Propagate hundreds of hoyas with me (with 30 days update)

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i'd like to narrow down to the science behind how we can keep our houseplants happy and to multiply them in our homes so if you're into that kind of content do subscribe to my channel and send me likes so today's video is all about hoya propagation i've been waiting to propagate these toys for a very long time so i cleared my propagation station off my aeroids and potholes and philodendrons cuttings as i have already potted them up and my next step would be to do all my hoyas well not all of them i guess some of them are not i'm leaving alone i see some right here in this balcony i'm not going to touch them yet because they're not ready for propagation but some of the ones here are definitely ready so yeah i'm going to get started uh while i propagate them i guess i'll talk a little bit about their care maybe a little bit about the history since i've owned them and also propagation method we will cover a lot of different hoya propagation method in this video so make sure that you watch it all the way to the very end so i guess i'm going to first start with the hoya retusa i have a lot of these they come from one plant and they're very fast growers and they're very satisfying to propagate i'm going to show you how i propagated it's super easy and i've the other ones the siblings haven't actually given me any long vines but this one has so what i intend to do is that because it's got a few long vines and a few of the cuttings hasn't put out any growth yet i'm going to cut these um and propagate them at the same time this will encourage branching uh all from the the brush that i cut it from so it'll get much bushier so i want you to imagine this plant but way bushier it's super cute it looks like some wild grass that kind of just binds down trails down i mean so yeah i'm gonna get started with this one i'm gonna propagate it with my foolproof method because i know that this works with all the other pots so i use uh here i have a pot of hoya media which is actually bark perlite burn rice hulls worm casting and let me see what uh and some vermiculite for some sparkle uh so this is what the soil media looks like uh so what i want to do is i'm just gonna cut this off in sections like and it's gonna start bleeding by the way oh and i need to make sure which way's up actually ideally i would wait a few hours before i stick this in the soil but i'm just gonna do it because i've done this before so what you want to do is just cut it a stick and just stick it back into this stick it into a soil and that's it that's all you need to do i'm going to make a really full pot of these together i want to just cut it make sure you put the the side down into the pot and not doing it wrong and actually let me quickly show you i don't know if i can see it from this camera angle but so when you actually when i actually cut up below the note the growth will actually grow from the node uh so that's where the new growth is coming from not all hoyas propagate uh this easily so yeah just be mindful that there's different ways to propagate them depending on the species oh this one's got a lot of aerial roots already it's very nice i believe this is everything so nowadays i got a short uh now that it's got a haircut i think it's gonna start to bush out a bit more which i would like and then i would have another extra plan to go with it so there's one and next we've got this uh hoya super eskimo which i got from moon hoya i've got this for a while and it kept growing so it's a motorcyclist so i'm going to um cut this up because i want a really bushy plant imagine like a really beautiful like white cup white i don't know if this is not a variegation it's like speckles uh i want a big part of it so i'm gonna actually try two methods with this so let me see i'm actually it's my first time doing this i'm going by incubation so i'm just going to cut off cut it let me see i want to save some plant material in the base so i'm going to cut it up to like this much and then let me see what am i gonna do for this particular cutting no i'm gonna take two sets of the leaves in underneath yeah and then i'm gonna stick this back into the sauce hang on i need to get a pencil and then when i have made that hole i'm going to stick my cutting in i'm actually going to take off two more leaves because i i want a pretty long note in there so i see like one two three there's three uh ariel roots three notes with ariel roots on it so this is going to root pretty easily so i'm going to stick this back into this media the media in here that i see is basically coconut husks and sphagnum moss and you want to make sure that you really pack it in a little bit so that the aerial roots are gonna be touching uh moisture [Music] and i've got more that i'm gonna do i'm gonna take uh two notes off so i'm gonna the next one i'm gonna plant with two uh two sets of notes with ariel roots on it and i'm gonna do the same thing i'm gonna stick it back into soil so for this guy it's actually the easiest way to propagate and again i want to jam this in a bit make sure that it's tight in there the cutting and i do want to play around with it a little bit more so bear with me um gonna cut this pretty low at space uh oh and i want to make sure that i know which way is up so this way it's up uh yeah what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna figure out how to do um the butterfly method so this is when you take like just a little piece like i've tried this with this kitties and they work really well so i'm going to take just uh so basically a set of leaves which is left and right and a nose and i'm going to put that onto sphagnum moss and this last one actually i am going to root it in water because i know that this is also a safe way to to propagate um with with huge success so i'm gonna have at least one cutting that's in water i'm gonna stick that in later in water so all of these some of them will have some kind of insurance that's gonna be propagated in water that to me in my experience that has the highest uh chance of success fill that in with sphagnum moss i may combine a few cuttings into one pot with sphagnum moss because i don't want to have like 20 different parts of hoyas that are cut in a butterfly method so i've actually never done this before with hoyas just so you know it may fail but i'll update you guys so you you will learn alongside with me so yeah i'm going to stick that butterfly up here and maybe tuck it tuck it gently into into the into the media to make sure it's nice and snug but i want the leaves to be exposed because the leaves actually need to be photosynthesizing for it to push out new roots [Music] it's like tucking it to sleep with the blanket [Music] uh and when i well i want to keep this cutting in an area that has high that has bright in direct light and also i want to keep the stagna moss moist at all time and do not let it dry out so yeah so that's done i'm gonna leave this here in case i have more cuttings i guess right in front of me because this is bothering you guys i'm going to clear the middle aisle as best as possible so you guys can see me better this is the hoya vitellina vitalina and it's really gorgeous i got it from a cutting with a single leaf actually from a hoya seller that sells toya cutting so i will be sure to include that link on this video so it's given me a few leaves i actually need to give it i could have given it something to to just kind of keep it in place like this which could be pretty pretty cool it's like a bonsai looking thing but i'm just going to cut it up because i want multiples of this plant and it looks so beautiful in this little terracotta pot so yeah if you have if you make like a cool trellis it will be pretty cool looking hoya and again i don't even mention this i'm like crazy these days but it's got this really beautiful black rim around the leaves so i really like this guy so i'm gonna cut it into sections one and two do i want this you know what i'm gonna do this too because it's got weird like this spirally looking bra branch so i'm gonna take it off right here and with a lot of these holes actually these will all become one plant and you can see from this branch already that it's got a lot of aerial roots here which means that it can have a lot of potential to root um this previous cutting actually rooted in water and then put it into soil so they actually do well with that with this though how i think i'm going to um let me see i'm going to do that actually because i don't want to stress up you leave it in water let it root and then just put it up in this into pots i don't want to have like different pots we have to water them every day as you can see i have like 700 plants going up to like maybe after today i have like 800 plants i'm not sure so it's pretty scary and this one this is putting out a long vine with no leaves so i i either knocked off the leaves or i don't know but you know what i'm just going to cut it off but that's done because this it's just annoying it's just going to be grabbing onto other plants so now i have a very modest cutting again but i know that it will push out the new growth from either this node or the next node over so it's got two chance of branching out yeah and next we have this hoya vertisolata yeah whoever is it tis a lotta so uh this came to me also as a cutting so you guys should try that out if you're into trying to get different hoyas and this one has a really beautiful leaf like the texture is just so gorgeous um uh yeah i'm gonna cut this up into pieces and then i'm gonna uh i wanna actually a big part of this like where there's a lot of plants hanging over one side so i'm gonna start doing that so for this one i'm gonna cut it into different sections uh one two and let me see i'm gonna be very greedy with this one three so what i'm gonna do is let me try to think i'm gonna stick this i'm actually in fact for all these i'm just gonna stick them right back