Baer Returns to FTL (Ep. 8)

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i just kind of want to kill the human just get rid of them make it less hassle find another lannist hopefully not you specifically arma just you know the human who happens to be you i guess don't worry about it anyway let's get started lanius cruiser attempt number one i'm gonna keep this in mind too the maximum o2 at the moment is currently 88 [Music] okay finally bear has seen the light of no humans and we don't need humans around probably not even on the actual earth oh there's no med bay whoa that's i just noticed that too there's a clone bay oh and this heals every jump all right all right all right interesting hacking we can power on as well i need to get another uh power bar pretty soon here nothing store right away maybe be able to find enough scrap to make that worthwhile hey that's not bad thanks yeah we'll go for that too probably seems good love free stuff [Music] do not love oh never mind i thought this is an empty note overhearing the conversation it seems they need to take possession of an enemy ship intact offer your services oh so this is saying that we need to be able to kill the crew right that's gonna be uh i don't know if we can do that i could try i guess maybe they'll teleport over to us and just make it easy give it a try they briefly scan your ship and inform you're not properly equipped for this type of mission okay yeah yeah i knew i wasn't so that makes sense attack the pirate all right let's try out our weapons for the first time pretty sure we're just going to cycle the ion onto the shields and then hopefully our chain laser is going to be able to take off their missiles soon enough there goes the engines pretty quickly no dodge for us that's their laser offline their missiles firing very quickly hacking down that doesn't really matter that much i keep mystic on the weapons for now just to hopefully get that charging a little bit quicker we'll have you move over and repair hacking real quick there's the missile launcher finally down only three points of damage solo but that thing's back online again damn it they're repairing fairly quickly over there oh boy that's not good that's four missiles they've used i don't know how many they typically have the chain laser is getting a lot faster now too at least that's good no two's coming back hey there all right all right weapons are offline there we go let's go ahead and change over to piloting just to try to get rid of their evade and also make sure they don't get out of here back to posts yeah typically the enemy does have a finite amount of missiles i just have never really paid attention to what that number is or whether or not that's ship specific yeah this is definitely why i want to try to hit they're piloting here they are evading everything oh they got their weapons back though i'm gonna fix that i should have paid better attention there all right well missiles are still there there's another one and there's hacking down this isn't that bad though yeah that's what i kind of figured they'd try to get away here all right well shields are off pretty sure we're going to be able to get them with a hit here their ftl's still delayed anyway there we go 17 scrap no weaponry survived the battle unfortunately all right approximately 10 missiles based on size okay okay good to know 36 scrap i say since we're going into the nebula we can probably go or we can probably get away with doing both of these here automated scout powering up the ftl they've got a beam weapon we gotta try to hit their piloting here maybe hack the piloting actually that's not a bad idea here we can uh do that right before our weapons go [Music] we'll be able to make sure that we hit the piloting and keep them here i don't think we lost a system with that yeah we're good all right hacking now piloting's offline and now we change over to the weapons that is o2 off again it's not a big deal [Music] oh boy that's freaking missile damage dude we're gonna have to bump up our evasion pretty quickly that's the missiles offline at least don't have to worry about the beam drone thankfully since they don't have anything but but the uh missile launcher o2 is coming back go ahead and just send them back there we [Applause] go i don't think we need to worry about hitting piloting again considering we're uh we're considering we still have hacking there and the ship's dead hooray nice not bad refuel this early is pretty good i really like this i mean obviously ftl music in general is just god tier but the the ambiance of i think particularly this might just be like a sector one song or maybe even just like a civilian sector track but just makes such a wonderful atmosphere this music is excellent i think we can probably just i really want to try to get away with this go boom boom boom but that's just asking for trouble besides vacuuming o2 where the lanny is particularly good at anything i don't think so i couldn't really tell you [Music] this is the first time i've used the ship of course i'm just gonna attack these guys they don't have missiles thank goodness but they might uh be a bit of a problem still [Music] um i guess i just have to whittle down the os they're almost certainly going to get that meme through actually now that i think about it so yeah we really need to try to uh yeah we got to try to get that offline as quick as we can that's going to be an issue so they're gonna keep just repeatedly taking the shields off i think that might be our uh yeah that's their os offline let's cycle over to that engines are back we need to repair the shields now [Music] okay that's unfortunately their beam still online our chain laser is going pretty quick at this point though there we go just in time good stuff shields are back i think we're okay here yeah we got it not too bad oh [ __ ] we have a fire and shields when did that happen let's go suck out the o2 in there buddy yeah it's another thing the uh ladies are good for right fighting fires in rooms that have got the o2 sucked out of them [Music] uh we need to delay their ftl [Music] i think we have time i think we're okay [Music] oh boy on chain laser nice that was close good result there too good reward okay power up the cloning bay go to the store hopefully we can get something decent with this i don't need any of these guys i wouldn't mind picking up drone control that gives us a free combat drone we can sell emergency respirators oh crew teleporter could be fun yeah with the lanias i didn't even think about that i don't think i can afford it unless i sell a weapon though and that seems pretty risky oh wait no we can sell respirators and beam drone yeah let's do it that sounds like fun teleport me yeah i like that i like that all right cool so these guys have just had their roles reassigned from weapons and engines experts to dedicated borders that's fun and we have a cloning bay which is oh man this is highly pogged highly pogged indeed okay let's give this a go lanius without borders noise uh try to dislodge the ship by shooting at the rocks sure do damage to your hole [ __ ] oh well these guys are going to be really good at fixing [ __ ] all right well that sucked i have to power this that's right i better just buy another power bar there we go all right just thrust beacon number two let's get this one first probably powering up the ftl let's go take care of that uh we just this guy that's got to be the way to go right like i know i feel like i kind of want to go into their uh piloting here but we can target the piloting with weapons and still just [ __ ] them up in the o2 with the lanius yeah let's do that i like that play off they go hey guys uh oh oh it's gonna be a problem it's gonna be oh no you can't breathe what happened all the air's gone oh no oh you gotta run away new guy uh oh two on one buddy that ain't gonna work out very well and there's the ftl jump delayed oh they don't have a med bay either they're totally boned that's looking pretty good for us o2 taking hits oh they have a clone bay okay okay i see well they don't they don't got out too anymore let's go take out that clone bait huh ah they beamed us son of a [ __ ] uh go repair the engine buddy i don't need to charge the ftl we're fine take that sucker out of there oh they're dying they're dead goodbye ftl still delayed should probably go ahead and take their beam weapon offline seems like a good idea at this point i gotta keep an eye on my uh crew members hp too i want to let them go oh [ __ ] that's not good beep okay let's see hmm i need to go get o2 back up i know i'm not going to blow this ship up i'm good okay weapons are offline that's good that's going to help us out quite a bit let's keep those weapons offline i think too you just got the oh i need to teleport back oh [ __ ] okay maybe we should try to focus on killing the crew here since the cloning bay is offline now killer drone too i guess wow i'm taking a lot of damage now this is bad [Music] i need to take that drone offline for sure oh i killed all the crew great well let's get the teleporter back online now oh thank goodness i should have taken that out of fire off pretty pretty long time ago huh [ __ ] well that was kind of bad it was a scary ship let's get the lanius back and have him repair some stuff there we go all right everybody go fix up the ship i guess the uh humans should go repair o2 since he's the one that needs it [Music] i like the sound they make when they repair that's fun i didn't even notice that yet [Music] all right and [Music] okay honestly they're not really in a position right now to be boarding so maybe i just go ahead and send these guys back to their uh originally designated posts for a little while wait for him to heal up and then we'll try another board soon can you clone them now so you have boarders and ship workers can you [Music] how do you do that you just send this one out into the void of space they'd have to die but you can't suffocate them right yeah i guess i could burn them i don't really have a way to start a fire though not that i want to yeah i don't think we got a way to do it i'm not gonna worry about it counter the remote hacking yay okay missile launcher oh boy this is looking pretty bad man our dodge chance is still just pitiful honestly it sort of seems like i should just send them anyway since i have the clone bay powered up hey cho i think i just do that i don't think they're doing me a lot of good on the on the ship and let's hold on the first ion oh god come on well maybe go repair that eye on the shield and then chain laser in a moment there we go missiles offline that's huge gifting another subscription show to connor welcome on back you gotta get chill in the pile thank you for the resub for the gifted resub i should say i suppose uh let's just i honestly just want to keep that missile launcher offline yeah that's my number one priority right now for sure and i'm pretty sure we're gonna be able to do it this way unless that happens there we go that's good i think we're okay now we're in a pretty synchronized charging time at this point too so yeah we're good we don't need to send the ladies chantelle my wonderful wife happy anniversary my love 58 months on the pile too that's a lot shorter than our relationship has been feels like it's maybe been like 580 months how many has it been so it's been 16 years right 16 times 12. i can do that in my head that's oh don't do math in your head bear what are you doing uh 192 months am i right holy [ __ ] did i get it i'm gonna be so impressed with myself wow bear well done okay let's see yeah 192 months that's quite the streak bear hugs love you it's our anniversary nine years married yay yay they'd be great at this job you're gonna kick ass at this job everybody knows it ah good lord doc can try to rescue survivors let's go big money dude jones another human though ick yucky all right that's fine though because guess what we're sending these boys up here jones hopping into weapons zipping and hopping into weapons and he's our new weapons boy and now we need to type pick me in the chat because we need to draw a new name for a new member of the crew who's our new human gonna be [Music] while we're doing this i'm gonna go ahead and probably buy another power bar i do feel it's pretty important here [Music] you don't even want to be the human right yeah yeah you yuck [Music] p-i-c-k-m-e in the chat [Music] go ahead and type it now and oh it's like wow what a weird coincidence that i uh just somehow forgot to allow moobat to announce but you're just gonna have to believe was actually the case it was elise chantal was selected whoa crazy crazy coincidence that that happened cool all right welcome to the squad babe at least you [Music] should be your rebranding babe [Music] all right [Music] are you trying to make me cry more well if it's that easy i get brownie points for that i'll take it i'm happy love you [Music] all right off we go i might go to that store real quick actually well thank you very much i won't ask any questions i probably shouldn't i really want to repair though it's probably going to be a rebel when we get there though yeah let's not bother oh i want the easier one this looks easier let's do it okay i'm ready it's spooky though maybe they're so scary attack the ship another goddang missile launcher dude all right here we go finally launching our lanius again into the o2 with them and let's go ahead and hack their piloting they hack their weapons actually just to stop these missiles oh wait oh hack the o2 yeah someone was saying that that seems like a good idea because that will shut them out drain o2 and allow us to damage it while the laniests are there yeah i like that idea let's do it i think i want to wait to teleport them though just a little bit until after the hacking lands that seems like a good idea we want to try to ion the shields after the chain lasers charged they hacked our engines which means you know no dodge for us but that's kind of getting used to that at this point okay that hack has landed we're teleporting into o2 packing o2 that's working pretty well halfway to chain we're going to take one missile one laser hit oh that's only a single laser shot that's good the missile is almost certainly gonna land though almost ready on the chain all right clone bay being down is very bad we gotta make sure that that's gonna get fixed up send him in there stunners off chain laser on the