Monstera adansonii care and propagation (variegated)

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i'd like to share my plan care secrets and my propagation experiments with you here on youtube so if you're into that kind of videos please do consider subscribing to my channel and send this video a like in today's video i'm going to talk about the care and propagation of the monstera adensoniae this is a really beautiful plant and it's one of my first plants that's why i have so many of them i have three varieties here one is the variegated that is a local variegation with more of a splashy type of variegation i do have one here that is known to be from japan i don't know why the locals call it that but this is the more widely known variegation that is all over instagram it's got like white bits variegation that is solid and the rest of them are actually my regular form of atomsonia and they came from one plant particularly this one this is the parent plant for which all of these and i do have some in my balcony i have some more pots behind over there so i've propagated a lot of them and they grow really fast in my care that's why i really love them and each leaf looks very different they have different sizes shapes and fenestrations i love fast growing plants that give me very little trouble and i know that a lot of you guys are struggling with this plan so i'm going to jump right into the care first of all this plant needs very very bright indirect light the leaves of a plant would have chlorophyll which is the green parts of the leaf that will enable it to photosynthesize and produce food and energy for the plant however as you can see from this plant it's got a lot of holes it has very very little surface area for it to photosynthesize this means that it needs a lot of sunlight for it to be able to grow push out new growth and have a good immune system if you look carefully at the leaves as well you can see that it's a little bit shiny the and then sonia i actually adapted to reflect some of the light back so they they can actually take quite a bit of light but keep in mind that they don't want to be in full sun or afternoon direct sunlight they will absolutely fry if you do that the second point is watering when you have leaves with so much fenestration on it you don't need a lot of water and if you keep watering this guy you over water it the water has nowhere to go but it will rot the root and rot the plant that's why the plant will give you sometimes yellowing leaves yellowing leaves could also mean old leaves that are tired and ready to fall off and as you can see here this is one of the older leaves but if you're experiencing quite a number of leaves that are turning yellow and falling off you're over watering it and you can also see that sometimes this plant would sweat or cry bits of water and that is through glutation where they're trying to get rid of excess water this plant really really does not need a lot of water so do back off with watering on them in terms of fertilizing the same way you do with other houseplants and in terms of pests i have never had any pest issues with these guys they're very very past resistant just like my other monsteras but they do respond really really well to moss poles when you allow them to climb up they will give you bigger and bigger leaves they'll have more and more split and i don't know if i have an example here some of these leaves actually this one is actually quite big this is as big as my palm right here and if you don't give it a mouse pull the leash will become smaller and smaller in size and if you let it trail down because it can trail down it can be a trailing plant the leaves are going to get smaller and smaller so if you want you're adding sonia to trail down and get smaller and smaller leaf that's actually a beautiful look too go right ahead and one thing about edinsonia is that they're very very naughty for example this one the new branch actually went through one of the leaves so it it it went through the hole and that can be a problem if you have a mature plant and all of them are kind of woven into each other some of the leaves may even fail to unfurl because they are just stuck by other leaves so just keep that in mind when you have your anaesonia sometimes you have to help them along but other than that they are a beautiful plant and i do recommend them they're not that difficult and they don't really require a lot of humidity and i know that a lot of people are attributing low humidity to their demise that is not true they are going to be okay in general room humidity maybe about 40 to 60 percent because i actually had grown this in an air-conditioned room and they do just fine and one thing that i need to address with the ad and sony eyes is that they're very very prone to mosaic virus and a lot of the batches are actually sold with mosaic virus because they have been contaminated and how do you know that that's when the new leaves kind of fail to unfurl it's got this mosaic pattern uh you can probably google that up to get better images and a lot of you guys are and when you have mosaic virus the plant is done the best thing that you can do is maybe if you want you can try to salvage a lower stem and propagate it but mosaic virus is highly contagious it can move to other plants and very very deadly so you may have to get rid of the plant so just keep in mind you're buying plants just look out for them make sure that there's no weird pattern on the leaves and one controversy around the local variegated edinsonia eyes some people are saying that they're actually mosaic virus and i disagree because i actually showed my propagation in my earlier video i believe seven or eight months ago and i do did propagate i have three pots here and four parts of the variegated and then sony