Baby leaves!

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia in today's video i'm going to be showing you some cute baby leaves so that you can discover some plants that are interesting and if growth points are your thing because it is fine i love watching this cute like this one here this is the studio dragon jade very very slow grower and i have a video on that last week very cute baby leaves so today today is just going to be all about baby leaves and growth points i hope you enjoyed and discover some cool plant species and i will include some of the care tips where possible as i do my tour so let's get started here are some babies the amount of phylum bipedal fatim i don't know how to pronounce that correctly and this is the juvenile form of the leaves but let me show you the adult forms that's the adult right here and way up there they can get really really huge so i really adore the babies they're so cute they're very broke at this stage but they will get really big very quickly they love full sun and when they're a bigger size they will grow really fast but meanwhile this is about about a year old i would say it hasn't really grown much so i'm gonna give it more time but it is so dang cute hoya macrophylla verigata there's another baby leaf here so cute i this plants always stop me in my tracks every time i pass by because it's always putting out a new leaf and a new leaf which is so so cute and they're always different which is what i really love about them that's when the variegation is on the inside how cute and this is also pretty new leaf it's a teenager leaf but their leaves can get really massive this is one that i really really adore here are two philadelphians they can get really massive this is actually a small size plant it's very young because i propagated it look at that that's a baby leaf it's very shiny it's very pink and it's called the torture maybe because it looks very tortured i don't know but it looks like it's in a lot of pain as it tries to unfurl but i am not worried because once it unfurls it becomes this really beautiful leaves that look like palm palm trees yeah and it puts on quite a show so i really enjoy watching these guys bro very cute i'm going to insert some photos as well of some of the photos i've taken with the other baby leaves and yeah very underrated philodendron here is the tradiscantia nanook and this is all propagated basically and the new leaves look at this one this is the baby leaves they start really small and then they expand in size and this is another one here so this is a planted oh you always have to propagate that one is trying to put out a new leaf very cute yeah they have them amazing baby leaves but when they get older they get light leggy and it's like a bear stem with some leaves hanging off it that's why you always have to keep propagating it and as you can see i made the cut right here so when you propagate from a main plant it will push out new branches with baby leaves here's a begonia immaculata baby look at those edges look at that that is so cute they actually start really really small they vomit them out and then they expand inside and i really adore them look at that hint of pink on the rims this is a really beautiful baby plant here we have some baby rubber tree these are the burgundy they are dark forms very very cute they came from a single leaf cutting but you do need to take a main stem and i'll have a video on these soon but they are so cute when they're little like this okay i just saw this this is so weird what is this thing it looks like a pokemon hi i don't know if it's gonna eat my plants but this is a hoya sunrise and don't eat my plant this is some really really beautiful dishkidia ovara babies they're very sunstressed because i give them direct sunlight here so it gets partial afternoon hot sun and it seems to love it giving me this red sun stressed look this one is also a pretty yummy but they actually start with these teeny tiny baby leaves that expand in size look at that very very cute and once they have established their roots they're actually quite fast growers so these cuties have the cutest baby leaves ever look at these guys so if you watch my discudia video i actually rescued this part from southern blight a very deadly form of fungus and as you can see it's already bounced back i think this is three weeks later look at all these tiny tiny leaves i really love this kitties they have a special place in my heart because they put out these baby leaves they're actually some of the very slow growing plants in my collection but when they do grow it just makes my day and this one's putting out a variegated branch which means that it's probably getting too much light i may have to move this a little bit away here's a piper and i swore this plant was a lot bigger i had many leaves and i just don't know where they went maybe they died off or something i am not sure i haven't checked on this plant for a long time a lot of the plants here are actually being attacked by fungus by southern blight so i need to be on top of things and this aguila nema came right off sorry uh but i want to touch and that digress too much i wanted to show you this baby leaf look at that oh my god so cute look at that that one's unfurling so this is growing out of a vine that lost all its leaves so maybe that's what happened maybe died off but i need to learn to propagate this plan because it is truly beautiful and yeah the care is slightly different i'm still figuring this out but i'll do a video as soon as i'm ready here's another piper i'm not sure exact id if i do find it i will include in the video look at that baby leaf hello how are you very cute and just very stunning leaves pipers are very very underrated and this right here is actually a baby aetherium veyti that i got in december about a month ago hello very cute i hope that they grow fast and strong and big here's a cool plant with a lot of cute baby leaves so this is the sisters this color and i'm actually filming from here but it does trail across this table and i did not put it here i promise you it found its own way so it's kind of decorating itself on the edge of this shelf right here and then it's kept on going and going and going and then the leaves become smaller and smaller look at how they grab onto things this is so crazy and this one's actually oh sorry this is i thought this is the same plan this is the microns get out of here so yeah look at this baby leaf and then it gets smaller and even smaller