Paladin/Warlock Multiclass | Baldurs Gate 3 Build Guide

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[Music] all right what's going on guys just wanted to show you guys how I like to build a Locka in for bg3 this guy is mostly going to be focused on solo play because that's what I like to do I don't like to control a lot of characters so that's what I'm going to get into and what I'm going to show you guys how to build so to start off level one obviously we're going Paladin now the sub class it's kind of up to you but uh in my op iion oath of devotion is the best at least for solo runs because with oath of devotion you get sacred weapon and you get Sanctuary sacred weapon gives you a lot of accuracy which you're going to need if you're going to be using great weapon Master which we will for this build and uh Sanctuary just allows you to be untargetable for you know 10 turns so you can cast Sanctuary before a fight and basically brute force your way into going first in the fight which is super powerful when you're solo especially when you're running super low decks like we are here so oath of devotion for our subass so for strength we're going to run strength at eight and the reason why is because potions of Hill giant strength are readily available in Act One um maybe for level one through like level two um like when you're just getting off of the nautiloid you can run this a little bit higher but uh as soon as you get access to Withers I would spec this all the way down to eight and just pop Hill giant potions um for the entire game if you can if you're willing to Long rest spam you can get you can stockpile a bunch of them right in the beginning of the game but even if you don't long rest spam you'll get you should be able to get plenty of elixir of Hill giant strength from ATI ethyl in act one every time you level up she'll restock every time you long rest she'll restock so as long as you're drinking those your strength will be effectively 21 so you don't need to put any points into yourself for dexterity if you want to make sure you're going closer to First and turn order then you can pump this up to like 14 or if you plan on wearing medium armor you could pump this up to 14 but in my case I would rather have those points in wisdom so I'm taking 14 wisdom just to help me against uh certain CC spells that uh the enemies like to use so I'll take 10 dexterity I take 16 Constitution just to have as much health as I possibly can intelligence I don't worry about I just drop that down to eight wisdom I take 14 like I said before to help with my spell saves Charisma we're going to take 17 that's because certain things like uh sacred weapon scale with um your charisma modifier like as a paladin there's a lot of things that scale with your charisma modifier and as a warlock which we're going to multiclass in a warlock a lot of things scale from your charisma as well so you want this to be as high as possible so for the beginning of the game from levels one to three um there's not too much to do like you're going to be fighting the Goblins but you have help from Zev and will so that should be a pretty easy fight and by then you should be level three or pretty close to it and then from level three to four you're probably going to get most of your experience from just exploring the map or doing really easy fights so the first four levels are not so important but uh I would recommend going Paladin all the way up to level five in fact I would recommend going Paladin even past that but for now let's just talk about levels one through five so for level two you get a really important ability which is divine Smite Divine Smite is a spell that you can use as a reaction on attacks so when you attack an enemy you can choose to Divine Smite them or not or you could just have your character set to always Divine Smite every time you swing as long as you have a spell slot for our fighting style we're going to take great weapon fighting that just gives you some extra damage it makes it less likely for you to roll a one or a two when you're fighting um if you don't want to take great weapon fighting defense is pretty good as well for your spells we'll talk about these once I get to level five for now um I'm going just skip these that's level two now we're at level three this is a really important level up for us because we get sacred weapon which I talked about before and we get Sanctuary so these are really strong spells for our Paladin so level four we get our first feat now in the early parts of the game you know act one and maybe act two or at least the first half of act two great weapon Master is going to be the way to go here this gives you a flat 10 extra damage on each of your swings um at the cost of a five attack roll penalty you're going to have less accurac see but you're going to do more damage but this is a passive so you can turn this off whenever you want if you need an extra boost to accuracy if you have a high armor Target turn this off swing and you won't get the extra damage but at least you'll guarantee or you'll be more likely to hit also when you land critical hits or you get a kill great weapon Master gives you the ability to do a melee attack with a bonus action so if you don't have anything else to use your bonus action this