Baldur's Gate 3 ALL Races & Best Class combinations explained

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hello everyone in today's video I wanted to introduce you to the races of feyron that you will be able to pick from while playing Baldur's Gate 3. I will also be showing you popular class combinations with races either by flavor or power if you decide to create the strongest character possible but keep in mind that all recent class combinations are viable in Baldur's Gate 3 and there is no wrong choice so the first thing that should determine your pick is your own enjoyment and what do you want to play the most I'm sure you can finish the game with a half work wizard just as well as any other combination so make sure to have fun first and foremost and take my suggestions as a guide to familiarize yourself with the races of alder's Gate 3 and Pick a Class that will fit your character the most before we begin I just wanted to say a huge thank you for watching my videos I just started my channel recently and I never in my dreams imagine that we're gonna be breaking 10 000 views on the videos so I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart I hope that you enjoyed this content and let me know what else you would like to see from me I'll gladly prepare you for Baldur's Gate 3 in the best way I can and just thank you thank you for being here and visit me on my live streams because I love to hang out with people when I stream games and obviously we're also gonna be streaming some Baldur's Gate 3 when it comes out so the races that we can pick from in Baldur's Gate 3 are as follow human gifianki halfwork dwarf elf Dro thiefling halfling half Health gnome and Dragonborn it's important to note that Dragonborn were announced very recently same with halfworks and durgar so I will be covering them even though they are not available in the character creation yet we know the rules in Dungeons and Dragons and what trades they have so I will cover them using the tabletop edition of course larion can always change a little bit the races and and sub races but I think most of the things will come into the game in the same shape I will also be covering the recently revealed Monk class and showing you the combinations with this class as well straight away let us get into the newly announced Dragonborn dragonborns has two ability score improvements namely Class 2 to strength and plus one to Charisma which instantly make them Prime candidates for for example paladins all classes that use martial prowess with some Charisma checks so also warlocks and sorcerer could be good if you decide to go towards more of a battle Caster that does some melee and also can bless some spells as a Dragonborn you're also gonna be able to pick your draconic ancestry which means you're gonna have some abilities associated with the color you pick for example if you're gonna be a gold dragon you're gonna be able to breathe fire if you're gonna be a black dragon you're gonna spew acid if you can use it once a long or short rest it's some nice AOE early on especially if you're a melee class it's very nice to have it also scales a bit so that's nice and also you have damage resistance associated with the element of your color so as you can probably tell by now one of the most common combinations are Dragonborn with a paladin because you have plus two to strength and plus one to the all-important Charisma they just make a great frontliner character and also pretty tanky with their additional resistances and also some additional Elemental damage AOE we which you can do on early levels it can help you out quite a bit but the Paladin is of course not the only choice that you have as a Dragonborn you can play whatever you want as your scaly friend but do consider that the Charisma and strength bonus that you get do gear you more towards being a frontliner hybrid mixed with perhaps some casting Charisma class like the Warlock like the sorcerer another cool option for the Dragonborn could be The Bard especially from the College of Swords you could combine your musical abilities with your spells using the bonus Charisma and make a very cool frontliner using strength and sword and shield for example I forgot to mention that the chromatic dragonborns will actually probably get a different secondary score than charismat one might work like a half elf where you're gonna be able to actually choose your secondary abilities to mold your Dragonborn more towards the evil path because chromatic dragons usually are pretty evil and now let us go into a reference which as you can tell are probably geared mostly towards battle you get plus 2 strength and plans plus one constitute tuition as a half work which means well you are geared towards being a barbarian or a fighter the most because you want to be beefy and you want to hit hard you also get Relentless endurance which means that when you are reduced to zero hit points you actually don't fall but keep standing with one HP it is a bit similar if you for example play Divinity original sin 2 with the combat kids talent it just means that you're gonna keep standing when something reduces you below zero hit points but of course it can't be that overpowered to do it all the time it only happens once per combat and also you have Savage attacks that is an amazing thing because when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack you can roll one of the weapons damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage to the of the critical hits so that just gears you towards being a menace in melee because you're gonna be doing more crits for example the newly announced Champion class from the fighter is geared towards crit fishing as it is called so you're gonna do even more damage as a half work with that class for example you're also gonna get dark vision which is very useful in the game and menacing which gives gives you Proficiency in intimidation skill so again it just screams Barbarian to me the most and now from the depths of the underdark the doer guard the door guard are a very