into the soil [Music] [Music] i've got two little ones i don't know what to do with it hang on do i want to stick them into soil or do i want to propagate them in water you know what i'm gonna do one straight in soil and i'm going to do one more in water this is a bit of an experiment for me too because now i can see since they're the same size cuttings i can see if uh which is better soil or water propagation for these actually fill it up with a little bit more soil not happy with the height of the soil currently okay and that's done all right next my favorite hoya the hoya microphylla and this one isn't doing so well it's got a brunch here i'm gonna cut it right off uh i see a lot of new growths happening but this particular brunch there's some woody or some white white-ish looking film on the brunch i don't know if this is past i don't think so but yeah and it's coming off this little flakes of white if some of you know what it is let me know what let me know what you think it is so i'm gonna just cut it um on the note and for this one actually i'm just gonna stick it back into the soil i have so many of these that i can't be bothered uh to put them in water because i know that they will propagate very easily regardless so that's going into soil and hoyas they don't need a lot of uh room in the pot to for their roots so you can keep them very tight in a little pot this is why i like hoya so much yeah this is my lucky pencil i use it on all my cuttings i normally have it by the sink because i use it very often there when i see some plants and when i'm watering them i decide to cut a little snippet off and stick it back in the soil like my tradition i have this uh trusty pencil here right by my side whenever i need it okay so this is done uh oh next i'm gonna do this uh i believe this is the sigilatus but i'm not sure i got this from a seller in aceh um so but i love the leaves by the way there's like little reptile-like texture coming out of it uh some veining i can see if you look up close and it grow really tight at first but then it um it started shooting out these like long runners and i see there's a new branch coming out here so i know that when i cut it it's going to be branches coming out from below so that's a good thing i'm just going to actually stick this straight back into the soil yeah i have to remember to water this oh by the way all these hoyas were watered this morning because you should water your plants before you propagate them so that the leaves are are strong so that they have stored a lot of moisture and nutrients before and they will take off better as cuttings you don't want to cut a plant that is thirsty and limp it will die for sure so i guess this is one of my secrets as to why i can how i can propagate so many plants successfully is just by having cuttings that are sort of well well nourished all right so i have three cuttings i'm gonna do one in water actually that's a little baby leaf coming out here so yeah i'm gonna do one in water next i'm gonna do this guy uh i forgot the species name but he's been struggling and this whole thing dried out but you know what even though it dried out hang on i have i've had a david cumingi that dried out and i put it in water to propagate and it's alive it rooted i i have it here so i may show you later in my propagation tour um so yeah this i don't know maybe i can salvage this in water maybe let me take this out of the pot i'm gonna take off the the original root because something's wrong with the root that's why it's drying up like this whether it's mealy bugs or i'm not sure but i'm gonna i'm gonna propagate this in water just i've got nothing to lose and this this vine is a healthy plant and i guess this guy doesn't like to be doesn't like to be underwater because it it will dry out like that but it also tends to be it tends to get over watered easily too it's gonna give me yellow leaves and this one i'm not gonna propagate it in here because i know that there's some problems going on in this soil so i'm going to start over i'm going to propagate that in water and then uh i will then move it to salt and add another soil later [Music] so i'm going to cut this into three sections do i want to be greedy yeah i want to do one more sorry i'm going to do four four cuttings okay so i'm only going to leave two two leaves on this guy and i hope that he survives but i know that the cutting will probably do better than him all right next i'm going to do this hoya ooh it's like caught up in there i'm gonna do this hoya sigilatus that i just got a few weeks ago from moon hoya one of the full pot of these the the leaves are so beautiful it's like this purple white green splash um and this one is trying to climb up uh so cute i'm gonna cut this way at the base right here i'm gonna stick one in the soil and i'm gonna do one in water this one has aerial roots i'm gonna stick right in here uh the hoya sap the white sap actually it's supposed to be irritating but it actually has never bothered me before i know some of you guys may have an allergic reaction to it so if you do just be mindful of that i don't know if i should disturb this one because it's like vining it's got new leafs that are coming out of it i have to make a rapid decision because i'm on camera now so i can't dilly dally um let's see because if you cut it this baby lease might not survive that's just the way it is um you know what i am going to cut it right here let me put that there um let's see that's going to water and you know what let me see that's going to water and this one i'm going to stick it back into the soil again ideally you would want to wait a few hours for it to to stop um bleeding white sap before you put it into soil because you risk infection i think but i'm not sure i'm not i'm not a hoya expert actually but i've just been doing it like this so it's i don't know i guess i'm doing something right so this is done yeah i'm gonna it's a smaller planet before but i know i'm gonna have a bushy one soon [Music] next i'm gonna do this hoya bella um this is a problem plan for me i think it's too bright maybe it's got it gets morning direct sunlight and uh it doesn't show any signs of burning up or anything but i think it's a very thirsty hoya it i keep watering it and it keeps giving me this dry looking stat and soft leaves and whenever i feel the salt i know that it's very moist inside so and i did read some of the youtubers comments that they are thirsty plants so i'm not sure about this guy but they're not easy to come by here and i'm going to propagate this into many plants i want a bushy uh hoya bella i'm going to start with this really dry looking vine right here because it's it's a vine that has lost all the leaves in the middle so it's balding i don't i don't like the look of that so i may actually take this and let me see and a few leaves i'm going to stick this back into soil because this has so many notes that have so much potential to root right away i'm going to put this into the original soil yo put a bit of soil back in there all right so uh i don't know how to propagate hoya bellas actually and i know that they don't have any aerial roots uh showing on the leaves so i'm just gonna give to sorry this oh sorry i have this cutting that i haven't figured out what to do you know what i think the best thing that this is a thirsty hoya it doesn't have area roots i'm not going to stick it back into soil but rather i'm going to uh take off a few leaves and then i'm going to propagate this in water that seems to me like the safest way to propagate the hoya bella and this may be too many leaves actually hang on i'm thinking i'm actually cut into two two cuttings like that so that's gonna be one and then this other one i'm gonna take off a few low release perfect and it's got two notes and it's got a few leaves that will help photosynthesize as it push on your roots i'm gonna get super greedy here very very greedy cut it way down [Music] of course i'm going to be really sad if this doesn't work out you know i'm going to do a few inspector moths i'm going to do two of these take my pencil ah this is this is gonna be very hard you know what i'm gonna stick these two into water into water into uh the pot right away just for experiments i'm gonna have so many cuttings anyway so let's see let's see if they will root nice and of course uh it's lost a lot of plant material that means that when i water it i need to be mindful uh not to water it too much otherwise you might rot the plant because the water the plant doesn't need that much water right now as it's lost a lot of the foliage so this is going to water yeah i'm not gonna put it in spectrum because it's pretty hard you know hang on i'm actually gonna try it's very hard to put the cutting in there let's see if i can use a pencil oh yeah it's not that hard actually i got it done yeah i'm gonna get a little bit more moth to bury it a little bit oh and i forgot i do have one more method that i wanted to try out with propagation uh and then let me get a few more again these are very expensive for you so i hope i'm not messing this up okay that's one more and okay the next propagation method that i'm gonna show you is coconut husks ah chopping everything everywhere i want to find the right size half yeah so i'm going to jam the cutting in there and i'm going to stick stick it into this pot right into the right into the uh i don't know what you call it the crevices or and then you would just jam them shut so i've done this with my disciplines and they love it so this is how they would grow in nature epiphanically they would just grow into the the bark of trees so they would like that and if i see some areas here that i need to fill in let me see let me stick that in here perfect oh that was a b get away from me okay let me stick the last one this one looks a little bit okay let me try to find just have to like tetris your way into this and if you can't find a good position what i can do is my instinct is telling me to just use a bit of moss like the