Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: Black Reliquary (Ep. 2)

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hi everybody welcome back to black reliquary we're here on day two about to embark in what i believe is our fourth uh expedition into the catacombs we're taking in a vestal finally having acquired our very first one of the run and uh team's looking pretty good oh you know we actually do need to set up the trinket still on these guys let's go ahead and set that up real quick too we've got our apprentice flagellant near miss who will probably go ahead and give well we don't want to give you bleed resist that doesn't really make a lot of sense i like giving you speed actually although i also like giving the vestal speed i actually really like the idea of giving the vestal both the bag of marbles and that other one that was the speedstone right yeah we'll just make the vestal extremely fast we've got our antiquarian for the very first time who's got a nice unique move to black reliquary scavenging the corpses for an additional one to two minor antiques per corpse which is pretty dope uh like you know worry stone seems okay on the antiquarian i suppose and let's give you yeah why not no stress nothing to worry about the shield breaker can't quite decide i suppose damage and crit is pretty good for you works for me and then finally with our flagellant give you a little accuracy i'm not gonna sweat the uh [Music] i'm gonna sweat the trinkets too much i think in the early game here i wouldn't mind actually getting this guy leveled up a little faster so we can get him involved in some of these higher level uh missions but anyway there we go flatulent right there we go hilarious what mods besides the main one are you running we are running only three mods i believe i'm pretty sure we're only doing three we're doing black reliquary we're doing the nlss character reskin mod and then we're also i'm pretty sure doing the bear pile uh flesh reskin but i'm also kind of wondering how that's going to work in this game because i know or in this mod because i'm not sure if the uh in koit flesh or whatever it's called is actually still an enemy but we'll find out [Music] okay ah let's go with so we've been provisioning fairly well i think so far i don't want to necessarily adjust things too much but i also really want to try to experiment a little bit more with the uh curios to see what kind of interactions we can figure out so let's probably take a few more of the uh things that i've already got namely like the cleansing salts the archaeology kit i suppose i could try on a few things um i don't want to bring too much though i really want to try to leave more room especially with an antiquarian in the team i want to try to leave some space for some extra goodies that way so let's just do this i guess it's probably good i think that's about all i need i got two shovels i've got 16 food i kind of want to bring a little more food but you know what let's do it let's bring a ton this time let's just let's over prepare with the food and see how i feel about that i haven't done that yet and that could be a could be a pretty helpful maneuver especially with this much uh gold this early on i don't necessarily mind going that route all right i think we're ready let's do it it's always a little daunting to click that embark button isn't it the darkest dungeon players know that feeling well like have i prepared enough am i really ready sometimes you just gotta hit that button man that is much to be gleaned from these age-old workshops establishing routes through this area can do all right tab button man these maps have been real nice to me right cool careful of the traps i guess the shield breaker will probably have the best chance with that oh boy okay that is a uh that's a heck of a start goodness let's see nobody's stealth of course here what are my odds simply landing something like adder's kiss pretty pathetic okay so we're almost certainly gonna have to start most of these fights with an expose from the shield breaker which is not bad honestly is not bad lowering the dodge on that guy is pretty good i go with a protect me on the antiquarian here i like punish as well although that's unfortunately a pretty low chance to hit too what can we do with the flagellant in the prep round i got to think about that kind of stuff because i want to just be wasting this turn completely that seems like a bad idea i suppose i could add yeah you know this actually isn't a bad play but then again he can't heal anything yet so i suppose i can't do it quasimofo look for the 50 you're sorry 34 months on the pile don't need to diminish your contribution or anything appreciate the reset welcome on back in early on so yeah you get to catch the very beginning here the very first fight of the day here nice wow that was extremely low odds that was nice so she's not actually any more vulnerable than normal here i suppose i could probably just go ahead and try a festering vapors but i also don't mind starting with a protect me and now that i think about it actually the combination of the protect me with the flagellum is gonna work really really well i mean i totally had that plan from the very beginning of the run i'm a genius i'm very smart i'm very good at this game everyone knows yeah no that works let's see so now she can actually get some damage done she's gonna be moving around a lot but i don't think that mine's there i don't think that matters too much with the flagellum either because i'm very very good at building teams oh [ __ ] that's fine no big deal he's got some vulnerability to blight and bleed i think we go ahead and keep trying to stack the damage over time on this guy obviously all three of these guys are threats but we actually have a healer in the squad this time for once so i'm kind of not worried about it which feels really nice all right yeah you got stone resistance i didn't think about that uh let's keep hitting you nice yeah this is great this is very exciting oh you got to be is like one hp above 40 percent isn't it god damn it it's just instinct right yeah no i'm not even trying to do it the build just happens for me go it's aquarium i haven't even gotten to scavenge yet okay there we go now we got our big big boy moves happening now right okay that's that's scary i don't like that that probably means he's going for the big boom next turn no that's bad okay that's not so bad that could have been worse uh i don't want to heal let's go for the stun i guess oh he's got a lot of resistance i suppose i better just go for the damage unless wait what the heck this doesn't all this doesn't deal damage anymore oh interesting this also ignores the protection or the uh prep rounds accuracy reduction i just realized okay okay that's interesting i gotta pay attention to that so i guess we try to stun then even though that's a very low chance the darkness will not impede us that's not too bad all right so now we're going for the big boy plays which unfortunately is still probably not enough unless the bleed lands to be able to take this guy down even with the bleed it's going to be just short i think yeah 10 more h 10 more damage come on now there we go that's the stuff oh that's gonna that's not going to leave a corpse though i got to think about that with the antiquarian crap okay um ah whatever i'd rather i'm just dead or just be dead so let's just do this again i gotta keep that in mind though for future fights because i want to try to make sure i get as many of the uh as many of those antiquities as possible smack here we go that's been working just fine this team seems good so strange wanting to leave a corpse in darkest dungeon right yeah i'm kind of glad that they uh built something around that though wow okay yeah i forget you can just one shot people that's uh that's fun okay yeah no i got we better kill these things first next time i guess hey we get a corpse great oh it's going to bleed out [ __ ] [Laughter] oh focus the dancer yeah no we'll i'm gonna try to remember that boom there we go big damage uh that might be enough i think i might actually lose my chance to get the antiquarian though well whatever no big deal god damn we've already run out of space [Music] there we go we'll just buffer oh okay so that's just to add the trap disarm chance if you just use it right i remember that okay well that was a lot of stress that was pretty bad oh well here we go yeah i suppose you're not wrong about that jake it's maybe a little premature to be worrying about the relics anyway although the relics do stack up to like 20 or something like that if i recall correctly the antiques do so we're kind of okay to get as many as we want early on i remember to use my torches here too although we've got a oh i gotta remember my judgment move i think i want to keep it actually i don't want it i don't want to switch it out all right let's try a couple of things on this cleansing salt oh that's probably gonna be a bad effect let's try it though oh cool oh nice i should have done that on you i should have thought about that well i guess i didn't want to do it if it was gonna be a bad thing with her so yeah that's very good to know though that is an excellent discovery good science right there i'll keep you on the watch here uh this we i don't think we've really tried a lot with this let's try the archaeology kit with this thing that works nice that's fantastic okay um i'm just gonna use that take those and then oh boy um already yeah this is gonna be a problem i think i'm just going to go ahead and swap this for that now i think actually i'd prefer to have the resources over just the gold right now it seems wise to me okay foliage none of it will slow us indeed off we go hit the torch i've always appreciated the fact that you can choose to do the torch at any given moment as your characters are entering the doorway like that doesn't like cut off your ability to interact with that item it's a very small thing but i've always appreciated that about this game some abandoned levantine equipment try to key on that the torch wait why does this say it's a good thing didn't that burn the supplies last time i swear to god that burned the supplies that's not a good thing all right the antiquarian yeah i gotta remember to interact with this the stuff with the antiquarian too they were well supplied is that a bad thing symbol that looks like a good thing simpleness i question the design there and a good point though completely forgot about the uh antiquarian's interaction with stuff i got a key for that right here we go nice all right doing really well so far now i'm pretty certain i keep saying this but i i keep not bringing the item either but i feel like there was one thing in the provisions that was amber related i could have sworn i'll try the cleansing salts this time i didn't do anything okay um just go with the archaeology kit sure yo nice oh baby and a rare antique cool okay there we go let's do that and then uh let's go with hmm get rid of the cleansing salt now that's probably fine so we're going to get a lot more of those rare antiques for sure so i'll just use that too i guess it's probably not a bad idea you go like this can you use that apparently not all right no we're good what's that stone slab containing darkvart's knowledge uh don't torch it wait no torch was oh that was that didn't work right um i don't think bandage would work but i kind of want to try it no okay yeah [ __ ] anti-venom too nope logical a shovel oh yeah that might have been fun that might have been an interesting interaction it's almost time to camp out despite the fact that we've obviously not got a