Baer Plays Spelunky 2 (Ep. 1)

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ah who this is so special that's so special we do it we do it we're ready we're gonna go look at the little lizard and the skull oh i love it a little trinkets on the spears and they're all the trinkets match up with what the thing is the leaderboards have a metal the options have a little gear globe for online that's cute that's adorable okay real quick i'm gonna go ahead and turn down our master volume here because i know that it's probably a little overwhelming let's see if maybe how's that how's how's the balance now chad is the music a little less overwhelming for you i'm guessing everything else is probably probably good to go i think we're good all right cool works for me works for me oh baby we want to be overwhelmed by the music i mean we do need to hear the new bangers absolutely that is that's without question oh we need to change our damsel too hold on uh gameplay oh it's default pug damsel i love this okay yeah you know this is this is smart i remember uh back in the day there were actually some people who took a little bit of issue with the fact that there was like a just a traditional female damsel in the game so it doesn't surprise me that this is the way they went with it and i love this is that a chinchilla what is this thing that's cute i got it i think i maybe gotta stick with monty i have to concede now by the way i saw malf's screenshot it's it's official canon this is his name's monty fine i give up i guess we'll keep medium screen shake yeah that's probably fine click the last pet 100 times maybe we'll no you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna stick with the pug i was considering maybe doing random dams we'll go with the puck though okay oh man i think it's already time i think it's time to go let's do it ladies and gentlemen it's time to begin our very first ever run a spelunky two anna yeah oh we got more more characters unlocked right away too rafi colin northway making a return appearance okay so we've got a few characters right out of the gate gotta play with anna for the first run of course of course money we need that bud where are you going come here oh it's it's beautiful oh this is interesting okay see so it's now instead of holding trigger to run it's just auto run and then you hold the trigger to walk interesting wonder if you can change that i wonder if i might want to change that just because i'm used to uh it being the other way there is a toggle for it okay yeah i kind of want to keep it this way just because this is what i'm used to wow it's been 15 years since my last entry so much has happened since i escaped the cave of olmec with his treasure tina and i became parents we named our daughter anna she's a strong kid and a natural explorer that's adorable and we go i'm glad it's a toggleable option for sure oh this is looking great already all right yay hey buddy oh come here you the dreams began when anna turned five in the dream i'd look out the window at the full moon and see olmec's face in it i tried to ignore it i mean we all saw olmec sink into that lake of lava didn't we uh by the way uh oh jesus i was trying to tell me to do the hangoff alerts thing i didn't even read i did want to say though if we could go ahead and uh put sub only mod or sub only mode on please mods it is it is time now we're gonna say goodbye the non-subs thank you so much for being here of course we gotta do it today already done thank you appreciate it just making sure all right no come back buddy our curiosity was too much to resist with colin's help tina and i built a spaceship that could take us to the moon anna wants to come but it feels a little dangerous and i think she should stay and finish out the school year beside we should be back before she knows it there's probably nothing there anyway i'm rich i can't read those signs right now that's just gibberish okay then okay then all right yeah open the crate up all right that's looking a little different [Music] old habits oh the way the explosions work is so nice a little ladder action it was hard to say goodbye part of me wishes we'd brought anna with us she loves space and we keep wanting to show her things in the ship at least she has money to keep her company ah man he must have been over the moon when he read that good for him to the bear pile that's great man mommy is rufus's puppy yeah you know what let's go with that lore that'll help me feel better at least rufus was the first dog i love these training enemies man that's great don't put my torch out thanks it's unbelievable there's a giant olmec on the surface of the moon and a cave the feeling of deja vu swept over us and we were drawn toward the entrance like iron filings to a magnet a voice is calling to us is it olmec or something else [Music] yeah i'll have to look at that later darien for sure i should have realized it was on me to avoid the spoilers early on though man but i did have a couple of things spoiled for me by going on the subreddit and on twitter yesterday [Music] but that's okay i'm over it now i'm into pure happiness mode all right it feels great by the way i know a couple of people have been asking how how uh it feels gameplay wise very similar it's a little different a little bit different but the familiarity is definitely there we've been in the moon for what feels like many months already but it's hard to tell just like before time and death work differently here it feels like we've slipped into another crack in the universe like the cave of olmec connected to it perhaps but also bigger much bigger oh what am i doing wait a minute did i just hold on a second here we go [Music] where do we go i think it might be a little confused here i just need to go back out and go in the oh here we go okay hey bud and if you're reading this then you've probably guessed that mom and dad are somewhere down below trying to find a way out key fell out of the photo i'm sorry we should have brought you with us but try not to worry to be honest we're having fun take your time and don't rush remember it's easier to get hurt if you're not careful just remember what we taught you and you'll be fine this journey is yours now make the most of it and we'll see you soon happy spelunking two spelunky twoing give me give me the key give me a key give me the key that's right that's right i do he's fearless dude all right well time to take the uh oh hold on sorry time to take the weighted training clothes off all right it's getting real let's do it first run [Music] the walls are shifting yay it's blocking two it's vlogging too yeah oh i love it yay there's a little dung beetle hey a little dung beetle you didn't like being picked up i'll put you back down sorry bud this is gonna be it's gonna be katamari damashi style the longer i leave the dung beetle around the bigger his dung ball gets i wish oh man okay hold on gotta read the bad entry unless oh there we go a common cave resident that nonetheless thinks very highly of itself due to his cute appearance it is kind of cute it's a little cute oh baby [Music] i'm so happy i'm so happy it's liable to throw a hissy fit ha hilarious all right so arrow traps still only gets set off once the animation is looking great i loved that uh that first bit of music that played when we uh entered the mines for the very first time it was so impactful now of course already this music is wonderful oh it's so great i'm just taking my sweet old time around here i'm kind of wondering uh what the ghost situation is going to be too so i wouldn't mind sticking around for the full the full 2 30 here in 1-1 that looks like a tiki trap yes it is okay bear trap oh come on now perfect opportunity for a b-a-e-r fine quillback built these to train his followers although they mostly serve to put them to sleep oh you're new how do i find out what you okay you're burrowed around in the dirt there okay cool can i jump on you yep and then it's just going to knock him out for a second i guess all right oh that was yeah that was easily avoidable first damage that's okay it's a mole that makes sense okay oh my god i might i might get out it's a little a little bit different on the edges there too i just noticed it feels like touch different skeleton from the ground okay we all have one inside us and yet they're still so spooky valid point how deep all right so we're clear to walk through that still doesn't look like the mole can get through the wood which makes sense i wonder if it can like see me through the dirt and come toward me i wouldn't be too surprised by that hey buddy a helpless pug adopted by tina flan after her first big adventure and a somewhat faithful companion there you're made of a skeleton and meat i know isn't it weird [Music] we're all just bones and meat okay so it's been well over two and a half minutes now i wonder if it's at three minutes let's take another few seconds here hold on i wouldn't be surprised if maybe they give you a little bit more time now or there's just no oh there it is yeah okay whoa that's faster that's a lot faster wow okay oh damn that's gonna be interesting i like this summery screen [Music] that's good we'll have to take a picture of the ghost too y'all we'll have to see god we're just scratching the surface here man this is great you're new okay i can whip him no sweat oh i didn't see that one whoopsie an ancient trap of unknown origin yep sure is i kind of want to kill this thing just to get the journal entry ah this is a resilient son of a gun though okay there you go bats behave largely the same way it seems okay so he just sort of meanders forward toward me it still hasn't figured out how to stop rolling once it starts horned lizard fun it feels pretty similar okay let's see oh did i crush the bug oops better do that then yeah yep nice oh baby there's a good old spelunky for you oh geez that was close gotta get a little bit more used to uh falling down oh boy okay shopkeep ivan's weapon shop what the heck is this i need a key for that i don't know what that is huh the shield's available right away damn all right well there's no way there's no way this still works i better not try it that's probably not good let's not end our first run by assuming that that strategy is still going to be effective i think it's probably wise to to push on a normal a more normal way oh he just did he wake up to that that's interesting okay hmm oh there's a key and a little caveman hut how about we can get in there through that little doorway that's cute [Music] [Laughter] [Music] one of our primitive ancestors his simple life is somewhat enviable oh he's carrying a pot that's adorable you got a little present there bud thanks i'm just gonna go ahead and use that real quick oh i'm so glad that arrow didn't hit me i feel like in the first game that probably would have hit me in the face i'll get rid of those webs here we go gotta get the key gotta bring the key back up [Music] oh [ __ ] can't make it all right one more rope totally worth it um no what can't use it huh right i guess that doesn't work on that oh right yeah i forgot we got the spike shoes now yay oh boy okay time to do our first little ghost dance i guess yeah that is a lot faster oh and it moves so much different too oh boy that's going to be a lot more difficult to avoid hey you okay here we go and sorry buddy can't get you i think i'm out of here yeah that little smile oh that was great i like that a lot turkey oh don't get don't get arrow trapped though hold on uh yeah sorry bud you're good you're okay okay we gotta there we go turkey whoa hey what the [ __ ] yay spelunky welcome back [Laughter] first death yeah that's that's great i'm totally fine with that i can't even make it out of the mines i thought i was an elite gamer oh baby we're back oh i'm just hold on a second i just gotta you know what i'm never gonna apologize i'm gonna bask in every individual moment i feel like basking in in this game man today's for me today's bear's day and if bear just wants to sit on this screen and look at the yard for a minute bear's gonna do exactly that god it's great look at this guy baskin basking over here it's so good it's so pretty look at that they added so much more detail to all the textures too and that was a thing that people were worried about it looks so nice the music's dynamic holy [ __ ] that's awesome that's so [ __ ] great dude that's there's gotta be so much complexity to that [Music] i'm so excited to discover how in-depth that system is that was very clearly reactive was there a little monty charm on the hook of the rope or was i seeing things oh no there is there totally is it's adorable what is this a diamond oh it's a duh okay i like that that's cool that's a that's a ghost jar no kidding [Music] you want a diamond well you're gonna have to pay the price okay grab a key again [Music] the music is so good already man so the way that you uh the way that you throw objects feels a little bit different too the weight of things feels a little different and i'm not sure if maybe there's a different way oh jesus did he just you feel like just stabbing me with that arrow i probably would have done more than one damage