Houseplant Rescue Mission (with tour, repotting, and propagation)

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i'd like to nerd out to the science behind how we can keep our houseplants happy and to multiply them in our homes so if you're into that kind of content please subscribe to my channel and send me likes so today's video was actually inspired by this guy my variegated monstera that is on uh rapid decline i thought that i was underwatering him because he was showing signs of underwatering a lot of stress i kept dumping water on it however i did notice that there were a lot of bite marks on the leaves on the surface of the leaves and i checked the underside last night and true enough there were a lot of white specks and those are spider mites so i've removed them and i've sprayed this down with uh soapy water and neem oil so those will be dead by now i'm sure um so what i'm gonna do today is i'm gonna actually look around in my plant collection i'm gonna take it on a plant rescue mission tour around my place because i've actually neglected my plans for the last week or so i've been so busy with i have so many propagations that are not potted up and they are overdue for for potting up so i'm going to take you on this adventure on this journey and where possible i'm going to show you the process of repotting if not i'm just going to show you the plan i'm going to tell you um the problem that it's facing and maybe i'll show you an after uh video of what it looks like after the rescue so yeah so this jaflera here has grown quite a lot in the course of uh i would say nine months i got him as a tiny plant and i can i think i need to increase the level of the soil in there because it's it's sunk so low i remember that the soil used to be a little bit higher so yeah i'm gonna add some more soil to this one so here is my propagation of the stromanthi tristar the parent plant was beautiful and it lived in a terracotta pot and they it's done well both indoors and outdoors this one has been a little bit neglected it's lived outside and it's in a plastic pot with a soil that is slow draining so i don't think it likes his setup because it's giving me both yellow leaves which is a sign of over watering and it's also crisping up it's giving me brown dried leaves so this means that i probably should give it a media that is very very loose and has very good airflow and very frequent watering but i need to let it dry out very fast between the watering so hopefully it will like that so i'm going to take this to the plant rescue face when you get begonia especially the rex begonia type like this one they're probably going to die in your home unfortunately they don't do well with environmental change but do not throw the pot away do not throw the stump away uh kind of back off watering don't let it get soggy wet and in a few months it'll pop out again so give it time so this philodendron gloriosum is actually a parent plant that i've propagated off of there's some new growths coming out from here but it's been very very slow at growing and a lot of the leaves previously previous to this one has turned yellow and fallen off which means it's a sign of over watering even though i'm not really watering him a lot so oh i think that's like some insect bite mark too yeah that's a little bit of pest on here he took a chunk out of this leaf so i'm going to clean this off but i want to repot him because let me show you some of his baby his babies are over here living in a very similar spot uh and it's given like a very airy uh uh airoid mix and it's i water him every day and it dries out very fast and it's got so much growth coming out of it it's got so many new leaves very fast grower so i need to change that pot out uh on the parent plant here as i lifted this part i noticed how heavy this is there's so much water in there it's soggy wet so yeah it's not happy in here look at this spider it's so beautiful it's got this fuchsia pink uh color on the body i it's not really showing up on camera because it's reflecting so much light i wanna i digress i wanna show you my um ficus elastica black knight and it's so dirty i feel terrible i need to wipe this off but maybe not today because it's about to rain yeah i'm a terrible planned parent so this is a variegated edin sony eye and it keeps giving me smaller and smaller leaves so let me show you from the top so what i need to do is i need to repot this even though it's not root bound yet and then i'm gonna have to stake it up i'm going to have to let this train up into a muscle and the aerial roots here are coming out so this would be really nice i'm going to let this kiss the mouse pole and then mist it often so that it'll grow into the mouse pole so this will give me a stronger plan with bigger leaves up top so that's gia hi yeah now she wants to play oops turn off the camera so here's a uh hoya carnosa crimson queen and they are nearly bug magnets uh have been since day one so this is the cutting and that oh that could be that is uh spider mites i believe yeah so i need to take care of that this needs to be thoroughly rinsed with neem oil and soapy water and what i was going to show you is this mealy box over