Balan Wonderworld: The Complete Run

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yeah oh come in he's made of felt this dude's the best part of the whole game welcome to hell they spent all the money on cgi cutscenes and that's it and just a reminder every single button is jump i think even start okay maybe start doesn't jump there it is like i'm not even messing with you jump slash costume ability everything hello little guy yeah i'll save you i'll make sure you don't have to experience this game god you know what the worst part of this is i have to play the first two levels all over again why are models disappearing wait you get too close and they go away it's like anyone else in my life press a to perform a spin jump or literally any other button it doesn't have to be a i just want to dance with the other incineroars why are you leaving me i know this dude is just like a re-skin of balon but i think he's really cool all right we're gonna try and collect as many ballon statues as i can wow i missed three of them already the reason why is cause i don't want to have to come back to these levels super mario 3d world yeah i'm going back i'm trying to get all those green stars here i want a one and done this oh god oh no oh the game doesn't even want to play the game is trying to commit suppo stop it we good we back no it wasn't on your side uh that was legitimately this game you know i would really like to appreciate some of these character models but they just keep disappearing i have a feeling i'm gonna have some kind of like stockholm syndrome where i'm just going to end up liking this game you did well to find me little one i don't know what kind of voice to give bellen now i shall let you no i think if this was the whole game it would have been better some kind of rhythm game with ballon just kind of like floating through the ether like nights into dreams when do i press a oops you know i'd watch a balan anime i would yo he just threw a spirit bomb okay now if uh someone could just explain to me exactly what i did that'd be fantastic we only got two that is so that's so bad he's like please feed me we require more minerals this is where we feed the tims all right everyone come eat hello everyone i work my ass off to put food on this table i was just a changing room okay still don't really what is this i'm taking the gundam steam launcher that's what i have installed on my pc to launch this crappy game uh so i just want you to know i'm not pressing a button to shoot anything it just does it on its own you think you know the action button would be shoot when in reality the action button is still jump i'm like aoyama from my hero i have no well he has control over his belly button laser i do not and tell me i just lost it oh no it's there okay we kept it boing boing boing boing boing i want to bring destruction on this wretched land what can i destroy though i can't stop moving or i destroy up here we go again pay 65 dollars for this game what is this a soccer ball okay so she's just like after yo did she just do a gainer what is this she's just extracurricular activities emma cole now all right we gotta really put our foot do we have to hit these okay i am a god wow great goal defense nice job bellen so i didn't really know like what i did in that challenge if any of that was good or not yo so here's what i want to know why do we have a robot that can shoot a laser and destroy things but we also have a dragon but we can actually like it's the same power listen if the game's going to be bad fine at least make it work at least let me play the bad game all right we got the uh the t pig costumes that's what she kind of looks like here ballon wonder world is the type of game to give out participation trophies you know here's a fun fact for you they didn't give out any review copies of this game and probably for a good reason because now they can scam people into buying it but when the reviews start pouring out i would say this is on the same level as the scummy that cd projekt red pulled with cyberpunk where are we going this happened last time imagine having the patience to have a literal cornfield that is in the shape of corn it's a damn shame because like the cut scenes are so clean and like the animation is really nice but that's it this is where all the money went gonna possess the farmer now we're gonna have to fight old macdonald that cutscene was more anime than it needed to be all right so i learned the hard way last time that you get one costume for each power that you use so i'm going to use three separate powers so i don't have to do this more than once you literally just walk into him and press a button oh wait hang on we'll use the piggy butt bounce nope let me keep the costume i'm not coming back here this is so stupid like a boss fight that could have been so cool this is so bad you're free now farmer brown we will now break out into interpretive dance i must continue farming all right we got all three fighting styles there oh we need one more i gotta i don't wanna go back don't make me go back this is the same train that avalanche gets on in the beginning of final fantasy vii or off rather wait how great would that be if it was just a shared universe emma cole gets on and then avalanche gets off and that's where final fantasy vii starts at the end of world one in ballen wonder world the dolphin and the diver they're gonna put us right into the water level this early in the game here we go it looks like uh looking for kind of water temporally i would rather play the water temple 10 times over than this entire trash heap okay waiting it out again i guess one of the cool things is seeing what all the costumes can do jelly jolt literally a pokemon so we get in the water and we we jolt we electrocute people we take a toaster bath god damn please just let me play all right i knocked down the uh the graphic settings which means that this game is very poorly optimized shouldn't have had to do that what's the point of swimming if like you just kind of enter one of these water paths and you don't do anything with it oh wait can i steer myself i was gonna god come on legitimately unplayable what is this bubble blower how could you possibly have fun with a bubble blower but it's fine okay what what is the point of that oh i can alright i can surf on it not very quickly but i can oh we're gonna do another one of the ballon things oh hold up are we actually gonna fight ah you missed idiot nothing personal kid you did it and now back to hell i am now chaos zero dynamic dolphin allows the wearer to travel through the slip streams and press a to jump you press a to jump like everything else the perfect time to start lagging maybe there is some point to it i guess just the slip streams i was going into didn't really make sense for it all right still somehow managed to miss most of the statues here