Tradescantia Nanouk care and propagation

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i'd like to share with you some of my secrets on plant care and propagations and i go species by species in great detail so that you can gain some confidence and hopefully discover some cool species because not only are plants beautiful but the process of caring for them is quite interesting as well so in my hand here we have the traditional nanuk and it's a traditional family obviously but it's considered a very slow growing one for tradiscantia and it's got this beautiful light green and pink variegations on the leaf and on the stems and i actually got this plant from one single cutting and i kept cutting and propagating it and sticking back into salt and expanding the pot size until i've got this specimen here which i i'm quite happy with the size but as you can see if i kept growing it in this pot it's going to get unruly it's going to get crazy and actually it does trail down after it gets to a certain height and actually they do lean towards the light quite a bit so if you have it on like a shelf it's going to trail down and towards the light however i have this sort of outdoors getting double direct sunlight where it's right above it so it continues to grow upwards that way uh this plant actually likes bright in direct light uh all the way up to partial sunlight direct sunlight that is because if you give it a medium light it will revert to green and have some example to show you later and if you give it more light it's going to encourage that beautiful pink that we want with this plant and you have to be very careful with watering this plant because it's actually very very prone to over watering it uh to rotting out so the stems will just turn to mush and just you will lose the whole stem if you over water it just be very very careful about this plant if i were you i would err a little bit on the underwatering side and you can also again with most plants you can squeeze one of the leaves and you can feel it if it feels nice and firm then don't water it just yet also you can measure the for me this is a plastic pot i measure the weight of the pot this is actually sopping wet right now because it just rained really hard and do let them dry out completely they can withstand a little bit of drought period no problem however if you leave them to dry out for too long they're going to start having i don't have any on this plant right now they're going to start having these crisping edges this plant actually does well both indoors and outdoors i can't say which one it does better and because um yeah they just do well in both light and i'm actually looking at this plane in my hand right now and i see that it's actually put out uh aerial routes right here which means that it's this is um i guess for you to see where the plants will root uh they actually root right this is the area where this uh leaf come out from that's unknown and as you can see just from this stem there's already a lot of notes one two three four five notes this has the potential to become five plants and in some of the notes here what i wanted to point out was that it's putting out aerial roots already i actually haven't noticed that from this plant until now but yeah it's ready to for me to cut up and put it to salt it's asking me for to do it in fact and from the place that you could make the cut actually uh it will branch out from below so don't worry about making a cutting from this plant and i would fertilize this plant a little bit not too much pretty much standard with any of your house plants and i've actually never had any pest issues with this one not on wood of course as i said i might find something no i don't yeah this is a pretty easy grower for me again it does quite like a bit of light so that's my advice for you a bright light and do not over water other other data this is a good plant but that everybody would stop and look at it and stare at it because it's so beautiful and it's a good one to share with your friends and family i'm gonna bring you to the propagation table to show you how this plan is propagated and i'm gonna give you a few months update on how the cuttings are doing so as i promised you converted to green actually i quite like the combination of the pink and the green uh in the leaf so this one as you can see i made the cut over here and it branched out over the side this is actually quite a few cuttings in one and it should grow pretty big i think this is about two to three months old i can't remember okay so before anything happens i'm actually going to try to see the roots ah this one is mush i think this one's broad as you can see here i think this is a young plant and it was over watered so it's mush and i don't know if i can salvage this because i don't see a node but maybe i'll start to stick this into soil to see if it will root but it happens from time to time again they really don't like to be watered much at all so let me i know this the pot is sopping wet so let me try to do it carefully try this contest they have really fine hair like roots they can be as you can see here there's still a lot of room in this pot and here maybe you can see the roots are actually very tiny amounts very hair like and fine so let me put this back in here and what it's telling me since it's got area in there for more roots i'm going to get trusted pencil and my cleaning shears i'm going to start cutting this up so this is where the the one is the ariel root i'm just going to snip it right here and from here i'm going to turn this into this is too this is too big of a cutting actually so what i'm what can do is i can turn this into two different uh plants snip so this one can go straight into the soil let me do that actually and uh i'm actually going to move this into my bedroom this was living outside