FUN FACT: YOU WILL PERISH | Totally Accurate Battlegrounds

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another badger stream another customer's wi-fi being stolen for said stream you may call me the wi-fi bandit terbear installs internet connections and he's just stealing wi-fi from the customer he just installed to watch the i got a luger in a dream badger ending the rounds surrounded by a frenchman good that's one less loose end who got the boo i can see my own face this doesn't make any sense where's wow badger you're still playing that [ __ ] unity game where everybody's a noodle yes i am because i'm criminally insane and the community is just so damn welcoming who threw that it's actually scarier because you don't know through it i can't thank you enough for the kindness on the last video not the whole waterboarding me with maple syrup thing the last tab g video because it was a real topic not only did landfall games add my quote to the tap g store page not only did they re-release the new patch with all the new stuff but they didn't ban me which to me is nothing short of a miracle given some of this footage i just witnessed a crime against humanity by a banana and the only thing more absurd than everything we do in this video is the fact that someone agreed to sponsor it like who in the hell would be bold enough to sponsor this book the sponsor of today's video and a game that can only be called a switch hit you want to smash your dinosaur back to the jurassic swing away you want to smack the calcium out of a skeleton raid's got 16 different factions from the lizard man like a ox the rememberer with a memory so long it could probably strangle you rock to the skinwalkers like faint the cute rat lady that's about to make me act up and is willing to bite her way to victory if necessary we even got undead hordes like eros the soul cage who is quite literally the scariest bucket of mountain dew i've ever seen you're gonna need guys like him in the new doom tower featuring 120 floors and 12 terrifying bosses like the crab king himself who may not know how to read or speak but is so tanky that his armor does the talking for it no i don't want that join in on raid's biggest update ever via the link in the description and if you're a new player you'll receive a massive gift of 50 gems an xp booster energy refills an ancient shard and a free boy champion bulwark all the treasures waiting for you in the chest in the upper right and it's only available for the next 30 days so be sure to check it out and thanks for sponsoring this video if you thought gang enough with four stream snipers to make an eight man squad was bad this time we literally had half the server as personal mercenaries upside being that with these numbers we were virtually invincible if this guy's an enemy he walked into the wrong room you think you can do this to us i don't think so [ __ ] pull up get your [ __ ] ran you dumb [ __ ] downside being that if somebody happened to have an orbital strike it didn't matter how many of us there were tactical nuke ready turn the key blanket just [ __ ] blinking played us like a goddamn fiddle and this group included some of the best tab g players out there like captain bear from the last video who showed us how desync and lava in the final circle can absolutely break the engine i can't see the doorway bear is bear stuck yeah he's in the ground can we bust him out please bear talk to us no he's fine he's good wait i'll take him back to life that word oh no that word all right i have an idea what the [ __ ] oh my god friendly predator missile inbound is that my deacon you know my people need me bears last wish sacrificed poppy i think it's not my team's up in the air oh hard oh no let me tell you about my best [Applause] i needed to stop i don't know what the [ __ ] just happened it looks like saturday in my rural ohio town his buddy poppy has to be the greatest player i've ever seen he's such a god he can virtually control the outcome of every game he's in with unpredictable results he may just slap your [ __ ] in two seconds he may hand you a win on a silver platter and he may just shove your ass to brazil like the pirate he is yeah poppy's gonna run our [ __ ] i'm so scared already i'm just hearing screams in the background it's ghost driving what the oh he's driving oh he has his head all the way down so he can't get head shotted it's almost like a ghost riding the whip look at him it's like inside the center console crazy oh he's gonna drive us to brazil oh my god oh [ __ ] no he shoved me into brazil played me like a damn fiddle goddamn that was his plan don't make me pop youtube he's trying to shove things you can't get a car down here you idiot no don't shove the [ __ ] car down oh [ __ ] he's gonna crush he's crushing the other two this is what the last pringle in the can see the little googly eyes staring at it poppy did you murder the man i found a corpse inside bobby's extremely good at the game i love just hearing it in the distance like it's so faint which one are you getting in badger probably the one where the dude's pointing a magnum in 1911 at me good choice now is he leading us to the bad guys he just like clipped through a fence and killed somebody why is poppy so damn good at this game it's so confusing oh god he just launched me with a grenade it's like they play this game for you and what i can fire my barrett behind my back through the air these kids are immortal this is impossible they're caging me just so they can heal me up like what kind of odd torture is this it's one less loose end poppy poppy and his crew are so good at this game they could just make the outcome whatever they want they also managed to pull insanely rare weapons out of nowhere like this modified bright red minigun which we double barreled and turned into the most innovative mode of transportation ever elon musk ain't got [ __ ] on these guys have a