Baldur's Gate 3: Artificer Class Guide ALL Subclasses | Mod

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hello welcome back for another video this is T-Bone here and today we are going to be going over the artificer mod in Boulders Gate 3 uh this introduces the artificer class it actually is pretty fun so we're going to be going over to an I'm overview every subass uh and do a brief introduction to that and go over it a little bit show you guys how it works in combat and how the mod works now do keep in mind that you do need 5 spells for this mod to work and I downloaded this on Nexus mods I will have this mod in the link in the description all right so we are going to be going to the artificer class right here this is what it's going to look like once you download the mod you get access to your can trips right here at level one you get to pick out of these can trips and then you set your ability scores the thing about artificers is you're pretty uh mad which not in the crazy mad but your multi- ability score dependent so you want straight because you get extra attack and you use attacks uh you want intelligence because you scale off of intelligence and you want dexterity for if you want to go ranged you can bump that up or you also want it for your initiative and then you also want Constitution for your concentration spells so you're pretty all over the place so I dumped wisdom uh I boosted my intelligence I have Constitution dexterity and then strength skills you can pick whatever you feel your profession at here Arcon Mak sense investigation perception all right at level two for your artificer you get to choose from your infusions so what you get here is you can get enhanced defense which I always run because it gives you plus one bonus to Armor class a piece of armor shield and GRS two plus two bonus when you reach the 10th level you can pick infus enchant weapon which does the same thing gives you one plus bonus to attack and damage and then plus two when you're in 10th level Arcane Focus gives you plus one to spell and attack roles and then plus two at the 10th level and then repeating shot gives plus one to attack and damage roll with it and when you use a ranged attack it ignores the loading property uh which kind of really doesn't flow into uh Boulder's Gate like it would F Edition because you're not really using uh ammunition you're just shooting so that really doesn't flow well into Boulders gate three so I usually don't go with that infusion bag of holding this is actually really really good and there's a neat trick that I'm going to show you that is kind of funny and later on with so we're going to go with this one and it gives you bag of holding um it's not infinite but it does give you a whole bunch of carrying space which is feels really really good uh so we're not going to take this one we are going to go with humulus servant this gives us a mechanical Serv basically it's same thing as the familiar but it's a mechanical one you get radiant weapon uh which gives you light on your weapon and a plus two to or plus one to attack and damage so at level three this is where things get interesting for the artificer and you actually get to choose your subass so we're going here to subass we get to choose from Alchemist armor artillerist and battlesmith artillerist is you get the eldrich cannon and you get to Blast Away you're pretty dependent on that see there's right here your Elders Cannon and you get additional spells so the battlesmith is pretty self-explanatory It's a combit combination of protector and medic a battle Smith is an expert in depending defending others and repairing both so you actually get access to heals uh this is your support side of the artificer class uh you get steel Defender your trets are born in a faithful command and and steel Defender you can Summit it freely and give it commands and battle you B basically summon this uh animatronic dude and you're pretty dependent on him and you can support while he fights armor this is self-explanatory you're pretty much a tank you're massive you take a lot of damage uh you get Arcane armor which is really good your metallurgic Pursuits have led you making armor of a conduit of your magic as an action you can turn a suit of armor you are willing wearing into Arcane armor uh I really like it for armor model Guardian you design armor to be the benefit of your Frontline conflict and then you get infiltrator and customized armor for subtle undertaking uh I think these are actually really cool so then we have our Alchemist right here you get uh produce experimental Elixir you can magically produce experimental re elixir with random effects the numbers you can make per long rest increase with your level and class you can create additional experimental elixir by expanding a spell slot expend expanding a spell slot reading is hard Elixir that are not consumed disappear after a long rest now the cool thing about this is you can actually use a couple of these Elixir and they will stack on top of each other but it's kind of like wild magic to where you have a table of Elixir that you have but you don't get to pick which one you're going to use it just comes at random so I'm going to pick armor I'm going to go into this one first and then we're going to dive into the other one I do want to mention again at level six you get to look you get uh more infusions that you can pick from and you also get create spell slot which is really good and then you get boot to the winding path you can Infuse a pair of boots allowing the wear to increase the movement speed by 10 ft and don't provoke opportunity attacks all right so let's go over a few things that we have gotten here so I'm going to do infused enhanced defense we're going to select that so it boosts our AC to 21 that lasts until long rests we have enhanced weapon now we do have bag of holding and I'mma save because I want to show you guys something I'mma walk over here to these guys so if you read here your bag of holding is you learn how to do it you if you using this infusion twice or placing the bag of holding inside of another extra dimensional space it instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the astral plane the gate originates where the one item was placed in the other any creature within 10 ft of the gate is sucked through it to a random location in the astral plane the gate then closes the gate is the only way it can be reopened so this is cool I'm going to show you guys how to do it I'm going to make it I'mma pull back a little bit then I'mma make it again instantly kill everything that was intense and everything just shreds so if you want to sacrifice somebody you can actually use that and it's pretty cool all right so we got armor model of the Guardian we're going to use this and that is equipped these are a few of our spells we also get uh chemical Adept you achieved profound understanding of how to use and create consumables this is for all artificier classes by the way the only thing that's different is the infiltrator and the guardian so we can choose our Oculus I like the spider pop it out over here and now I have a little mechanical spider and what he does is he spits acid and it's pretty cool so we also have Salvage chemicals we have spell storing item you've learned