Aroid (and epiphyte) Potting mix

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i'd like to nerd out to the science behind how we can keep our houseplants happy and to multiply them in our homes so if you're into that kind of content please do subscribe to my channel and send me likes this video is going to be a three-part series i'm going to cover three different potting mix here that i've developed and this is actually very very important because each plant family has evolved very differently in their natural habitat and in order for them to be happy in our homes we should give them the optimal conditions and one of them other than sunlight and watering would be the potting mix that you choose for it don't get me wrong any plants can literally live in any spotting mix as long as you adjust the watering correctly there are minor adjustments that you can do so there's no uh right or wrong however if you give them the medium that absorbs and release water and uh gives have that property where their roots really like they will thrive for you so the three mediums are the airoid potting mix right here uh the general purpose potting mix and finally here we have the jungle floor uh potting mix so do check out all three videos as i go through with you how to use them uh what kind of species would uh thrive in them and i will show you also in my around my home a tour of what my plants look like when they're potted in these mediums i also explain you know why like why do they like these mediums so without further ado let's get started you are most welcome to the second video in the series and today we're going to talk about the airoid potting mix and this is actually a popular one a lot of people ask me i did mention a lot of my potting mix in my uh soil video which i'm gonna link and uh yeah i'm gonna go through them once again uh so i've developed this uh recipe and i did share with you guys i'm gonna share with you again today however these are available on sale already mixed at primaflora so you can order them uh but on the key by the kilo but you may have to bring your own container because we don't provide those we are plastic free we're trying to be plastic free basically we're gonna be be we don't want to be wasteful with packaging however we're also doing an online thing soon where we can have this event available and shipped to you online we haven't figured out a brand yet i'm not sure if you're going to that route because when you have brand uh branded your products there's going to be a marketing fee there's going to be a registration fee and all that and guess who's paying for that you are so yeah we're going to try to keep it simple and homemade for now and let's see what happens we're going to try to give you a very good price for these and at the same time i want to encourage for you guys to make this on your own you can actually substitute a lot of the ingredients here based on common sense and what's available in your region so without further ado i'm going to quickly go through with you what we have uh here in this recipe okay so the first ingredient is something that is chunky and barky uh i use coconut chips here although you can also use pine bark or even chunks of charcoal and the reason why we want to do this is to provide something that's very fast draining it doesn't retain a lot of moisture or compaction in the potting mix and also another thing that aero is actually are mostly applified and by the way these potting mix do work for your hoyas and disciplines as well they're all amplified and they love this kind of situation where their roots really want to grip into something and hang on to it because once they develop these gripping roots they're going to push out bigger leaves they're going to grow faster they're going to think they're climbing in their natural habitat imagine if you gave them like a soggy clay type based potting mix instead they will they will grow put out these mushy uh weak roots that it's not going to help them uh develop and climb up so yeah this is the the whole reason why we want to use you know cocoa chips bark or something that is hard as a main ingredient this is the majority portion of the ingredient and next we have this andam which is going to be their dry twigs they're going to provide also a little bit of organic material these are actually going to break down over time and they also lift up the potting mix a little bit they provide a texture where air can actually move around in there and also a little bit of that gripping properties for the roots as well and then we also have burn rice half in here and again i have used burn rice house in all my ingredients because first of all they're carbonized material they're burnt rice house so they provide a lot of antifungal and antibacterial properties they also have a lot of silica in there and they really they absorb moisture very quickly but they also dry up very quickly at the same time so this is very very good at preventing root rot which is you know one of the leading causes of plant death especially you know your air rights your philodendrons and even your i mean any plants basically they would appreciate a bit of that uh burnt rice house in here and then we have a lot of big sized