is a free extra hit which is super powerful for level four so now level five so level five is really important because we get extra attack extra attack makes it so that for each action you get a second attack so if you use your action to do an attack you can attack again with that same action it doesn't cost you anything so when you're not hasted this is two attacks if you get a crit or if you kill somebody and you have your bonus action you get three attacks so a level five Paladin is swinging five times it's three times as strong as a level three Paladin and if you don't have great weapon Master if you don't get a critical hit or if you don't kill an enemy you're still swinging two times per action so you're still twice as strong as you were uh before so this level five for Paladin is super huge power so now we can talk about the Spells um a lot of Paladin spells are going to be using concentration that's really really that means that you're only going to be using one spell at a time you know you're not going to be able to bless yourself and then use heroism or you know compel duel like you're basically going to have to pick one of these for each fight so with that in mind what I like to do is take the spells that are not concentration first and then decide which of these uh concentration ones I want based on utility really so probably never going to use compell duel in a Solo context because all the enemies are going to be attacking you anyway so not this one we're probably going to take Shield of Faith so just in case we get a fight where two Armor cles class might help us which there aren't a lot of those kinds of fights but just in case we take Shield of faith we we could take bless just in case we need saving throws and accuracy heroism this is not going to be super useful in the early game like act one but uh in act two there are a few fights uh where you where the enemy tries to frighten you and heroism negates that of course you can't be frightened you're immune to frighten when you have heroism active so in that sense this is a really powerful Flex spell to use Define favor I pretty much never use this it's also concentration it gives your weapon attacks an extra one to four radiant damage um I pretty much never use this but I take it anyway just in case thunderous Smite is not a concentration spell so I usually take that just because it gives me an extra option but I never use it really I do so much damage we we do so much damage with this build you're probably never going to have to blast anything off a cliff so it it kind of becomes useless it also takes an action and a bonus action instead of just one action and I don't think it does any more damage than a regular Smite so there's not a lot of reason to use this one if you're not trying to knock your enemies away or knock them from besides that I take magic weapon which I'm pretty sure this uh this tool tip is bugged it says the weapon becomes magical receiving a plus one bonus to attack and damage rolls but when I checked my attack roll the other day using this I'm pretty sure it gave me my Charisma modifier so I'm thinking this is probably Charisma modifier to your attack roles so this is a concentration and I'm pretty sure it Stacks with sacred weapon so we could talk about that but anyway I take magic weapon and I take branding Smite this has never been useful for me because I usually take volo's eye so I don't care about invisibility anyway but perhaps like on the you yuar yugar fight fight the devil that Raphael has you kill maybe that would be a useful time to use this but anyway there you go these are the Spells I usually take Okay so let's talk about how to play this build now so if you're not metagaming you're going to probably be level three when you start doing fights and level three is pretty straightforward just use whatever's the strongest weapon you have whatever items and Equipment you have to try to get through there's not too much strategy to that one use your Divine smites on strong enemies um you know use whatever spells will help you and uh take a long risk if you need it but um if you are metagaming and by that I mean like trying to get as much experience as possible uh you're probably going to hit level four before you start fighting so that means like you get to Emerald Grove you do all the quests that don't involve combat there you go explore find the goblin Camp you find find the swamp and just do all the non-c combat Quest and all those areas maybe The zenim Hideout maybe you go down into the underd dark you do all of that kind of stuff you're going to end up level four when you start fighting that's an important power Spike for our character because that's when we get great weapon Master now great weapon Master gives us this passive Allin which gives us increased damage 10 points of extra damage at the cost of a ne5 penalty to our attack roles so that means we're less accurate so what you're going to want to do is increase your accuracy in your fights whenever possible because that increased accuracy is going to give you 10 extra damage otherwise you have to turn this passes passive off I mean you don't have to but if you turn off this passive you'll be more accurate you won't do as much damage but you'll be more accurate so if you can get