to store spells into Scrolls the magic lasts until long rest and you can create a number of skulls equal to your metal so we can use this here and then we can create all these Scrolls um I think this is uh based off of Scrolls you learned if I remember correctly this may be wrong but yeah that or it's set basic um skills but I believe this is based off of ones you've learned so now this is particular to the armorer so I have armor model Guardian on so I have access to thunder gauntlets that do 3d8 lightning damage for one turn and I also get defensive field this is the little bubble that you guys saw at the beginning towards the defensive field now if I come over here and I attack this steel Watcher with my thunder gauntlets and we'll go ahead and crit h no I'm attack so it made him mad but watch this we have we only have 20 AC but they really don't hit us very well so I'm going use lightning and then I can also hit him again because I get extra attack it only to date d8 but that's fine and hit him again and then in my turn turn the cool thing about this is we are so so defensive so you also get Flash of Genius this is an artificer ability not just an armor ability so when you are another creature you can see within an an area I guess makes an ability check or a saving throw you can use your reaction to add a bonus to the roll so what I'm going to do is they're using an snaring strike on me so I need a seven or 13 to save the roll to 15 so I'm going go ahead and use this and I saved so where I'm not ins snared and they killed my little dude I'm not going to play out this entire fight I just want you to guys see how tanky this guy is and it looks like he bugged out or something I don't know what he was trying to do all right so now we are going into The Alchemist and this is the feature of this this is also a support type of character and you can Brew elixers so you can produce experimental Elixir uh produce one of your daily Elixir um you can use it as action or you can produce one and it can consume a spell slot so we're going to use one of these and that created improved experimental elixir of resilience Drinker gains a bonus to AC so we're going to drink that gives us plus two to AC we have experimental Elixir charges of five still so we're going to use this again and we're going to consume a spell slot this time and what that is going to do is it going to give us improve elixir of boldness the Drinker gets a temporary bonus to attack rolls and saving throws so we're going to drink this one and as you see these two stack so you can actually use these in combination with each other and then I did another one and we can get an elixir of flight so now we can fly let's drink this and now we have three elixir on us which is actually pretty cool so I'm not sure how high it'll stack but now we can use this and we can fly anywhere around here I don't want to fly too far off because I don't want to give a lot of spoilers I'm sure many of you have completed the game already if you're already modding if not well don't look around the screen just look it the guy so we're doing that and then we get our spells which is pretty common and basic oh don't no don't look at that uh pretty common and basic right here you get chemical Mastery you get chemical abep you get your produce experimental Elixir uh tools for the job you get that for each artificer and then we get our can trips right here which are all basic to any artifical right here and then you get healing spells with this you get generic uh revivify and her wounds and stuff but you actually get a bit more spells specific to artificer all right so now we are getting into all right so now we're getting into the battlesmith we're going to summon our steel Defender right here and that's our construct pretty standard Affair now I think this one's actually pretty cool because you get a little bit extra spells with it and you get conjure barrage which can shoot out and uh that's actually ability that a ranger gets to now a cool thing that we get for the battlesmith is we get Arcane jolt uses you can use this energy number of times equal to your intelligence modifier uh you regain all expanded uses when you finish a long rest so what the Arcane jolt does it is it gives you some extra damage or healing let's try and use it on Big Buddy Hollen over here so I'm going hit him then I'm going use alcane jolt and to use that and I'm going hit him again and then I'm use heal to heal myself so it's pretty cool and then my steel Defender he come over here you can use some mending or you can use Force empowered Ren and there you go he can do 5 to 12 damage and this is at level 12 so he also has Arcane jolt uses all right so for our our artillerist these are the spells that we automatically get for the artillerist uh and then these are the spells that we get for artificer and then these are the class actions that we get for artillerist and then this is uh we can summon an an eldrich Cannon which I will show you guys how to do that here so we can go down here and then we can summon our eldrich Cannon uh we can s summon a tiny one so we're going to do the big one and that's what it looks like here and we can take control of our eldrich Cannon and we can use flamethrower we can use self-destruct or we can use Force ballista Force ballista we're going to use it on this guy over here 14 damage not too bad flamethrower shoots a burst and then we we can self-destruct so I'm going to take him and move him over here and then we're going to self-destruct which is actually pretty gnarly so you can summon another one again on a short rest so we're going to take a short rest and then we're going to summon a tiny one so as you see that here we got a tiny eld's Cannon so as you see here we can use flamethrower and we get these abilities for our tiny range Cannon so we pretty much turn into a gunslinger we can use that use it over here so you can see a better effect and then we can use the blast then we have all of our other abilities that we get you know we get the Arcane Arrow Flash of Genius you know just some pretty cool things uh we can use Arcane firearm and then that's basically what we're shooting from is the gun which is pretty cool and actually does a good bit 620 that's actually better than some uh ranged weapons that you get in the game in terms of damage wise all right that is it from me this is just the overview of the artificer class in general let me know if you guys enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching if you did like it make sure you leave a like comment and subscribe on what your favorite class is of the artificer sub classes thank you very much T-Bone out
Channel: TiBone
Views: 28,615
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Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 mods, baldurs gate 3 class guide, artificer, artificer mod, class guide baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 paladin class guide, bg3 builds, baldurs gate 3 mods 2023, baldurs gate 3 modding, best mod bg3, baldur's gate 3 best mods, artificer guide, artificer class, Tibone, bg iii classes, bg iii mods, bg3 mods, bg3 classes, baldurs gate ps5
Id: l9nR_IG_Jrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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