which means we're gonna have to backtrack again wait i need 25 i feel like square it was like a baker and they were making a batch of cookies and they accidentally put salt instead of sugar in the batch and they were too far in so they were like ah crap i just put it on the shelves maybe no one will notice who you they all look like sonic characters oh is this another minigame emma cole plays all the sports batting challenge now listen i played a lot of persona 5 royal i spent a lot of time in the batting cages we got this wait left and right bumper return to title screen that's swing this is the batting cage from persona 5 royal oh another ballon challenge a balance if i may yo balon be schmovin he would have such a sick move set in smash he might move to like the top of my list for wanted smash characters you got crash dr eggman and now balon so we know gino's off the table so i'll take this guy but we already have too many square characters so it's very unlikely how do we get up to you mr ballen i can't wait can i not jump on the block there we go change slip streams oh great perfect great time for this fantastic all right boss fight time oh no she's gonna drown oh the dolphin was evil ew what the hell are you someone's telling me we're gonna have to use the the jellyfish to shock the hell out of ursula over here so what am i supposed to do oh okay i get it it's a mario 3d world villain this is essentially the bowser fight in the pimp car no literally it's the same exact fight what kind of fish is that sassy fish okay all right okay oh it's time for another dance number because the only way to save someone's soul is through flash mob this required an immense amount of practice look we can't even enjoy the cutscene that we work so hard for the girl who's gaga for bugs can't stop eating them loves bugs lovely lantern can someone explain what is going on with this powerup the light just goes on and off maybe the power will be really cool maybe it won't be friendly neighborhood web wrangler okay so you just climb webs that's it you can only climb webs one way i don't know if this is how it's meant to be gotten but i feel like we can get it listen i'll do anything to not have to replay levels and just get on with my life oh no we lost our very useful power up this girl's like why are you destroying my lovely bugs that was dinner i was hopeful that the music in this game was going to be good but so far i haven't heard a single song that i've liked the cut scenes though right when when they work right you know i really just want square enix to come out and apologize i just want them to be like sorry we messed up big time that's it just apologize maybe refund everyone's money how really how i might just even title the video i want my money back why are we not grabbing the damn web see the thing about older bad games is at least there's some nostalgia for them here there's nothing and i don't think anyone will ever be nostalgic for ballen wonder world in 20 years no one's gonna be like wow balan wonder world i loved that game when i was a kid let's move on maybe we'll get lucky and we'll have enough statues by the end of the next stage so the cheku's like gaga for bugs is that like being cuckoo for cocoa puffs hold up hold up this attack's kind of nice i feel like buma kawanger i don't i still to this day don't even know what a kawanger is i guess some kind of beetle i played mega man x for almost three decades i feel like this game would be somewhat enjoyable if there was actual lore that was explained to you but there's not literally zero things are explained don't know why we're saving tim's don't know who they are don't know where they came from uh don't know the story of any of these characters what are we celebrating also changing costumes takes literally like three seconds every single time [Music] hello didn't know that was there but i'll take it dusk butterfly power of flight finally oh we fly better when it's night time i get it keep it dim i do not like the light it burns my fair gamer skin what is this oh we're gonna play golf add emma cole to the new mario golf you cowards [Music] oh okay the wind we gotta go left or not mario golf who give me that birdie watch this is the one i'm too nice i'm damn all right this looks like a job for gardevoir here slit your throat razor leaf where are you at where are you at you oh no we lost it do i maybe just jump on on you whatever the end of the stage this stage wasn't terrible at least there were some cool power-ups and that was basically it and also uh the game actually managed to hold itself together without having a mental breakdown okay uh that's legit terrifying oh we gotta be the spider maybe maybe we do or not but i know we get bonus points if we complete it with multiple costumes and that's what we're gonna do i can move through your web because i am you i am thou and thou art i uh ouch uh hello maybe i can just walk into it that's so stupid man just walk into the pillar and jump oh here we go we were talking about it you were asking for it back by popular demand here's 12 frames per second oh you hit the ball back i should have known because we had to do that in every other boss fight i must go my planet needs me [Music] 65 we have to go back don't we you have to like wait five seconds before the changing room appears makes no sense wait no i didn't want to leave i didn't want to leave no why are we fighting the boss again all right maybe if we do lucky lantern uh i see one i'm jumping i think i'd rather get on a train that just let me off in newark you know what no i i would rather play this game than go to new jersey okay we did this one demo we can zoom through this one oh okay don't touch the fans kids this is where we get to evolve into whimsicott [Music] yeah we need 50 the number is growing and i fear that we're gonna have to do a lot of backtracking more than i'm comfortable with which is uh any amount by the way uh okay that's bad game design the stage is giving me like wooded kingdom vibes are we in agreement that wooded kingdom is one of the best kingdoms in mario odyssey the answer is yes right you wouldn't lie to me would you [Music] watch oh great cool great every time the frame rate skips it's just hit coming in and saying this is the stance look perfect timing a lot of laser shooting robots there's like four costumes that do the exact same thing and again here i can't control the lasers being shot [Music] oh come on what is this happy horn toot two stand on a stage or something okay wow that's not annoying every time you jump it honks okay oh that was satisfying that's a mega man x robot oh it's another one of these can they like get creative with the boss fights do i hit these back every boss fight is exactly the same okay i've lost the one thing i needed because uh it spawns right under me it looks a little bit like a clown too