here they love to congregate around the new growth so just look look for them in the in the plant look for the new leaves so i don't know if these are eggs or whatever but they're white fuzzy i saw the mother running around earlier so i don't know if she's still oh there she is see that white speck that's mama mama bug come on come on come on over i'm not gonna hurt you oh yes i am so that's done did i get her i think i got her yeah sorry you had to see that but i have to treat this seriously this is this is not looking good okay so here is another begonia that came back from the dead it's been in this pot for about three to four months and it did nothing until now so give your begonia some time to come back don't throw away the pot so i'm really sad to see this guy um in decline uh it's crisping up with brown edges which is an indication of underwatering but i know that i'm not under watering it because i'm on top of him so look at how nice the flower is uh so what i what i did was that it was so beautiful about three weeks ago that i decided to move it into a bright indirect location and i kept the watering pretty much similar and this happened so i guess it doesn't like that bright light even though it's not getting direct sunlight it's getting fried i think i've never let the soil dry out at all too much for too long sorry that's why i know that it's probably a factor of lighting but it is giving me some new leads so i'm hopeful so i'm going to put him back in a area that has a medium light here we have a phalaenopsis orchid that's given me a keiki keiki is basically another orchid that is grown instead of a flower on the flower spike how beautiful looks like a flying angel a flying fairy or flying bird however you want to interpret it so it's been like this for about a few months and the roots are getting longer and longer so what i'm gonna do today is i'm gonna liberate her i'm gonna let her see if we can take that off yeah nice so she's gonna go into her own pot and grow into a beautiful orchid orchid lady so this is a zigzag cactus and it's very important to me because there's a story behind it so i got this as a plant that had a lot of scale on it so i had asked my dad's gardener to help me cut it up into pieces and separated the ones that are heavily infested and treated the ones that were okay so this cutting did not have a scale at the time because we we cleared it out so this is actually about seven months worth of growth all of this happened in such a short period of time so this is a very prolific grower and it's very very easy to care for you just kind of set it and forget it and there's some new growth points here how nice and the reason why this is very important to me is because that gardener is no longer with us he passed away recently and he's a very young man and i hold him very dear in my heart because of what he's done for our family he's taken care of our garden for many years so this is a living memory of him and i really need to take care of this plan because this is what's left of him in in my care [Music] so here's a fern that's not doing so well uh let me tell you a story uh i got this as a very healthy plant that's very bushy and my dad saw it and he's like i like this fern i want this to be on my tree so he put it up there and i knew that it was not gonna survive but i kept quiet because i learned i found out the hard way that you never ever argue or tell your dad what to do when you're asian i just kind of let it happen uh surely enough it declined and um because we've been having a drought period so it's not getting any water so i've been having it in my rescue area for about uh two weeks and it's already starting to push on new growth so i'm watering him every day now and i need to clean the dried front so that the new fronts have room to grow out of so i'm going to do that i'm going to show you what it looks like after so this is the plan after a good haircut and it looks as good as new and i see a lot of healthy fronds growing out of it so this is going to grow really really fast all it needs is time and a consistent watering schedule which is daily uh maybe a little bit of fertilizing too since now i can jam some fertilizing pellets in there before it gets too bushy as for the dried frogs actually you what you can do is actually i'm not saying that you should but you could turn this into a soil media uh your calyphias begonias and aglonemas are going to appreciate this very airy uh mix that dries up very quickly so i may have to start moving these plants away soon because uh with the changing season uh this is south facing so with the changing season this will start getting direct sunlight so a lot of the plants will simply burn up in this i'm already actually starting to see some crisping edges i'm seeing this i'm seeing that as well so these are all bird marks so i need to start moving them around soon so if you think that you can place your plant in the same place you know for indefinitely just be wary that sometimes the seasons do affect the sun that you're getting so this antherium clarinervium has been giving me some dry tips which means that maybe the soil is drying out faster then then it can