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the real question mark for me on team pain is gonna be Russian badger going with the recruit pick oh not a lot of play with do I love him he's gonna be bringing out the memes all match I can just feel it starting with the recruit two weeks ago I played in Rainbow six III show match of team t-pain versus team lil yachty for charity and a cash fries in LA he got deep a we got ammunition we got bean ants we got little Lexi and we got the Russian badger ones god only then holy [ __ ] did I ever receive an unexpected response I had 15,000 viewers on my stream when I usually can't clear 1,500 I was featured in all kinds of III videos due to my lone singular individual clap and by god was it ever a [ __ ] tidal wave in my Twitter mentions about how much taller I am than everybody else I don't know why you guys thought I was small when I'm six foot four which accidentally spawned the most unexpected five eleven versus six foot meme ever oh dude we're gonna talk so I figured [ __ ] it why not tell the whole story from my perspective from the dumbass pictures to me being on camera when I shouldn't be to me refusing to drink from t-pain solo cup to recruit rushing to spawn peaking with the chencang the whole shebang I have no plans whatsoever to take this seriously and try to win I'm gonna do the dumbest [ __ ] imaginable but before we get started I gotta thank Dollar Shave Club for keeping me so damn fresh on camera and sponsoring this video because I may have a goofy ass looking face but by god is it ever clean-shaven simply put the grooming products in your bathroom like shampoo and body wash are finite as and you will inevitably run out of them and need to buy more but what if you didn't what of your shave stuff shower stuff Mouse stuff odor stuff and even butt stuff all magically appeared at your front door in a box for a small fee that's Dollar Shave Club the people that deliver all the items you need to stay fresh to death my morning routine includes showering shaving brushing and styling but you want to know what it doesn't include going to the store finding items waiting in line and flat-out wasting my own time right now you can see what I mean by trying out their trial set of shave butter to in one face and body wash and to and one shampoo and conditioner along with my personal favorite executive razor handle and for shaving cartridges that I've been using every day for the past three years all for just five bucks if you like it you can upgrade to the full size of each add or remove products to your liking and even adjust how often you receive them all up to you and the more you buy the more you save or change make your life easier at slash badger I repeat slash badger by getting your first starter set for just five bucks and thank you to Dollar Shave Club for sponsoring the video shave time shave money it's all down below showdown time first of all going into this thing I was sleep deprived as [ __ ] I had to pull an all-nighter to finish a sponsored Ghost Recon video that was also due on the 10th so I was awake for 32 straight hours before the game even began so with me already planning on doing the most moronic [ __ ] strats known to man it was only enhanced by the fact that I was running on fumes and needed a large dose of Mentats just to operate a keyboard secondly it took me an hour just to get into the [ __ ] venue the bouncer / door guy I was like I don't see you on this list pal and I was like are you sure because that poster over there promoting the t-pain Louie show match has my dumbass face on it sipping from an even dumber looking face on a coffee mug I'm even wearing the same [ __ ] shirt my guy no dice still didn't allow me to enter until I started yelling let me in let me yeah that caught the attention of a buddy of mine in taro who was a caster in pro league and happened to be a caster for the event who got me into the venue like the god he is so just getting inside in the first place was a challenge then I'm slapped by surprise again because the venue wasn't inside it was outside and it may have been shaded but it was still 94 [ __ ] degrees in LA and I was in G's so just adding to the list here sleep-deprived chin annoyance a Ubisoft staff check extreme swamp ass check whatever I'm no newcomer to adversity and apologizing in advance for the audio because both our streams and recordings don't have the voices of my teammates without bork this setup was so it sounds like I'm talking to myself the whole time that you're not gonna be able to hear t-pain I swear I'm talking to little Lexi and banan's and ammunition and t-pain I'm not just making it up and I'd say oh yeah that's right that's right my best friend t-pain yeah sure good point the pregame essentially consisted of me making fun of t-pain for rhyming the word mansion with Wisconsin in his 2008 song can't believe it oh my god I'm gonna ruin this for UT pain I'm so sorry as soon as I saw you it just I could put you in a mansion I can't believe people let you get away with that but that's so legendary that you did it's so great man there's been a lot of those you know legendary status that's why you got two bouncers my man that's - Kanye Kanye my favorite one is Kanye one said no never fix your lips like collagen when are you gonna do is end up apology oh yeah and you know that whole part where I had to claim that my white monster boomer juice was just water for branding / broadcasts / copyright purposes yeah I love water - I love water I'm a huge fan of that that hydration juice my favorite with that out of the way it was finally time to get this [ __ ] going and here we go let's play boomer juice here we go fellas it's real boomer our round one you already know what the [ __ ] bout a happen P alright I'm gonna keep it a book I'm robbery crew rushing I'm just busting my ass in there at full speed let's do this there we go yeah boost let's get the F in there get the F in because does appear then with the first Vega boost Palma Russian badger is already at the finish line just inside I'm out here I'm playing games like a real gamer here we go fellas here we go cab kill number one yeah baby oh oh I'll kill number two baby I forgot the melee but no [ __ ] I'm down there's one in kitchen No t-pain is looking for his first kill he's gonna be having to do some heavy lifting here and it doesn't pick the best opportunity to reload t-pain on the board on the board he's down one left Lancet bombs he could see in the bottom right hand corner the defuser being planted that's the objective here took the corpse of the Russian back he's given him a pillow there you go no he's asleep just fine he's going all the way around feeling pretty good thank you very much let's go to round two round two had to run my favorite Russian warlord fuse because the show mash just isn't a show match without a cluster charge kill all right the Russian warlord is in the house why is there a question mark at the end of that's I believe x I'm sorry excuse me all right bananas we working our way upstairs I will back you up sister I forgot my gadget button yeah I