moss and then you can still um yeah you just might get over it basically yeah and then now this is all nice and snug in there all the cuttings i don't know if you can see from here like oh it actually looks super good here i love how this looks okay jam it in there ah okay perfect oh this is looking super cute um yeah so i have to actually soak this in water so that it will the water will get in there and get really soaked into the wood not woods or the coconut husk so yeah there are people downstairs staring at me it's funny uh yeah so let's see how this works this is gonna be watered a little bit different than the others but this is the one that would require very minimal watering it's going to be very easy to care for so i'm going to do a few more in water because i know that it's it's my safest and most comfortable method of propagating hoyas i do see a little bit of aerial roots here it's pretty good news okay i'm not sure if i even need that much plant material to propagate you may actually just need like each section of a plant i'll figure it out next um you may actually just need like a like a stem and a you know what hang on do i want to try that now yeah i'm going to try that now i'm going to just cut like little sections of these i also show the camera and then find like a small tiny vessel that will stick um that you can grow this in um or you know what hang on one second um yeah okay i'm gonna do this in water there's so many so many experiments coming out of this and i'm gonna do some into soil actually okay so yeah i'm gonna stick that into soil i'm gonna just fold it up like this and just stick it in let's see i mean don't afraid don't be afraid to try guys like when you have enough plans like and you have so much time that you have nothing to lose just try different methods like there are matters that no one has tried before that might work and just kind of get follow your intuition and look at the growth pattern of the plant figure out where its roots are coming from so i have a few more one last one i love the way this looks like shark fin swimming out yeah so yeah there's there's that wish me luck on this one and i've got a little bit more vine this is getting a really good haircut actually it's getting so many um i'm gonna cut this around here i guess and this one i'm gonna cut around here okay the rest i'm gonna do it in water just to be safe i hope that i can get a lot of hoya bella plant out of this they're actually very fast growers by the way so and i read that they like to be in cooler uh climate or cool nighttime temperatures which means that it would be perfect for um air conditioning room actually [Music] okay it's done yeah very good haircut but this this should bush out more over time all right next i'm going to do the um this one the hoya carnosa this is just a green form and it just loves to vine around and i wanted to bushy plant this and this particular one they're all a bit different i have other variants around the house this one has nice uh beautiful speckles on it so i quite like it it's like a splash and i wanted to make a bushy plant like a bushy trailing plant and i really love this planter that i got from bangkok it's a very oriental type ceramic take off so i made this uh trellis out of my bonsai wire which i think i mentioned a few times in my other videos they're super cool for hoyas and hoyas love just vining around them so yeah i just basically make two of these um and then i just kind of uh make like a plus sign or whatever and just stick it into salt and then let the hoya do its own thing yeah as you can see this is one long vine of hoya carnosa and i i don't know something i i mean you could trellis it and you can like make it look super pretty like uh i don't know what's the right word for it but yeah you can make it look pretty and then it would have a lot of pedagogues and flowers but for this case because i have so many of these plants i actually want this to be bushy and to trail down so i'm gonna just cut it into pieces and this has so many aerial roots i love it this means that it's ready to propagate so i'm gonna just go ahead and stick this right in back into soil back to its mama plant [Music] this was grown from a cutting it's a pretty fast growing hoya yeah and i rooted this in water originally but these aerial roots are telling me that this is ready to go straight into soil it doesn't need to be in water and oh just so you know hoyas are generally speaking they're pest free except for mealybugs the mealybugs love them i don't know why i thought like this sap is supposed to be toxic for most animals but apparently meaty bugs just are immune to the toxic sap from hoyas [Music] yeah i need to water this plant a little bit more religiously in the next few days i actually water him around every every two days or so this guy because he lives outdoors with very good ventilation and the soil is very very barky so they do dry out super fast cut these first yeah i'm going super greedy yup cut these off i'm gonna even cut that one off it's got only like 10 of the leaves that it started with so for the ones let me see for the ones that don't have ariel roots i agree to propagate in water [Music] and the ones with the aerial roots are i guess it's ready to go into the soil and i can feel from the succulents of the leaves because i did water them today that they are they have a lot of energy stored up in them so they're happy they're gonna grow pretty easily okay and when i uh propagate all my cuttings in water i'm just gonna put i can combine many of them into one vessel and they tend to root faster that way actually i notice that they root faster when they're with friends rather than when they're alone all right nice so so from one single cutting uh that's looping around now i have like i don't know maybe eight um cuttings in there so yeah i'm very happy with this next i'm gonna do this hoya pubicalis i don't have the best luck with pubic health i've killed quite a few maybe because they're so easy then i that i um take them for granted i just kind of put them wherever like i put them in full sun even uh so for this one this already has oh yeah and this particular one has so much splash i love this uh this particular guy all all the pubic headaches are a little bit different so um yeah you may get different splashes here and there but this one i'm gonna stick it into soil straight away hang on me even cut it shorter because i see that arrow roots are above here and there's no roots down here and then this pot is not deep enough for it i'm going to cut it a little bit and just stick it back in nice and for this cutting i'm going to do it in water because i want to make sure that i see little aerial roots here but i want to make sure that i preserve some of this species from here and i may actually even do one more one more here and this one i'm gonna do as well i'm gonna take you off perfect oh this is so beautiful i think this is a peduncle but it's dried off so i don't think it's alive yeah so there you go so yeah now it's it's a little bald guy he should branch out more i guess and i need to be careful with this one um so hoya puppy calyx they can be over water they're very prone to it so they'll turn yellow and mushy and drop a lot of leaves uh and rot off but they're also very prone to underwatering that they become wrinkly so if you look at it if you squeeze the leaves often you'll you'll see the cues they let you know when they need water okay next i'm gonna do this hoya macrophylla uh this is such a fast grower and uh i don't know i have one over there that has it's a prolific bloomer it's a few years old i think i bought it as an old plant so big the leaves are bigger than my face uh and this one is cool um it's kind of it's growing a lot and it's binding the new leaves are actually quite soft but i know that they can get super hard over here um these are so fun to pat like if you like petting leathery leaves definitely go with this hoya microfile and they're very easy to care for just don't over water them and yeah it's as you can see this is quite a fast grower and that's a there's a new leaf coming out here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut it um actually i'm going to show the camera i'm going to cut it right above that uh new leaf and with hoya leaves by the way just be careful like if you knock them off i mean they they come up easily so just don't knock them over um so when i have a new leaf i kind of just leave it alone and i just try not to touch it because i've knocked off so many hoya leaves it's annoying so yeah i'm gonna leave this alone for now now i have two cuttings in here um this is already a pretty full pot i'm not gonna stick this back in there but um i see that one one of them here already have a lot of aerial roots and the other one uh have some aerial roots so one is going into water what is this nothing uh one is going to water and this one's going straight into soil and i think this will look really good yeah this will look really good in a terracotta look at how pretty that that might be yeah i'm gonna do i'm that fill the bottom with a bit of uh coconut uh huff because that's a huge drainage hole that i see here and that cutting the i mean that other plant apparent planet is came from it's actually in this same media too so it definitely likes to be in this sort of media yeah stick it like that i want to be mindful not to bury too deep because i know that new leaves will form from the node so i want that note to be sticking out a little bit see if i can get the leaf too yeah and done ah cute yeah super cute and this leaf is quite new too it's still a little bit soft i hope you survive okay next i'm gonna do this um i don't memorize all my hoyas hoya like the coronavirus coronaria that joke sorry yeah this is giving me a lot of new leaves it's also got a fuzzy leaf i've got one over there that's like super wild it's an older cutting so um yeah i think i i do like this uh plant a lot i like the texture and this is in a huge