though holy crap is that a jet pack hang on power pack [Music] just gonna wow that was amazing here's a little bark that's new yeah that one blows up okay [Music] good info oh my god good kill oh i almost called him rufus again god damn it i'm gonna have to get out of that habit that's sad [Music] rip rufus [Music] don't hit me thank you uh i guess do that and then whoa geez hi did not know that would happen okay [Music] oh that's not the way to go either there's another ghost jar here though sorry buddy you got to take the hit for us oh never mind oh there's a door ah god those things are a little more threatening than i initially thought i thought they just like waddled toward you slowly but no they got that they got that quick little roll there this is great man i'm so happy i'm dying so much which is how you know i love this game uh chubs did indeed have breakfast yeah he's been fit he's probably lying to you saying he [Music] hasn't pro gamer okay oh [ __ ] okay we're good nailed it definitely building more familiarity here [Music] nice that's the first pile of ropes we've gotten yeah i really haven't seen a lot of crates actually now that i think about it all right oh oh that's the oh what the hell i thought that was ooh the exit wow what a fun new thing [Music] okay it's gonna the brain's gonna have to relearn the the uh the threatening patterns here the blocks that i need to be wary of i'll bear optimal early on here for you oh god damn it man come on wow okay i'm getting my ass kicked he was hidden it's hilarious because we're dealing with the exact same well not obviously the rolling uh lizards or whatever they're called the horned lizards are different now but we're see these are the same threats but they're just being presented slightly differently to me and that's been enough to ah god damn it no not the [ __ ] i just wanted to go through that door oh my god [Music] [Laughter] there hey there's another one okay good we're gonna have to use some bombs for this though it's interesting that the uh the arrow actually hits the bomb or can hit the bomb i should say this should work too i think yeah good enough [Music] oh wait a minute oh okay okay okay now i know [Music] you gotta do things to learn [Music] i mean i probably should have figured that that certainly made sense upon further evaluation [Music] love this music so much already oh you can just bounce off them like that that's fine okay [ __ ] hell come on no no no no no no come on please that's right god damn it hey good okay we're getting splunkied a lot so far man [Music] i'm not trying to allow any of this to happen it's just happening now this is spelunking [Music] okay so they're not that threatening moles aren't that bad [Music] there we go yeah the familiarity's building with every run here too i'm happy with that sweet i love how slick that uh between stages screen has become now too they they took it they cut out so much of the unnecessary fat from that screen that's really good oh thank you for that defiler appreciate it thank you again so much of course appreciate all the subs and tips and bits and stuff of course we'll run through all those in a couple hours here but thank you thank you for being here thank you for watching oh i'm having a blast i i i almost want to try this you know we're early on here let's do it that does not work anymore that does not work anymore all right point proven [Music] that's gonna be a much a much different process now we're gonna have to relearn that [Music] all right let's see [Music] i mean it looked like a pretty damn good shot but it was probably worth going for he's so big and hunky [Music] i'll take these nice there we go a few bombs my damsel thick boy [Music] uh boom nice okay this runs going pretty well he says on 1-1 that's how you know we're struggling mightily [Music] all right so we can back over into there if we want to that doesn't really do anything for me though i like knowing that that's a thing though all right i'm out of here sounds good man yeah i love how smooth that is now first kali alter oh my god that is this is much more uh displeasing than the last one there's a little uh tunnel into there too okay interesting still got this key as well oh that might be the ooh jedi key i wonder if that's still a thing don't be too surprised maybe keep an eye out for a locked chest oh hey there we go all right another shop one thing i definitely realized uh from that uh last go is that the shopkeepers move a lot more slowly so that'll be interesting god dang this is such a good shop too [Music] hmm i don't think i actually need the bombs though i think i'm just going to have to call it good we got to be cautious man i'm not nearly as well equipped to deal with these guys as i once was hmm i do want to get this damsel too especially because he's right by the door here oh wait a minute what oh that's oh this probably goes into the vault welcome to the bear pile oh [ __ ] okay okay hold on hold on we get this we get this and we go like that and boom yup ah damn it no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't do that i'm i'm so close to this don't you take it away i'm so low on ropes too i don't think i can even get it man it was up here right oh [ __ ] okay hold on we got to cook a bomb oh my god okay this guy's a problem though ah that works pardon me this music's great [Music] loving it yeah cool view jedi is a symbol of great power and represents the gods watchful gaze sweet all right that's familiar [Music] i could use some more health here okay oh right yes that was man it's going to take some relearning oh boy yep time to go see it out of here three health nine bombs no ropes that'll be tough [Music] hmm kinda go for that there's another shop oh some ropes what the heck are these doors not a real question by the way turkey oh jesus give me the turkey oh hey dude i'm looking for turkeys wanna help yeah i do actually i can collect some turkeys for you i'll look around the map i remember you from the trailer it's a dead mole oh [ __ ] ah okay uh let's see if i go like this there's a turkey i don't have any oh i do have ropes actually yeah i bought a few come here buddy okay i can't really control them very well oh never mind you just gotta tame them i guess that's cute oh then we can crouch under how adorable oh hold on come back and then boom welcome oh you can't climb a rope with a turkey yeah that makes sense how the heck are you supposed to get it back up there oh god oh why do you have to make it slowly slide down the spike man oh god derek why that's horrifying all right [Music] like i got a sneaking suspicion of what's gonna happen here [Music] oh yeah [Laughter] that would do it too wouldn't it whoops [Music] i guess i'm not getting the turkeys oh is this just hmm it looks like it might have just been like a pathway like a path in the back of the stage to be able to get through to get up to that part you have to have a key for it i guess i'm confused all right anyway you have returned we lost money oh we right yeah we spent the money on the ropes i was so confused i i like i thought it took money away because i crushed that uh statue or something but no it was because we bought the ropes can i make this yep okay good oh what a snipe okay looking solid i'm just curious to see if there's anything in there oh [ __ ] dude the beating of drums oh man i don't know about that that doesn't seem like a very good idea he's a big boy yeah all right let's let's go for it what you doing can't whip him okay he just [ __ ] obliterated me oh my god he was like a he's like a stone from the uh from the idle trap in the first game squish my god all right so be it oh come on come on can't get bit by the very first mole [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] okay we're good he did have a bit of a castle crashers look to him didn't he yeah that's fun let's see what that does nothing of interest kind of made that inconvenient but i guess this works yep all right just don't kill me excuse me how hold on run that back for me what even happened i thought i whipped him i love that they can carry the gold bar dude this is for you the phone disk oh i was a sneaky spider yeah it felt like that lizard didn't hit me if the spider got me that makes sense [Music] that way it is that way okay i know the caveman's so happy too and they it's so cute i think i should probably do this i'm i'm so scared now extra health is actually meaningful oh that's a jet pack right come on telepath oh and teleporter huh interesting i'm just gonna take that that's okay with you just gonna go ahead and grab it if you don't mind he's stuck i think he's stuck i'm learning a little bit more each time though [Laughter] this has been truly [ __ ] tremendous so far man oh my god [Music] i i'm genuinely thrilled that i haven't made it out of the mines yet [Music] yet another death here we go nice combo happy feet [Music] oh that's not a good idea let's keep over here yeah i want to waste resources okay already feels like oh jeep spelunky with how brutal it is and that was like so i i i told y'all that i i tried to have like very little expectation of what this would be right and like i basically just tried to be a blank canvas that the game could paint itself upon and very happy with that choice of course but i lost my train of thought yep nope that hold i was onto something there now i completely forgot what i was gonna say me like video game is fun to play ow oh i should get the uh eye again [Music] it's unfortunate that it keeps showing up in places where i gotta use resources to get there i'll probably just have to use a rope here which means i should just oh wait no i'd have to do it here yeah for sure okay [Music] oh right okay i remember what i was gonna say uh so i with my blank slate of expectations right it was it was actually difficult for me to genuinely believe though that the game would be challenging or different enough to uh to make me like just die a bunch and not able to proceed early on but sure enough that's exactly what's happening it's it's it's us right hey size this me me mouth man versus game red panda gamer northern lion this is so amazing holy [ __ ] he remembered me i feel so good is gotta it's gotta be us what else could this be i'm so happy thank you derek oh my god this is like it's not even subtle it's such a blatant awesome thing oh my god that's so cool oh right yeah you show up hey i i'm busy you mind leaving oh you can't blow that up okay i'll just go oh you just did oh [ __ ] okay man oh my god [Music] that's incredible [Music] i didn't know where that was so i had actually people had tweeted that to me which by the way i'm mad at you for tweeting that to me if you're a person that tweeted that at me before i got to see it myself so i know that they i knew that there was something like that in the game but i didn't even see it the first time we went in there and that was such a wonderful organic way to find it again so i'm really glad i got to see it that way that makes me really happy yay and yeah i know look at this that was i was it was very clear to me right away yeah let's not even bother with that those arrows are bad news speaking of bad news my god these horned lizards dude they are scary i i underestimated their threat level there we go [Music] they do be mad though oh there's another turkey [Music] more difficult to ring though or uh wrangle those things up than i thought it would be too so probably gonna have to kill sorry sorry pal you're gonna be fine right you're not gonna get caught in the web [Music] you just you're just gonna hang out there huh all right i mean i do need you if you don't mind just gonna go ahead and whip the thing behind you real fast there we go get that out of here perfect all right whoops oh geez can we dude this is it's so hard to get you your turkeys back man well you boxed yourself away in here what do you expect me to do i don't think i can carry the turkey oh you can that's a lot easier you bet okay now i know you can do that i guess ah let's see kind of want to find the other one we do only have 30 seconds though i love how quickly that snaps up to let you see too that's great god i'm just it's just unpreparedness there's so many um hours of practice that i have at avoiding the threats that i've gotten ingrained in my mind in the first game these are new i don't register them as threats now i'm starting to obviously [Music] this place is quite dangerous indeed okay there we go through the little lines there huh you sneaky little bat [Music] okay oh [ __ ] i didn't take damage there wow that was surprising okay uh out the door [Music] okay we're gonna make it to the freaking second area this time man guaranteed you know i would like a compass actually let's try to get some money [Music] oh jesus that could have killed me easily that's pretty lucky grow up here crush the duke or the dung beetle because i'm a jerk a little bit more money oh do i get that diamond and get some bombs i could i could do that hmm let's get the compass first how much does this be another five grand for those the diamond would obviously cover that and we could probably get the parachute too it would certainly