How to Build a Drunken Fighter in Baldur's Gate 3

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did you know that there's a weapon in Baldur's Gate 3 they get stronger when your character is drunk the punch drunk bastard is a plus one great club that gives your character the tipler's rage condition while you're drunk tippler's rage gives you advantage on all your attack rolls and it also makes it so all your melee attacks with the Great Club create a blast of Thunder damage in a 10-foot AOE so how do we build around this well first we have to get drunk they don't say this on the label but if you drink any of the camp supplies in this game that are alcoholic they'll actually give your character a special debuff called alcohol the alcohol condition lasts for two turns and gives our character a disadvantage on all dexterity and Charisma checks the dexterity I get but come on charisma I don't know Sven you and I must be drinking with very different kinds of people as long as our character has the punch drunk bastard equipped when they take a swig they'll gain the tipler's rage condition for as long as they stay drunk ignore that until long rest thing it goes away when you sober up getting drunk is just a bonus action in this game so for the low price of just one bonus action we can give ourselves unconditional advantage on all Attack rules for two turns but once we get to higher levels we might want to use our bonus action for other things in act three we can luckily pick up an amulet that helps with that the Amulet of the drunkard The Amulet extends our drunkenness so that one Swig will keep us drunk for five rounds instead of two ignore the tool tip it just extends it to five rounds not by five rounds they were probably drunk when they wrote it Additionally the amulet heals us for two to eight hit points every turn that we're drunk while wearing it that's a nice benefit but the real reason we're here is for the extended turns of advantage since we're wielding a two-handed weapon and we have basically unlimited access to Advantage on our attack rolls my first thought was hey why not great weapon master the only problem is that for some reason great weapon Master doesn't work with great clubs wait are you serious great weapon Master doesn't work with great clubs great clubs there's still hope for this strategy though in order to get the tipler's rage condition we just have to have the Great Club equipped once we're boozed up that unconditional Advantage applies to our range attacks as well so we never even have to attack with it we can just use it as a stat stick a way to get advantage on our ranged attacks and then go for a sharpshooter strategy grab the archery fighting style and that's a character build right there plus two an advantage is enough to counteract the downside from Sharpshooter so you'll be able to do a ton of damage while still being very accurate but what about the second part of tipler's Rage the Thunder damage in an AOE it's not a ton of damage but it can add up really quick if you do it around grouped enemies it hits everyone even allies and NPCs each hit of the AOE counts as a separate instance of damage so you can pair it with the callous glow ring to deal two additional radiant damage to everyone in the AOE since we're dealing radiant and thunder damage this is a great Synergy with the gloves of belligerent Skies these gloves give each instance of radiant and thunder damage that we deal to enemies a chance to apply the reverberation debuff and reverberation is a pretty solid debuff it applies a cumulative -1 to strength dexterity and Constitution saving throws for each turn remaining reverberation is also supposed to have a chance to knock enemies prone but that part isn't working and is bugged right now so instead you just get the penalties to saving throws with a maximum of -7 which honestly is probably better in most cases as long as we're applying reverberation and dealing Thunder damage we may as well throw in the ring of spiteful Thunder as well now we've got a chance to Daze them as well dazed is a pretty great condition to be applying it lowers their AC it denies them the ability to take reactions like opportunity attacks and it also makes it easy for us to stick our debuffs they use wisdom saving throws if you give this set up to your melee characters then suddenly they're applying all kinds of saving throw debuffs alongside the damage that they're dealing if that Melee character is a Battle Master then it makes their manures more likely to stick for example disarming strike uses a strength saving throw and there are all kinds of spells that Target wisdom saves so the day's condition makes it easier for your spellcasters to land their spells but where the punch drunk bastard really starts to get crazy is when you start pairing it with abilities that have multiple attack roles this includes any cleave effect for example the Wild Heart barbarians level 3 ability Tiger's bloodlust cleave attacks like Tiger's bloodlust roll a separate attack roll for each enemy that gets hit what this will do is cause the Thunder AOE to trigger one time for each enemy that you hit in the case of Tiger's bloodlust that means you can hit three people with it triggering it three times and if that's not enough for you you can also pair it with the singing sword also known as Fowler falar Aloo felar alute falar ALU whatever the singing sword's shriek ability is insane with the punch truck bastard I'm not entirely sure what's happening but the bonus Thunder damage from The Sword is getting triggered way too many times by the Thunder AOE from the punch drunk bastard so when you combine the two you just delete grouped enemies in addition to doing a ton of damage and applying a ton of debuffs this combo will also lag your game and put so much stuff in the combat log it'll be basically unreadable yeah we get it Carlock blasted Tiger's bloodlust hits a maximum of three enemies per swing but you can go even further with the hunter Rangers level 11 ability Whirlwind attack this one will hit everyone around you so you can get as many triggers as enemies you can fit in the area of effect on its own Whirlwind attack is actually pretty good in this game the only problem is you have to put in 11 levels of Hunter Ranger in order to get it and I mean yikes but I will say that the hunter Ranger does pair really nicely with the punch drunk bastard in terms of role play potential I mean if my level 7 abilities were that bad I'd probably have a drinking problem too but in terms of pure Synergy I think the Battle Master fighter is the best class for pairing with this weapon many of the Battle Master Maneuvers Target strength saving throws so they get a lot of mileage out of the penalty to strength saves that you get from reverberation they also get access to a cleave attack in the form of the maneuver sweeping attack admittedly it's a bit of a bummer for this class that we can't grab great weapon master but one workaround is to just build them as a dexterity character and get Sharpshooter then you can just make ranged attacks when you want to deal damage and move into melee when you're trying to do some debuffing you'll have lower strength and unfortunately great clubs are not finesse weapons I know shocking right but you can mitigate that problem by just drinking elixirs elixirs of Hill giant strength are really easy to access from very early in the game you can buy them from anti-ethyl in Act 1. and I mean your character already loves to drink so it fits now the only thing left to do is make sure that you never run out of alcohol but honestly if you're looking for it there's alcohol everywhere in this game many of the game's Merchants actually sell booze so make sure to check the next time you're out shopping come on barkeep just put it on my tab the real challenge is you have to remember not to accidentally use it all the next time you long rest you'll just have to explain to your companions that no that isn't the party booze that's your special fighting booze oh God damn it Gail not again I need that seek help man
Channel: Build-a-Barbarian Workshop
Views: 128,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: puaV7Z-_yW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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