Baer Returns to No Man's Sky (Ep. 1)

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five years later with several updates and a faithful fan base no man's sky i think deserves another look let's dive back in and start a brand new game as you can see this uh last plate is not accurate this is from a few years ago but as you can see i do have some time in the game as i mentioned i have i've enjoyed it in the past so i'm optimistic let's do it on normal here of course i mean right away man like i just love the the presentation of this game in general the audio and the music very very good uh soundtrack by 65 days of static which is a band that i listened to before i even like played this game or before this game even existed so that was already off to a good start for me [Music] you know i've done this just in prep for doing a uh reset here i've done this introductory cut scene a few times now and it's consistently impressed me because the first time i loaded it it was so like cinematic and the animals the way that they were being introduced into the world was like it almost seems scripted this one not so much this one's a little bit more believable but it's still like that's really nice even though the animals are obviously really frigging yeah it's real pretty this is a fungus plant a whole bunch of mushrooms around radioactive okay so yeah the uh yeah it's a random planet for each star so this planet is completely different from the uh planets that i spawned on the first couple of times but what is usually the case is what's happening here which is that we're uh immediately gonna start off with some kind of hazard some kind of you know suit issue so in order to solve that we gotta get our little tutorialized segment going here of finding ferrite dust to repair our gear which we can find thankfully from pretty much any rock on the ground which aren't hard to come across i think this one will even do it actually oh that's pure fair right what is this weird looking thing yeah all the colors are really fantastic in this game man this isn't even honestly like one of the best uh looking planets you'll see this is kind of an ugly one to be honest with you but it's still not bad game's pretty loud yeah we'll go ahead and turn that down here hold on thank you for pointing that out we'll get this down i like the music a little bit higher oh there we go that's obviously we're good here effects are pretty louder let's try that 65 there and see how that does might be a little loud still here i'll turn that down even just a touch more yeah we'd be like for that to be nice and balanced for sure is there a goal in this game or is it a more sandboxy game it's it's both there's definitely uh a a uh a solid amount of things to do at any given time sorry i'm just trying to remember exactly how they wanted me to do this because you can do that from that quick menu but i think yeah that's right they want to they want you to learn how to do it from the menu first and then the quick menu afterward right yeah there is a there's a main story that you can follow along and there's always like different objectives and quests that you're finding and things like that but for the most part this is a game about just doing whatever you want which is you know pretty appealing to me especially in this setting and with the uh freedom that they provide in movement once we get going here but for now of course our priority needs to be on not dying which it looks like we're in bad shape but we'll be fine honestly this is more this is more designed to scare us into feeling like we're in danger than anything else here we go no sweat i just gotta go find a little more sodium so we're not worrying about that so much anymore although we should probably go that way yeah because that's where our ship is god look at that radiation protection the sight lines here though man how about that [Music] i'm excited about this man i think we're gonna have some fun with this game this is like i mean we're very early on here obviously but i mean just looking at the various updates that have happened for it over the last five freaking years there's quite a bit to look forward to there's a lot of new content a lot of new stuff started on an ash world and died like five times at the beginning that sucks all right so maybe i was mistaken in my declaration that this is meant to make you feel like you're in danger perhaps you are in fact in a lot of danger sometimes i'm a compulsive explorer in open world games and i would lose my mind in many hours exploring every planet oh buddy yeah you're gonna have a bad time with that if you're that kind of gamer i don't know if you're going to get off of your home world for the first like 10 to 20 hours at least because you're gonna wanna i mean like at some point here we're gonna get a tool that allows us to just burrow through the earth which i did that in my i keep looking up here because i'm used to you guys being all the way up here i keep i i i did that on my uh my 60 hour save file and also realized that they made that look a lot better now which is really encouraging to me very impressive so i think i've got i don't know man i'm starting to get some expectations some of those oh you don't want those you don't want those hopes those dirty things i'm probably here's the thing don't don't don't get too upset i'm get i don't give a single [ __ ] about the story i'm sorry i don't care so i'm gonna ignore all this i'm just gonna click through it all you know just drink my coffee i don't care at all i just want to play the game so if you care about that by all means but i'm just gonna i'm just gonna skip through they've really improved parts of the story and it's so exciting that's good glad to hear it still don't care but you know it's not a big deal honestly i don't think this game is like i think very few well this is my assumption it may very well be completely wrong but it's my assumption that very few people play this for the story like i've gone pretty deep into the story missions and so much of it just feels so vague and cryptic like the way that they describe stuff at the beginning doesn't get much more uh uh clarity as you go or gets very little as you progress so you know that may be fun for some folks to decipher not me though right we gotta repair the uh i think it was a oh well we could just probably do that right yeah there we go pretty sure it was like a metal plate repair ship system there we go just gonna let us know real fast here hermetic seal and metal plating yeah there we go this technology is critically damaged all right well let me get a little bit more uh sodium but we are going to have to find more than that repair the metal plating or repair the pulse engine with metal plating and repair the launch thrusters as well okay any more ferrite dust which is easy more than capable of firing my beam at rocks i mean this is this should be the trailer right this should have been the trailer from the beginning whoa look i've never seen this before god freaked me out man whoa dang ol silverfish all right anyway this should be this is this is the game man right here all right craft metal plating it's a repair pulse engine we gotta go uh use left click to craft an empty slots so i'm left clicking that's not doing anything why isn't that doing anything i thought that would do something right now if i left click that so i think something's broken oh i'm out of range of the ship i'm done it's me being done it's my brain is broken that's the problem there we go patch metal plating onto the pulse engine starship inventory fine the pulse engine click the plating he's done it [Music] he's the world's greatest gamer hey friend how's it going oh you look beautiful look at you i don't want to be friends gonna be creature pellets painters guys welcome back 67 months on the bear pile we'll come on back into you thank you very much appreciate it bear hugs form if you got them we need to do oh i'm going to board the start come on now we got to consult the damn diagnostics every time we know what we need just tell me what to collect iteration two three nine four eight two nine zero eight four nine two four nine two four nine nine two nine nine four six nine nine six six six nine 69699-6969 iteration comparison reveals hermetic seal nearby salvage planetary chart from distress beacon cash [Music] okay i can do that distress beacon iteration number 6969 i appear inside the beacon's housing as well as its distressed broadcast unit it contains a planetary chart let's freaking go yeah yeah dude open the inventory to view the data oh wait hold on uh plot route [Music] i know that's the sweet drop view zeus i missed out on it oh well god i love seeing stuff like that man the skybox is unique this is like a a strangely earth-like planet you know a little more a little more fungus maybe than you'd see typically but clouds and everything hey look happy girl this oh she's gonna get back in there co-pilot spot okay we have to poop oh man i appreciate that we've all uh just come to the conclusion that bear chubs is now multi-purpose as it should be if only we had more slots i just gotta take a page out of apollo's book and shoot for a fursuit stream man that'll get us to the emote slots we need get taffy her own well deserved emote i didn't have like a no i'm pretty sure they didn't give me a vehicle at this point just gotta hoof it lss fursuit reunion stream oh man i shouldn't have said it out loud because i've increased the chances of it actually happening from zero to one percent now uh-oh um that sounds bad yeah those clouds look kind of nasty uh and the music is starting to sound ominous i feel like i need to get out of the wide open field zephyr i think with the 43 months bear hugs for him there's kind of some shelter let's get to there yeah this is bad oh boy there's a chubs james is here too hey buddy we're in a radiation storm bud it's horrifying no one can see you because you're out of the camera of you but you're such a good boy radiation protection oh [ __ ] [Music] this is bad i'm out of sodium too oh god oh no oh no just get underneath the little cliff get under the cliff is this better this is oh i am okay yeah this is helping good i think pretty sure scanner's recharging still oh god is this where the nlss first super union check-in is sin you got your suit out ordered buddy we're all shooting for the sub goals man apollo made believers out of all of us all right let's go find some sodium for god's sake i don't know how long this storm's gonna last but it could be forever here on this earth-like planet now this is just earth in 50 years after we radiation after we destroy everything i need to find some sodium i'm pretty sure i wasn't really protected down there i can't dig a hole i don't think either yet yeah i'm pretty sure i don't have the uh prerequisite tool oh this is just i'm pretty sure i'm gonna die here i'm not finding any uh hold on there it is run to that run to the n a run to north america it's the only way you'll be saved bear radiation lead in north america [Music] oh thank god please have pity is this helping probably not come on i got it recharged oh saved holy [ __ ] oh that was close okay take a breather buddy take a breather goddamn a sliver of health there holy [ __ ] that got a little exciting definitely got chops to thank for that one yeah man it makes me so happy that they hang out with me in the streams now or during the streams now in here chubs is on his little bed and she's on the chair with me it's so great oh man i went to the coffee shop this