drink so i actually repotted him into this pot about two months ago so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to add sphagnum off on the top of the soil kind of like this ethereum here this is to seal in some of the moisture in there to let it stay moist a bit longer because i know that antheriums like to be humid around the roots i need to get this guy away from a direct sunlight because he has to move here [Music] so i actually watered my plants this morning and it's a mid afternoon right now this palea was actually quite full this morning i could squeeze the leaves and it was firm but now because of the sun oops it breaks something but because of the sunlight it's gone limp on me and you can see it's drooping so i'm gonna go ahead and water it so just keep in mind that during on days that are hot or sunny you may have to water your plants a little bit more often so i have underwater this guy i've been very cautious about uh watering him because he was over watered at some point but all these uh tips are telling me that he's underwater so i need to get on top of watering for him okay so we're now in my balcony and a lot of problem plans here uh this guy is severely underwater i think when i got him he was like this high and now he's grown so much that i don't even though i water him every day that amount of water is not enough to hydrate the whole plant and it's in such a very such an airy uh aero it makes so i'm gonna probably propagate this i'm gonna cut this into sections and then repot him this hoya retusa is been in decline for a while now this one is dry this one has recovered and i think it's such a small plant it was a bigger plant before but i i cut it up into pieces so they're all over the house now and uh cutting seems to do well in plastic pots so maybe this is a hoya that doesn't really want to dry out as much and i can imagine that they don't hold a lot of moisture because they don't have a lot of leaves so i'm gonna repot him into plastic and i'm going to use this part for something else here's a queen aetherium and theorem uraquanium we're acquaint you i'm not going to try to pronounce it correctly uh but it's been giving me dry tips oh that's the philodendron toward them it's with a new leaf how nice um yeah it's been giving me brown tips and it chris you can see this crisp but so i water him like twice a day her i mean she's a queen i water her like twice a day and she's still giving me some dry tips so this nida is too dry for her maybe she wants something that's a little more humid so i'm gonna move her and next we have an alocasia silver dragon that's crisped up i water him every day too and he he's giving me a brown tip so this is an indication that and it's also very limp so it's an indication that it's over it's underwater so it's very dry i water him every day too but i don't think that's enough to keep him hydrated so i'm going to move him to a plastic pot possibly so down here it's an immediate medium the green form and it's also starting to give me some tips here and it's droopy and i watered him today this morning i water him every day so and i remember when i potted him i used some uh chunky bark in there so it's very very fast draining it's not holding any moisture at all and i think it's stressed out so i'm gonna move him into something that holds on to moisture a little bit more and same thing here this is even worse this is a medium medium silver or blue i can't remember but it's got a blue sheen to it and it's been in rapid decline and i just didn't have time to fix it because i was so busy with work i did notice um the problem and this is very very underwater i do water him once or twice a day and that's just not enough uh the soil is drying out way too fast faster than it can drink the water so i need to repot him of course it's like stuck to something else i need to put down the camera this is a ficus audrey and she's given me so much problems from the beginning she's very very past prone her leaves are always a little bit curly like she's not showing signs of good health i've treated her with um insecticides so many times ooh i see something yeah that looks like it's a mealy box i think i'm not sure yeah it could be mealy bugs and i see some here too on the underside of the leaves so i treat her every week or so and she's still giving me a lot of pests and the soil this is a terrible soil condition for her i tried to repot her but i got lazy i pulled it out of the pot and everything was so compact i could not not get the roots out of there so i don't know what to do with her i'm gonna keep treating her and i'm gonna repot her not today because i actually some work that just sprung up on me so i gotta try to finish putting up whatever i've promised to put up for you guys do as many rescuing as possible yeah i'm gonna hold off on repotting her here is a calithia white fusion and as i mentioned before there's no way to keep them alive so humidity is not an issue i keep her here in outdoors where the humidity is like 80 to 90 i water her pretty much every day i she's in a very well draining soil and i know that if i don't water her this happens the crispiness [Music] and when you water her