Plants that came back from the dead

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia welcome to this video where i'm going to be showing you some plants that came back from the dead literally they would be grown in a pot the whole thing will die off into a stump or maybe just you know the top surface of the soil and then it just grew back miraculously so this video is going to be full of botanical wonders and full of beautiful stories about plants and their resilience so yeah come along with me but before that please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and send this video a like and do comment down below i greatly appreciate it all right we're going to start the tour with this jupertia or calathea orbifolia it's been reclassified through gibratia this died to a stump i showed this clip in my forest floor potting mix video or i can't remember which video it was but i'm going to link it out above so you'll see the video if you want to see what this plant looked like and it died because the whole plant was actually out of the pot and i didn't know that i an animal either dug it up or something happened to it where it's no longer in the pot so it just died off and then i basically just inserted that back into the pot into the potting soil here potting mix and just leave it be i back off watering i leave it here because it's not in my nursery because it's going to get rained on so i really not don't over water this leave it humid and let it recover and it put out new leaves after don't know two months if i'm not wrong this one actually was a collective that came back to life as well it died came back to life and then i left it out in the nursery area it got rained on every day and it died so hopefully i got more leaves coming out from this stump but we don't know yet this is a syngonium when landi eye i don't know if i said that right this is actually one of the more difficult syngonians to care for and it was actually infested by spider mice especially when i had it indoors and actually just picked it up now and i noticed there are some spots here that could potentially be caused by tests let me inspect closely i'm not sure the fact that it's like in a row here it could be that it was stressed out while it was unfurling because it's you know at least i should unfurl this way so if something damaged it while it's unfurling it would be in a straight line like this because the pest would never attack a plant in a straight line they're not smart enough to do that so yeah anyways i digress i basically cut this i don't know if you can see the cut marks i had to cut this foliage completely off because it was struggling so hard and i was just so tired with it it's got a lot of yellow leaves just spider mites so i just cut the whole thing off and i propagated some of the tops and this is what i end up with these are very resilient plants so you see the cotton marker was there so new branches started just appearing from a pot of just bare empty stem so this time my review is that they're easy to i would say propagate easy to bring back to life but it's very hard to keep alive i want those beautiful perfect leaves but i just can't seem to get it so if you know the care for these do let me know i do like that they have a very satin like finish i don't think not satin sorry almost suede like it's a little bit iridescent on the leaves it's not gonna show on camera of course but this is a really beautiful plant just unfortunately it's not the easiest one to care for i can't remember if this is an aglonema or a different bakia but it's basically dead so i just cut up the main stem and laid it on this potting mix and all of them have given me new leaves so this is quite resilient and this is why i love different bakies and agua nemas this is also another one that was basically dead and i just put it into soil and everybody's growing this next one as well look at all these stumps are doing well this one's still trying to put out a bud right there they have a really strong will to live i really enjoy propagating aglonimus look at that so this is an ethereum magnificum and theorems actually live most of their lives in their main stem and their roots they can totally grow without any leaves look at this this was cut off completely so this was just a stump for a few weeks actually put out this new leaf very very quickly and it's putting out secondary leaf look at that this is so beautiful hello welcome to the world i'm gonna love you so much just wanna give you guys a warning that this video is gonna be full of begonias this one begonia i give it low light back here i'm showing you its natural habitat it died back and this is the fish guys trying to root into the pot you can totally read it right in here i'm sorry i disturbed it ah this is oh my god this thing came off okay sorry let me find you a home i'm going to just put it here for a listen yeah this is an empty pot i'm just going to leave you here it's probably going to root and take off anyways yeah this begonia it died off it got crushed by a falling object and it's been like this for about six months so this is actually a long time in the making and it's doing quite okay now this is the ultimate survivor i know that you guys are killing these left and right but look at that i cut this whole foliage off in fact i've done this before and about a year ago i cut the whole thing off and it grew back and it gave me all these plants by the way these leaves all came from this pot and i'm doing a video on this spoiler so basically cut off the whole foliage i propagated all the leaves and i waited for new growths to appear from the stump and this is what i have look at that very nice these guys are actually very easy to grow once you get the hang of it look at how big this leaf is this is so mind blowing this begonia here i'm sorry that looks like it's southern blight this is actually a pretty deadly fungus look at the little spores on the leaf this is actually bad i have to spray this down with fungicide after this video a lot of my plants are being attacked by this for the rainy seasons and put it away but this plant actually died completely and it took probably nine