Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Butcher's Circus (Ep. 3)

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but why delay let's hop back into the butchers circus I've put together another team that I hope will do decently I've learned a little bit based on the few fights that I've had online along with talking to bar a little bit about what works and what doesn't I this seems like it should be okay first of all the Bounty Hunter I've seen this boy in like so many compositions and with good reason this ability right here is an excellent way to finish off characters to finish him you know athlean so I'm gonna try to put this to work along with giving him trinkets that add further chance to for him to actually finish the job the top of him really kind of relying on targets being afflicted but I think that will actually happen based on the rest of my bill you'll see here we have a kind of unique addition to things here with grave-robber who has routing trophy and carnival masks added onto her so it's plus 35% stress dealt with the panic darts which inflicts 30 stress by default but with that additional 35% if I'm doing my math right should bring it up to 42 which is pretty damn good that's pretty damn good for a single shot to inflict 40 set of 40 stress on a target not to mention just the damage in the blight so I'm hoping that's gonna be pretty effective and then we've got a red cultist who could actually buff that further of course with his with his stealth move our third in line here is the man-at-arms who have seen quite a bit as well and the bellow is a skill that I'm probably gonna be utilizing a lot more too you can see this actually impacts every single enemy and it inflicts 12 stress it's pretty good he buffs the target for minus 20% damage too which is nothing to scoff at he's got his rampart skill which is good for being able to move out of the backline if he has to know when he'd be knocked into that spot but just in case it's also a stun and or not a stun I guess but it is a daze in fact I'm not sure about that one I think I might change that to like a command or maybe even a retribution but I do like having to move forward skill it just seems like something that might be able to take advantage of and then the bolster which is probably something I'll be doing at the beginning of every fight just adding on dodge to our entire party and then reducing the stress taken and he is gonna be taking a lot less stress damage himself at the numbing incense but I'm primarily looking at this as our stun resistance to hopefully prevent him from losing his guard if I choose to do so and then he's just got a little bit extra deathblow resistance in some maximum HP I feel like that's pretty helpful too and then the occultist monkey's paw and the exotics snuff I'm trying to keep him in that backline the move resistance I feel like it's gonna be pretty helpful for that routine sodus thanks for the 13 months welcome back and appreciate you this skill right here I'm pretty certain I'm gonna be using a lot more often the demons pull this ability to pull the back liners forward on top of inflicting stacking stress damage I'm pretty certain is gonna be a critical component to our success and on top of that of course he's a healer as well more importantly than him being a healer he's a he's got the potential to be a really strong healer people have been making the point that just bringing people off of death's door honestly just sort of feels like a waste of a turn because more than likely the enemy is just gonna bring them back to death's door the next turn and then subsequently inflict more stress on your party as a result so unless you can heal a substantial amount it's probably not really worth it to do so and considering that point that I just made I think I'm actually just gonna give him a silver syringe as well and make this potential a lot stronger that's gonna bring it up to a possible heal of 30 which obviously is much much better than that in fact it's gonna be a little higher than that it's like 32 isn't it so that's great I will take that shitty milkman oh yeah I know Robin I know it's happening issues I'm hoping that we won't run into problems ourselves thank you for five months shady I appreciate that research trips as well thanks for kind of us see I think it's I think it's looking pretty good I think this this composition overall feels strong the bounty hunter of course has his come hither move as well which I didn't realize marks the target to so that's pretty good but he's of course gonna be primarily our deathblow dealer I'm gonna be looking to him to finish off characters that I can bring to the front line potentially with the occultist as well so this looks pretty good to me on paper but I've said that about basically every composition that I've come up with so I suppose we just have to jump into the ring morning dreams Anita how you doing this is a real buffoon lineup yeah yeah stress and be named the four mover finally piling on stress underrated by a lot of people I face off with yeah no one that I've bought so far has really seemed to prioritize stress too much they've seemed to just wanted to kill me which is working in their favor to be fair to them they are beating me the axial thanks for the three years welcome back into the pile buddy appreciate it a leper citing the rare leper team all right canta trips let's do it fella I'm gonna begin with a bolster Lady of stayin makes the twitch prime hump on him to that pile you got to get him the bear hugs shed appreciate that support thank you as always for the subscriptions I should note I failed to mention this last night but the bear pile is once again 1,000 strong out of nowhere so thank you very very much for that insane support as of late I truly appreciated the really incredible stuff festering fear consumes the mine five more on top thank you very much Bradford fish don't give me five subscribe well well above a thousand that we're actually at like a thousand sixty of all things of all numbers I know absurd a thousand and sixty you madman bear welcome to the bear pile absolute madness all right so we've got a horror stack on the vestal this seems like a good idea to the bear to try to pull her forward again I could also try to knock back the leper does he have no resist he does not o else I'm not back the fly's open welcome to the bear oh he's getting so lucky geez dude all right while I was really trying to disrupt his party composition but I I lost both of my roles on the move chance which is unfortunate because the occultist I'm pretty certainly equipped with a move chance boosts trinket he's gonna go for the stun welcome just get it so I lose my grave robbers we move and then he's probably just gonna buff his leper Dexter Dresden thanks for that twitch Prime subscription as well appreciate it very much how many of the 1k do you think gesture is doing probably quite a few honestly probably quite a few yo Advent zonas thank you very much for another thousand bits and dope stone lion thank you for the ten gifted subscriptions holy cow thank you thank you oh my god you're not gonna believe it we're at a thousand sixty-eight y'all y'all were [ __ ] around saying that we're almost at a thousand sixty-nine we're actually ahead of the fest in 68 who's it gonna be who's it gonna be who's gonna get the magic spot it's right it's just sitting there waiting for you to grab it I really want to try to knock him back again but I don't want to keep wasting my turn but he can't do anything if he's in the back you gotta be kidding me sit on all he see he jointed from you abra-cadoodle to the bird he snuck in there and grabbed it from you but I'm sorry I'm sorry that's a great name too shoot I'm making a spectacle of all this I'm missing out on what's actually happening here but thank you so much again I really do appreciate all that support I'm gonna go ahead and hit myself with a quick heal and that was a waste of a turn so good work there now thank you guys again so much well-grown fu the bear bye thank you for your four months as well thank you good god I cannot express enough thanks but we've got work to do here I gotta make damn sure the business of boob friggin leper doesn't just obliterate me here and he did just take his once per battle buff so that's worth noting I think it's probably not a bad idea to start doing this there we go 45 stress with one shot the vestal is looking bad to the bear okay okay so dis thank you for your five gifted subscriptions as well the bids and the gifted subs thank you thank you for that support god I really need to start paying attention to what he's actually doing here okay so I've only got the one believe it's not gonna quite bring me down to death's door I've still got guard for two more rounds I think this is worth it again come on pull there we go okay that's really gonna [ __ ] with him now all I needed was one of those and that's gonna really start to mess with his room with his lineup that feels good lurk thank you for the bits as well appreciate that a lot thank you thank you welcome is there a chat with the enemy possible no I don't think you can do any kind of like textured chat with the enemy in this maybe there's something like that he'll add in the future oh boy this could be a problem for our occultist here there that a OE attack is going to make things a little bit more difficult for me so now unfortunately I can't knock back the lever anymore so I think I need to just go ahead and keep the Bounty Hunter for last maybe but we can continue to make problems for the vestal and this may even get us oh I hate to see it man he is gonna get that resolved check on his turn but it's unfortunate that we didn't get it to trigger from that but that is pretty good to take away some control from his vessel is really gonna start causing problems early and all that's huge that's great for me all right let's see Oh a bellow would trigger it it's not a bad idea oh that's so much damage here holy cow the blight is getting really bad let's go for that they all resisted the tea puffs good God self-preservation is paramount at any cost all right I think that was worth it to at least get her afflicted cuz now we can deal some serious damage with the Bounty Hunter and try to take her out or at least bring your death's door to get the heart attack to take her out I probably need to heal yeah there's a ways to turn on his end hmm I feel like I want to try to do the uppercut again on the leper I really want to I just want to keep [ __ ] with his composition come on work for me one time there we go that's pretty big cuz the leper can only move forward one spot I think maybe I'm misremembering that plus he's dazed so we won't be able to do anything until the end of the next turn - oh there's a stun on the pounding I know though damn okay alright we need to start being seriously concerned about our health hmm when I take his turn he'll be brought to death's door I think I need to try to just heal him up let's take a gamble on that and then I can reactivate the guard on the on the man-at-arms next turn fast whoa there we go he's back big time heal I haven't heard that one yet I feel