Greatest Idea Ever!! THE NEW WALL

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Hey whoa my camera got foggy when I came outside take her more and you got to grip it hold it hold it with your hands Cora hold okay now let's go to our mommy hi flash hi hi I don't know what time it is for you but it's so hot outside that when I walked out from inside the camera goes we gotta go find mommy because you want me to give it to mommy here here you got to deliver it to mommy okay so she left her ring in the bathroom are you gripping it grip it tight okay let me see let me see oh you look pretty mommy you forgot something sorry put lotion on okay I'll meet you inside very quickly come on okay guys just getting the day started I only have shoes or socks on yet we are um look at all the leftover randomness from the fourth we have so much randomness he's got a random cupcake Oh got a cupcake - wants a cupcake we just got all these random boxes of like leftover stuff maybe didn't light or oh he kissing Kizzy mail truck oh say hi yeah the mail trucks here everyone's getting orders here's what I'm really trying to say today the first video we made coming back was horrible to make I did not enjoy making that I had to post something I love the video I just didn't want to make it it's tough second video back fourth of July kind of an annual video something we do every year third video back chorus second birthday they've all been a venti flash I hear you I hear you you can't come in right now look at him as I watch me watch me watch go ahead and open it come on go inside go you gonna open it Maru come on open the door open the door flash open the door open the door flash you do it every single day and now you're not gonna do it okay come on let's go eat let's go eat come on that's it okay all right whoa whoa they have my favorite snowball yo what up what up you look good man look sharp it's definitely my boy I've been looking good oh my gosh stop shoes I'm like oh those aren't even heels flat dude that's scary ah back to better back Tibet oh no do you think look next year it's over maybe even shorter Ali's mooks okay Oh quick this I'm trying to say something last few videos back have been tough mentally to make today I wanted to just try to make not an annual vlog not a holiday a birthday I just want to make a vlog I actually wanted to try to attempt to make a vlog today which is something we used to do every single day for years and years and now it feels so strange he'll be welcome back dude starvin is it fish day [Music] where's the mole at man if we're gonna make a vlog like just a vlog you gotta have the mole it dude it's too hot it's too hot for them all we need a sea mullet yeah let's go see what you're doing out here you got so wet yesterday anything you do dry clean it Brian has been for the last was it in two days two weeks Brian's been working on a really cool project out here and this is kind of reasons I hate not vlogging is I like following everything that we do so today we're gonna try we got a couple of things we're doing and this is one of them Brian's been building okay so under our Tower which we jump off of into the water this is all water look at all the Beatles deed Brian's putting a deck down here so that we can have all this to hang out plus these little guys do you it's kind of the hard I wish I filmed you working out here yesterday he's in the water the whole day pretty much putting all these boards in and this right here is going to be a rock climbing wall from the water so if you fall you go into the water and then from the water you can climb up back onto the tower what where have you been so yeah now you'll be able to climb up and crawl through here or I don't know man maybe we bring it all the way up so it's super tall obviously it's hard to tell on camera what is this 20 foot thanks 20 so it's it is pretty high oh wow why we wobble indeed then braces you took off this tower is wobbling oh it's really built a Brian out here today man this little dog it's awesome get all your tools man you're set bring you some lunch so today's goal is just a vlog I know it doesn't sound like anything just the vlog I just want a vlog today you can rate it thumbs up thumbs down I just wanted to vlog today so that's what we're gonna do you can attempt that we are I'll explain the next piece coming up oh she's dress ready you ready you ready to go and take a ride don't get your blanket all dirty she's like yeah peace I'm now take this stuff out and no it's got to be tight I'll double-check and triple-check it quadruple check it hey pepper it's this car are we off you ready no that's it that's it bad enough of this I've had enough of this everyone's getting old and cranky not me not me I'm not cranky not me ma ma Oh Messer donkey giving you guys a show is pixie I'll pick these up on the hill Pixies but we are headed to never been here we have been wanting to stock the last year we stocked up on with some largemouth bass and some perch and this year we're having a little bit of algae issues so we got to get some carp some grass carp and we're gonna get some recommendations on basically what we need to help our pond stay a great swimming pond that's the goal it's swimming ponds so we want to keep it nice to want to keep it clean but this hot Sun yeah yeah we got a lot of vegetation going on snakes I see no sticks Oh invisible sticks that aren't sticks rubber sticks yeah so we're going up to find this is the Sun so we're we're going up to buy fish for our pond right now and let's oh no that's all just keep swimming just keep swimming all right little fam pile out pile out really thought you were barefoot for a second I was like that floor has got to be hot be honest I was expecting like like ponds and lakes and water but it's just a bunch of building so I don't know what a white you got it lead the way lead the way little girl this door this one right I don't know she knew she's got the store indoor/outdoor oh remember hitting Kane's head at the post office see we gotta get one of these put on an RC boat chase the kids get ya Majan that coming at ya you see him Cora you see um you gonna catch one with your hands okay oh that's