every day i don't know sometimes the leaves turn yellow because of over watering so there's just no way to i this is my fourth uh white tissue so i'm still figuring out how to care for them i'm not giving up i'm to keep trying if nurseries can do it i know i can too so if you guys manage to keep yours healthy and alive do comment down below and share us your recipe so this is a variegated allocation that declined and i didn't even notice it until now this yellowing leaves is a sign of over watering and i kind of just water him every day here in my balcony because i don't have time to care for each one of them so this needs to be taken out and it needs a vip treatment that's a new leaf coming uh it needs to be watered i think uh manually so i can't just yeah do it daily so here's my favorite philodendron the philadelp and the new leaf is coming out so tiny and i can see here that there's a lot of uh aerial roots and it's like a stem over here and ideally i would actually bury this in soil so that the roots will take hold and this means that the plant will have a lot of really strong roots to support a bigger growth a pattern and better foliage but i'm not going to do that today but i'm just going to point out to you that maybe it needs a mouse pole or it needs to be buried a little bit deeper so as as i was filming another video i noticed that there are ants on this plant and also notice that the leaves have um find it uh some markings on it uh they look like bite marks all right i can't really see that well on the camera but yeah let me see the back side of it yeah so these are bite marks you see that round spots so i'm assuming that there are either scale or some aphids and the ants are feeding on their sugary materials i have to treat this with neem oil soon so here's a philodendron black cardinal that is not doing so well i put him in a dark spot actually because he was burning up when i put it in bright in direct light and i guess it's not happy in the dark spot i knew that it was too dark but i just i don't know i haven't figured out uh the better i'm gonna put in here this is much better this is like a medium indirect light yeah and there's a lot of hard waters things uh from here you can tell how much i've neglected my plants i normally would wipe down my leaves but i haven't done that in a few months it's been so busy i can't wait to stop everything that i'm doing and just be a full-time stay at home plant that can you guys let me know if that's okay that would be a dream right here's an aetherium predatory deity that is completely gone i touched the stem before and it's turned to mush so i'm gonna reuse this pot for something else [Music] all right so i've got everything set up here and i'm ready to go so i'm gonna quickly show you how i help rescue these plants so the first one i'm going to do is this one because this is the easiest so i'm literally just going to fill up the top of the soil with some cocoa cocoa peat pearlite and burn light rice hulls this is my general purpose soil in case you haven't seen my soil video it's got some worm casting in it as well for some organic material for some fertilizing and i will also of course give it a little bit of a slow release fertilizer on the top as well so now the top looks a little bit more full which means that this plant will actually put out more roots because when you have a moist soil above on the stem the plant is going to release going to grow some roots where you buried it so that's done i'm gonna put that here okay so for the stromathi trial stars i did find a few more that were not doing well i'm really embarrassed by how badly they're doing this is all crispy leaves they used to do so much better when i had them in a terracotta pot and i would moisture probe them every day to check on the moisture and water it when it's bone dry they would grow and flourish so much but now when i put it in a pretty fast draining general purpose soil in a plastic pot and i water it every day because i don't have time to check on them anymore and they don't seem to like this so my solution is actually to pop them up in a very very airy uh calata mix which is my dried twigs my dried bamboo and let a lot of aeration go into the soil this way i can water them every day and have them be damp but not moist i can feel that by how heavy the pot is that it's actually very very wet inside and i don't think they like that so yeah it's super wet inside i can i can see water in there i'm going to show it to the camera right there that's disgusting i feel bad for you guys i'm sorry i'm going to shake off as much soil as i can because i need to change the soil so i'm going to do that below i'll be right back okay so that's going to take way too long oh i can feel the water dripping out of it i'm so sorry i'm going to take my time with this and i'll be back after i removed this from the soil i'm gonna do it very very carefully because i get nervous when you guys are watching so give me some time i'm gonna do these two as well while i'm at it so i'll show you the before i put it up i'll show you what the roots look like so i wanted to bring you in for a closer look how pretty the pinks are it's amazing so