like they added that one in response to them having to hear that all the time it certainly would seem the buffoon is flummoxed all right so this is a problem obviously we're gonna have to figure out what's going on with him yeah that's not gonna we really need a plague doctor to address this damage over time that is so bad let's see I think I might just have to keep going with some panic darts here so let's start stacking it up on the lever not the lepor the plague doctor so I think she has less blight resistant so now she didn't take that trinket okay damn we're already almost there with that too once we get to people at an afflicted State I'll feel a little bit better we may lose our man in arms though which isn't so bad it's really not the worst thing that can happen and that damage over time sucks I guess I could keep bellowing pepper dodge no plate dr. dodge damn all right yeah he may just be in dire straits here the guy had to accept that she's gonna dazzling light him I'd be shocked if she didn't go for that it's a chance just killing him outright she moved the vestal back just to give him the chop or hue opportunity he doesn't have his damage is actually less than normal but still gets that sure okay fair enough all right well I got to keep my bounty hunter alive so come on baby nice that's why we roll the dice with the occultist the men-at-arms obviously is still in bad shape you know what I'm starting to think is that stress is just too slow man I want to try to prioritize stress with these guys but it really did it takes twice as long altum Utley that's what it comes down to it just it just takes twice as long to kill people that way and I just get outpaced every time I think I'm gonna try to take advantage of my man-at-arms last play again thankfully that doesn't do anything right now but yeah let's just keep bellowing that's the best he can do for us at the moment another another panic dart will trigger the result check for the plague doctor yeah I've got a relatively durable bill but really not not enough it feels like that's a gamble dude did he get it he did he keeps going for these ridiculous Gamble's and they're paying off so so big for him let's do well that deal enough damage to now at well that seems worth it to least keep the leper from doing anything this turn flatulent can hit the Third's I know he can't hit the third spot unless he does rain of Sorrows which I'll probably do I'd do it why not just give it to him on the first roll Jesus Christ man it's not at all the fault of the RNG I don't think but I do feel the RNG has hurt me quite a bit might in my attempts it's been pretty brutal injury and despondence set the stage for heroism you know it may have actually been the better play to put that panic dart on the vestal there man we went the entire first round without a successful R&D check and he didn't fail one yeah and like it's it's gonna happen in like when it happens for me I'll be less likely to notice it but it just it just it can feel pretty damned impactful sometimes alright and the bissell artillery feels pretty goddamn good here and i feel like i just have to kind of try to race him at this point because we're not gonna we're not gonna out heal this [ __ ] the damage over time is too powerful we landed that right there yeah the panic dart on the vestal probably would have been the best move I'm starting to think that now oops I think I can use the Bounty Hunter's ability on that spot I can okay so that's good so she's vulnerable here thank you as the fiend holes blossoms okay we're still in pretty damn bad shape here considering that flageolet hasn't even been really touched yet the leper - like they're both in great shape so yeah now looking good could get pretty lucky with him missing death's door chances though now damaged over time no longer proc stat store which is a good change in my opinion there'll be some that argue that it's bad but I disagree they could be easily abusable hell I'd be dead already it's a nice all right so if I hit her with the panic guard she should just die from that there we go it's just not enough though yes Gigi to his Lord Masha's more disappointment alright well clearly I don't know what to do I've tried I tried what I think is good so many times and I'm just getting my ass kicked I think I need to stop focusing on stress I think stress has been like what I keep trying to build around for some reason but it just doesn't work haha he could still hit me he's got to you and I've just done nothing but lose boy okay well let's try again dude I want to try this build again cuz I don't think it's bad but it is clearly is just the stress doesn't work stress can work you have to focus a lot on it trust me I believe you but I gotta try something else just for my own sake stress builds are just stressing you out yeah so what worked for him there the leper focus was pretty good I mean it's no it's not really what worked for him it's been the same thing that's been taking me down every time it's just been people focusing on health damage instead of stress like they didn't focus on stress at all was all health damage damage over time effects leads from flatulent and the vestal it's like a safety measure and the leper is just hitting the [ __ ] out of things let's see unequip everything [Music] I love the flatulent first of all I feel like he's so strong I want to keep him I also really like the Bounty Hunter as a as a means of controlling the the enemy lineup he's just so good so I really want to keep him too so I guess that's our front line if that's what I'm doing I can swap an occultist for a vestal I guess cuz I can just give the vessel a direct healing move that can get buffed up to guarantee that it heals for like what would that bring that too that would bring that to a guaranteed 15 to 18 I think or even 15 to 19 maybe so that's probably worth it by itself like the gamble we were taking with the occultist doesn't even seem worthwhile when you when you look at it that way so let's do that and then she's even got a stun which she was you the guy that we just played against was utilizing against us of course so I think we can do that and then let's see I guess illumination I mean these two skills really seem like the only thing that matter for her which is fine that's good enough basically guaranteed 2/3 of a weird reconstruction right yeah seems worth it you can't double stack the healing buff by the way unfortunately what should we give her then I guess the move resistance that's pretty good for her that seems worthwhile where'd that go resist it was the almost remember the name of the trinket - where to go there you are exotic snuff yeah a OE Hill I guess does get multiple people off of death's door that's true getting people off of death's door by itself is not terrific though but it is probably better than the illumination skill so I guess we'll just do that all right good enough let's work on the flagellants skills and trinkets real quick which is pretty easy and almost positive it's gonna be these four nuclear owl makes with two months but they appreciate it subs for stress sounds good thank you appreciate that so we want to give him I guess more bleed chances probably a pretty good idea I'd love to give him more deathblow resistance to which I can do with this although it's not much 4 percent might make a difference though although no hold on there we go hunk of life that's better let's do both if I get thinking impossible to kill and the Bounty Hunter's got to take those trinkets that Idon't have a chance to deal death or to do the death storm blow but I'm not gonna do the second one actually that only deals with afflicted targets that's just just feels like a wasted trick its lot now that I'm not focusing that at all so I think I'll just give him the eagle eye talisman just to make sure he doesn't miss and now we've got three well that was fast we made our determinations there pretty quickly right and that feels good but now what's the fourth plague doctor it's got to be plague doctor right we've got to have our own means of addressing damage over time along with a way of applying more ourselves it's gotta be there's there's no other choice okay stress Delta dish Indiana is pretty good I don't know why the other guy didn't take this seems good to me yeah plus 50% blight skill chance just pretty much guarantees that thing lands cut not a lot of people have a lot of light resistance in the first place like who's got the most let's see there it is abominations got the most who's playing the [ __ ] abomination though antiquarians got a little bit of resistance jester's got some resistance highway man's got some resistance Oh brave Roberts got a ton of it that makes sense the best let's got some too otherwise most people are vulnerable to it so yeah that's that's almost a guarantee of land this seems good I can even go with embolden abatement vapors to make the Bounty Hunter really strong but I don't know I feel like it made me rather have blinding gas but I'm not I'm not worried about stress at all I keep disorienting blast to clear corpses Bowens shuffle single could be fun hmm wait a minute is this a guaranteed thing this is a knock-back chance this is a poll chance this says shuffle this says guaranteed shuffle I'm gonna try this that's interesting hangout sorry I'm gonna go close that and I closed the origin launcher real quick all right there we go I think we're good give knife if 1v1 I mean I don't know if I want to dedicate an entire skill the the chance that we have to one beef or 1v1 the enemy with a plague doctor could happen I guess but I don't know I'm screwed if I don't have it in that situation huh but I really want to try this and I don't feel like I want to give up anything else for it I guess I could get rid of this and give her that and then put the vestal in spot for that's actually not a bad idea [Music] that's a bad idea yeah we could do that now the big issue with this composition is it is dependent on them staying in the right spots but that's probably gonna be an issue for any composition that doesn't build specifically to avoid that so I think I'm just gonna have to deal with that plus I've got the exotic snuff on my vessel so hopefully that'll help - all right this feels this feels good I've been deceived before but I want to believe this will work their demands a challenger I really do and I think I might even try this one multiple times because this feels pretty good pretty goddamn good I'm glad the cute times have been like instant - been great hopefully that stays the same way for a bit I'm not gonna go against the tutorials no that's not gonna help me playing the tutorial fight only serves to reinforce my ego it doesn't actually help me to learn what works it's too easy damn okay I know this can happen this hopefully doesn't happen too much she goes already massive from yesterday exactly I don't need the boost today I'm feeling great I could lose all day today and I'd probably still feel fantastic I'm feeling that good [Music] I want to play though I'm really hopefully I'm hoping that this actually works there we go nice oh he thinks he's so cool with his tentacle banner mine's cooler