think I got it it's all up to me now oh I got a kill with you so find me damn it damn yeah sure I died but when one Russian doesn't get the job done grab a second one and hit him harder and let me tell you this guy nobody hits hard didn't quite have the pizzazz to put it down fellas we're still peeking though Oh baby the head shot boom bullseye bikini going left going left side going left side now left side yes checked it wrecked good shot good shot I'm bad at math this is not good probably my favorite moment of the whole match simply because the commentator saw me about to peak bikini with two chencang and we're basically like you can't just spawn peak with schanke's pistols to which I responded observe followed by bang bang bang bang BAE BAE BAE BAE everybody and a great degree of difficulty putting down this turret and I think the spawn peak with the pistol is not exactly the wisest of ideas [Music] absolute embarrassment that's gotta hurt it's around 4 I'd really had to up the ante so I decided I would throw out three alibi clones and spawn peak to which an inexperienced player looks like a four man spawn rush and let's just say that they weren't really ready for a Betty spaghetti now this is gonna be interesting this is called the Hall of Mirrors strategy so rush batters gonna throw up three decoys yes I got it it worked Edwards check the direct volume - I can't believe work fellows we actually did it may not have won the round but oh so worth round 5 things are starting to heat up because lil yachty ended up T Kang the [ __ ] outta cap can I let his corpse on fire before shooting yachty in the face with my saw and I gotta be honest he was not too happy about it rough on health right now how's that whoo - that's Mira nice shield nice ride lil yachty dude we cut down by rushing badger gonna coming Oh was this right to the hole he's in reading is in reading he's in reading round this round let's go never in a million years that I think the t-pain would bring more pain than me and Rainbow six this is impossible make it stop the next round I can only describe as Quatro kick featuring belligerent screaming and cheap a will that pull that pin hold after pay respects hole Daphne pain clutch time in the 1v4 situation the finals on the line 500 million dollars the Canadian woman's gonna kill you oh baby the headshot there's another one ahead E&T pain for us is in that room blows oh the dumpling he's down you gotta finish up finish her off she's only down you gotta go kitty you gotta finish her off finish her finish her no that's a dead body there shooter good try not like this not like this Brown seven was another nail-biter and the only thing that I contributed to my team was being a clown in the prep phase with my comms that fortunately or unfortunately ended up on the mainstream so listen closely - this is it if you were to play the story seriously and you look at the lineup of team yachty this is a very interesting lineup you got a shield operator you got to shield someone the sack grill running the black leader then once again we mentioned this Fink in the very first class gives you the boost and for that reason I'm out oh oh I got the thermite I got thermite oh the double their mites go into reading he's going to reading I'm sorry yeah yeah NIR you've new un o ammunition pick it up frags no no in two seconds t-pain is it's a rap it's a rap for the student on the red stairs it's about to be over it's about to be over yes see what did I say damn son that's like two versus five I was trying to do percentages and Midway throws like a bort abort this [ __ ] do not do not continue do not pass go do not collect $200 it's a best of nine game which means it's first to five wins which means it's match point fellas than if you think I'm not hitting - janky y'all really on some [ __ ] this is too childish I gotta reload I gotta reload [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Xander knows exactly where to chunk it is you have this preparation phase where as an attacker you know exactly where the defenders completing and all it's gonna take is a quick little mark here I've been spotted Russian badger is gonna be found out and he might not be long for this earth got one this is peak performance right here already door they got here Bona that got him Bona coming in delivery I got one I'm satisfied yo yo yo t-pain you won't get me just can't all right all right thank you the camera is now mine uh-oh good shot Lexi just busting crepes over here my goodness a drop dropping your skylight is Blackbeard a good shot and and it's just dropping out same place and same place same place that's uh that's Ashe same place easy kills yes yes Oh dad all dead please don't kill each other for the diffuse I swear to God please don't don't T pay oh yes yes the hyper carries [Applause] the absolute unit well done well done with five kills that's not bad we are the champions my phrase it I won't do that 40 bands to the charity of Saint Jude a grand apiece in straight cash homie to everyone on t-pain and one singular powerful clap in the winner's circle because my ass was tired of clap make some noise for Dean alright are you guys ready for DK for Saint Jude [Applause] the biggest check in the world followed by me asking t-pain if he would buy me a drank as a silly reference to his 2007 hit single buy you a drank featuring young jock though we have both teams we're gonna take a few pictures gonna be amazing we got the red cooked in a final sign-off by t-pain all I gotta say is we gamers man we played by everybody we played loves downs we play we play to win and that's about it you see what I mean no matter how tall I am I always look tiny in this chair after watching this video back a couple of times it just kind of evolved into a living breathing [ __ ] post even though I didn't mean it to be like a perfectly valid criticism would be why do you have Cyrax from Mortal Kombat and Red Hood as your commentator placeholder through which I have no response whatsoever thank you so much Dollar Shave Club for sponsoring a video so don't forget about the link down below thank you to everybody that made it possible everybody from twitch and Twitter eigvals and Hughie soft to t-pain to lil yachty to my team to their team to entero and wave as the commentator's everybody that I met thank you thanks again so much for watching and be sure to tune in next time when I actually try out VR [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 8,372,828
Rating: 4.9544926 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege funny moments, rainbow six siege e3, e3 2019, rainbow six siege e3 2019, lil yachty, t-pain, rainbow six siege gameplay, phantom sight, rainbow six siege new operation, new operators, rainbow six siege nokk, rainbow six siege warden, operation phantom sight, rainbow six siege tips, nokk, siege, warden, r6s, gameplay, rainbow six, rainbow 6 siege, ubisoft, r6, new ops, update, rainbow six funny, r6 siege, tom clancy, dlc, pc game, fails, strategy, e3
Id: 1tQiRk30BHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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