morning and there was a uh it was a i think it was a poodle pretty sure he was a poodle mixed with something else but mostly poodle little black poodle puppy that was sitting at the counter with its owner and saying hi to everybody in line so obviously i got down and scuffed our fires from watching he was so happy and i was i had my scooter yeah and i had my helmet with me in line and he saw my helmet and he decided that there was something inside the helmet for him so he stuck his entire head inside of it immediately and was [Music] sniffing around and they're like where's my snack where's my snack you brought for me stranger and you didn't find it because i took it out and ate it myself before i got in line because i don't like dogs and i don't want them to be happy now i'm just i'm just trying to elicit more chat engagement i'm just i got you suckers you fools you fools i wanted those sad faces engagement engaged no one making this recording in case leaving behind in the fabricator might be of some use speaking in fragmented sentences for no reason visor damage can't find ship ooh stuff yay the thing i needed he's becoming self-aware all right well found it found it we want darkest dungeon says limo i think i think you meant i want darkest dungeon unless you're everyone here are you everyone hmm that's weird carbon nanotubes okay oh i gotta get to the ship again don't i oh wait do i no i do stolen we not that we need a carbon nanotube okay gather carbon which we find by scanning and where's carbon again that's a big old egg dude what's that oh there's some carbon unidentified plant there we go it's just in all plants not at all plants but in some plants i guess ah pure ferrite okay a lot more than what these are giving me just all these purple things there's plenty of those so i suppose these will do the job eventually we'll start scanning things and learn their ridiculous names and then never uh commit them to memory it's crafted carbon nanotube good stuff and then we gotta go to our tech oh wait no it goes multi-tool finalize installation tap from multi-tool scanner install booyah what a god and now we can do that thing i said where i test the analysis visor and we look around and we can start scanning stuff like uh this oh wait you gotta hold that there we go you hold the analyze now we know that's called sifu messevum cool you can rename your planets oh right true we can rename everything right hold on a second can we can we rename this yep sure can [ __ ] it let's do pikmi for everything [Laughter] why not right we might as well there's gotta be a less chat spammy way to do it probably hold on let's do a new one real quick there you go go ahead and pick me we're gonna rename this plant after somebody i'm gonna have to limit it somehow i'm sure but for now let's let's go crazy this is the game now right yeah naming every single discovery after someone in chat so whenever we harvest anything someone will be like oh maybe this is me maybe they're harvesting me now this is chat engagement that's right right well here we go let's draw some winners some big winners here dude demon tater tot tv that is a perfect name for this substance welcome in i don't know why i'm saying welcome in welcome to your new existence as a uh a gas bubble [Laughter] all right and then let's go with so no change then right hey got him it does look like a demon tater tot yeah now that's actually a pretty great name this is also a really good name uh shazam in 900 i hope they all continue to be as perfect as this is oh no you get to rename it one [ __ ] time that's stupid all right well let's go find another thing to rename i guess oh wait no here we go we got this one to rename okay this is it i guess we only get two for now shazam in 900 boom there we go the thing is we actually have to rename them and upload them in order to get the credit for the discovery so there's a there's a there's a purpose to this there's a purpose to us taking the time there well there we go oh and hey look sodium need that i always need that there we go back to the starship oh hold on this looks like demon tater tot but a bigger version getchite more like it's at wood that's what this is called go ahead and t keep typing pick me by the way you know what let's just instead of having to spam the chat constantly we'll just keep one pick me open constantly through the whole thing and that way we won't draw the same name twice and we don't have to keep doing um drawings over and over so if you've already done it once you're good we'll do that same drawing the entire day as long as you're here for today you're good but we'll just let folks know uh through the course of the stream that they're able to do that jared on congratulations we've discovered you rigged oh here we go so many opportunities man the big ones are coming up here though we're about to scan some animals dude well that's exciting super horse blue that's a good name for this i like that oh we got to capitalize properly though of course time to scan some critters now you know you want to be named after the critter dude this is a big one here who's it gonna be oh kcal 91. kcal 91 the wild cake hell 91 first recorded in the irradiated atmosphere of planet co cody sotes and anak yeah we're gonna have to rename this freaking planet too dude that's that ain't gonna fly how do we can we rename the planet already oh look some demon tater tot oh we gotta identify this too hong bite i almost don't want to rename that clovey girl there we go congratulations discovery uploaded all right this is going great it is pretty fun to see chat names just pop up all over the world now i like that now this is this is kind of a fun version of the game yeah i like it j-mac there you go jmaxx0064 easy there's a lot of demon tater tot around dude there's some chloe girl that's fun there's a little more j-max some oh right yeah that's the name that we early committed to unfortunately oh there's some gerund on a good mix around here what is that oh that's the right yeah some shazam in there oh we got a new critter maybe might be i think these ones are oh these are all okay cows now this is an unknown one right this one's unknown i think yeah the filer zero gift in a subscription to demon tater tot appropriately appreciate that oh that's a great name for this this is a wild rantella that's an excellent name dude very good i don't know why it keeps popping over that that looks like yeah it's like a pokemon name man some spikes here obviously those are called shaggy jackals oh man that would have been a great animal name dude [ __ ] oh well that's the name of those spikes i guess wait did that did that stick yeah okay we're good this is also unidentified got a whole bunch of stuff out here man whole bunch of stuff oh jackson we got another mod win that's that's questionable geez bear trying to make a little less obvious huh wondering why on the uh alt tab it's not playing sound i was hoping i could change that i guess not um oh i guess i don't need to scan those makes sense a whole bunch of jackson out here dude all right that's enough scanner for now let's get back to the ship oh hold on i found a single unidentified element that was enough to stop me radiation protection mods rock that's right that's right defiler zero welcome on in to the uh collection of elements nice to get it all identified you know feels good oh huh starfish that's weird i guess they're all over huh yeah just noticed we got some wild uh what does it say offer food why does not say their name no matter how far away i am it doesn't show their name now this morning was showing their thing before oh well i feel like we didn't go this far out oh [ __ ] it's a new guy he's a big boy big boy oh the best name it could have possibly been i don't think it could get any better than that that right there is a b for sutherland that's a wild bee for sutherland right there yep again unfortunate that it doesn't actually pop a name up but oh well that's always nice it's always nice when mobot chooses correctly oh did happy you know she's left i didn't even realize chubbs left a minute ago i think they must have found something downstairs what on earth are you what the [ __ ] is that your face yeah it is it's got a weird flat face well that's a kcal weird ass freaking what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that's upsetting that's very upsetting i don't want to be around you anymore that i don't like that yeah ship's on fire it's fine we'll fix it it's fine it just needs a pulse engine repair there we go we're good we need pure ferrite and dihydrogen jelly okay i can do that the hydrogen's easy we saw a bunch of that for finance transfer oh we need to make a refiner okay collect dihydrogen first which is over there but it's still up there's a little guy hey buddy wait what the heck view discovery where'd it go uh this one there we go tiny little guy got no arms how are you gonna go around you got no arms he's got that little snout for eating got to be tough mellow drxm you got no arms good luck he is harmless yeah all right time to get a bunch of crystals there we go open the inventory craft the slot gonna be hydrating jelly there we go return to the starship easy peasy gotta restore the life support system with o2 there we go probably want to find more o2 which is thankfully right here go ahead and refill those guys nah still going to wait on the uh what the hell that was weird i'm still gonna wait for that why does it do that the uh team to update the mod more for black relatively before we get into that in fact we probably won't get into that for a good long while considering we're gonna have darkest dungeon two to do in a minute or in a month i guess tab and repair that there we go and then the final thing is the pure ferrite which we have to construct a portable refiner for any metal plating for that we need to make the play that access the build menu portable refiner and then right here perfect cool all right and now we fuel it with carbon which we don't have any of we need to find some which we can get plenty of from the purple flowers which are not around for some reason there they go i feel i feel crazy now where's there's our source of carbon there's some there's some up there let's go get that there's some little two up over in this area too there we go that's the good stuff well hold on a second there's an unidentified mineral right here we gotta fix that you gotta get that addressed right away that's some saroon right there my friends is what that's called which is a good name for that i don't mean to insinuate that i think of boulders when i think of your name but apparently that's what i mean to insinuate all right so we got enough fuel i'm sure for that now right hope so let's get a little more just in case uh-oh recharge the beam with carbon all right well yes we need more you need carbon to refuel the beam to get more carbon welcome to no man's sky yeah i get more familiar with that feeling i have no idea why my character is running to the right right now by the way i'm definitely not telling him to do that there's some sort of weird interaction with the uh slants on hills like he is running to the right completely against my direction uh oh this isn't good oh never mind i thought that was a storm it's just ships we're fine oh hopefully this is enough fuel i'm just going to go back oh hold on we got more you're really carving up the landscape nice i like that he's walking around plants ah that might be it yeah that makes sense and if you're just getting here feel free to type uh pick