cuz I have the Red Hook that means that means I'm the more experienced player yo the abomination oh [ __ ] we spot three two and the melee vest oh look at this guy alright alright he can't heal from there so I'm guessing he's gonna be moving [ __ ] around but well no the Obama has oh [Music] oh hold on I thought it disconnected no we're good yay cool alright which they even start with I don't even really considered that with this composition I guess I just want to start applying damage over time right away right but the abomination has a bunch of blight resistance is the problem so I'm not gonna be able to do that with her I can do some bleed let's give that a try cool alright good good game good game that's fun he's got the dodge buff so yeah that'll happen man look I got one too the damage on the flags one doesn't matter too much all right let's see do I want to oh I could pull forward I guess but I feel like that just helps him like what does it matter for him to have his lineup alternate all here so I'm just gonna like it's done that's probably not a bad idea let's try that go for a stun on you there we go I don't mind if he Mays bashes or something I gotta figure out what I'm doing really early here though cuz he's gonna start making things work for him early - I think I should just go for the vestal maybe they just kick the [ __ ] out of the vestal that's not a bad idea we'll just in size her for a good six twelve actually let's go ahead and address the bleeds early just to not allow that to become a big problem and then we can hit the best over third this has been a bad start for me not just because I missed it well the stun is pretty good I guess it's just I don't know about that particular move I suppose the heal there just seemed a little premature just I'm a little unsure of what to do in general here though oh this is a good idea that's a great idea to strike yeah that's awesome yeah now if he hadn't dodged that first attack he'd be on death's door right now okay well let's try to make that a thing they no longer has a dodge buff so there you go he resisted the bleed I can't unfortunately hits him with no no I can't hit him with finish him right cuz collect bounty is only in the front too but I think finish him is in the third slot right oh he was forced to heal okay that's good for me let's see you should go for another stun maybe I'd love to do damage over time with the play doctor she's stunt low and fortunately I could stun his Vestal there we go okay this feels pretty even so far I feel like I've got an advantage actually guy I put his abomination on that store already just need to start getting our damage over time stacks on those guys unfortunately the abomination is one of the very few who is resistant to that he's gonna go for the mark on the vestal okay huh well tell you what I get bonus damage on them on the stun target again let's go for that there we go dude tons of damage coming out from the Bounty Hunter already we've had we've seen a lot of success from the stun so far today specifically all lighting but that's also yeah it's a really good point the fact that monsters have more dodge than the heroes do like these guys only have a base level of dodge it but not a lot nuts that dodge starting at college Oh stun resistance right we deal with a stun resistance for that and they have less to typically have less stun resistance than most of the monsters you see of course he's got a 50% buff right now but typically is it 25 I think I'll go for the bleed again it really just seems like a good way to start oh I can play my exsanguinate here actually [ __ ] let's do that that'll be a big lead on her plants oh my god 44 crit heels okay that's good that's all full so he has to heal with the Vestal and he has divine comfort right no he doesn't he can't heal with her oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay let's go for another stun that seems like it's working really goddamn well give it to me now all right that's fair controversial non healer Vestal he has an interesting look for sure all right we had to expect that eventually it does land the stun on the plate okay okay I want to force him to take his vest those turn but I can't do that so I could bring the abomination down to death's door again that seems like a good idea I could also knock back this oh my god why haven't I done this that's a good idea my hands break from becoming on wow he ain't got no Lance cool baby cool baby this is looking good okay okay got to be a little concerned about that hmm well say goodbye to your vessel we got numbers we're winning oh my god all right he's finally done it it's finally done it let's see you know what I think just a big fat heal from my vessel it might be enough so I don't think I need to do a Battlefield medicine I think it's time to start stacking our play grenades on the backline let's do it and I deal any damage that Crusader with all that protection on them but we can certainly build damage over time and that Crusader is completely Fox back there too still so that's great how's a crit on the best of us right that's a stress there - yeah okay now here's the thing we could get extremely greedy go for the judgment try to bring him down to death's door on his next turn which is very good but not a smart idea I don't think not right now especially because we can remove horror that way which is actually helpful here [Music] all right yeah greed didn't feel like the way to go there now he's just forced basically to move forward here with his Crusader which we may just punch him in the face again actually it'll be a tempting offer this is probably the way to go here bleeds gonna bring him down so if he uses his abomination firsts or not Oh whew we may actually be able to force him to use his abomination before I use my Bounty Hunter I think I can and that's not helping him that much let's see now I could probably get greedy but I'll be back on death's door with her of course I should probably just kill her again yes teetering on the brink I should give this more thought I think I think I should have thought I probably should have yeah that's the thing is no one could have hit her until the next town master attack so I could have probably just gotten away with something different there well let's say I if I use Battlefield medicine here yeah that'll do it right yeah that's gonna do it okay we're good we're fine you think therefore you thought yeah this should work out cuz he's forced to use a bomb here and Alesi transforms down in absolutions which he can do right yeah he can do that or no can use absolution in the front I don't think you can can you okay now can I do finish him from here I sure can say goodbye all right very good and now looks to me like I should probably go ahead and play rain of sorrows on here corpse crit panda watch alright well you might kill my bounty hunter but that's not too bad honestly the odds are in my favor that he doesn't do it oh really okay interesting call I'm just gonna heal that's cool yep it's gonna heal up oh yeah now huge advantage here is the best I felt about any fight so far easily known for a stress play now from this Crusader he's trying to get a heart attack going on my flagyl in my below 40% 40% of 44 would be seventeen point six which is 18 and that's what I meant but apparently not quite there that's annoying buck well I'll just do it oh wait now I'll be there okay great yeah after the bleed perfect see you I resisted to bleed dim healed up it's good alright so unfortunately he's not quite there hit him with anything I'll give you this I didn't do this a single time [ __ ] I want it too man I think I'm just gonna do my god Jesus Christ okay this works because that little get the Crusader in the back and we'll take him or take his turn away and then the bleed will be enough to bring him down to death I mean I guess I might as well do this now I can move her back yeah let's do that that's that's smarter then we've got our extra heal available if I need it just trying to optimize Crusader has high bleed resist he does doesn't yeah look at that very high master is extremely vulnerable to it I mean it would probably make sense to get rid of the Crusader purse but I just feel like I had a prioritize who is obviously the most vulnerable candidate for death right now and do that group heal here rious stun is better though imagine that helps me more completely keep him from doing anything Drock alright so his next turn hope you brought to death's door and won't actually be able to act so he's pretty much dead is there any way that I can bring him to death store this turn I doubt it I completely doubt it but I'll do my bet you know what [ __ ] it let's try this let's do it one time oh yeah it's gonna clear the corpses I'm dumb all right they're both days no no he's dazed he's stunned okay so he has to act first it works for me I guess oh now we can get some extra damage on these guys too okay so it's pretty cool yeah we've obviously got them tremendous advantage here bleed again it was expected I suppose all right the restorer that's a big restorer my god well I guess we're going Crusader first it looks like [Laughter] so maybe the punish here is that gonna be enough damage probably not the incision might be incision might be more likely to get it actually leg knees bolted them before he gets to do anything anyway no no no I can I'm stupid whatever whatever thankfully I'm in a position where my stupidity doesn't matter anymore more or less guaranteed the victory here guaranteed the victory so if you could just deal 5 damage with this skilled cool dude just a quick head thank you let me do this goodbye all right man we're doing it didn't lose a single character so far don't let me get overconfident since he did just crit us and probably trigger every two string of resolve check soon so how do we kill this boy we just hit him with everything I guess a stun would certainly be helpful I want a battlefield medicine I don't think it matters definition was critical here clearly finish him is extremely good all right well here comes a heart attack hang on all right you're gonna go for a judgement there we go there we go he's done it I applaud this man for sticking this out to the end by the way we could have conceded but he chose to ride or die saluté just orc honor my friend he's done it be weary triumphant bribe precipitates but dizzy what is that achievement win win a game a company of bloodthirsty delight oh [ __ ] that's pretty badass have a single hero deal death blows to four enemies in a single game cool alright man victory the ringmaster is pleased MVP baby you did that with your highwayman nice a little bit of repost action going on alright let's roll that again dude I'm like I'm liking this composition is the bounty hunter have plus 100% deathblow chance for those trinkets and finish him he's a stone-cold killer I don't think it's a hundred we can look at the numbers again but I don't I don't think it's like a guaranteed thing certainly would seem that way based on the pass game wouldn't it but yeah it's real high for sure whatever it ends up being hashtag doing with an ellipsis kind of a mysterious whatever it is that