i mean i'm the real clown for playing this game and i had no choice but to die there i'm gonna say curse words please please die please tell me that's it no more no more that's about all i can handle today this is so far the best part of the game as we just throw all the tims off the into the abyss so by the way i recruited kai to come play co-op but lucky for him he didn't have to buy the game however the caveat is i have all the control and he has no idea where he is [Music] what's good about this game so this is bell and wonder world that we're playing and we're playing co-op today i i know why am i a super saiyan why are you super saiyan i'm literally stuck to you wait how do i get all hold up oh wait how do you do it how do you do that why refused wait if we can we become go tanks i think so what would our fusion name be chocta kai we look like inkling lemmings i'm like that rivals character who's the bird where we just throw tornadoes i'm storm eagle jump hey oh we can break the game but you know what the messed up part is we have shared control of movement i didn't think it could actually be oh okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna wait i guess i have no idea okay here we go wait these are talking about the game is going to have a seizure for about uh 15 seconds and then we'll be able to play again as if this game wasn't bad enough solo i think they could actually make it worse with the co-op pup how is that even possible they really sat down and said how can we make this game worse yo i just dabbed i'm sting chameleon i'm going through all the mega man x mavericks okay and i get nothing how do i wait i got a first person i get any powers tell me you see first person camera i see your first person camera can i move around in it this game is mine can you not jump that's that's your jump now yeah that's my jump it kind of sucks and i just go wherever you are when you do that like it's so bad look i just spawn next to you no matter what when you do that wait this one has a two one i can get this one you got a power i'm a chicken oh no i can't even jump anymore uh oh there i am okay i go left you go right why is it so hard to go away i'm trying my best oh my god what is this what is this grass here it looks like oh no come on uh guys don't play this game co-op no matter what you do don't play this game also val just balance that where am i all right i got the balance statue we need these huh okay we made it okay all right we find a boss now this is basically it just like throw tornadoes and then he dies the only real struggle here is the camera yeah it's pretty bad it's a struggle for me too we did it which is really not much of an accomplishment we did it we beat the level oh thank god that was what 20 minutes i honestly think we may have fixed this [ __ ] all right where do we go next what the hell what is this fire boy what can you do nothing i could jump oh wait hang on we got to go back and we got to light the torches that weren't lit we got to get lit i i really feel bad for any kid that like buys this or any parent that buys this game for their character here we go like if this is your first video game you know what i'm going to lower the fps it is the absolute last thing that can be done yo what should a butterfly twist into throwing a bowling ball that's ballsy what the where did this come from this game man uh gonna get a nice split nice bowling mini game makes wii sports look like ghost of tsushima how many uh likes for a wii sports video good old 710 split i got this watch this watch this they call me mr 300 i don't think this game has physics stuff if i blast it oh crap oh dear all right i'm going to jump and then you're going to jump yep yep hey let's go we're gonna light this up nice uh we should probably get off this is the end so let's let's end this yeah hit me with the balls i wanna see something crazy bird watching that bird does not animate very well that is made of wood like this game oops oh no and then society where's the shopping mall what is this this might be the most donkey kong country level and boss in this game so you don't have to really do much here yeah grab the power up if i could navigate it i ran off the cliff where do i have to hit the tongue what is hap this is awful get the key over here i'm trying you gotta hit that thing then it's tongue hits it back in the face hit him in the balls that'll show him oh it locks on did you just hit the tornado back speaking of donkey kong country you know we usually make predictions and videos and they always come true because we're geniuses so i'm gonna go on the record to say we're getting a new donkey kong country repeal of e3 this year metroid prime four so i just loudly shouted what i wanted that's all that was okay that's okay it's okay that's how this works oh double team okay so let me prep you since you haven't played this game now there's going to be a dance yo what dude these eggs are so menacing they are asserting dominance so we got to become orianna from league of legends here i gotta gyrate you go in there it said no you don't sometimes we have that one moon in mario odyssey that you have to get like through the the girders cool i was just trying to detach wait did that throw us all the way back to the beginning this is the best part of the game oh wait we take turns [Music] you didn't shine i thought it was like turns i thought it was too but the character designs like these two specifically are they're cool why'd i get an oops come on if you're pure of heart the spirit bomb can't hurt you oh he's doing the flash thing now how powerful is this guy is he gonna drag and punch him yes shenron's coming out he just goes through his stomach we just skipped that entire goddamn puzzle punch kick his ass i will do my job and press one button as hard as i possibly can chrono bunny allows the wearer to stop time if passing through okay i can stop time he's immune to deo immune to aging dermatologists hate him what is that no your cat hold a to walk on air all right princess peach our ass over there [Music] somehow we missed like five statues mini boss it's a octopus goth goth to puss you know what i have the one that can punch stuff and i'm not using it yeah punch the crap out of it yeah i think that offers going to stand here and watch i don't want to watch this cutscene another cut and paste boss it's a cat if we hit it with three different costumes we get three different statues okay better pizza papa john's got the first part of it but i know no i would rather better ingredients better pizza i would rather eat papa john's willingly than play this game might be lots with some tolerance that's probably not the best i have standards how are we supposed to how do you hit him here where am i i don't know where's anything camera's awful oh wait we have to literally hit his fist gotta fist bump him i'm