What happens if you lose Raphaels Orphic Hammer? | Rare Dialogue | Baldur's Gate 3

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we all are at the end of everything the final stand this is really too perfect when the ballads are composed and the history books are written they'll commemorate your battle across the high Hall the blows you struck Against The Gods themselves will echo down Through the Ages the great hero of balder's gate conqueror of the nether brain your deeds will be timeless and nobody will ever know that your feeble-minded negligence almost doomed the world in the last moment the oric hammer you misplaced it but I'll make sure sure the BS don't hear about this little moment of negligence after all we're Associates in this great Endeavor free orus and follow his lead then give that nether brain hell I'll come to collect the crown when you've triumphed
Channel: vnsynnyg
Views: 349,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Bg3, Raphael, Baldur's Gate Raphael, Orphic hammer, lost orphic hammer, free orpheus, rare dialogue
Id: _Hzhy4b78OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 27sec (87 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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