Baldur's Gate 3: Fancy Feet Achievement Guide

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hi YouTube welcome back from the Bose Gate 3 video and this one will be covering the achievement Fancy Feet which is to be gortash without any of the traps activating uh this one was a real pain took me a long time to figure it out uh there's actually probably more than two ways to do it but I'm gonna showcase two one that's probably more conventional than the one that I did uh so yep sit back hope you enjoy uh please like comment subscribe and let's get into it so first make your way to worms Rock Fortress up here in the north uh if you're following the storyline just follow it up it's going to tell you to come up here to talk to gortash uh he's in here on the right for the party composition make sure you have someone that can disarm traps and a either a warlock or a Caster or someone that can use Eldridge blast and can do decent amount of damage they're gonna need to hit for at least 12 with your Ultras blast in order to break these traps the whole goal of this to to get the achievement is we're going to break all the traps before the fight even starts that way you can just fight him and not have to worry about any of the traps going off so right over here you're gonna make your way to the right after the cutscene uh be mindful there are some traps on this like walkway here um I don't know how many there are and I don't know if it affects anything but just be advised that they're there uh the reason you're gonna need a warlock is you want to take out all the traps in this first room that you're gonna see here just to be safe and then uh you're gonna need to take some upper ones out in that second room where gortash is and the reason you need the disarm trap individual is to take out all the lower level ones for some reason the guards don't respond to them uh disarming right in front of them I don't understand it but it works um another great thing is auto save just happens there so if you mess up you can kind of come back and try again but there should be nine traps in this first room I don't know if you need to take these out but I did just to be safe again I already had the achievement going into this so if this doesn't work please let me know but just taking these out to make sure that there's no traps in the vicinity double check make sure there's none in the corners too like I said you can just follow along in the guide you'll get all of them but uh just be careful in case uh you missed one like I said for this one don't Target any of the bottom ones don't Target the flame turrets only target the top the impalers and the force protection thing and behind gortash if you hit any of the bottom ones with any spells or attack them the guards can go aggressive and uh start the fight so just take out the top ones I don't really know why they don't care that you're just taking all these out but it works all right so once you have all of those down go to uh for in this situation go to your Bard your Rogue or whoever that's going to be disarming the traps for me it's my Bard go to The Bard and then go uh just walk up to them and right click disarm you don't have to be stealth you don't have to do anything it says it's uh you're doing something you're not supposed to be being read but they don't care you just do damage to yourself don't make the same mistake I did just do yeah separate your team don't uh have them all take the damage you only need to have the one but you're going to need to disarm all four so we have two right behind gortash you have one over here by the guard to the right you're gonna see me disarm next and then you have one Behind the Steel uh steel Warden to the right now they're not too difficult to disarm but you will take some damage I don't and again I don't know why the guards just take the damage and don't care but this will probably patch at some point so I would advise you do it now um yeah but just do a double check make sure that there's no traps anywhere around the room make sure there's nothing uh that you missed uh take a long run or take a short rest take a long rest whatever you need to do just to be ready to fight this fight itself isn't too too difficult you will be fighting for steel Watchers and a few guards and then uh gortash himself if you don't kill gortash before he has a turn um he has the option or the power to like morph into some weird thing you won't see it in this one I'd kill him with just uh carlak in the one round but if he does do that he gets like 150 temporary hit points and some abilities and whatnot so I would advise you to try to take him out as quickly as possible buff up your fighter or whoever has high initiative and then let them just kind of go to town um yeah I just show you here finishing off gortash but the steel Watchers there's two melee ones and two range I believe they're not terribly difficult uh they will just kind of come into the room uh just fight them with your fighter here make sure you stay topped off all that just regular combat stuff but like I said I didn't get this achievement so I didn't get this achievement like this I got it in this next clip coming up so if this doesn't work please comment below let me know and I will try to find a way to adjust but uh the way I got the achievement is actually a little bit like this so to do it my way you're going to need a few things and buy a few things I mean a metric ton of explosives so uh break your party up like this have one member go off to the side preferably not car lack or will because they can get pulled into the conversation uh everyone else will just walk up forward talk and then you have that one member kind of move to the side uh if you do it correctly you'll have one member that is freely out of the dialogue and able to manipulate things around them and this is the person you're going to be dropping all the bombs with so while they're all stuck in conversation go back to your Camp go grab your smoke powder Barrel kegs uh each smoke powder Barrel does between like 20 to 30 damage um gortash has like 275 health so doing the math right you're gonna need like at least like 15 to 20 of these things um if you have the Rune powder barrels I this is what I used because they have the chance to do 120 damage and I have two of them so there's guys out there how to get them uh the first one you can get in act one uh the second one you can get in act three if you go talk to the Gnomes and agree to blow up the steelworks factory they'll just give it to you so with those two those are the primary ones that do a lot of the damage you can find fireworks at the fireworks store you can find the wine barrels if you want to use that but for explosive damage you want the smoke powders and the fireworks or the rim powders very straightforward drop the kegs drop the the explosives stack them all up near gortash do note if you're trying to save the Duke uh it's not going to happen like I tried a lot of things to keep him safe you might be able to drop like a dome of invulnerability around him but he's still going to be hostile so it doesn't matter either way again this is strictly for the achievement this is 100 cheesy uh I would advise you save beforehand just to make sure with the damage rolls it works okay um but yeah just just note that this uh this may be patched out because like I said you're kind of manipulating around the environment while there's a conversation happening uh which you're not always allowed to do um but overload with the explosions and you'll kind of see what happens so uh I hope you enjoyed the video um please like comment subscribe let me know if you guys want any other achievements and uh specific achievements done I'm more than happy to do these um and then also please if that first way didn't work I I don't know if it will or not just because I can't undo the achievement let me know if that didn't work and I'll try to find another way to do it but that just seems like the most logical way that that hat would have to be done um but yeah uh please subscribe for more Baldur's Gate 3 content and uh hope you enjoyed thanks
Channel: BGP
Views: 541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baulders Gate, Balders Gate, Baldur's Gate, fancy feet, gortash, achievement
Id: VH103WHt4vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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