and done you can go ahead and delete the old skeleton now now this skeleton right now is uh not skeleton sorry this uh the smash now has no Armature that means if we go into this pose mode and we tell it to you know move everything it's not going to be moving what we needed to be moved that's fine you just need an Armature modifier and then to assign it to the correct Armature it still has all of the weights so now boom you can do what you need to do easy peasy all right we will repeat that process on these other ones keep in mind the more you change things um on a mesh the more likely it is that you're going to be having to change a lot about the weights as well for example uh all of these things that I found here they weren't originally in the position that I've put them in now they were in a similar similar position but not in the exact same position so if we go in here and I tell the skeleton to move its spine as you can see it does not know what to move um wait no sorry that's my bad it's because I forgot to set the Armature correctly should have Mo I was a little bit confused because it should at least have moved a little bit but it was just standing there as if it didn't know what to do there we go all right now uh now it's moving um as you can see it's actually oh my God it's actually pretty perfect I got lucky um probably because the what they are are pretty similar anyway uh normally however um you know what I'm gonna include something here where we have to repaint the mesh uh with some new weights because I want to show how to do that so give me two seconds all right we're back I found something uh that should be a relatively good example so this is a pouch um does not have a skeleton doesn't actually even have weights uh unluckily for us let's get rid of the LEDs um it's very cute it's a bit oversized so let's make it smaller figure out what we want to put it I kind of want to put it on the side here make it a bit smaller again it's got a pretty flat back actually so let me just sculpt that a little bit okay we've given it some more shape it's not perfect but this is just an example anyway so I'm gonna be moving this over here now okay so let's find a good spot okay it doesn't really you know I'm selling an illusion here I'm not selling uh Okay so a beautiful pouch has a gonna give it oh I just no way to give it okay so this is our beautiful pouch as I said um does not have an Armature which means it has no weights it has no can't even if I add it to the skeleton it's not gonna move so what are we gonna do well uh at this point we're gonna be looking at white paint weight painting um mm-hmm we're going to start off by having a look at this dress on the white paint we're gonna compare it let's see so spine M and spine two are in this area right so we're gonna go here I'm gonna add a Vertex group and then give it two names by two m m gonna go into white paint and we're going to actually you know let's go into let's just do this with one instead as an example because that way instead of doing this which is a little bit annoying I can just go in here select assign boom now I'm going to parent this to my mesh object keep transform okay that's done next step to make this uh fully functioning as you can test here right oh well it's still not moving right that's because this doesn't have an Armature so let's add an Armature modifier assign it to our Armature oh well that didn't work why did that not work what did I do wrong hold on hold on guys okay that didn't take long to figure out it's because I was moving the wrong thing uh it's not moving because it needs to also be assigned to this one I was being dumb when I said earlier let's not do that my bad okay and then the same thing again edit a sign should be fine now yeah there we go okay um we could also give it weights for the chest one I think uh uh yeah it works with roots so that's all good yeah so if we want it to be really particular we could give it weights with chest as well um I don't feel like doing that because it works like this it's fine don't need to over complicate it yeah all right so that's basically everything right um if this was a custom mesh like it completely has absolutely nothing to do with this game um this process would be a lot more involved I haven't done that myself yet honestly shouldn't be much different than what I did in my uh my other tutorial I have for how to do it for Mass Effect the only Pro um sorry not problem the only difference really you'd have is that um the way we handle importing is different really the actual blender work of transferring weights and uh testing out those weights is the same um yourself out with that so one more thing to consider is right now we have quite a lot of different pieces here okay um I gave an example earlier I'm pretty sure I gave an example out there maybe I cut that out of the video I'm not sure where we added materials because we wanted to you know combine meshes for whatever reason that wasn't necessary for the specific one but one more thing to consider is let's say you are hand painting textures for this one right um UV is something we haven't talked that much about but it's really important to learn um UV editing is in and of itself pretty simple right uh you are basically selecting your entire mesh and then this is like wrapping uh this like um I like how I said it was really simple and now I'm struggling to explain it um I really don't know how to explain it though well what all you need to know is that the position of these things here determine where when you have your texture where this specific part is going to be looking for a texture so for example if I only select um this part of the skirt this specific area is when you look at a texture and an image um that's where the skirt just got part of the skirt is going to be looking for its texture so if you have it in the wrong spot all your texture uh doesn't know where'd you go sorry not your texture your mesh doesn't know where to get its texture from even if you have assigned the correct texture if the UV is wrong or out of place then well good luck then you have to either change the texture or you have to change the UV map one important thing to know about UV Maps is that in most meshes I've seen some meshes where this is different but on most meshes you only have one UV map even if you have two the second one tends to be empty um so let's say we wanted to actually instead of having these two be individual items we wanted them to be two items uh we could control J and join them together now we have however we've got two UV maps that would mean that these would always have uh the problem where only one of them at a time is able to read the texture basically um the reason why that is a problem is you can't once you've joined a mesh together to my knowledge there is no way for you to remove this UV map and then get it