me in chat at any time p-i-c-k-m-e that'll enter you into work name pool we're renaming everything every single thing after people in chat so your odds are pretty good let's fuel this sucker up and put the ferrite dust and get pure ferrite cool there we go and in the exo suit we just need to get more ferrite dust again no sweat supposedly you can punch and use your jet pack at the same time to do a faster dash did they patch that out or is that a thing still what's the melee key i think it's a v isn't it i gotta get more carbon i saw someone doing it the other day oh all right melee give it a go yeah there we go all right let's try it so we go so probably my sprint right and then yeah that kind of works doesn't it jimbo does limbo legs akimbo 14 months on the file thank you very much for resubscription jimbo appreciate it pick a planet and rename everything on it to gecker i like that a lot that's a good idea probably not aimer or emmer thank you very much for your gifted subscription gifted 12 months of tier 1 to amazing libby holy hell thank you for the full year gifted sub that is that's crazy it's a long term commitment i'll try to make sure to still be streaming by this time next year i'm sure i will be maybe i won't no i will or won't i no i will maybe i won't now i will all right i think we got it i did it yay more coffee all right oh right yeah don't just leave this behind also you okay if you don't stream on the 14th of september next year you owe gift subs that's fair we're in the sky we did it all right seek answers among the stars let's go yeah no man's sky whoo i sure did discover this whose sky is this not your man's not his man's it ain't no man's it is a bears though this bear right here probably not hammer good lord well that'll throw us way up over the freaking threshold man sub goal accomplished thank you another full year subscription to a luke appreciate that immensely god i love this music so much man say goodbye to the bitrate [Music] [Music] hold up incoming transmission please identify yourself i'm kazuki listen you are not because it could get good i'm guessing kid follow the kazutkika kid the broadcast ends as strangely as it began the final piece of the signal appears to be a set of planetary coordinates okay so first of all we gotta look back at our oh man look at this that's awesome i love that all right so we gotta get to this and then this oh baby you know what this is my planet this is this is planet this this is bear stats cut there's got to be at least one verstasca and that's it our first planet that feels appropriate right oh baref that's pretty good too i like that berstotzka has been a constant for a good long while though i feel like i gotta keep that rolling and then here's a big one dude literally a pretty big one it was gonna be the first planet renamed oh boy oh boy get that pick me in if you haven't done so yet gotta make sure you got yourself a shot enter the giveaway if you've already typed to pick me you don't need to worry about it i like the system view here too man this is cool oh you know what no we're not naming the planet are we we're naming the system even crazier even bigger name to draw oh wow first system should be all bear puns we can do that at some point certainly the milky bay that's pretty good i like that all right who's it gonna be i i like that a lot actually that's weirdly fitting ion vapor studios what's the name of the system that'll work yeah that's fine with me we do need to rename this i don't know why it's not letting me do that we scan this right we have certainly discovered this planet i mean i'm looking at it all right we gotta hit this with a uh with a pulse engine shot so brace yourselves for bitrate loss in three two one not bill murray it's the tree fitting [ __ ] italy chantelle 59 months thanks babe aren't you supposed to be at work aren't you at work right now on your phone isn't that totally normal well boy slow down now go ahead and get into the atmosphere here i want to see what's going on this planet yeah it's not a bad idea babe what do you think of the new uh camera angle babe i'm so close and personal with these guys now it's like they can feel my presence is it raining what's that noise what's rattling against the ship do i have like tin cans floating on the back yo this looks cool going on here guys i'll land i'll have a look have a gander i left the gas flap open yet [Music] no more dog cuddles i'm sad that's true but hey look guess who's back i didn't even notice she's so silent she's so sneaky she's back to hang out oh it was raining that explains it all right this is cool yeah that's a much better use for the recliner right i think so too living slime ew gotta get some of that though hit me [Music] nice i guess remember what i'm really looking for and stuff like this usually just loot but sometimes there's quest lines more interesting things to be found chairs that's fun to be fair you went from an irradiated hellscape to a poisonous hellscape hey yeah we're moving up in the world right or the system i guess the ion vapor studio system three numbers are visible above an empty input box oh oh is this a puzzle oh it's just moving to the left so it's just 2170 discover a location within a distant star or within the distant stars cool no that's not an extremely secure password yet do a little better protecting their data there the password is password oh here let me let me break your brain with this one ready the password is wordpass oh see they never guessed that could never think of that one gotta rename this ship too actually hold on that's a big deal oh the planet's ready to be renamed too taffy girl where are you going all right whatever be a loner see if i care aries you're a whole planet buddy did you know were you aware how do i rename my ship pretty sure i can do that pretty sure i can do that i think i need to was it in i don't think it's in this menu i think it's in something else maybe that's later oh well how's the ship menu ah there we go right yeah okay so i and in my own personal playthrough i started renaming my ships the barometer which is not honestly very good i think i can do better than that the chubs chaser that's fun i feel like we we can probably put some actual effort into the ship name right the bear enterprise isn't bad i don't mind that i feel like we can still do even better than that though i feel like as a group we can come up with something better by which i mean i'm gonna wait for someone to think think of something good and then steal that and use it bear force one has been a tried and true for sure we've definitely uh definitely gotten some good times out of that do a barrel roll i like that the melee the millennium barrican that's not bad i don't i don't dislike that hmm another cop-out way is definitely just to draw another name for this but i'll tell you what i'm going to draw a name see if i like that for the name of the ship if not we'll keep going this route i'm not going to tell you who it is no i don't think so that ain't gonna work i also don't like that person yeah now that chat member bad news don't want to go with them who is it you'll never know well yes i guess that ain't it barrier to entry um hmm you know i think i might just go with bear force one again it's it's a it's a good one it's definitely a good one and then what this allows us to do is rename each subsequent ship we get as upgrades come along to bare force two bear force three bear force 18 that's gonna be fun i'm good with that bear forced pun wow that is i got you get bonus points for that well done [Music] well this is going to be a bit of a we should probably do this get up out of the atmosphere real fast and give ourselves a pulse engine option that's a little too far away right now here we go and we're there instantly instead of in five minutes hey mystic it's going great i'm having a wonderful time with this renaming everything after members of chat it's going really well loving the sights we've been seeing near instantly yeah no instantly they're 30 30 seconds away from the destination this looks like absolutely nothing good landing i mean honestly yeah pretty impressive if that is that actually not no that's definitely going in the rock still though oh we going all the way over there oh that's off planet okay find the signal source activate a target sweep from the analysis visor uh target sweep mode is wait no am i already in this oh i see okay so we're going this way cool that's neat wait we already did it right yeah follow the directional and here's the look at this yeah now we got it okay cool neat these are huge holy [ __ ] what do we park the damn ship all the way over here for let's just take the ship i'm gonna run there that's like four miles away the whole point of getting a vessel oh god damn it um oh good we have uranium okay here we go destroy the [ __ ] rock i was working oh it's right here god damn it what a waste that's not that sequence didn't really reflect well on me unfortunately but they rarely do um americans right [Music] take the car across the freaking parking lot what do you want me to do with this oh you want me to go this way so it is further all right yeah it's this way oh [Music] i'm this is i'm just putting a marker there where i'm looking so this is my own okay that's what the all right i get it i misunderstood that but this is um this isn't actually where we need to go but that is where it is i think because that's how far away is that oh that's actually a little too far away so the yeah the target so we want to do it like there yeah that's good okay right yeah i didn't notice the distance until just now i just misinterpreted that we're getting used to these these kinds of biomes that's for damn sure this whole system sort of feels particularly irradiated let's scan this big old rock film our guide another one i'm very tempted not to rename right there catalog right no discoveries doesn't automatically go into the new thing i was supposed to do that oh that's a great name suitcase 47. that's the name of these things right there that's a suitcase 47 right there that's a that's a solid deposit of suitcase 47. and what on earth is that let's find out let's find out what that is that right there is that's a big old hell bear dude that's exactly what that is that's a big freaking hell bear man yeah it is from there [Laughter] look out for the hell bears dude they're not they're not friendly they might be i don't know don't let me make that assumption i gotta figure out what this thing is too owie hey rude new discovery here that's gonna be oh give me that jelly d oh that's another great name with the underscore of course okay so this is still pointing me in a different direction 150 meters this way which obviously that's not far enough just keep on going though yeah i'm pretty sure you can name that evil plan oh hold on here we go finally got there nice okay we made it whoever left the message is long gone sixteen sixteen sixteen no fuel in because it failed to reach station hazard protection though no choice but took a sick kid underground because it get deployed based computer mystic i think we're giving the sub to hellbear appreciate it plans for a base computer and a terrain manipulator if any luck the base computer will hold more information about whoever is leaving these messages mystic envoy yet another get the subscription to jelly new building part learned nope there we go that's the that's the good one we need to make some carbon nanotubes so uh let's see we're going to select terrain manipulator in the missions