months to get here so it's grown back it is such a beautiful plant a lot of begonias seem to die and my care initially and then they always bounce back crazier than before so this is one of them and it started with super teeny tiny leaves they were so cute and now they have grown bigger and i have a feeling it's gonna get much bigger than this let me see usually when plants grow back they also have multiple vines too because they the stump will produce multiple notes as in this case yeah it is giving me many notes look at how pretty it is from the back this pink is very very fuchsia it's very hot pink i love it love this plant this made an hair fern right here this is top shelf plant look at how beautiful the pink is it's getting very good light which is why it's blushing a bit they do need very bright light these guys they don't like to be in low light and these are actually one plant it used to be one plant and i just separated it which is why it looks a little bit sparse but this plant i struggled with this is the plant that taught me how to care for maiden hair ferns basically it died i think two or three times and i just cut it back because when they die they have these weird what they call these they have this empty stick here which looks really nice you just cut the whole thing off wait and back off with watering do not let them dry out though they don't want to be dried out completely but don't soak them in water don't drown them also so we have them for a month or two and they will come back the baby farms are actually super cute on these guys this peperomia metallica actually just propagated this yesterday so they look a little bit bare but it was lush and huge this is actually very hard to care for i think i see a little bit of variegation over here look at that that's variegated it's a natural mutation how cute but basically they died completely but this guy has strong will to live and from a lot of these empty stumps a lot of plants started emerging and this is these are the two parts so basically yes this plant is hard to care for they don't like to be over watered they have this delicate stem that can rot very easily but they don't want to be dried out completely either they seem to be wilt if they are dried out and yeah very difficult plan to keep alive but at the same time they grew back from a stump and they've now given me two pots and i have about 30 parts of this propagating away so they have a strong will to live i have a lot of respect for this one and it's very beautiful and actually let me show you the back the back is actually oh sorry it's not that pink now when you have the top growth the new release it's like this really beautiful pink color like that one right there imagine a whole bush of this pink i guess the old leaf just has lighter pink color than the top growth this is a variety of peace lily i can't remember which one that i managed to kill and it's come back to life it's actually been like this for about nine months 10 months so it is a pretty slow grower at this point but again with many dead plants it's given me many many what do you call this branches or how would you call this many clusters i guess this is a pretty uh static island peace lily look at the beautiful stripe along the leaf show can't wait for this to get big because remember the parent plants or the original plant which died were a lot bigger than this begonia escargot this was just an empty pot for i don't know six months and it suddenly put out this beautiful leaves actually took one leaf off last week to propagate in water and spoiler that cut is not doing so well it started wilting so i hope that it rooted but this is such a pretty plan i just couldn't resist what he called it propagating it and that leave was so healthy so it's calling me out to propagate it i guess i have to figure out how to propagate this guy but first of all i need to let this grow out let it get big first so i'm gonna do that such a pretty plan and what's fascinating about this car is when you look at it from sideways look at that look at how intricate the spiral pattern is this is truly a beautiful design for those of you new at begonias give them a try they do die very easily but if you keep the pot and you over water the pot and don't let it dry out completely either they will come back to life absolutely especially the rex begonias they actually know to go dormant so they're sometimes not dead when the whole foliage dies off just cut it off wait and it'll come back for you this plant this is the home alumina army and it died completely when i got it it was actually a bigger plan it was so pretty and i don't know if i can find a picture if i can i'll include it on the screen i was so proud of it it's so stunning it was actually bigger leaves than this and it died but i didn't have the heart to throw away the pot so i just kept the pot and this grew out of it it took a while for it to put out baby leaves but the babies are so cute they were like teeny tiny and they were patterned super cute i really have enjoyed seeing it as you can see here oh my god the new growth point is so pretty it gave me two i don't know two or maybe more branches below again the recurring theme is that when you have a dead stump it will give you a few branches because the nose are just all activated so yeah right next to it here this is the philodendron ring of fire i over watered it and i just cut the whole thing off i propagated the top in water and then into soil but somehow that didn't take that plant died so this is actually the original plant which i cut off completely to his thumb and because i over watered it i thought that it died because it rotted all the leaves turned yellow and i managed to find a few leaves on the top which i cut and propagated but all the bottom leaves fell off and there was a bit of mushiness so i thought it died so i cut it off and look at that something grew out this main stem grew out of it and now it's become a pretty big plan this is about a year in the making but i also see another dc that little leaf here this is another branch that's branching out from below so lesson learned do not throw away your pots do not think that your