back on here that's not entirely true you could technically you know you could separate it but anyway for a beginner this is something important to know all right that's why I'm teaching it to you God I really do not over complicate things don't I alright so you wanted to join these two together easy all you need to do is grab one of the uv's names rename this UV map to this join them together boom now both of them are overlapping uh this is actually another part where material Maps can actually be really convenient um because we can go in on our material map and say this one is the chain set right so we just uh sign that oops sorry oh God I'm sorry didn't mean to jump scare anyone there all right um here we go so we have one UV map now but obviously as you saw just now uh no these are overlapping that means your texture wouldn't work like that so you're gonna have to edit your UV map a little bit um there's multiple ways to do this you could size this down move the pieces around and get them to all fit together um and the reason why material Maps can be really convenient for doing that is because that way you can very easily only get uh that selected which matters to you basically I just noticed there's one part of the skirt that hasn't been assigned but that's not important okay we're not here to you uh you get the basic point and if you don't well then I can't really help you because I'm not great at explaining things all right so uh is there anything I've forgotten I'm trying to think if there's anything important that I have forgotten um always a good idea to use post mode to you know test your texture as I your um your texture your meshes movability as you can see here very obviously um this because these two meshes here uh were not painted with the idea that obviously this part originally has a piece of like pants underneath it so you know it'll move it a little bit of a weird way you can go into weight paint and manually fix that um right here for example you can see uh all you really need to do for this I'm sure you just have to get rid of this one honestly remember control Z is your friend okay reduce the radius oh no that's a little bit too much as well ah why is it always when you're trying to explain something that things don't really work out the way you need them to even notice that so annoying it's not perfect but you you know what I was trying to do right you you saw it you'll be able to figure it out yourself don't is this double-sided anyway okay uh I'm just gonna control Z that because I don't care um that's the weak part and everything explained next we are going to be talking about um what else do we need to talk about guys I'll figure that out and come back to you um okay I couldn't remember anything else important that I needed to talk about if it stumbles upon me it stumbles upon me so we're gonna get this measure ready now for export all right so we've got a lot of different things here I'm going to rename all of these because I like to do that and it's how I remember what I'm doing the best named something drew dress okay dress pot this is buttons what is that um but I joined these together no I didn't um that's the belt and then we've got our patch all right perfect next up we're going to be making elodies all of these are pretty simple what you do is first of all make your life easy get padme's add-on press create lod1 go in here in the modifier on the decimate move to First apply I'm pretty sure that you're supposed to let it like happen as you export I think maybe not I could be wrong um but in my experience it doesn't do that another important thing is you need to when you have an Armature uh it's important that you move it to first so that you can apply the decimate uh if you don't do that you I'm pretty sure you apply everything which includes your Armature modifier you don't want to apply your amateur modifier because then you have to make one another one it's annoying don't do that um and also I think it causes some issues in the sense that like your decimate might just not you know uh LED levels are always one to four and technically zero being this one your high res one um as you can see ugly looks like you know you know 2002 so offended I don't know why I got so offended you can choose for yourself um oh wait sorry I forgot one important thing before we make LEDs you need to go into your weight paint uh no you need to uh so I select everything Ctrl a apply all transforms and then you need to select each one go in white paint and then limit total make sure it's limits uh all groups to four and just continue to do that everywhere um it's because I sometimes but this is the fix that was recommended to me sometimes when I have issues where I have a lot of lods and it won't export um you could also quantize uh I might do that if we run into any exporting issues should fix it in theory but you know that's another nice part about uh 3D modeling is you oftentimes meet challenges you know you've never had before and you've got to figure out what the you're doing it's like math but fun well actually I quite liked math actually you know what I quite liked math for the exact same reasons I like 3D modeling it pretends yeah look it gives me a challenge and at the end uh I have something to show for it a result something I can feel proud and accomplished for having done remember that remember me and math every time you uh you struggle with a 3D mesh don't um I don't think I need to explain what I'm doing right now the renaming by the way that's not it doesn't matter you could name all of this whatever the you wanted it's not gonna matter I'm pretty sure there's some modding uh I don't remember it at the top of my head but I've definitely done modding before for games where it did matter what you named this in blender um but for this it doesn't you could name this nincompoop if you wanted to you could name it uh apples if all like it won't affect anything it's just a name um you guys saw what I was doing here I'm gonna be back when I have done and done when I'm done and have made LEDs for everything all right I have finished making the LEDs for everything uh just a good measure I'd like to control a all transforms again and yeah now theoretically at this point we're gonna be ready to export but you have one big thing stopping you and that is export order export order is very important for allowing like for the plugin to allow you to even export um it's also relevant for how you're going to be doing your um when you implement your custom mesh which holy I am not smart enough to make a tutorial on that I figured it out by piggybacking and asking people questions and all of that stuff if I've become good enough at it I'll explain it it explain it to her wow I can't speak English anyway uh yeah yeah it's possible you can figure it out yourself as well I might make a tutorial I don't know