log yes there we go good reshapes the world this is what i was talking about here has anyone chosen for a planet and not gifted i don't think so no i'm pretty sure you're good there unless well we did have uh ion vapor studios right was the name of the actual system i don't know if they got gifted all right select that install terrain manipulator need carbon nanotubes and dihydrogen [Music] for all the gifts really appreciate it go ahead and make a jelly easy peasy go ahead and make some nano tubes [Music] and need more carbon carbon i think is a lot easier to find than i realize yeah pretty sure just just about every plant be giving us some carbon here including this plant which why is it not view discovery why is it not automatically going to the page anymore like it just was it's kind of annoying oh well oh well here we go badger buddy i like that god i wish that was another animal name unfortunately i must i must go with what mobot decrees that you are and you my friend are this little eggplant not a not a normal eggplant though got plenty of you around at least like a moist egg time to look directly at that without a helmet on yeah that certainly hasn't been a bad plan and media historically missed a convoy with another gifted subscription the badger buddy can almost anticipate it at this point appreciate it very very much thank you uh i think that's enough a lot of badger buddies huh there we go and then we got to go to the uh multi-tool inventory there we go nope nope all right and ladies and gentlemen i am now god yes look how cool this looks man they've just made this terrain manipulation more and more satisfying the more i've played this game this is just extremely impressive oh look at that opening up into a big ass cave underground ah this is so cool man this is the kind of stuff yeah very astroneer-like exactly i was i was going to make that comparison for sure but this is the kind of stuff that games like astroneer gave us in spades and really felt like no man's sky could do extremely well and now i think they're really starting to come into their own with this i mean god this is so cool just to come across this right i did just get totally lost just turned around so much i just completely lost my sense of direction here now this is the uh i guess the second planet that we've seen or that we've gone to anyway that's ooh yikes ah stop it about that how do i activate the terrain manipulator with g there we go i recommend checking this out again yeah if you haven't played it in a minute probably worth attempt all right we gotta find copper find deposits of copper with the analysis visor which oh there's one it's kind of far away i wonder if i can find one closer let's see pulpy roots that sounds like fun let's see oh buried technology model those are always nice there's another copper deposit salt deposit there's a closer one let's go for this one 400 units away that's not too far yeah i am also uh firmly in the camp that this game is definitely just good now oh hey look we found our exit for all of its issues initially it is absolutely um starting to take shape starting to become the game that they uh initially promised well that's that's still a very bold claim because they were just making bold plays incessantly on the release of this game but definitely closer it's never gonna quite be that game because that game is impossible to make but this game this is pretty great i like it a lot lazarus first uh these are called i think monoliths something like that memory of the viking turponk turponterpunk the stone resonates producing a sound that fills my mind i see two large aliens locked in combat eventually one triumphs leaving their victim to bleed to death the last of their strength the vanquished alien gestures toward me the name viking floats in my vision an echo of a strange vision i just experienced you've learned the viking word for viking hooray we did it knowledge stone right that's what that is was the name of my speed metal jazz infusion band in high school you guys were progressive you had that band going in high school that's i'm amazed oh i gotta hear a sample of that too that's gotta be that's gotta be an audio experience i wish i was in a band in high school man that would have been fun terrain manipulator i'll send you a cassette sample please yes a track if you got it copper for me all right that's satisfying man i mean look at this it's difficult to make this effect feel this good like it's still a little chunky i think i'd kind of prefer it if it was a little more uh organic in the destruction but that's very difficult to do any better than they already have done so i'm pretty happy with it it just feels good that's definitely the most important part and something that they've done well just make it feel satisfying process copper to create chromatic metal creating terrain is an interesting feeling too with it can i do that now or do i have to wait for an upgrade for that i should probably scan that renewal experience clarity 78 months on the power welcome on back into you appreciate it got a bear hug it's a great time to see it keyboarder you are a set of three badger buddies i'm sorry i had to find out this way oh sodium a cluster of badger buddies is called the keyboarder56 yeah that's that's a science fact i'll condense the carbon even better nope well where the frick did i just put that oh god i guess definitely turn around dude i'm losing everything there we go the base computer claims the site for construction find a suitable area and deploy the base computer oh we gotta build our first base we got to find a suitable location for that here's the thing though if we're going to build a base we're going to build a base on verstappen obviously we're going to build a base on bearstatsky so i think we got to go back then again bearsthatska is a radiated nightmare on second thought let's not go to bears thoughts go it's a it's a horrible place maybe we just stay here this place is pretty cool i can build a base here these guys are dope hipponogway that's another great name for that thing but we are gonna have to rename it toxic planet for a toxic streamer there we go yeah perfect this right here that's a nervous house plant that's what that is watch out for those there technology go um well i guess we gotta find out where we're gonna build the base this looks pretty good it's a big wide open field it's not that cool oh dude that's where we're gonna build the base obviously on this on top of that big ass mountain over there just gotta get over there calm down so upset i mean i'd be kind of upset if my hind legs were ahead of my front legs too but take it out on me why is the whole earth rumbling this isn't for fair kind of nervous about the uh the planet quake that's happening here this is this is unsettling is it you guys are you making the whole the whole planet shake i doubt it what is happening is this like normal screen shake [Music] it's just part of the game it's all the tail wagging maybe it's just because they're yeah maybe it's just because we're near so many huge animals i think that actually is what it was the power of all these stompy dinos is [Laughter] standing in the center of all that's just the constant that's funny all the nervous house plants yeah wow all right well that's gotta be it right that's our destination right there now i can't even get that damn all right i mean this looks pretty good too i can kind of envision a base sprawling across all this maybe i'm having bigger dreams than i should though at this point sentient plant oh cool gravity no balls uh oh they didn't like that i don't mind me i'm just i'm just getting so [ __ ] by run run underground they'll never find me i'm hitting the tunnels of the earth [Music] keep going keep going we're good i'm out i'm out of here oh [ __ ] even worse make your own cave when life doesn't give you lemons you just crack lemons out of thin air oh man all right good lord they're still just following me around man [ __ ] this i can't even go any deeper oh [ __ ] this is the extent of my power oh man i'm losing my spot dude the whole point of this was getting over to find my base spot they're ruining everything oh good okay they're losing me they're searching they can't find too well hidden in the one path tunnel that i very clearly dug out from myself in their presence oh they found me didn't they [ __ ] okay there we go we're good you can change its firing mode to fill it in oh how do i do that take this out and then oh switch to alt there we go cool whoa neat that's fun fill in the cave change the size of it the whole bunch get really precise with it even the terrain generation actually looks pretty good cool oh there's a flattening tool neat and restore ah interesting oh yeah no that definitely does it this is cool okay back out now restore definitely seems like the way to go to uh you know restore it that is really dope okay so there's clearly sentinels nearby so i should probably get the hell out of here goodbye oh they're still yeah they're very close wow yeah there they are run away milestone lots of walking world's greatest gamer can't be stopped probably uh yeah my uh my hp is pretty low huh let's go ahead and find some oxygen oh there's some yeah that's a good idea of a priority to you know stay alive maybe do that okay this ought to be plenty of o2 for a little while hooray jump cut to 20 minutes from now oh i'm out of low two again whoops there we go and then we do this and then we do this and then we do we sit down and just ponder our existence for a little while this feels good take a sip of coffee that's nice here's a picture mount huh mm-hmm are you tilt i'm not till to change height there we go see how good barry is it framing a shot [Music] that's not bad i'll take that [Music] oh what is this oh i think it's just taking a long time to take the picture looks like i wish you were here postcard yet i think it froze the game yep pretty sure it froze the game so i guess don't use photo mode anymore yep oh there we go we're good okay it just takes a really long time for some reason oh well oh hey look our destination that's a big old hell bear dude that's a good i should just scan these things more like a noto mode hey nice let's go here to that and who's it gonna be greenithy that's a good name for that that feels right it's kind of green another one i'm really missing the time when i could just hit the button it would take me right there i don't know what what i changed to make that not do that anymore moose squatch that is what that is isn't it i'm sorry man oh no you got a you got a nasty name disgusting can i do that why is what all right you say so we're on the risk of being banned here i guess for that absolute pill and vulgar profanity another one make sure you get your uh pick me in by the way if you're just joining us we've got one big pool of names that we're drawn from for the whole day here so if you haven't done so yet feel free to jump in now you got plenty of minerals to identify here apparently got another one not sure i want to be a rock well just because you said that i'm not even going to draw a name for this one get owned absolutely absolutely okay now we'll draw a name mr hutter there you go you're also a rock nope 28 months on the pilot very much the wii subscription won't come on back in oh we got an animal a bumble vocus god you got to stop giving me such good organic names i'm not going to want to rename any of them satirical soul i think for the 16 months as well welcome on into the pile that's a vengeful j right there right