he's doing it's weird Oh hashtag doing SFM Commission's do I want to know what that is I'll source filmmaker okay yeah that's that's harmless the instant mark okay interesting let's see here who's vulnerable in his lineup I'll probably go for the occultist and we could stack blight on these two back liners pretty easily so let's let's go with that killing his healer is probably a good idea he doesn't have any damage over time resistance either so I'll start with array number or Uranus sorrows [ __ ] Christ maybe I'll heal actually holy hell [Laughter] [ __ ] Christ that is crazy so he can hit her with the occult is still which means a hold on what skills does he have I should pull I should pull the musketeer forward because she's all backline but I need to heal the Vestal obviously right now plus I can get rid of that horror with the with her skill so that's good all right you've brought a book to a gun plan abyssal artillery is extremely good yeah that's part of the reason why I'm targeting him first is that a blight and deep clear no it's I think that just clears D buffs all right come hither and that sucks I still think I did the right things early on here though really all he's managed to do is some damage to the vessel overall you know like he had a little bit of hoarder to the plague docker that doesn't really matter that much though he'll proudly go for the rush yep which unfortunately brought her to death's door again I think I'll just Battlefield medicine now let's just gonna bring it down again man that's tough yeah he's just going straight for that vestal man I wonder if I can just deal with that what if I can just lose her or just take a chance on losing her I'm gonna try it in a Triscuit take a chance take a single chance right now I'm losing her that's all I mean to say really because I'm gonna heal her after this term but I want to try to take this one gamble fine I got paid for it all right you got paid for it I don't know what I'm trying to say [ __ ] everybody that's what I'm trying to say everybody can suck my dick you want you want to clip this that's what you get to clip everybody suck my dick all right hold on I got to go all right that was the equivalent of you want to stand on 12 sir no it wasn't I had good odds that was the equivalent of dealer has dealer's showing six you have 18 would you like to stand yes I would oh I'm sorry dealer had 20 oops you [ __ ] [ __ ] would you do that for you sure look stupid something-something nothing can shake my ego today does my ego seem shaken to you I just told the entirety of hundreds of people to suck my dick suck my big old dick hundreds of you oh yeah my ego seems real hurt he's not looking good calm down bear this is just a game when you type that out and read it to yourself and then hit the enter button did that seem like an intelligent sentence especially because you mistyped bear ouch let's try to bring her to death's door actually it's just a game is such a weak mindset shut up if you don't get mad at it you've lost twice if you don't tell your entire chat to suck your dick after making a mistake you've already failed pack a slob thanks for the 7 months thanks for the resource Krishna's think thank you for the support amidst the abuse that's really what it's all about right how was it my turn oops my bad I thought I was gonna be able to prioritize that or to preserve that Bounty Hunter I mean he's not great shape either right now all things considered well never mind he's fine damn it alright well let me get at least one Xmas Jay thanks for the 15 months yeah no he just handed me that musketeer plus there's a ton of damage over time another cultists though quickly the time to deal with that you know he's hurt and still I think I might even stack one more I don't know what's the best move here um I think I might want to just stack more bleed on the hound master but I don't want to give up her mmm but she'll be fine let's go for him next I don't think I need to shuffle the Crusader he's honestly not that threatening he's going for zealous accusations which don't matter that much for me that's that's too slow to be impactful here he's definitely prioritizing that plague doctor now but I still I don't have to fix this yet ooh a shuffle might work out then I could clear a corpse let's do that let's try it out nice that was ideal holy [ __ ] that was good Wow well that's him I write dog hmm okay how do I get this hound master to zero before the bounty hunter turn that's the only question I have in my mind right now I got to try to go last with plague doctor I think I guess I just do this again I don't any of these players use holy Lance on Crusader that's when I'm wondering man like why do you really need that stress he'll move what is what is this doing for you you going for that virtue chance buff how many crusader turns do you have to just throw away on an inspiring cry [Music] so he's probably waiting for the ham master well no I guess he doesn't have a lot of choice in who he's waiting for right now but I don't know I guess I kind of feel like I got to do this right now we gotta help myself out a little bit - thankfully the days actually forced him - oh he doesn't have that uh no he does have a self heal okay he's got he's that he's got that ones what the heck did he do that or was that a trigger from the no did he do that [Music] why all the heal you can't use it in position one okay so that was desperation but even still that was like you might as well use a last attack if you know he's gonna die that's still just like that's a complete throwaway yeah I didn't realize he couldn't heal from there though I pulled this back a little bit didn't we sad doc oh it's always so terrible ain't havin to see that only hunter definitely seem strong yeah for sure so let's see the only way that he can try to deal a death blow is with the stab from the occultist she can obviously do so I think I still I'm just kind of forced to do this just to prevent the possibility is clearly gambling on it wasn't a good idea [Laughter] hmm rain of Sorrows I want to go for the occultist first I guess but not actually let's try to get the Crusader first let's find out a bad idea oh I got to keep in mind though am I gonna have an easy time bleeding him that's gonna be tough yeah maybe I should have just done rain of Sorrows exsanguinate still [ __ ] good there though you got a user exciting when anybody got it who's my bounty hunter to death's door okay well that's certainly scary that certainly sucks [Music] reveling I do here I guess I just try to get this guy killed because the uppercut like I don't think that's as effective as bringing the occultist of death's door right now he does get the chance to kill the plague doctor here unfortunately he might go for that yeah he's gonna go for the Bounty Hunter I'd do the same cuz I'm about to do this [ __ ] oops you should've aim for the head oh boy oh man oh I'd be a lot be a little peeved at that one I'd be a little upset about that one all right we're looking good now we're looking really really good I mean we got an abomination basically still at full strength here this is fantastic abomination got flageolet I'm sorry Jesus Christ bear you don't know anything about this hey man thanks for the host appreciate it a fellow mixer a flummoxed buffoon am i you think it based off my record online so far I have been struggling but this composition seems a little better alright so here's the thing he can't even actually target the plague doctor so as long as we keep our bounty on our off death's door I think we're fine welcome back dance number maybe for the five months welcome back we can even heal if we want to but I'm pretty sure I'm better off just going for the kill think of the visa thank you for all the support today bear hugs as well if you got him of course always love to see it preciate all the support yeah this one's this one's pretty much in the bag not a lot he can do with a solo through Seder he hid his stress checks at least he got that maybe we'll have an endless series of bark triggers that result in a heart attack chain reaction I shouldn't have said it out loud because now it's gonna happen I know it can't but it just I just felt like the powers that be wanted to do something dastardly there oh [ __ ] is that a win streak a trifling victory that a win streak now beat now be real with me chat by a show of bare yeas and Bearnaise or your global emote equivalent when I started yelling at all y'all that suck my dick what would you did you think I was gonna win the game give me a year nay did you think I was gonna win at that point about an even split a lot more confidence in it than I expected all right fair enough fair enough you still believed appreciate that other player wasn't that good it felt okay so it wasn't it wasn't confidence in me it was listen it was an expectation of failure on the other side understood thank you that makes sense you still suck there Thanks might be worth you checking checking out Musketeers skills as suspect aim shot has plus death level that just be the same as the árboles right Lee I don't know if I need that it feels like the bounty hunter as an executioner is pretty goddamn good the fact that finish him can hit three slots is nuts you know like I actually thought it could only hit the front two for a bit but it's not tough to get someone into the third spot usually nothing else it's an interesting banner I guess fitting of the name another bounty hunter alright this is a very familiar composition here huh almost a mirror match he swapped the flatulent for a Hellion which is probably quite a bit more damage now that I think about it yeah might be a problem but for us our priority is very clear that I want to start getting that back line and start maybe trying to kill that vest over surely is gonna be fine - damage over time right away that's gonna be five rounds right or no four rounds four rounds of blade expecting the the same in kind yep fair enough tit for tat a lot of bleed resistance over there so naturally they both you didn't get didn't get blood just of course of course not okay interesting is this a stress filled he put Cal trips on his bounty hunter that's not that idea maybe I'll start doing that this is actually oh my god 33 rounds I didn't realize it was that much what the hell that's wild good thing I have Battlefield medicine that's crazy man let's give this a try nice very long very small bleed yeah Battlefield medicine is a pretty hard counter to that though I'm gonna pop that on the plague doctor uh probably at the end of the next round okay Wow I think that's a one-time use skill no it's not it just days as Earth but damn that's that's that's pretty brutal I like uppercut very good okay so now unfortunately this is gonna be a big priority shift for me I need to start dealing with the issues he's presented here I don't have to heal yet this seems wise in fact I'm actually do this very rare instance in which I feel that might be warranted to try to address the possibility of him trying to kill the Bounty Hunter early on I really like that one now given the circumstances of things on day one I'm very glad he did that that is fantastic