this is that first plant that is huge uh i took off some of the dead leaves and the roots are brown which means that there are probably quite a bit of rot in there it's supposed to be white or light in color so a lot of roots also came off when i was unpawning him so he was actually very very stressed out nice so yeah it's going to appreciate a very airy light soil mix what i want to show you is maybe this particular piece right here this is from the smaller pot and as you can see uh the stromanti triostar actually grows sideways so i believe this is the first cutting and it started pushing out um this um i don't know what these are called but they're they grow laterally and then a new plant would come out from the side that's how they fill up a pot and if you want to propagate it you simply cut it here with a scissors or a knife and this can have the potential to become a full plant and they will spread as well how pretty so yeah in my case i i started with three parts but i'm gonna actually combine these two so i'm only gonna end up with having two pots in the end because i have way too many plants i can't take care of them and again i'm gonna pot them up in a very very airy mix so that they will never get soggy like that again so guys i found this little plant in my stromathi triostar pot it's got like a pretty healthy root system and a little bulb i don't know what this is it looks like an epidistra or cast iron plant though i'm probably very wrong so i'm gonna pot this in a little container on its own and see what it becomes because all plants are welcome in my home okay so time to pot him up take that off i can't really imagine how happy it would be in a new home be sure to stay tuned so i can give you an update on how they're doing in the new soil condition and done in case you were wondering there's another camera over here that's why i'm pointing the plants over there sometimes and these two i'm going to combine let me look at here in case you're wondering where i learned how to pot up my plants it's all common sense like i i didn't even have to look it up you just you just kind of do it just figure out how deep the plant should be you don't want to bury it you don't want to smother it in soil and you want to make sure that it's firm standing this looks so airy and nice i wish i've done this sooner but i got this um so i i got my first plant back in october and it did so well before i repotted it and i reported i think around uh six months ago and it's just and then i also separated the the babies so i've got three pots out of one plant the babies did grow so they yes you can see from before it sent out multiple uh branches however the leaves just weren't healthy and they were just crisping up again it's because of the soil issue so i wish i knew about this um back then but i was a new young i was a new and young planned parent back then so i didn't know what i was doing didn't know any better so yeah this is done i'm gonna show this to the camera there you go i'm gonna tidy this up a bit all right i'm gonna put this uh down the floor [Music] okay back to that stowaway plant i'm gonna give it uh it's the same soil medium i guess it's got a bulb which which means that it doesn't it probably don't want to be sitting in water because the bulb might rot so it's going to give it the same airy mix so let's see what he grows up to be mr stowaway plant this is super cute oh my god hello welcome to to your new pot in your home i hope you're comfortable here under my care so the next one we'll do this orchid i guess this baby orchid or known as the cakey so i'm going to put some of the the root the aerial roots are very unruly so i'm going to put it through the hole maybe like so and then let me get my i'm going to put it in like a ball so you can either use charcoal or like a balls and if you don't want to water it every day you can go ahead and put a little bit of sphagnum moss because the sphagnum moss is going to keep some of that moisture in there a little bit longer ooh this is not a good pot for it or maybe some of the balls are just smaller yeah some of the smaller lego balls are falling through the holes the cracks of the pots so the good thing about likeable is that they do allow a bit of moisture retention so water sits in there for like a good few hours depending on their humidity and all the other factors and then they dry out completely so that's what orchids actually want in nature they grow on three or three they don't grow in pots they don't grow in soil so they're very happy with this arrangement and orchids don't always put out cakes nobody really knows what what factors cause the cause them to put out a pub like this sometimes they put out flowers and they put up uh a pop so it's a self-propagating uh method for them all right so that's done so next i'm going to do this monstera eden sony eye verigata take off this thing and uh i mentioned before i'm going to give it a pole to climb on and i'm going to have to miss this pretty religiously so that the aerial roots will grab on to the pole and this will grow bigger and bigger if you have seen my soil video actually consider the most pole as a growing medium i categorize