lot of health or stress benefit from that right now just to make more room for stuff but ooh that's really good nice okay no enemies around that's fantastic this might be a fight in here though okay well actually i think it scattered that didn't it all right let's go here just because things are going so smoothly so far and i could just camp out in the room that we just came from it's our first hunger trigger i've already burned through quite a few of the torches it's crazy but thankfully we still got the campfires for additional torchlight all right this is fun this is fine this isn't too bad nice let's go for [Music] that i like that as a starting move i also like this as a starting move and i like the expose we probably target you first considering how scary that uh oh expiated i didn't even see that from the judgment oh that's cool okay i like that i like that a lot uh this is probably good yeah good enough let's go for the big heel not bad that is a oh that's right okay was that a different narrator was that a girl i could have sworn huh that was weird i'm gonna listen again that said weakened i could have sworn it was uh maybe i'm just hearing things all right let's see how much damage can we do matters kiss is always a big hit appears to be quite a bit too kind of like focusing that guy but this is a big bit of damage here oh no it totally said weakened in a female-ish voice yeah i heard it maybe they'll do it again non-binary ink i think for the 38 months on the pile welcome on back in that was fast okay [ __ ] all righty yeah it's not too bad the horror is thankfully pretty insignificant that's the stun chance here not bad we probably go for that wouldn't mind a group heal either but i wouldn't i also wouldn't mind getting to the uh flatulence buffed state quicker so we'll just go for that i think this is working well able100 five months on the power welcome on back into you as well appreciate it bear hugs if you got them thank you for the support thank you for the subs and the resubscriptions god dang it come on now i suppose i don't mind stacking on more d.o.t here that'll do yeah that's again those are unfortunately now the moves that worry me the most because it feels like a jrpg boss taking the prep turn before the big move turn i don't want to deal with that i'd rather not he's bleeding though pretty bad i just haven't been able to take any corpses out of this man which sucks this guy's not gonna get be a corpse either okay so we got two build up turns in a row thankfully that's certainly good for us i think i'd still like to do this just to avoid the antiquarian getting popped by something oh boy ah it's not that bad that's acceptable all right he's already dead oh wait no he's not but i kind of want to wait until after all of his uh d.o.t ticks and then we can kill him with a nice then we can kill him with a uh big damage move and actually have a corpse on the field it feels better oh come on move order damn it uh i guess this well [ __ ] i'm getting punished pretty bad here comes a hit for five no jesus well here goes the that's the punishment so much for the corpse [Laughter] what game are you playing bear do you remember you remember what what this game's called it's called darkest dungeon you remember what happens in darkest dungeon things don't go your way all right you remember you remember now it's good an adequate performance for now keep it up uh thanks i guess all right back to it bear taffy's having a wonderful day plenty of darkness heading my way how many corpses will we see today alone we will die together we will rise we need to get that stress down feeler lady feller that is fearful ah sanctuary my old friend hmm ah this is quite good actually big effect very nice let's see i also like the new vo quite a bit oh wow that's crazy i kind of want to equip yeah let's do this i'm going to swap reclaim for oh i have to do that at camp don't i i gotta swap reclaim for the stress reduction ability on the uh flagellant though to allow the shield breaker to reduce stress that way that'll be good produce a disease kit sure why not [ __ ] it and then you produce a random trinket okay thanks all right uh sure and that'll do yep thank you totally random yeah it's like i think there's like 4 000 gold or something like 37.50 four percent chance to get that oh that's amazing love it all right off we go never punished nothing goes my way he says yeah never listen to my my bitchin it's never never justified this one i just used an archaeology kit on you i have another one i might have to bring more of those next time no this land is filled with unseen oh yeah good call we gotta swap that ability out oh it's a disease kit right yeah that was the thing we just made that's right all these all this newfangled technology 400 bucks a kid goodness no wonder we haven't been springing many all right i'm gonna kill you early and often you're no longer allowed to live long that's unfortunate big old buffs okay i didn't actually restore hp there thankfully why am i doing a judgment here the here either that seems pretty good and let's start this yeah nice and why not works for me all right maybe we'll actually be able to create some corpses in this fight you're certainly not going to be the first target let's go with i guess just this i kind of just want to go with the highest hit chance here and that would be puncture which is unfortunately very little damage and also not a good idea so let's just do this all right kind of what i expected maybe a stun on you that would certainly help there we go okay definitely keep going for the uh stress reduction here if i can come on you're stunned just stand still damn it let's make it easy for me isn't he supposed to gain stress from that oh boy all right that's not too bad light's actually going to enable his super move next turn so that works um i guess we can do that oh never mind apparently not let's just do that again mr debuff here we go oh come on ridiculous oh boy this isn't good oh [ __ ] hmm no blight i don't know i don't know oh wow we got a death's door all it took was a flagellin great okay this is still really bad hey a corpse cool all right thankfully we have our speed boost here unfortunately he's gonna go right back down to death's door off the blight so no exsanguinate here either this is really bad still i gotta get rid of that i probably should have gotten rid of that when i could have before that would have been wise oh well yeah this is bad he's probably dead hmm i'm gonna wait another round yeah his chest gonna get caved yep all right see you later man sorry come on let's go just one time right cross these fingers one time um um i mean i'm not gonna kill him obviously i probably should have gotten rid of your blight too actually is the thing yours is a lot worse unfortunately check out the debuff on the flagellin death's door heel on cooldown oh no that's not what i'm looking at i'm not gonna worry about it goodbye nice i think i'm actually gonna do this hmm yeah do it so intense all right we're still still alive this is obviously still really bad here too the whole situation is looking really grim this blight damage from these guys is [ __ ] cool oh no really bad situation huh she doesn't even have an accuracy debuff just not able to hit but he's dead at least oh no okay oh that was kind of timely healing actually there that was a little weird oh i still can't exaggerate damn it he's already dead so i'll just oh man i don't know we're just gonna have to get insanely lucky again here i think [Music] here we go yeah goodbye whoa the unkillable flagellin oh baby okay there we go he's back holy [ __ ] oh yeah oh my god one hp one hp no way nailed it that goddamn blight dude he's dead he's gone holy [ __ ] that's crazy we lived it's a freaking miracle wow okay that is pretty remarkable honestly i'm blown away by that well probably ought to just go ahead and camp now but i want to get a little greedy with it yeah we'll get a little greedy with it one more room then we'll use the extra torchlight hmm leftover pottery maybe no smash it oh hell yeah i can't believe that actually worked oh it's funny our path is revealed march on all right no scouting this time man [ __ ] i'm getting real greedy here dust coated kvars weapon of war bandages nothing another shovel i don't want to waste my last shovel actually that seems dangerous ah be more careful shut up i didn't know couldn't see it warn me next time how about ah this is where i think you need the bandages dude oh well sweet there's where the shovels needed and fallen into disrepair that's the good stuff okay it seems a little more manageable but i'm still in very bad shape obviously i don't know why i think this is going to work probably should have just done some stress reduction it obviously would have helped out a lot was kind of weak i'm gonna be able to buff her healing skills soon hopefully probably gonna go with it protect me the flagellant focal point again this is typical i'll just swap between the heels for the most part i think that doesn't really matter i was going to pierce anyway yeah i think i probably want to try to get a bleed started on this guy i know the bows are threatening but hoping they focus the flagella a little bit oh boy okay that was bad nice well i guess i can try this too pardon me the blight from that that's not bad that's a bad idea there actually all right repeal nice that's a big one all right we should probably try to kill that guy now i can't reach him with the stab god damn it man can't do anything if i can't hit any moves it's so annoying uh i guess i better just keep focusing this guy pretty sure that's going to be my best play now yeah especially with him stacking up a big move too this is not good let's go for this it's a pretty high chance to hit big heel and a big bleed eight more damage on the big boy nestling light on you would be incredible please land the stun oh [ __ ] all right that wasn't too bad hold the ants aquarium forward unfortunately wow that was really bad [Music] okay is getting worse and he gets too good lord wow that was lucky holy [ __ ] oh my god this is what i get for not camping before this dude jesus christ all right we get a group heal off at least holy hell the bones are really really lucky there insane oh we have them cycle uh cursory retreat now i think actually which is great oh that's really good thanks happy girl okay bye that's always fun um time for this here we go thankfully we have a party that is capable of um moving around fairly effectively so oh that's huge i kind of wish i'd done that on the um shield breaker but oh well there you go all the combat experience for the antiquarian a shovel huh consists of a great many battles continue holy cow look out for one another companions are all we have sanctuary for sure and then i would i'd like to do pray as well it seems like a good idea oh are all these guys religious yes oh man that's awesome i didn't even realize that i mean i totally knew that the entire time um except the vessel right yeah which is very strange uh let's see we're doing pretty well see now that's the kind of thing you expect to get from that let's go with snake skin is probably pretty good that'll do it that's not too bad we follow the ever guiding light then rearrange and interact um let's go with that that did not work all right just curious be gentle wow for sale or for study these artifacts are precious i kind of want to keep this for interaction let's go with i'm going to keep these two like that yeah yeah let's do that okay so we know archaeology kit and key don't work with this shovel doesn't work with this bandage might no disease kit probably