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to be fair welcome back to another sidemountain reactor now the gap confused everyone bro the gap confused me yeah but to be fair though wait what oh exciting all right let's go uh seven people who have had plastic i can't read today yeah yeah yeah seven people who had plastic surgery versus one who has not this should be a controversial one what preconceived notions do you have when you meet someone who got plastic surgery money yeah money i would say also i feel like they look like they don't have emotion does anyone don't think that yeah yeah you can't tell if they're gonna smile or cry i don't know i think those are the ones that overdo it yeah okay yeah as you watch this episode of odd man out and pick them all think of what prior judgments inform your decision oh they hit me with a teacher we brought together eight people who got plastic surgery clean my glasses for this i got plastic surgery i got plastic surgery i got plastic surgery i got plastic surgery i got plastic surgery i got plastic surgery i got plastic surgery i got plastic surgery oh i low-key can't tell besides one of them there's this one dude the dude the last one seemed like this dude this guy has definitely had plastic surgery oh yeah yeah reckon yeah hundred percent i understand oh could just have lip gloss on no none of his jaws is bigger than the other on one side okay you know what let's just play let's just play one of them is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prize if the liar survives they win the entire prize who is the odd men out but there's women i was about to say this we're all mankind though i feel like we should say what we've had done right yeah yeah okay yes rhinoplasty rhinoplasty i had buccal fat removal and i also got lip fillers when they would look at me it was kind of like okay like they're like checking me out he's definitely out there yeah i've had moles removed and i'm here to remove the moles wait does that count mole removal i was about to say it's mold removal plastic surgery i don't think it was yeah but it's more removable plastic surgery i don't think i wouldn't say so identify the plastic i want to see the plastic bro i mean that we've got an early shout right there mrs mole removal but i don't know i don't know rhinoplasty i had a few i had rhinoplasty labioplasty and septoplasty rhinoplasty is a form of plastic surgery on your nose very common ones include removing the dorsal hump and other rhinoplasties are to remove nostrils or make the entire nose smaller how old was everybody when they got their stuff done was two years ago so i was 18. i was 14. i was 19. i was in middle school 22 24. eight months ago yeah that's who do you think i definitely well oh who well who hasn't had plastic surgery yeah early dogs i think mole the mole fat okay i think the one on the left the furthest left one with the stripy boots i'm thinking maybe two from the right but i don't know why okay it's pretty like superficial but i felt like she just didn't have like the look what the look of someone who's had plastic surgery are you trying bro you've had it oh oh oh it's a three week time i was really insecure about how i looked i used to have chubby cheeks and i had no lips at all vic you was banging on with this one by the way so it was just stuff that made me feel a lot better and now i feel like i can actually hold my head up high so ah i'm a dancer and i was kicked in the face so my septum shifted so half of it was to shift my septum back so i could breathe properly the other half was to remove a bump on my nose legit she's legit yeah i have had pre-cancerous sleep screenings since i was 10 years old because my dad died of melanoma skin cancer so i have had some pre-cancerous moles and i've had them removed via plastic surgery because it can help reduce scarring wow everyone's like whisper sex listen everyone's voted it oh what they're saying they're saying he's not had plastic surgery yeah yeah i don't know maybe he's just [ __ ] yeah i think that's outrageous i think no one no one else wanted to vote for the other people yeah yeah yeah yeah but they they just had a better case [Music] thank you guys bye-bye good luck you could go around and say why double eliminated we got the surgeries that we did yeah absolutely okay uh well i was super insecure about my side profile i had a dorsal hump so i've always like wanted a nose a little slope she always wanted to slide on her nose bro isn't it crazy how like society's like ideal tells you what knows yeah exactly i have this one but you got born bro just chill is it nice man it's a nose brother it's used to smell that's it no the thing the thing is i have actually seen some like really good nose jobs as in like their nose was [ __ ] and then they've had a nose job and they look pain but who who decides if someone's nose is [ __ ] gypsy no no no no there's actually like there's no art royally fart no not all right all alright let's say you've had an accident you fell over broke your nose and it's it's fought right yeah i don't know i can hear that but you said they actually looked paying after so i feel like you're just now covering your tracks no no but it's not it's just true it's facts like before i used to have your uh ideology while i was like no no no why would you have a plastic surgery like just be happy with how you are but there are certain people that low-key need it okay okay they're not all the thing that i question though every time with the plastic surgery is like where does it stop because the amount that this is like the other video where people have had so many procedures and i feel like if like you feeling kind of bad if your solution to that is plastic surgery i feel like it's a dangerous cycle where you can keep having plastic surgery