weapons beautiful weapons are offline their o2 is already pretty bad let's see we just yes keep these auto firing we're doing fine the lanius unfortunately being pretty low with no cloning bay is scary but they can't fight in o2 anymore we killed one nice yeah yeah the lack of oxygen really really hurts apparently there we go their weapons are totally down oh two's offline for them let's go destroy the cloning bay let's take our auto fire off until the weapons come back i could take their shields offline i guess or try to where are you two going oh you have to walk through there these two just menacingly walking through the enemy ship is so badass too man i love it um all right so he fixed cloning bay and send you back to weapons and once we take their cloning bay out i think or once we kill this guy and then take cloning bay out should i just leave milanis on the on the ship that's about to explode and then i can get new lanies can't i do that it seems like a decent idea that we don't have to worry about their health i just do that they lose some xp but they'll get cloned that seems worth it yeah now for an hp reset yeah i think we should do that unless i i might just kill this crew here though but even then i might well i can't fire my weapons anymore i guess if we kill the crew um ftl's delayed fdl is hard to fire off if they don't have a pilot right yeah crew kill gives more rewards too which is kind of a high priority ah that was anything but missiles i would probably take it drone parts are pretty good too it's only two of them though i'm pretty sure i'll get a better reward from killing the crew and i think i'm about to do that so i'm pretty sure i want to go that route i just need to find the other crew member let's put my boy on sensors oh wait no we're in a nebula we can't see where they are um all right yeah i forgot let's go find this boy and take off the auto fire from i mean i can just blow the ship up but i'd much rather try to kill the crew at this point i gotta find these guys oh he's trying to get into o2 that's why that gunfire is happening it's a slug get him get his ass he's trying to run yeah get him get him get him yeah you can't get away you can't get away goodbye oh is that his name is bears i think that's the slug that we were chasing around the ship at the end trying to run away wait no no i'll join you i'll just come with just don't kill me [Laughter] i have to rename him bears by the way i'm not gonna i'm not gonna give you guys the opportunity for this one unfortunately because it's me and elise together so yeah that seems pretty great i think i should upgrade my clone bait too get more healing going pretty soon jeff bars huh more like jeff bears jeff bezos [Laughter] yeah i kind of like that okay ah jeffrey bearzos jeffrey bezos i do like how elise is a human and bear is a slug yeah that's pretty great congratulations um that's a lot of scrap i think it's worth it right now honestly it's pretty good i've got the power bar to use with it hmm yeah where is the slug gonna go that's a good question i guess engines would be best just crawling around i think it's to be next to elise they can like talk to each other through here i'll even open the door and we can role play that these guys are talking to each other through their systems having a fun time together all right let's see this is sims it's the same thing 10 scrap what is that like probably 10 hole too just about and a dream let's do it eerily quiet this seems good oh boy mantis hunting grounds huh oh the slug's actually gonna be great for our boarding party situation i just realized that yay okay uh let's do power up the hacking they don't have a med bay or a cloning bay this is fantastic or a crew teleporter so we're going to go ahead and hack the road too wait on the launch for the teleporter and otherwise i think we're looking good love it now they panic [Laughter] i love just like the the the instant moment of oh [ __ ] they're hacking and killing o2 hurry run run it's already offline in there uh-oh and yeah we want to wait on the ion stunner again for sure here they might get a little bit of damage off oh that sucks let's go repair that go repair it guys go work together you're good at working together all right ion and then shane it's gonna be about now beautiful all right cloning bay is online so i don't need to necessarily care about milanius dying here obviously going up against mantis they're going to have a slightly harder time but they're still winning so that's awesome it's good to see i think we go ahead and auto fire on weapons at this point same with the shields there again if i blow this ship up i don't care too much because i would just like to reset their hp anyway all right there we go back to posts um let's do that i guess nice so two's offline let's go uh [ __ ] with their engines now i guess this seems like a good idea eric thank you for the bits appreciate it actually let's go in here keep them from repairing the weapons if we die it's not that big of a deal so just clone we'll just power down the teleporter and get the cloning bay online yeah there go our lanius but their o2 is [ __ ] i think he's just dead so yeah waiting on the yellow lanius to charge back up let's take our auto fire off and see if maybe just the lack of o2 [ __ ] him over cause we can hack the door again just stop him from going in there once we get our lanius back we could even teleport back over there okay so he loses his combat experience that's not even yeah that's fine who cares doesn't matter that much yeah they've got an ng on board but like we were saying like they don't have any o2 right now and it's hacked so they're pretty boned he abandoned the weapon room because there's a fire there yeah no they are they are totally screwed they can't vent fire either on this ship layout not that they would you know obviously they're ai i think he's gonna die look they got yeah 40 oxygen at this point yeah he's just going to die we just got to be patient also abandoned it because there's no o2 in the room either right yeah that would make it difficult to repair as well yep just gotta wait this is an inevitability here just kick back and watch the man suffocate send a guy to censor so we can watch him die unfortunately we're in a nebula otherwise i would absolutely oblige that request i'm gonna take i'll take a bear stretch break absolutely this seems an opportune moment oh yeah there we go a little hydration shirt almost there there he goes see ya get a little hydration yeah lania's boarding is uh pretty devastating it turns out a little fuel a little scrap a little bit of self-confidence good stuff okay let's keep going this is a fun build isn't it yeah what you all got the vulnerable to my my schemes here i think you are it might be a single shot laser too we're definitely going to want to get level 2 shield soon here that's got to be our next big priority now we're still rocking our beautiful little setup here once that hack lands go ahead and teleport over here we go get that going we're not gonna be able to do much to them with our weapons unfortunately this is kind of gonna be all on the lanius here but they are doing a fine job up to this point there we go two's down uh let's just go destroy their weapons [ __ ] it oh boy that's bad okay go repair actually go vent first vent all that out real quickly i'll take care of that fire and we need to repair the shields pronto hopefully we can actually deal some weapon damage here i guess i should fire my weapon still it's probably still worth it there we go all right one more shield point that's not that bad still hitting the weapons with the lanius here just changed out the zoltan this time these guys don't have a med bay either or a clone bay so we're feeling pretty good i think we'll auto fire their shields down ideally we're gonna take their weapons offline here our shields are not going to be back in time i don't think unfortunately to deal with this but uh it's not terrible oh it might be back oh hey there we go nice let's kill the pilot that seems like a good idea chain laser can still attempt to hit the shields here per chance give that a go nice i think that's a layer down i think we killed the pilot that's good the ship refuses to fight but you still detect life signatures oh the zoltan died too dude this is great picked up a mantis too that's gonna man the boarding's gonna be even better we can send the mantis after we send the lanius let's go okay mantis head to shields save spots let's rename them y'all actually get the choice here pick me in the chat p-i-c-k-m-e all one word six letters all in a row we'll rename this mantas crew member i have got to repair my ship really badly should probably go for level two shields actually i think i'm gonna do it yeah i think i kind of need it at this point i have to take off hacking or the ion stunner or something like that because i don't think there's a shop around yeah it's going to be at least one more jump before we find a shop all right winner of the drawing jish116 congratulations welcome to the squad you are our new mantis shieldsman good stuff okay it's worth mentioning the jump heels from the clone bay are passive and don't require power oh that's good okay in that case we can just keep this off until we need it right oh well great yeah cool that's gonna make power management easier oh did you already get into a run before jesus well you know hopefully we fare better this time oh auto hacker [ __ ] well i guess we can still board them it's just we can't kill the crew we can like board their weapons and destroy the weapons that way though that still seems fairly effective they have a hacker too though [ __ ] i'm gonna save my drone parts here we're gonna i think keeping my level two shields online is a good idea here take that do this do that do this go like that wait for our stuff to charge up goodness yeah man lanius crew borders against uh the automated ships with no o2 works super well it's even better sorry i forgot the role play door okay so their weapons are going down pretty quick probably gonna be able to destroy their hacking too actually ion stunners up soon with the chain laser let's go for their piloting i guess maybe to try to prevent their escape that's okay 11 months on the bear pile welcome on back in thank you very much for your subscription appreciate it all right good work fellas and i'm back and i'm back in now and we'll just let the chain laser kill him just destroy every single one of their systems that feels good that feels effective all right god damn they're in bad shape goodbye nice that's pretty good store please i'm in desperate need open fire crew teleporter bomb and a single shot laser i want to say this will be fun let's get a guy on doors we'll send elise demand doors for a moment uh we'll send our hack i want to say it's probably good oh yeah they can't get through the shields the bomb can hit me though i gotta worry about the bomb so i'm gonna probably hmm i kinda wanna hack weapons i know the o2 hack is the best choice though i'll probably just do that the bomb doesn't deal damage it just takes out subsystems oh okay cool that's good then med bay hack use it to heal your crew members that works that's cool i'll try that out fighting their med bay against them give that a try okay they're on our ship now start that hack they are currently in engines which is totally fine with me go ahead and seal that off yeah that's indeed healing up our lanius is it no [Music] i don't think it was hacking med bay just turns it into a microwave drains the enemy's hp okay yeah no it didn't look like it was healing me we have destroyed it already though so that's pretty great let's go kill the pilot i think i'm just gonna chain laser their weapons the whole time this guy's already trying to escape i'm kind of okay with the mantis just fighting the masses here it's a one-on-one we should win that bombs going for what was that nothing it completely missed okay the lanius is dying and that's totally fine i just need to power the medbay up let's take o2 out for a moment oh just oh it just makes the clone show up faster that's not that big of a deal okay let's see they're mantis left that's good why can't i shut this door why is this not clickable i don't understand this oh he broke it okay that's why i think milanius is dying oh wow he survived the mantis almost died he's trying to run to the med bay i think that's not gonna work for you buddy um [Music] he tried to escape and he couldn't get through the door because of the hack that's funny bye all right they're piloting's next let's see and chain laser on weapons still feels pretty good nice there we go all right we're good domination let's go take out the o2 let's just kill this guy [ __ ] it get his ass dude get his ass oh i think he's dying let's take the chain laser off there we go good stuff that's a lot of scrap dude that's pretty nice i might just let him die honestly i think that might be better he does have a lot of combat experience actually never mind i think it's better like bring him back come on back buddy all right wait for our clone to come back in hooray fully charged ready for action get the o2 back online yeah we're already on third copy of fatal i think at this point this gets better every edition right there's the store good stuff thank you game thank you very much cloaking oh man and a flak one good lord i want that definitely can't afford cloaking god yeah halberd plus flack i think we do that it's 130 rob the store god i wish that was an option [Music] 49 plus that is 69 nice 74. we can do it just barely but then we have four [Music] left over to repair that would be pretty bad could just go with um hmm hold on a second i can do one more what if we did this repair to yellow go to this node pray to god it gives us something if not go to this node get a little bit more hopefully if not get something hit the store one more time i think i can get away with it i can at least get away with this for sure i kind of want to try that let's do that repair to just above yellow and then we'll tell you what actually because we needed all of that to make it right yeah so we gotta we know we're selling that maybe i'm better just repairing now i should repair minimally still i don't know how much we're gonna get i think we'll be okay here though oh that sucks empty okay one more try here we go cross your fingers come on something give me something attack