resilient race that have a constitution score increased by 2 and strength by one so again quite a Biffy dude as well you're gonna get Superior dark vision which is a better version of dark vision you're gonna see further out in the darkness you get duerger resistance which gives you advantage on saving throws against Illusions and against being charged or paralyzed you also get advantage on saving throws against poison and you have resistance against poison damage sounds pretty amazing also you're gonna have dual gear magic that dwargar that will unlock at level 3 you're gonna be able to cast enlarge and reduce a person no matter if you are a spell Caster or not you also gonna be able to use enlarge only on yourself but you can reduce enemy size if you so choose and on level 5 you're gonna have invisibility spell which is very nice especially if you decide to go the more cunning route it's going to open up some nice build synergies as especially with Ranger and Rogues the gloomstalkers and assassins most commonly because you're going to have an additional source of going invisible which you want as the stealthy class don't be discouraged that because you have a strength score of plus one you have to be beefy dude on the front lines because the Constitution plus two is useful for everyone you're gonna have more Health in that bad situations where you're actually going to be revealed or you're gonna be at the target of the enemy so it's still a very nice class to do a more stealthy built character thanks to the invisibility spell the doorker can also make some cool Shadow Monks it is also important to note that as a Dwarven Subways you will move a little bit slower than your Elvish and human counterparts and also you don't have to actually be a dexterity based Rogue or Ranger you can just as well do a strength variant which I'm gonna have probably more Builds on this channel to help you out with different kinds of builds further on when we get even more information on Baldur's Gate 3 when it actually releases and now let us go through the races available to Us in the game and I will show you each of the combinations of races and classes starting with the good old-fashioned human as a human you're gonna have your ability scores increased by one in every category so it makes it a very versatile class to play you don't get much from being a human alone except for your ability scores being increased but it's still a very powerful tool to have when deciding on your class because maybe you want to a multi-class into a character that will use multiple different attributes and then the human really comes to shine for example maybe you will want to play a bar that focuses both on melee and range and then you would want to have some more dexterity on strength a good chunk of Constitution and maybe intelligence for your skill checks because a bars usually are what is called skill monkeys which means they are good at every type of conversation and are adaptable to every situation they find themselves they find themselves in the world so it's something to take into consideration when choosing human but really as with most RPGs humans are the safe choice that you can't really go wrong with if you want to role play the classical guy that just found himself in this world a human will be a good choice for any class you want next up we have the elves with two variants the heels and the woodles heils actually get a can trip that you can use no matter what class you're gonna pick it's handy to have as you can for example choose to have magehand to be able to reach some objects you wouldn't normally be able to get to you can also choose to have some spell like mine or a can trip with damage ability for example Firebolt if you want to get to those enemies that are just Out Of Reach of you also both of the Elven subclasses get the king senses ability which makes you proficient in perception they also get plus 2 to dexterity long sword short sword long bow and short bow proficiency which can be very handy when you want to use your wizard with some more weapons than just the basic staves for example also good and multi-classing when you want to have some ability in melee you also get the basic dark vision and Fey ancestry which gives you advantages on saving throws against being Charmed and Magic can't put you to sleep as a high of sub race you also get plus one to intelligence which naturally makes you a good choice for the wizard class the class 2 dexterity also comes in handy because you don't want to be super squished as your Wizard and you don't want to die from a fly attacking you so having a bit more AC is always nice to have high heels also make for great Rogues because you can get your dexterity up to 17 right away and the intelligence is also nice to have because it's gonna make you better at skill checks which rocks are pretty good at already if you're gonna choose to be a Wood Elf instead you're gonna have a plus one to wisdom instead of intelligence which makes you right away a very good Ranger because Rangers have their spell casting abilities and spell slots based on wisdom they also come with the mask of the wild trade which make you proficient in stealth woodalls can also make good clerics if you decide to go more into dexterity and maybe not wear medium or heavy armor if you decide to be more of an agile priest for example from the trickery domain next up we have the TV things which come with three different sub-races all of them share one trait which is hellish resistance which gives you resistance to fire which means you take only half damage from it which is just great throughout the whole game all of the tieflings also get basic dark vision now when it comes to variants as models tifflings get plus one intelligence and plus two Charisma you also get the talmatology country for free which gives you advantage on intimidation and performance checks for 10 turns as you can probably already tell the asmodeo stiff link makes for a great Bard because the plus 2 Charisma is really nice to have and the plus one