and you're never content because you're constantly chasing something that's not possible that's the way it gets dangerous that's because then you get people who just follow the trend so if they're saying big ass everyone's like oh [ __ ] i gotta get a big ass and they just botox in that and then they're like oh [ __ ] big boobs now and then it's like big lips and then what if the trend changes and they're like okay now small lips and small boobs it's just like what you're just gonna constantly eat under the knife just trying to i think yeah i think that's a balance i think right yeah and i think like welcome to seidman debates ladies and gentlemen we've moved away from react we are now opening up our fourth channel uh welcome to the first video no it's it's it's an interesting topic it's interesting it is coming soon so yeah i had top surgery i'm trans um i had very large moves so wait oh that's that used to be a woman yeah fun this just got better than me jj you can go and get beard surgery bro no no no no come on come on bro you're not so bad i'm not i'm not i can't no no no why can't you bro get one no i don't want to what would you do because everyone would just be like oh you only got a beard like that because you have to pay for it how old are you jj i'm 27 why are you always saying i'm 28. because you're nearly 28 right right as well oh nearly 28 well you've got no no no no this is this is a violation i can't believe this i come from a very italian family so it was that very stereotypical like italian nose it was a closed procedure so they went through the inside shaved off the bum um changed the tip a little bit and so now i have the slope nose and all that i don't know it's impressive how they do it like i don't know how they do all this stuff and it looks like completely fine afterwards like cutting off bone and like moving skin and stitching and human race figured out how to play mr potato head real life it's crazy for real though you know who it is anna and miranda gave very very convincing answers and jades were a little more stereotypical and honestly the look of her nose she mentioned she had a dorsal hump remover she could be one you know she could be a [ __ ] uh blue hair okay i'd always been self-conscious of my nose and i like begging my parents like no no absolutely not she sounds like her nose has had an accident like she said earlier like i don't know i maybe i'm just weird but i kind of like people with bigness oh you said this in that dating video didn't you blind date you said bro yeah i've brought those noses yeah you're crazy how much did it end up costing you all oh the initial procedure it was nine thousand what god damn it's expensive i always thought you had to have a lot of money to have plastic that's what we said yeah and i always thought plastic surgery was cosmetic too um i didn't know that it was also correctional i was still under my parents insurance when i did it and i don't i don't know actually how much it was i know it was covered because i had this to get there oh [ __ ] and if i buy that yeah she she got a mummy insurance oh [ __ ] right [Music] um wow this is close oh oh no i think jake's going yeah it's gone jade's coming raise your hand if you think the mole is still in the box and you would like to continue the game they're going to raise their hand i feel like it's too soon so who would you say like supported you the most like through your recovery my mom yeah me too i'm like so now we've just got these four right it's throwing me off i have no idea i have no idea i still think i still think in the leather jacket she's the mall i've i think the mole's already gone maybe here's a question who do you think is the hottest out of all of them oh for [ __ ] sorry why no no just just like as a way to gauge personally personally for me mine would be the the violet head girl i was going to say on the right if you're talking proportions yeah yeah yeah yeah in this group of people that's who i'd i'd ask out on a drink yeah huh interesting how about you mate oh what is just like you know i guess the one in silver the silver hair right okay all right okay bro cool we see you there bro we see the way you're trying your friends bro real friends who supported you my mom for sure she's the one who like took care of me like everyone knew but my dad doesn't still doesn't i mean he will now i literally was gonna send him a link that still does like in his eyes i'm his daughter i'm beautiful like he didn't want me to ever do that yeah so i couldn't i was too scared to tell him she just rocked up with a different nose one day and he didn't notice that's fishy bruv yeah it was a coupling with like getting the surgery and also like coming out as trans but now i'm like i'm looking amazing i'm like let's go to the beach let's go champ let's go i'm really intrigued to find out i'm so i'm on the edge you know what i think i think these are all the yeah actually let's see i think yeah oh come on don't be boring i don't know i was second guessing myself in my gut i felt like anna could possibly be a mole and i started questioning miranda um just because i thought she was second guessing herself like what have i had if the lights turn dreams who do you reckon it was then it must have been the mole the actual like the model with the mole thank you for not lying can the mole please step forward [Laughter] just all of their eyes on me i was just like a science project so it's just lip gloss but wow wow that's right what a fair blonde they got sick order now all right thanks for watching the sidemen reaction [Music]
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 3,455,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZpIripVY4-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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