Baldur's Gate 3 - Ultimate Paladin Class Guide (All Subclasses) ⚔️

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today's video is going to be a guide for The Almighty Paladin class for Baldur's Gate 3's Early Access now I will be including all three subclasses chapter markers below and we'll talk a little bit about different weapon build potential starting off right away in character creation I want to first point out that all paladins gain Proficiency in all armor types and all weapons so you can wear and use whatever you want if you want to focus your build on dealing high damage then be in a strength-based Pally that wears heavy armor and wields a two-handed weapon is a fantastic idea or if you want to go with a more tanky build using a one-handed weapon and a shield which will give you a higher Armor class at the cost of some damage potential you can go either strength and use heavy armor or if you don't mind using a Rapier with a shield as the Rapier is the only finesse weapon that can match non-finess one-handed weapons and damage potential being a dexterity Paladin wearing medium armor actually offers a quicker path to reaching a higher Armor class with your armor alone much earlier on in Early Access at least that's how it is now if you do want to wear heavy armor I'm going to give you a quick tip just because it's frustrating in Early Access because of the lack of heavy armor if you come to the goblin camp or the ruined Temple of soluna and talk to this Trader right here named Roa she does sell heavy armor 16. now you won't be able to actually get 17 AC until the Grim Forge area which is the end of Early Access for most players now you don't hear much about dual wielding with a paladin that's likely partially because at level 2 the Paladin does not have access to the two weapon fighting fighting style like some of the other Marshall classes get access to but don't let that stop you you can actually deal a ton of damage as a dual wielding Pally and that goes for a strength or dexterity build at level 1 all paladins will also gain two special class actions the first one being lay on hands which is a single Target melee heel or it can serve as an anti-toxin slash cure disease lay on hands cost in action and also costs lay on hands charges which are represented by this box right here by the time you reach level 4 you'll have four total charges per short or long rest now the amount of HP that you can heal for with lay on hands will also increase as you level up and at current Early Access max level of five you'll be able to heal for either 10 hit points which costs one Lan hands charge or you can spend two of your charges for a larger 20 hit point heel the second class action is called Divine sense which can actually be really good as it only costs your bonus action which means you can cast it and deal damage in the same turn Define sense will give your Pali advantage on attack rolls against celestials fiends and Undead this will last for two turns and it recharges on a short rest so whenever you're facing enemies that fall into any of those three categories and don't be afraid to right click on your opponents to examine them it only costs a bonus action to give yourself a really powerful buff against them so try not not to forget that you have it moving on to ability scores the three primary abilities to focus on for most paladins are strength Charisma and Constitution a higher strength modifier will help you land more weapon strikes and also allow you to deal more damage with your weapon take it into account that paladins are not primary spellcasters your weapon is a very important part of your Arsenal not to mention that many of the Paladin's strongest magical abilities require your Paladin to first land a melee strike so strength for many builds is the most important if you want to be a dexterity Paladin of course replace dexterity with strength Charisma is important because it's your paladin spell casting ability a higher Charisma modifier will make your overall spell casting more powerful meaning that spells will be more likely to land and affect enemies some spells will deal more damage and some will heal for more higher Charisma modifier also allows you to prepare more spells Constitution is important as it directly affects your hit point and pallies do tend to take a lot of hits as they're typically on the front lines a higher Constitution modifier will also make your Paladin able to hold concentration spells much better and paladins do have quite a few concentration spells in their spell list since I'm not doing specific builds in this video I'll just give some general advice for assigning your points I'd say the most important thing for most paladins is getting your strength or possibly dexterity to at least 16 in character creation and then you can focus on Charisma and Constitution with both of them being at a minimum of 14 I would say but if you can get one of them to 16 then you have a really good Paladin combat build the rest of your ability scores are more so up to you I usually tend to give wisdom a little extra love because paladins do naturally have wisdom saving throughout proficiency and I like to further their specialization in that aspect so now that you know what ability scores are typically the most important for the Paladin let's see what races offer the best optimization half elves are hands down one of the best choices for the Pally as you get a plus two to Charisma and you can then choose a plus one to strength and Constitution or substitute the strength for dexterity Jill dwarves get a plus two to strength and Constitution humans of course have a plus one to all ability scores the gith Yankee race gives you a plus two to strength along with a plus one to intelligence and last but not least we have the zaryal thieflines which get a plus one to strength and a plus two