particle perlite in here uh and they provide a lot of aeration in the potting mix allows it to dry out faster a lot of it brings air to the roots of the plants which they love so with this situation it's really hard to over water your aeroids and lastly we also have worm casting in here and that provides the nutrients in the potting mix of course you still have to fertilize somehow but yeah the nutrients from the worm casting is going to create a balanced bacteria that is beneficial for the plant and help it grow better and one thing that i want to advise with uh particularly this potting mix compared to the other ones around that i have is that they do need to be mixed in regularly because there's a tendency for the for the finer particles to sink down to the bottom of the container that it's in so yeah you want to always mix it before you put each um before you put it part of your plants but yeah as you can see here it's very quick drying chunky beautiful and your aero is actually going to really love this also your hoyas other plants i'm going to give you a quick tour around my house to show you what plants are doing well in this potting mix so you know what i'm talking about so let's start with this gloriosum in this aeroid potting mix and apologize for how well the potting mix looks because it rained really high it's rainy season right now but as you can see it's chunky uh bits of aeroid potting mix and they love it putting out like amazing crazy new leaves so i had it potted in this pot for about six months already and it put out so many beautiful leaves uh previously i had to rescue this plant because it was in a very mushy clay-like potting mix when i got it and i propagated also so it was this plant is actually in my philodendron glorious care and propagation video so do check that out in case you haven't because i do show you how i rescued this plant and here's a raffidafora tetrasperma and i know i just propagated one last week but surprised i have two plants and this is doing well also in a terracotta pot and uh aerodroid potting mix i water this every day that actually gets dry by the end of the day because it's so fast draining right now of course this morning and it just rained and it's in terracotta which means a lot of air can go into the roots as you can see it's very happy i'm gonna show you it's also starting to branch out over here and that bit is actually going into the darker part of the wall and it's going to it's going to start to climb up i think the wall so it's going to become a huge plant someday here's a pasta xanam that is doing really well also in an airy potting mix and actually um the two philodendrons here are actually also in that potting mix however i did top dress it with sphagnum moss because i'm actually in them as you can see here i'm air layering them i'm allowing them to root into the moss pole so i can get better roots but yeah trust me in there it's the eric potting mix and yeah it's gonna provide gripping uh provide environment for gripping roots and allow it to drop pretty fast and i water these very religiously every one to two days here's some uh variegated monstera propagates that are propagated straight into the potting mix which is this potting mix so yeah with aeroid potting mix you can actually propagate your plants directly into it no problem and they're doing really well and next to it here we have a billet bilitera verigata and it's also in the aeroid potting mix i need to transfer this to terra cotta pot actually it's rainy season and mascara too over water this gets so wet but yeah i put a bit of moss on the top as well because i want the aerial roots to grow into the moss and then down into the the potting mix because sometimes if you don't give them that area that moss the aerial roots will just flail around and it will try to get into the next part over i'm sure some of you have experienced that yeah so i'm going to add this to my to-do list that's my painted lady next to it and yes again it's in that potting mix and it's really happy here we have a philodendron promania i propagate the main leaf diet but it's in a beautiful potting mix and there's another leaf and actually there's another one right here doing even better it's got three leaves coming out uh yeah it's doing really well and again it's in that potting mix and this is the birkin that's in the same potting mix very happy and the cherry on the eye and also put moss over it because i wanted it to be earlier i still haven't figured out if i'm gonna propagate it or not but regardless it's okay to lift the moss here to let them develop more roots here's a glorious oh my god i just saw this leaf i didn't see this before hello yeah and it's in a same situation although ideally i want to put this in a terracotta pot because this gets rained on every day now twice a day even it's raining crazy hard and this is a philadelphian mykan said it's like crazy and what happened was that this was actually grown in this aeropony i just put the cutting right in there and i found it they love it they propagate so well and this one as well so yeah i just stuck the cuttings right into the aeroid potting mix and i think the the crevices actually provide areas for the new shoots to come out and