pot so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna actually hang on but none of this does not have any aerial roots so you know i'm gonna just cut it i'm just gonna cut it right here and let me see how am i gonna propagate this this is coming out with the new stem i need a new branch here how cute um so yeah and i'm going to cut this dry stem off it's not pretty and let me see i actually rooted this in water before so you know what i'm actually going to do the same i think because this guy has no aerial roots and hoyas in my experience hoya cuttings rude 100 i don't have any i mean uh failures with hoyakadis before he's going to give me so many plants nice all right and you know what just for sport i'm actually going to stick one into the soil to see if it will root in there just to see how it does you know what i'm thinking of doing two actually why start why stop with one okay there you go so yeah so that's done that's so fast i'm gonna pop this in water soon it's bleeding everywhere it's like white sap everywhere and this one is the hoya calistophyla and it's super slow growing and one vine actually it put out a long runner which dried out which maybe suggests to me that i may be underwatering him i'm not sure it's got very thick succulent like leaves so i i know that they don't want to be over water ah the leaves are so beautiful i'll have to pet it um so yeah very very slow grow it puts out a new leaf every two to three months uh so this is one of my earlier plans and it started with only two leaves so i'm gonna cut it actually right here there so yeah i'm gonna root this in water actually because of the woody stem i can imagine that it may not do so well straight into soil so i'm gonna enjoy this i mean while so i know that this is going to branch out either from here or from a lower stem uh yeah let's see i'm going to do this last so i'm going to do the lacuna sauce um okay so oh i love lacunosa so much they are super easy to grow like you can just feel the leaves to know if there's time to water them or not uh they will let you know so if it's firm leave them alone if it's soft and limp you can water them they're also very forgiving they have a huge threshold that they can withstand so yeah this is also very a very satisfying way to grow and the flower apparently smells like jasmine so i already have one of these in a terracotta pot so i water this every day because it it gets bright in direct sunlight outdoors with dapple direct i want to sunstress this to get get it to turn red so far it hasn't um but i kind of wanted to have uh growth coming up flowing out this way and also another one coming down this way so it's like a right angle so i can put it on a right angle table so i'm gonna propagate some cutting and stick them right into that so with this one i'm gonna take i guess let me see how greedy am i today i'm gonna take this much i'm gonna take off a few leaves this i i chose this cutting because it's already got a lot of uh aerial roots which means it's readily uh gonna root into soil right away okay so let's poke a hole and yeah there's actually a lot of room for hoi in here because it's a pretty big pot and there's an argument over what over hoyas whether they need a tide pod in order to bloom or if they like a little bit bigger pots and my instinct tells me they want to be tight uh want to be pot-bound they want to be in a tight small pot before they're ready to flower but that's just my feeling but that's my feeling about every plant i just like plants in tight pots i i like the look of it and i feel like i think the the plant won't be as over watered and it's going to be less problem when you have you don't have too much soil this is very difficult because it's very barking material wiggle in make sure it's a really wide hole in there okay and it's in okay it's like surgery doing a transplant organ so that's that and i know that when i cut this it's gonna bush out so i'm gonna be very happy with that do another one here okay hoyas are so easy to propagate this is one of the reasons why i love them so much if you guys are new to hoyas and hoya propagation start with water that's your best bet it will in my experience 100 root again you want to keep it keep the cuttings in bright in direct light and see if you can keep a few cuttings in one vessel that is not too big so that they can share that rooting hormone they actually release a hormone to let them know to go ahead and root when they're when they're being cut and actually these uh aerial routes uh in nature they would stick onto trees and they would just climb up trees and attach themselves that way but they don't steal nutrients from the tree they just use them for anchor for support to climb up to get better light done with this one put this over here right now and this this guy whoa this is so beautiful it's got so many beautiful aerial roots i don't even know what to do with this oh my god all of these nodes have aerial roots and it's telling me that each of these can actually root into something so um let me see or i can stick some of them in here hang on i'm gonna take this top cutting [Music] that's such a nice aerial route i love looking at aerial routes they they just tell me that the plant wants to be propagated when i see like plants in public with aerial roots i'm just like super tempted to take it home take a scissors but don't do that you guys that's not that's not nice okay now it's done look it's just it just blends right in into here like you don't even know it's a new padding so i'm gonna do a few more because i want a really bushy pot yes and i might start something else too um you know what here uh before i forget what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna actually do the butterfly method again [Music] because there's so many area roots here i feel like it's it's ready to be successful it's setting itself up for success so yeah i'm gonna put this in here to the sphagnum moss do one more just kind of get more moss and just blanket over it gently keeping in mind that the leaves need to photosynthesize so you don't want to bury the leaves and stack them you need to see the light so yeah i think i'm happy with this one i may do another one because i have a really strong feeling that this will work this butterfly method the aerial roots look like it's gonna grip right into the moss and it's going to absorb moisture and then it's going to put out a new leaf from the from the node and it's going to do that pretty quickly i think because this is uh they're lacunaes are very trustworthy this one's actually got very few aerial roots not a lot so i'm a little bit risking it but let's see we got to see we got to try the best and the worst right i'm going to put that in here and i'm going to top it off with a little bit more moss just kind of yeah just make sure that it stays and nice and snug in there like a blanket so i'm gonna just put a strip in between the two leaves i don't know if you can see this well on camera but this is just to keep the cutting in place and to make sure that the node is really uh touching the the surface and i would actually check the moisture on this very often i know that i have too many plants and have not enough time for a lot of my plants but yeah this is very exciting for me this project so i'm gonna check on it and then the way i would water this is i would spray with just water yeah that's that's done it looks so pretty it looks so extra okay so back to that pot what i'm gonna do here is that here take off the lower leaves i'm getting hoya blood all over me okay i think let me see yeah that should be enough and then i'm gonna stick this oh another same bee get away there's no flowers here no flower for you okay so that's jammed up in there i'm gonna keep going i hope this is not too boring for you guys i don't know i guess this is how uh growers will um propagate their plants and i also know that actually uh la canosas are very there's this seed very readily so it may actually make sense to commercially grow them from seed i don't know i have never tried growing hoyas from sea i'm not very confident with sea growing okay and i'm gonna just take one more from you [Music] okay there okay do i want yeah i'm gonna do more actually this is going in water and i think i am done am i okay yeah i think i'm good very nice haircut yeah for these ones hang on i'm gonna take another pot and you know what i'm gonna butterfly these in soil why not i'm not gonna do stacking them with this it's actually a lot faster it would be amazing if this can just easily uh be butterflies right into the this pot that it's going to grow in so yeah let me do that so this is what i like about plants like if you make a mistake you may discover like a new hack or something that oh it looks so cute it just sticks right in there very cute i'm very happy with this yeah and finally i'm going to do this i did i'm doing him last because he was very thirsty and i watered him like i think about an hour ago so to get him a bit hydrated um yeah so this plant i don't know if it's doing well or not it's got some leaves that are yellowing a little bit in the bottom i know that i leave it to be bone dry between watering so i'm going to take a cutting of insurance i bought this about a month ago from moon hoya i'm going to cut right off the previous note like right here and i'm actually going to root this in water very cute and i don't know if i should be greedy or not you know i'm gonna do one more sorry okay i'm gonna do this one i'm gonna rip this in water as well or straight into soil actually i don't know should i um this has a little bit of aerial roots so maybe i am going to do that i'm going to stick this right into the soil just to see how it does and this is i may need some coconut put this here coconut jam in here and you know what i'm actually gonna put a bit of sphagnum in there because i think it's gonna this is gonna keep a little bit more moisture around the roots and then jam it in after okay perfect so there's done