trying to get as many statues as i can so we don't have to backtrack all right watch this punch it fist bump fist bump that punch with his belly time to dance oh it is how many likes on this video for kai and i to recreate this dance in real life oh jesus christ don't actually give don't just don't actually do that 50 000 i'm actually scared they're actually going to hit 50k now if there's anything i love it's backtracking to collect stupid statues but there's no way they don't know this game is awful right there's no way they thought they had a masterpiece on their hands i don't know what they thought about the chrono hey they're handing it to us he's making it easy he knows we're suffering we need the gear here for something we could cheese this come here ready go hey we pulled it off the cheese what game design they gave us options they they knew what we were they gave us no options actually all right nine left fallon where you hiding you coward this is very aladdin he will show us the way also very anime oh so many excellents i wonder if we have to get excellent across the board to get the statue i think i missed one it doesn't matter 200 as long as one of us gets it oh all right well we're gonna have to make a sacrifice jump i'm gonna float over all right if i don't make it back tell my family i love them didn't even need me but you realize now we have to die i'll distract it go grab the statue i'll teleport it back there he is there's one up there we could definitely get that one without dying i mean i'm willing to die oh as am i there's nothing i would love more after two hours left there it is oh she's our way up there come on you can jump on the water which makes no sense yo he just overhead heavied bailing for a fighting game for dragon ball fighterz literally anything with this put him in the driveway fighters someone mod him into fighters i play that i think bell in the character might have a big enough following for him to be modded into things he himself looks cool i like him listen i'm not the only person who's angry about this oh and i check you do get a perfect score in order to actually get the statue got it we need three more there it is it's right there another statue closer to salvation i don't know what that costume is i haven't gotten it yet so let's try it out you are sonic you just have a double we have a triple jump now we have a triple jump oh my god how do i get this and we have a quadruple jump there's one oh my god we can actually make this jump oh my god this is unfair or even higher going higher to go even further beyond jump broken we have defeated the game we gotta get on the polar express why is he have a train i don't know why doesn't he i mean he's dressed pretty fancy he looks like he might be like an old prospector or something the former champion who's stuck in the past oh this is some chess kid who just lost one day this big oh did you see that drawing isn't this just the queen's gambit i think this whole game is just announced in the number line wait a minute where'd my sonic hat go i don't know but i get to be ch what oh yeah this is the squad the king and queen here's what we got to do watch this oh very cute you cheeky bastards you and your puzzles oh we're going to get that statue as a freebie oh maybe it's not jump speedy cheetah it's i'm like machamp and pokken if the wear run at super speed and normal speed when it feels like it they really put gotta go fast in the sentence yujinaka is like how can i put sonic the hedgehog in a game without getting sued for copyright infringement just wait till the speed speed force consumes you it's gotta feel like it there it is this time yo yo it works that's not even how it was meant to be done that's gonna be the easiest down i've ever seen oh i'll go too fast can i jump oh this is pretty good too you want to do it let's do it here we go oh my god oh my god yo this is not fair this is the busted combo this is oh we went back to the beginning this is like in toy story when buzz lightyear hooks up with rc and they just like make it all the way to the to the moving trucks yeah the most fun of this game is trying to cheese it literally yeah uh i quite enjoy cheating bellen any percent speedrun win oh no oh no no the combo in one shot all right we can totally float that you ready i'm ready here we go buddy into the abyss oh my what is that let me just stand still he's no match for the chess piece we did it yeah just drag me around just aim me in the right direction this is a great villain origin story i lost the game of chess so i became magneto what is that he's going to grow big isn't he yeah oh god that's a pretty dope design it seems like they kind of tried with this one oh you got the bull what does that do nice ram his hands get him 16. going after those goku's it sounds like some avengers music that's also where the money went they licensed the avengers ost and we died how do i shoot the lasers you just stand still wait it worked does it work wait wait take them out it real you just stand luigi wins by doing nothing oh wait you're gonna hit the big chest piece then you gotta hit this dude he's the real brain he's operating it like a like a power rangers megazord oh there we go that works all right now let's tackle this where is he get him kick his ass what is this a snow world i feel like this could be kind of cool it's not going to be cool is it no not like that not that kind of cool the lady too scared to love this is like a hallmark channel original oh as if the controls weren't slippery enough now we're on ice what am i seal skater but seals don't skate oh wait hold up hold up hold up i actually moved pretty quick this is better let me guess these fall yeah i knew it classic platforming tropes i would love to know what the point of the ice skate power-up is because it just allows you to move faster on ice but the entire thing is ice why not have like a a snowball throwing ability or i don't know something interesting hey pal you want an ice skate to the face uh congratulations you opened the stairs if i had kai here if we were still playing co-op we'd be able to just bypass all of that oh wait look at the little snow guy can i pick you up nope it's probably for the best cause you know what would happen i'm krampus wait a second wait a second wait a second oh my god that's broken like most of this game you fool you don't stand a chance against my ice hovering ability it's crazy how they made this entire game and every level and boss fight is just copy and paste and apologists exist out there they're like no the game's not that bad let me let me tell you something about video games i've played a video game or two in my day however another bad game i have not played is sonico6 which means if it is demanded that is the next logical step i never know if something is intentional or not in this game i'm just going to