intelligence makes you an even better skill monkey the ass model stifling gives you the opportunity to raise your charisma all the way to 17 if you so choose and also can have decent intelligence and don't forget about your dexterity if you want to have a bit more AC as a Bard but as always you don't have to pick a Bard necessarily it can also be a great class for a warlock or a sorcerer next up we have the Mephisto Valley stiff link which is actually almost the same when it comes to the trades it also gives plus one intelligence and plus two Charisma the only difference is that you get the Mage can trip which can be useful to reach some spaces that you otherwise could not and then we get to the cereal teeth link which is actually quite a bit different because it gives you plus one strength instead of intelligence which you guessed it makes for a great Paladin and we also get back our talmatology can trip which makes it way easier to pass a lot of conversation checks the stiff link lets you get all the way to 17 Charisma with decent strength at 16 and it makes you a very strong starting Paladin but again don't be discouraged to pick a different class because it's still gonna make a great Bard if you decide to be on the strength variant and also a Gish character if you decide to mix it up with a warlock or sorcerer again now we arrive at the drow which split into the evil worshiping love drows and the goody soldering drows they are virtually the same in terms of abilities of course the flavor of playing them is way different but let's get into their statistics as with every other family of the elf the drows receive kin senses and Fey ancestry but except for that they also get plus 2 dexterity and plus one Charisma and Rapier proficiency instead of long sword and that should right away tell you that they make for great warlocks and sorcerer thanks to the bonus Charisma and the dexterity make them a bit more dodgy and also make you a good candidate for pact of the blade subclass which bonus dexterity gonna make you a better melee fighter if you decide to use those rapiers naturally they also make for great Sorcerers honorable mention that both of the drows also get the dancing light can trips on level 1 and on Level 3 you get the very fire ability which is very nice and handy to have now we come to the gifianki which has no sub races similar to the human and half work which I'm a bit sad about because I love gitsarai but it is what it is so the cool thing about the gifianki is that they get the light and medium armor proficiency right away as well as short sword long sword and great sword which as you can tell makes them for great gushes which means you can mix a spell casting class with wearing armor and also taking some martial classes like the fighter it makes them for great hybrid classes not only that they get plus 2 strength and plus one intelligence which even further boosts this goal of picking a Gish character as the name suggests this is actually the the name kinda originated from that's why they make for great fighting spellcasters you also get the Mage can trip which is nice and on Level 3 you're also gonna get the GIF Yankee jump can trip which makes you even more mobile a great choice for the GIF Yankee is the fighter Arcane Knight subclass which you unlock in level 3 in your fighter which makes you be able to use some spells but you can also Branch out to a wizard to make him even more a powerful in the spell casting Department the ability points you want to look at if you want to build this kind of character is strength and intelligence if you decide to be a hybrid or you can just focus purely on strength which you can get all the way to level 17 boost your Constitution a bit of dexterity if you want and wisdom to make your saves better against spells mostly to make a very strong versatile class also remember to boost your intelligence significantly along along with strength if you decide to go to the Gish route the mighty dwarves in their golden hulls we already covered the door guard so we just have the gold dwarf to cover and the shield Dwarf Gold dwarves get plus two Constitution and plus one to wisdom and also they get Battle X handex and light Hammer proficiency oh and also Warhammer so that prompts us to get into the classes and guess what they make for great clerics because you get wisdom you get more beefy thanks to Constitution and you can make a great clerics thanks to that the abilities you want to focus on is obviously wisdom you have high Constitution already you could even opt to get 17 Constitution right away if you want to make you really tanky as a cleric and of course you want to raise your strength and your wisdom to good levels especially wisdom to at least 16 so you can cast more of those very important spells alduars get Dwarven resilience which gives you advantage on saving crows against poison and you have resistance to poison damage gold dwarves also get the dwarf and toughness which increases your hit points by 1 and increases by one again every time you gain a level now Shield dwarves are very interesting because as they get light armor and medium armor proficiency right away but ironically they do not get Shield proficiency so you cannot use your Shields right away but Shield proficiency obviously can be gained through the fighter or other classes you get plus 2 strength and plus two constitutions so right away you know that this guy will make for a great Fighter for a great Barbarian great martial classes what's also unique about the shield dwarf is that you can get your strength all the way to 17 along with Constitution to 17 which makes you a Powerhouse right when you're gonna step on that ship you also can rise your dexterity a little bit if you decide to go maybe to the Barbarian route and forego the heavy armor you can also of course just focus on being a melee Powerhouse half elves a very powerful race which gets a bonus of plus 2 Charisma in every single of their subclasses and also you can choose an ability Improvement of plus one to two of them but