plants are dead most of the time they are not dead this ethereum in fact i don't even remember the name of this species i can't remember what i bought it as it died completely these are some of the leaves that are coming out look at that cute baby leaf that's coming off and it died again i know i'd repeat this a lot but with plants that died into a stump they put out multiple nodes my whole branches so this is a secondary branch it's appearing from the side from this main node very nice keep in mind don't throw your dead plants away in fact cut all your plants cut them off even healthy in living ones and propagate the top and leave behind a stump and then this will grow out of it and then you'll have more plants on the top that you can keep that's probably the worst advice ever but you know what i mean right all right so these two plants there's a piece lily domino if i'm not wrong very beautiful pattern on the lease and next to it is a fern that i should probably have trimmed before this video but it's getting dark so i need to hurry up i don't have time to trim this but it looks much better i'm going to try to insert a picture on the screen if i can find it of this plant completely decimated i believe by rats so overnight this whole thing died off so that the whole leaves were just eaten up to the bare stem same as this all i have left was this stump and over time actually not much time at all over maybe two to three weeks they started putting out new foliage and look at that these guys have recovered i remember getting a lot of comments on that post a lot of you guys were like oh my god this is so bad and i wasn't freaking out because i knew that they would come back to life and they did so do forgive your pests whether it's rats or grasshoppers or worms that aid your plants because your plants will absolutely come back to life so they have the right to live in our space as much as we do and they're not they don't mean to harm your plants so don't take it personally so this is an allocation i remember it's got black leaves and black patios so beautiful it's an all black allocation basically and remember they can get really big but i was struggling really hard with this plant for a long time i over watered it i didn't give it enough light and it just died off completely so i kind of kept it here to rehab for about two weeks now and look at that that's a new leaf trying to come out so this guy's gonna make it when your allocation dies off or when you have something rotted just cut it off and back off with watering i keep this away from the rain so it's kind of shielded by a ceiling it may get lightly rained on if it's windy enough but i keep this not dryer completely but i keep this what if it's slightly damp and it's bounced back so allocators are cool that way you don't really need leaves on alocasias in fact we're going to look at a corner where a lot of allocations were eaten up by caterpillars completely decimated and they came back to life so right here we have some collocations and cages and actually they were completely eaten by probably caterpillars because or something that returned to butterfly or moths i'm not sure and this came back actually these plants were a lot bigger back then but i'm just glad that they came back from the dead at all and they're doing well this one's black magic if i'm not wrong i call it asia black magic and i can't remember this particular variant but this looks pretty when water hits the leaves it leaves like crazy beautiful droplets and this one is definitely alocasia this one's got a black stem i love the new growth on these so they've completely come back so i'm not really mad at the animals that eat this plant because i know that they will bounce back for allocations a lot of their life is in the tubes i don't know why my camera's not focusing the life is in a tuber so as long as the tubers are healthy they're storing food and energy for the plant it will push out new leaves this is an allocation with sonyana that i bought let me see sorry maybe what sonja is it this is sorry it's a wrong species i'm going to include the name on the screen i guess that beautiful red color back look at that so basically i got this plant as a tuber so you can technically say that these guys are grown from a stump allocations are cool that way so yeah i guess this video is going to be mostly begonias and allocations maybe some calatheas but they love to die back and they love to come back look at how robust that new growths are this is growing growing that's growing as well actually this took maybe a month to get here so i'm quite surprised by how fast this is growing and i'm not sure if this video is going to be released by the time this video comes out but i'm doing a lot of the alocasia black dragon i can't remember any i'm gonna include the name on the screen but i bought a lot of stumps online i bought them pretty at a pretty good price so then i basically grew them in potting mix and they have all nearly all i would say sprouted very cool project that i'm doing here's another an allocation that is grown from a stump that's a stump and that's um buds so you see those are actually growth points gonna give me many leaves at once this one is actually the allocation watsonian i can see on there from the tag here very very cute my dad has a really big one of this he just bought it but yeah i'm gonna wait for mine to emerge from us here's a perfect example this is a thematophylum lipinative freedom i didn't think that correctly so it grew leaves and this is trying to put on a new leaf it actually grew pretty decent-sizedly it was eaten up by caterpillars and then it grew back new leaves i just saw today that it got eaten again so it completely decimated the plant and it's just gonna keep growing new leaves i guess yeah i'm going to leave them be because while the caterpillars are feeding on these they're leaving my other plants alone so this is going to be my sacrificial plant here's their euphorbia neo rubellum if i'm not wrong i did the video on this i'm going to link that up above but basically the main tuber the main plant died off so i had to throw them away because it was it's a tuber's