The Flagship of Monster Hunter 6 is _______!

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we all know who the best Flagship monster is no um [Music] but what about the next Flagship monster oh yes hello and welcome my fellow Hunters as today we look to the Future and a very exciting possibility that it may hold I have spoken recently how the Monster Hunter six stars are aligning Tokyo game show September announcement six months of pre-release teasing and reveals for a lovely release in March the 20th year the same month that monster hunter 1 came out and a month that is still part of this fiscal year in which Capcom still have one last game to release that they think will sell millions and with all that in place then I feel very assured in getting a little bit of theory hype sighted when it comes to our Monster Hunter future yeah and this kind of period between anything announced and everything that we already know being finished is quite an interesting area to exist in because at this point everything and anything is possible and you know that's kind of fun to just go wild with wouldn't this be cool but I like to temper it with just a little bit of reasoning and logical deductioning so what am I actually getting to here Flagship monsters then what would be the ideal Flagship Monster for monster hunter six and I don't mean the literal monster what would it look like and be called and what element it attacks that is impossible to predict with nothing to go on but what type of monster for example you know Rapha lost the flagship of flagships is a flying wyvern and there have been eight flying wyvern flagships that's a lot of flying wyvern flagships but what about all the other categories of monster there are 13 types of monster flying wyvern Elder Dragon Fang wyvern Leviathan brute Wythe and thanked beast neopter and temnos Erin Bird wyvern piscene wyvern karapisian amphibian and snake wyvern is it today the car goes near Gigante Belle has a Kirin balumu zenotiva kulikus or a magnum Hunter Mall here are a few more too but they don't have large monsters as part of their members and out of these 13 categories only six have been well blessed with a flagship monster member eight to the Flying wyverns in a rapalos being the most known five to the elder dragons in I would honestly say nergigante being the most known given world's Smash Hit success status fanged wyverns got two waves and yoga being their most loved member leviathans have two with of course legia Chris oh I totally forgot it was even a monster is he still a thing I thought I dreamed that one up yeah he's absolutely my favorite and which game incarnation of him is your favorite he's in multiple games well I'm sort of man I can't wait for him to come back again 2 000 years later still waiting being the one that Springs to mind though I'd say it is very close with mrsune brute wyverns have their pair as well with brachiosa coming to the fall though again glavinus very very close and then finally fanged Beast gets their gamut as their one and only Flagship member now you could argue it's generous to giving them the other three of the fated fall but they all do share the flagship status so technically the fanged beasts do get one but that leaves as I said seven categories of monster that have never been blessed with a flagship now of course some of them were invented later through the generation so that gives them less opportunities to get them but I still think it's a shame it's very heavily focused let's be honest here on the flying wyverns and the elder dragons and I get why they are the most well marketable monsters they're the 4 coolest monsters they're the ones that a lot of people lean towards and favor the least quirky the most straightforward look at this badass dragon thing and then slap it on the cover it's gonna sell copies but I put it to you you can achieve all of that with one of the types that have just never been given that kind of Spotlight so what are we working with then yeah it's an interesting list isn't it when you first look at it and you can kinda to be fair to Capcom see why none of them perhaps got that Flagship member because I think on the surface a lot of them don't come across as kind of game carrying entities you've got to remember that in modern era Monster Hunter 5th gen onwards the flagship has quite the story Focus see that's quite the role to play I mean even before that with things like gone magala and the frenzy Arc but especially now Magna Marlow is a big deal in rise in the Rampage and the whole plot nergigante was volcano with the song and that misdirection was malzano of course was a huge deal to the whole curios and everything that mattered in sunbreak so if you have a flagship these days it needs to do more than just be a cool monster it needs to work in a multitude of ways and purposes and cut scenes and be something that we're gonna care about over the course of an entire game so so when we look at something like amphibians I feel like that's harder to do they seem almost designed to be earlier game monsters and I just can't see a like bigger extreme or amphibian being the main deal in a game and we just got a new amphibian in tetranadon in rise and sunbreak so they've recently had a much needed update to their roster so I think we can eliminate them then karapecian don't get me wrong I adore the crabs but can you really see a quirky little jittery crab being the flagship of Monster Hunter 6 which is going to be the biggest monster hunter game of all time if world and I spawns trajectory is anything to go by that will be exposed to the most amount of people and on the box the big boy the main deal it's a crab look of course you could design the Crab Monsters in such interesting ways and you can do more with karapecians than literally just crabs you could have like a lobster Flagship but I do think it would prove challenging to make it as appealing as they need it to be and with both daimyo and Shogun getting that sun brightness I do think again they have had recent Spotlight to eliminate them then let's look at the temnocerins they are basically just the spiders nercilla was the only one until rachne kadaki came along and while I think you could definitely have a flagship that is spidery in nature I think a insect is definitely a harder cell but I think everything we have left is definitely more looking possible in all of the check boxes that need to get checked you could do a kind of creepier Vibe a darker nature maybe something more mysterious less raw powerful but a little bit more revasive and has a different kind of ways of influencing the story worry or you could have a insect monster that we think is the big bad and it turns out it's just like a minion of a greater Hive of which the actual Queen is the surprise twist it's this elder dragon all along that they have done in every 5th gen game and