assume that most of it isn't and uh that's it so far this is the most aesthetically pleasing level because i tend to like snow levels that's like saying it's the least smelling turd in the litter box look how weird the run animation is and look at them look at them trying to hide a balanced statue like it's not instinct to just run backwards as soon as you start a platforming level oh no not another boss fight how will i ever get past these very challenging enemies what is this okay i like this one i'm also just recently learning thanks to a lot of you that the lore is buried within a book that you have to buy separately why would anybody do that how do they wipe their butt with hammer hands they use a bidet and this video is actually sponsored now could you imagine though any bidet companies out there if you want to sponsor me just hit me up you know where to find me all right can we just smash stuff because that seems kind of fun it's not letting me smash things and every single stage has the same weird song frost giant oh great another useless shooting costume so what's the like goal for me purchasing the book and then just doing a read along to tell everyone what the hell is going on in this game i didn't get the statue did i nope so why is the girl afraid to love who hurt her no go go back go back there we go just had to be quick oh god i'm dead aren't i i can't jump see you know what sucks is i have this slow costume now and i can't make it across wait what if i do this go go go come on damn it emma cole unless i intentionally get hit i was unable to make it across because i can't just switch back to non-costume oh he proposed on christmas eve or christmas day oh this is dark holy crap i was about to throw a cliche about a dude proposing on christmas and both her parents died jesus christ man uh didn't i fight this enemy multiple times oh look something different how exciting it only took them what like eight worlds to actually do something to dare to be different god damn it oh it's going backwards okay this is throwing me off like watching the toilet flush the other way all right come on you're exposed this is totally an undertale villain look at that design can i hit these back oh there we go this entire time i just had to be an ice bender we're gonna dance and that's somehow going to help her her parents just died thanks to this interpretive dance number i am able to move on from my parents tragic death and love again maybe i should marry him let's see after this mocap flash mob we've done it we saved her wait i do want to marry you after all i love you cole or i don't know whatever midwestern name would be if i renew my vows my wife i want ballon to be the one to do it all right oh this one seems like it might be kind of fun it's not gonna be fun i know it's not gonna be i have two abilities now that i'm stuck with in this world and i can't even jump to get up there and grab whatever is oh hold up i have to go up there and i have to hit that switch in order to open the door now i literally can't do that because i have to take a hit or i can go all the way back to the changing room stand here for five seconds before the door actually pops up this world actually kind of fits because balan's got that whole like clown thing going on or whatever he is top hat men carnival barker circus ring leader who are you the iron panda that looks like anything but iron can i kill things by rolling into them i am the iron panda after all dude this is just a mickey mouse bb8 rolling around at the speed of sound i'm actually going to play sonic adventure in time adventure 2 at some point you know good games rail runner okay strong donkey kong country minecart vibes looks like it's time for a boss fight what is that happy blaster oh so it's just like after eating taco bell it'll all go to your thighs and then you'll blow up oh fantastic another costume where i can't jump so do i just walk nope slow tortoise exciting i can slow things down what's the point because i can't jump so i just gotta gotta wait excellent game design ah the teacup ride i don't remember there being bombs in the teacup ride though get me out the boss of this world is gonna be a giant clown isn't it the man who fell for a princess i mean it's ironic that he's a clown pounding robot we already have another pounding why are there two pounding costumes who is horny at the office dude this is the same exact thing as pounding pig is this luigi's mansion oh god what i wasn't prepared yep frostbury's busted so we meet again valen chase me tag hear it that was an excellent no screw you this dude's name is lance right so balon and lance technically form what do you mean oops balance right yo okay here we go oh he's got the finger beams balance like goku he just he gets new tricks every fight wait hang on this might be kind of cool floating on the pieces of furniture some haunted mansion vibes by the way best ride in disney hands down merry ghost i'm just a mischievous luigi's mansion who no no no okay okay that works that works what do i do oh there we go just i don't know why i'm questioning it like it like the answer is not always jump on its damn head well i was kind of right it is a clown i guess you never know what you're supposed to hit either like what am i where's my opening these shockwaves gonna hurt me don't you know that i just completed champions road there we go hit the bullet bills back jump on his balls get me out of here please please i beg you and i died spit him out thank you balon we're out of here yo pirate clown is a cool dessert like why do they have some cool designs wasted you know what i'd rather not dance with a clown box fox allows the wearer transform into an invincible box the costume transforms between fox and box what it feels like try sliding in box form to break certain objects you normally couldn't dude is this a real costume wait i i can't even no no no no why is this a costume who showed up drunk at the office they're like hey i got an idea you guys don't stand a chance against fox never mind what the artist with painters block i don't even know if we need these anymore but what what the hell what is going on as if this game is not maybe nauseous enough we're gonna start flipping it upside down of of course they would have an octopus in the game inky blaster aka splatoon another projectile costume maybe if i paint that canvas over there oh okay that works wow look at that some creativity what is this new costume x-ray ape i think they just put words in a hat and they were like all right how about checks notes x-ray uh ape at least i can jump with x-ray ape i look like a sonic forces oc yeah i'd like to personally thank x-ray ape for giving me the ability to see all the cool hidden things in this game like nothing isn't this what i'm supposed to do are there more than one i have to hit oh there are ah getting clever