into my soil mix because they are something that your plants can grow into if you're an airoid lover you want some things you want your philodendrons monsteras and your aetheriums to grow bigger leaves some of them do need um moss pole i'm really struggling with this tie with this cotton string give me a second guys hang in there i don't want to break the leaves but i'm getting impatient so all right okay so if you in case you're wondering why i have a sphagnum moss here it's because i wanted the aerial roots to start growing to the spectrum in case i wanted to propagate him and i think i will i'll cut him up to pieces because this plant is quite expensive so i may do a trade or any something like that in the future as you can see as i took off the sphagnum moss and i'll show this camera you can see that roots actually have grown into the moss so this is a propagation method where you don't have to cut up the plant and uh and then you already have the rules actually technically i could cut this into two different plants which actually i might i may do that i don't know should i should i no um you know what i uh [Music] yeah i'm gonna do it so this is gonna turn into a propagation video so as a propagation i can actually turn this into multiple plants so i'm going to actually take scissors i'm not going to cut it now but i'm going to show you so i'm going to cut it right here below the roots i'm going to leave the the left side the left side alone so that the plant can regrow as a parent plant so i'm going to take this and this will be an individual plant on its own maybe i'll take two leaves and then these ones i'm actually going to cut per node and then in each node it will become i will root them in water because i don't have uh that that's how i know that ed and sony ice can root easily so i'm going to just root those in water if it's got an established root like this which i've prepared before it's ready to go straight into the soil all right so i'm gonna go ahead and make the cut here and snip no looking back so this is gonna be the parent plant it should push out uh either one branch or two branch out of the the last node that i cut it from so i don't need a i was gonna do a poll for this but i think i'm gonna let it um i don't want to disturb its root system now it's really stressed out enough that it's lost it's it's it's half its body i'm gonna do that there and for this one i am actually let me see i'm gonna leave these two leaves there you go you show that camera and that's going straight into soil i'm going to do that right now actually [Music] um and for the next few weeks i have to keep the soil really moist i really make sure that it doesn't dry out but once it has been established uh more roots and it's got a few growths coming out of it i will have to back off watering up to cut it down because the adults at insomniac they don't like to be sitting in water they they can't be in water for they are very prone to over watering that's what i mean okay too much and this is but this is how i uh propagate my uh monsterass as well my uh my monster deliciosa and variegated monster delicious same exact method alright and that is done for the remaining plants i am going to cut it up cut into three plants i'm gonna propagate it in a vessel and water take this out this is a cute little vessel it's like it looks like a light bulb basically that stick that there stick that there i don't know if three will fit in one a little bit of the tip for you guys actually it's better to fit a few cuttings in one vessel because they actually release hormones in there so they're sharing that hormone the hormone tells them to go ahead and produce roots so there you go so i give this probably about i don't know anywhere from six to eight weeks until it's ready to be potted up so yeah now i've got uh one two three four i've got now i've now got five uh variegated and sony eye cuttings or plants rather so i'm very excited yay all right so next i'm gonna oh this is heavy so i'm gonna do this uh philodendron glorious and as i mentioned before it's too soggy it's rotted out the few leaves before this oh i see two i see two growth points coming out of this actually um i'll show you later the close-up but nice i'm very excited uh just to see this uh branching out so i'm gonna repot this i'm actually excited to see what the roots look like because i've never actually seen the roots on this one so i'll be right back okay this looks really bad uh the roots look brown it doesn't look very healthy i see some new growths here uh so it's trying to recover but it's been way over watered so i actually don't know how nurseries grow them this way because i know that nurseries actually water their plants every day so yeah i think it will be very very happy with this new arrangements i just want to make sure that there's no pests i see an ant in there that's not good usually when you have ants in there you have mealy bugs so i'm going to really take my time to check this out if you can bear with me now it's good so yeah it doesn't have a lot of roots this plant needs to grow put out more roots before it can be strong and healthy i'm gonna give this my aeroid mix which is