gift see this badger what is it what is it mega gun okay you know you know mega gun mega gun what i just shot double barrel please don't oh look at it it doesn't even look like god that's disgusting just like look at the front of the gun try to hover with it try shooting it at the ground oh actually that that would be a good idea oh yeah hovercraft right here and if you thought the balloon gun from last time was neat check out the firework crossbow that turns anybody into tony stark whether they like it or not what happens if i if i hit you with a firework grenade oh yeah you just get carried away oh no he put weed he put wood with the car baby right there right there okay [Applause] you're tony stark now goodbye heavenly wait i can control it hold on just keep shooting shoot if i but the most broken items are never weapons they're always blessings and i know i mentioned them the last video but i mainly use them on the test range and not in live games that changed once i got a hold of two legendary blessings one that tripled my mag size giving my blunderbuss a three round mag yeah a musket type gun that you load from the boar has a three round magazine don't think about that too hard in addition to another legendary blessing that let me jump six consecutive times in a row like i was walking up an invisible staircase and another that healed me every time i said my catchphrase i don't even have blood how do you suppose that works naturally with this combination of a blessing that kept me in the air 90 of the game a blunderbuss and a balloon gun i called this class the airbnb and it was basically an automatic dump family i'll try to hit him i stuck him i stuck i got him with a balloon too oh [ __ ] i think he's coming around where are you oh he's right here the blunderbuss i got him he's got really good blessings by the way legendary you have six jumps oh oh i can just jump a bunch if i have my catchphrase activated look at this i could just repeatedly jump off of like invisible platforms in the air here look heavenly it's like i'm walking on an invisible set of stairs i'll balloon them i'll balloon them i i ballooned him tased him god it's over watch me hit him i got him i got him with a balloon he's gonna be immobilized i hit him again he's gonna be on the ceiling just need him oh i blew him out i i hit him i hit him i hit him i keep hitting him he's going up get him on the way down no he's dead oh oh oh [ __ ] oh i got him with a balloon once i got him again oh i got him a bunch of times he's [ __ ] oh no now you guys know how much i love the social aspects of the game like the chat boxes and catchphrases alone make the game twice as fun why is there lighting on the text boxes of the parrot unity gaming chat boxes look at this look at this why why is there enhanced lighting on swous like that's so stupid you will see one thing before you die i also found in the mate what i got like oh my god that is [Music] [Laughter] but we needed to approach it with caution because any time one of you guys would pop up we weren't sure if you were gonna shout a fun fact that we'd laugh at or a belligerent racial slur that would make me break twitch terms of service no he's gonna say something racist so our precautions were one my buddy's ready to fire and squad basically anybody we came across and two this rare inside blessing that put a rectangular box around any nearby enemy i swear i'm not hacking i'm just trying not to get my account banned for flagrant racism i really just want to run this guy's [ __ ] hit him hard got him i don't know this guy either who the [ __ ] are you fun fact who fed [ __ ] off who threw that at me why does he have a bar like i'm cheating what what is it stop running stop running what the what is that oh you have a blessing that lets you see that [ __ ] okay because i was about to say that is like mega sauce [Laughter] okay i downed him i was gonna say how the [ __ ] did he not die fun fact he comes to play he's back what was the fun fact what was the fun fact what was the fun fact see the [ __ ] fun fact ah say the goddamn fun fact laugh fun fact that red bastard is gonna take the fun fact to the damn grave every time oh i didn't reload it no i only i only have ng42 i still got him i still got him okay that's that's fine oh my god wait this dude what the [ __ ] are you doing here please tell us what is the fun fact and that's all i've got for today i still can't tell if the five dollar price tag on this game is amazing value or a total rip-off but when it comes to tab g i've learned to stop asking questions it just looks so [ __ ] up like yeah it's like your neck muscles have to be so strong to be able to do that how do we cross the national rock just go around it that's it man that's a second tab g video i never thought i would be saying the word second tab g video but [ __ ] it happened thanks very much for watching and i will see you next year i can't promise that i'm making a fallout video next but i really really have this craving just to murder people to orange colored skies so i may just do a fallout i might just [ __ ] around and do a fallout video out of an [Music] will always orange christmas in my heart [Music] no he wouldn't miss it
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 8,253,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tabg, totally accurate battlegrounds, totally accurate battle simulator, totally accurate battle grounds, battle royale, pubg, fortnite funny moments, totally accurate battlegrounds gameplay, tabg russian badger, tabg gameplay, tabg game, tabs battle royale, new battle royale, totally accurate battle royale, tabs, totally accurate battlegrounds funny, tabg funny, tabg new, tabg all weapons, totally accurate, tabg best, new battle royale games, battle royale games, fortnite
Id: CGiO5RqLn5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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