plant that put out this vine so i threw that out and i just didn't throw away this pallet just let it be apparently there's another like vine like this maybe it was under this potting mix that ended up growing it propagated and then i just saw this tiny leaves emerge from the top of the potting mix took a while took a year to get here by the way and then he started putting out tubers as well so this plant is going to be alive and doing well this is a very resilient plant do check out that video to see what the full plant looks like and the full care and propagation of this very very amazing how this plant is alive at all here we have a lot of string of hearts and i believe these ones are dying let's see yellow leaves maybe not this baby leaves are doing okay so i'm always on a what do you call it on a rescue mission for these guys they always die on me but look at how cute the baby leaves are but i managed to take butterflies of them before the plant dies so technically speaking maybe this is not the right example to show for this video because this video is all about dead stumps but i really wanted to show this plant because they do die back very rapidly and i always manage to save a single single node like this one look at these are all just single nodes that's rooted and giving me baby plants it's going to take a while for them to recover but this is an easy plant to kill but also an easy plant to rescue and propagate they have such strong will to live and here's where i keep some not all the some of my stumps i believe this is a special this is a monstera thai constellation once already as you can see this is putting out a new bud this has been in here for about six months i would say a pretty long time there's something else living in here i can't remember what it is exactly i don't label my plans and i believe these are all inferior magnificums so i'm a really big fan of stumps they excite me i know you can call me weird or whatever but yeah i wish i could just kill plants get the stumps and see what happens to it but of course i'm gonna go not gonna do that don't report me i'm not a crazy person but i just enjoy this process of rehabbing them let's just say that and i hope that you guys have the chance to experience this too because this is the miracle of life this beauty he is an ultimate survivor this is the homalomina black i'm not sure if this has other names but also this diet to a stop you can see the original stump here it slowly yellowed off and died off because i read that homalominas they don't like to dry out between watering so i gave it a general purpose potting mix yeah it didn't do so well in it so it died and this is about a year ago so this is one year's worth of growth and it's given me two branches out of this dead stump i really thought it was a goner because it died so badly but this is a survivor as you can see and it's so beautiful i really love these lines on the leaves of aluminus it's very very striking and the back is also red trying to put out a new leaf this is a really really pretty plant i have a feeling they can get a little bit big this is still a recovering specimen pink begonia is just basically trying to hang in there it died completely and now it's put out a new stem and some leaves it took a long time to get here a lot of the begonias actually was murdered since i arrived here i guess i didn't know how to care for it properly back then also they don't really ship that well they're not that expensive here so i just buy them online really cheap and they came in really banged up but if you give them time and rehab them they will come back so yeah look at how pretty this is here's a flutonia that i killed over and over again it was actually a much bigger pot and it was affected by southern light so the whole thing was decimated so i just cut out the foliage and i sprayed fungicide on the potting mix and just left it alone new growth came out and then it died it came out again and it died this whole process took about six months i would say and each time it would take about five to six weeks for new growth like this to emerge and the last two times i killed it i think i was violently watering this plant so the cutting came loose and there was no roots so i basically killed it by violet watering which is a really interesting way to kill a plant but this one is come back it's a pink variety i remember i had a few varieties in there so i'm assuming that there's a node somewhere in the potting mix that isn't rotted off yet that is producing these leaves over and over again very very resilient plants very hard to kill but also very easy to kill at the same time so fertonius and i have a love-hate relationship i've killed many many of these and i haven't figured out how to keep them alive and happy the last plant on this video i guess is the zzz black raven so i managed to over water this plant i killed it and before i lost all the stems actually cut the whole thing off and i propagated whatever remaining stem there is by leaf and also by stem cuttings so i'm gonna have a video on that but it's gonna take i don't know nine nine to ten months to have any results but i didn't throw away the pot i just kept it a little bit not underwater but i kept it on a dry side i don't really water it and voila this guy appeared it took a very long time but this plant came back to life from a stump so i'm very very grateful these guys are very hard to come by here in indonesia so thank you so much for watching my videos i hope that this video shows you how resilient plants are and for you not to give up if you do kill your plants give them another chance give them proper care because most of the time they're not really dead and they'll come back stronger than ever i'm at botanist on instagram if you want to dm me on any questions regarding plant care and propagation i'll try my best to get back to you meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next video bye you
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 19,379
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Id: D0kkC5kb6Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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