there is a vengeful j it does look pretty vengeful doesn't it one of these days we'll have some creature pellets nervous house plants everywhere dude i'm sorry we're playing this so i bounced over to the bot so i could watch from the beginning but i want to be here live darn it well here you are come through in the clutch and hey you got a chance to become a part of the experience now if you type pick me in chat part of the name pool maybe we'll name a plant after you or better yet a rock i keep looking up here i cannot fight the urge i'm so sure you're up there but you're right there you're so far down now [Music] almost there i got another one big old rock insight more like legendary tetanal that's some legendary tetanal right there a rare fine oh wait that's there we go what's gonna say it's not ibsite something becomes legendary just by us naming it legendary right it's like now by acquiring that that's going to give us some real special stuff better fix that i guess yo maybe i live in a crater ah i think i'd rather be on the top that's pretty cool though i'd rather have a view rather be able to see everything yeah we can look at the crater from up there right it's all about the view dude location location location are we intentionally in therapy what burpee oh third person [Music] i guess so there's a way to switch huh how do you swap oh boy oh can i get up there i might have to just jetpack the whole way utilities menu utilities menu flying to the top save then jump off well that that was a given yeah gotta do that oh it's a quick menu ah right right right right so it's over here and then that's right that's how you do it here's our first person view mystic have a gifted thank you mystic for the green affair welcome to the pile i think i kind of like the third person i don't like it i'll stick with it for a bit mister getting in thank you so much and as always get him cozy in the pile as well a couple more gifted a couple of our new newly labeled rocks and members of the pile appropriate appreciate it to bring a skateboard to ride down this thing i need a zelda shield dude oh [ __ ] that was cool go ahead and refill everything here oh [ __ ] we're here huh okay put the damn gun away for a second buddy why are you holding this out why is he how do i get him to put the gun away there we go he's doing it on his own the whole time just getting caught up right yeah all good appreciate it this is certainly the view we were looking for huh that'll do here's the thing though we don't yeah we don't have a lot of space to work with so what we gotta do is get this sucker out go with the flatten tool oh [ __ ] that's effective yep that works there we go i love the sound that makes that's fantastic okay and then i guess get rid of the rest of that there we go cool [ __ ] man that was awesome that's just uh gender roost mystic thank you again appreciate it so much let's do this wait can i no i can't flatten on something that's not already flat right so what if i okay so hold on if we do this let me try i think i want to start like right here do something like this i think i want to flatten from about this point and hopefully uh that's enough space for us this is so satisfying man i love it let's go around the edge here to start off with it seems like it's going to be enough space man you could really have some fun doing the terrain modification here man you can make some cool stuff if i really wanted to get fancy with this i could like make some pave systems like like floors i'm gonna try to keep it fairly simple for now considering i you know want to get i don't know i don't have priorities i guess so i can spend however long i want to do with this but for now at least we're gonna try to uh start off with just getting a workable space here double stop what's up buddy how you doing i kind of like that there's just like a natural roof forming over my head here i also kind of just want to leave this giant pillar in the middle very strongly tempted to do that my base is a one-room wooden shack and a small island in the middle of nowhere but if you go down the ladder is an incredibly intricate underwater base oh i love that that reminds me of what chipley did in our uh dag craft server yeah that's great it's gonna look vaguely phallic probably there's no getting around that man eventually the base is gonna look like a dick let's be real i guess we're almost done flattening yeah i don't know man i can probably just get rid of that i can try this see how uh this isn't exactly the most flat thing either but whoa somebody's entered my system i didn't give them permission to enter my system very rude oh he's landing on the planet misha mozu the magnificent hello oh i'm taking uh toxic damage aren't i i need to find sodium badly i can't really scan anything up here can i too far away from resources dude it sort of that sounded like a that name sounds like it made maybe like a holy [ __ ] dude if that's a thing that regularly happens here that's gonna be [ __ ] awesome ships just flying right up and over us i'm gonna love that yeah okay you know what we should do as well as like make a staircase make it easier to get up here let me see if i can do that hold on if i did like this a bear case yeah there we go i don't know how the heck i'm gonna do it oh hi how's it going me shimotsu oh and fair and starborn is here too and that thing oh you have an animal companion that's cool let's see hey little guy oh you can ride him oh that's fantastic i love that dude you're living the dream of day one no man's sky for real man yeah remember back in the day you got any sodium by the way buddy drop some sodium for me here do you happen to have any on your person i'll go find some if i have to i'm pretty sure that's a real person yeah almost positive oh look at that well now we know thanks man a thumbs up yeah yes and then uh thank you yeah all right great oh hey man baron starbourne is here yeah you got a little steam a steam icon next to him yeah that's definitely definitely a person is great dude and yeah this is whenever you use photo mode a set of symbols appears in the bottom right and we can use that to find you oh that's what it is okay cool it shows glyphs you can change your network settings i see okay that's very helpful farron thank you this seems i don't know why i have decided that this person is uh the exact opposite of what they are uh being right now which is a very helpful and friendly stranger but for whatever reason in my mind this is immediately going to progress too hi streamer we found you using the gliss which you can find in photo mode now that we found you we're going to take everything you have and kill you and leave you for death kill you and leave you for dead yeah now that's that's a common thing to be done but uh i mean he does have his gun out what did that mean that's good though look out look at this look at the colors in the morning now up here wow oh we've gotta we gotta establish the base here man this is it look at the views look at the vistas gorgeous oh man that's exciting oh yeah that's a fun little a fun little perk of the new base location [ __ ] pals flying right on by okay you know what [ __ ] it we'll leave the little we'll leave the little rooftop let's get started terrible distance of emptiness bass computer baby hit it let's go no prior claims suitable convert construction let's do it face claimed what a view [Music] yes oh man look at those colors dude i love this yeah this is home this is home for sure that's delightful [Laughter] that's great i thought i read those two in sequence i thought he was saying if you'd like a small tip during these storms you can sit down to contemplate life oh really yeah no i'll try that let's give that a go hmm yeah um that's working i sure am great yeah great tip buddy you find rare and valuable items in the storms though that's cool yeah let's do let's do it together i mean that's just good advice man hopefully the robot dog will do it too in a second oh hold on we got new friends kevin disappeared my friend tried this in vr he said it's currently the best vr experience he's ever had wow i might have to give that a go actually i've got my vr all set up right now hey joe storm sweeping sweeping across construction supply is low depositing shelter plans i'll need to back soon yo [Music] the first little bear built his house out of timber nice well first of all first of all we gotta rename this base to bears there we go no that's a perfect screenshot that's exactly what this base is good now recharge all my stuff there we go and then access the build menu let's make some floors oh we need carbon okay um lots of carbon let's go find some see i want to try to make dude i wonder if there's an elevator in this game is there an elevator in this game that'd be so cool i'm thinking about like you remember in horizon zero dawn how there was that uh town that had that giant elevator that you had to take from the from the very bottom that would be cool to do something like this for our base chair lift is that a thing that would do it oh there we go i guess i don't need to go find carbon if you just got it [Music] that solves the problem great there are teleporters but no elevators that's that's just as good i guess that works and look at all these options for building now this is much different now let's go with uh yeah that works we'll start there i like that well better get building that storm coming in a patio over the cliff man yeah totally absolutely one right here here let's get this one way out there well that storm's coming in quick though isn't it i love how fast this is okay that feels good let's do it like this actually that works that's true we do have a roof right yeah we don't have to worry about that oh rainbow whoa cool neat there's probably a pot of gold over there i'm really liking this base construction right now man okay ornaments we got uh extruded timber walls which we can put on this end all right yeah there we go i don't know if i necessarily care about that let me flip it around rotate there we go you seem like outer walls to me good thing he gave me so much carbon i definitely would not have nearly enough to get this stuff done i think i need to go get a lot more in fact i need a ton of carbon for this stuff i might have built the base a bit too big for my britches this early on here but why not start with something wild right um i delete this now that i placed it toggle edit build there we go and then we click delete nailed it you ever play civ 6 you play with the boys anymore no i've played any civ 6 in a minute it's been a good long while now i i'll have uh bursts of interest of that game then after a little bit i'll start to higher of it again i haven't tried mankind now is it good okay so we're going to probably do two floors here i also need to figure out like a door which i suppose there's oh there is a door there there we go so we need to do that and then which way does the door go where's the ship right now that way right so i guess this week yeah that works let's do it here doors and windows are overrated yet so we'll delete this and we'll put a door there missing compo oh we need ferrite need pure ferrite okay that's down there oh some carbon here too might need to go on a uh i think we need to go on a big ass resource collection mission here give me the whole bunch of carbon and ferrite it seems like a good idea [Music] yeah we're gonna we're gonna need a way to uh get back up there a little bit easier yeah landing pad on the roof that'd certainly be fun huh we should probably just