accuracy anywhere you can that'll really help you out because you can keep this passive up as long as possible or as often as possible possible so we've got a couple of different ways to increase our accuracy for using great weapon master so the main thing is you want to have Advantage from something however you can get it my favorite way of getting it is gloves with a growlin underdog gives you advantage on melee attack rolls when you're surrounded by two or more foes and this is going to happen all the time because most of the foes are melee or at least they have some melee opponents more than one usually so you all pretty much always be surrounded which means you'll always have the accuracy something important to keep in mind is uh if you're down to your last two opponents you want to uh you know once you kill one you're going to run out of Advantage so make sure you kill the one that's harder to hit while you have Advantage if you can if if it's feasible if the the one that's easier to hit just does a lot of damage then you know go go for that one but otherwise you want to go for the one that you have a lower chance of hitting because one once you kill that second to last opponent you're you don't no longer have Advantage which means you're probably going to have to turn off great weapon master all in some other important sources of accuracy um oil of accuracy which gives you plus two bonus attack uh plus two bonus to your attack rols with the oil weapon this is going to last for 10 turns so if you have a fight with high armor opponents just go ahead and pop that before you start the fight it's a bonus action so you can also use it in the fight and it's not that big of a deal um having the elixir of Hill giant strength uh which I recommend you to just have active all the time every time you long rest also increases your accuracy uh especially with Throne weapons magic weapon is a spell that adds your charisma modifier as bonus to attack and damage roles I know right here it says a plus one bonus but that's incorrect I'll show you later when I get into a fight that this is actually going to be your charisma modifier saer weapon also improves your accuracy and this one's my favorite because it's not a concentration spell is a channel oath charge uh and it being a channel oath charge means like on a long rest you get to use it again so you see I have a channel oath charge here it says recharge on short rest so your other important spells Shield of Faith um if you need to use that or if you don't need to use Magic weapon Shield of faith and bless are really good options bless by the way also increases your attack roles but I think magic weapon is going to be better most of the time you also have Divine favor but this takes a concentration uh it's a concentration spell which means you're not going to be able to use magic weapon or Shield of faith and it only lasts three turns so in my opinion it's not really worth it most of the time you also have Sanctuary this is not a concentration spell this is super powerful um I'll show you how this works in a second but basically no enemies can attack you all right so here's a fight but I'm going to do is sacred weapon magic weapon oil of accuracy and I'm also going to use sanctuary [Music] see here her turn is done his turn is done his turn is done her turn is done nobody attacked me because I have Sanctuary at so you can see sacred weapon magic weapon oil of accuracy are all active I have a 96% chance to hit so you see my weapon enchantment my magic weapon oil of accuracy Underdog's Brave are all giving me extra accuracy and you can see great weapon master all in is taking away accuracy so when I [Music] swing let's look at the damage roll so in my attack roll you can see a plus two a plus three from proficiency plus three from favorable Beginnings that's an ilit power minus five from great weapon Master Allin plus two from sacred weapon plus two from oil of accuracy plus five from strength ma uh strength modifier that plus three is coming from Magic [Music] Weapon or wait the plus two plus three is coming from Magic Weapon that's my proficiency I don't know where this first plus [Music] two okay now you can see that without any of those accuracy things without my oil of accuracy without magic weapon without sacred weapon without Advantage the advantage that I get from gloves the growling Underdog this is what my accuracy looks like 55% chance with great weapon master all in to hit SAR veretta 65% chance to hit Raider choss a lot worse even if I turn off the passive I only have an 80% chance which is great that's fine but you know it's just at the cost of 10 damage per swing so now most of the time you're not going to want to use an oil of accuracy uh because they're just not so common you can't use them for every fight and a lot of times you're probably going to want to dip your weapon in fire which you can't dip your weapon in Fire and coat it in any oils so or poisons so most of the time you're going to have your weapon dipped in Fire and you're not going to waste an oil of accuracy for fights and you're probably not going to use magic weapon most of the time either just because that uses a slot and you're going to be using most of your slots for divine smites so most of the time all you're