for me goodbye to that no more d-o-t for you we'll expect another attack in the bounty hunter at which point we'll hit him with a big heal from the vestal and then he'll be the last to act and we'll probably attack the Hellion since he is or since she's dazed it makes sense on the plate dr. maybe not don't do what are you doing dude what the hell is that no wrong I won't often just directly criticize a move by my opponent but that is objectively bad that is incorrect holy cow and we still get our finish him on the Hellion here that's that move gotten you flummoxed there win first criticized later fair enough it's still early I'm just saying man that is just that is not what you do with that character right there anxiety prime it's the 17 months know about this guy doesn't seem like he knows what he's doing very good I'll see too much man I know it's still early but these moves little bug this shirt away from the neck dish I'll have to describe that nor do I have a camera on me to actually provide the visual which would certainly be helpful in this moment I wonder how many opponents thought the same of you that's fair - all right well now here's the thing I really start to wonder if I can just kill this Hellion but he'll probably just he'll if I try to do that so I think applying more damage over it's better that vessels in trouble my best is in trouble will Hana to the caller there you go that's a good way to do it [Music] but I hate that word loud word cringe word cringe makes me cringe alright he's got his own counter to the d-o-t I appreciate it probably time for me to just try to knock her to death's door territory it kind of forces his hand I could go for a stun to actually it's not a bad idea take away his heal opportunity oh this is crazy good for me if I can actually get a punish to bring her to death's door now I could actually kill the Hellion this restore ended up being really good for me here too this is a really good idea I also just realized how strong that is I should probably get rid of it now that's a problem for sure breakthrough to tell her actually oh that's bad mmm one two three fall with me thanks very much for the subscription appreciate that friend good God that's because of the oh [ __ ] almost ran that time there Jesus Christ so I can still kill the Hellion thankfully before he actually gets the user that just saved me there yeah I guess I'm good just kidding he gets to go first that makes sense all right fair enough well I got to deal with the bleed now unfortunately I should probably start here on him then Pescados Hellion killer claimed another Hellion you were just waiting for that thank you to dependable furiously machst I'll have leads gotten a little better at least back down to just the normal stuff the poll might be good here nah he's got just got the melee skills I can pull the plague doctor and I think it's even worth it knock back No yeah it doesn't help at all I guess I just go for damage which is fine just try to kill the Vestal marina sorrows back there's pretty damn good to forces a heel I'm still in pretty good shape they both lost a character but that's not too bad plus a constant bleed on my flashlight might actually help me weeks I'd be more beneficial than anything all right so I think I go first now right I did now priority past I guess cuz I killed his character first that's fair okay if he doesn't heal here I'd be shocked that's that's a gamble do that is a risk it's a big [ __ ] risk looks like he's trying to stack the OT on the best amount that he knows I don't have a plague doctor anymore yeah I'm thinking that too actually cuz you're all I probably gonna go ahead and swap out collect bounty for cow chips now now that's seen it work against me it's pretty effective let's go with just a reign of Sorrows again I think and try to keep the vessel healed for the end oh nice that's fair Ken now I know it's not gonna be for everybody black folks are enjoying watching it though yeah that makes sense Brian it's probably well I'll end up doing because I don't ever use collect bounty like I never I don't think I've used it once in the last three fights it's all about finishing with this he's in ease and a little bit of desperation mode now you can see it I still got troubles of my own with this blight but I'm not in nearly as bad a shape as him I think I can just keep hitting the vestal with the Bounty Hunter that's probably fine in fact I might start hitting the bounty hunter with the Bounty Hunter and let's use a collect bounty just to make what I said a moot point no actually doesn't know this is the 2% Krita justement which I suppose is worth it collect bounty on the bounty hunter love it just had to do it had to do it once what does he do now almost certainly play grenade again he's the chose battling her first thought he's gonna attack my flashlight and give me an exam one eight what are you doing are you gonna do that again no certainly not right the buffoon is certainly flummoxed okay he just wanted to tit-for-tat again that's fair you know what heal up everybody heal up I shouldn't have healed up I should have healed her instead of everybody cuz I didn't want him to heal but it might actually still be good because I'd rather random sorrows than exsanguinate right now anyway oh that's huge for me refuses the he'll drop a Grissom thanks for the 16 months on the pile welcome on back in oh my god that is that is big-time big-time very determined to keep stacking this blight which I can't fault him much for it's probably one of the more effective things he could do right now I feel strongly I should continue to do this so I'm gonna do that especially because she didn't get she didn't get rid of the bleed before and we get a resolve check out that as well besides the blight on the vestal were an extremely good shape right now and I'll probably go ahead and keep just trading blows with the Bounty Hunter up front we've got complexity and intrigue going on in the back line here but the front line thugs are just beating the [ __ ] out of each other haha [Laughter] all right hmm it's a mark it's a tasty mark right there and then oh I can't hate her baggage I could if I uppercut it but that marks gonna go away after around so it's not worth it Oh God a nominal pittance from the baby masks Jessica knows I'm counting on it all right we missed but next one's gonna crit just cuz you did that for sure I think I need to just solo he'll the vestal history pretty much regardless of what he does oh all right fair enough and just a the RET counter on that blade I guess pretty much all I can do I've finally got the heel out they're all in collective or they're all in finishing range now I like the idea of going for a stun here [Music] nice nice alright don't have too much to worry about now and if he attacks the flageolet if I get extremely lucky and he attacks the Flies well he's not gonna do that okay oh I can punish and then kill the plague doctor I've got this yeah the problem oh no he can only hit the damn it no all right well she will be on death's door at least so I know that was perfect right yeah now that works great I knew genius completely planned from the beginning from the from the moment I stun that vessel I knew exactly what I was doing obviously although he's gonna do the exact same thing to my vessel come up here so it's gonna be a did the literally the same trade-off as last time [Laughter] now here's the thing though this position be real who's got the advantage I think we know I think we know who's in the better spot right now he has to Battlefield medicine he doesn't have a choice unless he wants to lose the plague doctor Agrabah stated three months on the pile thank you very much welcome I'm vacuum beds have you got them appreciated flagellants the raid boss yeah exactly darkest dungeon to stream win next week I'm just gonna decide to release it next week and I'm gonna play get hype but generous bestow yo Ken thanks for the $5 tip appreciate that glad to hear the series has been here like and appreciate that too I guess I just bring the plague doctor to death's door again right that seems fine is the way to go then he has to use plague doctor first again next turn when I can use just use my flatulent force next turn to set up the guaranteed kill so we're good this is pretty much a GG I don't even need to bring it acquisition one it just seems like a waste of attorney I just rain of sorrows and I could sit down oh that's not guaranteed though [ __ ] it's a 50/50 of course I failed it why the [ __ ] would I succeed at that why would I ever succeed it then still though he's he's looking and he's looking like he's in bad shape yeah I was just sitting on that game for years until one person in chat just asked me when I wanted to put it out so finally that's been dealt with [ __ ] it just make things a little easier I guess the days to actually helps out a little too oh wait now it doesn't really but whatever now at least I can make sure that I put him on death's door with the punish all right yeah I know he can't use Battlefield medicine from this spot never mind that's that's clearly what I should have done man if I had been paying attention no yeah that's that's what you do is you just miss your attack real quick okay see you later print did your best there we go pretty sure so now that's probably gonna be a dead bounty hunter for me which means it's flashing versus bounty hunter which might actually go his way wait do I get in - do I get in action first or does he just get to use the bounty on her next cuz I guess if I can do this then I can save him you think I think he'll move he's first he'll kill you next okay so this doesn't matter so I should just do this that's the case it's unfortunate that I put them in the back now because I've actually kind of hindered myself in the next two rounds yeah nothing I can do there yeah I can exsanguinated that's in this position dude just bleed resistance not that good yeah I might be in a bad way because of that specific thing oh no we're good we got it all right now it's almost impossible for him to win [Music] one must fall we got to use Azure that left he's got a massive bleed now he doesn't have any eels left oh no I'm dazed honestly this flageolet might be able to Andalite two people on his own at full health this wouldn't be one I think goes his way nine times out of ten exsanguinate has an additional death store chance probably not better just save it yeah the heal debuff sucks so I'll get less healing next time I use it but he doesn't have me on death's door yet so now I use my saying when they urge the very precipice unfortunately debuff but there's nothing I can do about that singular strike okay he'll get me on death's door again but I got him to 55% against my 95% so my odds are extremely high BLTs don't kill him this game-mode now okay you got exact damage for death store I guess my bleed would have brought me there anyway all right come on there we go good stuff all right that was it close James that was a good one I felt like I was winning the entire time so a little closer than I would have liked I suppose but glad we got it anyway jester damage buff more accuracy for the finale