Baldur's Gate 3 - 11 IMPORTANT Early Magic Items, Weapons & Armor - Best Gear Location Guide!

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hey hysterian want to see my new trick by the way your eyes are glowing I'm thinking I don't want it too late on ladies gentlemen and adventurers of all ages as Baldur's Gate 3 has been out for slightly longer periods of time people are progressing through the game and finding all sorts of goodies most people are quite familiar with act one of the game by this point both because it was part of the quite extensive Early Access period for the game and because well most people have really just completed everything there is to do before they Advance act 2. that said as you enter into Act 2 there are of course a ton more goodies to be found more quests more stories and many people's favorite more cool magical items that can affect your entire gameplay flow as a result today we're going to dive into 11 incredible useful magic items that you can find early on in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3 and where you can find them I will keep this as light on spoilers as physically possible even starting by showing you the location that you're after before anything else if you just want to go there and find out for yourself all that covered let's get started with number one The Shield of devotion early on in your journey in Act 2 you'll hear about the last Light in and you may even be escorted there for protection once you reach this location and take care of some dialogue there is a vendor immediately south of you within the outer area of Inn interact with them to look at their stock and then item number one on their list is The Shield of devotion this is an absolutely massive and lovely sheet of metal plus two to AC it gives you a bonus level one spell slot which is actually quite strong in the right hands personally I like it on Shadow heart as my healer giving her more healing to spend as far as spell slots this has an additional Effect called Shield bash where if an enemy hits you with a melee attack you get a reaction Choice do not get prone against the deck save prone is a massive shift to combat doing that to anyone who hits you is incredibly powerful on top of that you get the level 3 Ab duration spell shield of devotion Aid which heals you for 10 HP and also gives you 10 temporary HP 2. it costs 624 gold to grab off of the vendor which isn't negligible by any means but if you've been clearing a lot of the map until this point you should have more than enough spending money to spare if this really does catch your eye alternatively we have number two the incandescent staff this item is sold by the same vendor in the same place but for 924 gold so a fair amount pricier but the actual results are pretty solid depending on your class and what you're aiming to accomplish with it this is a staff that gives you plus one to range spell attack which is fantastic it grants resistance to fire damage too which is pretty great but then it gives you access to the fire bolts cantrip which is a strong cantrip and then also the fireball spell which is obviously incredible a massive Circle explosion of fire for a ludicrous amount of damage and if your group just doesn't have any other proper AOE this is fantastic to keep around just for the once prolonged rest Fireball otherwise it is a pretty standard Quarter Staff 1d8 two-handed 1d6 one-handed but fantastic to add a bit of fiery Flair to a Caster if you'd like to number three evasive shoes this one is also in the last Light in and also from a vendor but from a different one just inside of the in itself you will find Mattis who you may remember from the tiefling camp in act 1. he has some dialogue that he wants to talk to you about that offers to sell you some things one of which are the invasive shoes these are absolutely fantastic as an accessory armor piece in the shoe slot they give you plus one acrobatics which is you know it's just all right but also plus one to AC which is about as much as you could ever ask for from a pair of shoes one AC can make a surprising amount of difference in the game and getting that bonus from a slot with minimal competition is amazing so if you are interested in this one and you really should be honestly you just have to pick it up for 171 gold which is actually quite a steal for how good these are too number four the shifting Corpus ring and this is your last one in the last Light in area and it's quite easy to get too when you arrive at the end for the first time you'll be pointed towards a cleric who lives here to get a blessing when you first interact with that cleric there is a combat instance at the end of the conversation the main enemy of the combat instance has this ring on the body when you loot him after the fight the fight itself can be a bit difficult I won't lie about that all the enemies have only one target they are only trying to kill one person so you're just essentially playing against a timer honestly don't be afraid to blast off high value spell slots to make sure that you get it done as it is entirely possible to properly lose this fight but without having any party members themselves die so it doesn't force you to load a save then you'll just have a save with an important see who's no longer available and that's just sort of said as far as what the ring itself does then it gives you one use prolonged rest each on two separate level 2 illusion spells invisibility which pretty much does as on the tin makes you invisible and gives people disadvantage on attacks made against you it also has blur which gives enemies disadvantage on attack rolls against you for 10 turns afterwards number five ice bite robe this one lays much further to the west of the Shadow cursed lands early on in your time here you'll arrive in wraithwind town and if you progress Northwest from here you'll find a cemetery within the cemetery are a lot of lootable well um Graves If we're honest but this specific sarcophagus on the location that I had marked on the map gives you the ice bite robe when you dig into it this is a 10 AC bit of clothing that grants resistance to cold damage as well as giving access to the armor of Agatha's spell once prolonged rest this spell gives you 15 temporary hit points and does 15 cold damage to any enemies that hit you with a melee attack cold to the touch this one is great for a Caster that you want to keep safe or even for a character that gets up close and personal and melee combat but doesn't want to use heavier armor number 6. strange tendril amulet over here to the west of the House of healing you will find the entrance to the morgue type area once you enter if you turn immediately South you will see a weird looking wall walk up to it and perception check your way into finding a button press the button and the wall will slide open to a hidden chamber open the chest inside of this chamber and here and you'll get the Strange tendril amulet this lets you cast everard's Black tentacles once prolonged rest this is a level 4 Conjuration Spell summoning Tentacles from the ground transforming the area into difficult terrain and attacking and smothering nearby creatures for 3d6 each turn this