they propagated they are totally healthy they're doing fine and i guess we will talk about them in a bit when do we do propagate them because this is actually the plant we're gonna be propagating today although the others are gonna be propagating pretty much the same method okay so before we get started i wanna call out this pot this is so cute look at all these baby leaves because this is grown out of wet sticks let me try to explain what wet stick is let me try and find another so what's the propagation is when you have a section of the node for example right here with no leaf the leave probably died or fell off maybe it is an old node the leaf is just done or you over water it or underwater it for whatever reason you just have a section of the stem just put it face down with the area root side down onto the potting mix and this is my aeroid potting mix oh yeah i forgot to mention that ed and sonia they do love the arid potting mix it will allow them to grip better into the potting medium allows them to dry out faster that's why they love it uh so these are grown out of just a lot of wet sticks and this is so cute i believe this is about four or five months old they're very fast grower and as you can see uh they are starting to get bigger leaves that are splitting but they start with these young leaves now and that do not have any fenestration on them very cute if you're new to propagating at insomniais i recommend to propagate them in water but this uh method which is the wet stick is actually more for advanced propagators this one here is my variegated uh monstera and insomnia this is probably my most expensive plant to date and i don't mean to brag i don't think that we should assign values or plans but i love ed and sonia and i love the variegated first version so this one gave me a lot of stress in the beginning when i only had two leaves but the two lisa's died off and it just continued growing i believe this was about seven or eight months old and i guess it's doing okay but the old leaves keep dying off and as you can see this is uh sacrificing the variegated portion first because the variegated parts of a plant is actually not healthy and the plant doesn't need it so it will sacrifice it when it's not uh doing well or if it's tired it's like an old leaf they will sacrifice the variegated ones first so i'm going to be propagating this uh maybe in a few more months when it's reached the top of its moss pole the ad hoc multiple that i gave it so yeah i'm going to dive into the local variegated and i'm going to dive into the propagation all right so i actually got this plant from like a three leaf cutting almost like that size about seven months ago and this is how many plants i have now i have sent one off to trade to with somebody and i'm actually going to cut this up today because i posted one on sale yesterday and i sold it but there are a lot of people who are offering trade for these so i'm going to be able to get different types of plants and i'm so excited to do that so i'm definitely going to cut these up separate them and hopefully sell some and trade some so i can get more plants so i'm going to start a little quick tour on these plants this one had a very interesting story i found this in a pot and this part particularly with some skin daps so it was the skin depth is living in here i don't know why this came out from that pot i have a feeling it was a note from like one of these plants that ended up got getting lost in the potting mix here and i just potted up some skin daps in here but it's a very pleasant surprise because this has really beautiful variegation and i know that it's probably a wet stick because look at how young the leaves are all my atomsonias here have mature leaves so the only way that it can get there is as a stowaway from a wet stick so welcome and next right here the sun is coming up miss me looking at the variation a little bit difficult let me move this back so this is the new leaf this is quite pretty and i wanted to talk about the variegation on these so the variegation on this plant is very very irregular but it is stable i can show you why these leaves are all just a little bit variegated as you can see here however it suddenly put out a very variegated leaf so you can see from the stem here that there are lines of variation running through them very thin lines so i don't know if it's the same for all the eden sony eyes or just this one that i have but it is a very stable variation and i'm very happy about that so i had i don't think i will be losing variegation on these however you do want to keep them in very very very bright indirect light with some morning direct sunlight or even in direct sunlight so that they can push out that variation because if you put them in the low light situation they will revert they will lose their variegation and i give it a mouthful here which is already gripping into look at the root how cute and yeah i'm gonna see which ones i'm gonna propagate i may have i may grow this out a little bit more but i may propagate these two so let's do a variegation tour here this one actually started very variegated and i thought oh wow this is going to be beautiful but as it grew up uh the variegation kind of got a little bit less and less as you can see here this is the new leaf it's not really unfurled yet but i this one is actually a little bit variegated very very variegated so the variegation is as i mentioned before it's very very stable but irregular and this is another one here very cute i love this plant so much the variegation is a little bit getting less on this one and i kind of snapped this leaf oops but i have a feeling that as you go up with new leaves the variegation will come back that's how it usually happens and this one surprised me this must be actually the parent