that would be genuinely fun so I do give the damn no sirens and by extension the neopterans who are just all of the other bugs like Celta screen and such that kinda nod and I do put them both as sort of fourth and fifth most likely and if it wasn't for rachna kadaki getting these spiders a bit more attention in sunbreak I'd probably have them even higher and everything I pretty much just said applies to the neopterans too they have not had a new member in the 5th gen and I think it will be a crime if the Sixth Gen doesn't give us some new insects but I could see it being a real expanded category there as opposed to just hey here's a single Flagship and then we're done I think you need a larger roster of bugs because by their nature there's lots of them so if we let those go we're down to the piscene wyverns the plessyoffs the bird wyverns like the uncut coup and the snake wyverns like the only snake wyvern nachirala though the Madero is still totally a snake wife and it just happens to be also an elder Dragon so that's what he's known as and these three I think are very competitive bird wyvern I think struggles the most next as while you have ones like yangarooga that are absolute badasses they're powerful they're threatening they're a bit scary and could totally have filled I think a like first or second gen Flagship spot I don't think they quite work for what the flagships have evolved to be they're very involved now they're elaborately designed they've got loads of moves and there's a lot going to them and I think by the very nature of the birdwagons they're a little bit more simple probably malfestio is the more complex one and yeah yes he's the best one but I think he's definitely an outlier though he does kind of make me think a bird bird why then Flagship you know a classic sort of eagerly hourly shape like he is as opposed to the half scaly Yan katus or the drums would be really neat a massive soaring swooping a creature that's causing issues from high above and how do you get to him maybe he could nest in a really obscure fire to reach place and getting there and encountering everything along the way to get to it is a bulk of the story and how you encounter new monsters and then you could find out you know the plot twist Elder Dragon up there is actually the reason why the giant bird is nesting where instead of where it should be and so on and so forth and that would be very interesting I think giving a bird the spotlight after the bird wyverns being such a classic backbone of Monster Hunter I mean most people's first hunt was against a bird wyvern I mean maybe not so anymore with world success and great jagras being there but I could definitely see them both deserve it and you could definitely do a unique monster that happens to be a bird wyvern to give them that Flagship member but I do have them in third place and then I'm going to eliminate the piscene life ends simply because while I think you could do an incredible Flagship job with them which is why they're second I think they're fitting I think they could have one I think you could Redemption Arc they're otherwise let's say mixed feelings in the general community members you're not going to do a piscing flagship until you have another watery focused game so if monster under six does bring back water as a focus in any way then yeah Pisces go right to the second spot on my list but for now they are superseded by essentially the inspiration for this entire video which is the following sentence we need a snake wyvern Flagship monster I mean we need more Snake way Ivans in general because they're amazing that snakey feel is unlike anything else the coiling the speed the size of naturala and you can get so creative with them the amount of different snakes in all shapes and sizes in the world I mean just look at the bloody dragon snake is this thing not the coolest thing you've ever seen it's literally a dragon but a snake ah anyway I want a snake wyvern Flagship you could definitely make one threatening you could make it interesting you could give it a complex moveset you could make it story relevant because the snake wyverns you could have them water-based you could have them land you could put them in caves you could put them high up in trees you could even somehow invent a flying snake and it would work because there are very adaptable multiple both reptile and body shape to form this Central monster they have the cool factor that sells they have the intimidation Factor they're interesting and easy made mysterious I mean just look at dalamadur and his whole stick he has an elder Dragon but clearly a snake wyvern still and that would translate super well in to a flagship you could even have a flagship like suregyos where there's lots of them everywhere all of a sudden but in Snake Farm where they're hatching and they're everywhere pouring up out the ground and we're like what's going on and that forms are one of the narrative threads and you gotta get where I'm going with this I think a snake wyvern takes all the boxes and is a justifiable monster to make a more end game Apex almost Zelda Dragon level threat like something Magnum was and ultimately I just think it would be utterly perfect and at the stage where we know literally nothing and can just throw our fanciful wants in to the air I uh put my uh well wishes upon the back of a as of yet unconfirmed and maybe not even existing snake wyvern flagship I think they are the most deserving of every category two as one of the coolest categories of wyvern but the least represented and it's been well it's not been a while I guess it was fourth gen but I do think they would benefit hugely from the improvements that world and I spawn have made especially just visually what a gorgeous creature it would be so that's my thoughts let me know your thoughts which type of wyvern would you make the monster under six Flagship if you had the power to choose such and let me know down below but now then until we meet again like if you enjoyed this subscribe hit the bell for more consider supporting the future of this channel on patreon down below oh God Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world of stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 91,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster hunter flagship monster, flagship monsters, monster hunter 6 flagship, monster hunter 6 flagship monster, new flagship monster, new monster, monster hunter 6 march, monster hunter 6 march 2024, monster hunter 6, monster hunter 2024, monster hunter 20th anniversary, 20th anniversary, new monster hunter game, best monster hunter game, new, elder dragon, gameplay, monster hunter rise sunbreak, new elder dragon, monster hunter 6 release date, trailer, sunbreak, ragegamingvideos
Id: IWMwrmU-tXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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