going to have is gloves of the growling Underdog and sacred weapon sacred weapon replenishes on short rest so you can use it uh you you can use it in a fight short rest use it in another fight short rest use it in a third fight that's three fights you can use that so just wanted to show you guys what your accuracy looks like with just those two as you can see SAR Beretta before was a 80% accuracy with uh Allin turned off but with Allin on I've got 88% accuracy with just Underdog's bravery and sacred weapon so yeah this is how you're going to want to play most of your fights you're going to want to use sacred weapon and you're going to want to have Advantage some kind of way in the early games probably gloves with the growling Underdog eventually you'll get a ring that'll just give you permanent Advantage all the time at a cost of making you worse at saving throws but it's probably worth it in the long run so yeah that's how you're going to want to play the early game um just make sure your accuracy is high and then besides that just blow everything up if you use ilid powers you know you've got your Critical Hits you're going to want to use those on whoever the strongest guy is um if you're playing a really smart Paladin I'll say you're going to want to save most of your crits for critical hits or save most of your Divine smites for critical hits that's going to give you the most value if you don't care you just want to blow some someone up immediately then you know blow all your smites on whoever so now we're going to talk about level six to 8 at level 10 we're probably going to be running a five Paladin five warlock build with our last two levels kind of a flex we could do you know meaning we could do kind of whatever we want with them but the first level of Paladin all right the first level of warlock is not super strong you know if you go great old one you know you can frighten enemies when you get crits if you go the fiend you get temporary hit points on kill which is kind of strong in the early game but level six in Paladin gives you access to Aura of prot protection you and a nearby Ally gain a plus and it's going to be Charisma modifier so in my case five bonus to savings rules that's really strong it's up to you if this is better than a level one warlock at level six I say it is I would rather take this when I'm going through act two or uh the gith Yankee Crush as a paladin so I would take this and then you know choose from one of these spells definitely Ely not that guy probably not this guy probably these guys again at level seven you get the aura of devotion you and nearby allies can't be Charmed and this AA disappears if you fall unconscious unfortunately for Paladin devotion level seven is not that strong so basically what I do here is start going warlock so again level one warlock is not the strongest but you do get access to minor illusion which is really strong you can also take friends if you want or Mage hand but I like minor illusion um Eldridge blast is just a good ranged option to have but you're probably not going to use it too much so if you want to replace this with friends it's probably better for your class I go great old one just because I like fearing people um later in the game it's not going to matter too much but I find that in act two fearing the enemies and you know basically they're stuck in place so you can move away from them if you want is uh you know it's fun to play around and it can be pretty useful for your spells here I definitely re recommend taking hex um as for these it's kind of up to you but for a solo run I like charm person just so I can have a better easier time with uh dialogue options and [Music] checks so level eight we're going to go warlock again for warlock spells for level eight I like to take Tasha's hideous laughter I think armor of agius is a decent option but I ended up not using it that much in my playr um it doesn't work if the creature that's attacking you Misses and it only gives you five temporary hit points so it ends up not being worth it for me by the time that I have access to it with this build so I don't really mess with that much I would just go tosa hi is laughter for your eldrich invocations I take beguiling influence and devil sight beguiling influence just Mak it easier for you to get through dialogue again as a Solo character that's pretty important and you have a lot of Charisma too so this will make it even easier for you Devil's sight gives you the ability to see in any non-magical or magical darkness and I believe it makes you immune to blind as well so this is a super powerful ability especially when you get access to Darkness on the next level all right so this is a really important warlock level for us level three the reason why is because we get Darkness for one this makes it makes it so that if we wanted to in our fights we could cast darkness and our enemies would not be able to fire arrows into that Darkness so archers are basically unable to attack you with this you also got devil sight at level eight which was level two for warlock which means you can see in the darkness so you cast Darkness on yourself the enemies come in they have disadvantage when they're trying to attack you but you just get to attack them normally so super powerful combo I don't