very very fast draining and ed and sonia is actually okay then sony is i'm still at my previous time uh gloriosome i'm going to peer this off the rhythms actually grow sideways so they don't grow up so you want to make sure that there's areas for it to grow sideways awful i've been putting off reporting these plans this time for a very long time it's been on my mind for months i've just been so busy i never got around to do it so i'm very excited to be able to work on that and of course to have you guys watch me do it because i hope that you guys are both entertained and educated on how you can do this so you can become better parents so you don't make as much mistakes as i have when i first started out although you do learn you do learn the most when you have made a mistake so in my watering video i did also mention why we shouldn't put our plants in a really big pot as you can see the pot before this was huge and their roots it's actually super tiny and that's really detrimental to the plant's health that's terrible for the plants so keep your plants in tight pots i would even go as far as say that this pot is too big for him right now but i don't have a smaller pot at this time so i guess this will do yeah this is done the next one i'm going to do is this allocation silver dragon i didn't love it maybe because i got it as a bonus uh i bought a few plants from the nursery and the plants were super tiny so maybe the i think that people were embarrassed by the size of the plants they were selling you so they gave me a few extras and this came along with it but it's been declining and the roots are so tiny like there's not not a lot of roots in there um yeah that's why it's on decline it's dried up and i remember that they had a lot more roots in there but i think they died off they dried up so i'm going to give it i'm going to bury it a little bit deeper in the soil and i'm going to give it a little bit more um i'm not going to give it terracotta dries up faster i'm gonna give it a plastic pop uh and i'm gonna give it my airright soil mix i just be mindful that i cannot let this dry out because it needs uh water and it needs to put out more roots i found that allocations are a little bit more thirsty than your philodendrons so maybe that's why i've been treating it like a philodendron before i've killed a lot of allocations by the way they're just not the easiest plants to have yeah so this is done that was fast i might actually put a little bit more i hope you like your new home little guy and allocations are super slow growers there's these guys they i don't know i've had a few specimens or maybe i just didn't care for them correctly i don't know i know that they cannot stand uh too bright of the light so next we're going to do this antherium queenium or uh of course i got dirt in my eye now uh this is the queen aetherium so let's uh un-pot him and see her rather and see how she look what she looks like down there i know that she's shown signs that she's drying up because um this is this all is too fast draining for her yeah there's actually not a lot of roots in there so i'm gonna change her and put her into a uh plastic pot and i'm gonna give her take off this leaf too i'm gonna give her you know again i'm gonna water her every day i think make sure that there's no past the roots look healthy either way even though they're super small so i got her when she was super tiny she was even smaller than this she was like the size of my pinky she's put out i think about five or six uh new leaves since uh in my care but yeah i think maybe because her she has so much so many more leaves now like she actually needs a bit more water retention in the soil she needs to drink a lot more water than before so yeah so that's done cute and i'm gonna do my hoya ratusa which has been struggling i think it's drying out too much i water him every day but it's still drying out so let me take out some of the soil actually okay so this is how small the root system is here let me put this back it's actually soggy wet i don't know why but i mean i water it every day but i think let me check the roots this one is really they look dried up i don't know why even though i water every day and the roots are moist they are a little bit dry so maybe they like to be very very wet this is actually very beautiful i might put him in uh this terracotta pod look how nice yes this is amazing yeah i reuse my soil i don't even bother changing it out as long as it's pest free i don't see any crazy pests in there i think it's fine [Music] so this this particular branch was actually in decline also a few weeks ago and since i've been watering it every day it started pumping back into health so it's not like i'm over watering it is truly um getting better because i was underwatering it before and yeah like i said these guys they do appreciate a bit more moisture i think than your other hoyash and again i've taken a lot of cuttings from this guy so there there's like i think four parts of these uh cuttings that are actually bigger than the cuttings are doing better than than the parent plant uh so yeah and this this is one of the hoyas that have actually flowered for me before and it's