they just love it like i have actually propagated uh philodendrons and pothos in general purpose potting mix before but i noticed that there's a lot of yellowing some of the cuttings don't make it like i would say 20 of the cuttings actually died however when i put it into the array potting mix just stick the cutting right in there without any roots i mean with aerial roots sorry but not rooted they like took off i would say even 100 success rate no kidding here's some ametrium that is uh propagated into this aeropotting mix as you can see this is growing a new vine a new vine so it's beautiful to propagate them into this aeroid potting mix and here are some jewel allocations friday black velvet and white dragon they didn't do so well in my general purpose potting mix however when i moved it into terracotta and this uh airoid potting mix they seem really happy however they cannot be left to dry out i find that they do like it when it's like constantly damp in there but not soggy wet mind you they don't want to be smothered in in water back here are some of the micans that i'm propagating directly into potting mix as you can see i just stick the cuttings right into the the potting mix for aerobics and they will take off really quickly the new shoots are going to emerge from the crevices of the coconut chips and they love it and here's also a philodendron uh glyphthisis gabby as you can see a new growth has emerged so yeah they do like to be in this uh eric potting mix here are some propagates of glorious showed up here even though it died into it rotted off and i threw away the spectrum so apparently it appeared in another pot and here's some adding sony eyes this is sphagnum but i'm going to have to move them into an aeroid potting mix soon so they can develop into adulthood and here are some uh philodendrons this is tortum brantianum and uh they're all in android potting mix i do stacking the moss again i want to repeat that again and again because as you can see there's roots here and the roots are going to go down and confined moisture down into the stacking mouth and into the uh soil that's what he makes i mean but if you don't do that the arrow is just going to fly around and try to attach yourself to things and here is also a parasol verde in that situation uh yeah you can absolutely dress your plan up in most if that's your thing but if you don't that's okay too but yeah so here is my pride and joy i think there's a little bit of overwatering here because it rained a lot but i'm not worried but this is the sibu blue that's in the aeroid potting mix and i let it climb up a mouse pole and look at this leaf oh it's getting bigger amazing i'm gonna probably cut the top portion off and then put it back down into the ground so that it'll continue growing up into a bigger bigger and bigger leaves so here are some beautiful hoya australis lisa cuttings that is grown in the aeroid potting mix look at that baby girl baby leaf how cute uh and uh i put some sphagnum moss on top of the cuttings they're actually just uh butterflies and i just uh blanket the spectrums over the the no to make sure that they retain some moisture and never dry out and then the roots are just gonna um develop downwards into the chunky aeroid potting mix and it's going to be so happy it's going because it's an amplified after all and here are some hoyas from my hoya propagation video the massive one where the cuttings i want to show you some updates they're very much alive this is in my aeroid potting mix where it's like coconut chips mostly and how cute they're all growing this is growing a baby leaf so hoyas definitely love this potting mix and that's that here's some lacrimosa and down here whoa this is this was actually dying before but i'm glad i managed to save it it's doing really well so yeah all of these are in the airaid potting mix something ate the leaf and down below look at this new leaf it's beautiful i love showing you updates what is this one trying to do okay i think i need to uh free this guy let it uh come off because of course i hope i don't knock off any baby leaves but yeah they're doing well they like this fast draining type uh potting mix and i have one here as an experiment where it's in terracotta pot but i give it a general purpose potting mix here but it's such a small pot and it's terracotta it's gonna dry out pretty fast because hoyas cannot fit in water so at this point should do quite well i think this rapidophora propagate is doing so well in the airy potting mix and this is the epipen premium pin atom the regatta putting out a new vine also this one same plant yeah all of these are doing really really well and this is the parent plan of the epipremnum pinata verigata and it's in a very very beautiful chunky potting mix and these are very prone to over watering so i put it in the terracotta pot so that this can be watered whatever you want to two days no problem i've got some zzz propagates here and some of them are living in a aeropotting mix here because it dries out pretty fast so yeah they do need the drying out period between watering because they cannot be over watered and terracotta pot would serve them really well in this situation here's a philodendron black cardinal in an airy