but i have to move it to my bedroom because i can control the moisture better when i have it uh in my in my care when it's indoors because when it's out here it's raining mercilessly every day so uh yeah i can't really control how much water it gets and again it's been raining a lot lately which is why this pot is actually stopping wet but the more plants that you have in here the better it is at absorbing that water just stick that right into there and just wait and it will take root and for the other cutting that i got over here this is actually too many leaves if you take a cutting off a plant first of all this section here is going to be submerged into because the root is going to come out from this node this leaf is going to rot and secondly if you have too many leaves the plant cannot decide what to do as the leaves do need nutrients and water to survive so it's going to extract it from the node and from the where we cut it below however if there's not enough nutrient and water the leaf is going to die out anyways instead the plant should focus all this energy into building roots around the node so yeah i'm going to take that leaf off so when you do this the plant is actually this is a healthier cutting i may actually even take off one more leaf over here because this is too much energy being drained by the leaf we want the energy to be focused on the roots perfect now we actually have two nodes here and we can actually plant this um this deep into the soil so there's two nodes that's going to be rooted i'm gonna poke a hole and just stick this inside so i've been doing this for the last few months i mean i i would say that this project took about nine months to ten months to get uh to this size from one cutting and one cutting is actually expensive i got it for about 150 000 indonesian rupiah and this was before the pandemic so i cannot imagine the prices now and uh let me see i can take off some more actually i will take some of the uh ones with taller leaves actually this one already got area roots perfect so again i'm going to take this off and if you see that roots it's ready to to go and for this i would this cutting i would actually only take i'll take this much so there's going to be two leaves and yeah i'm gonna stick this straight into you know what i'm gonna uh for this i'm gonna stick in the soil i'm gonna do one in water in a bit so let me let me do this one first stick it right in beautiful okay i'm going to move on to another pot actually this one and it's one single it was actually a tiny padding before and as you can see it kept growing and there's something ate it i'm not sure but i'm not worried because what i can do is i can just go let me see where do i want to cut it i'll cut it off right here actually take one here and i'll take off one of the leaves and let's go ahead and stick it right back next to it to the soil it's very very simple sorry you're not seeing this on off uh yeah if i back up a bit you can see it and you're all set now we have two cuttings in one plant we do have one extra cutting here that i've prepared a propagating vessel so i'm gonna take off one more leaf again and i'm gonna just do this one in water i want to see the the roots emerge in fact i can do two in water hang on one second i'm going to do one more right here and i've got another cutting here actually so this one i'm actually going to put it so messy here there's too many things going on i'm not going to remember which ones are the propagates but i assume like with any of these i think about maybe a quarter of it may die off the propagation rate for tradiscantias are actually lower than a lot of the other plants they actually tend to rot off quite often i would say maybe about 25 percent failure rate so yeah this is a good excuse for you to propagate more because the failure rate is quite high uh with this one i am i'm actually quite okay with the way it is so i'm just going to plop this into my propagation uh bottle yeah and i'll see you in a few weeks bye so we are at exactly two weeks from the propagation time and uh this plan is rooted tradiscontius are one of the fastest routing plants that i know and yeah i think this is pretty much ready and i'm going actually with lekka for this one actually because i have so many plants already in pots and i'm beginning to like that feeling of lekka in a glass jar and i'm beginning to like that root porn action going on so i'm going to show you how i set it up so what i'm first thing that i want to do is i want to take a cotton twine or any kind of yarn we'll do with any kinds of absorbency and i just want to tie a little loop here maybe a little loose and i don't know why i do it maybe i've seen someone do it subconsciously i'm not sure so i tied both ends i'm just going to leave this in the underneath the pot and i'm going to put in my letter so the idea is that i want to have this uh the bottom of the point underneath here and then the top will be almost at the top of the soil of that like i mean and this means that the water would be wicked up more evenly to the top by this uh string here with without this uh without this string i found that the lekka would be a lot a lot more wet uh below than it is uh on the top so this ensures more even distribution of water and i love this guy i got this from uh a wine shop that i got last week and i thought that it would be very befitting for this travis county i look this is not sponsored by any meal not sponsored i have to disclaimer so i'm gonna start putting my cutting in i'm gonna hold it up here and i've been enjoying this with one of my jungle cacti i love how it's looking so i figured i want one of each plant species in lecca and kind of have that kind of setup i'm sure i still have that string okay okay so now i know that i'm almost to the top i'm just gonna find a place to just