take the ship back here i guess that'll be easier you probably have ferrite but you have to all right yeah i forgot you have to recline if you're afraid well i definitely need more stuff anyway so holy [ __ ] man i definitely need more resources so i i got no issue with just going collecting for a little while here can i mine this no i don't think so can i yeah that's something different oh this gives us both dust and carpet that's good you what the hell holy [ __ ] dude that's dope is that an exo suit that's so cool god damn there's something to look forward to huh discovery who's going to be who's it going to be silvano sylvanadrak yeah that works works for me boom holy hell like that man all right real quick we're about to go on a big resource hunt and i need to pee give me just two minutes here i will be right back i don't die let's go ahead and recharge my stuff and uh there we go good stuff all right since we can't pause i'll just go ahead and leave this here and uh yeah i'll just be right back two minutes take a quick stretch break get your water be back in a moment oh did i die no i'm good all right i think he's just being friendly down here isn't he you just putting his body uh-huh so sweet i want to pet him oh you like it ain't like it happened buddy that's fun y'all right on top oh thank you hey there we go this is the goodies i appreciate that i'm gonna go still get some some on my own i feel obligated to put forth the effort but that'll certainly help too plus i want to look around a little more re-examine our resources all this fancy stuff man look at this starship this is dope hey ether what are you doing yeah you can do underwater bases now too which is awesome yeah that is really cool it's gonna be a high-tech ship dude let me charge right there ship with the freaking laser beam attached to its head my ship actually yeah i forgot about that holy cow loud dude good lord admirable not playing darkest dungeon literally every second till dark as dungeon 2 and you call yourself a fan how do you know i'm not also playing darkest dungeon in the background while doing this i got a laptop open over here i'm i'm issuing commands while playing no man's sky i'm doing some true gamer [ __ ] here brother respect the name be taff we'll get to it man we will i got one more i got one more vanilla campaign in me before we before we hit the sequel absolutely we got to go on one last ride right we got to do one final campaign the hardest difficulty with 40 mods that make the game about 10 times more difficult or maybe i'll be sane unlike my streamer friend admiral baru who decided no darkest dungeon on the hardest difficulty isn't nearly hard enough on its own we're gonna need to go ahead and add every conceivable other measure of difficulty on top of that because he's a lunatic he's actually lost his mind you look like you're struggling there bud you doing okay you uh you stuck there you go you figure it out no oh oh god no oh no you're back you you appear to have found a different plane of existence there friend how's that going for you see what what you're walking on we can't see which is pretty startling hmm all right get in there you got a fun man to show me do you is it horny because i enjoyed black reliquary baru but he didn't tell me it was so horny you're gonna warn me about how horny things get it's actually neat okay i will look into that thanks i think that might be the first that's the first save point we found right yeah thankfully not actually necessary remember when you could only save at save points in video games what a world what a concept i can't ride your uh little animal guy can't i no i'm guessing that'd be fun what is that oh right yeah we already seen that before when you had to find the save item like in resident evil oh god [Music] how far we've come ambulatory that's me that's a great that's a great word i feel like that's a word that it just it probably never gets used that might be the first time that word has ever been used in any context ambulatory well done no man's sky really breaking down barriers all right well we finally made it back to the ship i wonder if i have enough resources to launch i hope so find out nope [Laughter] let's make some launch fuel i guess how do we make that dihydrogen and metal plating yo when do you make the death star i'm sure it'll happen soon i'm sure that's coming up i could also just get fuel from mishimatsu as well that also works [Music] need a little more dihydrogen i think there was some around right there's some there we go [Music] i love the little sparks those make too man there's so many satisfying visual elements like that i gotta be by the ship right i forgot [Music] and then wait yeah there we go i don't know why i was flooding my brain okay cool there we go i need to refill that right which we can do from the ship i'm oh my god bear please there we go he's done it he's simply done it and we have now brought the ship to the base hooray oh hold on and then right there that good on top right yeah sweet that okay sure let's see get rid of all that it's kind of in a weird spot whatever okay [Music] good good okay cool let's go make the door finally uh that works right yeah which way does it matter i guess probably not cool all right oh here's what we're gonna do dude we're gonna make a [ __ ] giant staircase which is huge absurdly big yeah that's the way to do it i like that but i guess we have to find that yeah because we can't build it yet okay that's fine we can still do this oh [ __ ] and then flip yeah we'll make this one two floors seems like a good idea stupid starship gotta find the advanced ancient technology of stairs yes perhaps deep in the catacombs of this planet we might find the ancient texts and tones containing such knowledge but only if we're lucky let's go with let's do a flat roof to here and then we'll do a rounded roof around the round roof yeah brilliant bear i like it bear good plan bear wow you're really smart bear and good looking you just got it all don't you go bear go bear go we're running low already right there i love it i even love it working right into the rock here too man that's great okay it's leaving the rock there and working around it's so good man yeah although i do wonder do i want to leave this part absent of yeah i think i do anything that has solid rock throughout we go ahead and just leave that as the rock that's the roof yeah i like that this one though we gotta go ahead and put one there and then this this this and then that's there good and that's just roof yep that'll work from there it may not provide protection if it's not fully sealed yeah i suppose i have to consider that huh i can't build a launch pad yet either but i wonder if i can get the ship to land on top let's see at least on the roof maybe there we go perfect this roof's kind of ugly though okay um i do like that maybe this will work out okay i kind of feel like i just want to go with a flat roof the whole way though or maybe do a rounded roof the whole way yeah i think i'll do a rounded roof the whole way do i go flat no let's let democracy decide hold time so i don't have to make any choices myself roof style flat round boom let democracy decide i'm gonna delete these i think oh i'm keeping the rock hat no that's not going anywhere that's staying right where it's at what is democracy decreed oh it's all about flat 72 percent of the vote yeah no that's uh that's a pretty clear choice there all right then so be it flat has the flat dammit well all right then let's get to it flat roof it is oops that was a flat roof already i think man this this is some uh how's this what oh god dammit okay here we go yeah this uh very good base construction man really impressed with it yeah we're gonna have to move the ship again damn it oh well we gotta move it ran out of resources again too [ __ ] we need more carbon it's gonna be a big ass base though i like it has easily taken the vote the quick menu you can summon your starship to a different location oh right yeah that's a that's immediately available too huh you don't have to like unlock that that's good [Music] build the whole warehouse for a first base yeah this is a bit uh i am i am also of the opinion this is a bit over ambitious for a first base but go burger go home i guess right kill all these badger buddies man maybe i do yeah i think i do good stuff okay and then oh that's still uh all right yeah i gotta move this [ __ ] for that do i have enough i don't think i got nearly enough carb in there i also have more walls to build it does look like a warehouse right now yeah eventually we'll fill it with [ __ ] one of these days gonna have to build this door exactly opposite that one obviously elite and door time there we go same story why don't i build that there that's not the middle one two three four five six seven the middle's right there is one to the left and a door there we go all right cool getting there getting there oh additional archives recovered construction of success recovered salvage data scans indicate additional subterranean devices okay five or easy names on five names let's go construction research unit magnetized ferrite and carbon nanotubes okay earn new construction blueprints dig up very technology to earn new blueprints and power your base to enable advanced technology cool okay so we need to play our portable recliner right there's good recharge my equipment create magnetized ferrite with the pure ferrite we have in the inventory and a carbon supply begin here we go acquire the magnetized ferrite thank you very much some carbon nanotubes which you need more carbon for we've been very impressed with the game so far today i've been having a very good time with it let's go get more carbon we just need a mountain of this stuff man luckily we have one holy [ __ ] oh well there we go there's some more i mean getting 3 000 from you is certainly a lot better than getting five a piece from the flowers let's be real so i don't mind it man i'll take the boost speaking of a boost though i definitely need to find a way to get back up there easier man that's like priority number one for this base is addressing the issue of where i built this base [Laughter] problem number one is the massive problem that i created for myself i do kind of want to just terraform a staircase yeah that's going to be pretty difficult though man i'm going to have to like engineer the [ __ ] out of that like the steps are going to have to be like insanely steep you know honestly it might even just be easier just to go up i mean that would certainly help [Laughter] oh spiral staircase around the mountain there you go there's thinking i like that yeah spiral path up that's not a bad idea flatten tool for the spiral around the mountain that might work yeah hey deploy the construction research unit here we go ah yeah well that doesn't help me uh no that's not gonna address my issue actually never mind [Music] okay so we gotta get salvage data for this stuff and then for stairs ah timber ramp there we go [Music] there we go that's what we want which we can get to pretty quickly okay locate berry technology good good good let's go with the skin and find very technology perfect there we go let's go get it sweet berry technology right of course off i go probably shouldn't break my legs on the way down i assume that's for the best this is fun just slide all the way down there why not i wasn't using them anyway yeah what the hell was i doing with them see ya need a water slide down right yeah it'd be fun something like that i'm sure we got some kind of