plant because it put out a secondary branch here from below so this is the second branch and it's only this tall but it's quite variegated it's very nice i'm trying to unfurl a new leaf started i hope that these roots can come out easily because it is rooted into the moss pole oh man this is going to be a bit challenging actually i'm going to wet it to let it be a little bit more uh slippery or slimy rather and this is a good thing because this plant is already gripped into the muscle it's going to produce bigger and bigger leaves you know what it's not coming off [Applause] it's really not okay let me figure out the next one i guess for the this species particularly and some epipendance actually if i figured out that i want to trade or propagate them i should uh what do you call it i shouldn't give it a mouthful i should keep it in like uh maybe a uh one of these instead because this is made with sphagnum moss only and some bonsai wire so it's very easy for the roots to come off but in this case this is rooted really well into the into the moss pole so first thing that i'm going to do is i guess i'm going to cut this off right here and i'm only gonna need this portion okay this is very nice i have to propagate this in water because it doesn't have a lot of roots yet so that's a good cutting going down a little bit this is very beautiful actually give this a little bit of sphagnum moss all right let me lower the camera okay my dad's yelling at people so sorry for the background i can't wait for him to stop he's always yelling at people on the phone so uh let me put this away yeah so this is a moss pole and i put some sphagnum moss here to let it root better and it's done really well i'm gonna show you in a bit let me cut this off first you can see here it's doing really well this is actually ready to be propagated directly in moss i believe yeah this is going to moss sorry all right this is also pretty good cutting yeah this is going straight into moss as well mass propagation is a little bit faster than water propagation in my experience cut this off okay this is also doing really well look at the roots beautiful i don't want to propagate really easily by the way i do recommend adding sony eye propagation for beginners this one has a little bit of roots i think it's gonna be okay in moth as i'm well greedy i cut everything off basically but i'm not worried because this plant is new movies down actually this plant is going to produce a few branches from below i'm a believer that if you cut your plant up a lot there's a lot of roots in the pot that will sustain a big plant so the plant will branch out it will pressure multiple nodes from below it will activate a lot of the nodes from below well i forgot to show you this one this is the last one that we cut and this one may be probably yeah this one is doing all right it's got some roots here it's a little one over here but this one i'm very worried it doesn't have any aerial roots so this has to go in water for sure this one is going into water as well someone commented that you know they asked how am i going to get a big plan if i keep propagating my my plan well my goal is never to get big plans or at least i have a few plants that i'm going to be growing for larger size and have a few plants that i'm cutting up propagating for youtube and for selling it to buy more plants so no it doesn't bother me that i'm cutting up my plants a lot not not at least not a least bit uh concern this one is really really rooted in there okay this one has a little bit of roots i think this one can go into moss i think i'm done i think i'm gonna keep this in here this is quite a lot of cut actually i have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten i have ten cuttings from just this one plant and in my previous propagation which i did not film for you guys i all of my cuttings actually survived so this is very easy to propagate hopefully i don't jinx it by saying it and it's very neat right now so i may put this somewhere where it doesn't get ringed on where i can control the moisture a bit better so i guess this one that is impossible to remove is going to be my permanent collection because we i can't really cut it right now or maybe i will cut it once it reached the top of the north pole but i'm debating if i should cut this up or not it looks pretty happy already and this new leaf is still soft um okay so with this one i did decide to cut it up even though the new leaf is still a little bit soft it will harden i guess in the next two days because i'm so busy i normally would have waited until this plant is more established maybe but i'm just gonna do it now i have a million other things to take care of so get out of the way this one has to be propagated in water let me go one note down this is so easy to remove i quite like this type of mothball setup they're more diy type this one is doing okay i guess also i guess in water we have a lot of water props happening today these ones the notes are getting closer and closer because they're lower down there's one also gonna be in water wow this one is ready to go into potting mix directly as you can see here very nice do i want to cut one more i don't know this look at the notes here they are so close together i think i'm done i'm gonna leave this alone and the three leaves here are pretty un-variegated so i'm gonna see if some of the branches that grow from below if they're going to be variegated i have a feeling they will be because if they're coming from a portion of the stem that is less variegated chances are the growing eye which you can't really see the edinsonians are so small the growing eye from the note may hit a variegated portion so i have a feeling that if you have a less variegated leaf you're going to have um more variegated growing eye i'm going to