to Charisma all of those races will at the very least allow you to get that plus three modifier in strength right away in character creation I should point out that the races that I mentioned that offer a plus two in strength which is The Shield dwarf and the gethianki do allow you to get to a 17 ability score in character creation which is still a plus three modifier because modifiers only increase on even numbers but if you know the game well you may be familiar with a situation that will give you a free plus one or should I say somewhat three plus one to your strength which would boost you to 18 and then when you hit Level 4 you can add two more points to strength giving you a 20 with a plus five modifier very very deadly and I'll put that spoiler Down Below in the read more in the pinned comment if you're going to go the dexterity palette in route you'll be looking for a race that offers at least a plus one to dexterity and well there's a ton of races that offer this but for the Paladin the ones that stand out I would say are half elves drow both sub-races of the half lean and the human please keep in mind that these are just recommendations for optimization but you can really play whatever you want and make it work now your subclass choice also gives you something at level one but let's go over the general Paladin progression to level five first and then to end the video I'll go over all three subclasses at level two paladins unlock their spell slots gaining access to the paladin spell list paladins use prepared spells which means that you have access to all of the Paladin spells pertaining to your level and you can swap these spells in and out whenever you want outside of combat so don't stress out too much over which spells you need to prepare at this time these are not permanent choices before we get into all of the prepared spells I think we have to talk about the quintessential paladin spell called Divine Smite Divine Smite is a spell that is used alongside your weapon strike and it allows you to deal extra radiant damage to a Target when you land a successful hit when you reach level 5 you can up cast Divine Smite for a total of 3d8 radiant damage to your Target and keep in mind this is on top of your weapons damage divine Smite is a bit different from other spells because it's prepared at all times and you also have the ability to alter your agency over its use you can have it automatically go off when you land a strike you can have it never go off you can have the game present to you a pop-up box asking you if you want to use it when you do land a successful weapon strike you can even have it only go off when you land a critical hit to control all of this go to your reactions menu which is right here on your character sheet if you leave all of the boxes unchecked Divine Smite will never go off and you'll do just a regular weapon attack if you did want to use Divine Smite and you had nothing checked off here you actually have to click on the Divine strike spell icon to use it and then that will automatically do a weapon strike along with Divine Smite but if you miss it actually won't use up your spell slot for divine Smite if you check the first box that will turn Divine Smite on and when you strike an enemy with your weapons attack action if that attack lands Divine Smite will automatic automatically go off every time as long as you have a spell slot available now if you don't want it to always go off on every successful melee weapon strike which is understandable because pallies are very limited in spell slots and you don't necessarily always want to or need to use it simply click on the little ask box right here and now when you use your weapons attack action your melee weapons attack action if your attack lands a pop-up box will appear in front of you asking you if you want to also use Divine Smite this next box allows you to have Divine Smite automatically go on a critical hit if you so choose or to have it ask you on a critical hit a critical hit with Divine Smite means double weapon damage and double Divine Smite damage at the cost of just one spell slot it's insanely powerful and probably best used on more powerful enemies that have a ton of hit points when you reach level 5 you'll get these next two rows which are for the same thing except giving you control over up casting Divine Smite as a level 2 spell which of course means more damage potential for me I just turn on everything with of course checking the ask box in each row and this gives me ultimate control over its use moving on to the general Paladin spells that you get access to at level two if you have a plus three modifier in Charisma you'll be able to prepare five Spells at this time it's important to keep in mind that nine out of these 11 spells that you're getting access to here are concentration spells and you can only concentrate on one concentration spell at a time to take a close look at them and see what type of Paladin that you want to be and then I'd say prepare one or two that sound like they really fit your build for example if you're going to be more of a support type Paladin you're probably looking at preparing bless heroism or Shield of faith and then I'd say prepare one more concentration spell that checks a different category so you at least have it available for situational use should the need arise for you to step a little out of your party's role the one spell that's a little weak here in its current state but I think it's just a bug or maybe even just a mistake is divine favor as it currently only lasts for three turn turns of concentration but in d d 5th edition you get that extra 1d4 radiant damage per weapon attack for up to 10 turns the mountain concentration spells are cure wounds which is a melee ranged heel and thunderous Smite my opinion both of these spells can be excellent spells to have prepared