ballon mr wonder world can i call you balon x-ray ape may be able to see invisible blocks but can he see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch cinnamon sugar swirls and everything please no more we've got to be close to the end of this ah finally the end of act one where the chapters in this game in the hub world are about as in order is my life this is very kingdom heartsy not to insult kingdom hearts but you know what same company what is this sneaky lizard okay so uh sneaky lizard is just a homing attack for gems and that's it fighting a boss which is the right one it is it's that one no i i shot the wrong one don't you hide from me you coward oh here's the end here's the end get me out of here all right another mediocre boss fight hang on this seems like it could be somewhat interesting we have to destroy a mirror i'll just look at it do i shoot the paint cans okay that's how you do it got that duck hunt down b or neutral b i'm sorry this is hard to look at it just gets progressively worse which makes sense that the final boss gave people seizures holy crap i don't think i have vertigo but i think i might have it after playing this come on hit the hit the paint can how are you supposed to that oh my god this is so bad this might be the worst boss fight yet oh we got him just had to walk up to him all right that's one down we have two more chapters and we're done with this hell hole of a video game i must get up and paint get up gertrude get up and paint yeah i don't i don't care the firefighter with heroic aspirations isn't the point of being a firefighter to save people so aren't you already do you already have heroic aspirations just by joining the fire academy bulldozer i'm a transformer wow high speed action oh great oh i can okay i can hammer the button and make it go faster that's a little bit better but this is a useless costume unless i am pushing something and i hope i don't have to push anything now oh i do what was the bulldozer transformer or their name you guys know i'm talking about right or maybe it was like five of them that uh they merged into one i had those toys i just can't remember who it was where's all my transformers people out there i have a feeling there has to be some kind of costume here where i can freeze the ice oh there's the okay we gotta figure out something in here because the end of the level is like right next to we're just a fire hydrant water blaster just call it what it is oh i'm mega man this might be fun let me tell you this is no fire house that i want to work in it's on fire oh god what is this can't jump but i can spin across the lava makes sense ladder man oh that's what this thing is okay i can now climb but only in certain spaces uh excuse me sir you're on fire just like that the waves wash over the underground firehouse why is the firehouse in the sewer where the game should be well the good news is we have another boss and then we're going into the final level so we're almost out of the woods you know what i'm quitting if i'm a firefighter and i walk into a building and there's fire dragons i quit it's a fire hydrant dragon oh it can be lava [Music] there we go we gotta plug them all up gotta make them real constipated then we just poke them right on the nose oh great platforms would you like me to jump on them well i can't all right excuse me sir you're leaking allow me to fix that for you his little nose is uh an emergency alarm all right another boss down one to go yo it's gonna be really humid in this place because the floor is just coated with lava like a water fountain somewhere can you take a quick drink stay hydrated all right we're about to go into a literal garbage can so this game has come full circle the man seen by no one this is where sora has to get like the pieces of his soul in kingdom hearts three oh here's the door to kingdom hearts wait what what are we we're a vacuum blaster vacuum is supposed to do the opposite are we just kirby oh can i vacuum up locks nope can't do that invisible man mr mime mr mime between making the where invisible invisible when it feels like it i like how i don't have control over that now you see me now you don't oldest trick in the book yeah we can make that jump right oh no we can't okay it's moving faster so at least they kind of tried here a little bit this seems like an unnecessarily hard platforming segment oh nope nevermind it was easy this feels very end gamey this would be a last level i think if they're gonna throw a level at me i much prefer having a linear platforming series than i do puzzles cause the puzzles in this game are like awful i'd rather display my amazing platforming talents lance is back when are we gonna fight lance probably soon i would imagine oh no i lost the costume here comes my foot that's it we had him one more time there it is we're getting close to the end this dude's just trying to pick up every copy of bell in wonder world and these people won't let him trash monster i feel like that movie the brave little toaster or a vacuum cleaner well there's a vacuum cleaner in that movie right can i yes yes we can suck the bombs up we just hold on to one just blows up in our bed so i don't know what i have to do here wait what happened literally what happened okay that's one don't know how i did it this is really epic music for a fight between two vacuum cleaners get out of the way and he is defeated which means there is just but one boss standing in our way and i'm going to assume it's lance since he's been teasing us the entire game oh so that's how you restore your youth and here i thought it was like creams and plastic surgery please tell me i don't need 110 statues to fight the final boss cause if that's the case i'm going to scream here we go final statue and then we're going into the final boss fight and then hopefully we're done with this thing forever yeah unless dlc comes out one day in which i feel like i'm obligated all right here we go final stop on the crap express yeah we've seen it all do we really need to see it again hold up i think we're going somewhere different now what is this world of light we just created a rip in space all right here we go final battle hopefully please be the final battle please i don't want to do this anymore oh wait hang on isn't this the boss that gave people seizures if you guys never hear from me again uh just know i went out on a low note whoa look at this we're speaking there's some story happening there he is so just a reminder that the entire lore of this game is hidden behind a book that you have to purchase separately and i'm not doing that can we at least have like a cool final battle all right here we go that's what i'm talking about whoa why is the camera so sensitive maybe this isn't the best option for a costume being that i probably have to jump on him just gonna stand here and shoot yeah uh this is