let the string hang out and you want to adjust your plan instead of extending beautifully the thing with lacquer is that it does move around quite a bit so your plants are a little bit on the wobbly side [Music] and i am all fat perfect so i'm going to fill this up like this high with water and once in a while i'll add a little bit of that grow more fertilizer into the water very very tiny amounts only because uh unlike pots with holes in the bottom that will flush away excess salt in the fertilizer uh this obviously doesn't have it so that fertilizer is going to sit in there for a long time so i'm going to just use very very very minute amounts yeah so i'll see you in a few months and give you some more updates on all the cuttings welcome to a eight weeks update of the plant let me quickly show you the one that we probably did i'm gonna put on the screen what the old cutting uh i mean the old plan looked like right after i probably thrown a lot and it's uh it's actually raining right now by the way it lifts up here on the shelf so it gets a little bit of direct sunlight it gets watered very frequently it gets rained on and i do hose it down every day so it's doing really really well uh oh my god i'm very very happy with this because this one the main plant did not do so well and this is because i actually put it in my balcony i don't know why i did that and i put it on the shelf it's like that hot this is the height of the shelf on my balcony so i thought it would get rained on every day which it did until it didn't rain for a few days and i underwatered i forgot completely about it so i had some leaves that were lost they were crisping off um anyways uh travis kantias they're old leaves they don't last very long like their leaves do expire and they become scraggly with new leaf coming up on top with just a bare stem so that's a growth pattern of travis kantias that's why you always have to keep propagating them cutting them back and when you do that you can see that new branches are this is so cute look at this particular one it's trying to grow out of this little stump yeah all of these are basically branching out and i know that you guys are looking at this and thinking oh my god it looks so much better before i cut it but it's only been two months and look at all these new growths so these are all like going to take over the pot they're going to get very very bushy so give it time the plant will will get really bushy and really healthy you know this one's even trying to push each other out of the way very cute yeah and then this one that i did in lecka it's actually doing quite okay i'm not sure how i feel about lekka i'm confused about it but i like watching the roots form on these plants but this is not doing that well in my opinion because a lot of the leaves are prematurely crisping up so i don't know but the new leaves are beautiful they are healthy and this will suck you don't like it doesn't feel like it's in stress so i'm gonna just say that i guess this plant is doing all right i'm not gonna vouch for lekka i definitely think it's an interesting experience and i'll keep it in lekka and i will update you guys maybe on my instagram and this is the other one that we did with that reverted one and keeps putting out reverted tradiscantia oh it's raining really hard now but yeah it's growing this is growing they are actually very prolific growers they're not as fast as the sabrina's but they're fast to root and uh before i go i got a plan and this came in the mail too but i have a feeling this is a tradisconti as well just judging from the growth pattern and planet daddy podcast has a really beautiful episode on travis kantias and i recommend for you guys to watch it because there's so many species of them and yeah we've only covered like some of the more mainstream ones and this is one that is fuzzy i'm gonna leave the name of the species on the screen because i don't remember it i killed this plant and i had only got baby leaf how cute i only had one stump left and this is what grew from that one stop so i'm amazed i kept cutting it and sticking it back into the potting mix so this one is particularly susceptible to root rot because it's also fuzzy the leaves are very very fuzzy so in the stem so i forgot to mention the stem is also very fuzzy so they rot really easily because it's a lot of surface area for them to rot i still haven't figured out the conditions that they like but i will and maybe in a year's time i'll do a video about it but these are very beautiful it's rain raining right now so you can't really see the white fuss because these leaves are wet but maybe you can see from the baby leaves just how fuzzy they can be very very cute plant this is like very similar to the pepperoni in kana and yeah the the lower leaves again here are falling off just like a lot of the trout of kantias they will only have a bear stem with healthy leaves in the end this is just how they grow there's nothing you can do about it so you can cut it stick it back and something will grow out of the nose before that so this is how you you grow try this county as actually i'm pretty sure all of them have a similar type of growth pattern so just keep cutting them back keep propagating them and share it with people that you like people that you love people that you care about anyways it started raining really bad i'm gonna leave thank you so much for watching this video i'm at botanist on instagram do dm me if you have any questions regarding plant care and propagation i will try my best to get back to you meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next episode bye [Music]
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 176,138
Rating: 4.9516025 out of 5
Id: xPm4728_a2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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