it's actually very cute yeah i may have to water this guy more it feels like limp and i'm most afraid of over watering before but yeah cute okay so all of these are going to water and i guess um i'm debating if i should take you around the house yeah i'm going to take you around on a tour to take cuttings off hoyas that i cannot bring to this table i'm going to propagate them either into soil or into water but i'm not going to show you those because this video is long enough i'm just going to show you me cutting them up so i was going to take a cutting from this guy he was actually grown from a cutting as well about three months ago and he grew so fast however all the ends are growing new leaves so i'm going to wait for these to mature before i take cuttings of it and i might take the cutting and plant it back into this pot so i'll get a huge full bushy plant and just in case you were wondering how they propagate this one is a single leaf cutting which is uh this is the the main leaf that was propagated um i probably i did it in water first to root it and i moved it into the soil and within like i would say three weeks it's given me so many leaves so they're very very fast growers so yeah they grow from the note this is how they they put out new growth here and here's a little bit of growing uh tip for hoya ratusas this one was grown in terra cotta pot and a lot of the leaves just died off like this one so it never took off this was actually my first uh cutting propagation that i did uh but look at the other ones that are in plastic pots they are thriving so hoya reduces um cannot dry out at all like they need to have their uh soil consistently moist so if you think that all ways need to drop between watering that is not always true um so i may have to move this guy to a plastic pot soon so this hoya carnosa hindu rope um i have prograded a few cuttings like this one that's taken off this was planted directly into soil um and then i have another one uh right here this one is propagated in water first and then into soil as you can see it's growing quite well uh i would say both of them did well uh 100 success rate so um i may actually cut uh sorry this one because as you can see it's got a few stems here that are bald and it's not a good look um so i'm gonna cut this here i'm gonna show you hang on okay so i'm taking off right here it's hard to to to film while you're cutting um this may actually produce a whole plant i'm not sure how long this offers yeah this may produce its own plant and then i have this once this is proving to be very very difficult okay and uh let me see and this may be another plan yeah i'm actually gonna should i put my phone down hang on yeah right there okay so now i have a lot of viable cuttings i can do this either in water first or just straight into soil i may just do them straight into soil just kind of kind of stick them in but i got to wash these first before that and uh to tie off some loose ends pun intended i'm just going to cut these out i don't see any peduncles here so i'm going to cut this off because i don't want um new growth to be coming out from here and leaving a bald stem here so if i cut this out it may just bush out somewhere you know what hang on this this this is a little bit balding too so i might actually just cut this whole thing off and and propagate that so i did find a pot that used to have a strawberry plant in here that it died off i'm really bad with food crops i can't i don't know maybe i'm just not so passionate about them that's why i don't really pay attention to them they probably need a bit of research and different care different nutrients in the soil but yeah i have a whole section of dead food crop area that i'm too embarrassed to show you oh my god i totally miscalculated i had five i have five cuttings hang on let me do more holes okay yeah i'm guessing maybe about four out of five of these may survive because i don't know i don't think then the i don't think the notes are long enough usually i keep slightly a little bit longer notes but i'm in a hurry so i'm just gonna stick whatever i can josie hey what do you want yoshi come here come here yeah she's not having it today oops the other one's coming so that's done and i'm actually going to cut this off because i don't want anything to be growing from the tip of that stump so yeah hopefully this will be a bushy plant i have so many of these i don't even know what to do with them oh and in my experience when the caddies are taken from a very mature plant they take off really fast compared to if you take them from a baby plant i don't know why maybe there's just a lot of stored up energy in the cuttings in the stems this is super exciting i was going to cut a little cutting from this hoya pubicalic splash the leaves kind of faded a little bit it's supposed to be darker green that's because i put it in direct sunlight or dappled direct rather well but i did read that hoya pubically splash if you want dark green foliage you got to give them slightly lower light but not i mean hoyas need bright light i just mean like not direct sunlight that's what i mean so yeah don't give it direct sunlight if you want bright green polish but they do grow so fast in this setting and this was grown from a cutting about nine months ago and it was like two leaves only so it grew really fast and it's flowered so that's how long i guess it takes for hoyas to grow flowers from cutting but again sometimes it's a matter of luck so yeah and one way to appreciate hoya flowers is from the bottom there how nice yeah i'm gonna take cuttings from this guy actually he's throwing up like super crazy runners and i'm gonna cut them off i don't see any peduncles here this uh flower was actually grown from a runner so it was a long uh runner and then a peduncle so i'm gonna have to maybe let's see so this is the flower this is the vine that's trying to um yeah and there's nothing here i don't see any leaves just a bunch of crazy roots so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna cut it right oh i don't know right here yeah i'm gonna take i took that off so i'm going to take some more of these long ends off because it's just i don't it's unmanageable to have that and okay so this is the last leaf and then there's like a super long runner with no leaves and no nothing just it's just trying to grow if you can see that it's just trying to attach itself to something it's desperately trying to attach itself to a tree so i'm going to cut it where the last leaf is right there and give it a good haircut and this one actually gave a long runner let me try to manage this but this is so interesting if you see this this very long runner um it gave out one leaf and it's got so many it's not focusing so many aerial routes uh that's probably mealybugs yeah disclaimer oh it's moving hi no okay that's a predatory bug because actually i squished one before in front of you guys i killed it and someone commented commented that that's actually not meaty bugs mealy bugs don't really move they don't move fast at all and this is predatory but that are actually beneficial that will move ooh how cute it's like moving around so yeah i'm not going to kill this one but if i'm wrong let me know because i'm pretty sure that's not a mealybug that's something that eats mealybugs i think so back to my um my point i'm just going to cut it right here so i have this one cutting that has a lot of aerial roots i'm actually going to clean this all off with my insecticidal soap and this is going to go straight into soil it's so ready for propagation so i actually do want a here imagine this pvp this is actually only one plant like you see there's only one stem coming out of it imagine if you have a bushy plant that's just kang with like i don't know 20 of these i'm not going to touch it oh hang on i'm going to smell it i i don't i don't smell anything so okay that's super random but yeah and then there's another cutting here and i'm gonna take so i want a really bushy plant with like 20 flowers that's what i want eventually i'm gonna keep cutting this off as well so i have three cuttings right now um yeah and this is that long runner with the flower i'm gonna leave that alone the peduncle do not cut it off because this will continue to give you flowers uh for for the years to come which is annoying because if you follow this vine this is like crazy this is like i would say almost a meter long and i can't touch any of these leaves i can't propagate them because if i cut it the peduncle's gone so yeah ooh my finger's sticky too from from the previous cut oh and there's this another vine here that i can definitely try to cut cut it really close to the base there okay and this will give me i'm gonna show you this view okay one cut off the tip because we don't need that so that's just one of the runners throw that away um and this one for this this is the previous cutting let's throw that away and then making sure you remember which way is up how pretty is this look at that so this is going to give me sections and this is look at them all of these already have roots they're so ready to be put in soil so i'm gonna just plant pot these up um so yeah from that one plant i took uh six cuttings and now she's gonna stick all six cuttings into one pot it's gonna be a massive party of a hoya to the gallic splash and here we have the fastest growing hoya in my collection or i don't know if some of you agree it's a hoya australis but it's also the one that doesn't really flower for me so i don't know what's up with that i got this as a really tiny plant um i don't know how to describe the size it was only about six or six or eight leaves when i got it and it just exploded and it requires very very minimal care it's very forgiving with watering it can be over watered a bit it can be underwater uh it just wants to thrive and it just keeps pushing on growth there's a trellis that are built from bonsai wire that it over did it if you see it's like it's like um wrapping itself around it it's wrapping