start potting this up and i'll show you after i guess so we're done potting them up and i have five here that actually i decided to put into aeroid potting mix i'm a little bit impatient i've got four in sphagnum moss and i'm only putting a little bit of moth in here keeping it humid but never wet never too soggy because it will rot and here are five cuttings that are going into water so i guess i will see you guys in a few months where i give you guys any growth updates or any death updates bye so it's one month after the propagation this one leaf has sprouted a new baby leaf and look at the variegation that's amazing i love how cute this baby growth is and the reason why i'm giving you this update is because this guy is officially sold so i'm going to be saying goodbye to it i'm going to show you the other cutting to show you what they look like here's one of the cuttings that turned yellow in water propagation a lot of you guys may think that oh my god it's rotted it's dead but don't worry about it the stem is still healthy as you can see here trying to put on a new growth so i can either cut it back now just cut the leaf off and put this into moss or i can just leave it for now which i'm gonna do because i'm so busy doing other things but you can see the little baby growth is happening so the leaf is not important what's important is the node here's our water propagation area let me see this one okay it's rooted quite well they normally take about i don't know not five or six weeks to be ready and i would put it in here for about another week or two before i put it into potting mix but it's doing quite well this new leaf opened up while it was in water how cute and this one is a pretty big cutting as well it's opened up with a new leaf and look at that little knob here cute this there's another set of area technically i could cut this into two plants because it's another set of aerial roots here and look at that that looks so pretty i think this is ready for potting mix actually so i may actually do that soon there's another roommate that lives here and this is what happened to it it crisped up so then i actually took off the bottom part here this is the the note for that that cutting but it's very much alive so it's doing quite well it's probably sprouting with the new leaf as you can see there so i'm going to put this in sphagnum moss and finish the rest of the propagation inside the moss and there's a thai constellation here and look at that it's trying to put out a new growth so this is going to be a west day propagation for a while and i just want to keep this a little bit wet i don't want it to dry out completely and hopefully it will survive i will give you guys another update on these here are the siblings this one put out a new leaf i'm really impressed by how fast these guys are growing the new leaf is very very very good can you see the variegation on that that is insane and then this one here it's also putting out a new leaf and the new leaf looks to be pretty variegated too i can see some white stripes so we'll wait for that to unfurl this one is very cute look at that so this is not very very variegated at all but look at the next leaf the next leaf is very very variegated this next one looks to be quite very good actually only a little bit but let's see we'll know when it opens up sorry to see that melanocrism over there i'm sorry let me look at what happened to you and i'm feeling this is still alive but only time will tell yeah i spread a new shoe did you see that that in the middle there's a that's a new shoot that's so cute anyways i digress too much here's another leaf that put out a beautiful new leaf and this next leaf is going to be very very variegated i can already tell this is so exciting you guys i'm going to be giving you guys an update of course for another few weeks but meanwhile i'm going to be enjoying this spurt of grill so everybody's alive this one doesn't seem to be very variegated i can see from the stem but only time will tell and then the next one has this leaf which is very variegated but yeah oh the next leaf is going to be very variegated too can you see the variegation on the bud here and i've got just one last one so i can say that all of them so far is alive even the one with the dried up leaf this one has not given me a new leaf yeah what's what's going on with you i think that's the new groove sometimes they grow the growth points from in between the the previous leech that is so cute it's not focusing there you go so we're going to give it some time and i'm going to show you the parent plan later because i don't think it's put out much growth yet so yeah that's that i guess bye welcome to a final update so it's exactly five weeks since we propagated this plant and look at that spider over there i don't know if this is a spider or something else now it's something else like a little grasshopper no it's not it flew away never mind so anyways i decided to just end this video right now because it's showing promises here so this one is growing a beautiful new leaf with another one on the way and look at how variegated that new leaf is and i love that the sleeve size is consistent it's pretty big normally they would put out smaller leaves first but i don't know man i have a feeling that the quality of the cutting was really good to begin with of course because it's under my care so when you take cuttings that have been well fertilized they're well taken care of their new shoots will be really nice so this is why you should buy plants that are good quality this one's a bit slower i don't know what's happened but this is almost all white look at this i'm amazed that the baby plant is more variegated than the parent plant and then this is the next one this is the first leaf it put out so this one actually did