potting mix i over watered this one time when it was in another potting mix but after moving it in here it seems happy i do water this every day as you can see from the leaf marks it gets medium to bright indirect light all day and by the end of the day the top of the potting mix will be very dry so this ethereum uh vti hybrid it's an aerodroid potting mix they do love arid potting mix uh ethereums and i would actually sometimes top their dresses with stagna moth but i haven't gotten around to doing that so yeah they like humidity around the roots but they cannot be dried out as much as philodendrons i noticed they don't like that so i actually put out my variegated plants to basque basque to bathe in the morning light that's why you can get these beautiful variegations here but i digress so this is in a arid potting mix i did top dresses with coco coir but yeah it's an aeropotting mix this variegated edinsonia as well loving this morning sun uh yeah and then this other variegated um edinsonia as well and finally let me see yeah this is a thai constellation and it's a very chunky airy potting mix loves it they do love to dry out between watering so just keep that in mind aerobics do love that um these are some sensitive areas that i'm rescuing so spoiler alert there's gonna be a video on that soon and i give them my aerodroid potting mix actually because it dries out really fast it doesn't hold on to moisture for very long uh yeah and they they're very happy with this kind of setup and here we have a lot of skin daxes and philodendron gabby over there brazil and this is a weed sorry let me take you out uh as you can see i stuck these cuttings directly into the airaid potting mix that looks growing beautiful i love it and this this can that takes a very long time to root actually so these are also stuck directly into the arid potting mix but as you can see that actually crevices here where the the new leaves can emerge from and here we have the hoya microphylla verigata and it is doing so well so happy having the time of its life and there's originally two cuttings in here i put them in a aeroid potting mix however i did stick to a few more cuttings like this is a cutting i believe yeah i stuck two more in there so it's gonna be so crazy bushy here are some moonshine sansevieria in an airoid potting mix and it dries out pretty fast of course and look at that they're giving me babies two babies instead this is a bit squishy i think it needs a bigger pot but i do want to see them squish so that's a beautiful look and there's an alocasia here and colocasia not to be confused allocations are a distant relative collocations i find that they do like to have look at this how beautiful they do like to be moist they do not want to dry out at all completely so this is another baby alocasia so yeah these are all in aeroid potting mix so but i do water them differently for this allocation i can let them dry out a little bit more than the colloquius this is the black magic if i'm not wrong look at how beautiful the leaf is very nice and here we have some brown tihanam uh cuttings that were propagated and rooted in water and then put into airwood potting mix it does want to remain on dry side as you can see here these are signs of over watering let's see the yellowing i have this outside because it's raining season and i figured they're gonna suffer so i brought them indoors here where it gets the really bright west facing window and i can keep the uh potting mix here you know on the dry side because again not all philadelphians are built the same all my other photogenics are okay outdoors but this granite is not okay so i'm gonna take you to the last portion of the tour uh here are some variegated monsteras that i propagated directly into the aeroid potting mix i've shown you some upstairs that has already established uh this is too white and yeah they're all doing quite well so uh give your aerobics this chunky mix they will appreciate it you can also propagate them directly into it they're quite safe um so yeah i guess this is all i need to talk about with um somewhere up there with airoid potting mix uh if you have any questions do dm me at botanist i will try my best to get back to you yeah and if you're in the jakarta region indonesia region this is available for you to order if you want to try my aeroad potting mix if not you're more than welcome to try your hand at mixing your own there's no right or wrong and over time i think with experience you can start to feel like what your plants need and also what ingredients are available in your area which ones are wallet friendly which ones are crazy expensive actually i would have probably propagated this into uh pine bark too if i had pine bark because they're going to appreciate that better sorry i know that i said goodbye like 60 seconds ago and i digress but this time for real i was uh thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next video take care bye
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 109,837
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Id: GogxNJT1aQc
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Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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