Baldur's Gate 3 - All Classes Ranked from Worst to Best

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thank you hello and welcome back to another dare to game video today we we are playing Baldur's Gate 3 and we will be going over all the classes in the game and ranking them based on overall effectiveness versatility and survivability it should be noted that this doesn't mean that you can't make an effective character with any class simply that their maximum potential is going to scale pretty accurately with this ranking so let's dive on in and start ranking them from worst to best so starting us off at number 12 we have the monk so the monk takes the absolute lowest spot and in my opinion there just isn't too much to redeem this class the monk specializes in unarmed attacks which means it is typically better at that than any other class however that is not what I typically aim for in a game where swords are an option now the monk can use weapons but it doesn't do it any better than any other class the monk also has notoriously low Charisma and intelligence which means if you would like to talk your way through the game you'll need to utilize a party member for that all this being said there are some builds that can make the monk pretty decent if you absolutely need to play as this class overall I give the monk a c rating number 11 the ranger our next class coming in at the number 11 spot is the Ranger this class is one that looks cool on the surface but falls apart upon further inspection early game it's actually not bad and even up to level 5 may be pretty strong when paired with a melee party member however the further you get into the game the more enemies you're facing and the more weaknesses of this class will shine through the ranger is particularly susceptible to crowd control stuns knockbacks and heavy-hitting melee enemies the ranger is fairly useful in the wilderness but not all too useful in any Urban environment it is cool that the ranger can form bonds with animals and get that added tactical option in combat but overall this class is severely underwhelming mid to late game so overall I give it a rating of uh B minus number 10 The Bard so The Bard ranking at number 10 should not be much of a surprise and this coming from someone who enjoys The Bard archetype in fantasy they are fun to play with outside of combat as they have skills that can make for entertaining solutions to most problems that that arise however inside of combat they are only somewhat effective as a support role they have limited spell casting ability but nothing compared to the other classes that can excel in that case The Bard is decent at inspiring allies and debuffing enemies but the lack of defensive or offensive abilities make the party spot a lot better to give to someone more useful in a fight the greatest strength of The Bard is bardic inspiration which does give all allies a decent buff however overall they are just too weak in combat to be a real consideration overall I give this class A B rating number nine the Druid at number nine the Druid is where we start getting into classes that I can recommend trying out the Druid is a shape-shifting nature-based spellcaster that has a very unique and fun playstyle the most notable strength of the Druid class are their shape-shifting ability which offers serious tactical advantages in combat if you utilized effectively their nature magic which gives them access to spells that control the environment summon creatures and heal allies and their overall versatile playstyle as a druid can effectively fill multiple roles including melee combatant spellcaster and a support or healing role their notable weaknesses are their limited armor proficiency being limited to lighter less effective armor their complex spell casting having a wide variety of spells but not being straightforward or intuitive and their shape-shifting limitations shape-shifting can be very effective in specific situations but it will often not be practical overall I give the Druid a B plus rating number eight the Warlock warlocks harness the power of Otherworldly patrons for potent spell casting and creature summoning however their class limitations include few spell slots resulting in Reliance on Eldritch Blast for ranged combat notably warlocks possess unique packed Boons and regain spell slots on short rests despite these strengths they lack the spell variety of Wizards and the sheer damage of sorcerers warlocks are criticized for overdependence on Eldritch blast making them less versatile than other spellcasters as a result recommendations tend to favor the unparalleled power of sorcerers or wizard with warlocks seen as simpler but less versatile options overall I give the Warlock a B plus rating number seven the Rogue Rogues are agile masters of stealth and precision excelling in melee and ranged combat with their sneak attack ability they boast Simplicity in play and remarkable damage potential additionally Rogues possess diverse skills for Effective non-combat scenarios their advantages include the ability to deal substantial damage through sneak attack exceptional skill proficiency and versatile bonus actions like cunning action however Rogues are less durable lack spell casting abilities and rely on Advantage for Optimal Performance while not front line tanks they Excel as stealthy damage dealers particularly in the context of Baldur's Gate 3. so overall I grant the Rogue an A minus rating number six the cleric at number six on our best Boulders Gate 3 classes tier list clerics are Divine spellcasters devoted to specific deities they are versatile excelling in various roles like healing support and damage dealing clerics are optimal for overall Party Support lacking the massive damage output of certain classes they offer a broad spectrum of spells armor and weapon proficiency with unique domain abilities enhancing specialization however their offensive capabilities may be more limited depending on the deity and oriented towards support rather than dominating the battlefield clerics are exceptional additions for bolstering a team in Baldur's Gate 3 though not