cute so that's done uh next up is these i'm gonna do this a medium medium but how many lit crazy crazy tendrils just trying to reach out to to grab onto other plants i don't even know what to do with him it's so annoying and i i said i keep watering him every day and it's a losing battle because he dries up so fast i actually need to get me a pot so um give me a second okay so i'm gonna unpot him i'm gonna see what the roots look like again i remember that uh do that down below i remember that the soil is very very chunky and barky so let's see all right so i'm back and actually there's no i'm surprised there's actually not that many roots in there so i don't know what's up with that either the roots have rotted off i don't see any rotted root material but it's also soggy wet so i don't know why it's giving me dry tips um it could be the sunlight it could be too i don't this place is not so bright though i don't i don't get it so i'm gonna give it a fast draining soil still but i'm gonna put it in a plastic water let me let me study this guy to see how uh what kind of conditions he want to be in actually need more so i'll be right back so this a medium is a mystery to me i think i'm gonna give it slightly lower light to see if the browning continues and when you give it lower light i would also it also means that it will be drinking less water so i just need to be mindful about the watering and when i have a plastic pot it's very easy for me to know if the pot is heavy is dry if the pot is still wet or if it's dry because i know by the way of the pot and all the amazings as far as i know they do send out runners they're trying to propagate themselves into another pot so it's normal for them to do that just just so you know if you if you get annoyed by them simply cut them off and the parent plan will push out multiple growth points from below so that's done yeah i'm gonna keep these leaves on for a while they're still photosynthesizing even though they're so ugly i have another emmy dream i tried looking for it and i can't find it so i will get them to i'll appear when i'm not looking for it when i'm not trying to find it so next i'm going to do this brand tianum and it's been doing well actually indoors and i don't know why i brought it out i guess because i was too busy with my schedule so i just decided to just let it live outside um and it's not doing it's grown so much actually but then it keeps giving me these brown tips so that's this suggests underwatering and uh let me see i do water him every day let me feel the soil let me look at the roots actually take this off [Music] the roots look really healthy actually white in color so and um this is the part that it came in and this is actually uh how small the root ball is so maybe it is the part is too big so when i'm there's actually a lot of moisture there that the roots cannot reach let me find a pot actually i'll be right so i'm gonna put him up in here and as i mentioned earlier i'm gonna actually propagate him so how many leaves do i wanna leave on this plant i think let's see how how greedy am i today how am i feeling i'm gonna leave only two so this i'm gonna cut individually and i'll propagate it normally i wouldn't i would wait until the leaf unfurls before i propagate it because this cutting may not make it but oh well cut it right here here here yeah and i actually want a bushy part of them like like just filling out the pot so i'm gonna propagate these in water because uh they don't have a strong aerial roots yet and as for the parent plant i am going to give it that aeroid mix and i'm actually going to give it a mouth pole okay this part is too light for a mouthful i'm gonna hold on hold off on that this one might be okay yeah this is fine this is manageable so let me get a little bit more of that medium yes let me mix that so that it's even i eyeball all of my soil so i don't really follow a formula put the moth pole first okay and then i'll fill that in to make sure that the mouthpost stays in place ah beautiful okay so here we go uh so now that i've cut it this should this plant should put out one one or two branches uh from where i last cut it from the last note that i cut it from uh i guess this is all i have for you today uh i'm gonna i'm gonna put this in water after this video so thank you guys so much for watching uh this project has been on my mind for a very long time i'm really happy to be able to realize it today with you guys so i will update um these plans to see how they're doing uh meanwhile i hope that you guys are having success with your plans and if you want to see more content like this do comment down below send me likes and subscribe to my channel don't miss out on my other videos especially my watering soil and sunlight video because those are super useful for your growing tips i'm at botanist on instagram so do keep in touch there meanwhile take care and stay safe bye so bye
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 147,470
Rating: 4.9446321 out of 5
Id: zIsnvo52NEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 52sec (3232 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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