won't i'll try it though all right just curious secure it and march on we still have much to do back to two shovels somehow let's destroy it no ah just [ __ ] what the tablet punches back is that what we're made to believe there this is a heck of a team let's go for the expose on you and still you still dodge that you still dodge that i suppose i shouldn't be too surprised there we go guard okay that doesn't really matter to get rid of fearful on you but i doubt it's actually gonna happen these fights are starting to scare me more and more especially one like this this is very bad guarding the guy that's twice his size yeah very interesting set up there it's done please thank you all right time to start stacking d.o.t big time on the back line here go for the blight on the dancer as well okay that's terrible that sucks why why everybody on her lower death low resist for 24 rounds jesus it's a little unnecessary all right well we better try to heal that up that's good another one huh don't pass all right that's fine that's acceptable um this is 12 oh the dancer's dead nice that's really good i think i want to go with the guard break maybe no actually i think i kind of want to try to hit the back liner which is only possible with the puncture unfortunately and that's not gonna be the greatest move here um i guess i want to do that i don't want to repost that would be really bad okay so that's good numbers advantage is really big here setting up flagellate for the exsanguinate as well this guy is nearly dead [Music] okay yep that's good it should work should at least be able to get a group peel off there we go yeah this is fine let's get this started nice flagellin where have you been on my runs big money hey go ahead and keep protecting her that's a good idea nice you go ahead and keep checking keep caving that chest right yeah see what happens [ __ ] around and find out boy uh boop there we go let's go for a stun 50 50. there we go nice oh shield breaker coming up clutch in the end here i think i'll go for the stress reduction man i'm gonna get super greedy here super greedy you are dead let's get you that started for me not a problem quite all right with that let's keep healing this is a golden opportunity for us gotta take advantage don't you pass again and you were adding way too much stress there we go i might even be able to scavenge in this fight this is good this is going way too well i am suspect of how well this is going very sus something's gonna happen they're gonna respawn like three enemies here man scavenge yes yes magnificent keyboarder glad to have you back in the pile thanks for the three months appreciate it come on back in get his ass oh my god we're almost able to remove the fearfulness i might be able to do it this is insanity pure insanity i think i'm getting it dude i think it's happening heal the squad oh we got to let this fool live though is the thing give him one more turn there we go the crit and there it goes just like that fearful no more true number thank you for the two months come on back into the pile appreciate your resubscription bear hugs for him there we go magnificent we press on there is much to do a sight of sinister rituals hit it with a shovel destroying the wicked ultra gives peace of mind let's go let's go [Music] big hog god damn it that's actually must keep eyes peeled yup all right he's gonna be the flagellant thing rapturous that's fine against the tide no big deal no big deal uh key try it okay uh bandages nope oh i already tried that right yeah i didn't even notice the x all right well whatever another map cool did nothing great welcome back giant 17 months on the pile welcome on back to you as well bear hugs thank you for the support thank you for all the resubscriptions thank you for keeping the pile so big and happy and healthy i'm full of folks ready to divvy out the bear hugs appreciate that very much there's a chair hello what you doing what's up booty yeah oh today cool that's awesome elise is gonna get purple hair today chubs you so good who's the most ancient boy yes you are i like this game because it lets me pause anytime i want to tell you he's an ancient bird uh why'd you stop whacking your tail i thought you was happy wasn't staring at dead wondering what the heck i'm doing talking into the metal pole again you know weirdo i was just gonna hang out all right you know what they say about a girl with purple hair they say hey what a classy lady they do say that yeah common expression hey nice it's actually really good for an antiquarian i am out of torches and campfires and the quest is complete all right we did it no need to go any further right all right let's go no one died i can't believe it it's a miracle we did it bud we didn't get anybody killed wasn't there a bag in there oh well sweet all right yeah we got a extra experience on our flagellate from that run wow what the f what the hell oh this is kind of interesting debuffs if we don't have lotinum in the inventory weird oh cool additional stress healing done all right doesn't really matter uh oh uh oh game crashed oh no hope we're okay um oh i got signed out of steam too what the heck is that a steam thing ruin has come to our family that's weird uh let's see it's it is a beta yeah no we are not uh well it's to be expected might have some issues fun facts darkest dungeon has no crash logs so we can't know what caused it to you the answer will reveal itself in time you just gotta guess [Music] that is fun well hopefully no it looks like it saved the result of that dungeon right oh it definitely did yeah we're fine we didn't lose anything we're good we're good yeah that would have sucked for sure but [Music] thankfully no harm no foul here all right cool that was a great run [Music] let's have a look at our uh roster see how we're doing i don't think we need a lot of help right now we need a couple of stress relief a couple of folks committed to stress relief we'll go ahead and uh flagellate the flagellant blam there you go and you can go in there and i guess you go ahead and recover your stress too it's probably a good idea works for me pretty sure we don't have anyone with diseases still but i could absolutely get rid of some of these nasty negative quirks here let's go with the uh let's see misses the spot minus three percent crit i kind of hate that let's get rid of that right away kaboom your vestal has sugma what sun what's that what's what do you mean [Applause] what no don't no don't say that why oh gross suck my ligma i mean untalented seems like something to get rid of i don't want to be untalented i want anybody to be on talent get rid of that [Music] hmm let's go for a super a slightly more challenging one if we have the option i was going to say yeah let's do a long dungeon [Music] we'll do a long dungeon well the sun ring do boss for the content mr streamer no not yet i'm not ready he's scary i don't want to go there yet [Music] um long cleanse yeah that's gonna be hard that's gonna be tough [Music] i'm gonna upgrade these weapons dude sugma long [Music] we want to get that occultist in there 100 we probably want to get a plague doctor in there too actually kind of like that idea maybe a leper up front not too bad and then we could do [Music] let's go with i think probably a [Music] houndmaster in a cone here that's probably wise guard dog is good we'll take off hounds harry in favor of blackjack this time and then i guess we'll keep lick wounds and yeah i'm gonna go back to the uh forge bring him up to at least level two i don't think i can yeah i don't have enough of these resources yet let's go to rank three i don't think we actually can anyway i think they have to be resolved level three yeah they do oh awesome toasty thank you all right yep so all four of these guys upgrade these weapons and armor which is gonna be quite significant for us hopefully you level three of that at some point uh yeah that cube resource we're certainly not finding a lot of it so far huh i wonder if that's maybe just because it doesn't show up a lot in the catacombs or it's just a lot more rare let's see i guess [Music] all right we uh need to i'm actually going to take a quick look at the trinkets see if there's anything i want to get no okay well stun stone maybe but i don't want to spend that much oh i upgraded the man at arms instead of the occultist right yeah my bad whoops all right and trinkets [Music] we do have oh i might want to bring the grave robber just because we have the raiders talisman is it good enough nah that's pretty good that's a pretty cool effect let's try it give it a give it a go oh wait that's a musketeer isn't it there we go hey plague born i can't plague bearers right i think that's what that says but they misspelled bear [Music] silly silly folks well there we go cool got a unique squad that's always fun there we go now we get to give you your fancy little trinket and let's do i'm gonna give you accuracy as well plague doctors got a unique trinket too i had a debuff chance let's do that make her a debuff machine that's kind of fun her stan her stun skill chance is going to be really low now though let's go with uh make my leper really fast that sounds like a fun idea give us really quick damage every turn and then well actually let's give him bleed resist that seems wise and then more damage yeah let's do that and then let's give the occultist speed that'll be better always nice to have the have the uh healer have a speed boost okay um real quick let me go to the bathroom right before we do this uh dungeon just real quick lickety-split hold tight what i meant when i said real quick not what i expected either this man can piss [Laughter] [Music] it was a long one let me tell you goodness it just wouldn't end all right you don't either you can be spared the details i'm sure of that of that uh elongated absence but anyway not bad back to it back to it baby [Music] much better ready to go all right folks i think we'll probably uh edit out that little pause there spare the youtube folks the uh the five minute lull but gave you time to get snacks all right well there we go fair enough let's get back into it baby let's go get that sun ring or let's attempt to anyway the first long exterminate oh boy here we go if we have to wait so does youtube yeah i know it's all right i guess that's a fair a fair compromise four shovels definitely seems like a good way to go here i think i'm gonna over prepare for this one i'm pretty terrified of a long dungeon man i gotta tell you this is uh this is very intimidating we're gonna bring all the food we can here well not all the food we can but quite a bit of food two stacks worth probably two stacks of torches as well because i don't want to necessarily be going through this in the darkness and then a few keys is a good idea i know these archaeology kits are pretty damn nice too i think i'm gonna go ahead and bring a full stack of those and i guess that's it i still don't feel ready obviously i don't know if i ever will for a long dungeon but i suppose this is about as good as we're gonna get we had a jester on this run yet no in fact actually you know what i gotta remember to check the the ferry next time too i don't want to necessarily do it right now but we'll do it after this run although we might have a jester in the ferry let's go take a peek real quick let's see if there's any character we haven't gotten yet in the ferry we'll pick that up i don't think we have an arbolist yet do we we have a musketeer we don't have an arbolist let's take an arbolist our boats will sing true with the favor of the winds we'll wait to rename that one after this after this dungeon though all right oh no