the best view I got what are we doing jumping jacks jumping Jeff [Laughter] [Music] knows out one foot one foot alright we got our little buddies here seven grass carp grass carp and it's right back let's get some focus here get some focus here poop guys having such a good day we are I hope today is feeling like an old traditional vlog a little dancing scene in the store like those are the moments that I like to cat like that real life memory is exactly why I love vlogging because that clip that'll be something we watching the future the kids get to watch later and it's just so real and just so cute it's so glad I filmed that today we're headed home get a little fishies in their new home and go from there source weird little adventure today but uh they were kind of honest with me too like you may never see any change with your algae from these fish but it's worth a shot and I like fish in there so having some more is all good even if they don't do the job okay so we're gonna let these guys acclimate in the water for just a few minutes let them get used to the temperature should be water's pretty warm right now so shouldn't be too bad hey dudes hey dudes I don't know what these guys are you little beetles they like to shade they're smart 91 today baby it's actually super crazy gosh my funnel nuts just fell into the water it's so crazy filming like I don't understand guys I've done this for I've been on YouTube ten years and I picked the camera even with the kids and everyone today I was like you guys aren't used to being on camera like it was weird it's like we're all just so when you walk around with this thing every day for years you just use it's just part of your dates like that's like people that go to the gym everyday it's just part of their habit it's a habit it like becomes part of your routine and then you stop for a while and you have just a lot going on mentally it feels weird so like I'm just gonna sound so stupid I'm actually so proud of my family myself today for just pulling out the camera and just kind of filming because it's been it's been weird not explain it got the other ones let's do it bag number two going in go let's eat it I'm so for upon our size they recommended only six of these carp so see what happens yep come on little buddies be free check them out there we go first batch coming out come on out let it go welcome to your new home wait this place is huge alright you guys next go eat go feast feast on the great algie's been supplied you ready see dudes you won't enter out in or out we're stuck on the bag adios imagine I didn't get them all out of the bag that's like once stuck in there yeah all right all we can do now is let them grow she said they live like 15 years dude he's crazy did they go at all yeah they yeah they get like remember the size of shark yeah I want to run up I got my dad's coming over for dinner tonight I've been spending more time with my dad than ever and you guys know how close we were to begin with but now it's just like looking and finding any excuse possible to be with my dad I'd be around my dad help my dad so we're having dinner with my dad tonight I want to show you these whoo so good in here I want to show you these holes actually I'm just gonna take them out I think we gotta just bring them out here cuz here they are so obviously they make like the ones we have in the house if you guys remember we build a rock wall in our house they're like real professional great this is gonna be designed mainly for the kids I know us adults are gonna play on it but it is designed more for the kids so these are more colorful more fun they got a little texture so flee the water is not too slippery maybe have to spray them with some of that rubber spray or something but I wanted to be a challenge dude I want them to see them fall into the water I guess have fun mountains up this is awesome special delivery builder Brian this is gonna be so cool man so you'd just be swimming in the water you come up grab the holds and climb up this tower okay I like this little work boat man this is nice dude just gonna basically start running some holes there's like a little thing in the back it grabs them and then we're just gonna start figuring out where we want each one of them and yeah it's pretty sweet okay we're making some killer progress we are basically just putting these in everywhere I got enough to hopefully go just crazy with it maybe we can have races from the bottom up you people what we're doing this finishing up brittany is making cupcakes with the kids i think cuz she just said hey can you bring your camera I said film it with your phone we're gonna throw her footage if she has push [Music] every part of this Romans out hoppin Brian so I'm trying to film what I can on my phone I'm trying to let her do most of it obviously she's just turned 2 there's our boundaries okay let's check on the brownies Laura what are you doing just trying to eat the cake batter see we're making cupcakes I found these cute little pins all right guys she's done I mean almost completely done a couple gallons of sweat a couple hours later - the day's Brian's already spin on it she's a beaut look at that that is a great addition man it really is I just got to tell the kids get some kids over to play another good sleep night is what we call one of these dudes just how you make your kids sleep good man yeah where I'm out oh it's a great addition out there I don't like this thing blocks the view but it's a great addition I love it a new way to get up to the top hi I'm serious hi oh okay would you do funk you did so you did film okay that's where you guys see the footage before me actually to get binky oh come on take your pinky out we don't need that drama queen yeah oh no way these cupcakes I'm so filthy I like a man oh my gosh brownies stop it stop it my little ladies be working oh she's licking her lip I need some boys to test out this actually already climbed it I did Huff camera works - I can't wait these some of that tonight thank you for making that give me five Oh eat it off the floor if I have to okay well I before my dad gets here for dinner I'm gonna close cut it close man also Oh Wandy know