the pirate absolutely here we go ooh two crew members and no med bay or clone bay let's go that'll work i don't even need to hack these guys these they seem oh that's a burst three oh [ __ ] uh-oh uh let's just go to weapons immediately oh also i need to move this guy back to engines that's me oh it's a burst too okay it's not so bad still pretty bad but not as bad i still say we just go right to weapons that seems pretty good especially because they don't have a med bay i don't think i need hacking here either because we win this 2v2 two lanius versus an ng and a mantis i'm pretty damn sure we've got the edge okay might as well fire the chain laser let's hit their shields i guess there we go i don't want to use a drone part on this fight if i can avoid it that's why i'm not doing the chain laser or not the chain laser the uh hacking i'm just taking the weapons offline here and then i'm just gonna go kill the mantis and i think i think that's all i have left just want to make sure they're not gonna oh wait what am i doing i'll fire take it off i might have actually dealt damage to the mantis that's probably worthwhile there we go okay that's good and he's dead good stuff wow cool okay neat that's that's pretty cool that's some scrap too yeah we sell that and then we get our weapons we want there we go mission accomplished dude good [ __ ] let's get it hell yeah all set now of course we just need to be able to power those which is gonna be hard but we'll get it eventually um for now we can use the flack which is good by itself honestly it's quite good but yeah we got to focus on that that's our next big thing yikes manually search the racket sure ah worth worth five fuel yeah totally worth it gonna fix a breach that's not a big deal it was just that one breach a little bit of fuel a little bit of hole damage that's fine dude oh man i gotta remember lanius are great at repairing breeches too i love how they swap spots no that's that's my position you go i here i can do both all right here we go they're getting away get the shields up i think our two levels of shields are actually going to make us untouchable in this uh combat so let's do we'll just flack repeatedly at their piloting but we'll also just send the lanius in to uh destroy these two systems and that should do the job i think i'm gonna power the cloning bay just because i wanna make sure i'm not being stupid i think that's a single shot laser so as long as that's the case yeah we're fine totally fine there's their ftl basically kaputski i'm gonna go ahead and swap the flack over to weapons now halberd is indeed a guaranteed hit in pierce's one shield yes that is correct so we can still use the helper pretty effectively here it's just that it'll be a lot better combined with the flag all right there we go come on back fellas there you go combat experience hooray this is an easy fight though yeah we don't need to worry about this combat very simple almost guarantee they're stuck here too so we're good we're good good good good good and actually i'm pretty sure that howard's gonna be the way to go here though so we'll just do that for for the finishing move just got to be patient uh they're still delayed okay we got they got their engine online of course here now but oh [ __ ] well we got the halberd coming bellwing like with the 10 months welcome on back in appreciate it bear hugs if you got them thank you for the support thank you thank you thank you enjoy watching this on youtube good to hear yeah sorry i fell behind a little bit on those but i've got a new one coming up tomorrow that's dealing with the freaking copyright claim good old youtube stuff and then i think after that i'm gonna be able to have like three or four more in a row uh over the next several days so i appreciate you watching over there too thank you youtube still helps me quite a bit let's see i think i could spare a hack this time go ahead and de-power the uh o2 for just just a smidge just a moment i don't know if i want to do that actually i should probably go ahead and get another power bar soon so we can be able to operate hacking in o2 at the same time i do feel like i want to keep level 2 shields up for this fight maybe i don't need it though it's unfortunate that i can't take just one of those leave a half layer right i'm pretty sure i want to hack this time because it's going to be really effective uh you know what they got two humans in a rock man i don't need it i don't need it just send them send the dough to we'll take a 2v2 in there no problem and halberd beam's going to do some good work for us here i think albert beam can actually get four oh it's close it's close i think this is the best shot though go for that hopefully take the shields down winning the fight no two almost killing one of the humans they cycled one out we're still winning the fight though they're trying to get out now delayed ftl because of the engine or engine damage i think we can get three here oh that's close man i better just do this it's definitely gonna kill him so i gotta make sure i got my cloning bay online here just make sure that i don't do that before my uh lanius get out of there honestly i can probably just not fire the beam again yeah i'm gonna destroy the ship i gotta be careful here i have my teleporter up let's get there o2 offline before i go try to kill those guys it's gonna take the drones or no that's the hacking upline which thankfully i'm not actually using here let's his weekend this guy's just chilling i'll kill him in a moment yeah i definitely can't fire the hobbit again here i'm gonna power up the cloning bay just in case just in case i [ __ ] this up somehow let's go kill this guy he's like one hp so that should be easy there's another kill good stuff i think the rock man okay yeah he's just chilling we got it nice dude incredible another slug and 32 scrap that is sensational hot diggity damn it's a slug party for sure head to the doors buddy since you basically are a sensors upgrade on your own actually no i think i'd rather have them on the sensors and the nebula though it's probably better on doors i guess i can just swap them between the two pretty easily though and we gotta rename them pick me in the chat all one word if you want to get entered into the drawing now mobot's gonna raffle off this new slug name for us i guess i need power and engines to actually get out of here huh i'm going to get that extra power bar now i think i need it i want to be using the halberd beam here again p-i-c-k-m-e it's all one word got lots of crew early on in this run it's really nice really nice winner this one zanderround77 welcome to the team there we go xander for short that's fitting you are our new slug sensors and i think it's time to get going again pretty weak here unfortunately i would like to hit that store up but i think it's definitely better that we just go for the exit cutting it pretty close already ain't the civilian chip absolutely we can handle this mystic envoy gifting a subscription to xander on welcome on into the pile friend appreciate that gifted of course thank you very much for the support all right i am going to be risky here i actually know i strongly feel i don't need to hack we're just going to teleport right to o2 and uh that's probably gonna be enough slug plus ng versus two lanius even at like a third hp i am not very concerned about we are gonna lose mystic for sure no way he's surviving that fight but i'm pretty i'm pretty happy with this decision still we'll get the clones popped cause a couple of problems over there and then we'll halberd beaming just wreak havoc yeah this is fine okay halberd coming oh albert might actually get a kill on the ng that'd be pretty cool if we can do something like this and then not quite four rooms there but of course we can do that and that's pretty good too and you took a little bit of damage from that for sure doesn't look like they're able to yeah they're not really doing much damage themselves so we don't need to be concerned about that off they go for the repairs one lanius is back get him situated in a spot we do have teleporter back online they don't have a med bay either it's looking good for us let me go ahead and burn them right through here nail the ng in the face he disintegrated got him freshly cooked lanius ready for distribution back into the o2 that ought to do it that ought to just about do it we'll destroy the o2 before killing them just to make sure that there's not any cheeky [ __ ] they can pull off not to mention that gives us more combat experience which hey look at these guys huh mystic is a combat pro which ought to help us quite a bit with our boarding all right there's the o2 offline let's go kill the slug he's running away he can't get away from us buddy sorry goodbye contact the civilians five hole points repaired let's go beautiful beautiful come on back all right oh man um this is pretty good now this feels a lot better let's go ahead and bounce and we get ng homeworlds fun i could use an ng that'd round out the crew real nicely actually it'll be a welcome edition of the team all right let's do it investigate the battlefield nothing bummer [Music] full hp though that feels good small beam that looks like a burst laser too with the defense drone mark ii okay so thankfully that defense drone 2 is doing absolutely nothing for them unless we try to hack which we're not going to do at the moment we only got three crew members yet again no med bay that is uh i'm calling that a questionable call on the part of all of our opponents so far send milanius in to do the work which they are very very good at doing that is a big burst laser obviously we got to be kind of concerned about that this hubbard beam isn't really going to do me any good right now either so maybe it's flak time this this round which means i suppose we can power on hacking which that's not really going to do me any good i don't think i need the cloning bay either so i guess i'll just keep the power for now [Music] that's yeah that's scary all right that was good a couple of lucky misses still going for the o2 these guys are hurting a lot already i might just chase these dudes around the ship and kill them i'm pretty sure i'm just going to do that kill the pilot force him to fight in here that's two down that's one shot to shields okay that's kind of bad we'll go ahead and just uh run out of there and open up the doors there we go angie's running away fight him in there fight him in there and there's the crew dead dude this is insane that's what i asked for and i got it thank you very much wow okay back to the ship let's go put out that shields fire too while you're at it keep yourselves busy head to doors buddy that's where you live now oh never mind we're good good repair shields though taffy girl what you doing jeffy girl hello you are so sweet you sniffing around what you doing look at you i got you where you going where are you going right away all right man this is fantastic fantastic that's what i was doing wrong there okay cool back to posts i'm sorry mantis didn't mean to suffocate you there sorry friend jeez the amount of crew you've got is starting to look like you're the pirate yeah well let's go ahead and add the new name in here shall we go ahead and type pick me p-i-c-k-m-e all one word in the chat we'll rename the ng crew member and that's our last one can't add any more unfortunately so hopefully that's the last one we were going to come across today we're only in sector 3 though so i would not be surprised if we come across a couple more but i'm pretty sure i'm gonna have to say no to them unless someone dies right yeah i know that could always happen i guess [Music] all right here we go tamperer 78 as in you tampered with the results of the drawing for shame rigged tampered with welcome to the team new ng god damn man this feels pretty good a generous bestow mystic envoy gift on the sub to tamperer thank you very much welcome to the team welcome to the pile bear hugs for him extremely sus that he came from a pirate rigger yeah ah yeah let's do it escort mission free fuel why not even if we don't make it everybody's healing up nicely another flak holy [ __ ] [Music] i mean yeah right i should that's a great idea i don't even need to repair dude yeah [ __ ] it that's a winning combo dude holy hell yeah no i know weapons upgrades are definitely um high priority here whoo baby all right that's awesome explore that's not a problem two crew no med bay this is becoming a pattern uh yeah that works i'm pretty sure we're good i'm going to halberd all the way through like everything here how's my driving bear you're killing it arma honestly you've gotten us a few clutch dodges too so well done so far oh yikes oh yo okay owie why am i doing that no don't do that you need to go repair that when you get a moment you need to go fix that uh you need to go fix that that was bad it was a nasty hit dude takes off our beam too brutal [Music] get the o2 going again that fire is going to be very difficult to deal with too that sucks i can get a flak online at least i should do that try to hit them in the center here row two is going down pretty quick thankfully that's in a systemless room at least that's gonna save us some trouble um let's weapons back we need to send these guys over here i guess for now we're gonna open these doors up yeah just walk right through the fire buddy that's a good idea that's an intelligent route um oh god here we go here comes the burst right on time right after the asteroid hits our shields oh [ __ ] me [Applause] oof god damn that hurts keep that o2 getting repaired man right kill the crew yeah we got to do that right away 302 is almost off i don't think it matters though no hold on stay there for a moment it's almost dead i swear to god it's almost dead oh the energy died [Laughter] that worked and then um ah [ __ ] it get him get him get his ass get his ass before the laser fires yes oh terrific terrific well done [Music] you get back in there you two need to go fix shields this fire's out that's fantastic you two can go fix weapons [Music] very good okay not too bad [Music] nothing back lenny has fixed the weapons and we're set good stuff redistribute o2 real quick just to make sure nobody gets choked out even though it's probably going to happen anyway god those lanias really drained the o2 quickly i guess they're probably draining the whole ship because they that just occurred to me okay i