especially considering that they don't wrestle with your concentration spells I do have to point out though that in DND thunderous Smite does require concentration so it's possible that larion accidentally left this out of the Spell's mechanics and it may be implemented in the future as for cure wounds it's never a bad idea to have a heel handy and thunderous Smite should not be overlooked here especially in its current non-concentration state as it's not only just extra damage on top of your weapons damage but you can also use it alongside Divine Smite you can use the other smites along with Divine Smite as well but thunderous Smite does more single turn damage and it doesn't require concentration so yes if you land a thunderous Smite you get your weapons damage you get the 2d6 Thunder damage and you can then also have Divine Smite go off which gives you extra radiant damage thunderous Smite also causes your opponent to do a strength saving throw and if they fail they'll be pushed back 10 feet and knocked prone which can be very powerful so thunderous Smite offers a way to get crazy single turn damage when combined with Divine Smite and we've not even talked about what happens when you get to level 5 and gain extra attack now I will say though that if you do want more damage over the course of an entire combat encounter saving your spell slot for more Divine smites and not using it up for a thunderous Smite may be a better idea but if you really want to go all in on one turn and do an absolute massive amount of damage I say go for it alongside gaining spell casting paladins also get to choose a fighting style at level 2. and your choice here will of course depend on your particular build for your damage Focus 2 handed wielding paladins great weapon fighting is of course a great pick here as it minimizes your low damage Rolls by allowing your damage die to be re-rolled if you roll a measly one or two as you can see right here in the combat log my Paladin with this fighting style must have rolled the one or two and then the game tells you that it was re-rolled and now he rolled an eight which is much better of course for more tank focused characters choosing defense gives you a permanent plus one increase to your armor class which is a pretty big deal this is a great fighting style for pretty much any type of Paladin dueling not to be confused with dual wielding is typically for sword and board paladins that may care more about damage as it will give you a plus two tier damage rolls with your weapon as long as you don't have another weapon in your offhand and the last choice is the protection fighting style which allows you at the cost of your reaction to impose disadvantage on an enemy who attacks one of your allies when you're within five feet of them probably a less popular choice here as it's a situational fighting style but I'm sure that some of you could make good use of it maybe you're playing a paladin whose sole mission is to stay near another character and protect them at all costs and like I mentioned earlier for dual wielding there is no two weapon fighting style here for paladins who are dual wielding so if you're a dual wielder you're probably looking at defense being your best option here level 3 is mostly focused on subclass specific benefits and I'll get into that soon but all paladins do gain another level 1 spell slot bringing your level 1 spell slots up to three per long rest all paladins also gain Divine Health which prevents them from being able to become diseased and you should also be able to prepare one more spell than you could have before level four is where it can get really interesting because you can either increase one ability by two or two ability scores by one each or you can forego that and take your pick of a feat doing ability score improvements is pretty much never a bad idea though especially at this level as getting your strength or your dexterity to 18 with that plus 4 modifier is huge or perhaps you have two primary abilities that were odd numbers so increasing them each by one to get the modifier Improvement on both can be very helpful however Feats can be really really strong and perhaps even more importantly they can be a hell of a lot of fun if you're a two-handed wielding damage focused Paladin and you already have your strength to at least 16 I would say great weapon Master can be an absolutely insane feat to take the main thing that great weapon Master does is it gives you a plus 10 to your damage rolls at the cost of a minus five to your attack rolls when you're using a heavy melee weapon but this can be toggled on and off this can offer some crazy damage potential when you take into account the smites that you can also do and extra attack at level five I would say though only take this if you have a decent understanding of how to offset that minus five a little bit which which can be done through things such as gaining advantage on your attacks and also using spells such as bless I should also mention that if you make a critical hit with great weapon Master toggle down you get to make another attack as a bonus action so think about the damage potential when you're oh crap when you're a paladin that's level five and you can do your weapon attack with plus 10 damage combined with Divine Smite radiant damage then do extra attack with that plus 10 damage combined with Divine Smite once again if you happen to get a critical hit on one of those weapon strikes you will get double weapon damage and double Smite damage and then you also get a bonus attack for getting that critical hit which will give you another weapon strike at the cost of your bonus action and that weapon strike will have a plus 10 damage from great weapon Master combined with another Divine Smite which is pretty crazy damage potential there's some other cool Feats such as the Dual wielder feet