okay cool cool musketeer is supposedly different than the árboles you might want to keep that [Music] is that different it looks the same I'm pretty sure it's just a reskin hi babe you doing good morning trinket difference perhaps different debuffs and heal healing received oh the bandage cures bleed and this buffs healing received okay rallying is different to [Music] ranging shot illuminating flare [Music] interesting yeah some slight changes I guess yeah I like the bill we've got right now though I like I like that I'm winning I really want to stick with the one that I'm winning games with for at least a little bit I mean we're on a streak still right is that that's the third game in turn overall we won isn't it so [ __ ] that feels pretty good enjoying that ah man right yeah I saw your nice on your masters though I did forget to switch collect Valley - sorry I got distracted from the conversation cool gesture again no heels wow that's a risk all right so this guy clearly is going for just like quick kills it looks like ooh boy okay well let's try to kill this gesture wonderful shuffling his party would [ __ ] him up probably wouldn't it yeah let's try this shuffle is crusader oh wait no I have to do the back line on that that works oh [ __ ] hell come on but shuffle would be a little bit more effective than that I think shuffle actually may just imply that it only moves one space [Music] shuffles for one yet he has a wasting they started this is a shuffle party yeah that might just play into his favor so yeah I was probably a bit of a waste all right well now I know we start with the Lorena Sorrows lead resistance isn't too high on these guys Plus that riposte actually helps me because I can expect when ideally around the Hellion we may be able to like start a focusing we're depending on how it goes - stick thanks for the seven months welcome on back from the pile buddy and the Highwaymen that I like the highwayman I've seen almost always had been reposted Canon BDS sorry can be nice are can thank you put the tape and now for the subscription as well appreciate that but thank you thank you for all the support let's try this this has been a not great start for me [Music] but I will be able to deal some extra damage to the Hellion here with our Bali hammerhead maybe I'll just be able to like I said just prioritize her right away yeah and I remember finale - but he does have to be in the front position for him to be able to do that which now he is of course so we have to examinate first now different venom from being able to just get a kill outright oh [ __ ] there we go no problem so that's going to be she goes last actually kind of complicates matters for me probably makes it so I'm not really able to set up I don't know no hold on he's got a holy Lance well that Hellion is screwed hold on a second his formation is [ __ ] up right now and he can't finale worth a damn cuz that thing's not buffed at all if he tries to finale right now it's not gonna get a kill I could also heal again hmm Oh hold on no ya finale does get buffing solo that's right I should just go ahead do this actually I'm gonna take a little damage from this but it's okay ah I clicked the damn thing the moment after it said pass I swear to God I did that sucks honestly maybe that saves me from the damage I would have taken on the plague doctor is he gonna do an honorable pass back now I think I might do this try to kill him we gonna do here doulas advance can hit the third spot pistol shot as well it's actually fine for me because I'll just heal her anyway I was going to do the same thing no matter what I was a great heel all right why the first action or does he I think he does know I do so I'm fine I think I get to kill the Jester here nice okay that's really good you see it takes away most of his threats his biggest threat at least let's see I've really want to play Grenada game but that's clearly not a great idea I could judgment I guess to get her to death's door sure [Music] networks teetering on the brink facing the abyss and I really just want to like and I really wish both of my skills that hit the back line weren't AoE is that's really [ __ ] with me right now maybe that's something he built against but I can very safely reign of Sorrows the back line and not worry about the repost that'll probably be what I end up doing hopefully that's not death's door it is okay it's your breakthrough feedback there she can okay I think I just healer now they'll both be on death's door this is interesting doesn't only have a finisher those lips I guess the Hellion but I'm gonna kill the hell yeah oh you don't know she do is a reclaim for sure portion now that was a bad idea I know I guess well both there's an argument for either because I can like he's gonna get the first action here because I'm so sick of losing characters the first deathblow chance that sucks I should have done rain of Sorrows they're clearly full dodge broke man okay [Music] Wow dude what [Music] oh my god well let's see if I get lucky hey cool okay it can happen to anybody welcome to the bear by MLG Hanzo Nova thanks for the tier 1 sub buddy bear hugs to you appreciate it and is the right move for sure nice perched at the very precipice of oblivion Tokyo for my Vestal thanks pal start to stack up the bleeds if I can I gotta remember he does he does have resistance to that I should probably try to stun him that's probably my best bet he doesn't have heels and I do though so maybe we can just outlast him if I play this right like if I just feel for whatever damage he deals to me he'll I can just judge man ok cool nevermind [ __ ] me [ __ ] me right in the bud that's what I deserve [Music] you gotta keep in mind that's deep buffed they just heal bucket [ __ ] it keep them off death's door they don't have any damage over time got a way to examinate again until that debuff is removed pretty sure that'll be better for me I just got to really hope that some of these bleeds land which is probably not going to happen I may still be able to just do the judgments here considering oh my god weights the slightest laughs she's just gonna heal up who used to that's funny I can see it already the script is written where I used annex a grenade on the highwayman he dodges reposts and insta kills me so let's not allow that to happen I guess I'm just gonna go ahead and heal them up [ __ ] it that seems fine man it would be funny I guess that's true I just got to assume that this punish'd lead is not gonna land which is tough but I think that's still my best play even still even still man as soon as these corpses are gone I'm gonna have a problem here where I'm only able to group heal you do that yet so let's take advantage of this while I can I guess I feel like I've lost based on the last few rounds the way things have proceeded I feel like I've lost stun yep all right there go the corpses yep okay I'm in trouble there's a mortality debuff when you leave that store yeah that's still there [Music] I was convenient dude [ __ ] it it's the better play I think does that bleed will eventually put me in a position where I can kill him [Music] right just try to stun maybe I talked about doing that before because the stun will remove the riposte if it's successful but if I'm if I don't get it she dies obviously [Music] this is probably the play because this at least affords me the opportunity to kill the highwayman with the flatulent next he's gonna point-blank [Music] house to a killing blow okay go for it and injury and despondence the stage for heroism yeah healer can't do anything from this spot so we're clearly [ __ ] from that it's another convenient look for us all right hey cool all right so she'll probably move back next turn and then he'll get a chance to kill her but her deathblow resistance is still pretty high that's that's smart nice that's good for us okay and thankfully he doesn't have a way to shuffle my party anymore all right here comes crossing fingers are on Jesus come on oh nice we're in there we're in there baby she's got stun resistance by the way so I did build against that I think I think we win yeah we're pretty much it's gonna take a while but I don't know if there's a way he can pull this back he's doing the right thing oh that might be it if he gets this done I'll thank goodness okay yet again the stun resistance paves the way to success very good yeah he can still kill me if he gets the stun and then lands the smite death blow that's he can still get it I should probably try to stun him yeah the thing is I don't know if I can really afford to when he keeps bringing me down to death's door I think I'd much rather get the get the heal off I could regen actually you know what that's not a bad idea is trying to get the regen going yeah I should probably do that yeah in fact I think that more or less guarantees the win it's gonna take a long ass time for me to get this Killa either way he's just so [ __ ] peepee he's got the protection trinkets to like oh he's just so [ __ ] hard to kill with the bleed resistance and everything all right so he's kind of given up here yeah we get a very simple formula for success now in fact at this point I think I start doing this yep let's just go for now I don't even need another regen I totally don't we can just punish from here on out we're good Oh resolve check - yeah we're in the clear man I'm pretty surprised we ended up getting this but getting this win this went pretty well after that not-so-great start so we're probably not gonna stun him again this turn so we might as well just go for this must people live it had to be a little upset actually managed to land up leave there too there it is there he goes there he goes GG that's fair broken oh shoot is this a glitch does it black screen sometimes out nevermind we're good yeah baby novice Tier one crushing it I'm a God top of the novices best of the newbies we've done it you've done it that's four wins in a row holy [ __ ] that's a bit of a change of pace huh look at this from the depths to the pinnacle of sips of success from Owen five two four and five so not even actually technically in 500 yet but still quite a bit better let's do it oh crap hold on thank you thank you for the reminder I got to change a couple things real quick do that and then someone was mentioning they don't really feel like this matters but well actually you know what you kind of write the ten dodge at death's door is just sort of not really a factor this isn't that good either I might even change out all of his skills to just add more bleed chance stressed elvers bleeding targets yeah you know this is a better right now you're right you were right all right good stuff let's go I don't know I don't even know if that guy's here anymore but maybe you'll watch the VOD and be vindicated I'm ready man let's do it currently had a 100% win rate with one two no you gotta quit now man you gotta just retire on top I think that's the only solution Sally Magoo's II I love that name welcome to the circus Sally welcome to the [ __ ] show a little bit of healing on that team this time a shield breaker makes a rare appearance and Baird's half he goes first okay we're gonna have some trouble blighting