get that now well that's a lot of damage everybody's taking unfortunately oh yikes i feel like i might need a boost 02 here good lord dude okay we're good we're good we're good we're good [Applause] yeah we might want to get level 202 soon but we obviously can't really prioritize that that much all right here we go i might want to do this oh chubs is here hi bud how's it going didn't even see you come in here's a good boy [Music] i want to do it but i don't have anything to sell it's probably honestly good just to do this to give us a jump to heal because everybody's so low so let's just do that [Music] all right yeah do a little repair here that's fine that's probably enough i think i could have afforded my control would have would have had to sell something i don't really have anything to sell anymore [Music] all right trying to let the o2 fill up a little bit since we were drained so much [Music] i think we're fine otherwise oh the ng isn't in the right spot there we go folks are leveling up pretty nicely [Music] distress you say oh i can't do it i can't do it nope [Music] too far hail them trade with them yeah that's a good trade for us thank you do the quest nice cool oh it's a store that's not very helpful unfortunately a med bay i don't need that that's kind of a weird find though it's just totally unnecessary [Music] oh it replaces the clone bay yeah i don't even want that [Music] i'm good i'm cool i'm gonna buy a couple fuel [Music] all right off we go i can do this one too they should put that in there yeah they should note that ng crew offer your help quest marker nice oh another quest marker is this uh oh hi both taffy are here hi guys let's go puppet dogs you gonna lay with brother she's very good she's a sweet girl this looks like it's a pretty big quest dude double puppers is pretty blessed too all right let's do it off the slug controlled nebula hopefully our couple of slugs are gonna come in handy here there's distress and quest beacon number one we'll give you all we have if you save us of all the species in the galaxy these two deserve one another you power up the jump drive that's hilarious uh let's attack the mantis ship because i think we can probably deal with them better three shields holy [ __ ] that's pretty bad well howard's not the option nor is the flack honestly it's not really very good i'm gonna hack them i guess hacking plus o2 boarding is pretty damn good here there we go now they're gonna board us as well [ __ ] okay that's probably good for us let's send the slug over here oh bye puppers that was fun while it lasted all right start the heck no two for you all right you gotta get ready to run elise or yeah no that's a least oh oh two's dead nice uh let's go get their weapons that's a good idea i might as well fire the flak it's not gonna do anything but [ __ ] it all right their border's gone oh elise is dying i probably should have realized that whoops okay that mantis is like one hp i think we're good now getting their weapons i think honestly we just go ahead and just try to kill the crew as fast as we can i don't think it makes a lot of sense to keep the focus on the system damage when we could just end the fight you know all right there's one dead might as well fire the flack again no problem and nice the mantis defeated you contact the weakened slug vessel you see we are most grateful but that is we do not currently have the liquid assets to reward you at this time finish them off doesn't look like they can stand much more damage after a few shots their ship breaks apart and you move into luther remains that's what you get for being a bastard right there right there that's why you do it all right back to business a barristered indeed well this seems good ladies and gentlemen we've got our halberd flat combo online needs more power too and there we go the crew teleporting to boot hell yeah it appears abandoned except for one scout ship perhaps you could extract information from them ah they're trying to get away all right they got drones on board too they've got an anti-personnel drone that's kind of a problem hacking system repair three humans a missile launcher single fire laser i wanna say that is i still board here i think it's just a little bit more difficult to make work i think i don't board o2 this time either i think i probably board something like weapons or maybe the pilot yeah the drone's gonna be difficult to deal with can't really crew kill these guys either yeah i guess i could just board into cloning right away maybe that's not a bad idea let's try that out it's gonna be difficult but maybe it may be doable we have clone bait too so i don't need to necessarily worry about it good hack drones yeah it's not a bad idea i've got a lot of drone parts too so yeah maybe i maybe go ahead and do that that's going to make things a lot easier for us certainly yeah oh shoot okay yeah we don't need to worry about losing lanius here that's not really a concern because of the clone bay um we do need to worry about yeah if they jump away with our lanias that's gonna be bad they're hacking weapons that kind of sucks i gotta pay attention to my hp right now too might as well power up uh clone by now i don't think i mean i don't think i'm gonna hack here but i'm hacking weapons i might have to i think i'm actually gonna yeah let's go up in here it's a lot better for me to focus on killing the pilot right now because this will hopefully delay their ftl jump if not hopefully we can get at least one flak halberd shot off missiles launching melania's are going down fast breaching o2 is pretty rough let's send me in there gotta wait for the flag to be ready okay we might actually ah they're sending the anti-personnel drone in [ __ ] that's good another missile [Music] pretty sure we're gonna lose our uh lanius here at least one almost certainly both there is a shot in an empty system thankfully that's good we're gonna flak dead center just to get as much landing as we can and then halberd as many systems as possible probably just right through here is good we'll start with shields to do maximum damage then that ought to do it stop this isn't worth dying for demand information on the stolen technology of course that's why you're here yes they passed by here but i had nothing to do with it i don't know what they were carrying i'll transmit coordinates now just let us go you prepare an ftl message containing the coordinates to send to the ng and get ready to jump all right all right well we gotta wait for our lanius to come back now you two need to get out of that room pronto okay back to posts o2 is not powered that's the problem there we go that worked out fairly well not too upset with that they're both going to be combat experts again pretty sh pretty soon not too shabby i really want to get one more power bar but not super necessary right now you gotta head straight for those quest beacons let's do it nothing okay a couple of stores that's interesting let me go there see if i can get a little more scrap out of this care for a fix up we could easily patch some of that damage sure as you dock an emp blast resonates throughout the ship and your engines shut down you're a sitting duck damn it damn it all these slug sons of [ __ ] you're screwed you have no idea how screwed you are i better just go here there's two slugs yeah never trust a slug in space i should know that by now right it didn't even actually take the engines offline either i should probably upgrade engines past level one at some point that seems worse or that seems worthwhile i'll just try to kill these guys as quick as they can quick as we can though they're almost certainly gonna fire their weapons before i can do anything about it here comes one missile two lasers is not too bad that's tolerable that's a that's an attack i can deal with just go kill the slugs it's not worth it to try to kill the weapons easy easy strip the ship almost killed them before a teleporter was even back online and she's gonna repair the o2 good to go no sweat yeah let's go ahead and do that man that's pretty bad in fact i almost want to do two let's see what the store has i'm pretty sure i'm only going to go to one of these i could do this but oh yeah something's telling me to go to that one cloaking would be incredible i can't afford it though that would be nice oh well one fuel one single fuel ask your slug crew to scan for survivors despite the destruction your crewman is able to pick up the faint thoughts of a life form in the debris it looks like they won't last much longer without help a system you bring the survivor aboard but discover their wounds are severe they won't live much longer clone them you clone the individual and let the host pass away the clone decides to join you although it has little choice in the matter i knew that was going to happen i just wanted to continue to make the right choices anyway so do we want to replace someone here i don't think so this is a good a good crew member though but that would mean dismissing elise and obviously i'm not doing that so sorry gracie i mean another mantis man that'd be pretty nice get rid of another slug maybe get rid of the humans yeah vent the humans hmm i can just call the mantis at least too yeah i don't want her to be i don't want to make her a mantis though that feels pretty mean um i think i'll get rid of myself just yeet myself even though i'm actually no i'm kind of valuable the engines are good let's just get rid of xander you okay with this buddy what if i rename this one xander zandaran77 how about that that feels fair that feels like a fair trade let's do that rename dismiss the slug that sounds good okay done deal works for us okay off we go i think i want to go here stay up top lock on to their life signs with your teleporter what the [ __ ] man come on i can't i can't i can't do it i mean i guess i can get rid of a human that's probably better oh boy i mean yeah he doesn't have any skills [ __ ] that probably don't even got no games all right goodbye uh this is nebula you picked the wrong ship to be rescued by yeah i think i can get away with this i'm low on fuel though i should be considerate of that all right completely empty that's what i get let's just go for it i did green and i enjoyed it immensely here we go trying to get away again as they do we need um holy cow they've got okay so it's anti-combat and defense drone 2 again so i'm not going to be able to hack this i'll just teleport we've got three crew members and no one to defend so [ __ ] it into the pilot works for me yeah this is gonna [ __ ] them over completely they've got decent weaponry but i think a flak halberd might be able to get in there that's not too bad they kind of mistimed that too yeah that was really not that bad at all flat caliber time there we go and ultimate devastation demand information too bad you followed the wrong ship the envoy to pass through here was a fake to trick fuel fools like you ah [ __ ] off then you're dead ignore him and attack you cut the transmission to continue the assault you deserve to die then you deserve to have all of your crew members killed for this for this tomfoolery for these shenanigans bear why aren't you also sending the two mantises borders i suppose i could that is entirely available to us as an option oh is this a med bay ah [ __ ] dude i didn't realize that well i can still suck the o2 out of it i guess we're still gonna lose that though i'll just kill him with the flag albert get out of there dude bail on it bail on it kill him with the flag caliber for sure they're flax offline too yeah we're good we got it goodbye goodbye 41 scrap it's pretty good pretty nice distress beacon too cool thanks zap glad you're digging it engage the slug ship you charge weapons and the slugs immediately back down when you return to the freighter the rock man have already repaired the worst of their damage and jumped away without another word well that sucks and a two fuel two slugs aboard all right this is probably gonna be pretty easy again missiles over there though that sucks you should be okay i might be able to get a missile shot off though let's actually put some power into engines because of that although the clone bay might be necessary here just keep it online just in case yeah i think fatal might die oh okay hold on we're turning the fight turning the fight on him get in there kill his ass get him dude i think we're winning i'm gonna flack albert this just in case they just launched their missile nice six fuel that's outstanding dude hell yes i lost alanius though thank god i had the cloning baby powered on that would have sucked all right come on back buddy full hp [Music] hooray all right [Music] let's look here we have a lot of scrap is there anything i need to do oh [ __ ] there we go power bar is probably not a bad idea get the engines up to second yeah second flack is next but that's way too expensive still that'd be another 100 and probably like 215 or so actually ish it's still a little ways away you finally caught up with the ships you've been hunting a hangar-sized cargo ship is being escorted by a number of mantis ships as you reconsider the assault a squadron of ng ships with pirate emblems jump in and assist you you prepare to fight the mantis but scans indicate they're manned by rebels what the freaking flip what the frick flip we're gonna hack these bad boys no they're teleporting huh teleporting into our freaking piloting get out of here rascals nonsense you go and die that's a big missile dude i don't want that thing to fire all right so he already ran away that's good let's get our sensors back on operating again here we go for the shields with that and then hopefully this will take the weapon offline probably not there we go missiles hit our weapons that's pretty bad that's terrible though chubs i saw you bud what you doing hey buddy did mom leave and you're kind of confused not really sure what to do because mama's gone you can go in the studio it's okay he was gonna go put himself to bed in the studio yeah that's a good buddy okay love you bud that was good troops let's see they're killing someone in o2 i'm just going to chase down the crew oh they've got a freaking med bay i didn't even notice man damn it well we got our cloning bay up got our engines online i think i'll actually after the flag shot here i'll go for the uh the halberd hmm once we suck the o2 out of the men babe we might still be able to uh win the fight i