help i have to offer on the ghost from way up there though man i don't know about that it's probably a bad idea i'm just gonna jump on your head okay so keep in mind when you're about to jump on a turkey that they're gonna do that crazy [ __ ] once you do so sorry bud thank you for taking the hit for me oh you can double jump cool okay oh and then mmm we might be able to get them we might be able to get them hmm if i go like this oh it's got you can hit things with its head that's cute whoa jesus really spiked one again okay so i'm going to oh cool journal entry for that i'm gonna really hope this doesn't kill that turkey up there good i think we're gonna be able to do this one more yay cool turkey whisperer fun we got a key what's a key do interesting [Music] i guess i'll hang on to it [Music] i don't think i need the damsel i wonder what this is for oh chat got mad at me so i must have missed it [Music] oh jesus [Music] thank you motz for your diligent work here [Music] clearly missed something though so i guess this was for the previous stage but hell it's spelunky maybe there's some other use for it right [Music] i love this song so much i love the sleeping cavemen too they're so adorable he slipped on the key ah that's funny that little sound effect [Laughter] oh it's really good man let's see if he does it again that's funny i like that a lot there's another key [Music] oh that's the eye key though isn't it i wonder if the eye always shows up on one three very well could let's not even worry about it this time let's just keep going yeah the animation on that is hilarious the beating of drums again all right so this guy probably shows up on every 1-4 [Music] and it looked like what i might need to do is uh get him to do that little roll move but just avoid it so that he crushes through the wall i think i'll try that yeah dude just go ahead and avoid it real quick super easy all right i'm curious actually to see if i can still do this okay so this works that's good to know [Music] go up like that um oh i can't actually go that way though so i guess not a lot of point in making that move i love the i love how happy they look when they're holding stuff it's adorable [Music] all right we'll see the next area today eventually but i am loving the the mind still quite a bit [Music] let's see i mean hell we've already got several new things to explore in here [Music] i guess it was that way [Music] you know i really should be getting money too i'm starting to realize that like i i'm so accustomed to just ignoring the gems in most of my runs cash is actually pretty damn important here i might be able to buy some items that get me through the day yo spring shoes look a little different those are some good items man spring shoes actually might be what i need to avoid that dude's roll attack too all right i'm gonna try something [Music] we'll see what this does because i don't think he can bounce up to me now they don't look like they can jump as high which i'd be down with spring boots all right cool so with this being the case now we haven't actually hit him yet so it's possible that i'll be able to uh reset the uh shopkeeper aggro if that's if that system is still the same yay i get to look at myself again it's me it mean game me and gabe that me that bear hi yeah that's happy a happy boy where'd he go what the hell [Music] shopkeeper he just disappeared oh that's he's down there oh [ __ ] jump jump jump jump jump jump oh he died i did okay i didn't mean to do that [Music] and it's just oh god [Music] oh come on there we go there we are there we are okay two health i gotta be a little concerned they got some stuff now and we've got angry shopkeepers especially now that the the shopkeeper died he's probably not going to like that oh hey bud i know come on out oh boy well let's just go ahead and set that off to kill you these guys are a lot easier to deal with the spike shoes i was hoping that it wouldn't kill the turkey when i jumped on it thankfully that was not the case hell yeah turkey all right oh duh you [ __ ] yeah okay i see sorry here's the key on the door right in [ __ ] front of you big galaxy brain on barry up i got a little spring boots effect it's fun all right we got plenty of ropes here i think i'll probably go ahead and do that thing again problem all right sweet redemption really that's that's kind of lame oh [ __ ] okay there we go try that whoa what the hell is like a hidden shop up there who are you that's cool we can go through here check this out hey what come on man how do i get to you though we gotta have a bunch of bombs maybe she's got like a bow and arrow up there that looks like it's probably the jet pack oh man cool poor guy i bet you can use that key to open up that door maybe too [Music] that'd be cool don't tell me if i can though all right well unfortunately the money doesn't really matter so much now right after i said i should start focusing on it oh i got a gun though first shotgun nice all right this is actually well we don't we do have zero bombs unfortunately that's a bit of a problem i guess but holy [ __ ] that was cool welcome to the bear pile all right let's see if we can do this i imagine having a gun is probably a better situation against this guy but if that doesn't work then i've got my uh bounce shoes for exactly that there we go nice gotta see that hold on a second quillback the leader of the caveman a big bully who wears the pelt of the last cave porcupine got a little turkey dinner out of that too yeah man when are we in our turkey dinner oh no a renewal welcome back oh god why there we go stop it stop it okay stop it stop it you [ __ ] [Music] okay okay we're good [ __ ] oh jesus keep going here we go [Music] high score yeah we gotta be thrilled with that right [Music] okay i can't believe that that seems silly to me i gotta hold on a second yo cool you can get skeleton keys from skeletons okay that was a fast one but that's neat [Music] oh yeah i wonder how long they last i imagine there may be just like a one-time use thing a little bit better at uh dropping off the corners here it's been a little awkward for me hey buddy okay good to go that was actually a uh really uneventful 1-1 there which is something we're used to saying in the previous game there we go uh might be something over there can i did i just take damage from that i'm not sure i did oh well now my turkey's dead unfortunately [ __ ] no damage okay [Music] hmm i'm tempted on this one i don't think i'm gonna do it though [Music] i'm not gonna be able to get him back all his turkeys because one of them died right so i suppose this is kind of a fool's errand here i guess i might as well get the turkey did he say he wanted them back alive i guess he never did specify did he i'm kind of guessing that's a requirement let's just bounce with the turkey see how we do this could be fun [Music] okay okay hold on all right yeah i'm gonna find the key so that's always gonna be the case now it's always gonna be in that little hidden area so instead of actually just looking for the chest on any 1-3 we need to look for that hidden location sorry bud and make the sacrifice hey no no no no no no damn you [Music] good enough back up we go it's always gonna be worth getting in my mind even if we don't make it past the mines i still get to see this at least right and that's pretty fantastic man what a what an absolutely incredible tribute i'm so [ __ ] honored by that all right god this mole wants me dead okay i'm i'm good i'm out of here okay here we go i don't have i don't have the resources i need to beat quillback so maybe we just ignore him this time we obviously don't have to kill him i think that was just to maybe get the items from him [Music] although it might not be possible to get out of here without first like forcing him to destroy one of the walls but i guess i could just destroy the walls myself right yeah it's the same material so i can just go over here and like whip come here you there he goes it's not that bad to avoid as long as you're aware of the fact that he's gonna do it there we go ow what do you got what's this oh cool okay yo coffin new person let's go yo that was my boy in the first game for the longest time that was the guy i used i don't know his name though i'm sure we'll find out soon do you mind uh thank you it's red guy yeah sweet yeah it's the occultist ah let's see i guess we can get out of here let's do it buddy you're smart enough to not get blown up by that good job okay uh i probably don't need to go down there oh this isn't oh hold on i thought that was the exit oh here's the exit okay yo there's butterflies more than likely indicating a new area hey there i'm mama tunnel you can also call me tara i'm working on a new shortcut but i ran out of supplies mind donating 2 000 so i can restock sure can't wait to finish this shortcut cool we did it to the bear pile we made it to the jungle oh those hurt i had a feeling they might the thorns on these thick vines aren't long enough to impale but they're sharp enough to deliver a nasty poke noted yeah things with spikes on them usually aren't good to touch evil monkey thank you red guy oh red guy's crushing it dude what if the ai companions are just like all of a sudden gods they went from like the worst ai to the best ai love the music in here already too big fan he is destroying [ __ ] oh holy [ __ ] an annoying pest makes me mad just thinking about it yeah you carry you carry monty and i'll carry you [ __ ] [ __ ] dude he's amazing what the heck are you oh okay it's an old man that licks us i don't like that yeah good whip him oh spear trap yeah there it is he turns into a butterfly what the hell don't whip him he might like it oh my god i think i think i gotta get out of here man that's a weird enemy man oh you're scary-looking okay good job buddy dude having this guy around is killer oops i've got to do it i love the new monkeys wonder what that does [Music] [Laughter] i didn't see it man i didn't see this i didn't see the trap oh [Music] no it's a distraction yeah clearly [Music] get out of here okay [Music] oh this is so great already man whip nope a little ding ding ding when he flutters open his eyes is so cute too we have accidentally killed a shopkeeper yeah nothing all that impressive is our halter pardon me oh boy okay i can't get back up there can't i there we go hmm oh i kind of want to get a golden monkey [Music] let's see if i can do that so if i just whip this right there we go and then oh yeah nice [Music] boom call the monkey yay oh he's adorable i gotta go ways down to get him i think hold on hold a monkey there you are he struck out on adventure but a sorceress used magic to transform him into an idol he's so cute though look at his good little monkey i'm gonna give him some gold and poop some gold oh you go buddy all right come with me bud keep on pooping go get that eye again let's see that didn't work damn lame oh there's monty again it might actually be worth going up and getting him thank you wow where's the you jedi damn oh no oh [ __ ] this is a problem hang on damn it i dropped the thing because i was dangling off the edge there we go welcome oh that's still not gonna be it though [ __ ] oh no i don't think i'm gonna get this one man i don't have enough resources i'm gonna buy these ropes ah shoot well you know what we might as well try to get back up very much like to get the eye if i can let's go get all the money's pooping out over here too yeah there we go quick 3 800 no sweat could be over on this side no it must be in the bottom left or something there it is okay i didn't think they would hit the bomb but sure enough you have returned hit me hit me hit me hit me [Music] good work buddy thanks for all the cash [Music] welcome to the bear pile oh you can't miss a single nugget grab that man we are actually getting a decent amount of money off of him thank you just gonna bring him along dude why not [Music] why the hell not okay so the u-jedi apparently can show up in both one two and one three turkey boy [Music] whoa [ __ ] that was dumb pretty sure you can't sacrifice a golden monkey now man i don't have the bombs to get that other turkey either unfortunately shoot i might just have to go oh that was terrible yeah i'm out of here zero bombs is obviously going to be a problem that's going to be difficult to navigate with oh god damn it i don't like you being here either man [ __ ] there we go [Music] oh that could have been a problem too risky maneuvers bear all right so we're gonna go ahead and get him to do his thing why are you rolling that's why he's not rolling he was waiting until he'd be in range to kill me so smart i feel like i gotta have some oh my god wow [Music] i feel like i probably gotta have some sort of something to deal with that guy like a shotgun or spring shoes or maybe even like spike shoes could do it maybe i should have tried jumping on his head there because i did have spike shoes that probably would have been worthwhile i have been past the first area only one time though the game is kicking the crap out of me [Music] and i'm pretty happy with that [Music] i love how fast that is now oh you know what that's i'm going to call that