Baldur’s Gate 3: BEST Origin Character for YOU

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Alright, folks, let’s talk about the earliest  but also the most important decision you’ll make   before your adventure in Baldur’s Gate 3 begins.  Do you make your own character from scratch or go   with one of the 7 Origins crafted by Larian  Studios? It may come as a surprise with all   of the cool looking creations being churned out,  but playing as an origin character is easily one   of the most fun ways to experience the game’s  incredibly deep world and narrative for the   first time with many plot points being  centered around you and your backstory. Can’t decide which to pick? We've got  you covered so let's dive into our   ranking of the origin characters  for your first ever playthrough: Kicking us off at number seven is the arcane  powerhouse known as Gale the Wizard. Now,   for those of you who are familiar  with the world of Dungeons & Dragons,   you know that Wizards are the spell-slinging  badasses who can make things go boom with a   flick of their fingers. Gale is no exception.  With a vast array of spells at his disposal,   this Wizard can be an invaluable asset. But here's  the thing – Gale has a bit of a magic addiction,   and when he gets hungry for magic items, you're  going to have to feed his hunger. This can be a   little frustrating for newcomers who might not  want to part with their rare and valuable items   or deal with the frankly overwhelming variety  of spells at his disposal. But if you're looking   for a versatile spellcaster who’s got too many  tricks to count up his sleeve, Gale's your guy.  Charging in next at number six is Karlach, the  fierce Tiefling Barbarian. Karlach is immediately   thrust into the story, having to mediate a  conflict between her kind and the Druids, and   being hunted by a fellow Origin. Choosing Karlach  as a Barbarian gives you a solid tank character,   and introduces newcomers to D&D elements like  Rage and Unarmored Defense without overwhelming   them with spellcasting rules while not being as  simple and straightforward as the Fighter class.   Karlach's high personal stakes in the story  and the discrimination faced by Tieflings in   the Forgotten Realms make for an intriguing  character development arc but isn’t ideal for   someone wanting a well rounded and well received  character for their first playthrough. If you're   looking for a tough, front-liner who can take a  hit and dish it back out, Karlach is your gal.  In the number five spot is The Dark  Urge, a unique origin character whose   class and race you can customize fully.  Unlike the other Origin Characters,   The Dark Urge comes with a completely different  story and much darker tendencies. The unique   dialogue options and gritty storyline make  The Dark Urge a fresh and exciting choice   with an element of chaos that’s more suited  for a second playthrough; but if you really   want to be a murderhobo in way that engages  your character thematically with the world   without getting docked roleplaying points for  it, The Dark Urge might just be the perfect fit.  Slashing straight into number 4 is Lae’zel,  the Githyanki Fighter. From the get-go,   her direct proximity to the game’s plot and  opening moments give her a strong motivation to   fight the villains. This adds an immediate sense  of immersion within the world and really helps   you empathize with her mission. Her ideal class,  the Fighter, makes her a versatile and powerful   leader with a straightforward combat style. If you  want a strong and motivated character to spearhead   your party and who's strongly tied to the events  of the major plot, Lae’zel is a fantastic fit.  Moving onto number three; you’ve  got the swashbuckling Warlock,   Wyll. Don't let his appearance fool you – he's not  just a charmer. As a warlock, Wyll gets his powers   from a mysterious otherworldly Patron and has a  much smaller arsenal of spells to choose from,   making it easier for newcomers to get a handle  on the D&D spellcasting mechanics than playing a   wizard or sorcerer. His ongoing hunt for a certain  character makes for some fascinating character   dynamics and his perspective on the Mindflayer  invasion really adds some interesting twists   to the story. If you want someone charismatic  that gives off major ‘’main character’’ energy   to excel in dialogue scenarios and Eldritch  Blast his way to victory, Wyll is your man.  Sneaking into the number two spot is  Baldur Gate 3’s resident flirt and rogue:   Astarion. His also being a vampire leads to some  genuinely fun scenarios and dialogues while adding   an interesting layer to his character. A  word of caution though - he’s got a bit   of a dark side and you’ll need to navigate  how that fits in with your party dynamic   and interactions. And if you stick with his  default class, the Rogue, you're in for a treat.   He comes equipped with a toolset that will help  you navigate through the many challenges you'll   face in the game. Traps, locked doors, and even  stealth missions are no match for his skills. So   if you’re looking for a deceptive trickster with  a taste for blood who can sneak his way into every   nook and cranny of the game, sink your teeth into  Astarion … or more likely, the other way around. And finally at number 1 we've got Shadowheart,  the mysterious Cleric. She's one of the first   characters you'll meet in the game, and the fact  that she’s suffering from memory loss makes her   a great insert character for players wanting to  really throw themselves into an unfamiliar world.   Choosing her preferred class, the Cleric, gives  you a solid support character who can heal your   party and take a hit when needed. Shadowheart's  key role in the story and her connection to   Faerûn culture make her a compelling and very  immersive choice for your first playthrough.   If you're looking for a reliable Origin  who can fit into any party composition   and is an important player within the  narrative, Shadowheart is the one for you.  So, there you have it folks, but remember this  is just our personal ranking and if you feel   that you can more strongly resonate with the  backstory or playstyle of a certain character,   that’s who you should absolutely go for. Whether  you're looking for a spellcaster, a tank,   a support character, or a charismatic leader to  be your face character, there's an Origin for you.  Let us know which one you’ll be playing  as in the comments below or if you’ll be   making a custom character and if you enjoyed  the video please consider leaving a like and   subscribing to the channel - it really helps  us out. As always, thanks for watching.
Channel: Cowboah
Views: 7,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, bg3, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 origin characters, larian studios, baldurs gate, bg3 gameplay, bg3 origin characters, baldurs gate 3 the dark urge, bg3 the dark urge, bg3 tips, baldurs gate 3 beginner tips, baldurs gate 3 tips for beginners, baldurs gate 3 things to know, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, bg3 astarion, bg3 karlach, bg3 shadowheart, bg3 best origin character
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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