what just said can I go come on come on jump in dude ah I don't like this thing Hey forgot your hat I just literally showered real fast I was like I gotta go get food my GTR is in the shop for the second time blowing some engine malfunction code which they've officially fixed and I had something to do with that new exhaust I put on it but they found it they fixed it and it's finally done today so get my GTR back soon maybe 700 miles on that car barely got to drive it only the best for my pops man Oh infest Pete's baby cannot go wrong ever why is pizzas probably like the most like like food by everybody you know I mean like some people like Italian some people you know what I mean but pizza almost everyone lunch and an extra extra follow this on you yes sir maybe we start with the base layer right there that's a lot yeah that's totally dope sidenote I don't think I told you guys at all but I had a a tunnel mouth work done I had I'm embarrassed to say this twelve cavities I had twelve cavities guys this is the tick carrier dang teeth man I had all my wisdom teeth taken out and I don't know if you've heard of it okay first of all I had my wisdom teeth to ask freaking out I don't like calling the dentist like most people it's just it doesn't sound fun get needles and things pulled out of him it doesn't sound fun so I was not looking forward to it everybody's like dude I got my wisdom teeth taken out I was back to work no problem no pain I was like sweet let's go I go I do the procedure I'll never forget it for the rest of my life I woke up right at the end when they're pulling like the last two wisdom teeth out I was there from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in that bed sedated so it's a long day this is already Monday we'll be two weeks and guess what I get I get something called dry socket now this is supposed to be like one of the worst scenarios and getting your wisdom teeth taken out so for the last prior week the first week I was in another type of pain like I can't even explain and I don't take medicines like if somebody like I don't take unless it's like your basic like advils stuff like that I don't take it so I'm just in so much it's getting better though so that's something I don't think I even told you guys we didn't film it Brett was gonna film I she was like I'm so glad I didn't felt like you were though the crankies human being on the planet so yeah there's there's a short version of a long story I were back home look out here I don't know if you can see it from there but she's ready she oh you literally cannot see it Oh little girl climbing after we eat [Music] Zenda don't tell mommy I'm gonna get on the board and film you going up for the first time ever why is this so bright what's going on camera you wait for mommy wave to her wave to mommy guys crazy wave girl all right guys kind of a weird place to continue this video because everything I just filmed none of it recorded I've had the GoPro including Kane jumping off the top of this tower for the first time ever was just filmed on my GoPro which didn't record anything it had a record light nothing got recorded so I'm super bummed right now you jumped off the tower on camera and I don't have it it's forever lost in just our memories but if you want to jump off again I'll film it let's go I'm so crushed right now dude I had my dad climbing the wall falling off no let's go ahead dudes end it I just missed so much awesome stuff dude I'm so proud of you for jumping off of there [Laughter] even worse if I drop this camera right here we have no blog at all so yeah we're definitely pushing the boundaries here I'm so bummed all right so what do you think of the rock wall good edition love it it is a good fun new way to get up there you know I think we're gonna add it we're gonna add like a big like a big knotted rope on one side so you can like use a rope to climb up to exercise [Music] pretty cool man yeah it's awesome I'm definitely a fun way to get up there oh hear me out hear me out imagine you're filming your evening you switch cameras I switched to a go process I'm going outside we're gonna get in water we're gonna play I switched to the GoPro I film from the last clip you seen until tonight and I notice the camera is acting funny so I ran inside put it in the computer and there's no footage dude there was some absolute classic moments to try Here I am trying to vlog today and resistance it is gorgeous stunning outside beautiful whoo feel better that is perfect perfect night no clouds stars airplane what is that he's it's a UFO do you area 51 what happened you get a boo-boo daddy let Daddy see where oh it looks like it's gonna be okay see daddy kiss it you want me to kiss it [Music] heartbreaking alright guys well that is my greatest attempt at and one more vlogs today hope you enjoyed it give us some love if you did a little Mikey a little a little like e button it it felt good other than this right here how could you do this to me I chopped everything I tried it I tried I tried everything it's not there it doesn't exist not only that I put the kid I took the memory card back out of my computer put it in my GoPro hit record recorded it even said it was recording that's the worst part that's what frustrates me it was it was you know the red record light and then the timestamp was zero the whole time yeah it just sat at zero but I didn't notice I just see a red record line I'm just filming filming filming 5 6 7 8 9 Clips I don't know then I see the zeros of my sign up review footage it's not there so I tried man such good moments dude I love you guys seriously thank you for the over over whelming support always it doesn't go unnoticed and it's unbeliev it's worth as another rock wall right here this this one's so big I wish it was I know crazy we love you guys thanks for being here being a part of our family beautiful one-of-a-kind smile you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,267,927
Rating: 4.9539185 out of 5
Keywords: Family, Family Friendly, New, Build, Climbing, summer, outdoor, custom, how to, diy
Id: u0Wl57kTNv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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