Baldur's Gate 3 - Multiclassing Overview & Builds! (THE POWER)🔥

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in today's video we're going to talk about a few multi-classing build ideas but first how does it work multi-class scene in Baldur's Gate 3 will be similar to that in DND 5th edition but not exactly the same so when you level up in Baldur's Gate 3 you'll be presented with the option to continue leveling in your current class or you can delve into the world of multi-classing and choose an entirely different class while maintaining the levels that you have in your current class it's important to keep in mind though that the moment that you decide to take a level in another class your character level will never be the same as your class levels ever again unless you respect out of multi-classing so if you're a level 5 fighter and you decide to multi-class into the Barbarian class you are now a level 5 fighter a level 1 Barbarian which is character level six your class levels and character level will never be the same again now the reason why it's important to understand this concept is because some things in the game are tied to your character's level such as your proficiency bonus increase which happens exact character levels five and nine and also 13 but we're not reaching 13 in Baldur's Gate 3 and also the amount of XP required to level up is scaling off of your overall characters level your class levels are very important as they determine what class features are given to you so when a fighter reaches level 2 whether you're multi-classing or you are a pure fighter they get action surge but that's class level two your character level is irrelevant also it's important to note that ability score increases you know the thing that you get to do at levels 4 8 and 12 where you can increase your ability scores or take a feat well that is tied to your class level not your character level at least that's how it works in DND 5th edition but it is possible that lyrion could have messed with this in Baldur's Gate 3. so if you started off by taking three levels in one class and then four levels in another you wouldn't be getting that ability score increase until you reach character level 7 while those that stick to one class get that ability score increase at character level 4. now some of you might be thinking why in the nine Hells would I want to multi-class and make it take longer to get certain things and also prevent myself from being able to reach max level 12 in any given class well the answer is quite simple many of the class actually pretty much all of the classes in d d 5th edition and Baldur's Gate 3 are front loaded meaning the majority of the extremely powerful unique features that they get are in the first half of a class levels progression barbarians get rage at level 1 Druids get wild shape at level 2 Fighters get action surge at level 2 Rogues get sneak attack at one paladins get to find Smite at two and the list goes on and then don't forget that all of the classes subclass choices present themselves between the levels of one and three and subclasses of course offer their own unique powerful abilities reaching max level in a class so class level 12 sure it will be nice as you'll get an ability score increase or your choice of a feat and perhaps a few other things for some of the other classes but I mean you could also give up class level 12 and instead be a fighter that can Rage or a paladin who has extra sorcerer spell slots and can Divine Smite to the parties no more now if you choose not to multi-class or it stresses you out and you know what I will get a new webcam at some point in the near future let's say 200k subscribers I'll finally upgrade my damn webcam okay but if you choose not to multi-class or it stresses you out a little bit that's perfectly fine too and you can just stay one class which is probably what I'm gonna do on my first run but just know there are some really powerful multi-class combinations out there before we get into a few of these combinations there's a few things that you should keep in mind though and that is what is the primary ability for the class or classes that you want to multi-class into and how are your ability scores currently looking sure you can multi-class as much as you want in this game but are you really set up for it is the question for example if you're a sorcerer and Sorcerers use Charisma to power their spells and you multi-class into the cleric class which uses wisdom to power their spell well your ability scores may not be looking that great for that and it may even be really hard to make your ability scores look good for that as you only have a limited amount of points to spend in character creation and spreading them too thin is not always a great idea for example if you maxed out Charisma dexterity and Constitution to help out your Sorcerer And character creation three great ability scores to invest into for a sorcerer and you ended up dumping wisdom or didn't put much into it because you didn't have any points left and then you decide to multi-class into the cleric class many of the cleric spells that you get are going to be a bit gimped in your hands although it's important to note that not every spell or feature in this game goes off of an ability score and you can plan your multi-classing build around using the class features or certain spells that are not necessarily tied into ability scores but with that said when you can find two classes that share a primary ability such as the Sorcerer And warlock both of which have spells that are powered by charisma well then you don't have to worry as much about spreading ability scores too thin to please both classes that's an excellent combination when thinking about ability score optimization well wolf what about the prerequisites required for you to meet in order to be allowed to multi-class larion did away with those prerequisites so you can multi-class into any class that you want at any time and yes that means you could technically take one level in every single class and be a level one Barbed level one fighter level one warlock level one cleric until you reach character level 12. it's crazy and Larry and said there's actually an achievement for that now do note though that when you multi-class although you do gain most of the new classes features you don't necessarily gain all of the starting proficiencies there's also limitations to how this multi-classing works so when you multi-class as a wizard into the sorcerer class you don't get double the spell slots or if you're a cleric and a paladin you don't get double the channel divinities extra attack also does not stack if you're playing two martial classes or if you're playing a pure martial class us when you multi-class into a spellcaster class you don't get as many spell slots as that spell casting class would get on their own you are more limited which of course makes sense for balancing reasons all right let's get into the fun part and talk about a few multi-classing builds that you might consider without getting too crazy in depth because I'll save those videos for official launch so the first multi-class build idea is a bit more advanced but I'm going to keep most of these pretty simple and that is to combine The Pact of the blade Warlock and you get to choose your pact at level 3 as a warlock with any other Charisma based spell casting class so packed on the blade in Baldur's Gate 3 and this is a larion Homebrew allows a warlock to use their Charisma modifier for melee attacks instead of strength or dexterity this of course makes a