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hey mike can i just get a cheeseburger and [Laughter] thanks bro bye yeah sorry guys i like it because it when you're driving and you're starving hungry you just get a cheesy and it's all weird you know what's so bad as soon as you start talking about food i instantly hear it i could be having my mom's meat boy right now oh god everyone's poked out shout out to you guys for all the love on the last video after hearing your feedback i've really started to rethink my home defense strategy thanks jesse someone breaks into my house i don't want to make all of us death i'm not going to fire like a 50 a.e why not [Music] this is a story of how we any percent speed around the lardex battle pass had literally the worst alpha pack opening in history and even had mozzie drop by to admit he can canonically [ __ ] walk in the rainbow six cinematic universe i might have to get up in [ __ ] walk is this a badger raid it's a badger ray oh my god it's a badger raid this is the craziest thing i've ever seen and here to make sure that i can buy the battle pass without selling an oregon or taking out a second mortgage is the sponsor of today's video honey the free browser extension that automatically finds the greatest coupon codes on the internet to save you money just imagine you're shopping for something vital a keyboard sunglasses jars of mayonnaise whatever once you find yourself at checkout you click one button sending honey darting through the internet like a bloodhound and searching promo codes and coupons automatically adding them to your cart to save you as much money as possible in the past i've saved 18 bucks on domino's 27 on shorts nine dollars off a christmas sweater and we even out pizzaed the hut last time by getting half off a 50 online order i'm about to out pizza the hunt and i'm not the only one saving dosh because using my link alone you guys have saved over half a million dollars by using honey at over 30 000 supported stores online start saving yourself by installing honey for free with just two clicks at the russian badger i repeat join honey dot com slash the russian badger to do me a solid and support the channel thanks again to those of you out there that have already installed and thanks to honey for sponsoring this video now that we've got ourselves some honey money to spend the battle pass which was officially called tour de force but i'm thinking tour de lardex is better because it's the only skin i desperately wanted from it oh that is a neat skin heavenly you've done the whole battle pass you even have a cloaker baton that's amazing okay fine the bionicle looking halo helmet on jaeger was cash too but you get my point that battle pack jaeger is clean though look at that you're just made out of stone it's so good so i decided it was 80 battle pass speed run time because uesoft is dumb and doesn't run the battle pass for the whole season for some reason okay the objective i got is basically an 80 speed run of the battle pass because i [ __ ] up and i only have four days to do it this started with me buying the premium track with mahoney money and focusing entirely on the challenges that reward you with the most battle pass point time to learn a valuable lesson about being in the upper class wow i feel like i'm getting a head start this makes me feel right at home shout out to all my middle class gang grinding it up until the plus 12 finished it yeah because your time is worth nothing heavenly let's go stay down there where you belong try hard at the bottom of the food chain get the grind music oh you know what i want to play so badly but i'll get dmc8 into outer space i want to play grind time by chameleon air right now it's grind time any minute dealing 3 000 damage to enemies getting 5 kills through a breakable surface 50 kills with secondary weapons 70 suppressor kills and let me tell you it sounds easy like duh just kill people with suppressed secondaries via wall bangs and hit all four challenges at once [ __ ] my plans foiled apparently not [ __ ] you ella but in practice was not nearly that easy now involved in this 80 percent speed run is me doing all of the personal challenges which are actually kind of hefty does one of the objectives reach a certain tax bracket 850 points for 70 suppressors [ __ ] garbage 70 espresso kills sucks 850 isn't even enough to do a tier like it's a thousand for everyone and my first game in running this gauntlet was [ __ ] up like what the hell i stopped playing siege for two months and now you're all whipping and dabbing when you shoot me what did you guys do oh i hit him hard but he got me why is everybody like whipping it it's a new bug basically when you shoot now you literally throw your whole shoulder and nae nae on people zero damage hold up you he dab no no no no no no no that's a nae [Laughter] why do you have to mix memes like that they they're never meant to be together i've made the executive decision that after three rounds i'm ready to buy the battle pass so i figured if this [ __ ] was gonna be dumb i may as well double down on the dumb by also undertaking the weekly uplay challenges to gain as much renown as quickly as possible to get myself 180k and add a 50 alpha pack opening to spice things up even more seven kills with gadgets or melee eight wins with russian seven kills with shotguns score mvp with three thousand points [ __ ] that one i don't play terrorist hunt and four wins with italians we're all on the to-do list cafcan was the perfect place to start not because he's an alligator with a learning disability but because he's russian he's got a shotgun two gadgets that kill people and is suppressed makarov is a weapon of mass