this plague doctor of course does that break through doesn't look like the yeah this is kind of like an anti shuffle team so we're probably not gonna be dealing with a lot above oh my god I didn't realize you has to be in the second slot for that whoops well let's do this this at least enables me to stack on plague or blight damage to people that are more vulnerable to it right now maybe he'll shuffle me around somehow who knows I'll just play under the assumption that I forgot to change the skill again how about that then I'll and I'll feel like I'm not suffering as a result I thought it would be shielded and help first I was kind of expecting that that blights not too bad got a little bit of light too for you buddy start stacking that on the highway man before he activates never post it's probably a good idea this plague doctors completely screwed already by the way that impale was probably not a good idea huh huh I might do a group heal right now it's a little greedy she's got no blight resistance oh my god now let's do this again before his highwayman activates as riposte although unfortunately I didn't actually land it on him I could still do a group heal here it would be pretty good yeah I might just do that pretty much just negate everything he did it on his turn but better yet like a stun on the Hellion and that way I can make the Bounty Hunter's move a lot more effective oh he doesn't even have duels advance I didn't even I thought you meant but he hadn't activated it yet oh my god that's wild oh she's got okay well you know I felt like a good idea and still seems like a good idea so good enough yeah let's do with that duelist advance is a very interesting decision thank you very much okay I have a marked plague doctor in no collect bounty god damn it but I do have a dazed Hellion and I should probably Oh what am i doing I should have used in last shoot I'm making some poor choices I could have gotten a kill on this turn it would have been it would have been unlikely would have been pretty goddamn unlikely in fact actually no I don't know if I could have I don't think I have the damage now probably not thank you jack allows very happy with it very pleased with that safely doing a play grenade again nice punished plus incision might have gotten you there but the base damage I'm punished is so low though she was that like near full health that would have been that would have been pretty lucky I think to get that much out of ever all right we can go for the rain of Sorrows again but these front liners are so weak already I almost feel inclined to keep going for him I can even go for another stun here it's done the plague doctor now it's done this one and then with that damage over okay let's kill her let's kill her next turn for sure try to get numbers early with a punish on that we'll be able to get that damage no problem okay it's not too bad whoa Oh bring her to one again no man that's a heartbreaker that's a ton of d-o-t that more or less guarantees a battlefield Medicine coming from a plague doctor on to the shield breaker next turn I don't know what the hell he's gonna plan on doing here what's going all-in on the damage on somebody probably the best legacy the plague doctor okay that's that's real stupid I can completely negate that I think I might [Music] I think I might do that we alternatively I can just go punish Oh sanguine a there we go all right so both of these two I'm spreading the damage but I have a strategy I promise I think this is gonna work I promise that I think this is gonna work I think that by spreading that this way then you just pick the shield breaker to go first I'm sorry what okay bye okay yeah [Laughter] praise well fair enough profesor yours do click another log of life how perfect I was just singing this thing's praises yeah well there we go I made a couple of bad decisions there man I didn't feel like that was so one-sided until it was alright five in a row let's keep going admittedly we haven't been facing the most difficult of opponents but I'll take it I'll take a five game win streak oh goodness I forgot again though god damn it man all right it's only gonna take six instances of forgetting it for me to finally remember to do it properly I promise that's all it's going to take oh yeah this looks familiar another leper build heavy blight resistance in the back he gave him the rancid cure-all all right because we're not going that direction it can be bled but that's not actually extremely likely either a stun start with a stun see how that goes they try to kill the leper oh wait a minute hold on I got I'm dumb wow he's got the [ __ ] okay noted okay fair was trading bad plays between each other I think I should still go for the d-o-t I'm a little puzzled about how to best approach this oh you know what I definitely need to do is an uppercut I didn't even think about it he doesn't have a holy Lance either holy crap I just beat the piss out of his front line just punch him in the face over and over he's got move resistance on the leper but the Crusader can get knocked back all day he can do the same to you with the lepor yeah but then honestly you might help me because if he knocks back my bounty hunter then I'll be able to use his Cal trips yeah no one uses holy Lance man is wild all right you did exactly that Wow I guess I'll use Cal trips sure bucket who say to resist it that's expected though Lake doctors got to move back is that a one-time-use thing or can TV and I can do that forever can see ya they can purge all day that actually might be enough of an issue for me to [ __ ] me up completely if he just keeps knocking back the frontliner be a bad bad situation for me let's see what do we do here I have my bounty hunter up front I try to knock back the leper and now not but not the leper I guess but the oh here's what I can do I'm hit yeah look at you chat you're all so smart [Music] that's probably the way to go [Music] yep can I force the hand there I need to do a little bit of movement myself unfortunately I really don't feel comfortable leaving him there but I'm probably gonna get shuffled up a little bit more here too so can I do let's try this oh [ __ ] well no this might work still to get the are you [ __ ] kidding me Gigi you're welcome buddy good stuff yeah so that completely [ __ ] me up Wow thankfully you can move forward mr. Bukharian thanks for 33 months on the pile appreciate that friend well c'mon back in fun yeah purge seems pretty good kind of feels like he built around it to almost all right let's see Pilate Ito thank you very much appreciate that always appreciate the bits I feel like I should try to stun oh my god man Wow [Music] see if dodge we had that store the hell is that he'll completely unnecessary heeey I'm just gonna do this to prevent his purge hopefully the hell can we even do here I gotta get the bounty hunter back up I can't about my bounty hunter in play I am severely crippled huh fat man random Wayne laughter maybe he'll a little here the heel whole squad sure I guess but I like the diversity in this this opponent has a plague doctors who are VLT approaches kind of countered his purge will be useless against the shuttle cop feels like we're it might not be a single medic composition I completely agree at least in the early stages here it's been really great not to see just like a single meta that has been established as like just the best team the best team you know early on here we're seeing a whole bunch of variation in the way people are playing and it's awesome I love it he's super into it that sucks they don't even have dodge buffs there at 5:00 dodge it's ridiculous oh thank you oh wait no that's not the shuffle what I thought it was my shovel oh it would have been if he hadn't resisted it [ __ ] yeah would have been so good all right this still feels like a good idea I actually still think that's my best play my best play with the Bounty Hunter even though I still want to moving forward does that really flex him up and they still have the Caltrans bleed so the longer this goes the better it is for me it's gonna mace bash okay that's an interesting call let's see and you can start targeting the healer now but he might actually deal more damage to the flatulent and provide us an examination opportunity let's do that that seems smart [Music] yeah I could use the turn with the vestal to move the Bounty Hunter back and play that's an option I do only have to get him into spot 3 so he did indeed get the flatulent down he can't actually target the plague doctor with anything right now disorienting blast deals no damage so I think I'm safe to do this and then we'll see what I want to do next she's in bad shape I think it may actually be worth it for me to move her instead of healing here because we act first next turn I can still heal okay that changes things will just heal to heal and response that's fine just lost my tan win streak Oh enemy first deathblow two times and nineteen critter coast with boots bans Wow damn you know hurts well the lepers in the third spot wait a minute what did he just move of what what did he do alright I'm gonna do this now if that's all right that seems like the time to do that we just handed me an opportunity no world dude oh my god I got no justification flummoxed indeed I'm not gonna be able to flight here what I'm anyway never mind I'm a god apparently okay cool I should still have gone for the vessel with her but I just got super greedy there the incision was definitely the better play but I'm hoping that the punish from the okay that might be a problem yeah that's a problem [ __ ] I could just keep healing though can also stun his leper which is brutal for him I'll never mind I'm so stupid I'm incredibly dumb I've just got to nevermind I'm a god I'm the best darkest dungeon player of all time incredible highly flummoxed I'd be screaming a little vote guy that's pretty upsetting yeah it shouldn't be happening all right well now we know where we got a prioritize holy hell oh that's just I didn't even need that one that's just not fair that's just mean Jesus Christ okay well I can't do it with the bounty hunter but I do feel pretty strongly I should try to get a kill out of this so we'll go for this one fair enough they're enough give him that leper around a spot one really [ __ ] up his entire team yeah like his cycling a purge was gonna be terrifying but as soon as we [ __ ] that up for him we got into a pretty good situation all right so we can still make this a position where he is unable to bring the vestal back off of death's door in fact I think we just did that no no he's got one more heal which will probably take now I guess to prevent another deaths door check Reaper 16 months on the pile now you know actually that's not a terrible idea now that I think about it because he still got his oh I should try to stun the best offer there we go now we get a guaranteed kill because he doesn't have a heel on the Crusader right yeah there we go he likes moving yeah he's dead I don't know man that's been like three or four moves on his end through this fight but she's had to move this at some points but okay that's a little concerning let's see I more or less have a