option like that just slide down all right let's go find that sucker there it is yay two salvage data we're looking for a bunch of them though we only really need a few to get the ramps though so i suppose might want to prioritize that yummy nummy nummy oh i better find some shelter i guess um right i need to we go there's another let's go that way yeah that works you summon your ship i could it feels like a bit of a waste of launch pool though to go this far although it is a storm right now so well we should do this actually here's what we should do wait out the storm going this way we can also just get to the technology module this way too and apparently get some silicon powder stay nice and safe on the ground here we got plenty of uh fuel for this terrain manipulator so i'm not worried about that we're heading straight for this thing now so this is certainly going to do the job swiss cheese with this place dude yeah it's gonna be a an unstable foundation for the base in the future but we'll just have to make do with that oh yikes yeah get out of that storm dude that's bad bad news there we go let's just stay on the ground man [ __ ] it find another uh buried module somewhere we probably have enough already to get the ramps let's get one more just in case oh god ah acid rain jesus christ get out of there again channeling money mole yeah look at some bare belly slaps for our money mole tunnel digging action does restore tool use resources i don't know good question yay that's good i don't have to dig around anymore well i guess i just still should now there's that sweet there's two more all right cool now it's probably uh oh i was gonna say now's a good time to summon the [ __ ] but never mind we're right here just run right back up it's already starting to look pretty cool up there man i like that now these guys are new these are nervous house plants was there a little critter around oh yeah we got these these are new i can't scan them though that's odd fungal cluster ah you gotta have a hazmat gauntlet interesting no i didn't get any of the flag guys actually i could scan them riverdenium aka sir tusk that's what that is well time for the ascent again doesn't even have tusks well it's sir tusk dammit i'll make the choices i just follow the rules straight through the mountain yeah why not yeah do go ahead and type pick me if you haven't done so already we just got the one big pool of names we're pulling from today so go ahead and do it now if you haven't already done so thankfully this should be the last time that we have to make the climb like this ideally we're going to be building a big ass ramp up to the doors although that might be uh easier said than this done steven [ __ ] man i do love it for that reason though i like that we've chosen to do this yeah the jet pack upgrades are gonna be pretty damn nice too maybe it's time to start thinking about that spiral staircase though it would be cool to have a spiral staircase up through the core of the mountain with a big helms deep like entrance that actually sounds dope as [ __ ] yep we gotta do that purple cheese thanks for the three months on the pile welcome on back in appreciate it yeah we're gonna we're gonna do exactly what you just said especially if there's a natural starting point like this although that's just sort of a oh this is kind of weird huh is that what is this cobalt cobalt streak what's that going to be arsenal arsenal 2091. there you go probably going to be a rare sight we can get pure ferrite out of that though that's pretty dope hmm cool yeah i don't think we'll start here oh boy god this is this is a struggle moving around here man what's this flower cave marrow cool there is a limit on how deep i can dig now yeah the tool isn't able to go very deep right now but you can upgrade it i'm pretty sure all right yeah i think we're gonna start like right here we should start it at like close to surface level though let's do this let's start like right here i'll enter through the crater's not a bad idea yeah that could be cool because then we could like oh yeah that almost is like a natural entryway and then we've got the door like right there yeah let's do that that works kind of like the corner of it but i don't think it particularly matters it's just gonna shoot straight up into it ideally anyway this is gonna be a lot harder than i think to actually do this no no better way than to just start though so i think we i think we flatten from about here [Music] sounds right oh is that not gonna work i think i have to mine first and then flatten from here start from the top and make a hole down maybe try this this is this is looking good stick with the platinum gotta be uh oh you know what actually i love the way yeah that's good i love the way that opens up like that this this whole thing is just a big ass entryway we'll make it neater if i feel the need later on yeah that's that's a start right there and then we just go in i guess go straight into the middle which is that's the most important part here is to just try to get as dead center as possible which feels like about this we could try to like use coordinates i guess i don't know if that's really even an option all the icons are gonna help a lot actually yeah if i just look straight up where's that there we go oh i can't line this be easier to line up where it should start and end since you're more flexible at the bottom that's true yeah yeah yeah start at the top to go down so it lines up good call all right i can always just restore that too if it's useless [Music] why have i done this to myself i love and hate it at the same time that already looks pretty cool it's coming through there nice little voyage up every time i guess i wonder if it's just faster for me to just hold the space bar down and just take little bursts like this probably not i can't even walk up this is like the anti-skyrim like the complete opposite it does not want you going up these ledges without assistance you know what we could do here is just go for the spiral path even though it's pretty unlikely [ __ ] it let's do it oh it'll probably look kind of interesting too having like a little spiral along the outside of the wall here that'll be something can't just be a flawless mountain for god's sake right he's got to have some character to it you kind of want to make it so i can just walk it though there we go i guess doesn't matter that much keep going we're slowly ascending here it's happening little by little bit maybe a candy cane mountain yeah it'll be candy mountain charlie tower of bearable oh that's very good that's excellent i can imagine a whole community through the mountain with the defense tourism spotlight sticking out oh yeah man dream big why not this is the game for that dude absolutely oh sweet that was fast cool all right we did it now we got a little uh spiral path up cool it was faster right yeah yay okay let's finish this thing charge that charge this good build menu oh wait no first let's deposit these [Music] research buildable technology oh that's structures right okay timber ramp yay cool all right oh timber half ramp dope and then let's go with oh timber roof corner that actually might be useful and another one item received we have two more a half arch power door huh interesting let's get that seems good cool all right let's go with this ah that feels good and then yeah some windows would be nice huh i'm gonna move the ship that's just about it really let's move the ship real quick look at that view right yeah all the wood around me is incredible have you been hydrating i gotta be honest not nearly as much as i should be oh man look at the path it looks so good hold on a second let's take a peek at that i almost want to finish it now oh where'd it go i thought it'd be a little more prominent oh there it is oh no that's not it hold on where'd it go over here okay apparently not nearly as prominent as i thought it would be let me go up maybe i can see it from the top uh nope oh there's a little bit of it right i just straight up can't find it now oh there it is no yes there it is whoa holy [ __ ] what the hell that was weird okay well at any rate we found it cool that's pretty neat all right so we're going to go ow like that i guess can i land that works uh that's still unfortunately probably going to stop us from building where i want to so that was just sort of a waste [Music] delete delete okay build this one i think i can build most of those now there we go nice is that it we sealed ourselves in i think so yep nice all right well let's add some life to this thing huh some windows in this bad boy i think we might actually make the entire top layer windows that might be pretty cool where is the window tech we've got to get timber framed glass panel okay that uh that's not what we need is it twin timber windows there we go that's what we're looking for i guess that's the only uh oh stone structure there we go an alloy okay part of the base counts as outside and your toxic meter goes down oh really yeah huh damn why wonder why wonder what's doing that wait is it am i moving past i'm moving past that threshold right there right is that what's happening huh i don't know i don't know what's doing that i'm not seeing any like there's some rocks sticking out i guess it could just be this right the fact that this is obviously still part of it i don't want to get rid of that though i'm gonna move this ship out of a suspicion that maybe this is the issue i doubt it oh god oh jesus oh god this is making me sick stop stop doing that okay we're going to let's see i just land on the side with this maybe gonna trim the rock from below damn it doesn't let me land there all right i just gotta land on top i guess well let's go in and see if there's maybe some rock we have to get rid of in here i can't even mind that it's not even letting me [Music] there's a little there yeah it's not even doing anything though oh thank you yeah i guess well maybe a fight here let me try this if i do this and delete this and then remove it at that point i mean i don't want to have to do this maybe that'll do it maybe that'll fix the issue nope still toxic both buddy puppers are here both the puppers are so happy wagon what are you doing good enough oh yeah let's tell you what let's we might not be able to solve that but we can certainly solve the issue there being no light in here or maybe we can we might not be able to actually uh let's see hmm all right yeah now we need to get more salvage data that's the whole thing okay and glass so let's go find wait can we build ramps we have carbon for that right yeah tell you what until such a time we have the ability to construct our massive interior spiral staircase to get into here the proper way oh yeah that makes sense fahren but i'm not gonna sweat it too much it's fine i guess uh until we were able to build our proper entrance i'm just gonna go ahead and see if i can build a big ass ramp all the way down because that seems like a cool idea need pure ferrite okay i can do that i'm gonna line out this little bit here too i can reduce the size of this mining thing right i think yet again with the hookup that work okay no oh tnr to resize it right yeah oops i'm gonna go yeah there it is oops god damn it t and what am i doing that's the one okay cool thank you and then build menu ramps ramps for days oh we can do like a spiral hmm that's certainly gonna look a lot nicer let's see how this goes i'll try this out like that and like this probably have to do so oh god i have to do some mining to make it work that's okay out of the