around each other too it's like crazy um yeah and this is pretty wild this is beautiful um also this is one of those hoyas that i think you can't really put in a basket and let it trail down beautifully it's one of those hoyas that will wanna scramble uh so i'm not sure if i want a bushy plant uh for for this um but i may actually propagate since there are a lot of viable stamps here that i can propagate from oh my god hang on well hang on one second i just said i just told you guys that this toy hasn't flowered for me i was gonna cut this off but then i noticed that there was a peduncle here okay so i'm gonna leave this alone for now or maybe i'm gonna find a viable cutting elsewhere but it keeps sending out these super long runners and it's always been doing that to try to reach for and this is beautiful it's like a bit sunstrap so it's pink and it's got this baby leaves it's not focusing yeah there's a lot of baby leaves on this vine and it's just trying to grab on to other things so this is what this uh plant does and it's that it looks like an inside thing it's not gonna focus is it yeah that's an insect over there i think i don't know or a seat i don't know hang on i'm crazy okay that's our gardener um yeah so i don't know if i want to propagate these or not i guess i do hang on let me find a vine okay i think i spoke too soon as i was talking about perduncles uh here are some more one and two so i actually i don't know what i'm gonna do with it i've never seen it flower or maybe i missed it maybe it flowered and then i just walked past it i'm not sure i've had too many plants you guys uh so you know i don't know i'm gonna leave this alone for now but as you can see this is a fast grower it propagates very easily and apparently it flowers too so here we have a hoya hoya ungara and it's grown from a cutting as well um and let's see let's throw a big runner here and i think i lost a few leaves there's some bleeding sap here so i think there are some baby leaves here that were knocked off uh so i don't like this long vine what i'm gonna do is actually i'm gonna cut this right here i'm gonna take off this um this vine so i'm going to propagate this i'm going to cut this hang on let me do that for you yeah i'm struggling with this way yeah so i have this one cutting and yeah it's got some cool aerial roots already i don't know if i'm going to do this in water or let me see or maybe if i want to stick this back into the soil i can i can absolutely do that hang on yeah it's gonna hang on we're gonna yeah i'm just gonna do that easy peasy i have too many things on my too many projects already so i'm just going to keep it simple and leave it in here and it's and there's this trellis that i actually made this trellis i need to fix the top so um i made this from the bonsai wire which i told you about i did a little time in the middle so yeah the hoyas love vining around in this thing it gives them something to to hold on to and this is bleeding tap like crazy so now when you cut a hoya over here oh my shadow's in the way uh it's either going to bush out here it's going to throw out a new vine from here or it's going to do that from here probably or maybe even from down below it can do that and just dry stem here i like the look of it actually but i'm gonna cut it off yeah so it's yeah it's gonna shoot a new vine somewhere and this is a location that gets um morning direct sunlight oh there's i almost forgot about this guy they said hoya carnosa this is the regular green form uh it's too hot here too sunny i'm gonna move i'm gonna move somewhere to cut this up hang on hi yeah that is working that is working [Music] come on come on let me get to work let me get to work sweetie i'm like gently pushing her away but she is not having it hey all right so um actually i need to be careful about watering this guy because this is a sign of over watering it's a stressful yellow leaves so i'm going to start taking cuttings off him and i'm going to put it back in the pot imagine like a huge bushy plant like this and then when it flowers it's going to be so beautiful so yeah and this was also grown from a cutting by the way from a single leaf padding again i'm gonna leave that link on the description or on the screen of where i got the cuttings from it's a very good seller um and she sells bundles of hoya cuttings at a very very affordable price it's a good way to amass a quick hoya collection collection if you live in indonesia okay so that's that i'm gonna do uh another one right here there's like weird pests going on um i don't know if this is mealy bugs or not i don't know if you can see it's like nodding at me it's it's bowing at me maybe it's like leave me alone i don't know uh so i'm gonna stick that into soil or ideally i could take off one leaf and so i have more stem but let me see i'm just going to try to do that and actually need to top up the soil a little bit higher because i think the soil is a bit too low oops yeah i'm just going to let it propagate like that yeah i definitely need to top up the soil as you can see so i'm going to do that after i make these cuttings and let me see let's do let's do two more actually i'm going really greedy today this one looks really healthy actually poke a hole and yeah it's not deep enough okay i'm gonna leave it there first and i'm gonna take maybe uh oh this one these are all very young leaves it's got a viable stem here so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just cut it right here and oh there's like way more bugs here i don't know i don't think these are mealy bugs are they they could be because they're not moving so i think these yeah these are melee bugs yeah so i'm gonna treat him soon mealybugs are the easiest pests to take care of because they're so visible and i'm going to take off this one leaf and the reason for my decision to take off that leaf is because when you have too many leaves it's draining so many of them when um yeah you're you're draining your leaves are going gonna drain energy for from the plant i'm gonna clean uh cut this pin off hang on sorry all right so that's one cutting yeah and this will give me a longer stem too for for plant to develop so i'm going to put this in this side yeah so now there's going to be four cuttings leaving in one pot again hoyas they don't need a lot of um root system they don't need a lot of soil to thrive they're epiphytes so okay i'm gonna top this off i'll be right back so all the cuttings are now neck deep in uh fresh soil and again this is a cause for concern these yellowing leaves so how i'm gonna do is i'm gonna because i planted all the cuttings on one side they were i would water this kind of i would probably spray one side of the plant with water a bit more than the other side because this side needs to be a little bit damp to get the cuttings to root so we'll see them in a few months here is a beautiful pot of hoya carnosa crimson queen um and it's doing beautifully i did i do tend to over water these i i lose a few leaves from yellowing and i'm gonna cut him up only because um i'm going to i had i had probably so many of from these guys before and put them in separate parts but this time i noticed i'm going to actually fill in the bald spots with some cuttings so i'm going to take this vine which is quite good looking [Music] and hang on trying to film and propagate at the same time i'm going to cut it like right here i'm going to show you yeah i'm gonna take that much off and then from here [Music] i can turn this into multiple cuttings [Music] one it's proving to be very hot look at that that's where all the roots are going to appear from the little bumps on the stem [Music] cut and these do well uh in my experience they do well both in water and straight into soil although when you put it into salt you do have to keep it um a bit moist like you don't want the cutting to dry out a bit so it's very cute after a haircut uh let me see if i want to take more this is a little bit crazy this one is all right there used to be a flower a peduncle here but then it died off this might be a good place to cut hang on because there's this balding spot here you see this long stem this is never gonna grow anything from here so um yeah i'm gonna cut it right there okay yeah so that's a viable cutting i'm gonna turn this into so each cutting will basically look like something like this so one main stem with two leaves uh you can do one leaf it's rooted for me successfully at 100 success rate and this one actually can take um let's see i'm gonna take this tip cutting so yeah it's gonna encourage some bushing too when you cut them off so what i'm gonna do right now is yeah the soil is so airy i don't even need to take a pen so i'm gonna just stick them right in there [Music] and i don't have a lot of faith in cuttings that are rooted in here because i don't want to water this too much because there's so many dead yellowing leaves but i've seen i know i know that i need to keep this pretty moist i'm going to take some of the longer longer cuttings i mean uh cuttings with longer branch sorry just do maybe one more [Music] yeah so you know what i'm going to actually do even one more hang on this one i guess yeah so i just want to i guess same with the previous foia i just want to spritz this with water but on this side because i know that this is the balding side oh that might be a spider here's the thing like when you see an insect that's moving around your plant and it's fast moving it's most likely not a pest because pests that eat your plants they're going to be slow moving and predators are the ones that need to move around very quickly so they can capture the praise so just so you know but i might be wrong i'm trying to learn a bit about pests so yeah i'm gonna spritz this area in a bit this is what happens when you release a hoya in a pot into the wild so this is pretty exciting story so we have this part of hoya carnosa crimson princess and we just kind of set it on this tree and let it do his thing we don't even let it we