worth i'm going to call that worth right there give me that buddy climbing gloves the grips of these gloves have small bristles all over them just lean into walls to cling to them that's pretty good normally not too excited about those but right now absolutely we are oh you know what i'll go for that too nice okay get our key oh there's the spring boots i'll take those i will take those thank you point let me slip the oh my god but every time he slips i think i've got a safe approach but i don't i think i actually should do this just to set that off real fast there we go grab our eye again nice i also love all the new sound effects it's very good stuff okay [Music] let's go i guess yes i think it's a bit of both bamboo hard because it's actually harder and hard because it's new what the heck is this by rock dog [Music] or by monty monty's so cheap what the hell rock dog is i kinda gotta buy that [Music] go get the money oh boy that's unfortunate there we go [Music] turkey boy whoa okay good just a quick bounce back and forth here there we go one more got climbing gloves here so this should be a little more manageable depending on where the other one actually is there we go oh he died damn it i guess this is my opportunity to decide whether or not he or to find out whether or not he actually needs them alive oh [Laughter] [Music] my god that's amazing that's top tier dude i guess that means yes yeah it turns out he does need him alive i will avenge my feathered friends he says that's so great [Music] as far as he could tell you're just bringing the corpse off to show it to him that you're a heartless bastard look what i did to your friend [Music] okay don't get arrowed again not a single damn thing here huh okay i'll take that oh god i thought i actually died there oh no yeah he definitely assumed i did it well just pretty fair um i don't really want to let you get hit by that but literally as i said the words that happen so sorry nice okay oh that's pretty good shop [Music] oh boy um [Music] there we go [Music] oh [ __ ] oh it's just a parachute okay there's the turkeys we're on the left there you up real quick i think i will go ahead and go for this seems kind of worth oh this is going to be a little annoying though i also don't know where the other turkey is so maybe it's a bigger issue than i thought hopefully he doesn't get mad at that he did he was very upset with that decision sorry buddy i didn't mean to make you mad there we go that's what i wanted well he's gonna probably crossbow me so yeah this music is terrific ah oh no oh my god i'm dying to everything everything man [Music] holy [ __ ] hey here we go what the hell i didn't even see that [Music] good good good okay okay all right we're not gonna blow up his area this time [Music] oh that's a good shot too all right we're just gonna set that off not already set off where are the turkeys at i'm probably gonna need these here so i don't mind toss them down [Music] really really now oh hell yeah dude easy turkey access let's go make it simple for me sometimes wait for the bounce [Music] i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean to accident [Music] come here come here good that turkey face where they're being held is a mood yeah that's [Music] that's a big wtf right there excuse me [Music] i knew it i knew it dude that killed me okay horned lizards are chain reaction machines that's that's the very important lesson i'm learning here they will knock you into next week and then into next month and then into next year good good little pitcher's mitt there [Music] all right [Music] oh man we're gonna make it out of the mines here ladies and gentlemen you just get ready [Music] oh man i want all these things again i need to start getting money oh god damn it okay little bits at a time little bits at a time take it easy [Music] come on i'm being so careful now [Music] oh there we go hell yeah good stuff oh right yeah [Music] what are you doing there bear you gloat about how awesome it is to see yourself in the best game ever made or at least a rendition of yourself um i bet we could just yeah let's just instead of bombing there let's drop a rope hello okay we might actually be able to get enough cash to go back and get a lot of that stuff hey that's great that'll help us against uh quill face or whatever the hell his name is i think i'm gonna go up to the shop again and not die to spiders and pots especially because they've got more ropes at that shop and i'm pretty sure i need them now yeah that was good hello [Music] okay cool that's pretty good that was pretty good i don't think there's anything else to sacrifice oh we are loving it reworks this has been everything i wanted and more so far all right that'll do there's another clay dog totally did not see that arrow trap by the way forty four hundred dollars if we can get 400 bucks we'll go for that oh it's another altar i might just have to buy monty to sacrifice him [Music] wow what the bug doesn't trigger the trap okay [Music] till [Music] learning yeah i learned something new every run you live and learn or in this case you die yeah [Music] i gotta remember to pick up all the cash now [Music] it is still possible to whip the arrows yeah still fairly similar in fact [Music] my god the turkey again it's right below us there too i might just go ahead and bomb down seems good that doesn't help though this music has been a treat so far and we've only heard like a small sampling i'd like to get the spring shoes as well maybe i'll get lucky and get enough money here [Music] anything in there there's probably some cash if i were to return the third turkey oh that does still hit you damn it man i thought they they changed it so that they can't hit you off the bounce anymore but they can they can indeed all right right i'm scared now obviously well there's the turkey found you thank you for keeping me fairly spoiler free by the way y'all appreciate it entirely spoiler free so far today in fact good work oh [ __ ] well so much for that better not bring him back up [Music] all right all right yeah the uh backpack items just a parachute what the heck are you axolotl i got i gotta ask you a lot of questions about what you are it is very adorable i i mean if i had the money i would get it all right yeah but this is connected down there for some reason but there's the key this is a little dangerous okay whip whip whip whip still gotta use a damn rope there that stinks definitely gonna have to use one here too hopefully we don't need to get any more beyond that yay i just noticed that the ujadai is closed right now i wonder if it opens when the uh from the black market's near that'd be interesting don't say anything but if you know don't you say yo let's go that's awesome oh that's just the uh jedi room isn't it cool what the [ __ ] i can help okay back out welcome to the bear pile back out and then there's a vault very curious what the tunnel out of out of the vault goes to okay well ah we're just short damn it we need 400 gold nice [Music] are you i just own you now what do you do you just you sit here okay it's just a happy little guy what about oh yeah of course okay the empress encountered these curious creatures during her travels and brought some back as pets they quickly escaped [Music] oh hiccup ah it's adorable ah it forced me to use my parachute there [Music] that's very cute that's very cute indeed i can't believe this is just part of the game that's great [Music] oh fun what oh man okay you can still stomp them right yeah all right can you go down there doesn't look like it damn okay well i didn't want to see if i can just jump on this dude's head that would certainly make things a lot easier nice oh man oh but now i'm stuck in here oh [ __ ] that was dumb okay well let's see if there's maybe a different way to go nope [ __ ] oh no okay so you do need to i know i got bombs but you do need to let him destroy some of the area if that's not the case because otherwise you're kind of screwed yeah he does drop a bomb bag for that reason i guess doesn't he but even still three bombs might not even do it let me get into here maybe this will get us out of here hey nice all right cool i can't take my axolotl with me man i gotta leave him behind he doesn't fit through that area i guess we're out of here i guess i could carry him yeah that's true hold on i'll use my i'll use my last rope to save our precious boy i want to leave him behind there you go buddy he looks so funny when you carry him put me down really well no we could probably just do this though right you can't oh come on i'll just bomb this and then sorry dude i had to do it that didn't help very much okay off we go hi how's the adventure going this shortcut's looking good but i ran into a room full of traps it'd probably be best if i just blew it up do you have a bomb thanks can't wait to finish this shortcut nice okay very careful of those spear traps i was ignorant to those last time [Music] there you go buddy just make your own way out oh yeah okay i should have figured that would happen sorry sorry guys there we go oh come on really you oh but now he's stuck up there [ __ ] [Laughter] no ah damn it i'll get the other shoe out of the tree i'll get the one shoe out of the tree with my other shoe and then all and then both shoes are in the trees and then yeah i'm stuck too aren't i i can't even [ __ ] get out of here god damn it yeah the bubble doesn't appear to do any actual damage but potter you gotta calm down on the info there buddy i've noticed you getting timed out a lot you need to let me figure things out please thank you [Music] no need to make recommendations i will i will do it all in good time jesus [Music] no no no no no no no no no no okay this is fine this is this is totally fine this is what i wanted actually i was hoping to get down to two hp real fast this is ideal [Music] there we go oh that was close oh man now hold on a minute i keep thinking things are jet packs power pack though that sounds like it might be it [Music] okay we're going to do this we're going to do this [Music] here he comes wait for it yep yep yep vandal i'm just gonna you know have one of those have one of those in the face i have another one there you go you're still just gonna keep bouncing around that tiny little area huh there we go that's better okay what the heck is a power pack it's a power pack dude hang on hang on hang on developed for military use the power pack imbues its wearer with improved weapon handling abilities oh okay [Music] best gun baby so close to the real thing even spiders can't tell the difference oh my god i forgot they can climb ladders right [Music] what the hell is this pardon me sir i'm gonna need a new run please i'm gonna need to not have to use a bomb off the start [Music] oh this is good actually good money early on [Music] nice oh this is a great start looking really good do want to get you a little monty goodbye goodbye goodbye we out of here all right that was great good start [Music] there's our key we are going to have to cook a bomb for that fortunate bridge placement here there we go [Music] oh spring shoes again specks of cape [Music] you know i haven't actually pet the monty yet that just occurred to me well you just brought it up obviously so that's why i should try to pet the monty [Music] you love how the shop is themed that was actually a thing in the first game too it was just a little more subtle i think like the little symbols for the shops contain those are definitely good cape would be good too but i'm not as concerned about it [Music] all right let's go get the uh the eye nice what do you think about can you pet the dog getting a review code i'm thrilled for him love that account i deserve it just as much as i do they got an audience too [Music] that twitter account is just a source of pure joy [Music] i love it all right i think i'm out of here yeah this one's feeling a lot better already spike shoes and spring shoes i can tell are going to be pretty damn critical early on oh come on they're so threatening man i had an uh ill-conceived notion about the harmlessness of those animals there's a couple turkeys just go ahead and uh tame the other one too real quick let's just go find where the uh oh there he is that's gonna be easy nice i see that's a little bit different there too actually the way that works the jump whip okay cool get all that stuff come on over we're actually gonna do it man great now do i want to maybe try to use this key on the shopkeeper is there even a shop in this room maybe not let's just do this hmm if that's always what it's going to be it doesn't really feel like it's all that valuable well this is good though look what she's got welcome reborn i have where's for sale mysterious young woman who keeps a close eye on what's happening in the caves begs a sister hmm i'll buy this maybe she get the gloves dude i do want to see what happens if i steal from her bye she mad [Music] she mad yeah that's kind of my question too i wonder if she uh sets off the rest of the shopkeeps it'll be interesting to see oops ah god damn it did it again all right low on health again unfortunately let's get going yeah the theft music is amazing