destruction okay i'm real nice and slow but check this out got her head shot rouse i got it i got it gross i got it i got it baby oh man we're just gonna eat that [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there's people still yeah i got her she did as [ __ ] what if i did this all right in the face i got her i hit her in the mouth oh fuses and everyone's bad pre-fired with the makarov hell yeah brother oh next up next up baby beat her in like oh behind us oh she's right there baby oh man to the right oh i punched him i punched him back that was disgusting pretty sure she dropped so yup yes i got her oh it feels so nice to kevi and rightly yes i want it i want it i [ __ ] want it and i want it baby the touch okay i'm gonna burn myself i knew he was gonna leave he was like brother badger's in there i'm not going there that's a strat that was a certified hood classic and you had no idea it's a scare tactic badgers literally i'm going to [ __ ] put myself on a pyre and kill myself that's how much i don't care you amara was a natural pick because she's got a shotgun that checks two boxes a suppressed smg eleven that checks two boxes and now that her gadget isn't a piece of [ __ ] why not speed run with a low budget spider-man i'm going it's okay i'm just kind of slow oh my god in the toilet my man yo he do be hanging out though i just heard that got him got him i'm an eye to god say hello to my little friend oh my god you put your flash on f or do you put your flash on d always forget the [ __ ] out i'm getting somebody here i'm punking somebody yup punk get another one wait for it punked with the force of a thousand sons what the [ __ ] is so in here hey what's up hey what's up oh you're next i'll deal with you in a second man oh yeah give me a moment why is badger playing with easier difficulty than the rest of you the way this team is playing makes me think it's just a bunch of ikea shelves like behind the keys how about we throw some ash in there too she's blazing fast her suppressed fn57 secondary is basically an lmg of ar rounds and according to ubisoft's cfo she really kicks up the diversity what you got to say bro oh what's that diversity it has arrived you can't call ash diversity i even hit up alibis buffed aa-12 to kill two birds with one stone and let me tell you if you hit the right spot with the new slugs on this thing it only takes one don't be [ __ ] up if you were the dovahkiin and you're like trying to talk to a girl and you actually say the wrong thing and you like send her off like a five-story building that was really funny [Laughter] it shall be done damn it there's nobody over here wait i think steve's name on the other team is oh my i did not hit that shot with a red dot damn i'm not kidding on a 1440p monitor that was probably three pixels tops that was a shot just to see if that was somebody's head and it was bye-bye oh what [Laughter] thank you oh i hit him right in the mouth maverick's right out there to your left i hit him twice so he's like yeah you damn right you damn right that boy is taking a dirt nap now so it was about time for a break and the renowned from finishing challenges happened to put me over the top with 180k which meant one objective down and a 50 alpha pack opening on stream let's do this finally get 50 alpha packs and i have not opened them in forever it's probably been a full year since i have had this much renown and hitter wiggle trash trash already happened oh oh here we go here we go [ __ ] tentacles i don't even play the boss ass already have it already have it already have it i already have it damn frost's eyes got dreamy again what the hell what's [ __ ] good i already have it i already have it i already have it it's literally just mood killing already have sapien i already have it already have it already happy damn no legendaries all ass that might have been the worst elf back opening i've ever seen legitimately this is no cap this is facts i got [ __ ] scan of the 51 packs i got 22 duplicates so almost half i already had zero legendaries only five epics 17 rares 10 of which were duplicates and i even got a double [ __ ] rare duplicate as in i already had sas dark woodland and i opened sas dark woodland in these packs two separate [ __ ] times [ __ ] you ubisoft this was literally the worst alpha alphabet opening ever and i only own like two black ice this is [ __ ] you should end the damn street that was shameful that was embarrassing disgusting but i'm done with that trash i'm over it now i'm a magician for my next trick i'mma pay you [ __ ] no mine let's just focus on how incredible smokes smg 11 was at getting suppressed secondary kills and blasting wall bang after wall bang with his mossberg five nine gassers oh my god bamboozle yiddis elitist get out my bathroom jesus age christ i was about to say hillary i got a strong name jesus howard christ i was gonna say jesus christ because i would get a real kick out of jesus christ's middle name being jesus peter christ i was gonna say pogba's but you know jesus [ __ ] kill him and add down the guy badger your life badger come here shoot him through the wall you can just go on the other side of this wall and shoot him all right all right i can't believe we got that battle pass challenge on maverick courtesy of his kneecaps and when mozzie's voice actor martin showed up i totally forgot about that shitty alphabet opening like he speeds through security checkpoints yells at seagulls eats cheeseburgers and canonically knows how to [ __ ] walk finally some rainbow six lore that doesn't [ __ ] suck oh my god everyone's pogged out idiots you [ __ ] i just took somebody's joke i was aiming at her and everything you stole it i'm just trying to keep