guaranteed kill whereas his is a percentage chance so that's probably the play in fact that's almost certainly the play it's got a chance it I can't expect the hue from him yep alright fair enough snow place kind of [ __ ] but whatever he let's go I don't have a lot of bleed resistance I could probably do that it's clearing the corpse help me I think this is a good idea unless it shoves them forward it didn't shuffle them at all dammit oh I keep forgetting oh my god the third time in this fight ouch goodness I got I didn't get punished see that's the problem I didn't get punished for it last time so I didn't I didn't retain the information that was not smart that was a not smart move yet again all right he can bleed though they hit him good lord hey chill okay from becoming gone Wow okay I heal him for 19 he'll still be able to examinate I think if I do this yeah yeah he'll be just below the threshold I think that's probably better so I don't have to deal with him on death's door twice in a row if you don't heal Oh Oh No Oh God Oh crash the app hard crash oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] well damn it bummer reboot yeah the PvP has seen a lot of crashing issues unfortunately a lot of people have been reporting that problem I'm hoping there's a patch soon we'll call that open right you know ruin that's fair that's totally reasonable calculated w okay let's hop back into it let me give one more I'm give this line up one more go and then I think I feel a little jerk a little spice is probably in order this might actually even be the last run of the day so I gotta go eat - quite possible I might possible I play again later today though oh yeah moving the Bounty Hunter is for losers I'm all about keeping the bounty on her in the front slot to bait the enemy into moving and back forming cuz I mean you kept your 50% win rate I don't know what it counts that is I honestly don't know it might count that as a loss for both players very interesting composition I like it let's see some bellow for sure yet there it is ran parties got Ulster as well this Hallion will be very unhappy if it's not able to stay up front though oops okay okay okay Oh No ouch that hurts what am I gonna do hmm let's start with a lead stack in the back line seems pretty good never mind don't want to talking about no I thought that would work don't know what I was thinking this guy doesn't have a username it's kind of weird it oh yeah here comes some more dodge - all right little [ __ ] oh Jesus I don't think it's an AI I think it's a person it's a Dodge comp isn't it oh my god it's a [ __ ] Dodge comp he's looking to just make me miss everything that's hilarious yeah the AI takes their turn instantly so it wouldn't be a I'd be a damn shame if your helling I got knocked back again one that oh no that's a problem that's now that's just infuriating Jesus ah that skill is just no no man this doesn't seem like it's working very well right now there we go dude good [ __ ] starting it off he doesn't have his Battlefield medicine anymore this turn either so he has to take at least one croc he's trying to get the achievement for beating someone without dealing any damage other than stress that's an achievement oh [ __ ] that's cool he does have the Hellion with the Yabba equipped so that makes sense a lot more difficult for her to get that damage out if she's in the fourth spot though and makes sense we got a counter to that damn we has 70% stun resist okay probably gonna run into a plate doctor check soon it's fine if I stack them light on somebody else to either she's already got enough VLT okay looks pretty good and if he moves that Hallion up front he's just putting her in harm's way it's closer to a bounty hunter kill on her all right can we potentially cause that to happen earlier than initially planned I think I go ahead and use her now considering they might stress her out and create some issues with being able to use her properly in the future turns that is quite a bit of light he's probably gonna have to do a battlefield medicine soon sadly for him he can't actually do that from that spot it's the regen there sure get some more DLT we know the man-at-arms is fine too [Music] all right there's one resolve check oh damn that sucks tell you well let's in with the cow trips or maybe I should move him forward ass bucket let's do it count trips time hell yeah dude that was great very good antiquarians looking real grim here that hellions in bad shape - and the men-at-arms is taking a ton of do to you hmm I could try to stun her again damn I think it was worth a go judgment wouldn't have been too much more damage anyway you can still get good virtue checks but you can't get them without a buffing the virtue chance with the Crusader or a different class or be using trinkets because the base level check chance is 0% alright so here I'm pretty certain I just want to try to kill the Hellion so first of all we got to do this setup for the incision from the unknown and I'll play doctor ask that last [ __ ] and forgot I don't know if I can get the damage then [ __ ] it kind of sucks new every time oh my god baru got a virtue with no trinkets to boost how is it 1% oh man that's crazy Abbi that'd be wild to get that I could be a game-changer man all right that's smart he's wasting turns though I still want to keep bounty hunter available if I can what should I do not going to stun him I could stun the plague doctor goddammit man that sucks and now the true test fast works buyer more vapors the bleed I think is out damaging the keel so that's good for now I think I'm gonna pull the antiquarian forward in for some move that does trigger death story as well could have actually gotten a kill with that dope actually the play dr2 go for the kill now too that is a strange decision very greedy so hmm [Music] let's just do it Mario's disadvantage don't think too hard [Music] see there we go we're looking good and the only option she's got from here is if it bleeds she's got a move got a moving forward that knocked back on the Hellion immediately screwed him over okay so if we can stun the man-at-arms here we'd be good but I don't think that's actually an option what is our best play probably to keep bleeding the hmm I guess it's just to try to kill the man in arms and the d-o-t is working really well for that although he'll probably go with the better yeah I'll probably take Battlefield medicine first this turn so yeah I think I actually have to target the plague doctor next or he'll just keep landing gassing because he's just desperately going for this dress play sure that's an option all right so if I incise him that might actually get us to the point where once that once this man-at-arms takes his turn wait is that gonna be enough 1010 now that's not quite there resist with the bleed anyway judgment plus that stuff might have been enough to fight actually landed the bleed so I think that was the right decision no matter what but now I think what I might actually do is just go for the stun again and then I can hopefully get a kill on the Hellion I think that's the right idea didn't get it all right still I still think I'm making the right decisions here over the restore left okay he's just all in on the stress at this point which I don't really blame them too much like that's kind of just the only thing he's got available left to try to do so I guess I could just damage isn't even worth it let's do this [ __ ] Christ damn it man so what am I actually do here you gotta get rid of this guard he's probably gonna do it again which means we just punished it really wanted to try to get a stunt he's really starting to stack this up man we gonna have 150 on the plate augers a problem it's all checks across the board it's still up I think I punished [Music] I think I punished here yeah hey dark wolf glad to have you back resist at the bleed again god damn it man like if I can I can just get a hit get a bleed really that'll be better - I think I'll have the damage oh my god man there they are all right because minus 60% damage - this is crazy even the agent right yeah this is where its strategy actually starts to work she's at minus 40 percent herself two to three per head hit chance six percent Jesus Christ man no wonder she's missing everything good lord the heel doesn't even matter well that was lucky holy [ __ ] that was lucky wow thank you please let me go please let me take my turn [Music] goodbye oh man alright a stroke of luck it's an accuracy killing build yeah it's really interesting accuracy he ruins our accuracy and adds dodge to his party with his composition it's pretty wild there's a heart attack that's fine he stuns them is everything matter too much let's see I just go ahead and healer as it doesn't matter how much I kill her for you do [Music] all right it's still just slowly whittling away at this guy that's all we've got I suppose so let's keep doing it oh my lord ah 57 Jesus Christ huh come here come ere you you don't get to sit back there anymore the heart attack in the days Wow teetering on the brink facing the abyss right [Music] [Laughter] ah goddammit oh I think that was an automatic choice [ __ ] okay reveling it sure does sure [ __ ] does mclamb i doing well so we got to do now that was good the very precipice all right play doctors got a chance 79 percent deathblow resistance quite unlikely Oh fine no yeah never mind I don't get to take a turn at all to pass turns out of those resolves Jesus thankfully he can't actually heal but he'll probably go for the kill I was expecting it to die I really wasn't well I guess it is dead yeah damn it we miss him all right I think we're gonna be okay I think we're gonna be all right who [Music] you did it that was a cool enemy composition though I applaud this mysterious enemies decision-making it was a unique the unique fight there right Gigi it isn't unique you're just deciding that for me that it's not unique to me okay sorry my bad I didn't I didn't realize I didn't understand what was unique to me CJ he's done as Victory's mountain so too will resistance that was a much better day Hodge Wow apprentice a new league a new crop of Craven adversaries incredible just incredible he can't be stopped the rotting trophy yeah you just caught me on the tail end unfortunately Lycos just wrapping up here good solid three hours or so but your circus fun he'll the composition there huh now is good stuff look at this look at the wind streak man holy cow one two three four five six my goodness my goodness feels good okay well five I guess technically since the disconnect doesn't really count but yeah I'm gonna get myself six anyway just to feel better ego boost let us see the lose streak now now you don't get to watch my shame anymore that's done it's all about success now
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 51,209
Rating: 4.811049 out of 5
Keywords: darkest dungeon the butchers circus, baer plays darkest dungeon the butchers circus, baer plays the butchers circus, butchers circus
Id: 4dGtmAy6hrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 8sec (9608 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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