all right so i should be able to kill him this time but i do want to wait until he's actually destroyed part of the level although i do have 16 bombs this time so maybe i don't have to do [Music] it's that that he only does the roll sometimes there we go okay there's our path there we go all right good i think one more hit nice cool okay that went well we can go this way oh thank you mystic appreciate that a lot thank you again of course i'll be shouting out everybody at the end of the first few hours here but of course thank you so much for all the subs tips and gifts means a lot thank you thank you snails snails dead snails crushed snails give me that monty new character oh it's just you that makes sense i guess because that's where we unlocked red all right i think we're good oh wait a minute i think we have branching paths here yo we totally do that's awesome so we could go to the jungle or go wherever this goes let's try this out hi how's the adventure going pretty good i was so close to finishing the shortcut and then my matic broke ten thousand dollars i don't have that ah man all right gotta get her ten thousand dollars volcano it's as hot as hell in this lava-filled world who knew the moon could have such a place inside it cool turkey shop welcome to yang's pet shop fun i don't think i need that i don't need no stinking turkeys [Music] okay okay [Music] another alter here is good oh buddy i'm sorry to say your alter food unless you find a way to get yourself killed before this becomes an option oh that's not good oh [ __ ] i mean i didn't know what to do oh god damn it i guess i could have bombed the thing that was probably for the best he saved himself from being sacrificed by being obliterated yeah good job dude okay that obviously isn't gonna work oh boy okay nice okay cape time ah this doesn't seem like a good idea let's just go down here whoa oh you have to hold the k button okay that's new hmm i still have my gloves so i should be able to get up there i think i can't grab that ledge apparently damn oh well i'm just gonna go oh [ __ ] she's mad yeah i don't want to talk to her those things i'm pretty sure spray fire you can crush them a deadly insect that protects itself by igniting gas stored inside its body excuse me excuse me ah okay okay hey turkey no no cook up some turkey today i don't need more bombs i'm good i don't know why i thought i would survive that oh i'm dumb when an adventurer dies in lava their spirit can become trapped inside the lava instead of going free how terrifying so i guess from now on the spirit of this corpse will be encased in lava [Music] that's a bit sad to think about [Music] oh well oh damn it i guess i can push this can't i yeah i'm good all right well that was fun i like volcano a lot [Music] hmm there's our door yeah let's do it 1-1 doesn't seem to have a ton going on usually [Music] which isn't surprising i guess gotta keep reminding myself to get the money though very easy to forget that [Music] nice pro gaming [Music] good stuff ooh baby it's kind of hoping for ropes there there we go you know i've got a few bombs i could actually consider going for the vault here and then we can maybe see what's up with the uh vault tunnel especially now or to buy that you have to find the you jedi door as well oh god damn it [Music] um can't decide where we need to go with this thing is it up top maybe welcome to the bear pod oh there it is and we go oh that's where that goes through too that's cool that we got to see it from here and there's another part up there what's going on up there oh come on that doesn't blow that up all right oh i didn't get the eye there we go i guess we could get some extra treasure if we went in there too you know what [ __ ] it let's give it a go see if i can even bomb through these things i'm not sure i can let's see it i don't know what i was planning i had no plan i had no plan at all i was gonna get in there and then i guess wait for him to shoot me there right yeah that was what i was anticipating whoops [Music] whoa there we go oh speed run speed run speed run ow i can't go that way either i still haven't found another skeleton key yet man oh there you are there you are you pretty little thing i've been waiting for you i'm amazing all right [Music] let's do it first real run of the day it's the real deal here oh don't shoot that ghost jar no sir no sir point here's our ooh jedi key very good keep on firing keep on firing that sound is pretty satisfying i like it and i believe that's where we need to bring the key that's awesome subtle little change there too for the way that the fuel runs out of the jet pack very good [Music] the hell is the key [Music] misplaced it [Music] i should probably sacrifice the shopkeeper actually we do need a bear blind emo yeah i know it i really do i want to spike shoes either do i oh there it is it would be so shameful to die of fall damage on this run [Music] nice that's good i should do this too might as well welcome to the bear pile i love the way that they blow apart into like meaty chunks now so much more visceral might as well check this out oh yeah no no point in that all right let's get going i'm still gonna be fairly cautious especially with two health oh a darkness stage okay it's a little bit kinder on the eyes here oh we get some darkness music now too though okay let's see this would be a fairly easy first turkey he slipped on the [ __ ] dice hey you wait oh [ __ ] he's gonna walk into the laser beam or willy no he's just gonna bounce back and forth up here won't he yeah that's good okay oh but that shopkeeper's mad at me already oh boy okay nice and easy through here don't be don't be a fool here's our other turkey but we got to be careful of where i hop onto him because he's going to drop down here of course i want to probably go ahead and set that off there we go and then i think at this point we could probably go ahead and bring the turkey up you can jet pack on the turkey oh my god that's amazing he can finally fly it's beautiful get three bombs for bringing those guys back oh man how's that turkey not cooked good question okay i love this spooky darkness music man we might be on our way to a kapala here oh yeah we're getting close i wonder i wonder if he'd get mad if i took one of his turkeys he does yep ah i can't sacrifice it either damn it that's all i wanted to do oh he he is mad yep he angry you can have it back i don't even want it actually i need my gun [ __ ] where'd i put my shotgun it's in there isn't it oh no where'd i put it oh god oh [ __ ] he's chasing i think i better just go whoa holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh this is terrible i really would like you to jump into these spikes buddy this is where we get concerned ah [ __ ] man i shouldn't have stolen the turkey i shouldn't have stolen the turkey [Music] god damn it [Music] whoa hey okay we're good we're good i love that stomping noise they make oh that's not gonna work [ __ ] well oh well let's just let's try again on another one where maybe it doesn't send me down into a chasm of spikes with no exit [Music] oh come on there we go [Music] hmm [Music] there we go yeah the one ones have been fairly uneventful that's okay though i'll take it oh pretty close to the spring shoes there i'll just get the money for it quick cash grab [Music] i probably need to drop a rope here here's our doggo hit the uh key real fast i'm sorry i didn't want to even throw it that far god damn it i just wanted to drop the damn thing come here buddy [Music] let's see we gotta i'll drop you down [Music] another crate right there oh jesus christ i'm a monster i'm sorry i'm sorry poor buddy no really disagree oh god i'm uh that was bad that was that was my bad entirely okay there we go there we go he got [Music] now i'm out of here too i guess yeah man more spoopies more spoops what do we got i have this sneaking suspicion that eventually there's gonna be like hidden goodies inside these little skeleton blocks my god so far that has not been the case though obviously they're optimal yeah i like the way the music muffles when we're in here too man i love that the dynamic music has been probably one of my favorite discoveries so far because it is glorious how they just move so fast oh he's on turkey that makes sense all right that'll work oh god ah man okay i'm ready i'm ready tell you what let's win a run let's get to the very end of the game right here and now [Music] i'm prepared [Music] it's going to happen this 1-1 is going to be no sweat we're going to get some money out of it too why not [Music] a little bit of cash arena you're getting bit by snakes a lot too man can't let that happen just pick up a w it's easy stuff come on mr turkey there we go no no no no [Music] good there's the other one it's gonna be easy let's go ahead and drop you right here [Music] nice okay that's not really a shop i'm too concerned about i might buy like one one set of ropes oh come on man are you actually blocked off he's blocked completely off oh am i gonna do [Music] well now i definitely need to buy some more ropes hopefully this doesn't make him mad this is the only way i can do it there we go oh there's one and there's two thank you now i'm gonna try this now i'm going to try getting shot with an arrow trap only to realize that he doesn't actually have a door over there so never mind that's what i'm going to try that does not seem worth it very much unless it connects to something else gathering three turkeys for a little bit of money is not really worth it at all [Music] oh well [Music] oh [ __ ] there we go [Music] oh no no good climbing gloves yeah you know what let's pick them up [Music] sure extra mobility early going got an altar here man we gotta find the door [Music] gotta find the door where's it gonna be maybe underneath us on the left there probably oh that's not good still works out though it's gotta be over here [Music] yeah down there somewhere but where going well angel right here i've been absolutely loving this so far there we go all right i'll have to do i guess thank you i was wondering if i would be able to get there this way yeah it turns out we just had to be on the right side of that all right well i might as well go ahead and get this ghost gem if i can i wonder if the stupid jump is still possible oh well i want to burn too much time trying that [Music] beating of drums again all right so i am unfortunately ill-equipped for it this time [Music] they patched out the jump in the sequel [Music] yeah no oh my god [Music] that would have been devastating so i've got one bomb here this is a bad situation come on [Music] damn it surely this will be the time we beat the game oh yeah i do wonder how everyone's doing if everyone's getting their ass kicked just like i am i'm sure they are [Music] [Music] okay nope okay sick [Music] i totally don't even need to go over here but now i have to he's a god okay there we go got a little bit of cash oh god this is happening this is totally happening yep oh good it's convenient thank you all right i'm getting real i'm not gonna worry about the turkeys man unless they're like right by him even then i might not do it the backpack's just a parachute oh you're definitely not gonna do it now with a dead [ __ ] turkey all right i'm out of here nice might as well see what's on the other side there's our eye can't bomb through there though no what what happened i dropped that far [Music] oh it was an arrow trap i didn't even see it i i straight up didn't see it man [Music] damn yeah they're a lot easier to miss this time [Music] i kind of like that same with the spear traps in the jungle i'm glad to hear it cobble i'm having a great time too man this has been awesome [Music] this is 10 out of 10 for me so far for sure hey buddy oh we can't get back up god damn it [Music] all right terrible start hover pack okay that's different i don't think i need that [Music] i love this song though huh hang on a second we got to enjoy this and it's [Music] full volume experience oh she's doing push-ups god she is [Music] ripped that's good stuff that's a good tune [Music] there we go okay sorry buddy i can't afford anything hmm i feel like [Music] i feel like i can do that damn it all right it was worth a shot hmm why is that such a common generation it's so weird [Music] i might as well grab him yep good job there's turkey number three not really anywhere nearby damn out of here [Music] i don't even really like using the turkey maybe i will later on but at the moment i kind of just prefer being on my own i get the money maybe i'm turkey number three oh [ __ ] i didn't even think about it thank you [Music] you know what i'll get the specs too maybe those are useful maybe that'll help a little bit of cash in there too nice every damsel man every every bit of hp is huge he found a rock how there adorable go nice all right i'm out of here dude come on through monty beating of drums we do have the spike shoes this time [Music] careful that's not even go that way so i want him to destroy one bit of it at least so that i can go one direction but then it's probably fine for him to get rid of the other side too and let's go ahead and drop on his face nice all