i didn't think about this crap i gotta reprovision oh well i think i remember most of what i was gonna get isn't there a shortcut button to buy like a full stack yeah it's shift click that's right let's go boom boom and then boom full stack of shovels that looks about right yeah leave us three slots here is the dlc worth for dd i play with mods all the time i never got the dlcs i would totally absolutely if you're darkest dungeon all the dlcs i'm a little biased because i'm involved but no it's it's pretty damn good man all right let's go i'm ready yeah i suppose keys haven't been nearly as useful as i am used to them being levantine scout patrols this area this will not allow them to report back maybe prioritize those a little less why does this look like the exact same size as my medium one it's odd wicked weapons of a forgotten era we've already tried a bandage on there i'll try a torch no good shovel no powder yeah that makes sense cool hey nice debris foliage none of it will slow us did i not try a key on that one shovel yeah coughing pride open from a distance oh a tapestry for that very nice and we have way too many bandages now good uh well we know this works so let's do that again i am sure the previous owner will not mine so far so good okay three pilgrim levies interesting oh you know what i think i want to re-assign the occultist's abilities i don't think he's really got what i want him to have right now knows this hit chance pretty pretty pitiful focus on this guy and marking targets isn't gonna do us a lot of good here we're gonna deep off these guys lowered accuracy and dodge chance revenge buff of the leper love that start for him nice okay that did get rid of the debuff i was gonna say i thought that kind of move would probably get rid of the debuff sometimes it does look like it has that effect okay oh right of course not gonna be able to lunge in spot two either i should probably be uh aware of that nice dodging from the grave robber so far very nice not a problem i still do the exact same thing i was gonna do with those guys which is this and then that's probably gonna kill you play grenade might actually kill both of them which would be pretty fantastic unfortunately the plague doctor has to wait but no matter here we go ah that missed that was her stealth there too as a result of the uh previous monster kill which is pretty sick and there we go all done a little heal at the end here make sure we get the right skills for the uh plague doctor too another step forward whoa full armor piercing for a round that's pretty cool i didn't realize that's what that did no need for these bandages we're good shovel bash knock back oh 110 stun skill chance while stealth cool yeah i'll try that out certainly seems better than the lunge right now it's a fun move all right they're ale fiends going well a good go of it so far here so we tried the key try the archaeology kit powder now nice i really prefer it when those do anything but all right so be it i think our prep's working out pretty well in the first two rooms at least so good job me you survived the most basic of expectations right yeah you find an old empty sheet of parchment congratulations good job ah we must be more vigilant wow oh yeah i forgot to swap that occultist ability i like the pull try that helps the leper a little bit i'll give you an anti-venom that seems like a good deal be gentle for sale or for study these artifacts are precious oh we figured out this one right this is the archaeology kit maybe it's a key too no shovel i don't want to use my last shovel on that that's a bad idea nice um probably time to swap those that seems good okay give me food not a lot of fights so far i'm all about let's see key nope kid yeah there we go cool tuning whistle that's neat i'm probably just gonna dump that honestly but that's a fun find there's our last shovel more than our enemies will attempt to impede us pop a torch yeah you certainly don't find a lot of torches in this mod yeah that's a good point maybe that's why i feel like we've been so low on torchlights as we were never finding any very well be the case get them debuffs out real quick i like these uh like these starting moves now knock back on you probably doesn't really matter but i could knock you back that might help hey there we go that might do something oh nice big dodge there the hue actually could be really nice here too oh and they're gonna swap back and forth that's great okay this is exciting reason to be optimistic about this situation uh they fixed it up again though but i suppose we can just bombard them that'll do get to the face oh let's actually uh oh no i wanna i should have her up front for a shadow fade that could be fun i want to try that got to delay the quiver draw there that was nice although it tempts me to pull them forward again as a result of that the platinum there though i think that might be enough plus the abyssal artillery to get the kill never mind i have to focus a little more then oh you gotta love a leopard hmm yeah it's not looking too great i think i'd rather do this try to stop the uh ah that sucks okay bummer man oh i guess we just try to kill the front liner a lot of better options here i guess i should have gone with the artillery after all and i had a chance okay oh that sucks no you bastard you bastard what in the [ __ ] i didn't know that was an option yikes let's go ahead and go for a 30 heal of our own right yeah you know half that's not terrible i guess i gotta get a kill here i wish i had lunge now [ __ ] [Music] this is not going ideally at all you're gonna die at least already so that's good i think i might actually have to put the grave robber up front i probably want to swap flashing daggers off for something for sure i think that's going to be for lunch even then is that still good the scavengers will eat well tonight all right at least you don't get to do much up here oh come on god damn it let's pull them forward come on man son of a [ __ ] hey okay fair's fair is fair i guess i don't need to heal let's just kill the corpse damn right we did [ __ ] that corpse no don't bear god that filters got to be a little faster buddy you gotta you gotta catch those things just a little a split second quicker here we go what to raising bud please wars consist of a great many battles continue um that's what a time to say deathstroke um i kind of wanna just dump this but it might be time yeah we're gonna need a gold stack eventually so i probably just gotta get rid of keys now or the bandages no i want to keep those damage over time can still be a factor for sure we're about to use a key though is the thing though i don't want to necessarily get rid of them right before we're about to use them so i think i'd rather just get rid of the bandages here here we go great wealth oh come on all right whatever i know it's only 250 gold but we're eventually going to make another slot in the inventory for gold it will happen so i figure i might as well do it now um it's almost time to camp but i want to try to use the campfire light so i'm gonna try to go through one more hallway if not two that's a good dodge um we've tried a lot of things on this already we could try torch these are last key because we're gonna throw those away anyway okay no big deal why not and archaeology kit maybe of course now that i think about it yeah archaeology kit probably has a ton of interactions with all these things okay so we gotta try to bring a few more of those nice surprise attack i've gotten a lot of those i don't think i need to heal i would love to pull one of these guys forward with the chance of doing that this early on in the fight it's pretty grim so just do that instead oh i gotta swap flashing daggers i didn't even swap my positions here jesus miss plays goodness i don't know if that takes away their prep round i think it does oh apparently not what does it do then does it just let us take our prep rem before they take their prep around which i guess is good but all your prep goes first yeah it's yeah that's fine i guess uh i would very much like to pull forward yes all right oh yeah there we go that's a good start that's a great start thank you thank you very much that's a big light that's a big hit holy oh okay uh let's heal there you go good job well done uh shovel bash punk this is sweet here we go uh huh all right you're dead here to it nice it's actually perfect it allows the leopard to hit this guy yay hey vsauce yeah this is a fantastic mod we've been playing the last couple days it's really impressive highly recommend checking it out big damage gets one more shot we'll take a heal off that stress relief too apparently okay cool no bleed nice this is pretty greedy but we got it no tree cannot be found nice hey look valor marks oh is that no i think we've gotten some valet marks i think the other one is the one that we've been running into very few of i will take those in place of that cubes yay are sarcophagus untouched for centuries archaeology kit majestic and encrusted with jewels i should have camped first but oh well it's not a big deal citrine is the thing we can probably oh wait those are 400 that's a little more than they're usually but cool all right here we go rest we will need your strength come daybreak probably gonna need to eat like a half food at some point one of these camps all right let's try to prevent the ambush if we can can produce two diseased kids which is not useless um is anyone pagan nope i might still do it yeah that's worth preventing the ambush in my opinion let's go with reflection accuracy bonus on our leper let's go with uh scouting chance i guess sure and another scouting chance there we go and encourage the plague doctor why not there we go there we go against the light our foes will fall and then finally swap the flashing daggers for a lunge and they're more good i think yeah that'll work i kind of want to use emboldening vapors too actually i'm going to swap off battlefield medicine for wooden holding vapors for a little bit let's see how that does in the prep round okay these fights have been a lot easier so far thankfully which i know i'm just willing uh the worst possible combination of foes into existence here for the next bit of combat but so far so good let's go for this stun this guy yeah nice i can still do a noxious blast or i can do the emboldening vapors i think it's spot to yeah nice emboldening vapors plus revenge leopard yeah no now that i think about it right that seems like a pretty damn good pretty damn good we're combo see how it goes here so we're looking at a leper with plus 20 accuracy plus 16 crit and plus 50 damage that's pretty goddamn good that's pretty goddamn good we'll see how it goes okay that works probably gonna kill the third guy not a problem it looks a lot more comfy than it is newspire but i i'm glad to be uh projecting the idea of comfort pretty sure that move stuns i don't know if i've ever actually seen it happen though that went well all right probably don't even need to heal here let's get these corpses out let the leopard finish this off yeah that's not too much either there shovel bash i could shadow fade here it's not a bad idea no no boss fights yet oh jeez come on now i'm just going to teal brick you you know wait i think you're going to get away with that last bit of damage no sir back to full [ __ ] now what now what's your freaking plan huh nothing that's what 100 hp no problems press on there is much to do much to see so what's wrong with taking the back streets you never know if you don't go you'll never shine if you don't glow the mobile supplied aha don't want that food i kind of want that food i kind of want