which will give you a plus one to your armor class when dual wielding and also allow you to now dual wield two one-handed weapons that don't have the Light Property which means more damage potential for you now we're starting to get a little bit more into specific builds though so I'll leave it at that for this video just know that you can't really go wrong with increasing your ability scores if you are enjoying this video and finding value in it I do appreciate you considering hitting that subscribe button there's much more Baldur's Gate 3 content to come at level 5 paladins gain two level two spell slots which of course means you now have access to level 2 spells there's five general Paladin class spells that will be added to your list at this level that you can now prepare the more support type spells are Aid lesser restoration and protection from Poison magic weapon is a concentration offensive type buff that gives a weapon of your choice a plus one to its attack and damage rolls which is pretty costly for a level 2 spell slot but with that said the selling point of this spell I think is more so that it's supposed to allow your now magical weapon to be able to overcome enemies or objects that may be resistant or immune to physical damage but unfortunately this doesn't seem to be working right now branding Smite is another Smite that gives you extra radiant damage to your attack but it does require concentration and its damage is not as powerful as Divine Smite which also doesn't require concentration the selling point for Branding Smite is that if you're facing an enemy that can turn invisible branding Smite have successfully landed will prevent an opponent from turning invisible for up to 10 turns level 5 of course also brings with it a huge power boost and that is the extra attack feature now when you use your weapons attack action you can make an additional weapon attack and this is great for all the classes that get it but it's especially powerful for the Paladin as you can now Divine Smite on both of those attacks and you could even throw thunderous Smite in there on the first weapon attack to get even more damage on that particular turn and speaking of a power boost at this level you also get another other level 1 spell slot and a level 2 spell slot but the rest of the features that you gain at level 5 are more so subclass specific features so let's head back to character creation and now get into the Paladin subclasses unlike in d d 5th edition in bg3 right away in character creation is when you get to choose your Paladin subclass with the choices being oath of devotion and oath of the Ancients there's also another subclass in Early Access called the oath breaker Paladin but you actually have to break your oath to unlock that one I should also mention the oath of Vengeance subclass but this one is currently missing from the game but I'm almost certain that we will be seeing it on official launch your subclass choice is going to give your Paladin access to some oath specific spells that will be prepared at all times meaning you never have to choose to select or deselect them on your spell list they're always available for use if you have a spell slot of course these oath spells are represented with a blue outline in your spell list you never have to prepare them the only thing you need to do do is just mess around with where you want them on the hot bar your subclass choice also gives you some spells that are powered by what larian calls oath charges in Early Access all paladins will have just one oath charge to use per short or long rest and your oath charges are represented by this little box right next to the lay on hands box the number of oath charges will not increase until level six which we don't currently have access to in Early Access also a quick tip in case you're unaware you can click on the channel oath charge box right here and it will show you what spells you have that use up your oath charge and you can do this with pretty much everything on the user interface your actions bonus actions and the lay on hand spell unlike with the other classes paying attention to your Paladin subclass description can actually be really important in helping ensure that you don't break your oath but I should point out that the oath breaking aspect of the game seems to be a little wacky in its current state so just be sure to save a lot as you go because you may not agree with the cause causation of your oath breaking since we're on the subject let's take a minute to talk about what happens to you if you do break your oath so let's say that you decide to kill a good NPC that hasn't done anything to you yet what will happen is you will immediately lose access to your oath charge spells but you'll still have access to the general Paladin spells when you end up going back to your Camp you'll be met with an oath breaker Paladin who will tell you that you need to pay 2 000 gold to restore your oath to regain access to your subclass features or you actually might consider embarking on the path of the oath breaker which is its own subclass with its own special features I'll get into those features here soon there's several other ways that you can end up breaking your oath but attacking non-hostile NPCs and lying in dialogue by using deception seem to be the two big ones this definitely still needs some tweaking so make sure to save a lot because sometimes you won't feel like it makes sense when you break your oath and maybe larian can even consider are giving us like a paladin oath book that we can reference both the devotion paladins are your Knights and shining armor protector type paladins they act with honor and virtue to protect the weak and pursue the greater good a level 1 devotion paladins gain a channel oath spell called holy rebuke which costs an action and your oath charge you could cast holy rebuke