don't really want to bring him back though goodbye mystic another missile shot and engines yikes that's unfortunate the weapons are back at least just hack their o2 effort so i think they are losing hp in here now despite the med bay fatal's probably gonna die again i really gotta try to take that missile offline dude nothing hurts i think i'm just gonna let fatal die i'll just respawn and halberd will hopefully take out the weapons looks like a good shot there we go not terrible the ng emerge victorious from their battles with only minor losses they message you project xme56 commissioned by federation military research division advanced stealth cruiser project finished during rebellion unable to reconnect with federation military command likely ploy by rebels to avoid breaking non-aggression pact with ng your mission to assist last federation fleet correct coordinates whoa satisfactory delivery of tech will assist in federation cause gratitude alone insufficient commencing ship repair and compensation their crews deliver an advanced augmentation for installation but you're more pleased to hear that the federation will have an improved arsenal the ng secret tech has been delivered to the hangar the stealth ship has been unlocked let's go a reward wow wow that was huge full repair stealth ship unlocked all ship systems have additional plating that provides a 15 chance to negate damage when hit very good very very good all right well we just got to get uh fatal hobo back online now and there we go flax back and uh let's see we can do double flag not like i need to spend anything on ship repairs anytime soon effort dude double flak halberd online online and operational and one more power bar just to give us a little bit more flexibility muy bueno fan for yourself attack and escape here we go uh four humans no med bay no clones let's do it we're at full hp with our laniest this time because that'll work just fine they're gonna get a missile launch off almost certainly not much we can do there's two flaks i honestly i think i should just still wait for the halberd even though double flak might actually get through almost there okay there we go there's the missile coming in nice and kaboom all right they hit us quite a bit but we annihilated them with that shot got us in the shields lannister still doing work over there fatal's pretty weak how are they winning combat that's surprising they must have some good combat guys over there let's go kill the weapons dude you cleaved half my hp with the halberd beam did i oh [ __ ] because of the flag travel time you can afford an initial flag volley then a second volley before halberd oh yeah that's a good call too i should try that i do like firing them together i think that's fun just unload actually i don't want to kill him with the flack i want to kill the crew i can still do that for sure because we win this combat even though we're so weak i think yeah there we go they're all dead get him nice skin of our teeth there columbe's active got the fuel good to go good stuff bring him back kind of wish he died actually would have been a lot easier all right wait for our clone these good old clone lanius man doing the job all right let's get out of here i think we'll probably be better with the slug in the uncharted nebula you can boost the healing from the clone bay yeah i don't know if i necessarily want to spend the scrap on that yet though especially because we have two free jumps right now well that's probably a bad idea there's a few more nodes up that way at least here we go they've got a crew teleporter that they're sending an ng to so that's gonna go great for them i'm sure let's go right for the clone bay that'll probably work pretty well i don't have level two shields up there we go the engine's coming by himself i don't know about that buddy i'm not the strongest boarding party all right we're gonna lose our lanias we got a strong laser too that sucks i think i'll do this let's try this once see if i can okay we took that weapon offline that's good melania's are dying that's fine just let him go try and take their clone bait offline actually we'll probably just leave them be for now i'm gonna wait for the flack here we go good lord that weapon is scary dude i'm gonna take that offline oh they hit our freaking halberd that sucks okay that laser is gone now that's good that hurt get this back real quick the colombia's nearly ah he came back [ __ ] all right we gotta get our halberd back rolanius is back fatal even if he dies we're probably fairly well off here get the halberd you just double flack again here it's probably not too bad there we go a little shield damage he's still surviving huh holy hell i'll keep going for that columbe i guess ain't no worries rainy glad to have you i don't see these double flags kind of working hey matt welcome kind of doing the job dude by itself albert's almost ready too actually i can go ahead and fire the halberd all right clone bay's offline i'm just gonna kill fatal i'm sorry fatal i feel like this is actually the best play just to murder you with this yeah make sure the clone bay's online and well sorry [Laughter] there we go that's fine you're coming back i felt like we were a little too far away from the crew kill there to get it it's going to take a little too long okay why can't we jump oh i don't have power in engines that's why okay cool oh i just spent money attack the ship absolutely i think they just launched a hack i might hack here too actually quite a few drone parts hack the o2 again like old times oh no heck the med bay yeah i could call really [ __ ] him up and wait for that go ahead and launch start the hack and destroy the med bag they just breached our hacking okay go ahead and send our mantis to deal with that it's not too bad that's tolerable lasers aren't really going to get through either so that's good definitely double flack to uh make sure that's not too big of an issue nice that's pretty good we'll do that nah no surrender rather just our clone base online oh thank god [Laughter] i did not realize i was doing that oh man that was a scary moment okay [Music] yikes uh boop go back out and ng go repair the breech actually don't even bother sending lanny is in to do it that look of momentary fear in my face that was terrified i was like wait no our entire plan ruined by my inability to pay attention usually more powerful the board elsewhere and let the low hp guys run into the med bay and then kill them with the med bay hack oh yeah that's fun that makes sense i'll probably do that what was i doing oh yeah i was going to power up the clone bay again yeah that's a huge boost to the healing i done i'd like that gives us a really quick clone too oh i keep forgetting there's a shop right next to me i'm a dumbass oh well back to posts i can go to a couple more honestly and do the store last ion storm yikes well we can still teleport i got a big laser online still and the halberd beam holy [ __ ] that's bad um i don't have o2 powered here either holy [ __ ] hell this is scary i want to hack they don't have any clone bay or med bay here wanna hack weapons and just go to weapons right away cause their weapons are a lot scarier than ours okay i feel like this is the best use of our available power right now we should still be able to yeah we're actually dealing damage to weapons already too that's good hopefully we'll be able to take one of those two offline before they're able to actually fire it ideally we'll be able to actually get a crew kill here as well that's taking okay that's the big laser offline that's huge that's good oh [ __ ] we have people on our ship i didn't even see that and you run away you go into weapons for a second we're indoors unfortunately that's sort of shitty yeah mantis you're just gonna have to 2v2 that okay uh we can handle it we can handle it it's combat we should win they just left okay that's good back to posts we killed the crew still attacking weapons we're hacking again combat upgrade very nice yeah their weapons are getting obliterated here albert being can't really do anything else either so i guess it's not really super important to take that offline oh now that that's the only thing now yeah i'll go ahead and just force their hand here wrong door buddy that ain't gonna work all right we're chilling there goes their weapons said for the pilot i think they'll just run toward weapons now right now i'll just chill here okay that guy's almost already dead there he goes you can't get away for fuel 50 scrap let's go fantastic we gotta get power to the uh engines now there it goes nice oh no god damn it oh that's pretty good though oh that's even better oh that oh yeah that's i think that's the way to go i think we sell titanium for cloaking yeah that's probably the best choice yeah all right yep yep yep yep yeah i know the reconstructive teleport is really good i don't think we need it though i think we got a fine situation here we're doing okay all right we got cloaking that's pretty damn good prepare to chase vulcan oh boy we have cloaking lots of drone parts let's go ahead and hit him with a hack like hacking o2 here yep no mad day i think we got this synchronized dude love it i don't think i need to worry about the vulcan we'll take it offline if i have to but it will be okay we're gonna bomb literally did nothing with that bomb that was an effective play go for weapons now since they're gonna probably have to try to focus on o2 and they're pretty [ __ ] trying to repair that you're coming i forget we have weapons dude this is fun uh and then like that that's pretty good power on the cloning bay for the love of god i probably should have done that beforehand all right they're basically dead i should probably go for the crew kill here honestly i probably should have targeted the weapons with the uh initial halberd sucks that's probably fine let me see if i can take down the weapons at least a level here that vulcan is going to be charging pretty quick soon oh there's another crew member dude that's good our weapons are online let's just do this honestly let's cloak it that's rather i'd much rather kill the crew here oh the vulcan's offline good there we go ah god damn it i would like to take the bomb offline too actually that's dealing some damage too are we on fire or are they on fire oh this is terrible [ __ ] i didn't realize it was a breach i'm gonna have to have the lanius fix that all right let's just bring the lanius back have him repair the breach and just blow these guys up that's going to be a much better play here goodbye nope sorry no can do goodbye hey there andrew that's a pretty good reward oh we are on fire somewhere [ __ ] uh where would that be it's got to be in an empty room could it be like there maybe it's in here not there not there there it is i'll just vent that out not too bad oh [ __ ] well get out of there hopefully it doesn't make the sensors okay they repaired that that's good there we go all fixed you guys go there and we're good cool looking good i'm happy one more power bar one more power bar just to make me feel extra good that is not a store i'm interested in not today activate your advanced weapons threateningly and then kill them anyway the bastard life it's the bastard life for me i gotta get through the super shields first [ __ ] yo ho yoho a bearster's life for me you have cloaking here so their four weapons are not as threatening as it seems cloak not that that really matters anyway okay time to board i'm gonna go for the clone bay here got a great volley coming up again anyway yeah i'm pretty sure we're good just two slugs let's just go chase him down get their ass all right kill the clone babe kill it kill it kill it kill it hurry hurry all right there's no time i came back son of a [ __ ] well i might as well just destroy it he's gonna come back again no come oh [ __ ] jesus should have cloaked definitely should have clogged there's a freaking fire in there now come on come on man all right colombia's offline let's see you need to not go in there yet just wait there we go oh nice information about the surrounding beacons that's kind of helpful not totally useless all right gotta get rid of that fire redistribute o2 and then go this way or not there we go send you in there to fix it too and they come back all righty not too bad hurting a little bit but we can manage that oh man that's fantastic i really love that open fire wow i got a lot of weapons okay uh i'm gonna let them board me first before i launch my board they have a med bay i'm gonna go and hack that i'm gonna launch milanius into weapons probably i'm gonna have to take offline some of their stuff okay there they go let's go to o2 again actually i think i still like that play borders in my basically ejection pods so that's a good place for them to end up and we can hack the med bay when we need to let's see just go ahead and open that up since they're going in there anyway we're definitely winning the combat against the ng of course just wait here for this okay good mantis is probably going to be able to win this now let's just get him out of there just run buddy go away all right both flaks are up albert's almost ready drain that room quickly go right for dead center here and then this one and then we get it nice let me try to hit the med bay with this too and then hack the med bay once they get in there we killed two with the halberd nice okay still try to kill their o2 i'd say uh their weapons are not looking great their missile's still online unfortunately medbay's offline they are still in hacking and getting suffocated okay they just teleported back they're gonna try to go to med bay but they're not gonna have any luck with that there goes their o2 i'm gonna cloak this missile missed their bomb as well good these guys are going to go kill the mantis i think we're going to lose fatal but we have our clone bait powered up d power hacking at this point i don't need my weapons anymore either just give us the fastest clones we can get the fastest clones in the west actually i think i'd rather have the halberd here nah i can't get through the shields with it oh we won the combat nice it's just this other uh mantis left i doubt he's gonna kill him if he goes in there to attack him now i guess that's the only way to get the crew kill we'll get new lania soon maybe we just wait for the new lanius yeah i think i just died of this fight yep all right that's fine new laniest will