that food over the torches the darkness will not impede us we definitely want that shovel why don't i keep the food for um for camping yeah we can go dark we got two more campsites left uh i don't have any more archaeology kits i have a shovel for that but i better keep the shovel for uh interactions that was unfortunate yeah see there we go this land is ancient and fallen into disrepair and that was the natural comedic timing queue for another one to show up but thankfully we avoided that big bird all right let's try out our emboldened uh leper again here seem to be doing the job [Music] ah sure [ __ ] it i did that during the first episode but i feel like i can probably do that like at least two more times maybe once more all right i'll get away with it one more time and then we'll probably be maximum capacity it's the comedy rule of threes right because it was right it's funnier the second time but then the third time you're gonna be expecting it and then anytime after that it's just like all right bear come on man we've seen it you weren't ready you weren't ready don't act like you were ready all right now it's got that's that's it it's retired y'all are prepared no no i know you're gonna catch me walking into a trap see that was the moment right there while i was drinking water if i had done it that would have been that would have been a big time play alas the moment has passed me by that's not going to do as good as i wanted to so better just go for that there we go there we go okay all right that's just stress it's not that bad i got a tanky freaking leopard dude baby levantine slayer the eraser god damn right he is dude i love this that's my boy right there ah come on now i don't have any corpse cleared do i i guess i'll just whack him over the head with a shovel there we go i'll do like that little whistle sound effect for that move that's fun all right time to heal the leper little stress relief too that's always nice oh there we go no bleed right nice cool okay he's dead let's do this cool thanks i'll take it and bomb you know what go ahead buddy you earned it [Laughter] whoa okay that's pretty good holy [ __ ] [Laughter] eradicated huh well i feel like we got a good combo going here huh yeah we can't we we've stumbled upon something it seems i just try to ignore that shovel i guess bleeds not too bad there we go so that's why we kept the food that's why we kept the freaking food i don't think we have any more archaeology kits so let's go for that i guess oh cool ah that sucks useless on the on the leper unfortunately okay that's a tougher fight that's this is this is the kind of black reliquary stuff we've been expecting go for you first again for sure do not like you i did not know they could just do that right away although i guess they have been doing that on turn one wow nice god damn very fortunate all right leopard here we go back to work just ridiculous boss man holy cow well done grave robber okay off to work i'm very certain here i'm gonna be able to kill this one without any contribution from the leper so that's pretty sick uh crit i mean it was unfortunately it wasn't enough because i didn't do the math right but that's okay blight is enough 25 chance damage from the blight will kill hit it no damn all right that's what i get for being confident ow that's okay i've been getting pretty fortunate actually in the grave robert dodging because she would be in bad shape right now otherwise okay here's the fun part bonk the casual 30 damage on the other guy too there we go that'll do all right he's starting to hurt a little bit bonk no stun either huh come on now give us one blight not the right you chose the wrong guy i guess i better be more specific in my requests and also start killing these guys a little bit more quickly probably here we go ah come on god damn it all right that might actually be enough yeah he's dead sweet all right we'll probably heal here oh another tapestry nice in a second salvage jewelry very good all right let's see hallway combat rearrange the party i'm gonna go down and around thankfully don't have to go to that room um now it's probably a decent time to camp out but i feel like i could go for one more room and be okay let's eat this two food here okay off we go proper interactions just go for it crumbles away oh we come back here we go can't escape the bird boys get another surprise though that's cool i'm wondering if i should be i should probably be healing on these prep turns with the occultists especially while we're this week seems wise i'll shadow fade actually this time the old lunge unturned too i hate crit yeah you gotta love it see the line bear now i'm sticking to my my comedy creed damn it i shan't disobey my own declaration i have standards damn it and i know you're still expecting it so i know i still can't get it off properly the moment's not there yet [Music] um i gotta say this squad pretty good pretty freaking strong especially when they can't ever be hit despite having like zero dodge okay that hurt but yeah i mean look at this that's a lot of damage and uh have not really been very threatened so far either really working out pretty well pretty pretty good here some limitations to their uh skill sets oh my god that's incredible like there's you know that sometimes they can't hit the enemies in certain places it's a little awkward but it doesn't happen very often plus we have corpse clear if we need it goodbye nice and adequate performance for now not being able to take everything all right we are going to go i know it doesn't seem like a good idea guys listen here i know you're screaming bear for the love of god why why one more hallway just can't just see see what happens barry's crushed to death if you would just camped if you would just listen to us bear now see it's fine it's fine keep each other safe by the fire where's our wound care nobody's got it ah god oh no i've got no damn it i've got ah now [ __ ] i guess i could try experimental vapors let's try that give him a super healing boost then we're gonna go with the unspeakable commune to prevent the ambush uh reflection and night moves there we go all right good enough good enough is revealed march on leper's going to bleed a bit but he's got super healing for the next couple of fights so we're good let's hit it we got one more camp right yeah one more camp and then we got eight food i want to say so we probably want to do a half beat half at the next campsite assuming it uh gets to that point let's knock this dude back we're not you know nine damage that's good too pretty decent for the first round definitely get a revenge here it's never even it's nice it's never even really that tempting to try to go for the extra hit with the leper in the prep round because your accuracy is so pitiful it's like why even bother why not always just go for revenge and that's usually the better play anyway so yeah makes it easy for me yeah two big boys in this fight though yeah it's a little concerning that'll do that's helpful oh they're both reposting too that sucks yeah [ __ ] it that'll work thank you very much for the prime subscription bear hugs if you got them the support appreciated oh is that a that's a bleed stack [ __ ] ooh good dodge though okay all right do i dare chance the one shot here i think i do wow those odds are actually not bad holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this is insane yo big plays god damn dude okay shadow fade this bad boy uh i think i just do that don't want to get reposted there yikes that's always a scary move oh boy okay leg doctor needs some help that's not good do we do it again very much so absolutely holy [ __ ] he ain't afraid of nothing lunge grave robbery messing around too much either buddy holy [ __ ] big numbers only goodbye good night all right leopard's a raid boss seriously let's try this okay try that okay fair enough i think this room's empty no scout very tempted just to use our last campfire now but i think one more room is the right call especially because i can't actually get rid of the bleed with anything in the camp anyway so i might as well just let it definitely going to heal the plague doctor round one on the occultist okay i'll do a shovel bash yeah that's probably not a bad idea okay oh thank god i didn't miss click that on the plate doctor that would have sucked all right what do you all got definitely an ideal result there let's see what front liners do that kind of sucks that's not bad all right let's see probably still just need to heal a bunch here i'm in pretty bad shape pretty bad shape going for you makes sense i'm just gonna go for a hue my stun chance is pretty bad on this plate doctor because of the sapping herb wow that's unfortunate that's good oh this could be bad okay okay definitely hugh now i'm probably a lot better off getting a near guaranteed kill on one of them seems like a much better idea to me yeah that that's probably a lot smarter than trying to kill both at once holy [ __ ] that's very bad never mind we're good the the roller coaster ride of the occultist healer go for it awesome much more awesome and one more dodge maybe yeah probably not oh my god wow okay that's not too bad and here's kill number two jesus christ what a monster [Music] there fair enough i have left you alive far too long unfortunately i fear uh the negative effects of this that's gonna do it ow [Music] is not [ __ ] around ever ever at all one for one minute rustin jekylling thank you very much for your resubscription i'm gonna try desperately to get her off of death's door before the end of this fight that'll do and i think we should be okay after that yeah lonzo to do it little lee thank you very much for your uh prime sub as well welcome into the pile bear hugs forum oh 20 dodge on prep round that's that's weird that's an interesting one all right we'll get rid of that now actually i'm going to keep the anti-venom over the oil we'll just uh over the powder i guess we'll just use all this powder look at that there we go all right definitely time to camp out once we get to this next room okay ah that's not good slightly easier combat i guess but still obviously not ideal to have to fight right now also not ideal that's bad that's good okay shovel hit's probably still effective here nice that'll do oh man we we dodged that move a lot i think it's got a pretty low chance to hit i did not know he had a charge forward skill okay interesting noted please let me heal you yay oh my god thank you that helps let's try this again let's go back and forth with that guy oh my god all right well that's really bad but thankfully we have anti-venom still otherwise that would have been pretty awful no blight unfortunately there did lower his accuracy which is kind of nice hey good dodge oh man this would be something special right here all right i didn't expect it but i was i was going to be pretty happy if you blessed me with such such a moment time to heal the occultist very good colt is killing it today decent chance for the one shot all right i deserve that definitely play grenades now i gotta get the backline damage going no blight yikes good dodge is there come on now now it's like a pretty good chance oh wait no i guess it's basically the same as last time needed the crit you clean up light there either one more big heal in you that'll freaking do wow well done occultist holy [ __ ] and the crit on the bash knock him back get him out of here dude see ya see ya okay that one's probably gonna bleed yeah thankfully not that bad of a bleed do we get the hue double kill we do indeed very nice poking mass means nothing into a fierce warrior we'll take the onyx over the antsy battle okay almost