until you reach this one over here hello very cute and then yeah it just goes on forever here is an apish gear and they love putting out these stolens or these offsets very cute look at that that's a baby so all of these can become its own plant if you propagate it and this is such a full part of it it's very cute it goes all the way down here and look at that thing and go around it wow this is so adorable it really makes my day this is a very underrated houseplant this is a peperomia i'm going to include the plant id on the screen because i don't remember it but look at that look at this baby leaf it's so cute it's a bit red in color and a little bit serrated and it will expand in size the pepperoni hope also has the same kind of growth pattern with these baby leaves but this one is particularly cute because it looks like a miniature version of the adult here's some begonia black black velvet that i did from a few videos ago i lost apparently from which this was propagated from but they have these cutest tiny leaves and i have a feeling that these are cultivars or hybrids because some of the babies are exhibiting some of the traits of the planned parents very cute but they're supposed to turn into an all-black plant and they're very much like that one over there here's another discudia i believe this is the embrycata and it's been kind of declining so i took a lot of cuttings from it and it's recovering and it put out a new actual this is a whole new vine this is a pretty big leaf for this plant and something is trying to grab onto it and here is the baby leaf look at that i have to be careful because it's easy to knock them off look at that that's just insane they're kind of rubbery they're very delicate very small here we have a stackhorn fern which sprouted a baby right on the side and this actually happened not so long oh i didn't know that there were some in the back too this is going to become a pretty big plant i think it did nothing for me for about a year i actually showed this in my balcony tour video where i wasn't sure what to do with it it didn't grew much and that frond actually dried off so i wasn't sure if it's alive but apparently it is and i'm figuring out that i guess this is how vagron ferns make babies that's where their babies come from and then you can propagate them by dividing them later this was actually very cute about two weeks ago when i first noticed it was super super tiny here is the distillate major and this is actually a pretty interesting plant i did show this before in my previous house planter in my balcony and it's put out so many baby these are all the leaf that is putting out and it's vining all over the place and is trying to find something i can't really bring it up close that's not going to focus it then the cutest baby league so he's trying to find something to attach into where if it's secure it will turn into one of these and they are supposed to be called bulates but i did read from an online forum that they're called something else so i'm not sure but yeah this is a robust growing plant that will keep on putting out baby leaves very very cute baby leaves here's a baby phalaenopsis orchid and i've shown this in two of my videos once in my phalaenopsis orchid care video and one's in my houseplant rescue video where i separated this from one of the parent plants back there which are much bigger and i'm quite surprised because within a year i would say this is giving me flowers very cute but it started as this teeny tiny plant and it grew pretty fast it grew about i don't know four times its size but it was so cute here's a hoya lyconosa it's actually a very fast growing hoya and very easy to care for and this is what their babies look like very cute they have this really thick succulent like leaves and the babies are just okay i need to make sure not to touch it because they do come off very easily and if you knock them off they're done you're gonna have a bare stem so i've been featuring this plant quite a bit that's poked me quite a bit lately and this is the red panapa panama hibiscus and i just love the tiny baby leaves they will expand in size and this is what the bigger leaf looks like and they do flower and that's actually a flower bud right here but they only flower for about a few hours even though the flowers are spectacular and i really like them for the release and they're always putting out new leaves look at them all of these are always growing all of them are all non-stop growing their love for fun by the way back there we have a chinese croton if i'm not wrong and they have the cutest baby leaves look at that one hello and these guys are also very very interesting looking they let me close it out but they have a red color back and yeah let's have a closer look very nice and this is a plant it's always growing too they like very very strong direct sunlight and very very incredibly cute and incredibly beautiful this is a new guinea impatiens and they are also always growing as you can see here the baby leaves are just so cute they actually look a little bit plastic they look like a like a fake plant because i don't know if it's showing up on camera they have this texture on it that looks really unreal and i really adore it look at that one hello little fella welcome to the world here's a pailia pepperonis and these are the babies they're really well known for putting out tiny pups from the base of the plant and these are actually a little bit bigger the puffs were much much smaller and they come in very cute when they were infant this is a peperomia turbulences and this is a propagate i think they are propagated by half leaf as you can see here and the babies are just appearing and i think they're a little bit sun stress that's why they're red in color so i'm putting them down here where it is getting bright in direct light or medium light rather than some direct sunlight this here is a hoya linearis propagate and growth point look at those teeny tiny leaves and this over here very fuzzy and they expand in size they really take over the space and they're very hard to come by because a lot of them die in my hair for some reason but i'm starting to get the care right so i'm doing a video on this soon but meanwhile i'll be enjoying these baby leaves for me here's a rafidaphora tetrasperma from my propagation and this new leaf is coming in really small actually their leaves do come in small and then they do expand in size but i think something's wrong with this one because as you can see