always use it for my videos because I don't know I think it's not so interesting to watch but it's a super powerful strategy we packed Boon we're obviously going to take pack of the blade because we're a Melee character um this gives us bind packed weapon it gives us bind packed weapon which makes it so that our weapon scales with our spell casting modifier which is charisma so basically if we have 20 Charisma our packed weapon is going to be doing plus five like for its attack roles and I believe his damage rolls too so that just basically means that you don't need any strength if you don't want to have it so at this point in the game level 9 once you get bind packed weapon if you don't want to you don't have to uh use any strength potions you can just bind pack weapon to whatever weapon you're using and it'll be just as strong as if you were having this the thing is that strength also lets you jump farther and throw people and push people and use people as improvised weapons so it's kind of more useful so at level you know it's your choice if you're out of Potions by now then bind your weapon if you aren't out of uh potions and you just want to do as much damage as possible probably don't bind your weapon at least not yet you'll see once we go up to the next level that it'll probably be worth it for you to bind your weapon again so once you hit Level 10 you're going to want to [Music] resp so as you can see we respect I'm back to level 9 but I'm level four in warlock that's because I took that sixth level out of Paladin so we lose our bonus to saving throws which sucks but the reason why we did this you'll see at level five or at level five in warlock when we go to level 10 um we want to take a new spell here I like hold person even though I never use it but invisibility is good Misty step is good um I'm just going to pick Misty step here now for your Feats if you haven't already changed to Savage attacker yet Now's the Time so we've got Savage attacker and we got great weapon Master at this point in the game your smites are doing enough damage that you might not even need grade weapon Master anymore you might want to go with something like alert since we don't have a lot of decks we're usually last in the uh turn order when it comes to combat or pretty close to it so alert makes that or remedies that and it makes it so that you can't be surprised so it's pretty strong okay now level five warlock so we're at level 10 we got level five Paladin level five warlock this gives us deepened pack which gives us an extra attack for most classes they get their extra attack at level five Marshall classes do so Paladin gets an extra attack Berserker gets an extra attack um fighter gets an extra attack but those extra attacks don't stack the powerful thing about the warlocks extra attack is that it does stack so if I have a packed weapon so this is the point in the game where you want to start using packed weapon instead of worrying about just how much strength or Charisma you're doing if you have a packed weapon you get the extra attack from Paladin and you get the extra attack from deep in pack the drawback is that your weapon is going to be scaling with Charisma if you consider that a drawback so with those two you'll be getting three attacks per action so if you hate your character you'll have two actions three attacks each that's six attacks if you get a critical hit with any of those which you can guarantee with luck of the far Realms or that ring um you'll get a seventh attack on your bonus action with using great weapon master so seven attacks per turn and if you have elixir of blood lust since you don't have to use an elixir of strength anymore you can use an elixir of blood lust if you get a kill you'll get another action so that's nine attacks per turn plus the bonus action which is a 10th attack you get 10 attacks per turn pretty powerful so level 10 is a huge level Spike and I think it's worth it to remove your sixth level in Paladin so that you can get this as soon as possible level 10 is the earliest you can get this combo for your spells here it's really up to you I like counter spell I think counter spell is super duper busted uh for your eldrich invocations I usually go with Meer the mind for the slow all right so in the mid game not too much is going to change about your battle strategy you're still going to be six Paladin for most for the most part so you're not going to have anything new at level six for Paladin but as you start specking into warlock you're going to get a couple of new spells starting with minor illusion so I just want to show you guys how you can make use of minor illusion to make things easier for yourself okay so here's an ambush waiting for me around this corner here if I look at the sight lines I can see that if I wanted to do this fight normally I would walk over here and then the fight would start they would have to run up to me and you know get their attacks in or whatever I can't get a sneak attack a surprise turn or anything like that because I won't be in melee range there's no way for me to get up here without them seeing unless I want to use a potion of invisibility that's an option but potions of invisibility are limited so if you don't have to use them don't want to minor illusion on the other