there man we're doing this alone we will die together we will rise i get it i get it so clearly we want to try to self-medicate here remove some bleeding stress and heal her gonna be very nice i think that uh i should probably encourage the plague doctor as well definitely going to go with unspeakable commune i do not want to deal with an ambush here try to encourage her and there we go that worked pretty well i think i better just try to focus on that i think the scouting is a lot less important to me right now but i guess i will take the 20 bonus all right so be it did she just refuse horror she did didn't she that's kind of funny cool i'll take it all right here we go so at least one more fight obviously hopefully just the one that would be ideal all right never mind we go back to full good stuff we're near to it anyway that's better i like the bash on this guy still but what's the shadow fade actually doing for me buff wise oh huge damage buff that's what you want to do you want to do shadow fade into lunch okay i see let's see what we're getting at i think it might have been non-prep round buff though no heels necessary let's pull this dude forward nice grip there we go it's helpful this is more or less a guaranteed kill and they can just chop the other guy yeah that works pretty well cool maybe stun him the chances are pretty pathetic but we'll go for it and just debuff myself that's the move that's a good play oh i forgot he's gonna charge forward i don't think about that holy christ hog before sunrise that's what he said right pretty sure that's what he said come on back up front buddy [Music] oh goodness couldn't quite do it oh [ __ ] oh well honestly that kind of helps me gives me another healing opportunity he's already dead anyway there we go give him a nice old pick to the first oh that's kind of cool plus 20 bleed amount applied that's a unique effect i'll keep that kind of fun oh [ __ ] that's a bleed isn't it oh that's nothing that's weird okay cool neato last one here we go that's not connected [ __ ] the whole time i thought these were connected oh no uh oh i'm in danger oh far so good just getting our steps in yeah just trying to fool the fitbit right torch is doing okay we're still at about 50 there yeah we're fine i mean it honestly hasn't punished me too much but we do have to go through unfortunately unexplored hallways here so this is going to dwindle the torchlight significantly and it's another fight fantastic and we got surprised wow that's terrible it's really bad the plague doctors in the front and the lepers gonna go last and i have to lunge it does nothing for me oh no it's really bad it's a really bad start we got two goddamn terps accordions with a buff boy and a bowman oh [ __ ] oh god okay here we go this absolutely feels like the right start especially when it does nothing i have to do this even though i'm gonna get reposted god damn it i have to move the plague doctor back too good lord all right in an ideal world here we're going to be able to use the oh i can't even target him anymore [ __ ] all right pretty certain it's time for a hue oh that would have been huge huge would have been but i'm just gonna have to settle for close i guess i can do that and then i guess so nice wow cool okay um if i can take this turn here i've actually got pretty good odds of killing this guy wow that went well great okay we did it yay i guess we're all and that's right there i guess i might as well go for the crib oh he's dead yeah no he's dead as hell hooray man that was nuts okey dokey cool look at the buff all right i forgot to interact with that with the grave rubber all right one more hallway and then another hallway and then the room god damn it come on oh my god you're kidding me no knockbacks for me this is bad about equally bad stressing us out have you tried not getting into random encounters i gotta give that a go yeah maybe that'll help us out try to remember that next time well let's try this again i guess hey there we go good [ __ ] uh die thank you and then nah that's probably not a good idea let's just do this because this dude might charge forward the champion guy also might not cool yikes oh come on now okay that's good i thought that was a hd attack it's still pretty bad for playing doctor but could be worse okay he did charge forward that's good so let's just kill him yay god that's so good yes oh my god the occultist roles have been incredible let's go for the shadow fade here set up a big lunge next turn although unfortunately the uh leper and the plague doctor are left kind of out to dry with that decision but oh well that kind of works actually that's coming to our advantage here it just gives us another turn to clear out the corpses although leper's definitely not gonna move before he does so wow holy [ __ ] the occultist that's the play [ __ ] hell here we go can't repost when you get one shot right yeah one more heal nice suck all right [Music] now all right disease kits i'll just use that use that actually have you use that there we go swap party and off we go off we go all right i was going to be really confused because i thought that was the last room but no we got one more hallway and one more room in the black of night now oh that's all right whatever at least wasn't the leper good god really just [ __ ] with me at the end here man i'm not sure why i thought this was a higher chance to hit in the prep round [Music] clearly not vile turpitude ah [ __ ] you damn it stupid lady well we can still get the buff off before the leper attacks at least so that's good that's good okay alex if you're suggesting it i know i've missed my window i know truly i think the window is in fact now shut perhaps forever oh don't you do this again alright that's fine basically the same yeah i want to kill you close call my friends disease that's very mean even if it's accurate all right dancers dead oh yikes okay no this whole time buddy this whole time you've been so consistent oh no oh boy oh lord oh [ __ ] oh god wow huge come on give us the shadow fade give us the shadow fade here we go i can't do it it's on cooldown [ __ ] [ __ ] okay that's good give us the one shot buddy here we go the lepers shall not fail us today even though the occultist keeps on trying to god damn it oh boy oh the stress is piled up this is even the last fight it's not even the last fight this is absurd get him up front i won't pull off any of this backline [ __ ] anymore that's the stuff that's more like it oh my god okay he's gone shadow fade there we go that's better all right no problem goodbye goodbye no need i'm okay i've dumped off probably a billion citrine this run but that's all right holy hell let's do it last one man let's go we come this far right okay that's nice they're not messing around with the last one here either that's still pretty tough okay let's let's top her off i will um shovel bash since we have the stun chance right now with it very good okay that helps a lot holding our leper okay kind of okay actually because i can still hear that they're probably gonna flop or flip flop their uh positioning around quite a bit though one would assume bird up burn bear pants see i knew it i knew the window wasn't shut i knew we had a chance i knew we could do it if we just believe i got you there's not even a bird here who cares man that was the only moment that was the only opportunity you're gonna capture it you're just gonna let it slip all right you're dead you're almost dead you don't need a lot of help but we might as well be safe here oh as well okay fine you say so ah this is probably enough there we go ah that doesn't matter i guess we did it god damn man it was it was not easy they made us work for it but boy howdy we did it we got through just got to get everyone to get their last turn done one more hermetic laceration one last big fu from the game before 71 damage seals their fate it is done the full clear minus one curio which i'm very tempted to go get yeah [ __ ] it gotta get the full clear gotta do it obviously very important need that it could be what could this be it could be some money oh it could even be a bandage for the bleeding we're doing as we walk to try to get the curio oh wait no never mind that doesn't help anymore here we go [ __ ] yes let's go worth it an example could even be a bird i know well what a dungeon that was great oh boy yeah 40 grand sun ring too let's go let's go tons of currencies there as well got a whole bunch of the boxes that time that was the thing that we were uh not finding a lot of before so that's pretty great hell yeah got a level three occultist as well a cheerful one at that a joy to have around lovely mystical skills interesting okay consumed by thoughts of inadequacy night blindness nausea yeah that's unfortunate quick draw oh cool that doesn't really matter though for the leopard because he's just gonna be doing his buff anyway so well oh well the soils and sands below are my birthplace yet it is not the home i remember gotta go ahead and remove some uh stress again here and commit to the penance i call this heels up and tia draco there we go get rid of that disease as well [Music] i believe we have all of these characters but i would not mind a second highwayman for the repentant thief redemption can be its own prize additional arbless wouldn't be terrible either all right let's rename these two [Music] get a giveaway going [Music] go ahead and type pick me in the chat right now if you'd like to be selected we're going to choose two new names for our newly selected roster members here we've got ourselves in an arb list to rename and our brand new just acquired highwayman while you're doing that let's have a peek at the clinic let me get rid of some of these quirks seems like a good idea that's not that bad fumbling yeah we'll get rid of that that's pretty rough dispose of that one off guard not so bad tuckered out yeah i don't like that either especially on a flagellant that doesn't work very well for us so we'll go ahead and get rid of that too winner number one pike pride congratulations welcome on into the team for 93 months on the pile thank you so much welcome back appreciate the long-term resubscription good to have you bear hugs for him and emmanuel congratulations welcome into the team the new highway man might even bring some of these low-level guys out right now okay i got that right yep there we go good stuff welcome to the squad [Music] so what are we doing today did get a bunch of these uh currencies very well upgrade the forge today we can up to rank three can't really take advantage of that right now is the thing so we'll probably just go ahead and hang on to this stuff until we've got rank three people can also make it cheaper to upgrade them to level two weapons though but again if i'm gonna be taking out a lot of lower level people now maybe that's not the highest priority but actually kind of seems to me like i might want to go for another hm oh yeah stagecoach upgrade might not be a bad idea either fairy yeah sure we'll do that i don't think i need to increase the roster size yet but getting more getting more folks from the ferry just to ensure that a that we get all the class types or character types and b that we get more opportunities to rename roster members after chats that's fun so yeah that's a good idea and then i want to look at the trinkets again too actually although yeah she's not really had a lot of uh great options for us so far slippery boots are actually pretty good i'm gonna pick those up and survival guys is not bad either i'll pick that up too nah i don't need that unnecessary i'd rather have a lot of money than not enough so this is fine