man it's it's harder here because it's a lot of code and I'm not good with that I'm not okay I'm focusing on the mesh's part that that's what matters to me um Okay so export order you go to object properties you select your uh whatever part of your mesh you want to start off with export order if this was a head it would be a lot more important which parts you give which export order but since this is a dress we can make up our own export order but we need to stick to a simple principle and that is it goes one two three four five right these are for all the LED ones and then it goes six seven eight nine ten and continuing that way um yeah that that's really all there is to it I'm gonna show you how to set it up now so uh get into your object properties get down to Boulders gain free settings and have a look here export order is correct LOD level is zero LOD distances uh also correct this one needs to be two this one needs to be free and this one needs to be four this one needs to be five also make sure you set your LOD distance correctly for um is this defined by this pretty sure it's not no it's not okay I don't know why these aren't just random right now anyway uh suchiolody distance correctly make sure you have the right numbers there we go at this point um if you don't want to do this step by the way you could just export without lods only thing is then your mesh is just going to disappear when you you know have lower graphic settings are loading in or viewing it from far away so don't listen it might be convenient for testing but you want lods um okay I'm going to show you how to do this as well so as I said we stopped here at five this one is going to be six this one is going to be seven uh eight nine and make sure you make sure make sure that you make sure yeah make sure you check that the LOD level and distances are set correctly um sometimes they defer a little bit I don't know based on what I could also go in here and just quickly like change yeah there we go oh this one was set to the wrong ones interesting just double checked it there right yeah they are okay that happens sometimes anyway so this one is six seven eight nine and ten and then we start up here at LED two two with level 11 here level 12 etc etc until you are done and I will be back once we are okay I have finished that ending at a little export order of 25 again apply all transforms uh I'm also going to remove these tags it won't change anything whether or not you keep them I'm just doing it because that's what I like to do I also do need to set these to not being rigid good thing I just caught that this is not a rigid mesh it is a moving mesh it it moves oh God actually I wonder what will happen if I why are these all of a suddenly cloth oh right uh it won't matter I'm just doing it because that's just what I do the cloth one doesn't have an effect the rigid one does boom that's all I needed to say always have to make it anymore so we can go ahead press a to collect collect select everything export and I'm just going to export this tutorial you need to export it as a dr2 unless you want to go through a foaming the export one of the tools we downloaded earlier can form daas uh to gr2s don't I'm not gonna lie to you I just keep the default settings and I haven't had a single problem with them do not export give it a minute if it throws an error at you which I really hope it doesn't this is normal on bigger meshes it can take quite a little while there we go okay if it had given you an error usually up here saying something about make sure your head had export order not your head your export orders correct that just means you most likely missed one here you know because your brain might go one two three four but as I said it's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten all right so um that's your mesh exported [Music] um am I going to bother showing you what this looks like in game yes I am uh I'm gonna show you that in a minute but let me say this when it comes to making a custom mesh the thing that is the most involved uh at least as far from me is setting up your custom mesh to have a custom item in game giving it its materials giving those materials the right textures and then because you're most likely new at this figuring out what the you're doing this isn't a single single simple sorry drag and drop kind of action it's involved it takes a while to learn but it's it's not impossible by any means um as the game continues to uh have been as popular as it has been thus far I'm sure a lot more cool developers are gonna go in and want to create modding tools for it we already have amazing modding tools because of people who are lovely thank you guys for that uh so you know be thankful for what we have okay I will see you guys when I am showing off this mesh in game and it's going to look most likely horrendous because it won't have the correct textures and we're back here's our custom mesh uh obviously as I discussed you are uh textures are um oh I don't know if you just had my cat anyway uh the textures are obviously a mindful of their own you've got some very minor uh clipping as you know when the leg moves also one thing I shouldn't note is your character will most likely have no uh underwear on um what else is there to say uh yeah I most likely am going to do a tutorial in which I showcase how to set up unique items and also what you're gonna do about textures because textures are very different in Baldur's Gate than you might expect oh look at her serving looks wow amazing uh yeah textures are very different because they are using something called virtual textures oh sorry I hit that that means it's not that easy to just find the texture for the item that you have uh used as your base um yeah I don't know what else to really say it's not going to be easy to just find the textures uh I personally I like the idea of painting my own textures as it gives me more freedom and honestly painting my own textures would take less time than finding well that's not entirely true it depends on what you're working with anyway all of that is for another video God I don't look forward to having to talk about virtual textures because I barely understand it myself anyway there's a beautiful mesh I am actually really proud of it as I mentioned though you can see here the because it's a skirt the movement is a little bit off and there's a lot of things with the weights I could have done better you know how it is we're learning we're learning right anyway um that was this was everything for this video I I'm specifically moving over here because I'm trying really hard to avoid spoiling people too much okay bye
Channel: Druundev
Views: 9,148
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Id: IbivHL2lPrc
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Length: 48min 33sec (2913 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.