hand is a can trip so if you don't know how minor illusion Works what you do is you place an illusion somewhere and the enemies will run towards it and they run towards it pretty fast and the way they run their sight lines are going to be going all over the place so a trick that I like to use to make sure they don't see me when I use minor illusion see I'm in this hallway right here if I go into turnbas mode I can place my illusion somewhere they all see my illusion but they haven't started moving yet because we're turn base mode now I can move over here out of vision and then just go to the next turn now as you can see they all moved up to the uh not all of them but they moved up to see the illusion but this guy is still looking this way so that's what I mean if you want to go into turn base mode uh or if you didn't go in turn base mode you would have had to move over here really fast or else this guy would have probably seen you unless you're unless you passed the stealth check when you cast minor illusion the enemy like to surround the illusion so if you don't want them to have their sight cones going in a full circle around the illusion try to find an object or a wall to place the Illusion in front of so that no one will stand on this side of the see if I put it here so as you can see they've surrounded the illusion but they're not looking this way so this allows me to sneak up here and attack these guys before they see me which will give me a surprise turn so the next thing I want to show you guys how to use as a locked in in the mid game is Darkness now darkness is important because as I said before it blocks arrows and if you take the devil side ability as a warlock you can see in it so it doesn't block your arrows but it blocks other people's arrows as you can see my character who has devil side can shoot through the darkness to hit the standing punch when I switch which to laselle who does not have devil sight you cannot shoot through this Darkness to hit the standing pool if I make my character stand in the darkness see it says path is interrupted I can't shoot an arrow in there if I have lelle in the darkness with me if there are any enemies in the darkness with you and they try to swing you see they have disadvantage because they're blinded your character on the other hand or my character your pal in who will have devil sight is not blinded well she is blinded but it doesn't affect her see I still have 91% accuracy I don't have the debuff so if you're in a fight with a lot of enemies and you're taking a lot of damage by putting down darkness and raising your AC as much as you can and uh it should make a lot of fights a little bit easier for you you don't have to deal with archers at all like archers are just a complete non-issue when you put down Darkness you melee care characters will have to struggle to break your concentration uh before they can actually hit you reliably so the next really important thing for the mid game uh as a lock it in is you'll get access to the ability bind packed weapon this will let you use Charisma for your attack rolls with your weapon as you can see when I'm using a weapon that is not my packed weapon I only have 85% accuracy however if I use bind packed weapon [Music] now you see I have a 95% accuracy so if you don't want to use potions of Hill giant strength or if you've run out of potions of Hill giant strength or if you're just saving them you can use bind pack weapon to give yourself some extra accuracy or to make up for the accuracy you want and as you can see here the Charisma modifier is applied to my attack roll and is applied to my damage Ro as well now as a warlock you'll also probably have access to a spell like hex hex's utility is not so great since it's a concentration spell which means we'll have to sacrifice some accuracy in the form of bless or magic weapon or we might have to sacrifice some Armor class in the form of Shield of Faith well a lot of these cases we probably a lot of these fights we're probably not going to be using hex too much it also uses a spell slot which means it's competing for spell slots with Divine Smite a general rule of thumb is the more HP the enemy has the more worth it hex is going to be for some of the bosses in act two and act three hex is going to be a more viable option um but in my experience the only boss that I really prefer to use hex over anything else for was the toll collector I think her name is pronounced Garen G she has a really large amount of HP so being able to do an extra 1d6 per swing really helps a lot against her okay so we have level 11 you've got a couple of options here at this point in the game your accuracy is actually pretty good so what you could do is Respec out of of Paladin of devotion and take a different Paladin like oath breaker oath breaker has a passive that it gets at level seven that um gives you extra damage on your attacks I think it's 1 D4 so you can go oath breaker Paladin go seven in Paladin to get that and then you'll have you know just some damage you could also go seven in warlock so level 11 and level 12 you take warlock levels this will give you access at um level seven in warlock which will be level 12 to level four spell slots so you could do level four smites using your Paladin I mean your warlock