designed to lead in damage dealing like higher tier classes so the cleric gains an a rating here number five the wizard Wizards stand out for their exceptional spell casting versatility boasting the game's largest spell list for adaptability in diverse situations particularly excelling in area of effect spells control and utility spell this class requires strategic planning gradually revealing its full power beyond level 5 while spells like Fireball exemplify potent area damage Wizards rely on tactics like Mage Armor and positioning due to their cloth wearing vulnerability offering high damage potential but low hit point the Wizard's broad spell selection efficient Resource Management through Arcane recovery and crowd control capabilities are noteworth however limited armor proficiency and hit points as well as the need for premeditated spell preparation Pro was challenges recommended for players seeking diverse and flexible spellcast Wizards provide variety and a magical Essence distinct from Sorcerers heightened damage throughput with all that in mind the wizard gains an A-Plus rating from me number four the Barbarian the Barbarian class boasts remarkable strength durability and melee Dam its range in frenzy abilities along with high hit points and potent melee attacks make it formidable force in combat barbarians excel at tanking with outstanding physical prowess and receive extra attack for enhanced damage they offer raw damage output through raid resist damage while raging and have straightforward gameplay utilizing unarmored defense barbarians calculate Armor class with dexterity favoring Mobility over heavy armor however they lack ranged combat options spell casting abilities and must manage limit it rage duration and use it the Barbarian class is ideal for those seeking a bold and aggressive playstyle excelling in melee combat with high damage and survivability making them a valuable addition to any party so the Barbarian gets an A plus rating for me and earns the number 4 spot number three the Paladin paladins are formidable warriors with Divine ties granting potent spells and abilities for versatile gameplay they excel in melee combat wielding both offense and support through healing and smite abilities for burst stem extra attack and smite Synergy make paladins exceptional single Target damage dealers they toggle Divine Smite for devastating attacks exhibiting unique yet manageable gameplay paladins also provide healing protection and self-sustainability with lay on hands and heavy armor for durability however their spell casting selection is more limited requiring strategic spell slot management for optimal Smite damage adherence to a code or oath May restrict role-playing though the oathbreaker subclass stands out paladins offer a powerful blend of of warrior prowess and righteous defense delivering high damage survivability and support skills rendering them a valuable asset in any party and the Paladin is our first class in the S tier with an overall rating of s minus number two the sorcerer Sorcerers possess innate magic casting spells without external sources their meta magic and sorcery points allow versatile spell customization and enhance enabling early multi-spell casting and high burst potential meta magic options provide unparalleled flexibility from range extension to additional casting with more spell slots and resource conversion sorcerer sustain spell casting without excessive rest however their spell selection is more restriction compared to wizards and they lack defensive abilities making them fragile in combat although complex Sorcerers offer powerful and enjoyable gameplay for those seeking a potent and dynamic class doesn't take much to realize that the sorcerer is a classic for a reason and I give it an overall rating of s number one the fighter at number one we have not only the best but my own personal favorite class the fighter fighters Excel as damage dealers and sturdy tanks in Baldur's Gate 3 with a substantial hit point pool and armor and weapon proficiency they endure combat well abilities like action Surge and second wind amplify damage while extra attack and the great weapon Master feat facilitate multi-action turn combining Simplicity with extra attack Fighters deliver high damage through melee or range combat they lack magical abilities but compensate with weapon Mastery and multiple attacks yielding the second highest health gear dependent and focused on combat Fighters are optimal for players seeking durability and damage dealing making them a valuable party asset and so the fighter is our only S Plus rated class in the game in summary Baldur's Gate 3 presents a range of distinct classes each with its own gameplay skills and Adventure potent whichever class you opt for promises an enjoyable and engaging experience so why delay embark on your journey now it's worth noting that this ranking considers Factory like power versatility durability and mobility and personal preferences might influence class ranking urging players to explore various options for the most fulfilling playstyle but that's all for today I hope you enjoyed this video but in any case we'll see you next time thanks for watching another dare to game video If you like this video please leave a like and a comment if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to the channel if you like my content and would like to support this channel consider becoming a member today for as little as 199 a month it makes a huge difference but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day I'll see you next time
Channel: Dare To Game
Views: 62,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3 patch notes, baldurs gate 3 patch, sussur bloom baldurs gate 3, how to stop windmill baldurs gate 3, where is dammon baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 which class to play, baldurs gate 3 all classes, baldurs gate 3 classes guide, baldurs gate 3 classes explained, baldurs gate 3 classes ranked, baldurs gate 3 best class build
Id: NHkUpWWF5es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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