solve the problem i'll get o2 back in the shields room pretty soon here too there we go get you back in there jish oh that's true yeah i've already got two mantis ready to go i guess i could have done that but it's already ready cloak this teleport into the piloting and kill the mantis this ought to do it no you don't no you don't goodbye three fuel 50 scrap very nice there we go hey there ale going pretty well having a nice run here feeling good everybody at full hp baby cloak to stay hidden i have that dude i want to kill him attack the ship attack the ship no fear in the dojo power hacking power halberd they have a clone bay a flat cannon and a laser three layers of shields boarding drone as well yeah i like i like the pilot hack now let's just do o2 again it's working fine oh they shot down my hack that's okay let's just go to clone bay [ __ ] it we need to prioritize that anyway for a board into our cloning bay okay and just hopefully take care of that that is a breach in there too i got to keep in mind the lannisters actually are gonna be better off fighting on our ship i should have done the mantis borders in the lanius fight here to deal with the border i wish i thought of that oh well okay cloak that the border drone is already pretty weak i'd be able to disable it too actually this is looking pretty good mantas need to run back to posts shields are offline come on now my clone base online right yeah we're good just kill them 45 scrap pretty damn nice just kill him there that's fine get these clones real quick here oh they can repair the breech too right i forgot there you go there you go hooray all right gotta heal up but we're good i'll grab another powerbar i think and one more layer of engine since it's so cheap okay cool off we go nothing how about how about more nothing yeah yeah nothing more nothing oh yeah no and we're out i also like the look of this ship yeah it's pretty dope that was a boring ending oh well cool back to full hp let's hit it lania ship equals flying swiss army knife yes absolutely absolutely [Music] i'd love to get level three shields soon here i think uh they're in our o2 kind of sucks it's not terrible but it's not great hmm i have cloaking here too if i need it i think they're actually going to hit the o2 aren't they god damn it that sucks oh man well we're getting theirs so o2 for o2 i guess tit for tat good double flak double however double flat caliber down the way so i hit several of their systems i think actually i might just do this get their med bay offline it seems like a good idea all right there's our initial volley done [Music] they're getting her hacking too god damn double mantis is really brutal on boarding dude i can't suffocate them fast enough i just gotta fight them i guess [Music] let's send my ng up to repair the ot real fast their l2 is almost destroyed all right there we go let me go in here make sure they can't repair the med bay [Music] i'll need to fire our weapons their mantis went back and send these guys into repair hacking i think we're good probably gonna win this combat too you go back to shields you go in there and repair okay good oh they've got i see yeah they're not targeting anyone anymore i think we win still there we go i know 1v1 come on you got it oh we did it nice he suffocated attempt to contact the civilian ship whoa the ship you saved was badly damaged in the battle dude uh repair expert ng is pretty [ __ ] awesome i think we gotta pick him up that's really good i think we just replace yeah tamper congratulations you got an upgrade dude tamperer 78 right yeah there you go buddy a new better version of you off to the doors cool you guys have to bring you back too huh there we go should have been tamperer 79 yeah i guess so all right fine i missed the opportunity all righty level three shields is definitely a good way to go soon might even be now because we can redistribute some power okay thank you always love that man free stuff i could use it that's a great deal thank you all right happy we took that very good participate in the study 30 scrap thank you very much this has been easy or the station [Music] save the drone schematic no armored oh [ __ ] dude [Music] rip oh the clone bay yeah all right close enough to the ship for the clone bait to revive them good stuff yippee that's awesome never punished all right cool bear learned nothing that day yeah and they're launching a hack they've got defense drone let's uh i got four crew members just board them aboard colombia then we'll probably just flag flag caliber here hector clone bay that's kind of problematic actually i don't think that matters yeah i think we're fine [Music] i'll probably go for their shields here oh i should have waited on that flag actually that was kind of dumb albert's not ready yet that's all right i'll get another one [Music] just being a little safe there with a cloak all right once the flax ready halberd's going to do some huge work just go ahead and launch them both at the same time cloning base powered up so we need to worry about that [Music] just fine nice and obliterate good stuff eight missiles no thank you no thank you goodbye lanius hello new lanius at one halberd just does [ __ ] work man that is insane just obliterate ships all right there we go all fixed all fixed i'm gonna get an o2 buffer another power bar that feels good all right cool cool cool cool reject their offer no thanks their weapons are pathetic you have that one drone though that might be enough to be an issue you have an anti-personnel drone on there too i might just kill these guys i think i might just not even board them let's just murder their asses i mean i might as well bored right if i l if millennials die it actually doesn't matter so [ __ ] it might as well [Music] just to [ __ ] them up a little bit i'm gonna save these flak shots for the halberd beam almost there once twice and shoot that looks pretty good reject surrender [Music] we shall not accept your pitiful pleas for help all right fellas you go ahead over to the shields just kick the [ __ ] out of those guys for a minute we'll just double flag just to make life hell for him again wow they're almost dead i'm just gonna halberd these guys [ __ ] it ah never mind they got the shields back i might be able to get it off in time nice cool okay get cloning bay back i'm loving just cycling through these lanias man it's hilarious and they're back [Music] and we're back the music is top tier it is sensational two stores that's not bad actually i got a decent amount of scrap right now i'd love to see some good augmentations here and that's a [ __ ] wonderful augmentation oh that's also amazing and that wow those are all really good thank you uh i can get both i can get all three holy [ __ ] that's outstanding yay you trying to tell me these two aren't that good these two are great you're crazy you're nuts [Music] i know pre-igniter is obviously better but it's not like that's bad i'm sure this one's going to have the pre-igniter though yeah no almost guaranteed right nah nah i think we made the right decision for sure nothing here of value all good i can hit both i can do both whoa cool can't use that but that's free scrap yay [Music] off we go it's not a bad bribe honestly but nah [Music] i don't think i need to hack these guys but we got so many hacking parts at this point we might as well i got a vulcan too so help us out oh no hacking the clone bait doesn't do anything let's just hack their weapons i guess let's hack the o2 [Music] all right so they already teleported they're in our hacking with a human and a zolton that's not too bad get the mantis out of there [Music] there we go pack the o2 [Music] keep them out of the room keep them two on one it actually worked really i well they're leaving right yeah we're good we're stuck in o2 for a minute [Music] that's good our flack and halberd barrage is almost ready they're stuck in there that's perfect that vulcan doesn't matter let's go like this like this i'm going to cloak that burst laser fire and then halberd through the clone bay i mistimed it i missed time the halberd [ __ ] damn it that was a misplay whoopsie that's okay not too bad the doors are offline that doesn't really matter unfortunately yeah we probably should get that vulcan offline i'll just double flack up top but i don't know if that's gonna be enough either the borders are still hitting cloaking but i don't think they're gonna stay oh they're in piloting now [ __ ] oh all right better go help oh wait they're not there yet there we go arrow two is super low and the crew's dying too there we go he's dead all right they teleported back 302 is offline let's go ahead and go up to weapons now this is going well redistribute o2 back to posts yeah we want we might want to go for the door upgrade it's not a bad idea i'd probably just kill there oh i should go for clone bait i guess let's double flack on the clone bay actually let's let the lania stay in here and hit the weapons come on my halberd might actually be killing them right now yep there they go all right whatever hey nice wow that was 118 scrap jesus so much for a better crew kill reward huh [Music] doors now i guess right that's not a bad idea oh i completely forgot about my backup battery there we got to go for some more system power dude [Music] hmm bear you realize you don't have to hit as many rooms as possible but i wanna obviously okay let's go see what happens when we get to the next sector first i guess i'll go uncharted we used to love a slug after all distress beacon get down to the surface slug crew nice uh person's clearly unstable dan we had to leave him all right boomer nothing store yay let's go find that weapon pre-igniter yeah they got a teleporter four crew missile launcher two bombs yikes i'm gonna hack their weapons power up our teleporter here let them teleport over first since i have upgraded doors now there they go we're gonna go in there teleport mantis runs out open these doors up good he didn't take any damage that's perfect we have cloaking as well if we need it here suffocate that room before they even get in there and we'll have our flat caliber combo in a moment cloaking here ought to do really well all right let's go with the barrage albert's almost ready nice and um let's try to do some crew damage with this maybe just hit the ng in the shields here that seems okay there we go that ought to do pretty work or pretty good work missiles offline oh oh two to med bay would have been better i didn't think about that i got to get that med bay offline [ __ ] we might just be destroying this ship again too though if they're just gonna get into the weapons room with us that's gonna make it easy for us we're just gonna kill him in there cloak that laser barrage totally unnecessary but oh well i guess cloaking buys us time to be able to maybe hack the bombs again actually you can maybe actually let's do the double flak up there and then maybe we get some damage done that way on the med bay there my base offline they bombed us though they missed one but they got one in the hacking okay they're not on the ship anymore either so we can send the ng to fix that as long as well as the mantis we don't need a beam anymore their med bay is already down doing a lot of damage to weapons i think we probably just go into med bay actually now i'll tell you what hold on they got the med bay up so we got to do this there okay now we go fight a med bay now they're [ __ ] we hacked the weapons too just for fun oh did that kill him oh he's suffocated right yeah and then we go kill the pilot and that's it there we go oh the clone bay no there's one in shields that's the last guy of course their o2 is still online so we just have to kill them the old-fashioned way i still have bombs unfortunately so i might just have to cloak those cloaking there we go still got in come on oh our doors are offline too and our sensors what the [ __ ] what happened that's weird all right well i think the crew is going to die here there they go good stuff wow cool that's neat all right hole laser too three shots per charge three power required double damage on systemless rooms that can be pretty good all right time to get our guys back go ahead and uh send everybody back to posts you go to doors save stations shut the doors there we go that's better good stuff all right time to go to the store i think we could probably do one more jump actually before that go there maybe it's not a bad idea might be worthwhile i'm gonna buy all the fuel from the store more than likely anyway ooh cloaking okay with an auto scout with several lasers several lasers available that's scary thankfully we have cloaking here for the first barrage just gotta wait it out here comes and cloak it all right boarding on to weapons probably and we just gotta wait for our initial burst i guess no problem there's one weapon offline this might not even be an issue honestly i'm pretty sure the laniest boarders might just be able to take care of this on their own although it's not really a lot of point in me not firing my weapons so there we go there go all the other systems that'll do can't stop us doing damage from the inside ha ha all right we can probably bring him back now and just have the flag caliber take it out almost ready here it goes and kablam nice that's a lot of scrap good stuff okay holy cow one more beacon why not one more note i mean hmm attempt to stealthily access the space station access it undetected anti-ship beam drone let's go all the scrap one could possibly need wow it's too bad we can't actually buy that yeah we're at max systems that would be pretty cool nothing here i can get unfortunately well i guess i'm selling [ __ ] and buying fuel yep we better upgrade some systems here dude we got a lot of goddamn scrap i don't really need to repair let's do some engine upgrades let's do level four shields maybe that seems like a fine idea yeah it's pretty goddamn good dude what's upgrading the teleporter do ah just reduces the cooldown we're gonna do engines soon too level four shields feels pretty pretty dope all right another crew teleporter they got a clone bay let's see i think i'll hack then we have level two shields probably gonna hack their o2 again here that's probably gonna work pretty well okay mantis in there is perfect not a problem like the o2 double flak is ready gonna send the mantis out of there the moment they get through that door off you go i don't think i need