it down because it sounds like ronnie's going through like a border security checkpoint i'm not trying to scream anything like i just shot someone in the head i don't want to say that weren't some farmers involved in that as well [Laughter] quick question complete left turn the cavera voice actor does she have a fan club that i can make if they're already made online at coffee which you can order online yeah you just open the coffee bag it just punches you in the face and that's the end this is seagull that i talk to in the morning he's only got one leg and i got creative with the reinforcing hold up hold up did you say see girl or like a girl that lives by the beach or a seagull i wish that was the same that there was just some girl by the beast that you're screaming reinforcements i will scream out my car window reinforcing the seat girl so if i see one i i give you my word i'll scream it out the window as loud as i can i've actually learned to uh to crit walk in siege shut the [ __ ] up this is important you know how you do really stupid [ __ ] at 3am we made this tier list based on who can [ __ ] walk that's where it came from yeah and we put mozzie at the top because he's closest to the ground 100 like you were either drinking you were gonna yell at somebody i think i popped a muscle in my shoulder bike the moral of the story is uh a stupid-ass meme we made at 3am where you are really good at [ __ ] walking turned out being true would you look at that wow don't ask about f2 so who's the worst [ __ ] walker castle castle what okay okay that's bait that's bait that is so good it's not made at all you want me to say castle because he's black and i will not say it since i'm black no one can be racist if i say it that's true castle can't [ __ ] it because in the lord castle is a gigantic [ __ ] nerd he has no friends but ash he stays up all night watching k dramas and he doesn't go our prize he has some sherman oaks that makes perfect sense heavenly that makes so much sense this is me spitting facts and spitting doritos everywhere but he can't grip off and all sorts funny oh no he's right no you actually are doing it how did you know i look like ot genesis right now no but like how do you swap hands heavenly do you see that you see how you just yeah so effortless you are that is weird look at me cash that is so strange all right i'm about to end this party right quick do it stop bodyblocking my c4 are your ass back upon you mine we're that type of bully if you want to talk i did take a final crack at the battle pass by racking up suppressor kills with doc's p90 because if heavenly is gonna insta-lock lardex every round so he can flex the cloaker skin i might as well back him up and shove some snacks in his mouth and you actually do be happy here in your police baton battle pass come back yes yo let me give you a snack come back come back and we snack your ass up no no stop moving right now yeah difficult i'm glad that mickey was the one who i'm sure you have it oh i just took iq's face off but the way that you said that was the most butch voice line i've ever heard yeah difficulty tweet i'm gonna punch a hole in this wall and give you another one stop moving stop moving hold up [Laughter] [Laughter] it oh he jumped out he got where'd he go you go out yeah he jumped down and he's in the window no i don't have time i'll try i'll try i'll try go go go go oh it's gonna be close please get this game [ __ ] you game give me the [ __ ] please yes oh my god the road dog combo has never been stronger i [ __ ] love that as i jumped out the window i look over at chat all i see is then perish in mid-air oh thanks for that suprasonic that is a certified hood classic i tell you what then i just said [ __ ] you bought the whole ass battle pass every single [ __ ] tear i ain't got time for this [ __ ] anymore mozzie already left and at least i'm gonna get some good alpha packs out of the deal right ubisoft right right yeah there you go okay okay okay done done crack one of those outfits i want to see what yellows you got already have it crane whatever fluke just said i agree with it whatever just said i couldn't tell what word that was but i agree with that noise whatever that noise was almost disappointment noise but damn i have never seen a worse day of alpha packs in the history of rainbow six that was so bad and we rounded things out by raiding martin's twitch channel which i will leave down below if you guys are at all interested oh my god it's a badger raid and i'd like to thank our heavenly father i'll never forget heavenly all i can say is [ __ ] hell owen you're a real person owen heavenly father this one's for you okay i'll do one more quick walk no i want it seriously i want to thank russian badger and all his boys we had mickey in their heavenly father the grouse all glorious bunch of individuals they made me feel very very very welcome and i had such a great time the end that's all you get [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] finally [Music] i
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 8,480,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, r6s, rainbow six siege funny moments, rainbow six siege gameplay, rainbow six siege battle pass, battle pass, rainbow six siege new operators, rainbow six siege tips, rainbow six siege montage, rainbow six siege clutch, rainbow six siege operators, rainbow six siege memes, rainbow six siege fails, rainbow six siege random moments, siege, operation steel wave, steel wave, rainbow 6 siege, rainbow six, rainbow six gameplay, funny, gameplay, rainbow six: siege, ace
Id: 5rlPJ-vhlq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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