melee warlock build quite appealing but it also makes several multi-class combinations very appealing as well for example when you play as a paladin many times you're struggling trying to figure out how many points do I need to put into strength to power my melee attacks and how many can I afford to also put into Charisma to power my spell casting there's a bit of a battle going on there but if you take three levels into Warlock and take pack to the blade your Paladin's melee attacks will now be powered by Charisma no longer strength or dexterity if you plan this ahead you could technically dump strength or not care nearly as much about it and focus everything you got into Charisma and other ability scores this combination also makes the idea of playing as a melee sorcerer much more appealing and it also works great with bards especially a melee focused bars such as a swords Bard or a Valor Bard also don't forget that war blocks get Eldritch blast and hex at level 1 and Eldritch blast is one of the best can trips in the game especially when you get invocations for it and hexes like Hunter's Mark you put it on enemies and deal additional damage The Pact of the blade warlock multi-class where you put three levels into warlock is going to offer some amazing amazing build potential and I'll definitely have a few builds out over the coming months the next multi-class combination and do note that I have been looking at the dungeon dudes YouTube channel for these ideas I will leave a link below to their channel in the video description they are a fantastic tabletop Focus Channel and this multi-class idea is a little bit more simple and the focus of this one is getting the fighters level 2 feature called action surge which allows you to take an additional action on your turn once per short rest so two levels into fighter combined with any martial based class but actually this can be really useful for any class in the game as getting that additional action once per short rest can make a huge difference in a round of combat and if we think about combining this with spellcasters which might not be as optimal as Marshall classes but think of playing as a wizard or sorcerer and being able to use action surge to cast two Fireballs at the start of a combat encounter that's insanely deadly and also don't forget that Fighters at level 1 get proficiency with all weapons and all armors this now opens up new builds that are focused around your equipment and in a game like bg3 where there's going to be so many magical weapons and armor this is going to be quite fun Fighters also get to choose a fighting style at level 2 which can be useful for basically every class as not every fighting style is based on a specific weapon Choice the next multi-class combination focuses in on getting two levels into Paladin for their Divine Smite melee spell and then combining that with other melee classes and subclasses and this can be really really powerful this is a great way to give your fighter a little bit of spell casting and of course being able to Divine Smite on melee weapon attacks is really really cool and deadly when you're actually not a full-on paladin and then also you can't forget that all the charisma-based Caster classes in the game will now gain weapon proficiencies and armor proficiency from your level 2 Paladin once again adding in nice options for your casters to begin to get up close and personal since astarion is so popular we of course have to throw in the Rogue gear and the Rogue multi-class can be great for not just combat but also more RP non-combat gameplay so the road gets sneak attack at level 1 and also expertise gaining sneak attack and combining that with other Marshall classes such as the fighter or Ranger can change your style quite a bit as you become perhaps more of a sneaky fighter with you know explosive damage at the start of combat and also getting sneak attack as a ranger for just the cost of one class level can be pretty potent expertise gives Rogues double their proficiency bonus and two skills and being able to get expertise as pretty much any other class can really pump up your skills game and in Baldur's Gate 3. now if you want to get more advanced with the Rogue multi-class you could start thinking of the Rogue subclass of the Assassin in their level 3 feature called assassinate now add that on top of getting expertise and stealth and then combining that with a paladin and let's say Divine Smite some really interesting synergies that we have going on here next up is a multi-class man taking at least one level in cleric because clerics get their subclass choice right away at level one and those of you who are familiar with these subclasses would know that the cleric has a lot of choices and each subclass choice comes with its own proficiencies some of which include martial weapon proficiency and heavy armor proficiency so if you took one level into cleric and became a war domain cleric well you just gave yourself heavy armor proficiency and martial weapon proficiency at the cost of just one level into cleric and it's really cool to combine this with other classes that don't get those proficiencies as a level one cleric you also get some really great cleric spells where you don't necessarily need a good wisdom score to use well such as bless or the cantrip guidance which is one of the most useful can trips in all of bg3 when speaking of non-combat use and even getting healing word as level one cleric just to use it to be able to pick up downed enemies from afar can be really powerful in the final multi-class of today is focused on getting the barbarians rage feature which only requires one level in Barbarian and rage of course increases your damage with melee weapons and it makes you tankier as you are resistant to physical damage while raging so combining one level of Barbarian with other classes that focus in on melee weapons such as Fighters This is actually really great for fighter class having rage can add a lot to a build also the idea of being a raging Rogue is pretty cool right and that'll be it for this video Just note you don't always have to be like completely optimized when you multi-class you can you know take a few levels in Druid to get wild shape just because you want wild shape it's not necessarily the end of the world now some multi-class combinations are certainly not going to be that powerful but depending on the difficulty that you're playing Baldur's Gate 3 and also your knowledge on the overall game you still might be able to navigate you know several different weird less potent combinations so thank thank you all so much for watching and be on the lookout for some actual multi-class builds over the next couple months as we play Ballers Gate 3 and I'll catch you all actually don't forget you can join my Discord server the link is below in the video description we have a great community over there and check out the wolf apparel merchandise store the official sponsor of this channel catch you on the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 228,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, classes, gameplay, races, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, multi class, baldurs gate 3 builds, character creation, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, overview classes, bg3, best class, official release bg3, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, guide, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios
Id: e1RV086XSk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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