Awkward Dating Show

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oh no no [ __ ] that he's [ __ ] this is why i can't have it guys because i'm five foot eight i'm i'm five nine on a good day welcome back to simon reacts today we're back with the the stinky little button thing but yeah before we start lads before we start i've got to open my advent calendar for today so do i i haven't opened mine at all i don't know i'm a calendar buyer i am in dubai i am i'm i'm in dubai what have you wow [Laughter] but you're working out there right exactly listen world cafe run money up your vehicle you beat me to it all right we're back watching the dating button let's go why shouldn't someone thank you why shouldn't someone date me yeah i mean i have a lot of legos like at my house no worries actually a speed dating show when the button lights up red either player may press it and swap out their date for a new person i think lego is really cool me too me too if two people can last on a date for 10 minutes they win an all expenses paid second date from the last time yeah nice to meet you do you guys like to party i like to dance oh you like to dance what kind of dancing all of it all of it funk music's good oh he carried [Music] i love to dance i'm totally a self-proclaimed cat swallow i spend a lot of times with my cats i like to read i know yeah yeah um you're a cat lady he said cats are dope impressed i just wasn't attracted to her you have to read why don't you go get ready nice to meet you becca what do you guys do for a living i'm a bartender i sell software super nerdy [ __ ] i don't like tattoo that's still that's a color got the flower of life yeah oh no do you have an age preference yeah probably 25 to 30. how old are you i'm 40. okay i'm going to press the button i'm 22. okay but i also like don't fall into your thing no that's good no that's cool yeah was it cool was it really cool why did you eliminate him because he's old oh oh thank you what are your guys's deal breakers republicans are you registered to vote no i'm actually not from here yeah oh okay yeah you're good like someone who is there okay why you gotta bring it up button all right well you haven't pressed the button yet do you want to do it let's do it that's it don't do it you're cute i don't want to press the button okay word cool is that a apple watch oh yeah how much do you make question how much do you make oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i'm not answering that either who do you think makes more money i'm a budget analyst you make more money i don't know that sounds like a real adult job oh yeah it doesn't matter what do you do i'm a bartender that's what's up that's what's up oh she saw it pause it pause it pause it she wasn't gonna do it until she found out he made more money oh okay she didn't press earlier and then he said oh i do this for a job and she went oh that sounds like a real job i'm sad bro i thought i was about to witness of coming together i don't know [ __ ] you can't trust anyone in this world shitty button just put them off the block spoke love there [ __ ] [ __ ] all right someone comes to you ethan and they say here's 10 million pounds but every single time you talk to a woman you have to have the button with you and it can button at any time no no no no bro for 10 minutes for a year for a year no i've had five years five years oh no you get no no you get you get a million each year you do it oh oh what's a 10 year 10 meal no no no bro i've just i know i've could just about talk to women as it is bro i'd be thoughtful i'd be i'd be done how are you taking it i think i have to mate i think i have to actually yeah [ __ ] it man like it's only asking it's not like it's only asking quite if you just answer honestly like it is what it is like yeah the button butts in and you go yeah but i'm rich you you can bat at the button off you've asked a dodgy question oh button oh buddy you're so silly oh and i like talking to him but like i just know not really my type hi i'm nick what's your name i'm becca jackson oh he's back looks fantastic how are you doing good i did it shut up listen listen i don't remember i i'm it's giving you props and now i don't remember what i was saying this is awkward i'm doing my best this is really hard yeah um what are some of your turn offs like instantly like no if a girl drinks like plastic water bottles like the non-reusable ones that's oh so you're like environmental oh yeah anything's food like food soiled napkins throw it in the compost yes any food waste like watermelon ryan yeah why shouldn't someone hate you why shouldn't someone date me yeah i mean i have a lot of legos like at my house tell me more about legos and little like plastic buildings you know i know what they are but why do you have them these are fun you can just like buy a set and put it together and then you have like a tie fighter or some [ __ ] oh what you watch star wars the mandalorian takes place like oh ladies [ __ ] the easter egg no she did say she did say like tell me more okay all right all right all right fair enough why but why aren't surely that neither of them want to be there yeah she hit him with the knife she can see that he's into like lego tie fighters he can see that she's mocking him but no one's pressing the button why did you do that it's just kind of nerdy i don't know i mean i guess it's not a deal breaker if you like know a lot about star wars i saw him come in and get her out feels like such a [ __ ] hi so you're the one on the street huh i'm not trying i'm just playing i thought you said you're the one on the street oh wow what oh yeah i smoke weed oh [ __ ] i pretty much only smoke indica sativa kind of freaks me out what was that what was what did you guys do something with your hands yeah we fist bumped and i received um [Music] [Laughter] i do oh i'm definitely not that but i'm sure you noticed when i walked in um yeah why did you touch me break i don't know i feel like i could crush it how are you doing today it's a [ __ ] how are you guys i'm 22. i'm 26. cool oh yes get her out of there that's what i'm saying chris she was too long you get some years put on your life 23 to 26. three years old he's a three-year-age guy he's 26 she's 22. how long have you been sitting back there um i feel like kind of like forever yeah for sure i'm sorry how long she's been sitting there straight back i feel like a dick why did you eliminate her i could already tell we weren't gonna work out but man that does not feel good nice chris i'm hazel hazel nice to meet you hazel he looked straight at the bun yeah no cross-armed he's uncomfortable i think i don't know were you nervous back there i was a little nervous i hope she gets here again um he looks at the button nine times dated why did you eliminate her uh cause she just wasn't my type wow come on someone find chris love who's live yeah this is outrageous you know why i just feel so bad it's not often that guys have to like reject girls a girl's got to do it you don't have to you are pressing the button beforehand emma it's nice to meet you emma are you from seattle i'm actually from maine from maine yes that's little planet yeah i'm not mainstream out here this summer oh nice yeah i'm working out here oh nice just because yeah never been to the west coast that's a [ __ ] long road i'm just staring to see if you look like a button yeah [Music] oh here we go what about you okay okay okay okay hold on button observation this enjoys old disney movies well i mean that's just like what i grew up with i love them as well doesn't it maybe it's in the style this could be it but come on this could be it yeah i reckon she's gonna go for the button people [Music] um i i don't know and oh god i'm gonna answer the question because i do want to stay on this date so it's like okay i'm going to throw all my cards yeah i'll answer it's around like 60. okay give or take yes they want me to press the button yeah to i don't know really okay because well okay now it's your turn let's see they find that you know they find it okay yeah she said how much what this is going pretty well i don't judge people really okay because well okay now it's your turn let's see i think around like 20. okay yeah all right okay this is going pretty well you two are cute together well thank you i think you're cute i think you're super cute for sure i'm a big like teeth person yeah i love your tea thank you you have nice teeth thank you will you go on a second date with each other yes i heard cheesecake actually let's go back [Applause] well no and i would argue not i don't want that last day and actually wingman them quite a bit it just depends what kind of move the box yeah they tried to cut [ __ ] first how many people you slept with like that was them trying to trying yeah they tried trying to span them in the words there but he flipped it he flipped the l into a w h [Laughter] alright goodbye thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 2,662,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sot_RbdDugQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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