spell slots and then your other option and probably the option that I would recommend is just to go two in the fighter so this gives you access to another fighting style so you can take defense or really whatever you want but I I think defense fits the best with the build that I'm going for the builds that I play it just gives you one extra armor class which is not much but at level two in fighter which will be level 12 for your character you get action surge so remember we already have 10 actions with action surge we get another action back that's 13 attacks per turn you know it's only it's only 13 attacks if you if you expend everything but you know if you expend everything you've got 13 attacks per turn and that's pretty much the bill so with 13 attacks as a solo you know that's basically as many attacks as a whole class would have of course it'll cost you um maybe a potion of speed or your haste it'll cost you an elixir of blood lust it'll cost you an action surge which replenishes on short rest but you know at the end of the day you're doing a whole lot of damage you're doing a whole lot of swings and you're spreading that damage out amongst a lot of enemies as you can see for the final build 20 Charisma you get plus one from Ono's Boon you can only get that if you let anfo go in act one we get plus two from it says Bar's memory here but that's from the mirror of loss Constitution 23 that's coming from Amulet of Greater Health which is an amulet you get in act three strength 27 that's coming from elixir of cloud giant strength you don't always have to use elixir of cloud giant strength you could use a different Elixir like elixir of bloodlust you would replace these gloves and use something like the gauntlet of Hill giant strength the gauntlets of Hill giant strength set your strength to 23 so you could use this instead of elixir of cloud giant strength I would say gauntlets of Hill giant strength if you want to use a different Elixir or if if you're out of elixir of cloud giant strength otherwise want to use gloves like the flawed hust gloves which you get I believe in act two uh from Damon and then the hust gloves which you get from you'll get these in act three I don't think there are any armors that are better than armor of persistence especially as a solo Paladin all incoming damage is reduced by two and you gain resistance and blade Ward The Amulet of Greater Health which gives me 23 Constitution this is super useful because Constitution helps you maintain concentration for your weapons um you got a lot of choices by the time you're in act three you have a lot of choices for two-handed weapons but I think in terms of just raw damage the balon's Giant Slayer balon's Giant Slayer I believe is just far in away the best one it gives you the class action giant form is this one which gives you 27 temporary hit points and an extra 1d6 damage it also doubles the damage from your strength modifier so that makes it amazing we're going to be using this as a packed weapon so it's going to it's still going to get this extra strength modifier but it's also going to get your charisma so this is actually going to scale with Charisma and strength I always keep the pearl of power amulet and the spell Crux amulet these just replenish your spell slots so you always want to have things like that on another Super useful item to have is the Drake throat glaive um if you haven't heard by now this ability Dr draconic Elemental weapon you can cast that on any weapon you have you just drop this weapon like I can drop my mainhand weapon baleron Giant Slayer equip the Drake thre glaive enchant my weapon with whichever element I want and now you see I have elemental weapon and this lasts until long rest so this you just have this on your weapon now you see how I have the 1 D4 the 1 D4 Thunder 1d6 fire um you can still apply poison or oil of accuracy or dip this in fire as well see I have this dipped in Fire and the 1d6 fire went away I get 1 D6 fire from my hell dust gloves and I get 1 D4 fire from having this dipped in fire um you don't see the damage calculation right there you see it says 24 to 40 and I don't have the extra 1d6 damage from fire but as you can see from my damage log I've got the 1 D4 from dipped and fire and I've got the 1d6 from infernal touch as well so that about wraps it up for the guide if you want to see this build in action here's a playlist where you can watch me do all the hardest fights in the game I'm still working on act three so if you want to be notified when those fights are done feel free to subscribe to the channel
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Views: 8,159
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Keywords: gaming, BG3, PC Gaming, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldurs Gate 3, challenges, gameplay, paladin build baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 lone wolf, baldur's gate 3 solo tactician, baldur's gate 3 solo run, baldur's gate 3 solo playthrough, baldur's gate 3 solo build, baldur's gate paladin build, baldur's gate 3 paladin build, baldur's gate 3 paladin guide, baldur's gate 3 tactician build, baldur's gate 3 build guide
Id: eXl-6HUWH2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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