here the leaves keep getting smaller and smaller so i suspect that there may be paths down there and that's rapido 4 tetraspermans they don't require a lot of pot space they don't have really robust roots so i don't think that these are really pop down yet and these are putting out roots all over the place here so i guess i'm going to check this potting mix soon and maybe add some fertilizer if there's no pest to see if i can get bigger leaves but meanwhile look at how cute this little guy is hello and if you've seen my zigzag cactus video you've seen these really adorable baby leaves they come out this beautiful hot pink that is very very fuzzy and maybe you can see better over here focus focus and then they do expand in size and they grow really well they take over the space very unceremoniously so i really adore having these guys around they're always growing growing and growing look at that i love the growth points so most hoyas have really cute babies and i couldn't find more examples right now but this is a pretty good one i would say this is the hoya yeti eye verigata look at that hello i need to be very very careful because they they do come off quite easily this is a beauty look at the color on this one okay let's look around here this is actually syngoniums they were growing wet stick propagation they were single nodes and i cannot imagine that they would sprout in about two weeks this is so fast i'll have a video on this so you'll see how i achieved this but i really love looking at this this makes my day when i see this there are more dishkida babies they have the cutest babies look at that this is the new malaria verigata adorable and it took a while to get here seriously it took about i don't know three to four months maybe but it's totally worth the wait here's a peperonia prestrata that i killed and i kind of saved it i think i just put it in moss it doesn't like to be over water here in my high humidity climate so i keep it a little bit on the dry side maybe have the potting mix a little bit of this spider hello i keep it a little bit on the dry side but never dried out completely look at the cute baby leaves and this is a little bit sun stress i think because i do give it a little bit of direct sunlight it's given this really beautiful pattern hoya australis lisa they're always growing and the growth point is always just really beautiful crimson red that fades into a pink and then it turns into this blush pink which obviously turns into this variegated leaf and then the old leaf will become mostly green at some point so this is quite an enjoyable plan to have very easy to care for but be sure to give it light so that you can keep some of the variegation here are some string of hearts baby i keep killing them so i keep propagating them and look at that one look at this tiny little thing hey hello so they are very easy to kill but when they do die off if you're vigilant you can still take cuttings off them you just need single nose cutting and they propagate quite well but yeah they're a challenge to grow in my climate but i do enjoy looking at these look at that one this is just super adorable they come in this beautiful pink this fuchsia i haven't quite figured out the plant species idea for this guy fuzzy but i bought this recently it's in one of my plant haul videos look at the baby i actually bought this plant because i was really intrigued by the baby leaf here that look at the shape it's just so unique and then it will unfurl and expand in size to become this so i'm in the process of confirming what species this is some people say it's a ficus some people say it's i can't remember the name but something sunday which is yeah i'm gonna include the name on the screen so you can decide what it is maybe here's a philodendron florida ghost and i want to show you the baby look at that it's putting out look at how rubbery the new sheath is that pink sheath over there it's so shiny and this baby leaf look at the tail it is so cute it unfurls really beautifully very very elegant plant to have around so this is exactly a week after i filmed the growth point look at the baby leaves of these philodendron florida ghosts it's dancing it dances before it opens i really hope someone can do it timeless i don't have the time or the tool to do it but imagine it just unfurling so beautifully this is what the the fully grown plant looked like after it's unfurl so this is going to unfurl it's gonna enlarge and it's going to harden over time look at that this is just so pretty it's not tiny it's a very big baby leaf they're so beautiful look at this baby variegated zizi pant i'm actually moving it now which is why it's on the trolley but i saw this this is so cute look at the baby it's gonna grow many rows of leaves very cute i love watching zzz plant it's babies very cute here's a beautiful hoya bella in my hand and grew so much i propagated this in my hoya video look at how nice the growth is i really love this plant and they have really spectacular flowers but for this video we're going to be talking about these sorry i need to put this down the baby leak over here it's non-stop growing it is so cute it is such a beautiful hoya very fast growing it doesn't like to be dried out between watering and it is continuously growing as you can see here it is non-stop putting out new growth so this is a plant that has baby leaves all the time very very cute i love the leaf shape it's very very classic the baby philodendron sharony eye leaf and this is just opened up it's let me put my finger here for scale it's super tiny this is what the big leaves look like so let me back it up a bit this is what the big leaf looks like so this is the parent plant this pot here and yeah it's putting out a new baby leaf and this propagated leaf right here is actually putting out also a baby leaf right there it's going to need more time to put out the leaf very good i should put this here because this leaf is so big it's like a sail when the wind blows this whole thing will just stop hold this is a really cute plant to propagate i really enjoy having these around of course their mature form looks really pretty but i enjoy this too look at how nice it is it's a little bit of damage here i don't know what happened maybe the wind or insects playing rough on the leaf but whatever it is i think you'll do fine here's a jungle cactus i can't remember this id but i'll put it up on the screen i love the new growth here look at that the color is spectacular it's like shiny and