Amazing Early Legendary Makes You "Almost" Immortal! Baldur's Gate 3 Blood of Lathander Guide

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so blood of the Thunder is one of the strongest early on legendaries you can find in Baldur's Gate 3. it has the power to completely resurrect you when falling in battle provide amazing blind effects to nearby monsters and has a really powerful beam that wrecks everything in its path you get this from the rosymorning monastery by completing the puzzle in the area so stick around until the end of the video as I'm going to explain how this weapon works and how you can get it early now this weapon comes with a few interesting effects besides applying a 1d4 radiant damage to your attack rolls but its biggest use comes from the Thunder's blessing once per long rest when you hit points are reduced to zero you regain 2 to 12 hit points instead allies within a 9 meter radius also regain 1 to 6 hit points as well so this essentially Works kind of like a cheat death mechanic or a self-resurrection where if something happens to the wielder they automatically get resurrected right after and I'm pretty sure that if you have other party mates down the round you the bonus seal can resurrect them as well or at least it should in theory now in my playthrough this has proven to be of a massive Advantage as I could play a lot more Reckless and focus more on DPS while keeping it on Shadow heart so she's also a masked healer with the setup that I'm running with but the second component is the Thunder's light a very useful passive which actually sheds a holy light on all affected party mates in a 6 meter radius so this even works at preventing to be consumed by the shadows in the shadow zone when you go to the tower area but in combat it also blinds any fiends or Undead enemies staying in that 6 meter range unless they succeed a Constitution's saving throw so you can quite literally walk in the middle of a large group of aims or undeads or some of these shadow enemies and they immediately get blinded this is going to provide a major advantage as the blind effects don't just reduce their chance to hit you but it also increases yours against them also shadowheart being a cleric can be spec easily to be a lot more tanky and combined with her guardian Spirit damage over time which also provides a really good slow can make her a great asset whenever you're surrounded by big groups of enemies finally you also get the sun beam essentially a Kamehameha wave which deals really high bursts of damage in a long line as well as further blinding anything in its path for 10 whole turns of course these being so powerful will require a long rest before using them again but the blind passive will continue to be on no matter what so let's go over how you can find this and basically you have to follow lazelle's part of the main story through the mountain pass to eventually reach the guine3aki crash so if you already finish that side of the story it's not a problem you can still come back but don't wait too long otherwise certain story decisions can prevent you from reaching back this destination now you're going to reach this Monastery soon in the the new map and you want to make your way through the broken window all the way up the balcony upstairs using the nearby Cliffs now once you're here simply go past the breakable barricade until you reach the main section with these four Dawn Master monuments your goal here is to find and place three of the remaining four ritual weapons including a maze a Warhammer as well as a battle ax all scattered around the nearby ruins so you can open the remaining part of the puzzle now the long sword is already there and glowing but you will have to follow the clues and bring back all the missing weapons belonging to the other Dawn Masters but you can already reach the battle ax super easy in the room just next this one and the easiest route is to just climb up this broken window onto the right side of the room simply jump across to the other balcony and you can then just enter into this next room via the next open window now the battle X is on the ground protected by a holy Guardian which can deal quite a lot of damage so you can of course just use something like invisibility instead of going with a painful route and getting absolutely smashed by him but it also damages itself so it should be dead at the same time with one of your characters once done grab it and move along now from here you can open the room if you have a lock pick however keep in mind that the barrier will make it impossible to break it so if you don't have that just circle around back to the main room and make your way to the front of the door of this room once here pay close attention to the descending Vines by the wall just in front of you as these are climbable and these will lead you to the next item once at the top again I cannot stress enough how stealth is totally an option when it comes to stealing these so you can just do it a lot more easier but no matter how you choose to proceed just grab the Warhammer from the eagle nest and then make your way back down the vines to the floor below the only thing remaining now is the maze which you can access by just following this path further down the ruins and then all the way up at the top of this hill across it so we're just following the set of stairs down until we reach this kind of like area and then go back up to the lone grave of the Final Dawn Master now for the next part you're going to require a shovel as you will need to dig up the coffin that contains the final Rusty weapon as well as a note or the next Clues luckily you should have had enough from all the enemies that you defeated up until now but otherwise you can also buy one from almost any vendor now once you have this weapon you're ready to go back to the main room once more and then Place each weapon to their corresponding Don Master Monument so the rusty maze is going to be right to the broken window on the right side of the room followed by the Warhammer just in front of it facing north and finally the great acts on the remaining pedestal if you place them correctly they will all light up revealing a hidden door containing a pouch as well as the dawn Master Quest and the final set of Clues inside of it now from here we'll have to make our way to the monastery downstairs and if you haven't already the fastest way can be through the same window as before you can just jump down use Misty staff or even better have a featherfall as a wizard and cast it on your entire party to descend quicker but once down you will have to interact with the Statue which is going to further progress this puzzle and provide one more set of Clues also you can open up the closed door from the other side and now you can freely travel inside of this location at any point and now it is time to descend in the monastery below so just make your way down however do keep in mind that the next section is going to be Story related and there's going to be some stuff to do here so you can do both of these at the same time but the area you're looking for with the secret room is going to be right at the top of the map onto the left side of it so what you have to do is to just follow this death and you will know you're on the right track as you will see a lot of these Dawn Master statues holding the crest on the path leading over here but once you reach this larger area at the end and the place you're looking for is going to be the left side from the entrance right in this kind of like smaller section of the room in here you will spot two statues and what you have to do is to rotate them so that they will Point towards the sunrise and the sunset so the left one towards the wall ahead and the right one towards from where you just came from now this is going to open up a secret access to the final room and you're almost done here for the remaining puzzle all you have to do is to destroy these crystals so that you can turn off the barriers that prevent your access to the next room once past the first barrier simply go through the Gap in the wall circle behind the room using these Cliffs and reach onto the final side but also make sure to destroy any remaining crystals be mindful however that the machines here Will AOE push everything that gets in front of them in the clips below so try to disarm them or avoid them otherwise but the final Crystal that opens the final room will be at the side of the cliff which we can easily Target from the opposite side and once you're done just head over inside of the main Temple room insert the crest in the slot available and this will give you the legendary weapon it's going to look really awesome you also get some inspiration points I believe and it's probably going to be one of the best legendaries you can get at this stage let me know down below of course if you got it or if you're planning to get it because this is a pretty awesome item or otherwise if you found any other clues for other legendary items in the meantime I totally suggest checking out this guide for some of the best early armors you can get which will make all of these parts a lot easier or maybe some of the best weapons guide that you can also get relatively early in Baldur's Gate 3. thanks so much for watching and until next time
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 174,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming
Id: g54Cf-AR0n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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