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howdy folks welcome to simon reacts i'm here today with minnie minter and tobe jizzle and we're reacting to cringe are you ready nice to meet thank you that's my mom's name my dad named me after my great aunt who was a slave okay i'm sorry this is for rachel what an issue but we just started with that both do you know what without the internet we'd never see [ __ ] like this they got the internet it tastes great make the world and yourselves happier [Music] his eye movement he wants to kiss her in it he really wants to kiss he's owned a bow tie yeah so she's the streamer and he's the mod and he's just yeah he wants to kiss his streamer and they said make the move you have the longer neck oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] for an hour what the [ __ ] wow all right that's messed up she's the one that goes she's the one that goes five dollars if you can't afford that you'll have bad luck this is that girl hours [ __ ] working for free what the [ __ ] who put you to work today who said i call her jessica who said jessica you have to be at work on stream no you decided to do it you had no followers and guess what back then you weren't working [ __ ] idiot so an hour oh oh now just because you got a subscribe button you think it's work get out of here why i'm dressed up like this and i've found some paramedic chicks who are pretty hot and i'm going to go drop a i'm going to drop a line and pick a pie and see what they think about oh no no where are you it's a paramedic so i guess you may not have heard of this but i'm having trouble breathing because you took my breath away best cringe oh this is why mini minter and ethan couldn't do pickup videos in london because there's people like these doing this [Laughter] oh now yeah i know just give him just give him 9-1-1 that's the number when you have a thousand yeah drama the internet i personally have a boyfriend i have a boyfriend as well oh you know she's lying she's lying the fact that the start applying pressure you put you put team press on line you put team press on you're going all out all that attack yeah you're going all out for the goal right listen if they're with a group of friends as soon as one of them says oh i've got a boyfriend the other one can't do it the other thing you've got to find some other stuff it's like it's like who wants to be a millionaire like you can ask you've used the lifeline yeah you've used your lifeline your friend has taken that ability away from you fam if i was a girl if i was like a penguin i got that all the time i'd come up with some weirdness i'd go sorry i have like like crippling diarrhea [Laughter] oh just like hello i'm actually eleven you can have my number yeah you can have it i am 11. yeah and the police the police are waiting for the world cup oh don't dance on the plane no one wants to do if i had a couple of drinks on this flight and i see this person i'm gonna tell him to [ __ ] off i'm not gonna lie i'll sit down [ __ ] up what are you doing we're on a long-haul flight go to sleep you wanna have sex oh no i think she wants to have sex without him being there the hand just looks weird now that's really odd it's getting closer i swear it's getting closer the hand's getting cl her facebook expression hasn't changed right on her first kiss oh no with just a little preparation you'll be kissing like an old pro your first time out what would you mean old pro would you be an old pro why do i want to kiss like an old program i want to play you want to just kiss because yeah yeah what are you doing what bro oh no i've seen this with your left hand and put your right thumb through the opening formed by your left end the two thumbs up are you doing this now step two with your clasped hands extended in front of you practice moving your real lips toward the top tilt your in real life what the [ __ ] is kissing slightly an alternate pressure this is an old bro i want to kiss stuff like that [Applause] get that out of here man this is get out of here this is the worst clip i've seen can we skip it this is have you ever seen that clip where it's the guy who goes up for his first kiss ever oh yes yes yes yes this is worse there's another step let your tongue probe the opening of your practice mouth and then slower gently and then harder oh my god off here okay thank the lord it's over the creepiest mobile game actually uniformly oh me likey oh look at that blue hair oh so nice on her oh yeah there we go oh you can treat me anytime girl any time this is what people call me killers the issue is that game is played by people that do that anyway but who authorized that ad probably the guy in the ad oh he probably made it he probably played the game in it yeah paying parking ticket with coins in a state that decline that can decline payment i'm ready for this just dash of gestation cash [Music] houseri enjoy the parking lot i'm just trying to pay my fine yeah australian mint just added one more i'm paying a fine i'm not paying for a service i'm not paying for a product you guys are asking me to pay her that's all i can afford to pay in those pieces oh no thank you i love it can i have a safe place a receipt well i can't process this i can't issue with a receipt i'm sure you can for you okay do you work as a cashier no i don't okay cool [Applause] you're part of a corporation that i don't want to deal with here's your options oh okay i'm going to tell them to straight up can take your money go back to the bank get a transfer money or or you can you can pretty much leave all right i've tried to make payment he just told me to leave thank you very much again we've got carly here yep what's your name my name's chris chris all right cool what's your name doesn't matter because it hasn't gone over joe [Laughter] free he paid it bro he paid it he has paid it did i respect i respect the fact that he'd done his research and he knows that they can decline it and stuff like that so well done smart [ __ ] out through wait no that's not good i thought he was trying i thought he was trying to get them to decline it so then the fine doesn't get paid so like they will just end up saying yeah if they decline it he still has to pay still has to pay it yeah you know what that reminds me of hey i've got 50p [ __ ] you that's the same energy he just pushed it over the counter and said [ __ ] you this is why i don't speak scuba diving by the way i went through a period yeah one set up uber drivers have youtube channels from like certain on the board yeah and there's some good yeah and there's some good videos on there because some american numbers yeah but do you know what it is is now anytime i get newbies bro if madden starts getting chatty listen airpods [ __ ] [ __ ] you i'm not i'm not speaking bro because you know what if i end up on the internet no no no no i'm not doing it i think you never know which of them are going to be fake taxes exactly they could try and [ __ ] me as well no but can you calm down for a second okay okay because you're just getting here you're touching the radio everything like that just should chill out my knowledge radio no but here's my call can you just chill out for a second yeah we're trying to hook up with you oh she's driving me i know that's why i said don't move no you didn't get out of the car man hold up okay okay all right well i don't wanna i don't wanna hook up bluetooth that one like okay okay okay he doesn't wanna hook up bluetooth no bluetooth oh wait wait wait there's radio okay what yeah he's lame that's weird all right let's i'm gonna drop you guys you should have come back to come pick you up if brad likes you that much you'd be a nebraskan i guess you are brad don't like you don't budge brad's at home but like old for dance i don't care i was trying to work with you guys i mean like normally like ubers are pretty cool with that okay i'm not cool with them i don't know what you want to do i mean i'm saying you're not cool i was just saying women are pretty chilly i just don't watch it right are you having a bad night i'm not having a bad day you're not like mad american culture is so patient you know because by now the woman has called the uber driver or something you can bleep that bro uk he's then pushed around yeah uk bro they'd probably be fighting hand hand combat hand-to-hand combat in the front people in uk just ain't got time for this [ __ ] bro this is so patient this is so patient do you know what more power to you brother played through a minute yeah she got a red carpet as well she got ready she's gonna call brad [ __ ] brad like literally well yeah that was definitely cringe yeah i didn't like it what's your favorite cringe pennies pennies coins pennies are my favorite i'm listening to us yeah yeah yeah yeah pennies is good sorry i'm not talking to you this is that nothing good no thanks simon reacted dominating the market come on [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 3,183,966
Rating: 4.9754272 out of 5
Id: tS00jjWf84A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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