put out a tiny leaf first very cute and this is the next one very nice i'm loving this also pretty good size sleeve very similar to this original leaf and it's putting out a next one let's have a closer look i can't tell if it's variegated or not it's not as white as the other cuttings but let's move on so this other one is also doing quite well as you can see here it's got it's not as variegated but it's still beautiful nonetheless this the first leaf is very funky and this is the newest leaf and it's trying to put out another one so the variegation on these are very very random so i'm not really worried if you buy one of these with very little variegation it may give you a lot of variegation but and if you buy one with a lot of variegation it may revert kind of like this but i don't think the variegation will completely go away for some reason i have a feeling that they will somehow stay they are quite how do i say this it's not it's reliable so it's unstable but it's reliable variegation so let me move on to the ones that were in moss this one should be doing okay putting out new growth so nothing's rotted off obviously because this is doing quite well i'm actually going to bring these to the table because i'm going to be repotting this i think they're ready for proper potting mix but let me show you the other cuttings first this one's doing all right very variegated look at that very nice so i'm gonna bring this to the studio in a minute but i'm gonna show you now before i forget because i forget these things so this is the last one again this moth is kept kind of airy i don't compact it and it's like pretty lightweight like it's moist now but it's not soggy wet and the new leaf looks very variegated i see some white here so i'm going to bring these to the propagation table i'm going to repot these and maybe hopefully show you some roots but i'm also going to show you the water propagation ones because those needs repotting too welcome to our plant studio so these are the water prop it's right here sorry so unorganized i should organize before i film so let's go with the worst news this one looks like it's dead but hang on let me pull this out so this is done sorry i kicked the camera let me readjust uh okay better show that one a rather bit i'm not very personal let me put it out so there's a bit of water i poured out and then okay i hope this comes off just fine come on i'm going to be very careful i don't want to break this if i break it it's done it oh my gosh it's not coming out hey so i'm going with this okay so let me free this little guy here i need to be careful so if i broke this off it's done but so far it looks fine so this is actually a very healthy plant still so i'm gonna do this and let me get some moss i just want to use a little bit don't use too many more just like a tiny amount i've learned and in the beginning that i basically in the beginning i used a lot of moths like all the way to the top and then i learned that i shouldn't so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to lay this on top kind of like so with the aerial root remember there's a little bit of roots here yeah with the root side down into the moss and this is going to grow into its own plant it's kind of like a wet stick propagation basically there cute and this one the leaf will actually die off very soon so i'm not that worried for now i'm just going to put this directly into my aeroid potting mix because it's actually decent i forgot to show you the roots there's a little bit of roots here i think this is enough normally i would wait until there's a secondary branch but oh well i've got to move on there's too much things to do but this one will do fine i'm pretty sure about 90 sure it's gonna be okay so let me aim this camera down a bit better so just gently pot it up i'm gonna have to water this quite a lot at first because it's used to being in water and then i will back off with watering slowly and done and then for the next one i this is actually started a new leaf while it was propagating in water so this is actually two cuttings i can do the greedy thing by cutting this actually do i want to do that you know what i may do that and i get another cut into two plants why not okay i mean this one i would probably normally just use moths instead because the roots are not so developed but you know what this is an ed and sonia and sonia is their toughest nails this is going to do fine again same as before i want to keep this a little bit on the wet side and then back off watering because ed and sony eyes don't like to be over watered so and that's why i also give them a very small pot this means that not a lot of water can pull in here killing the plant this cutting is a little bit safer it's got secondary roots already i don't know if i mentioned this earlier but three of these cuttings are already taken so they're going to be swapped i believe one of them is the variegated palm another one is a philodendron that i've never actually heard of actually don't even know how much it's worth but it looks pretty it looks cute so i decided i'm gonna get it i want more species in my care i mean there's always room for more plants and also the person is a friend of mine so for this cutting i'm going to do something special with it so you're in for a treat because as you can see this cutting has like another few nodes that are already putting out aerial roots look at the leaves this last one is probably damaged because it's not used to being in water or it's not getting enough nutrients in water so it's like a little bit stressed out so what i want to do is i want to cut a little bit of bonsai wire i buy them in a big roll so it looks kind of like this and then i cut it to like i don't know to a random size i just kind of fold it and just jam it in here so this