overpowered okay and it's gone where'd the tentacle come from it's okay you're no match for panda bb8 okay this is probably the best boss fight in the game at least it feels like a boss fight yeah keep sending these guys out i'll kill hundreds of them i feel no remorse i don't know what they're called okay come at me watch this wait wait wait what we must destroy lance and return order to ballon wonder world listen you can't stop me i've endured hours of torture this is the strongest i have ever been i am untouchable so like he's gonna have another form right or was that it yeah come on transform into something cooler what is this always growing big this is like a persona final boss i feel like i'm about to fight the god of control oh it's a scary dragon yep we're just straight ripping more mario odyssey bosses no big deal [Music] um i think that hurt me oh no it was part of the story i like how emma cole is fighting a god or whatever lance is in leggings and a jean jacket [Music] finally they're all here to cheer me on even the girl who eats bugs that's it take their energy goku it's time to unleash the spirit bomb super saiyan emma cole wait no we can't use the spirit bomb for super saiyan oh crap we gotta hit these eyeball things i think this is costume overkill why do i have so many can you stop giving me costumes i have to constantly adjust to what i can oh i frostbury now you're done please stop please let me just fight i didn't want that [Music] wait where did all my costumes go [Music] okay where where are my costume people now where are they when i need them this one there we go you know what's messed up some of the costumes activate randomly but now it's randomly changing costumes can i blow this back with this yes okay we gotta knock the tornado back come on i've played plenty of mario games i know how to volley back and forth um wait just we're gonna just crack him in the jaw can we just crack his jaw oh hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up where is it bowing i think he's done we just crushed his fat brain that's the actual size of my brain by the way okay so i'm guaranteed for this game to do physical damage to me right you promised square enix who what he's hot no no lance you don't have to do this no lance didn't no you don't lance is that his heart can they at least explain the ending oh wait hold up we finally get to dance with ballen now i'm just looking to see if the same exact dance but it looks like this one might be different no i don't think so all right now we're gonna dance with all the costumes i didn't get about 50 of them so i don't like i don't know who that is you know i really didn't expect to hit that many likes but i i guess i should aim higher next time and now you emma cole and uh the other kid who we didn't pick i must go now what hang on hang on you're an anime character the whole time okay we still don't know why you left the giant mansion with a full weight staff i'm back it's time for my afternoon caviar this is what you walked away from to wear a furry costume i know i said i was done i know but a part of me just feels like the run would be incomplete unless i did the secret heck 3. it's kind of trippy the portal looks like a lick-a-color ice pop everything is extremely gloomy makes sense considering this is the general mood that i have when playing this game oh all right that was cool yeah hello friend the game's over you don't have to be here anymore in fact i don't have to be here anymore i don't know why i am but i swear this is going to be it this is the last run of the mirrors broken so you can't go that way someone destroyed this place they're not done they need to destroy the rest of the game so do they just not give us any abilities here and we just have to work what we got because uh now i'm stuck as a vacuum cleaner and i can't make this jump all right so i guess i'm just gonna have to ditch it cool no costumes okay how am i supposed to oh okay oh what please just take me now it's okay i'm ready i like however the secret act 3 they upped the platforming game they're like and they also made the levels really short all right you know what we're just going to do the levels out of order because i don't feel like looking through the numbers oh you really just have to show up with the correct costume or you can't progress that's fun you know don't even give me one just expect me to remember when all i want to do is forget wait is it really just down are you kidding is that it cause let's be realistic i ain't collecting no more statues if i don't have to just give me the rainbow tears and let me get on with my life see where do we have to go i assume it's just up i assume we just have to climb this hellish level to get out of here and i promise we are going to be done after this this is the absolute last video that i'm making play you know what i'm not going to say that because i kind of have something else planned but it doesn't involve playing the game because i refuse to endure this any longer did i go the wrong way i i think i went the wrong way i gotta tell you not having frost fairy or double jump is making this unnecessarily longer than it needs to be and it's been a couple weeks since i have played this game so it's like seeing the class bully after about 20 years and didn't age well going up the stairs and going down the stairs and going up the stairs and going down the stairs and going up the sideways stairs oh look a key are they oh see like who would have thought why do i need the torch costume here well it's not like i could unlock it anywhere oh wait no i don't i don't need it what are you talking about why are there secrets no no okay um i'm afraid to go come on now i'm stuck with a costume that i thought i needed that i can't even all right we're gonna have to willingly walk into the blade it's right there please don't kill me one two one two and go no you know what i got the hot head costume see what it does [Music] okay i think you're under the impression that i wanna get more things here oh wait why didn't i just run across you see i didn't think i was able to touch the purp yes damn it i hate my life listen don't mind me i'm just gonna complain until we're finished and you're just gonna have to deal with it okay oh i didn't think i was gonna make that i was gonna say i'll just slowly fall to my death i really hope the sequel bell and wonder world 2 has the long-awaited feature uh changing costumes instantly okay i guess we're just gonna not light this one oh wait i gotta go back and get the octopus why are you like this video game you can't just demand art that's not how it works i need to be inspired oh wait that was for i don't want that imagine thinking that i want to collect statues when all i want is sweet sweet release oh here it is this game just makes you feel dumb i don't think i'm a dumb person but this game