right that went pretty well do that and i'm gonna go over to the right side real fast just to see what's going on with it yeah we got to choose again i guess it's just going left or right here isn't it yeah go to i might go to volcano again seems like a good idea and it does make you choose you can use a bomb of course to get through but otherwise you just have to make a choice and commit to it yeah let's do it volcano time welcome back hey i do actually have your money yeah go for it mama's a little helper all right fantastic goodbye little snake okay i don't think this is a good idea so i'm not gonna do it i lied oh [ __ ] okay that's interesting just gotta wait for that magma to stop flowing for a little while i guess oh i got like some sonic vibes from this song right now look at all that fluid uh-huh okay careful waiting for it good oh this is dangerous yeah i really created a situation here for myself didn't i [ __ ] that's better okay [Music] those are big spreads my god [Music] he's on the clay dog cute all right we got that idol can i have that thanks rock dog the skin of this fire-breathing canine is protected by rock-hard plates hence the name yo okay okay right on rock dog let's go oh yeah when yama disappeared these lowly servants emerged from hell seeking employment yama disappeared huh interesting what the heck [Music] okay so apparently that doesn't get triggered by something going underneath it huh very interesting i actually want to set this off again so i can get this guy uh on the altar and i obviously missed completely that's all right though through the dead body [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] cool i love how rock dog hangs on with me can i climb this i can that's awesome uh poor monty what the hell is that dude that went down for a while [Music] let's see oh there's another door that looks like it's an exit though i think we can just keep going down here and this looks awesome oh [ __ ] dude [Music] down to hell [Music] boom all right no branching pads down here ah jerk oh [ __ ] your blood begins to run cold hang on a second buddy you're coming in here with me oh you can't ah a rare clover prized by leprechauns for protection and good fortune cool okay my blood begins to run cold in here though okay okay you gotta love that uh that organ showing up here did you just die already i got spike shoes on for god's sake there we go new characters coco von diamonds the creator of the world famous von diamond's fashion and lifestyle brand she's on vacation right now adorable [Music] hell yeah coco all right we got two teammates in here oh that was dumb i didn't even see that okay they got arrow traps we got a switch okay cool a crown oh boy oh boy whoa oh my god okay [Music] this royal headgear exudes an aura of unquestionable authority it's much heavier than it looks i don't like that okay well he's dead there we go the blood red cape of vlad the impaler yeah dude so you gotta do if you wanna hover off the second bounce you got to hold it down again a third time slightly different [Music] oh damn it man i had a feeling i was going to get sniped by one of those arrow traps oh that was fun though wow that was pretty exciting stuff my crowns and my clovers no another high score yeah really cool [Music] oh my god i gotta stop taking those hits [Music] those are bad [Music] okay can't get that doggo sadly that ain't happening whoa that was that was dumb okay two hits like that really cannot be happening anymore i got i gotta be a lot more careful oh god yikes we do have an altar here [Music] maybe i'll be able to redeem things a little bit but this is already looking grim better optimal of course there is co-op in this yeah we'll be doing some online co-op for sure i think for the first few days or so it's definitely going to be mostly solo stuff but we'll absolutely get into some online oh i did not see that at all wow we will definitely get into some online co-op at some point though it'll be a good time yeah we got to do some bear snap runs absolutely maybe even some barroo splunky 2 co-op a little bit of mouth bear something like that we got plenty of options plenty of buds to play with some banana yeah exactly oh sorry bug yeah you don't even set it off anyway you're useless useless dung beetle welcome crush you to death with from with no remorse [Music] i believe there is the local co-op as well yeah so maybe elise would want to play a little bit that could be fun ah okay here we go that's a good looking shot [Music] we can go get that this cash the point where we can get these two easily there's 2600 away from a compass which i would love a turkey ah damn it that was stupid all right 300 gold there it is nice easy come on i have no idea sticks i haven't really tried whether or not the shopkins strats work i did try my old strategy of jumping from the fourth spot with a bomb definitely does not work anymore so i'm gonna have to learn a new approach i don't know how that set off but okay god i love this song it's really really good oh he's right here well all right if you say so the other guy was like right by this one was he pretty sure the other turkey's pretty close well i don't want to use a lot of ropes to get back up there anyway it doesn't really seem worth it yeah whatever i'm out of here i'm out of here here's our key real fast i'm scared of jumping up right there could be over there but probably not oh shoot oh wait a minute no this isn't yeah we're good a different door oh i do want those pretty badly i definitely want those oh where's our freaking doorway though damn it maybe through here i think it must be through here i love that you don't have to really like place them in the corner anymore i don't think you have to anyway oh you didn't like that ah [ __ ] sorry you know i was considering pissing you off anyway so this maybe isn't the worst thing yeah get the spike boots now let's go snag that stuff real quick you know let's try the double bomb again see what this does now nothing okay that's fair there we go cool oh what am i doing holy [ __ ] oh he's dead good oh my god how the whip miss it's a whole new whip world man i gotta get used to it you have an altar over here i might as well do it i love the little trinket the little uh pug trinket at the top of the rope that's so cute chad are you getting in trouble again good hey there we go i go up there i don't think so i think we're good i'm guessing i missed a cape then my bad yeah exactly i know i knew i was going to get one later obviously playing god i really love this dynamic music so much really big fan of it all right let's do it i do need uh his bombs so i'm gonna have to get this to or no not i don't need his bombs i mean to say that i need to uh save my bombs which means i need to get him to do his thing there we go [Music] did i just shoot a bomb bag and blow him up yes i did yes i absolutely did that's unfortunate oh wow that could have been bad okay oh hi there we go yep see ya sorry pal back to volcano let's do it him okay him okay oh sorry guys oh jesus i just created a big old pile of corpses my bad oh that was close holy [ __ ] i got to be aware of these things wow no i got [ __ ] torched damn it [Music] they're freaking new oh my god oh hey that was quick sure i'll take it spelunky to death throw that i hope so man that'd be really fun maybe one day down the road it's of course not really something i got a lot of control over wait for it there we go easy low percent run incoming [Music] flawless performances only we should sacrifice these that'd be kind of nice [Music] probably not going to worry about the turkeys here but it does seem like it's a possibility so keep my mind open to it yeah you know what i'm going to go ahead and do it [Music] all right here why not [Music] web gun baby uh-huh oh i just cut it off right before didn't i there you go yeah it really does never seem like it's worth it man for a couple of gems not very good not very good a scorpion oh my god i haven't seen one yet [Music] that was new [Music] sometimes you break out a pot and a nightmare comes out this is that nightmare that's hilarious all right oh i'm poisoned oh that's not good [ __ ] [Music] hmm [Music] that's definitely concerning ow what the hell do i do i don't think i can fix it am i just gonna die i think i'm just gonna die i gotta suck it out of my system yeah i'm still just bubbling we tried not being booked yeah what the hell [Music] okay don't get poisoned i guess [Music] a hooded serpent with a rather rude habit [Music] god the bits might be a little closer now [Music] i'm not gonna worry about monty up there good good [Music] holy [ __ ] okay we're good and we're out of here nice nice [Music] no no no no no that's not what happened there you go that's the correct procedure [Music] okay so we've got the door here which is probably the uh jedi yep [Music] gotta remember that's there set these off there's our buddy where's the key at there it is i just had to ask for it nice i'll just go back up this way i guess not intentionally doing low percent no not bad not by any means it's just how it's gone so far [Music] uh you know what i'll try it i tried it i gave it my best shot and i just i just couldn't get it done unfortunately oh jesus i'm just gonna have to use this corpse it's the only way through actually i could use this rock i guess there we go this is a weird level [Music] there we go that still works [Music] spring boots kind of helpful all right we're good let's keep going still got 4 hp even wow that feels great all right come on over dude and another big roll another big roll [Music] god damn it [Music] fine you know i'm gonna go to the jungle this time i think i have enough bombs anyway we're good i'm gonna go like this can i go like that he's probably dead there we go let's keep moving okay they got fun and games in the jungle i'd like to play is that really the first monkey i've killed it simply can't get enough of its own unfunny pranks i know a guy like that a masked jungle dweller who hunts with a large boomerang okay oh i see when i shoot i pop off the vine now the slightest pressure will cause its powerful steel jaws to snap shut causing massive damage how do we know oh i see okay [Music] those spiders are quick now man holy [ __ ] okay can't go that way there's a spear trap right there too huck the pot adam dude all right he dropped oh [ __ ] no he didn't he was on the vine for a second okay okay he is definitely gonna climb back up here or just kill all the monkeys for me i'm okay with that too two of them oh good oh jesus this is terrifying i'd like you to just bounce over to the left and [Music] get yourself spiked for me that'd be a lot easier i don't think you're going to do that though tell you what actually i think what i should do i don't think this is actually going to work but i want to see if the bomb will go through here oh it does good yeah i just wanted to destroy their vine so they couldn't get up here anymore [Music] one of them's dead i guess i should just go it's a risk obviously that was really stupid thank you game thank you for the thank you for the opportunity at redemption oh my god i nearly just sacrificed it immediately wow okay yo jesus walking into that wall would have been sad there we go no god damn it no okay we're good [Music] oh hi what are you doing welcome to the moon challenge into the door to begin the challenge [Music] okay cool okay [Music] what get a matic a useful digging tool that breaks easily the tunnel family prefers shovels uh you got a little bit of a bop in here huh okay i'm just gonna go this way i guess show your butt to complete the moon challenge nice is it like i spend ten thousand dollars to try to make more than ten thousand maybe i guess that could make sense [Music] oh weird [Music] huh oh there was a trap oh my god that would have killed me if that web wasn't there nice okay [Music] hmm [Music] that's unfortunate oh okay oh i can't hack that what are you doing hmm [Music] well we can't go back the way we came i guess i just have to like find an exit or something oh cool who ye ho yi's bow with this simple but refined bow ho ye shot down the nine suns that scorched the earth i get one arrow to use and i have to pick it back up huh okay [Music] how can a bow beat the sun you know that's a valid question that's kind of neat i guess oh i just realized the clover up top has a timer associated with it i wonder what's going on with that [Music] another bit of gold [Music] apparently no uh [Music] ghost in here oh i wonder if i can just destroy this nope oh okay i must be a servant of hondun yeah oh oh ah ah no don't shoot me lady oh she gonna die she did okay that was weird oh can't go that way okay i'm just gonna bomb this oh [ __ ] i'm dead i thought i survived when that stinks [Music] i don't understand that moon challenge i was very confused by that i think it may very well just be like go in there and try to get a bunch of money but then how do i escape i wonder i'm gonna have to look into that more [Music] oh god damn it okay [Music] [Music] nice looking good looking good i'll take some ropes i'll set that off anyway that was yoshi's store how fun there is you know what