is how i do my makeshift moss poles actually this pole will be transferred to a proper pole later on when it's big enough because for now i want to keep it in a small pot like this what i want to do next is just add moss let me get some cotton twine so what i would do is just put moss kind of like around the base at first and then i want to tie this just do a dead knot okay and then add more moss on the top and as you add the moss you can twirl the twine around so you kind of secure the twine randomly like so very easy i do this for my baby plants to get them ready for a real mouthful later and the string is not long enough hang on let me let me tie this off first so i went up and i'm going back down and then just tied where you did the dead knot earlier and i'm gonna get another twine more moss just jam it and jam it and it doesn't have to be nice this is not brain surgery you know what this time i'm gonna tie the actual plant onto the moss so i'm gonna start my tie down here in the middle this is super ad hoc you don't have to make it perfect seriously just relax put on some good music and just just go to town with this just use your feeling use your heart empty your thoughts and your burdens here okay so what i do is i just kind of go round and round and back down and we're gonna tie to this end that we did earlier there and it's done so this is now attached to this pole and that aerial route that you saw earlier those two nodes are going to grow into this moss let me add a little more because i see some of the aerial roots here let me just cover this up it's just going to grow into the moss and then when it does that you can easily propagate it next because it's already got roots but also it's going to become a much more happier bigger and growing plant because a lot of roots that are gripping onto the surface so you're going to get those big leaves very fast when you do this so this is my trick of getting big aeroad leaves is to give them a mouse pole and start them when they're young okay so i think i'm done with these and finally before i let you go i'm going to take these out so these are the ones that were in moss i have three of these they're probably directly into moths and if i remember correctly in our propagation these are the ones that didn't have much roots so they had kind of medium-sized aerial roots look at that how cute is that good baby baby roots oh my god i'm so happy to see this this is so cute oh my gosh okay so what i'm going to do is i want to free this as much as i can i don't want to take all the moss out i don't want to stress the roots out but as best as you can take it out and then i'm going to move it into my arid potting mix because this moss can be a little bit too wet for this plant and i don't know if i mentioned earlier too they do really like the air potting mix and they can get bigger leaves if you give them that chunky potting mix and i'm done so i'm going to finish up showing you these two hang on i'm not going to repot all of these for you oh my god this one is actually doing really well look at this fella this is really really pretty a lot of roots so i'm going to put this to arid potting mix and then this last one here with the very variegated leaf i'm gonna take it out oh my god this one has a lot of roots too look at that oh my gosh look at that yeah excellent so i'm gonna pop these up and then before i let you go i'm going to show you the parent plan because i have for you so here's the parent plant something ate this leaf and i can see it's a very variegated leaf which is sad but this new growth here is also very variegated so this is turning out very well like i really love how this is go where this is going because i'm getting so many more variegated leaves than before so i'm checking over here so what's happened is that this has put out a new vine here and this is the new should i make the cut right here so it's put out one leaf i think two liters this one was eaten i think yeah this one was eaten and then this is the second leaf which is almost eaten as well so i'm so sorry for you guys but this is gonna bounce back i'm actually not worried at all there's a secondary branch here with another leaf coming along the way so i just need to give this a little bit more time and finally this right here this is another plant and please don't mind this i think this is just over watered it's like old and tired leaves but what happened is that when you give them this kind of mouse pole which i made since this one got washed up i should have secured the top better but what happens when you give a plant a young plant this moss pole is that look at this so this is the earlier leaf this is the next one look at this one look at this leaf it's like let me put my hands under it's the size of my paw maybe even bigger look at that and the variegation is so nice and this next leaf is actually also very big so they actually start at this size they will open up and unfurl and then it will get bigger it will expand so this is why you should always give your plants this kind of mouse pole or any kind of mothball rather where it can root as you can see it's rooted into the moss pole because this was this will enable it to put out bigger leads so that's and one of the most important tip in this video i guess so thank you so much for watching i'm at botanist on instagram if you want to dm me on any questions regarding planned care appropriations i'll try my best to get back to you meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next video bye you
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 220,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AVYYseLlvig
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Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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