makes me feel like an idiot can i just say uh before i jinx it that i'm fortunate enough to have all the what why did that not happen earlier why did me running away from this game after this video like i'm wondering if all this is going to lead up to some kind of secret boss at the end or if there's just going to be nothing and i kind of expect there to be nothing oh i can't go back so wait i don't have the costume that i need is there is there a dressing room over here i've kind of come to find that anything that seems remotely puzzle like is completely unnecessary so when you think you have to do something in act three uh you don't you can do the absolute minimum to get through this stage why is this game look worse than it already is i mean it's bad enough that i had to lower the frame rate to the bare minimum to even make the game playable but why does it look worse now you know what they probably got to act three in development and they were like no one's making it this far who cares what it looks like oh careful don't want to get knocked off again and you know have to go back to the very beginning is that it oh wait hang on don't crash don't cry hang on we got we got a rainbow statue that might be the only one we ever get do i have to jump i had to jump no so i learned that you can't hold forward when jumping because then you just don't jump why would holding forward prevent me from jumping sometimes i just do it out of video game instincts i can see the news headline now video game player thinks bad game is bad wait when did they add these these bouncing mushrooms are these new did they only implement these for act three look at this platform challenge really kicking it up to 11 in the final leg of the game you know out there somewhere are brave heroes that decided to hundred percent this game i'm not one of them i personally think this is far enough wow really we beat this level in like 45 seconds like i said bare minimum whoa whoa okay all right immediately almost jumped off the stage wasn't expecting that one i'm just trying to ice skate and have a good time i was like what does this do and then i realized that it turns this okay so let's get those out of the way so i can land my triple axel this feels like a good place to die we gotta be coming up on the end so let's just get through it hang on you know what i was gonna grab the statue of flex but there's nothing to flex here there's nothing to be proud of [Music] oh no oh god oh i almost i thought i was gonna die there but we didn't so how many do we have left because i think we're done with most one four ten five nine we gotta count like a two year old again i would just like to reiterate that uh after all is said and done with secret act three i expect nothing secret boss don't think so you're gonna finish the final stage they're gonna be like well collect all the statues and i will not all the shininess making me very very dizzy and okay there goes the one costume that gave me a little bit of insurance because now i can't jump so i have to lose the other two costumes that i have because this game is hot garbage [Music] yep that's about right now for those of you watching writhing in pain the obvious answer here is chuck just take out more costumes shut up all right make a run for it let's get out of here i need like the time stop ability so why does this game have an ability that allows you to stop time when you're not moving but when you move you die all right there it is let's get out of here this is kind of like a 3d version of the sonic bonus level where you kind of just spin only far less enjoyable it's a good thing i decided to take the gear prints why they not rename it depending on what character you choose if you pick emma cole you still have to be the gear prince kind of nice how like the background is just oblivion you got some skooma eh not like the good oblivion either by bethesda but like the great beyond some of these act three stages have the most challenging platform i've had to do yet because the team who made this game was like only the real gamers are getting to act three and by real gamers i mean anyone who doesn't respect themselves like like this is so strange why i feel like there's gotta be a way to slow time here oh geez you see i didn't even know that there were clocks back here that you had to walk through to slow time oh and i guess i just didn't do it at the right time so we got to do it again watch me still fall and die just that's something that would happen oh it's right here please let me up please let me out see the real time freeze was me wasting hours of my life on this why does this music arrangement kind of sound like the intro to thomas tank engine play the comparison we should be able to do this with dusk butterfly it's just like you gotta get there there we go again just playing the game as it was not intended to be played or maybe that was their intention all along i can tell you this though i'm running low on costumes so we gotta get through the next two stages fast wait a second dusk butterfly is actually a hack why have i not been using this all right two stages left oh wait dusk butterfly is not as strong here because in the last stage it was slightly dark here maybe i'll get a little bit of float and it's gone hey this is a water level where's uh you know all the water just out here like [Music] the final boss of this game is just the camera oh here's the end why are these levels so incredibly short i know it really isn't worth much for what it is worth ow for what it is worth i think this might have been my favorite stage i don't know just i like the whole chess piece thing going on all right one costume left which is just turn invisible whenever you feel like it that's right oh no where am i okay you know what whatever invincibility frames it's fine we're done we're done and now let's play my favorite game and take a guess in the comment section if you don't already know is there a secret final boss or literally anything or is this it oh something's happening we have a cut scene hot balance here did we just get another flash mob congratulations you finished the secret act three and your reward is uh nothing we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 128,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raid boss smash ultimate, raid boss smash bros, raid boss amiibo, balan wonderworld, balan wonderworld switch, balan wonderworld gameplay, balan wonderworld full game, balan wonderworld final boss, balan wonderworld costumes, balan wonderworld cutscenes, balan wonderworld cutscenes english, balan wonderworld final boss seizure, balan wonderworld all costumes, balan wonderworld all bosses, choctopus balan, choctopus balan wonderworld, balan wonderworld act 3
Id: hYkVhVW5dSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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