let's just do this [Music] sure make things a little easier here okay nope uh we're good we're good we're good i'm out of here so far so good oh god damn you just when i was feeling optimistic just when i was feeling good [Music] come on come on now bear [Music] a little bit more money [Music] a little bit more monies i'll take the turkey [Music] i will take the turkey yeah sounds good darian enjoy oh oh yeah oh that's that's happening right there [ __ ] god damn it so we're gonna [Music] we're just gonna steal that real quick and he is probably gonna keep climbing up that rope over and over so i kind of created a problematic position for myself here hmm damn it yeah that sucks what am i gonna do here i think i might have to uh yeah i do love that he can climb the rope that's great but i've screwed myself as a result i'm gonna have to use these three bombs to get in there there's two i guess is good i don't think i need this still in beta after all these years probably not a good idea but i'll keep it just for fun no spike shoes here man this is going to be interesting might not even kill him actually which i guess i don't have to i'm surprised he didn't crush my teleporter yeah we totally don't have to kill him just let him be let me get me a shotgun eventually i'm sure might even get it right now hey buddy i wonder if this middle door ever ends up going anywhere that'd be cool hey there's a shotgun sweet sorry dude i had to do it you know i am actually a little bit more optimistic about the ai of the companions now though i don't think i necessarily had to kill him oh i feel forgiven good awesome shopkeepers aren't mad anymore what the [ __ ] you're good but are you good enough to steal from madame tusk who the hell are you oh okay understood understood not good enough yeah clearly not good enough to steal from madame tusk not yet anyway ah damn it [Music] we are basically done in here already too grab these quick gold bars easy money let's go oh same here wolf muffin it's been a delight to see just how much new stuff there is even just scratching the surface today i have been thrilled [Music] let's go ahead and get this not going to work i'm figuring these guys out more now a little less intimidating what's your favorite improvement so far i i really like the dynamic music a lot it makes it feel so much more uh it gives the experience so much more life the fact that the music changes with what you're doing could be good stuff here what the [ __ ] and that's not that great i'll take these sure sounds good and i'll have to do all right one three again three bombs eight ropes who jedi acquired no sweat oh poor buddy sorry we're not to worry about that for now [Music] and no no this is really all that useful [Music] keep moving oh come on now sometimes just disagree with the results man all right let's do his thing ah this is such a bad death such a bad death ignore that one pretend it didn't happen this is the same life we're still playing never took place never transpired the past is an illusion it does basically feel like i didn't leave [Music] for the last three hours [Laughter] [Music] oh man oh god stop it oh no i misused my rope here too son of a [ __ ] all right what do we get not bad not bad it'll be another 50 episode three yeah crazy enough that's actual pace we might have to expect there's uh [Music] there you are last one already my wrath my last rope really gotta hope they got some more in the shot probably got a dead hired help right there dude ah this is like this is a spelunky versus spelunky two thing i think where sometimes i jump into the enemies thinking that i'm gonna be right on the uh cusp of where i would get hit versus where they would get hit but it's the other way around [Music] all right well that'll have to do i guess got the eye got some bombs that's enough [Music] what do you got another altar over here make a golden monkey could happen let's see [Music] obviously it'd be a lot easier for me to go over here if that wasn't in the way so just go ahead and make that the case now i guess that actually worked well oh no god damn it oh you know what i can't even get back up there because i don't have any ropes [ __ ] oh well maybe i'll find some i'm just pissing everybody off for no reason yeah oh god no hold on that one's that one's not gonna do it that one ain't gonna do it that's not a good idea oh come on now god there's there's a lot of instances i found in the first sections of the mines here where like you can drop past a certain point only to then realize that you're not able to get back up up to where you were without using an item which i i don't know if that happened as often as it feels like it's happening now in the first one [Music] it's a common happenstance so far yeah i'll try this out [Music] let me see how the skeleton key does for me on the uh the door right here okay and we just get it oh he's alive i thought you were dead cool okay yeah come along why not hi turkey [Music] piss them off why not let's see oh god damn it [Music] you know i do want the dog let me go see if i can get the dog [Music] come here buddy yeah i gotta get some health i mean i had to i had to find out what was beyond that shopkeeper door so i'm happy with spending the key on that i don't mind that one bit [Music] glad the shotgun jump still works it's good to see i thought that was an arrow trap pointed up for a second that would be wild okay so we've only got one rope left so i gotta be really careful when i drop down there's our key it might just depending on how i can do this ooh it's it's possible let's see if i go like if i i think if i like put a bomb here [Music] i think this will do it perfect all right thank you still got acceptable resources that'll help a little bit i hate that man these freaking moles are gonna be a problem get out here piece of crap die oh [ __ ] okay careful careful [Music] okay gotta remember that i can shoot and blow up the things in the shop too so that's gotta that's gotta be a concern we got rid of them though that's good the shotgun's gonna be dangerous to use for that reason now [ __ ] there we go oh god that was dumb there we go okay it'll be difficult it's gonna be difficult to stop this from destroying the bombs you know i can't really control where the individual pellets go there we go got it cool all right let's see i'm gonna go jungle again i'm pretty sure gotta remember you can climb the ladders now be concerned about that there we go got my hired help killed real quick knock that problem out there we go good stuff i do have another skeleton key by the way or is that the same is that the skin the same skeleton does it stay that was really stupid [Music] oh god okay okay jiangxi assassin oh [ __ ] [Music] scary dude oh [ __ ] that's cool i like that i would like paste but i don't think i want to go over to that big spider i might have to might have to go that way [Music] oh boy looking like it he's a big boy there we go [Music] scary oh my god speaking of scary i don't like that oh he died no he didn't she's walked into the wall a little bit but he will die eventually doing that i just don't know how long i want to wait for that i don't have that many resources though so it's probably wise yeah they can climb now it's pretty terrifying there we go all right we made it out of 2-1 oh my god let's keep going [Music] i like his mask okay this is obviously not great we're gonna wait for him to bounce until he's on the right edge of the platform which is never gonna happen there we go good enough [ __ ] dude damn it [Music] damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it i really wanted to chance that oh come on seriously there we go get all the money again keep it again yet that'll happen [Music] every little gold bar please [Music] every last one i'll get that ghostern too since it's right by the exit here thank you [Music] i like that edition that's fun oh that's mine see ya see ya i'm out of here goodbye i'll [ __ ] you snake all right i could use a damsel there he is [Music] there you are buddy the spelunky 2 on pc has a huge modding scene that would be pretty awesome wouldn't it yeah i'd be thrilled by that reminds me of a spelunky custom level days all right well we didn't actually hurt the shopkeepers so it's possible they feel inclined to forgive me at a certain point pretty sure that didn't actually hit me but i think it might have which sucks [Music] oh my god wow that was sad sorry buddy i'm sorry it's chaos we're all suffering [Music] i'm out it's easy enough i will absolutely be switching to the steam release when it comes out yeah definitely all right let's see if i can find 10 grand i just couldn't wait obviously with two weeks two weeks ridiculous how could anyone be expected to wait that long [Music] okay so we've got the ghost jar right there of course and that would get us pretty damn close if i'm able to find another 2 000 gold somewhere maybe i'll go that route with it we are kind of already on our way out though it would take a good amount of resources to get us all the way back up there right now unfortunately so [Music] why are we freaking out what's going on welcome to the bear pile i must have missed something [Music] well i'm glad you didn't see what it was because i i don't know i'd prefer to just find it organically but apparently i missed something all right anyway yeah it doesn't really seem like it's going to be worth it to go all the way back does it have to use a rope at least to get back up there and then probably a couple bombs to even get the money for it um thanks airline glad you're enjoying it you're all having a good time today tell you what worth totally worth actually got us the money we needed one bomb one rope that did it nice cool [Music] out of here let's go yeah the diamond sound effect is really nice too isn't it pardon me also really loving the music yeah it is terrific all right sorry yoshi got a bail on you already caveman keep napping oh god why not let's get another ghost jam [ __ ] it it's the moment you grab the diamond actually not the moment you open the gym that's or open the pot that's interesting [Music] [Music] wow so bad so dumb and stupid with my brain yeah let's see yeah i probably should go ahead and have him destroy at least that's such [ __ ] he sniped me [Music] god damn it man [Music] oh no it does actually immediately summon the ghost okay i thought it was when you picked up the diamond interesting oh [ __ ] power pack fun okay i'm dead [Music] this angry and relentless spirit chases down explorers for reasons unknown [Music] rip [Music] god damn dude [Music] i am getting obliterated [Music] [Music] no problem there we go all right one dash one ain't no thing man [Music] wasn't the life heart in the top left corner red in the first game yeah i think it changes depending on the character you're playing now which is cool all right that still works oh matic i'll keep the gun oh sorry you know that's an effective way of bringing him back in here though wouldn't it [Music] there now i don't have to tame it there's the other one pull the other one and uh let's go ahead and just this is the easy way there you go [Music] no oh crates damn that's a lot better where's that stuff been thank you hey there we go all right we're getting the goods very nice no need for that [Music] good stuff ready that time [ __ ] [Music] the shotgun sound is so satisfying man okay gotta get our eye otherwise feeling good hmm i knew it man that didn't punch me at least [Music] i'm sorry buddy ah [ __ ] [Music] oops all right there's our door for the eye just gotta find our key now there it is set that off sure uh why not yeah [Music] there we go okay [Music] i guess i could use a dog too seems like a pretty good idea sorry dude i'm getting i'm getting better at it i promise i'm not gonna huck you around anymore oh damn it right [Music] i do kind of like that the shopkeeper music doesn't like get triggered with their appearances now too it's a little different but i've gotten used to it now that wasn't it obviously there we go it's a little better that get him almost that did right in the mouth [ __ ] there we go [Music] oh hold on hey here we are that'll do back to 4hp let's go i shouldn't do that on the crates either actually i'm realizing now because there's a possibility that that destroys the items inside too okay just do the do the thing thank you do the thing you do and now if we can hit one of the pellets on like the roof or something ah dammit [ __ ] oh that one hurts a lot [Music] oh that one hurts hey hey stop i'm using you you're not using me god i'm so sad about that one [Music] robin there's zero percent chance i'm gonna be able to read messages that long sorry [Music] uh let's just go yeah that looks good enough that'll get us back to where we were [Music] ropes are good too oh why'd i do that well i might as well get the diamond whoops [ __ ] that was so brainless oh god no run run go speed run let's go [Music] okay he can't get up to here i shouldn't i shouldn't be so bold he very well make it up to here he's not looking like he's gonna drop down either oh god and if i drop a rope he's just gonna use it they're so scary now just kidding they