you cannot tunnel both of your ability scores into one statistic it has to be for example an additional plus one to strength and plus one to dexterity or Constitution however you want to choose and this race and sub races you guessed it make for a great Paladin thanks to the plus 2 Charisma but also great bards warlocks and Sorcerers you can get to 17 Charisma right away and also have a nice spread of stats elsewhere think about increasing your strength if you want to go the Palestine route or just being a more melee oriented class while also keeping your Constitution relatively high and your dexterity if you forgo the heavier armors the only difference between the subclasses is that the heels have health gets the cantrip from their cousins of full blood and also the drow get their dancing lights from their drought cousins and also wood elves get mask of the wild which gives Proficiency in stealth and Fleet of food which makes them Traverse the terrain easier and be a bit faster or in Baldur's Gate 3 terms you'll be able to move a bit further away overall haffles are a great race to pick because they borrow the best aspects of their full-blooded cousins while also having better attributes and dark vision which just makes them a complete package now we come to the brave race of halflings which spill it into lightfoots and strong Hearts both of them have the same race features namely having plus 2 dexterity and the lucky trait and the brave Lucky in particular is very powerful because when you roll a one on your attack roll or ability check or even a saving throw you can re-roll the die and must use the new roll it's very good especially early game Brave gives you advantage on saving throws against being frightened now when the two races differ is that the light would happen get the naturally stealthy trait which gives you Proficiency in stealth checks and also you get plus one Charisma that makes them you guessed it great bards especially if you decide to go the range route because you'll be able to increase your charisma and also be more stealthy or also you can of course Dodge more attacks thanks to higher ac they also make for the good warlocks thanks to the plus one Charisma and the lucky trait which lets you re-roll some unlucky stuff and it also synergizes pretty well with some of the Warlock abilities of course sorcerer is also an option the plus one Charisma a common theme of course makes the sorcerer a solid pick now when it comes to strong hard halflings they get strong fart resilient I mean strong heart resilience which gives you advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance to poison damage and also a plus one to Constitution which makes them a Prime Choice to perhaps a more beefier class for example you can pick a barbarian which would be pretty funny but why not it's Dungeons and Dragons you can do anything you want you can be more Dex built Barbarian or perhaps a rogue which also would be really nice this constitution comes in handy as well because well you do want to have a bit more hit points even if you decide to hide in Shadows in a lot it's still good to have a decent Constitution's car and last but not least we come to the Norms which come in three variants deaths Forest gnomes dip Noms also called as sphere nebulin and The Rock Norms all of the races come with plus two intelligence and non-coming I mean cunning which gives you advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws the forest gnome no matter the class also get the speak with animal spell which is very handy especially in Baldur's Gate we're gonna have a lot of animals to talk to so it's a very cool thing to have Forest gnomes also get plus 1 to dexterity and dark vision so as you can tell thanks to plus 2 intelligence that makes them very good spellcasters especially Wizards who of course rely on intelligence to cast their spells so it is the most common Choice despite the name of forest gnome now the main difference between a deep numb and their cousins is superior dark vision which lets you see further in the dark and stone camouflage which gives you advantage on stealth checks so if you want to perhaps create a rogue this might be a race for you rock Norms on the other hand get plus one Constitution and artificial lore which gives you proficiency to history checks honestly this stat spread is not the best but you can make it work if you want to make for example a wizard who has a bit more Constitution it's gonna be totally fine sorry guys and girls I was covering so much stuff that I actually forgot to mention monk in most of my races so the general rule of thumb of Monk Is that that you want to pick a class that has bonus to wisdom of course and to dexterity to make you as agile as possible and to boost your abilities and spells because monks are based on the wisdom ability the most so for example an ironically wood elves would make for a great monk because you get your bonus to dexterity and wisdom and that my friends concludes our race class combinations let me know if you liked it if it was helpful let me know what else you would like to see on the channel and visit me on Twitch TV Kendra where I'm gonna live stream some games and of course Baldur's Gate as well thank you very much for watching and I'll see you again very soon foreign [Music]
Channel: KainRa
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Keywords: Baldurs gate 3, Baldurs gate III, Baldur's Gate III, BG3, BGIII, wolfheart, wolfheartfps, sword&shield, fextralife, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 2, baldurs gate III, minsc, jaheira, half-orc, Astarion, Larian Studios, best rpg 2023, baldus gate 3, baldur gate 3, baldur gate III, bg, baldurs gate 3 best classes, baldurs gate 3 races, baldurs gate 3 best races, baldurs gate 3 mutliclass, baldurs gate 3 all classes, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 what is it
Id: qv5D-O1TVas
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Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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