don't even meddle with it we just leave it alone and look at all these vines that are growing out of it i'm going to take you it's like growing all the way inside trees and the roots actually attach themselves to the trees fairly quickly it's so wild it's so beautiful um so this is what they look like in the wild and i'm gonna take you all the way all the way up top and around here is it skipped over this staghorn fern and it's like um it's going to envelope this tree basically and the new leaves are just so stunning they're so beautiful and these are actually a little bit slower growing than your hoya kernoza crimson queens because they have more variegation they have more white part of the leaf that don't photosynthesize in fact when you give them a darker spot as you can see here they actually naturally revert back to green color with splashes how pretty um so yeah oh my god i just can't stop looking at the foliage they're just so beautiful um so i'm actually gonna take a few cuttings of this and i'm gonna try to look for a viable vine maybe this one will do this is still pretty young okay so i found a vine right here it's got a dried off tip which means that it's probably not somehow not doing so well and i that's a little bit of pests here but i don't mind it because i know that there's also a lot of natural predators here that can take care of the pests so i'm going to cut this vine off um let's see yeah from up here i guess yeah and that's going to give me one two three four four plants uh and this yellowing also suggests that it's probably a little bit over watered or maybe too much sunlight as well yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna do that later when but you get the point right you just want to cut them oh my god guys okay i am i can't get inside but um there's this one leaf that is like so beautiful look it's this army green oh it's like weird i don't know how to describe it so and the next one next to it is you know again the camera's not focusing look at them wow this is so beautiful it's insane i don't know if i want to cut this because and then try to propagate it because i don't know the new leaves are gonna change i think this the environment that causes them to change into this color uh and if you see that yeah this one is nice to the leaf below that oh hang on i'm not focusing so where where am i yeah there you go this is so beautiful oh my god it looks like the aglonima pictum tri-color and as you come around this side there's actually more beautiful leaves and look at how how they've attached himself all the way on the trees and up this way this is truly magnificent i think i have enough cuttings this is these are all that i have sorry it's a little bit messy probably about eight cuttings or so and if you um oh and out of to satisfy your curiosity this point was put out here about nine months ago and it was actually very small it wasn't this big so it grew very fast very quickly here especially when it's allowed to attach to trees so they they do grow faster that way um and yeah there's a one two three there's probably around four plants in here so yeah i'm gonna make a hanging basket out of that cuttings that i take i'm actually going to jump into the middle aisle here oh this this oh b in my ear okay so look at this this is so beautiful um when hoya microphylla verigata when they're given a really good dapple director on it they give you this pink rim foliage and new leaf is very pink it's so beautiful so i uh this plant actually uh was taken from another pot that broke off so i decided to uh just leave it here to let it stand on its own about i would say three to four months ago and as you can see it's grown like crazy it's like crazy and it's attached here and it's not even attached itself up to that tree and now it's got runners coming out i don't know it's trying this baby leaf here so i don't know maybe i should help it along i don't know if i should i don't know if i can yeah i don't know i should probably tie it to something to get it to root faster um so yeah i don't see any cuttings to take from here let me see maybe i will take you know what i can take this wait hang on you know what never mind i'm gonna leave this a little bit more bushy let it trail down a little bit more before i take cutting profit because i actually do want to stick them back in the soil but i'll wait yeah this this pot can use a few more cuttings in here so here we are at uh 33 days after the day that i propagated the cuttings and i just want to give you an update because this video is going to become very long here's that hoya bella that i stuck into the coconut husk and it's doing quite well and i do have to water this pretty deeply it's showing some signs of dryness so i need to keep watering this guy because the water actually needs to be really saturated inside i usually leave this soaking in a tub of water however other than that the cutting seems to be alive and doing well and i wanted to show you the propagation station with any propagation you want to keep [Music] keep it in a very very bright indirect light location to encourage them to put out roots i also grouped the cuttings together which encourages them to root better and i didn't take out the dead leaves but some of them are dead here's one those that didn't die off are alive which means that they are doing well so this this cutting is not doing well i don't know what this was before oh it was that was that weird oh yeah and this one um this hoya bella is giving me a baby leaf by the way i guess they do like to be water propagated and this is the hoya bellas that are uh i'm gonna take these out later i'm gonna show you guys the roots but i'm gonna bring them to a proper table but here i just wanted to quickly show you the the dead leaves and also the setup um yeah and also in terms of watering i never ever ever change the water so even with this i just leave it alone this is because the any plant cutting will always root always release root hormones that encourages them to root up and if you keep changing the water you're just washing away that hormone and the cutting will just ended up rotting away and not giving you any roots um and all every day i would go to them for 33 days every day i would just go and squirt like water i would just like sorry i'm like filming with one hand so this is not the perfect yeah i just keep topping up the water uh every single day so yeah let's go and uh look at some roots i'm gonna quickly show you guys the cuttings by species i guess i want to pot these up very quickly oh this one this is not a hoya this is a string of dolphins i have to put this back uh yeah i gotta work very fast because these will dry up pretty fast i don't want the roots to suffer so these are the hoya lakunosas i'm really surprised that the roots are so fat and so short i guess this means to say that they are probably like to dry out a bit between waterings so there's that sorry that's not a hoya yeah even this one with the one leaf it did pretty well as you can see here and here we have the super eskimo white it looks very similar and then this i believe the coronaria don't remember all the names so yeah they did really well and by the way i'm going to show you guys the ones that i propagated straight to soil because i'm pretty sure they took off too yeah so this is the other one this is the friends best friends there you go and this is the one that uh i think we lost a few strands of these at the water propagation but the parent plant is again really really declining on this so i'm really glad that i managed to propagate them and they're all rooted uh here's the obavada i would say actually about 95 of my cuttings uh rooted and here is the pubic alex splash so nice and give me some new growth here so i got to be very careful when i pot these up later and i'm going to give them a hoya potting mix that i use which is mostly bark worm casting burned rice halls perlite and this is the hoya bella and they're doing really beautifully and i like to study the roots too to see how uh because it will determine the properties of the plant uh yeah oh this is not a hoya bella this is something this is the coronary i'm gonna put them back put them by category uh this is weird i don't know if this will survive this is also the coronaria it's got fuzzy leaf that's how i know it yeah oh and this is i promised to show you guys this last uh when i was filming it a month ago so this is a david cumin gi that died so literally i cut these off a dead plant and they rooted for me that's amazing so if you get you guys have hoyas that are in trouble go ahead and cut them up it's the only way to save them it's giving me new leaves too how amazing this is one of the hoyas that actually bloomed for me very quickly so i'm glad that i got it back um i don't know what this is [Music] yeah and see over here oh this is the fast growing one i can't remember the species id or pubic health splash as you can see so many roots this is some really beautiful root porn yeah i'm just sorting them in front of you guys i believe are all the same species this may have gotten some sunburn while i was there or something i don't know stained but yeah look at the roots amazing this is callistophyla it's really how nice very very slow grower i can't remember the names oh this is like playing jigsaw puzzle i don't know which is which i'm just gonna this i believe is that the sorry film this is the uh carnosa green form and this is the hoya macrophylla this is so easy to propagate i've propagated quite a few of these beautiful leaves yeah some more hoya bella's over here oh yeah and this hoya bellas they were just propagated using tiny tiny cuttings like this look at that so the new growth will come up from the node right right here where the leaves meet and they are rooted so i guess i went a little bit too generous with the other cuttings in the future i just can cut them per node per section so i can have more plant material from this but it looks like when you cut them like