oh hold on a second right we have to level up the skills i've completely uh disregarded this so far yeah we got to do this for everybody naturally okay that's a whole nother big thing man completely disregarding the training hall here so first of all let's figure out what squad yeah there goes my money right i was gonna say it felt like we had a lot of cash and we weren't spending it on anything i think we'll go for another long here and i think we'll go for a higher level squad so let's get the vestal again i'm gonna give the vest of the half experience trinket as well just to keep her around on the lower levels a bit longer so go like this and then does she have a healing thing healing received i think adding to her speed is probably for the best okay there we go so we have the vestal i kind of want to use the abomination on this run for some reason our front liner can be a bounty hunter that's not a bad idea you can do that and then backline arbalist yeah that works level one arb list of course is a little scary but i think i'm okay with that [Music] yeah that leper was hitting for that much without really any kind of boost to damage at all so that's pretty incredible i'm pretty excited for where that's going to take us oh that's a lot less effective than i thought it was i thought the sun ring had like a damage buff or something like that that's not that exciting unfortunately i just added damage for the bounty hunter maybe crit too yeah that's not bad okay you bleed them out apply it that doesn't really matter for you slippery boots i guess is fine for you and then maybe some uh let's go to speedstone yeah sure and then arbalist adds to the healing skills can cure bleed with the medics greaves that's pretty cool i kind of like that although i don't think i need it with a vestal i'm not really using anything else so let's try it yeah our trinkets are not fantastic right now that's to be expected i guess i'll take off snipers mark in favor of battlefield bandage and then everything else is probably fairly good for now what's been your favorite change slash edition from this mod i really like this new hamlet the music is particularly good too like the hamlet plus the music for the hamlet has been really impressive to me and that was an important part to get right to for sure i'm sure they knew that and they did quite a good job with it oh cow trips would be a great prep round move huh yeah that's great let's do that we'll try that out all right let's go boost up our skills make sure these guys have their best available weaponry if i can do that there we go this squad ought to be pretty good it's not the most threatening composition i've ever put together but the squad ought to do fairly well all right so we're gonna just focus for the most part on upgrading the skills that are actually being used for now there's the sound i've been missing man yeah that's i knew we were forgetting something man thankfully i probably didn't miss out on too many upgrades before now having only realized it in this moment i don't think she can upgrade anything yeah okay and then the camping skills of course too right that's another thing that we could spend some money on but we don't necessarily want to do that right now but it would not be a bad idea to maybe give us uh one more option per character because of course each character can have up to four tracking doesn't seem extremely good probably get wound care on at least one more person let's see we'll go with one more wound care and then i like restring crossbow a lot yeah we have ambush protection with the sanctuary with the vestal yeah so much spending we still have a ton of money though man doing pretty well still oh that's a moon cloak has that changed too it probably is i think that's changed but it's still quite good still very good lowered accuracy is pretty rough though i'm gonna take three freaking stacks of food i'm gonna go hog wild with it this time dude all the food all of it i did shrink it up yeah i'm good i'm gonna go with all the anti-venom all the oil because we got some anyway i'm gonna get two stacks of archaeology kits one stack of torches no keys full stack of shovels [Music] this is good this is good this is good this is bad too much food there done it probably the last dungeon for today as well shaggy jackal welcome back and for the 50 months on the bear pile welcome on back in thank you for the support thank you everybody for watching thank you for tuning in for the darkest dungeon streams i hope you have had a good time appreciate all the support that has much to be gleaned all the subscriptions all the gifted subs especially appreciate those a lot thank you all very much for supporting my content appreciate it oh room vendor cool that's dope i'll probably go to that i don't have to go that way let's go this way oh [ __ ] that was close can we mess that up oh come on dude we must be more vigilant god damn it he is indeed a catacombs be underwear oh i shouldn't have let him oh he's got adventurer and tactician though god god damn it dude god damn it oh well oh i don't think i have the arborist skin set correctly there we go again a case of i'm not 100 sure who that is though yeah the vessel definitely doesn't have one hi vander let's talk let's give you an archaeology kit this will help with those traps be gentle whoa for sale or for study these artifacts are precious big money nice all right we know that gives us money let's go ahead and use the archaeology kits while i got it cool and yep already running into problems as expected let's do that and then we'll have three left 13 times what you paid for it that's pretty good that's decent are you sure doesn't sound right that's pretty decent but again again we gotta watch for prep round i think i actually probably want to transform in a lot of prep rounds i think they're 400 each yes it was like six and a half times still pretty damn good though nice guard coming up try the cow trips out oh i thought that would target everybody but still back to is pretty good debuff the back two here as well kind of like that yeah really [ __ ] up the back line with this squad okay countering the bleed a little bit that's a huge restore holy [ __ ] that's pretty crazy god damn it all right apollo let's do this buff the damage go for the stun come on nice excellent like group heal next turn let's see here that's a pretty high stun chance all right hold up probably not gonna get the kill there pretty effective okay a little odd keep on raking this will probably pretty good here very nice and i don't love the sniper shots on guys with 40 protection but i guess that's about all i can do and hit it these dudes are just tanky man tanky boys yeah might as well i'm just going to take a minute i guess come on up buddy a lot more fun up front of faith yeah the vest debuffs herself oh no that's not a debuff right that's all that is is uh it puts it on cooldown for a round which is unique to the mod i believe pretty damn sure about that nice that works this dude is just sticking around oh sick that was nice all right good job lazarus okay yeah so this is obviously uh oh right yeah you can cure the debuffs with the cleansing salt cool we're keeping this we're keeping this oh god yeah this is already so hold on a second the arbolists can cure bleed right yeah so the bandages are not nearly as useful yeah this inventory space is already a problem though i almost just want to camp out immediately that's a bad idea i probably should have used an item there also i don't think that did anything so yay it's becoming a pattern first hunger we are probably going to take a fairly early camp here just to be able to clear two inventory slots but i want to wait until at least like maybe the torchlight goes down probably for the best nice so listen i'm just gonna not use any torches for the next like three halls okay oh yeah imagine a campfire stack that'd be that that'd be the day pretty happy with a knockback start on these guys attempting to get the champion out of harm's way no luck or out of way to harm us i guess i should say i guess we're gonna [ __ ] up the back line again which is fine uppercut does work in the prep round though that's not bad lowered accuracy and crit on the back liner good there have you ever seen two stacked campfires that's just one big campfire okay fair point yeah but just give us a big campfire then right you can turn your two little campfires into one big campfire and then it's just one longer cam but you have to sacrifice the multiple camping options bonfire yeah there we go you know why not i just want to get that uh coriander again there we go that ought to do it optimal damage nice it's going well that's worse oh added damage taken bummer there we go the heel stuff probably uppercut actually no that's a bad idea let's just do this um let's do that never mind good dodge hey okay good stuff he really wants corey badly the end of round heel here i need to move my abomination at a spot too isn't he starting in spot two how's he getting into spot one strikes him it must be one of cory's moves what the heck oh it's the it's the abomination move that's right it's the charge move for the obama yeah yeah um yeah [ __ ] it [Music] why not why not is this enough not quite man it just really doesn't like cory hey i guess that didn't really matter you got it dude get your revenge there we go wars consist of a great many battles continue time to get rid of the oil oh that's one round oh [ __ ] oh boy i think i gotta get rid of these and just hang on to the campfire for now yeah don't look at it don't look at me wasting money you didn't see that no one saw that [Music] okay good mores and our enemies will attempt to impede us gotta camp soon no keys for that let's try a shovel on it nope uh archaeology kit nope oil no all right fair 300 gold that one is the shovel's good right i'm pretty sure on that one yeah and then this one was this thing cool all right now it's either this room or the next room that we are absolutely gonna camp in and it's probably this one recover prepare okay you're going to prevent the ambush [Music] you're going to let's see let's buff up the uh the arbolest restring bow actually i like scout here too scout's going to be helpful and then kind of want to do psych up that's going to be really good damage for the abomination all right here we go our path is revealed march on oh i probably should have used the archaeology kit there oops buff for the the bomb though i'm gonna check this room god that trap man it's so ridiculous [ __ ] absurd that's a lot of damage too jesus that's bad our cause is right oh good a bandage not to require spawns that's convenient i'll just eat the food there we go there we are top notch off we go right joe blow me all right that's enough where is it i don't know that's the best product enough what a jolly old chap right this is going well i just had to say something didn't i oh good we surprised him all right easy dude easy okay i'm actually not gonna start with the knockback thing because i want to keep this dude spot too so instead he crit healed himself for 24. what the [ __ ] nice that is a huge start wow okay that's fair yet basically gun judgment actually i can't take cow trips oh he's all dude the whole [ __ ] time i've been setting up cow trips i didn't even realize it oh [ __ ] i've been so unintentionally intelligent again as is typical hey bear i'm making berry cheesecake you want any it's got bear in the name do you have to ask apparently the answer is yes ship it today i don't have berry cheesecake on my desk by the end of the stream we're gonna have a problem here uh give him a stun a little stun why not