on an ally up to 60 feet away this will grant them an aura that will deal 1d4 damage to enemies that attack that Ally with a melee attack and that is radiant damage it's not really the best spell and considering that it uses up your valuable oath charge I don't know if I'm really ever going to use this but I guess if you have an ally that's far away that's getting hit by like five enemies at one time you can help him out or if you're facing enemies that are vulnerable to radiant damage when you reach level 3 devotion paladins gain two more class actions that require your oath charge the first one being sacred weapon which costs an action and an oath charge and using this will turn turn your main hand weapon into a sacred weapon which makes it so that your charisma modifier will now be added to your attack Rolls made with that weapon so let's say you're using a two-handed weapon your strength and Charisma modifiers are now both added to your attack rolls for a duration of 10 turns and there's no concentration required for this one it's a very powerful feature and even better if you cast it right before a combat encounter begins keep in mind that this is for attack rolls not damage rolls this makes it exceptionally good for paladins that are running the great weapon Master feat that need to offset that minus five I should also mention that your weapon will also emit light so it's really good for those darker areas the other class action is called turn the Unholy which costs an action and an oath charge and it can only be used on fiends and Undead as a 30 foot radius and using it will cause your opponents to do a wisdom saving throw if they fail they'll be turned by you which means that they'll be forced to run away from you and not able to take actions reactions or bonus actions for up to three turns it's a great crowd control spell for any larger common encounters that have a lot of fiends and Undead the devotion Paladin also gets the protection from Evil spell prepared at all times this is a spell that costs a spell slot and concentration using this on yourself or an ally will make it so that the target can't be Charmed frightened or possessed when facing against aberrations celestials Elementals phase fiends and Undead and perhaps even more importantly it gives those creatures disadvantage when they attack the Target that has protection from Evil active not a bad situational spell to at least have handy and the other spell that will be prepared at all times which is also not a spell on the core paladin spell list is called Sanctuary Sanctuary costs a spell slot and a bonus action and it has a range of 60 feet and what it does is Ward yourself for an ally against enemy attacks for up to 10 turns the cool thing is that it doesn't require concentration the catch though is that Sanctuary will end if the affected creature attacks or harms another creature this would be a great spell to cast on someone that you really need to protect or keep alive perhaps an innocent NPC that you really care about or you can even cast it on yourself or someone else in your party whose sole purpose in the particular situation that you're in is to heal and hold concentration on certain non-harmful concentration spells such as bless as you can see right here I cast Sanctuary on one of my party members who's not only healing the party but also concentrating on less it's an interesting way to make use of this spell at level 5 devotion paladins get two more spells they'll be prepared at all times the first one is lesser restoration which removes a disease or a condition such as being blinded and it costs a level two spell slot and an action all paladins do end up learning this spell but devotion paladins don't have to worry about repairing it and the silent spell which is not on the core paladin spell list silence costs an action and a level 2 spell slot and it also requires concentration and what it does is create a sphere that causes targets within to lose their ability to cast spells and it also makes targets within the sphere immune to thunder damage the only time I really find good use for the spell in combat situations is in smaller corridors where enemies can't easily step out of the sphere there's also some interesting utility situations where you can use this spell such as if you have to break down a wall but you don't want to make a lot of noise cast The Silent sphere over the wall break the wall and nobody will hear you both of the ancient paladins are your nature-loving druidlike paladins they fight on the side of light and the cosmic struggle against Darkness to preserve the sanctity of life and the beauty of nature if you do something such as kill an innocent animal your oath will be broken a level one ancient paladins get a class action called healing Radiance which is actually a very powerful AOE heel healing Radiance costs your oath charge and just a bonus action and the heel has a 10 foot radius from the Caster when you reach level 5 this heal will do up to 15 HP per Ally at the start of your next turn it will also automatically proc off another 15 per Target heel it's a very very good heal especially for parties that fight in close quarters to each other at level 3 the oath charge spells for the ancient paladins are nature's wrath and turn the faithless Nature's wrath costs an action and an oath charge and has a 10 foot radius and what it does is cause the target to do a strength saving throw and if they fail they become restrained for up to 10 turns restraint targets cannot move and attack rolls against them will have advantage while their own attack roles will have disadvantage if you're fighting a low strength High hit point enemy the spell can be pretty powerful especially considering that it doesn't cost concentration just keep in mind you only get one oath charge per short rust or long rest so using on Nature's