way here there we go oh it'd be cool if we made it so like parts of it are like a natural ramp i wonder if we could do that like skip this part and then do another no i don't think that's it well what oh no i know how to do it we'll do this build the next one and then delete the previous one yeah that'll be fun and parts of it will be a natural ram then the other parts will be uh uh the stairs i like that then we should actually like restore here to get more that nah that's gonna look unnatural actually never mind i should build like a wooden pillar or something there to make that look more normal that'd be neat but we could like delete this one that's not enough actually let's do this and then restore a little here too much and then that'll probably work it's good enough that's another opportunity for a natural ramp which we will do we can change the color of it too that's fun go ahead and lose the size of that there we go noise let's just recharge my stuff there we go i'm liking this we need to do a little bit of restore here just the tiniest bit actually i should do a create instead there we go nice well that didn't work well i kind of did actually hold on there we go it's gonna have to take a jet pack anyway you gotta do it there any third there too it's a little awkward i suppose either way but it looks kind of neat probably not even something i'll use for that long this will probably be obsolete faster than the time it took to build but it's fun for now anyway okay i'm just gonna go ahead and keep building stairs too walking down these is gonna be a little awkward otherwise there we go it is cool to go through the tunnels at least keep going [Music] i like these little peak holes actually coming through here too this is pretty dope and it just gets exposed yeah i like this actually shrapnel hey thank you appreciate that very good i'm into this yeah natural windows right yeah that's pretty cool i'm digging it what if this just turned into our interior oh [ __ ] that could work death of spam this sub was a baby it would know someone was a stranger thank you for the seven months on the pile appreciate it welcome on back in we could turn this into that interior staircase we were talking about again that takes way more engineering than i'm thinking it does but that is something we could do certainly oh man that's an exciting prospect speaking of exciting prospects we got to start a new sub goal we crushed the previous one it's time to get to here 11.50 why not arbitrary number goals hooray yay [Music] i think for now i do like that idea of trying to make this into the interior staircase but for now i'm probably just gonna go ahead and make this something that will allow us to actually get down that's all i really need to worry about at the moment okay it's definitely a possibility here bill i'm not hard committing to it but i'm not ruling it out certainly seen a lot of sub love lately and i appreciate it immensely all right so we're gonna probably just go straight down from here actually that seems like it might be the best bet not gonna be too hideous right although good start going that way nah i think i'm just gonna call it good here man only so much stylization i'm in for holy [ __ ] this is going to be hideous though but hey it'll get us there dammit dude thank you appreciate the gifted five that's love appreciate it man thank you five gifted gifts appreciate that very much in the death of spam oh we got your reciprocal radio thank you appreciate you bear hugs for him press b in build mode real quick oh building camera cool oh [ __ ] yo i love that cool i can't believe how far this is ending up going man this is really unfortunate i probably should have stuck with the uh the spiral approach oh well a gleaming endowment indeed i don't know why i decided to alert the group and the individuals there but i'll take it god this is just disgusting man oh i can't even place anymore it's out of the range of the base oh no i can't okay we're good so absolutely disgusting just grotesque truly truly grotesque good lord stairway to baravin yep it's a bear way to heaven jesus christ what a mess well there we go better than jet packing i guess right got to get those steps in somehow huh exactly wow all right so i truly don't understand why the game look okay i am holding w here i'm holding w and looking straight for some reason the game veers to the left it's like a car with a bad steering wheel like why does it do that that's very annoying you should just be able to hold w and go forward without having to manage the tiny little movements that's super annoying oh well what what what a run here dude desert space bus yeah for real uh oh uh whoa hard crash okay that's not good um the stairway dude yeah too many hopefully we got a recent save let's find out i'll be this one right yeah come on stairs come on stairs still be there you auto saved right maybe oh no oh god i got so worried there i thought i thought it was a totally empty mountaintop dude that would have sucked okay where's that at least but is the ramp here i don't think so yeah i don't think it saved it that's a lot of wasted effort man son of a [ __ ] ah yep no there's there's not even a trace of it dude sorry buddy oh chubs detected my frustration and didn't want to hang out anymore now we can try a new design yeah i guess huh i suppose so i am kind of curious i mean here we can just do this now it's like going through all that damn trouble see how this goes man [ __ ] it here we go just for now oops i messed that up i'm good just for now we'll do it this way not handicap accessible no unfortunately unfortunately not that was a mistake oh [ __ ] um delete there we go that's pretty cool they just keep on going in sequence like that imagine dripping down oh man that'd be a great 45 second video trip and fall to start of these and just be good okay you'd appear left though yeah you'd eventually just fall off the side yeah i do love this you can just hold your mouse in the same spot and i'll just continue to go in that sequence it's really smart until a certain point of course but oh well who needs handrails right totally unnecessary fslgs thank you for the gifted subscriptions welcome to the pile everybody appreciate that a lot bear hugs for him thank you for the support big love bear hug appreciate it we're still so high up dude this is crazy yeah i need a slinky for this huh for real see how far i can go everyone loves a slinky it would be funny if the animals climb the stairs yeah get one of those elderly persons stair lifts yeah going up here at like one and a half miles an hour that'd be incredible there we go get rid of mr hutter here real quick he's done it apparently built a stray one there i can't even see it i gotta get up a little further all right here we go pretty stable on their own right impressive there we go there we go all fixed all right we did it let's run up and save before the game crashes again certainly gonna be a lot better than jet packing up the mountain always jet pack up that too i just do it all the way around the pier oh yeah there you go do it on all four sides of the mountain you got the great pyramid of bear it's beautiful the plan it's just ridiculous pyramid yeah do like the view quite a bit all right i guess i gotta mind that now too there we go we did it all right and do this upload base hooray cool might as well all right time to find more berry technology when we get to the game this is the game exactly wow that is uh it sure is something how much would you tip a doordash driver to climb those stairs oh no come on oh it actually is the stairs isn't it that's hilarious the game can't handle the staircase dude just can't handle the bear case goodness that's no man's sky i guess oh yeah that might have to be our day if that keeps happening here that's all right though i think i've had my fill for today anyway too many stairs too many stairs in the bear base too many stairs in the bear base too many shares [Music] the game reworked buildable objects with this update meaning this shouldn't be a problem even more so right or this should be even less of a problem hopefully it actually saved the stairs this time yep we're good well one more look i'm gonna get a little bit more berry technology you probably call it good at that point more one more find well actually one quick thing we have to do that we failed to do but uh when we got here initially yeah no you got a paragon you you nailed it clearly we need to do this [Music] baby yeah all right i'm alive what all right whatever i got so i got some portal boots on i guess dude i'll take it [Music] i need to crawl up the stairs with broken legs rip oh there goes my health back up right yeah apparently i'm fine walk it off barry you're good there we go easy peasy wants us to learn the bass teleporter i want to get one more module one more it's not too far and while we're doing this i'll just say hey thanks for watching some no man's skies no bear sky appreciate you we'll do some more soon i'm gonna wrap up after this for now appreciate all the subs tips and bits today thanks for hanging out with me everybody come on back tomorrow morning around 9am pacific we'll do some uh spelunky 2 right before the spelunky two one year anniversary stream all day tomorrow excited to be a part of that plenty more no bears sky to come this week we'll probably get into a vanilla darkest dungeon run soon here too so fun stuff coming down the pipeline here there's two more salvage data very good get the heck out of here i'm tempted to try oh i guess i can't do it from here i was gonna say i'm tempted to try to line up the wooden ramps from the bottom with the door up there that'd be a tremendous waste of resources if that was even allowed right now i guess i should summon the ship yeah wait a minute oh okay yeah i don't have any of those right oh it doesn't have any launch fuel right of course well time to run i'm gonna recharge this too you so good he's a good puppy he wants lunch he wants lunch yeah that's what you want i'll get it in a second i'll get it in a second bud you gotta let me get up to the base i get it i gotta yeah he heard me talking about ending the stream absolutely he heard the tone of my voice dad you don't you don't talk into the computer people can i have lunch can i have lunch now my buddy [Music] he's so good almost done you see you see this mountain once i once i climb on top of this mountain up here then we're done okay get into the base we're gonna go save our progress then the game will hard crash i won't even have to do anything it'll quit itself and then we'll be all done we'll get you go get your food okay almost there [Music] almost there so close buddy i know you're being so patient such a good job that's a chubs that's your name that's exciting to hear my name i like it let's grew here huh come on come on i'm beginning to think this isn't even that helpful there we go yay we made it all right good times folks thanks for hanging out with me today we'll end on our uh panoramic oh never mind yet nope i had a feeling all right well hopefully that's not a pervasive issue we'll find out but uh thanks for watching today at least i hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day appreciate your time thanks for watching
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 14,530
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: Qv_s2_cyYek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 35sec (12035 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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