this one is a little bit more hardened up but look at that this brings me so much joy hello little guy so they put out leaves in sections which is super cute and then i think the next growth will appear here very good they do flower i don't know what the flower looks like but i really love how fat the leaves are and just the shape this is just pretty i want to propagate this i have a feeling you can just pluck this off and let it callous a little bit and then just put it in soil here are some baby i can't remember if this is a different bakia or this is an agronima but i think it's a aglonema silver silver queen or silver bay i can remember very cute this is actually grown from stumps so i'll be doing a video on these on how to propagate them but i really love watching this this is why i am addicted to propagation this makes me so happy hello this orchid i can't remember the name as well i'm gonna put it up on the screen this is actually a baby leaf so what happens is that it's going to open up and then it's going to spread into several leaves kind of like that i don't know how to describe it but this is really a joy to see they really go big or go home and they don't put on one leaf at a time to go with a whole clump of it i have a feeling that you can actually propagate them by just breaking them up i see if they have separate root systems i guess you could do that this is a truly beautiful orchid that is easy to care for i am going to insert some photos on the screen of what the flower look like actually i have those baby zizi leaves i believe this is the variegated unfortunate that something got to this one and then these are some baby zizi ravens it's just starting to turn black it came out green at first and then there's some more baby dvd plants actually didn't label them so i don't know which ones are the zv variegated which ones are the black raven and i also do have i can't see it here i do have a baby this is a zzz i have a baby once around somewhere but i don't know which one it is get that one this is so cute i can't remember what plant this is and i really need to label my plants but this is probably wet stick propagations that i put little notes off because the leaves are so tiny look at the baby leaf but my feeling tells me that this is probably the epic pregnant pin atom verigata look at this one of the leaves and there's another one that's trailing and it's got variegated as well this is what the adult looks like so pretty so i think that yeah this is why i think this is what it is let's go with that very very cute i love propagating my wet stick so i can see the little leaves here's the fascinating baby leaf it is a really big baby the leaves are this this is the monstera deliciosa and look at how cute i don't even want to touch it it's so fragile looking oh my god it's like a cocoon so it will unfurl and it will expand inside and it will take over this wall i'm not sure of the idea for this padonia but it is so cute look at the tiny leaf it will expand in size it is a pretty fast girl hey jesus trying to cuddle hey oh my gosh she got on me hey all right all right i'm filming i'm killing okay so next to it there's a really beautiful bagone it's actually quite big it's the size of my palm but if you look down below that is a baby leaf and it will push out in length and it will expand inside so this is what the leaves look like in the middle of growing this is really really pretty and i really love the growth pattern on these here's a variegated piece lily sorry it's a little bit dark here because it's raining outside but look at that it's a baby leaf and it's almost all white i don't think it's gonna make it though if it doesn't put out any green leaf this one is showing signs of stress although there is another baby behind it so peacefully actually put up offsets like this and you can separate them when it's big enough just pluck them away from the mother plant this is why they're so affordable because they grow pretty fast and they are always putting up these baby pops so very very cute this is the dendrobium orchid and look at that that's a baby so they do sprout these offsets from somewhere along the side and it will expand its size so cute and then it will become this the way that you would propagate it is just to break it off once it's developed its own set of roots and then it will become its own plant very interesting out of the way i can't wait to have more babies i've seen them get really pushy like to push out a lot of new growth so this is actually really fun orchid to have a route a lot of people pay attention to the growth pattern this is a variety of piper and adult leaf looks so pretty it's very velvety and that's the baby leaf look at that it's very cute it's gonna expand in size to look like the mama leaf over here so i hope that you guys do well this was actually a rescue i didn't i didn't know that this was this plan is gonna make it or not but i guess it's doing okay now if anything i think begonias definitely win the category for the cutest baby leaves look at that that is okay that's going to turn into this leaf over time very cute i do have another one here let me show you there i just love having many of these around they make me very happy i don't know about you pardon the light it's getting dark here but i wanted to show you this baby veracusan leaf so these are my varakusam that are propagating away so spoiler a video is coming and after i don't know this is probably about three weeks in and this growth point here putting out these cute baby leaves they actually unfurl really beautifully and i just love watching this it's like a weird caterpillar look at that here are some pepperoni of tucson folia fairy gotta i gave these a hard prune as you can see i cut it right here and the baby leaves they're just forming very very nice look at that there's more trying to come out from here anyways i'm obsessed with baby leaves and i think i have too many to show you so i'm gonna quickly end this video i guess before i turn this into an hour-long video i hope that you guys are staying safe i'm at botanist on instagram if you want to dm me on any questions regarding planned care and propagation i'll try my best to get back to you i hope that you and your babies are growing well see you in the next episode bye
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 8,743
Rating: 4.9485292 out of 5
Id: 4h1UhgOTg9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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