to cloak that there we go beautiful okay their ship is obliterated well done team let's go kill the clone bay why can't we get in there what's going on with that oh they have good doors that's what's going on okay let's see there go the borders they're just getting choked out every time they try to follow the lanius that's funny oops what they do i had a shortcut key for something i powered the engines i think that's probably fine why is that oh the o2 is offline oops there we go that's fine there we go all right got to get the clone bay i don't really want to fire my weapons again i'd rather crew kill these guys i'll just however the weapons by itself just to get that bomb offline okay this is not working apparently just keep you in that room for now you better run damn dude that is a scary-ass laser there we go thank you level four shields hack the o2 oh just kidding never mind they have like no oxygen on the ship so they're basically dead can't get to them they're gonna run to our ship it's a lot safer there yeah we have oxygen at least let's just go get this guy maybe don't be better he's dead that's good can we power the o2 please i really appreciate that there we go there we go get this guy these little cowards dude he's waiting to run to my ship again get in there get his ass all right only one of those has to miss so we're good we're cloaking up again too one oxygen aboard the ship yeah they're not looking too great goodbye mr booga a zoltan shields expert you say oh my i might have to take you ooga booga mr booga dude that is good that is really nice oh man i guess we give up the mantis that's probably better yeah jish jish116 you are now a zoltan congratulations on your species change that's an extra power for us dude that's huge okay one more engine there we go it was 30 percent quite nice should probably get our landings back i guess there we go all right off we go going that way i guess intruders on board they're not going to be happy they made that choice they're going to regret that with the lanius on board whoopsie daisy i'm just gonna go ahead and suck all the o2 out of the ship oh no run run run away there's no oxygen we've made a horrible error oh god oh no oh [ __ ] oh you're gonna kill our lanius huh guess what doesn't matter we get new ones i'd rather you kill them honestly kind of upset you didn't all right back to your posts i guess job well done combat experts there we go okay that's it there won't be a next all time now this ship right here we don't even bother with the crew teleporter dude not even gonna freaking worry about it we're just gonna kick their asses we're gonna hack their shields and use that to flack the [ __ ] out of them and halberd halberd them to death but also fight our borders with some lanias that'll make things easier for me oh wait no they're just going to kill us never mind bombay's powered we're good um we can hang the shields now i guess not necessarily the best idea let's just wait a sec yeah lost the lanius that's fine okay we're gonna go flak one now black two in a moment all right now we need to suffocate these guys get them out of here this old town's gonna have to move flac 2's firing right is it not should have been there we go and then absolute devastation there we go nice all right most weapons offline they did get a bomb in here i'm not going for cloaking anymore thankfully zoltan should have gone in there a moment ago all right flax gonna do some big work here still now they're in piloting let's see you need to run down there still gonna just suffocate him in there staggered flak is still probably gonna do quite a bit of work here there we go nice borders are gone our lania's back power that up a little more redistribute o2 back to posts we might have to cloak in a moment here actually hopper just kills him there we go nice not too bad not too bad back to post we're good cool love it yeah this one's going really great very happy oh god repugnant how dare you oh oh that's kind of scary hmm oh yeah the dude how do i keep forgetting this huge double flax probably enough here they've only got one layer of shields in fact if we did this and this we have all our weapons online that feels pretty good oh rockman borders huh that's interesting let's see yeah i gotta power out two as well i don't think i can teleport here i don't think teleporting is the right play you just want to keep our weapons is the option unfortunately once he's once this door is breached it's gonna be a bigger problem it's probably gonna be soon maybe i should teleport in oh you know what actually let's do this i should have done this a minute ago it's not too bad oh the halberd might get us now oh come on shields there we go oh we still need two layers of shield actually [ __ ] i'm gonna cloak the halberd real fast no not a good idea all right ng gets out of there we fight indoors you two go there you go there flax up let's do that all right block the halberd i think nice this is pretty good the two lannias versus two rock man we probably win that exchange i think i can cloak this i might not need to yeah i'm good no need i want to wait to take the shields all the way down before we halberd here you sons of [ __ ] all right they teleported out restricted to oh wait right i forgot you two go this way oh god no backup battery my piloting [ __ ] [ __ ] i think it's time to teleport in do our damage that way you and you go fix the battery not nice to call him a piloting [ __ ] well that's what he is and those are not hitting very well um i'm gonna use this i think let's try the whole laser this this fight yeah yeah that's not a bad idea we could put these guys there put that guy in the clone bay and that might be a little better here get this guy in weapons just to give us a slight boost to that timing now we teleport over to their weapons i hope to god there halberd doesn't fire here i can cloak i guess i can't cloak a halberd right that's not gonna do anything i don't know why i did that not a good idea their rock guys are gonna die i think yep there's one dead whole laser's almost ready we're gonna lose those lanius but we have our uh clone day powered thanks to the results on right now well laser's almost good let's go for the shields with that i think reaching the shields it's really good you're like one hp on these guys yeah somehow stayed alive there we go okay they're both dead they're i'm cloning to auto fire their weapons actually it feels a little better and then you need to go back to weapons you need to go back to doors you need to go back to engines you can power that again level three shields actually is that the best i think i'd rather have the flack [ __ ] literally just hit their weapons with my burst damn it well both of our weapons are still online at least that was minimal damage i think all right just keep flacking their shields just keep flacking just keep flacking cloak okay there we go a little more lanius needs to get out of the room of the zoltan there we go all right they're putting a lot more power into weapons or in shields now that their weapons are weak so i'm gonna hold off on the flack and have both available you can do a crew teleport again it's not a bad idea let's do that still have my cloning bay up zoltan took a lot of damage from that unfortunately my damn cloning bay uh my backup battery went down [ __ ] i think i can do no i need the two shields i have to have two shields for the halberd it's gotta be just whole laser i think let me try to take down their shields here so we're focusing weapons with the lania still hopefully that'll be enough i might as well cloak since i've got the power in it but i also think i might be better off with the power in something else all right better with that damn it might have to just be a crew kill here lord sendo 49 months on the bear pile welcome on back in thank you for the resubscription appreciate you i think once we um uh oh that's true yeah we don't need engines anymore since the beam doesn't pay attention to that i think we might need to do a flat hole laser combo here here to make it work let's do that you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me dude three shields now huh i think their weapons are offline huh i guess we're still okay doing the right thing still here yeah i think all their weapons are offline now just keep running away [Music] just keep running away clone bay's next i just wanted to take this all the way out there we go oh it's going to take a long time to get there actually let's just go to engines these damn doors man all right i've got my hole in my flack up actually no okay their doors aren't super anymore let's just go right to clone they're very weak too most of them so if they try to come in here they're [ __ ] there we go actually i guess i could just do this here try this out we're gonna move these two out of the room and then whole smash your laser that there colombia's off all right now we just got to fight him i think i killed those crew members with that shot too perfect there we go um excuse me there i was gonna say what the hell 5 fuel 77 scrap very good very good that was tough that took a while dude back to posts okay power to engines there we go good good good ah chase em [ __ ] it wow that's a lot of weapons okay i need to do halberd uh flack and that looks good okay we're gonna hack teleport here for sure they don't have clone bay or med bay so i think we go for o2 we have cloaking here if we need it a backup battery as well more engine power and it begins three crew members that'll be pretty easy to take out too i might upgrade the hacking soon get a longer hack that could be fun oh they have borders [ __ ] i didn't realize there's our cloaking offline whoops whatever let's just run and get them to get suffocated and piloting actually i don't think i can let them deal damage and piloting that's going to be bad i don't want to move the zoltan either let's not move him let's move the other guy move our weapons dude out of there that'll be better move the lease you got to go down here we're going to shut this i don't know we're going to open that door that's right shut this one i guess we just don't have cloaking for this that's not that big of a deal okay oh they're going to endorse them oh that's our guy's right yeah we can't cloak that burst laser unfortunately um i think we're fine there we go and do this there we go all right good stuff weapons offline we took a couple hits and piloting there but that's okay bay's a little weak whoops i forgot to move him out of there you go repair colombe actually we have no dodge right now unfortunately so this is pretty bad i did not realize they were in piloting i would have done something about that a lot sooner that was really bad i think i might bring milanius back to deal with the borders four shields is gonna have to do a lot of work for us here i need those clone bays albert's almost back yeah that's a big burst dude mom goes on to weapons taking off our halberd unfortunately [ __ ] all right so we're fighting now 2v2 in there is much better suited with the mantis so i'm going to send the ng in there to repair weapons we use tribute 02 their borders are gone that's good lanius are here to do work kill the pilot send most people back to post in a moment actually you stay here and repair weapons kill that crew kill this crew he's dead kill this crew i don't have any dodge still so this is going to be a problematic situation here for sure oh good we didn't take any damage that's surprising uh we don't need a double flak anymore you just do all repairs here i think the piloting repair is actually more important i should get a buffer on piloting soon that's our lania's dying i think we'll be okay though bomb in there doesn't matter repair piloting puppets are coming back that guy ought to die actually yeah he's dead and then last crew right i think that's last crew you go repair this you go repair this nice repair burst fun there's a fire on board somewhere hmm i think it's gonna be let's use the mantis to scout it out first of all bring these guys back in i might actually just be in boarding okay you run around and find it where's the fire literally where's the fire there it is all right i'm actually just gonna power up cloning bay and if they die here they die here it doesn't really matter i just haven't tried to put it out and honestly rather have them die i think and she's going to go fix the cloning bay roughly preferably going this way buddy if you wouldn't mind yeah i want him to die here kind of sad he didn't [Laughter] oh well there we go okay back to positions everybody everybody back to posts well played well played cool well i need some healing that'd be pretty great i'm gonna get a buffer on piloting as mentioned buffer on cloaking too and one more power bar all right cool empty that's a healing jump though that's big for us okay that's it it's time ballistophobia it says what's that mean no missiles right get to sector 8 without using missiles or bombs cool repair and fuel very nice all right hey repair beacon immediately that's great get that up full health 40 scrap 5 fuel good stuff here we go weapon pre-igniter weapon pre-igniter glaive beam damn oh [ __ ] we could use that i can sell halberd and whole laser and use that oh [ __ ] huh that sounds like fun y'all want me to get heavy but that's not as fun we have a we can use glaive beam you never get to use glaive beam come on don't you want to have some fun with it glaive is meh you're meh i'm using wave beam dude i'm totally doing it yes power up the weapons absolutely hell yeah hell yeah there we go all right that's pretty fun i like that a lot i could probably get that repair beacon dude just bounce back after we hit it oh yeah we should actually reorder those that's a good point good point level four shields uh okay that's gonna be tough [Music] not with our combo though uh we're gonna go ahead and let's see they've got med bay we're gonna hack the med bay launch into o2 with the lanius i have a teleporter actually let's hold off on our crew launch for now [Music] wait to see what they do okay and o2 oh they teleported into our freaking pilot that sucks i'm just gonna send the mantis in there to fight hopefully that'll be enough i wish i had mind control that'd be cool oh well i have to cloak this missile launch for sure i might have to put some extra power in engines in a moment they've teleported into your piloting [ __ ] ah damn it why