a little torch light out of that sure sure okay that's a cool sound effect i like that stress relief nice big plays big plays from the bounty hunter yeah why not okay cool thank you that's a badass line the obstacle is removed i like that empty damn okay here we go i'm gonna ignore that room got another kit beautiful i would like to keep the amber i will replace the anti-venom so be it another archaeology kit cool pretty good off we go empty room nice keep moving one more torch another shovel debris foliage none of it will slow us two more shovels left yeah blight doesn't seem to be a huge problem in this area thankfully so the anti-venoms have not really been a consideration i can probably stop bringing those in the catacombs for now secret room if only i had a key if only he brought a key with him oh man i forgot that was even a thing against the light all right here we go he's already he's already risking it for the biscuit dude no torches no torches i am sure as your previous owner will not mind we might find a key yeah we might get really lucky here i've got a shovel for this this is doable i don't need to worry about that this land is ancient and fallen into disrepair i have another shovel for later as well no fight very good let's keep moving come on key here we go key small map is okay nice all right cool that helps that doesn't surprised him again good another another very very small map so i suppose i'm okay with this knockback plan then seems to be working considering that enables caltrips there's a better judgment instead here over that damage okay and sure why not it's a good starting move [Music] ah stretch my arm i'm gonna say that's about time for the blight to show up right right when we declare the blighted a non-problem perfect there we go this is a good start let's go with the stun never mind one shot odds are pretty good good stuff that's a big help ouch all right corey's hurting again i'm actually going to use the arboles uh heel this time that'll be exciting yay i want to do second caltrips actually yeah let's do it oh i just realized that's half the bleed amount of flight on the prep ramp ah damn that sucks ouch oh no that takes away my battlefield bandage you son of a [ __ ] you [ __ ] knew cheater oh oh my god what is happening oh boy they're getting some good rolls on the enemy team here one more bleed on that quiver i gotta get rid of this guy quick oh boy ow holy christ okay no bleed there holy [ __ ] can i land my attack please thanks that's really good actually thank you that was huge that was very helpful abominations gonna transform back and heal off that it's kind of ideal spreading the damage bandage here to get rid of the bleed and couch trips again you just keep throwing cal trips i guess it's kind of working there we go and then boom heal up a little bit group heal nice that's a big one he'll die before he attacks very nice stress relief too all right good stuff hey crit for stress relief too perfect actually perfect all right not bad survive that fairly effectively hey and i could heal at the end holy cow we kind of solved all our problems at the end dude the body's weaknesses are exploited cool we press on there is much to do very good all right once we get to this room we're going to camp out although i might be very tempted to push one more actually yeah i'm going to be i'm tempted it's happening one more that was close oh god damn it i didn't actually get it that was pretty stupid oh well now definitely not going to use the last shovel there it's just asking for trouble all right let's do it alone we will die together we will rise the sanctuary [Music] we reduce the stress the bounty hunter uh do we have a religious squad we do don't we a very religious squad oh [ __ ] the effect of the prey boosts boosted significantly and i'll do psych up one more time i think that was actually helping us a lot to have the uh abominations damage up like that the darkness will not impede us if we are the flame okay secure it and oh i thought it was a key still have much to do i got excited oh well george is still fine i guess oh i completely ignored the curio in there whoops go get it yeah i got two of them now why not there we go rewarded buff i mean he didn't have to tell me twice [Music] stun still pretty low odds rolf that's a funny bark a funny bark indeed muffin buffer right yeah that's good i like that just walked into a bachelorette party the giant condor of course a staple of any good bachelorette party what kind of parties you've been to bear of course we've got a giant all condor i'll just do that again and not quite as effective as i thought oh well [Music] can i do that on her oh cool that works all right well we're certainly uh spreading the damage around bear taffy style here oh god damn it all right i'm down stun this guy 50 versus 30 let's get let's do him that's better i don't feel i need to heal here what no what what is that from a quirk you have a [ __ ] quirk that can make you pass your turn good lord oh god four percent chance to skip turn ah oh yucky gotta get rid of that immediately an adequate performance for now keep it that is gross all right that's base game oh man that sucks um shovel might work on that oh god you gotta remember this the ranged one though [ __ ] that would have been great for the arborist that's actually quite a bit for forced open box i gotta keep this shovel there's no way i can get rid of the shovel here i'll take i'll dump the amber i guess yeah i already got a good amount of loot here this is going pretty well still desperately looking for a key though nice this land is filled with unseen dangers how much food we have 12 foods still that's sick i'd actually be able to feast and get rid of some of this stress i probably just want to go ahead and ignore this bottom room and go up through this way and try to get back out to the secret area although the path down might yield a key so that's enough for me to want to do that hopefully we don't run any run into any combat this way that's unfortunate but i guess that probably would have happened no matter what only dust i really i feel fairly strongly that i need to be hanging on to this shovel for the remainder this is unfortunate but this is a pretty easy fight i think so i think it'd be a [ __ ] 24 credit heel there we go the vessel is very high stress unfortunately so i probably got to be concerned about that let me try to stop that from reaching 100. i mean obviously try to stop that but maybe prioritize that a little bit more than i have so far i want to knock you back again i like that idea yeah force the move forward skill let's go with this [Music] and a stun that might work all right judgment actually was probably the right play there dodge all right hopefully we get another knockback chance we'll go for the rage here for sure come on stun again that's just group he'll a little safer you will be target number two once this dude's dead can't quite collect bounty on that guy come heather's not as good actually there's a good amount of damage that's surprising huh oh yeah range skill damage buff that's still like significant though a lot more than i thought it would be that's kind of bad not that much worth thankfully i suppose i should transform down the abomination if i'm worried about stress though that sucks that's pretty bad goodbye okay he might explode here i gotta do as much damage as i can as fast as i can that'll certainly help that'll get us going big rage hit come on now that ought to do it try to stun i guess prevent the boom didn't work but here we go voice good stuff all right go up here probably camp in this room and that will be our last camp here we go i'm gonna take a chance here and go for the feast companions hope that we don't run into another hunger thing as we go [Music] i'm not gonna psych up here i'm definitely gonna encourage the vestal and three more is gonna mean no further stress reduction right yeah oh hey there we go anger management cool that's uh that's actually pretty effective nice that was really good follow the ever guided light all right hopefully we don't get any more hunger triggers it's pretty much the only thing we're gonna get screwed over by at this point we have one more shovel keep eyes peeled if we need it otherwise we're doing pretty damn good i think we just need to clear out this last fight pretty sure that's the end of it and then bear goes to get lunch i'm gonna use my shovel there that felt like a gamble though especially because we might still get into the secret room with a key here if we get extremely lucky all right pretty tough ending fight but we should be fine go for our standard play here knock back terps accordion that's a little concerning considering how low the arbalest is already this guy's in spot three we might even be able to pull him forward one more time here i think cow trips maybe no let's do the uppercut yeah this is good heal up the arby we must care for one another are being the chief uh just kill you close to it that was a 33 chance to hit that was really lucky i was very very lucky okay like that cal tripp's is pretty good here i think yeah that's very good ah it's not as good as i thought let's just kill him that's better unfortunate that it pulled the corpse forward that actually kind of hindered or uh hurt us a little bit but whatever that's not that big of a deal marbles can still probably one shot you almost almost rage goodbye come heather should kill that which i really hope i get to act before she does slash he does there we go very nice and come hither 20 damage on that move is pretty absurd that is a really strong hit one last heal that ought to do it no problem goodbye oh hell yeah quirk at the end of it another skirmish another step forward love it all right we got to use this shovel to get up there so we just got to hope hope against hope that we find a key and that ain't gonna do it but we got three more curios here so let's take a gamble see if we can't find one nothing nothing last chance last chance come on game come on game all right all right so be it no secret goodies for us we can still go in there and get like something right we get like at least a little something out of that i'm pretty certain amber grows brightly let's find out yeah it's still better than nothing all right cool good stuff relics kicked out of levantine well excellent that's a damn fine day i gotta say it feels like we did pretty well didn't lose anyone despite some very close calls we are uh doing pretty well we got a lot of currency a lot of cash feels nice some experience for the team hallucinations though bummer all right we'll have to figure that out all right y'all that is going to do it for me today below or my birthplace yet it is not the home i remember i've gotta go pee so i'm gonna go do that but thank you very much for watching i appreciate your time thank you for the support all the subs tips and bits today thank you for hanging out with me you can catch the vod of this over on beartappies while you catch all the black uh reliquary playthrough and the darkest dungeon playthroughs uh along with any other stuff that i've done here on beartap you can catch over on com slash bear taffy as well if you'd like head on over there and we'll see you tomorrow morning for some more darkest dungeon black reliquary mod playthrough thanks for watching i'll see you then
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 30,247
Rating: 4.9139786 out of 5
Keywords: baer, baertaffy
Id: DF251JNvhZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 15sec (10695 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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