spell is quite potent when used correctly and having it in the amulet slot is pretty nice too number seven the flesh melter cloak continue on through the morgue the same place there will be a long hallway full of poison that has a fight the first time that you come through it on the north side of the hallway though is a locked door but there's a lever beside the door hit the lever and the door will open so much for the lock right inside of here though there is a sort of chasm in front of you but nearby there is also a chest on a rock jutting out of the wall your goal is through some method of the fly spell or long jump or something of that type to get a character over to that ledge pick up the chest in their inventory then get back over to the initial platform and put the chest back on the ground once you do so take it out and let your resident lock picker give it a go and open it up to find the flesh melter cloak which has the caustic reprisal effect whenever a creature deals melee damage to the wearer they take one to four acid damage obviously this is quite nice there aren't many cloaks around the place and this basically just passively damages enemies if you put it on the correct party member the one that you know will take most of the blows in melee combat number eight the psionic ward armor back out into the open world in the very western side of the town area towards the exit towards Baldur's Gate you will come across a bit of an ambush now I believe for this to trigger you lead to have finished the whole set of interactions with the gift Yankee crash in the mountain pass so if you haven't done that yet go do it before this though that does also depend on if you even care about the items that you get from this at this location there will be an ambush fight when the fight salute the leader and you will find this the psionic ward armor this is a 15 AC piece of medium armor with the psionic ward effect if the wearer of the item is registered as a gith they will have resistance to psychic damage on top of that the wearer heals one to four hit points whenever they succeed against a spell-saving throw this is a solid item definitely not the best thing ever but a solid armor option to have depending on your party composition that's not it however because there's also number nine the her bracers which I don't have any clue to pronounce these drop from the exact same fight you can even get them from these same corpse and these are purple gloves that Grant quickened Mage and which lets you cast magehand as a bonus action they also give you plus one two strength saving throws and on top of that they'll you cast telekinesis once per short breast not even long rest which is a level 5 spell that lets you throw creatures or objects against their strength saving throw and while concentration lasts you can actually do that once per turn which is actually really scary in the right situations are you fighting near a cliff just start throwing people off once per turn got a heavy box beside you start throwing it at people telekinesis is really strong and it's only one piece of the bonuses that these gloves can give you number 10 lightning jabber and here we just have something that's a little bit fun right in the top right section of the western half of the map right by the grand Mausoleum Waypoint if you continue Northeast as much as you can you'll come across a small shack by the water and if you approach it a pretty sizable fight will actually break out if you beat the enemies here their leader will have an item on their corpse which is called the lightning jabber a spear that does 1d8 piercing and 1d4 lighting damage has a chance to apply the shock status to enemies on hit and also has a secondary bonus 1d4 of lightning damage when used as a throwing weapon and as well this weapon has a plus one enchantment too not the best weapon in the game but quite an interesting one if you're interested in throwing weapons is pretty specifically fitting to any build that does that but it's also just fun nonetheless as it's essentially a crab claw and a stick that the game calls a spear and who doesn't like that concept number 11 Killer's sweetheart and this one is pretty deep out of the way at the northernmost edge of the western half of the area north of the House of healing you will find an entrance to an area called the Grand mausoleum in the northernmost room of the grand Mausoleum there are loads of perhaps and some buttons that you can press I recommend disarming the traps if you have the means to do so otherwise it just gets a bit muddy to exist in this room this is simply a puzzle of which order to hit the buttons in and it worked for me after hitting the Southwest painting button then the southeast one then finally the northern button after that an area will open up in front of you that eventually leads to the gauntlet of char dungeon and here there are lots of things to do but our specific Target lays on this part specifically as part of the self-same trial simply walk up to the marker that I've got here on the map engage with the ritual and then when you enter the room you'll be in combat against a copy of your own party down to the letter defeat them as best as you can there's no real specific gimmick to make it simpler just you know be better than they are but then once they are all dead at the top of the platform that they spawned on you should press alt to light up a ring on the floor that's just sort of sitting there and this is the killer sweetheart ring this makes it so anytime you get a kill your next attack roll is a critical hit once per long rest you can also purposefully choose to not use it if you want to save it for a later opportunity which actually makes it even stronger but essentially yeah it's a force critical hit which you can pretty much choose when it's pretty nasty to have access to if you put it on a high damage dealer so it's really good to have and That Just About Does it for today than everyone a massive collection of 11 important strong magic items and where to find them in the very beginning of Act 2 in Baldur's Gate 3. a number of these could be easily missed if you don't know where to look or don't know if they're worth it so I hope this helps you find some cool pieces of equipment that will change your journey for the better as it progresses like if you liked the video subscribe to the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stays sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world of stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 79,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 hracknir bracers, icebite robe, shield of devotion, baldurs gate 3 best weapon, baldurs gate 3 best armor, best weapon, best armor, weapon, armor, magic item, rare magic item, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, baldurs gate 3 magic items, combat, combat guide, best class, best build, build guide, act 1 guide, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, paladin, bard, sorcerer, subclasses, baldurs gate 3 act 2, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: xcR31oMw6qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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