this this one's showing a new growth point too so maybe when you do a cutting like this they will root faster and they will grow faster for you too so i don't mind this either both ways uh are successful and the one that i stuck straight into the cocoa husk also did pretty well for this foyer bella so yeah i'm going to go ahead and pop these up and i'm going to show you the result after i pop them up so i'll see you soon all right i'm going a little bit off topic here there's the studio watermelon or the squido avada that the whole branch dried and died off so i took uh cuttings and i butterflied them and this has rooted really well for me so i just want you guys to know that a lot of hoyas also propagate the same way this idea so yeah this is doing well and this is rudolph pretty quickly all of the cutting is actually rooted so i'm really happy this is a very very good rescue story so here are all my new babies i'm very excited for them some of them like this hoya bella is a thirsty hoya i put it in a general purpose uh potting soil potting mix uh and i pretty much will water this every day uh other than that i actually ended up putting all the plants in cocoa chips instead of bark because we're out of pine barks so ever since i did my soil video all the pine barks are sold out i guess you guys are buying them up yeah so here are all the diversifolias this little cute little uh eskimo white and this is super cute it's like some guy chilling in a tub how cute um yeah so the the notice here the new leaf will come out from from there so yeah i like the terracotta and the general purpose potting soil potting mix combo because it actually dries up pretty fast in this combination so yeah various types of uh ways that i potted up some plants and this one i actually jammed it into the cocoa husk i just wanted to achieve different looks and sort of experiment and play with them so yeah this uh some hoya bellas in here as well see i'm going to be experimenting to see which medias oh my god knock over something um do well for different species this is sort of something that i really enjoy to do and i will be doing an individual species care video for you guys at some point i'm going to quickly show you the watering because i actually added some um for done which is a pesticide and also some slow release fertilizer so it's now time to host them up i'm going to show you guys how i do that so with the general purpose potting mix you have to kind of water it slowly otherwise the sediments are gonna rise and gonna it's gonna leave the pot and for the next uh few days i'm gonna have to keep the soil pretty wet because i don't i can't have the water roots dry out at all and then i'm gonna slowly back off watering and i actually have one little problem right now this is my hoya shelf it's full it's like there's some room down there but it's a little bit dark so yeah i don't even know what to do with with this um yeah i need to find space for them but you get my point so yeah i'm gonna be enjoying so many hoyas i know that when i started my youtube channel i had about 500 plans and then now it's like before this propagation i think i have somewhere around 700 plants because i keep buying them every day and i don't know how many pots you see here i'm guessing that's at least 20 and also the the cuttings that are stuck right back in soil will also give me more plant material so i'm gonna have so many so many so many plants i can't wait to share this with you guys uh yeah so i'm gonna give you guys a tour actually on the other plants the the parent plants i mean so i'll see you soon i'm gonna finish up here okay so here is the uh eskimo white i i can't remember which cuttings i i think this is the drop this this is the one that i stuck into soil and this one as well none of them has died because i didn't remove any dead plants from here so all of the ones that are in here have survived and as you can see here it's such a beautiful pot it's getting fuller and fuller i can't wait to get a really full plan and this australis lisa is ready to be propagated so that's happening next the sigilatus here uh there's a lot of ferns that are has grown in there uh i'm not sure if any of them died but yeah i remember putting some cuttings in here i think all of them took i can't see it carefully oh well this is the coronaria that i stuck into soil and the cuttings are obviously doing well they're healthy the cuttings would have died if i mean the cutting would have shown signs of decline if they didn't take but this obviously took so i'm just waiting for a new growth to emerge and here are some hoyabellas that are stuck straight into soil and they are alive so i'm just waiting for new vines to happen and this vitelli cheating here the telena uh i knocked off a baby leave a baby leave appeared here this is the parent plan where i took the cuttings off so yeah and let me see this one grew a baby leaf oh and i did a lot of hoya uh carnosa here and it looks like they're all pretty much alive i don't see any new growth yet i guess they're busy putting up new roots but the least i pretty much have neglected them here by the way i just kind of water them every day this is another part of it this is the one with the pretty leaves i actually cut a branch with pretty i take this out of the way yeah and it's um very much alive 100 percent alive that's amazing i'm trying to see what else ah these are the uh uh carnosa that i stuck straight into soil this one's given me a new leaf and everything's alive this i believe this is a pubic calyx that i stuck right into soil a lot of cuttings alive hoyas are so resilient and if you're into propagating plants hoyas are the best this is also a cutting that is alive so i've got a lot of retucers here all the rotusa cuttings basically lift i haven't had any deaths on my retusa uh yeah this is also new and it's a lot i just stuck this straight into salt so i just cut it from the plant stuck it into soil nothing crazy over there hoya microphylla also a cutting that was stuck into soil there's another one up there hoya microphylla that a few days ago i took a lot of cuttings and i just stuck them right back in the sauce so they all will become fuller plants so satisfying i love hoyas so much oh and this uh pribikalik splash actually we saw the flower about a month ago and here it's flowering again within one month it looks so nice next to this begonia and what's crazy is that it had one peduncle one month ago and now it's got two how wild this is so crazy uh and this is this is grown from a one year old cutting i mean this is a one year cutting that i grew from singer lee and it's already given me flowers oh [Music] and i have a hoya cartesia that was in decline it kept doing nothing and just died off slowly so i finally decided to cut it up and just stuck it into this coconut husk and look at that it's very much alive now there's two parts of them so with hoya sometimes i kind of keep repeating this the best way to save a hoya if you're in trouble is to propagate it and start over look at this this is amazing now i have two plants and here is that compacta put on a new leaf very fast more compacted there um and off topic here this is the variegated one that i get kind of pretty much the same way they propagate it this is the hoya lacrinosa i love seeing it by the way and actually this media is kept way too moist i don't know it just kept raining but this one is very much alive as you can see all of them are still busy rooting and this is the one that was a medley of different hoya cuttings and all of them survived look at that there's a bella in here that's put on new leaves there's the hoya eskimos i'm so happy with the eskimos because they're so beautiful and i want a lot of them so this one rooted really well already this is the one that's into striking moss directly so amazing and i think i've got one more to show you i don't know i may have missed something out by the way guys or this is another hoya lakunosa this one was stuck into a hoya potting mix directly so whether you put it in the stagnamos or into the potting mix they will root and in fact this one i think seems to be growing faster because it's given me new leaves so you can propagate your hoyas any way that you want they will 100 or 99 i don't know they will survive basically they will do well they will yeah you know my point i love hoya so much so i hope that i got you guys addicted to hoyas uh i will be doing a hoya tour someday they're super messy right now and uh yo this is the hoya bella parent plant by the way it's a lot of the leaves died i think i over watered it that's what it is um because oh the cuttings actually live this is the ones where we stuck straight into soil and they're alive but the parent plant died because i actually knew that something was wrong with the root to begin with oh and this one's still fighting it's putting out a new leaf a lot of them have died off something's wrong with the roots i don't know what but yeah uh so i hope that i got you guys interested in hoyas i'll i'll do a tour at some point and i will do some species care and guide for you guys because no hoyas are built the same they're all so different um yeah so stray away from your variegated monsteras and your philodendron discs uh ethereum that because hoyas are the next big thing i promise you they're gonna take over the world and they're so good to have now and to share with your friends and families i'm ed botanist on instagram feel free to dm me if you have any questions about plant care and propagations do comment down below like this video subscribe to my channel and this will let youtube know to um recommend my video to other plant lovers who hasn't found me yet meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 271,322
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Id: uccfULLKGG4
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Length: 100min 38sec (6038 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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