is clone bay power that's a good point i'll need that right now it's got the glaive they missed their bomb that's good we're going to cloak this missile as soon as it launches there we go now we get to fry him in the med bay dude that's gonna be fun that's gonna be fun staggered flat coming up actually i don't think i even staggered i think i launched him at the same time here we go armored's dying that's who's dying [ __ ] swap out send the other one in go in elise go go go go go [Music] carefully look carefully looking at what their situation is over there nice glaze ready [Music] so this is probably gonna kill him [Music] i'm looking forward to seeing that clone base ready to go in case the lanius die from it holy [ __ ] yay glaive [Music] good god um we will not accept surrender and of course that's right when the missile launches nice good stuff oh fry them dude wait can we why is the hacking not working oh it's destroyed okay that makes sense i guess i shouldn't have killed the med bay i'm just going to kill the crew pretty sure oh i need to send the send folks back to spots there we go oh we got another boy there oh they bomb they missed nice that's convenient there we go 75 scrap huge thank you very much back to positions good to go let's see i need repairs obviously don't need fuel you can get them super doors backup battery level up would actually not be bad either other engine's level is probably good though let's do that and crew teleporter no hacking buffer unhacking and teleporter there we go awesome all right now we do this mostly to heal the crew but also to get this stuff yay all right now we go back because we gotta get the base immediately hi chubbs hi buddy i love you you're so good he always gets confused when i say hi to him as he's walking away from me he thinks i want him to stay so he just sits down he's just gonna chill there for a minute now like do you want you want me to stay here i don't i'm confused all right here we go full hp aid the civilian ship i can do it i can handle it oh they got a glaive too dude ah they're mind controlling me aren't they ah [ __ ] man bummer i'll probably just have to distract him for a little while actually you know i might just let him do that depending on how bad the mind control is it's probably the best way to go let's hack their uh o2 and go ahead and launch in there in a moment [Music] there we go all right otherwise we're fine waiting for our flag lathe combo that ng's already almost dead that ng is almost is dead and he just died immediately holy [ __ ] that was fast they can't do anything actually that glaive ain't getting through our shields man this this ship is [ __ ] totally [ __ ] okay so he did deal one layer of weapons damage but it's probably not gonna be that big of a deal [Music] i'm just gonna go keep killing the crew man murder them all oh he's repairing out too let's go in there kill him flak plus glade might actually still get through ah not quite okay not quite the crew on board is probably going to be enough though oh glaive pierces two shields holy [ __ ] i feel like it'd be a lot better to do through one though getting our weapons back online too actually pretty quickly in fact [Music] let's get you next i guess we can de-power hacking at this point doesn't really matter clone bait doesn't have to be active at the moment weapons are back go for the flak ah well all right let's do one shot of it at least at least the one hit maybe take their mind control offline yeah it's pretty good that's worth it if only i had the backup battery oh my god i'm so silly i keep forgetting man how the zoltan died exploded [Music] do not need to cloak here either i could probably take the power out of that too to be honest run away run away human the ng's mind controlled flee this flee the premises flee for your life okay well they're o2 is [ __ ] so we're in pretty bad shape here obviously we got to take the clone bay out eventually though maybe even worry about getting our own clone bay powered here soon since these guys are probably not long for this earth let's do this the flax almost ready there we go and let's get that mind control offline we'll just blow the ship up yeah it's fine contact the civvies 70 oh my god we got 142 scrap out of that nutty that was crazy all right back to bears-ness another power bar let's go for that this and that works for me here we go this is it the rebel flagship here we go i'm gonna get our hacking online see what they hack oh okay that doesn't matter does it because we just have to wait for that to be not hacked and then we can still use it i'm pretty sure right so that's pretty ideal oh it can pull my guys back that's not that big of a deal though that's fine that's acceptable okay so we're going to back up battery once the missiles fire so we can get extra evade i think we hack but med bay that can't that kind of seems like a good idea i don't want to kill their crew though is the thing yeah it's probably just a pilot okay then we go ahead and board we can just destroy the missile launcher yeah let's just do that that seems like a good idea probably reduces the cooldown on this if we kill that crew member in there too i like that play [Music] and we'll activate the piloting hack once we have our flat glaive combo available okay we're going to back up power and cloak [Music] halfway to glaive okay there goes that guy and let's destroy the missile launcher wave's almost ready go ahead and uh get that going now [Music] good nice oh i forgot to hack the pilot there [ __ ] that was dumb oh well we'll do it for the next one pilot shields other weapon works for me there we go okay great start jesus christ i guess the hack wasn't necessary uh let's see they are really doing a number on the missile launcher too good this is fine they hacked the teleporter and they're still there oh now they're back ah damn okay we almost got it man we almost destroyed the missile launcher they're hurting a lot already there's a missile launch i can cloak that good i don't want to wait for flat glaive especially because i still have my hack if they repair the piloting there it goes yeah i think that's the right play we're almost there anyway [Music] okay hack that go for the barrage and kaboom finish the job in the missiles see ya one hp left this is going pretty goddamn well [Music] can't complain much here dude 40 base level dodge too let's go ahead and flack them to death bonk see ya there we go beautiful [Music] okay i'm chilling dude can't afford anything anyway let's hit it let's hit it here we go i can hack piloting again here it seems pretty good oh it's gonna die to the defense drone though that's right i might as well keep trying hmm oh that's true you know i think i might want to do that yeah i don't think i want to even board with the lannius here i think i want to keep the lanius to deal with the borders themselves wait where's the crew teleporter do they not have a crew teleporter is that third phase or second phase i think that might be third phase oh it's the drone that's right they send the boarding drone so i guess the lanius aren't really gonna matter against that then i might as well just use a mantis or something oh no wait no the boarding drone all right yeah the boarding drone is going to breach so yeah we will keep the atlanteans for that then that's probably worth worth it okay i'm just gonna de-power the teleporter then and just put the power in there for now we can even superpower the cloaking and the hacking here even though the superpower cloaking might actually be worse where's the boarding joint going to go the shields that's kind of problematic get the zoltan out of there for a moment into engines extra power in there is pretty good anyway uh depower the cloning bay for now it's unnecessary millennials both go in there to fight [Music] um oh can you teleport into your own ship no you can't can you that'd be kind of cool just teleport between rooms really fast all right they shot down my hack i'm gonna go for it again see if maybe it gets lucky yeah they got it okay let's see we're still fine thankfully their missile launch is going to be slower now too i think pretty sure that's how that works is getting hurt dude i'm gonna be able to get a nice combo off here before the surge this is actually pretty nice timing too oh the defense drone's going to shoot down the fly too i forgot about that that's good that's really good all right we know what to do hot damn that is some damage that is some good damage right there the power on my cloning bay for a moment we're full on o2 so we're good if fatal dies will be okay you know what the power of hacking actually [ __ ] it we don't need that [Music] okay the good they killed him fatal's not actually gonna die yay okay drones are fine this is looking good okay back to posts oh wait zoltan don't go in there yet there's no air in there buddy hold on wait let's give it a second give it a second to refill there we go all right ready to go again power surge coming dude if we get a if we get the right glaive shot here i think we just take him out that's 12 damage three six one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven i think that's exact damage [ __ ] yeah oh my god huge they got another goddamn border drone on ah son of a [ __ ] [Music] get out of there armor aunt well at least it's offline now it's less less problematic but it's still annoying there we go oh it just disappears that's good it's convenient yeah get that fixed up there we go [Music] it's kind of funny to me thinking about it that like we've got a a vessel of seven crew members two of which are basically just living their own separate existence because the mere presence of them in a room is lethal to the other members of the crews like they know the the pilot knows that there were two lanius in there just repairing the piloting but he's never gonna see them he can't get anywhere near them he knows they're there yeah they keep dying over and over yeah they gotta be like the most terrifying presence they've these people have ever witnessed the other two zoom call into the meetings yeah uh eight crew right yeah not even seven eight crew members this is probably for the best even though i'm not really using the battery very well and i know it's probably the best option here i'm actually gonna jump here i can jump here and then jump to base and be safe right i'm pretty sure i can do that because i want to try to jump to get fatal hobos hp up okay let's do that all righty everybody's back to post we got the backup battery ready to go let's do it dude i'm ready i'm ready this is it mind control on the zoltan and shields is not bad it's actually kind of okay we'll deal with that yeah we'll just we'll deal with that uh can't board yet they're boarding us soon so the lanius will probably just deal with the two humans coming on board can't hack yet all right we're just chilling then we're just chilling for now all right so we send elise down into the doors room we send the lannies in here and then we open up the doorways that'll do [Music] i don't know if someone answered but can you teleport into your own ship you can't do that right i'm pretty sure there's nothing you can do all right this should work you can't okay yeah i didn't think so all right i better just flack now little that os down uh might be cloak worthy yeah it's probably cloak woody he's hitting them shields pretty quickly actually that's kind of concerning slug's going to get out of there lannies are going to go back to the teleporter actually no lanny's just gonna keep fighting here that's probably for the best i think we're just gonna kill their crew actually all right there he goes there's our surge there's two more borders actually [Music] okay [Music] still mind control than shields too man [ __ ] i have to just glaive on this too get some damage through the shield [Music] [Music] i guess i could suffocate the zoltan to get him out of shields but no i'm just going to deal damage to him that way that's not a good idea yeah mind control here would be really nice so well there goes their os that's going to be a big burst of damage there i need to hack now yeah now that their overshield's gone probably just hack piloting again seems like the best bet time for battery time to do this power the hacking a little more wow that was nice shields are up okay doing good this guy is still mind control this is insane this is nonsense dude he's gonna get another layer of shields down oh good just in time that was convenient okay uh you need to go back to engines we killed the boarders too let's go nice that's awesome okay uh you are gonna go back to weapons you were gonna go fix the shields faster that was pretty damn good too holy [ __ ] the pilot is earning his stripes right now go rant you're really going to teleport over again i don't know about that man you really just want to get all your crew killed if you say so i guess i could have hacked mind control too yeah it's not a bad idea no you do not want to kill all the crew on the flagship it's a very bad idea it's taken over by ship ai which is much much worse to deal with cloak hack flak glaive absolute devastation for the opponent [Music] goodbye [Music] all right want another bat of combat there power surge coming we got our fourth shield back at least let's just flack them dude flack them good that missile off line auto fire and glaive and it wasn't quite damage free but we'll take it man what a w holy cow we just destroyed that run that wasn't even close front to back obliteration hell yeah good stuff good stuff and a solid four hours of ftl today too that feels pretty good man three wins in a row yeah also very noteworthy picked up one with the ng followed up with the federation win followed up with the laniest cruiserweight hell yeah that went extremely well i'm very pleased hope you enjoyed that everybody thanks for watching today lots and lots of fun loving ftl man i'm having way too much fun to stop now so expect plenty more to come probably for the rest of the week i think we'll be doing a lot more ftl and uh then following that up is gonna very soon be a return to darkest dungeon
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 5,003
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: pDew9y5ZuIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 36sec (12816 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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