wrath I'm not sure if that's always going to be the right call maybe in some situations turn the faithless is similar to turn the Unholy which the devotion Paladin gets but instead of turning fiends and Undead it turns fiends and Fey if they foul their wisdom safe at level 5 ancient paladins get two amazing Druid spells that will be repaired at all times and these spells are Misty step and Moonbeam most of you are familiar with Misty's step up to this point it's an amazing level 2 spell that allows you to teleport up to 60 feet away the cost of a bonus action in the spell slot and Moonbeam is a level 2 concentration spell that calls down a beam of moonlight that deals 2d10 radiant damage to any creature that enters the beam or starts their turn in the beam the great thing about this spell is that it can hit multiple targets if they're grouped up closely and you can move the beam at just the cost of an action it will not cost you another spell slot and the last subclass available in Early Access is of course the oath breaker and to unlock this subclass a paladin must break their oath once you break your oath your character will hear a voice in their head and the next time you go to your Camp you'll meet the oath breaker Knight who will allow you to become an oath breaker if you don't want to become an oath breaker you can pay 2 000 gold to him to restore your former oath if you don't have 2000 gold you can press on in the game you just won't have Oath charge spells until you restore your oath or become an oath breaker many of you will become oath Breakers at different periods in time so let's just talk about everything that you have once you reach level five as an oath breaker so level 5 oath Breakers will have three oath charge spells just like the other subclasses the first one is called spiteful suffering which has a range of 10 feet in costs and action and an oath charge if you cast this on a Target and the target fouls a Charisma save it'll take 1d4 plus your charisma modifier necrotic damage for up to three turns I'd say even more importantly attack rolls against that creature will have Advantage the coolest oath charge spell although very situational is called control Undead and this spell has a 20 foot radius and costs an action and an oath charge control on dad works of course only on Undead creatures and these Undead also have to be a lower level than you and what it does is cause an undead to do a wisdom saving throw and if they fail they'll then stop fighting you and instead follow you around and attack your enemies your Undead creature can stay with you all the way until you take a long rest control on dad will likely be much more useful when the full game comes out we get into more situations with Undead creatures that are actually lower level than we are and also I should mention that paladins will be able to animate the dead when they get to a higher level they just don't get access to that spell in Early Access like the wizard and the cleric do in the last oath charge spell is called Dreadful aspect which has a 30 foot radius and costs an action and an oath charge Dreadful aspect is an AOE frightened spell and all enemies within its radius will be forced to do a wisdom saving throw and if they fail they become frightened for up to 10 turns Brighton creatures can't move and they have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks definitely found some good use for this one when fighting large mobs of enemies the spells that the oath breaker gets access to that are prepared at all times include hellish rebuke which is a reaction spell that can be used with a level 1 or level 2 spell slot if you have this one active or on a setting where you want the pop-up box to appear because it's a reaction the next time that you take damage you'll also surround your enemy in Flames dealing 3D 10 fire damage if using a level 2 spell slot keep in mind though that your opponent will be doing a dexterity saving Throne if they succeed they'll only take half damage as a paladin I really only find great use out of this one when I'm up against opponents that are vulnerable to fire damage otherwise I'd like to use my spell slot for a different spell inflict wounds is a cleric spell but the oath breaker Paladin gets it as well and this one is a melee range spell that deals up to 4D 10 necrotic damage if cast as a level two spell it's a pretty powerful spell but keep in mind your damage potential with your regular weapon attack plus extra attack and divine Smite both Breakers also get crown of Madness and darkness at level 5. Chrono Madness is a level 2 concentration spell that has a 60-foot range if an enemy fails a wisdom save they will then go mad and attack the creature closest to them other than you in darkness is a level 2 spell that has a 60 foot range and a 17 foot radius where it will create a cloud of magical darkness that heavily obscures and blinds creatures within so if you're not going to play a goody two-shoes Paladin you're probably going to be forced down the oath breaker path which is fine and they get some pretty cool spells especially at higher levels and that'll be it for this video thank you all so much for watching and let me know Below in the comments if you're interested in some actual Paladin build guides I have a few in mind that I can do that are pretty deadly catch you on the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 190,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 2 paladin class, class guide, paladin, bg3, baldurs gate 3 early access, baldurs gate 3 classes, beginners guide, paladin build, baldurs gate 3 builds, classes, races, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, spells, divine smite, oathbreaker, oath of the ancients, oath of devotion, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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