suck [Music] i don't think i can actually get past this now i'm pretty sure it's just i could just vomit i guess yeah there we go oh this is open welcome no ah no no more of that [Music] ah [Music] i gotta do well [Music] i can't die that way anymore [Music] all right one dash one's done and i got my damsel there we go that's what you do that's how you handle that stage two you're gonna get a little bit of money you're gonna get a little bit of monies you're gonna get a little bit of items you're gonna you're not gonna kill the shopkeeper bear no you're not gonna do that you're really not it's not a good plan [Music] we're gonna go ahead and get more cash maybe even get a bomb box we're crazy with it who knows although we're not gonna get it back up there actually he found a key how good for him it is way harder to whip bats now i'm not a big fan of that i wish it was not so challenging to whip bats i guess it's just gonna have to be something i get used to again oh god okay [Music] all the way back up because we have to it must be oh yeah it's over there damn in the corner man not a lot of value out of this stage here we don't have a lot of money either two bombs left i might just have to god i have zero rope there's no way this is gonna work i'm just gonna reset this is just not gonna work i had to use way too many things on that early on i'm just gonna go ahead and reset real quick it's fine it's fine i have i have expectations now unfortunately of stage two so i want i want to see it at least to a reasonable expectation of success out of the gate here [Music] okay getting better at that whip ah man this is getting really brutal okay slow at the hell then hold on a [ __ ] second bear slow down it's it's hard and it's gonna i can't i can't reset there i can't do that it's hard and it's gonna kill me and that's gonna keep happening for the next few days i do need a snack yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna take a lunch break in about 30 minutes here [Music] i'm getting prepared for that here soon [Music] this is jeez yeah a few days no that's i'm pretty certain it's gonna take a minute i'd be very surprised if i was able to beat the game today all right i blocked off again man it is difficult to get back up in a lot of these mine stages like once you're down you're down sorry buddy it's gotta happen it's gotta happen here you know what i'm gonna go ahead and uh put his body on the altar too seems good i'd love absolutely love to find a damsel here to be able to sacrifice there you are right on cue oh wait no you're not where are you oh there's the uh jedi at least that's good i'm just gonna go ahead and celebrate the fact that i'm in the game again just out of the blue this is so cool it's such a cool [ __ ] thing wow that was close holy [ __ ] okay um let's go get the damsel let's go find that damsel up there yep there it is there you are buddy should have a path back up now i gotta use my last rope don't i damn it fine fine so be it it's probably worth it hopefully i get a cape or something this is pretty good just having no ropes again is such a bummer [Music] where the hell i put my gun oh no oh you got to be kidding me i lost my weapon [Music] god damn it man no i can't get back up there anymore i don't have any ropes it's up in the left but i can't get there okay hold on [Music] oh that was close there we go there we go all fixed no gun left behind that's right i don't have spike shoes so i can do this [Music] god they're so difficult to whip now [Music] there we go nice god i can't stand it [Music] okay here we go here we go hey a kapala the skull cup bestowed upon kali's most loyal devotees drinking blood from it can improve one's health and enlightenment nice okay let's get some blood yes sir fill that sucker up nummy nummy nummy need health badly [Music] there we go all right up to three already much easier to collect the blood now it feels like [Music] it's a four here nice gotta whip our buddy sorry sorry pal yeah it seems like it's a lot better i love it big fan all right he's gonna figure his [ __ ] out no problem this shopkeeper actually has not been set off yet so that's good i have no ropes so i gotta make sure i'm ready to drop and i think i am oh [ __ ] there we go nice nice okay put you away feels good feels pretty good i think we're ready man i need some ropes badly though give me all that blood okay don't let that get set off oh we definitely need to see what's in that crate so we can bomb there i guess since we can't use a rope for it ah that sucks okay there we go let's not get crushed again there go the bombs all right not a big deal need ropes more than anything obviously got a lot of health now man this is great paul is huge very important item here almost a 10 health oh [ __ ] that was dangerous my god [Music] all right let's do it let's do it baby this running going it's probably not that important to uh sacrifice much more i guess i might as well [Music] well actually i don't know that i have no reason to believe that maybe there's more sacrifice stuff now yo royal jelly a delicacy that's highly sought after for its refined taste and healing properties cool okay it's a whole new game man exactly we have no idea what to expect oh i love that new man trap look yeah the royal jelly gives you five health it's pretty great catch that blood baby oh boy i see okay that's why that's threatening my god um yeah that's not gonna work you know what i'm just gonna walk across this oh that doesn't help i guess yeah the jungle is very hard [Music] it's been very challenging so far oh no [ __ ] complete [ __ ] [ __ ] i grabbed the ledge [ __ ] that no that's not what happened i grabbed the ledge and for some reason i fell down i i'm not accepting personal responsibility for that death what [Music] all right [Music] hmm let's just do it pretty sure yeah pretty sure the door's there anyway let's do it that was dumb we best friends now we're not best friends i got you killed sorry crouch moves point oh god come on i i just i i want to die thank you thank you for killing me i was really hoping that would happen [Music] all right every little bit of money every little bit of monies give it to me [Music] that's back whip by the way pro strats [Music] hmm nothing else all right [Music] good enough hey that's what we're looking for okay pretty good [Music] if we can find that ghost jar we'll be basically good to go oh that was stupid hold on oh never mind i gotta use a rope anyway let's get back up there nope oh there's the ghost jar okay that could have been bad um i guess we go like this and then i might not even worry about you there's the other one though i guess if i just use one rope here i'm gonna do it wouldn't it yeah although this guy's gonna oh yeah that other turkey's gonna drop down let's just go ahead and put this one away might as well and then i might be able to whip come on nope okay [Music] god damn it man that's so annoying [Music] well i am gonna have to use another rope if i do this unless i can like huck something at the i turkey be able to do that he's got an arrow actually a skull would be better god damn it oh my god [Music] okay well that's all i have to do [Music] there we go oh that's not gonna be it either though i need one more thing to get it to get to the other side so it doesn't drop down um i guess we'll use this i'm gonna wait for him to go over here there why is he gray now what the hell did i suck the soul out of it [Music] i think i stole the turkey soul i'm dead i'm dead oh my god okay two ghosts two why not two ghosts not two ghosts ah [Music] jesus christ oh come on what the hell is that that's scary all right so ghosting's gonna be harder oh my goodness he's a happy little ghost yeah [Music] holy [Music] look at [ __ ] hey there we go [Music] good i'm gonna have to use the bat to actually get up there [Music] and be blocked off perfect good enough good enough point all right only a few grand there your voice echoes in here ooh interesting wonder what that means paste cool you know what i kind of want to bring you with me so let's go ahead and do that since we've got that sacrificial altar over here there we go [Music] couldn't get him alive sadly oh god i just took two hit points of damage right there that was really bad that was not effective at all [Music] hmm i didn't miss a perfect opportunity to say my voice echoes in here you're absolutely right that was pretty bad oh yeah he tamed the turkey for me didn't he that's kind of fun i definitely gotta work on getting another kapala we saw that that is obviously a very a very important upgrade there's another turkey there we go you know what let's do go get that kapala just like i said pretty damn important uh compress a compost first gotta get the compost and then there's not a lot else up there right so i think i gotta go ahead and grab this carve man [Music] come down here hey lazarus it is utterly fantastic thrilled with it so far don't think there's anything else unfortunately so yeah you can't sacrifice the turkey [Music] ooh i can sacrifice him though but i'd have to kill him that'd be hard i think i might just get this stuff [Music] pretty sure it's not a good idea i'm not very good at killing these spelunky two shopkeepers yet but that very well may be the last one we need [Music] we could always just wait oh [ __ ] hmm i might change my approach here never mind we got the ghost nope [Music] nope oh my god ah okay i'm absolutely nearing the end of my rope here this is the last one this is the last one we're gonna take a break i'm gonna let myself [Music] process the insanity we've gone through [Music] ah god damn it okay [Music] i'm gonna grab this ghost turn again it's weird how effective that is or how helpful that is for me early on here i did not expect to be using that thing very much oh this stream's not over by the way either stream won't be ending i'll just be taking a little break just a tiny little break i'm gonna go get some lunch and then we'll be back with plenty more spelunky too [ __ ] wow okay there we go okay live caveman that'll start us off well oh baby this shop too holy [ __ ] i think you can hold on to him when they're unconscious a little bit longer i love that that's mine yay it's fragile yet full of vigor reminding us to treasure every one of life's moments yay it's still here eggplant all right eggplant rum baby uh-huh [Music] let's do it now i should bring the gun but i'm totally gonna bring the eggplant i'm gonna sacrifice this mole though there we go probably closing in on the kapala let's do it that would be cool to have a bananasaurus rex reference somewhere with the eggplant wouldn't it [Music] maybe just whip it on accident that would have been dumb okay door might be up here no it doesn't look like it okay how hard would it been would it have been to shoot and sacrifice turkey guy probably not that bad probably pretty doable [Music] yeah i was kind of disappointed not to hear the eggplant song i was wondering if it was maybe just because we already had the shopkeeper music going maybe it'll play if i do it again another time [Music] oh boy oh he's got another bomb boxing oh my god i need all that i need all that stuff how am i gonna do this i think if i wow oh so much for the bombs [Music] oh god you know what stuff there wasn't any stuff there [Music] okay oh no yup here we go man i only got two hp got to be careful come on man your stupid spin here we go i mean i'm out of here that's it for me that's all we got dude okay [Music] nice there's monty okay we are going to put this down here oh no yep [ __ ] can't wait for it that was way too early damn it hold on well i could jump on his head pretty easy i could jump on his head pretty easy i could jump on his head pretty easy no all right that's fine let's do one more here one more honest attempt then we'll take a break oh my god take a little tiny break [Music] this might end a little earlier than i thought it would yep all right let's go ahead and take a quick break oh my god let's return to camp actually let's see what's going on with this hey cool i'm doing good how how are you i'm well oh don't worry pearl doesn't bite very often it's a little sloth friend [Music] and it's their houses their little uh rooms i guess in the underground abode these are the folks that we're uh finding in the caves new friends this is fun i like that of course we're building the shortcuts over here we could take a shortcut to one four good job with that spaceship thanks i colin believe we're actually here amazing i hope the shortcuts are useful and oh they are thank you thank you thank you lovely all right well let's head back to the menu real quick chill here for a moment erb folks i'm gonna take a quick lunch break we'll be back in about 10 to 15 minutes here we'll play some more spelunky too all right thanks so much for watching so far i'll see in a little bit you
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 143,116
Rating: 4.8401022 out of 5
Keywords: spelunky 2, baer plays spelunky 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 28sec (13768 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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